Nice Dua Talha PDF
Nice Dua Talha PDF
Nice Dua Talha PDF
Dua Nemu'l Badal to (Change hopeless condition) 3 Short Duas - Imam Taqi(as)
Tasbih e Zehra(sa) with intention to increase Rizq Salawaat on Sayeda Fatema Zahra (s.a.)
Sura Talaq ayt 2/3 for economic problems Quranic Ayat for hopeless economic situation
He has hidden His Answering (your supplications) in Your prayers to Him so then do not consider any part of your prayers to
Him as being insignificant as it is possible that within that prayer lies His Answering while you are not aware."
How many times we have called upon Allah (SWT), waiting patiently for an answer? We sit down to recite the extended supplications such as those in
Sahifatul Sajjadiyah and the other beautiful pleas contained in Mafaatihul Jinaan thinking that the longer the prayer, the better chance that Allah (SWT)
will accept it. We fail to realize that even one short dua of a few lines has as much a chance of being accepted by Allah as the 'longer' duas. The key to
acceptance of a dua of any length is to ensure that we have maintained the prerequisites of supplication mentioned in the Quran and Prophetic words
of wisdom, and to pray with a pure intention. If the prayer is fulfilled by Allah (SWT), we should realize that that is what was best for us in this life and
the next; if it is deferred to the next world, then we need to accept that what we wanted may have been detrimental for our life in this world and more
importantly, our status in the next life. We must accept that after all, Allah (SWT) knows best.
2 Dua Jam'e (complete & concise) This is a complete & concise dua to be repeatedly recited for any need. Image
Thank you Allah swt for all the Bismillahir rahmanir rahim
blessings ,Oh Allah Forgive all Alhamdo lillahii ala kulle
our sins, give us all that is good ne'matay,wa astaghfirullaha
& keep us away from all that is min kullay zambin,wa asaluha
bad min kulle khair,wa auzu billahi
min kulle sharr"
Reference: Du`a Nos. 3, 15 and 5 respectively from As-Saheefatul Jawaadiyyah (A Collection of Du`aas from the ninth
Imam Muhammad b. `Ali al-Jawaad). The above Saheefah is contained in As-Saheefatur Radhawiyyah Al-Jaami`ah,
Muassis a-Imam al-Mahdee (a), Qum, 1420
Four Simple Effective Quranic Duas- Imam Jafar Sadiq(as) PDF Image
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (as) had expressed surprise ,that why when in need Momins DO NOT use the 4
These are quranic ayats ,immediately(fa) after these ayats follows that ayat which is the solution for the problem so
we recite only the previous part of the ayat
However there are some preconditions for it to be accepted ,eg:a person is to be married before he can pray & wish
for a child.:-
a. Taqwa -Fear of Allah swt
b. Efforts & Perseverance. Efforts like that of Hajra between safa & Marwah & Patience in not giving up &
continuing upto 7 rounds
c. Conviction that it can work & not an attitude of 'what can one line do'
This will inshallah result in rewards beyond imagination ,like zam zam though what was asked was only a cupful!
1. To overcome fear of
�Wa Ufawwizu Amree
So you shall remember ilallaah inallaaha
what I say to you, and I baseerun bil ibad� (Ch. Al-
entrust my affair to Allah, Ghafir, or Mu�min (40),
Surely Allah sees the vs. 44)
4. Other issues/Needs
Three Short Duas from Imam Ar Ridha(as)Reference: Du'as No. 16,19 and 47 from As-
Saheefat ar-Radhwaiyyah, Qum,
1. For seeking well-
being and thanking for
it Allaahumma innee as-
He said that once `Ali b. alukal-`aafiyah, wash-
al-Husayn (a) saw a shukra `alal-`aafiyah.
person doing tawaaf of al-
Ka`bah and saying: O God
I ask from You the
patience (as-Sabr).
The Imam striked his
shoulder and said: you
Laa ilaaha illaal-laahul-
have asked for affliction
[Instead] say:O Allah I
ask from You the well-
being, and to be
grateful for the well-
(There is no god,
except Allah, the Ruler,
the Real, the Manifest)
Salwaat on Sayeda Fatema Zahra (s.a.) Recite 580 times following for any problem.
Oh Allah send blessings on Fatima and her Allahumma Salle al Fatima wa abeeha wa
father, her husband and her sons, and by baleha wa baneeha wa sirril mustaudaeh fiha
the secret installed in her (S)) which only is beadada maa ahaata behi ilmu
in YOUR knowledge
And we have put a barrier before V 9... Wa ja alna mim bayne Aide
﴾٨﴿ ﻮن َ ﻣ ْﻘ َﻤ ُﺤ
them & a barrier behind them,and him saddawn min khal fe him
We have covered them up,so that saddan fa agshaina hum fa hum la
they cannot see yubseroon
ْ ُ َ ْ ََو َﺟ َﻌﻠْﻨَﺎ ِﻣﻦ ﺑ َ ْ ِﲔ ﯾْ ِﺪ ِﳞ ْﻢ َﺳﺪا َو ِﻣ ْﻦ َ ﻠْ ِﻔﻬ ِْﻢ َﺳﺪا ﻓَ ْﻏﺸ
﴾٩﴿ ون َ ﴫ ُ ِ ﻓَﻬ ُْﻢ َﻻ ﯾُ ْﺒ
2 Quranic Ayats to be recited after fajr salat ,to get out of an apparently hopeless situation ( esp economic) . Image
Background :The story of precious pearl broken into 2 pieces by negligence of a kings servant, turning out to be a blessing in disguise, by reciting this dua
taught by Imam Ali(as). Dua can be used in the difficult economic situation, which may sometimes be self inflicted.
�The Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.&h.f.) told him to recite the following Du�a,