Technological Institute of The Philippines (Pre-Enrollment Form (Summer 2020) )
Technological Institute of The Philippines (Pre-Enrollment Form (Summer 2020) )
Technological Institute of The Philippines (Pre-Enrollment Form (Summer 2020) )
CHE 503-CH51FA1-C20 Mon: 07:30 AM-10:30 AM / Room: CHE CONF CHE 402-CH41FB1-B18 @ 2.00 Library Fee 797.45
Lec: 3.0 / Lab: 0.0 Wed: 07:30 AM-10:30 AM / Room: CHE CONF Introduction to Biotechnology Registration Fee 543.25
Fri: 07:30 AM-10:30 AM / Room: CHE CONF (Passed) (P)
Student Council 60.00
CHE 411-CH42FC2-A19 @ 5.00
Chemical Reaction Engineering
CHE 411-CH42FB2-B19 Student 189.55
Chemical Reaction Engineering (P) Development Fee
(Old Student)
Lecture Units: 8 Laboratory Units: 0
I hereby attest to my full knowledge and understanding of the policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the TOTAL 13,917.80
Technological Institute of the Philippines pertaining to registration, particularly those which refer to the prerequisites of
courses, correct sequence or authorized load and the validity of documents.
Full Payment / 13,917.80
Signature of Student: _________________________ Date: _______________
Installment 14,872.36
Downpayment 3,500.00
This pre-enrollment is valid only if it tallies with the official posting of Course Schedule.
Prelim(2020-0 5,700.00
This pre-enrollment does not entitle the student a reserved slot and the above courses 4-20)
shall be considered enrolled only if PAYMENT IS MADE on time. Finals(2020-05 5,672.36