Complex Power and Reactive Compensation: By: Parag Nijhawan Thapar University, Patiala

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Complex Power and Reactive

Parag Nijhawan
Thapar University, Patiala
Review of Phasors
Goal of phasor analysis is to simplify the analysis of constant
frequency ac systems:

v(t) = Vmax cos(wt + qv),

i(t) = Imax cos(wt + qI),
• v(t) and i(t) are the instantaneous voltage and current as a
function of time t,
• w is the angular frequency (2πf, with f the frequency in Hertz),
• Vmax and Imax are the magnitudes of voltage and current sinusoids,
• qv and qI are angular offsets of the peaks of sinusoids from a
reference waveform.
Root Mean Square (RMS) voltage of sinusoid:

1 2 Vmax
V   v (t ) dt  , so Vmax  2 V .
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TU Patiala 2
Phasor Representation
Euler's Identity: e j  cos  j sin  ,

Phasor notation is developed by rewriting

using Euler's identity:
v (t )  2 V cos(t  V ),
v (t )  2 V Re  e j (t V )  .
(Note: V is the RMS voltage).
Given complex phasor (magnitude and angle),
we can determine sinusoidal waveform
9/2/2019 (magnitude and phase) and
Parag Nijhawan, vice versa.
TU Patiala 3
Phasor Representation, cont’d
The RMS, cosine-referenced voltage phasor is:
V  V e jV  V V ,
v (t )  Re 2 V e jt e jV ,
V  V cosV  j V sin V ,
I  I cos I  j I sin  I .
• (Note: Some texts use “boldface” type for complex numbers, or
“bars on the top”.)
• Also note that the convention in power engineering is that the
magnitude of the phasor is the RMS voltage of the waveform:
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• contrasts with circuit analysis.
Advantages of Phasor Analysis
D ev ice T im e A naly sis Ph aso r
R esistor v (t )  R i(t ) V  RI
di(t )
Indu ctor v (t )  L V  j LI
1 1
C apacitor v ( t )   i ( t ) dt  v (0) V  I
C0 j C
Z = Im pedance  R  jX  Z   , (Note: Z is a
R = R esistance, complex number but
X = R eactance, not a phasor).
2 2  X 
Z = R  X ,  = arctan   .
 R 
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RL Circuit Example

v (t )  2 100cos(t  30), so V  10030,

f  60Hz,
R  4, X   L  2 fL  3,
Z  42  32  5,   tan 1 (3/ 4)  36.9,
V 10030
I   ,
Z 536.9
 20  6.9 Amps,
i (t )  20 2 cos(t  6.9).
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Complex Power

Instantaneous Power :
p (t )  v(t ) i (t ),
v(t ) = Vmax cos( t  V ),
i (t) = I max cos( t   I ),
cos cos   [cos(   )  cos(   )],
p (t )  Vmax I max [cos(V   I ) 
cos(2 t  V   I )].
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Complex Power, cont’d
Instantaneous Power is sum of average and varying terms :
p (t )  Vmax I max [cos(V   I )  cos(2 t  V   I )],
Pavg   p (t )dt ,
 Vmax I max cos(V   I ),
 V I cos(V   I ),

Power Factor Angle =  =V   I .

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Complex Power, cont’d
Re - interpretation of instantaneous Power :
p(t )  Vmax I max [cos(V   I )  cos(2t  V   I )],
 Vmax I max [cos(V   I )  cos(2t  2V  (V   I ))],
 Vmax I max [cos(V   I )  cos(2t  2V ) cos(V   I )]
Instantaneous power into resistive component
 Vmax I max sin(2t  2V ) sin(V   I ),
Instantaneous power into electric and magnetic fields
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Complex Power / Apparent power
S  V I  cos(V   I )  j sin(V   I ) ,
 P  jQ,
 V I *, (Note: S is a complex number but not a phasor.)
P = Real Power (W, kW, MW),
Q = Reactive Power (VAr, kVAr, MVAr),
= magnitude of power into electric and magnetic fields,
S = Complex power (VA, kVA, MVA),
Power Factor (pf) = cos ,
If current leads voltage then pf is leading,
current lags voltage then pf isTU Patiala
Parag Nijhawan, lagging. 10
Complex Power, cont’d

Power Triangle

2 2 1  Q 
S  P Q   tan pf 
 
P P2  Q2
S  P  jQ S  
cos( ) pf
9/2/2019 Parag Nijhawan, TU Patiala 11
Complex Power, cont’d
Relationships between real, reactive, and complex power:
P  S cos  ,

Q  S sin    S 1  pf 2 ,

Example: A load draws 100 kW with a leading pf of 0.85.

What are  (power factor angle), Q and S ?
   cos1 0.85  31.8, negative since
leading pf
S   117.6 kVA,
Q  117.6sin( 31.8)  62.0 kVAr.
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Load consumes -62 kVAr, i.e. load supplies +62 kVAr  capacitive load
Conservation of Power
 At every node (bus) in the system:
– Sum of real power into node must equal zero,
– Sum of reactive power into node must equal zero.
 This is a direct consequence of Kirchhoff’s
current law, which states that the total current
into each node must equal zero.
– Conservation of real power and conservation of
reactive power follows since S = VI*.

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Conservation of Power Example
Power flowing from
source to load at bus Earlier we found
I = 20-6.9 amps

S  V I *  10030  206.9  200036.9 VA,

= 1600W + j1200VAr
  36.9 pf = 0.8 lagging,
* *
SR  VR I  ( RI ) I  4  20  6.9 206.9,
PR  1600W  I R (QR  0),
SL  VL I *  ( jXI ) I *  3 j  20  6.9 206.9,
Q  1200VAr
 ParagINijhawan, (PL  0).
X ,TU Patiala 14
Power Consumption in Devices
Resistors only consume real power:
PResistor  I Resistor R,
Inductors only "consume" reactive power:
QInductor  I Inductor X L ,
Capacitors only "generate" reactive power:
2 1
QCapacitor   I Capacitor X C XC  .
QCapacitor   . (Note-some define X C negative.)
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First solve
basic circuit

400000 V
I   4000 Amps
1000 
V  400000  (5  j 40) 4000
 42000  j16000  44.920.8 kV
S  V I *  44.9k20.8 4000
 17.9820.8 MVA  16.8  j 6.4 MVA
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Example, cont’d
Now add additional
reactive power load
and re-solve, assuming
that load voltage is
maintained at 40 kV.

Z Load  70.7 pf  0.7 lagging

I  564  45 Amps
V  59.713.6 kV
S  33.758.6 MVA  17.6  j 28.8 MVA
Need higher source voltage to maintain load voltage magnitude when
reactive power load is addedParag
9/2/2019 to circuit. Current
Nijhawan, TU Patiala is higher. 17
Power System Notation
Power system components are usually shown as
“one-line diagrams.” Previous circuit redrawn.

17.6 MW 16.0 MW
28.8 MVR -16.0 MVR

59.7 kV 40.0 kV

17.6 MW
16.0 MW
28.8 MVR
16.0 MVR

Arrows are
Generators are Transmission lines are shown as used to
shown as circles a single line show loads

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Reactive Compensation
Key idea of reactive compensation is to supply reactive
power locally. In the previous example this can
be done by adding a 16 MVAr capacitor at the load.

16.8 MW 16.0 MW
6.4 MVR 0.0 MVR

44.94 kV 40.0 kV

16.8 MW
16.0 MW
6.4 MVR
16.0 MVR
16.0 MVR

Compensated circuit is identical to first example with just real power load.
Supply voltage magnitude and line current is lower with compensation.
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Reactive Compensation, cont’d
 Reactive compensation decreased the line flow
from 564 Amps to 400 Amps. This has
– Lines losses, which are equal to I2 R, decrease,
– Lower current allows use of smaller wires, or
alternatively, supply more load over the same wires,
– Voltage drop on the line is less.
 Reactive compensation is used extensively
throughout transmission and distribution
 Capacitors can be used to “correct” a load’s
power factor to an arbitrary value.
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Power Factor Correction Example
Assume we have 100 kVA load with pf=0.8 lagging,
and would like to correct the pf to 0.95 lagging
S  80  j 60 kVA   cos 1 0.8  36.9
PF of 0.95 requires desired  cos 1 0.95  18.2
S new  80  j (60  Qcap )
60 - Qcap
 tan18.2  60  Qcap  26.3 kVAr
Qcap  33.7 kVAr

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Thank You

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