TSA Client Guide Digital Orthophotography - Issue 5 - MR
TSA Client Guide Digital Orthophotography - Issue 5 - MR
TSA Client Guide Digital Orthophotography - Issue 5 - MR
Digital orthophotography is the method of combining the image characteristics of
an aerial photograph with the geometric quality of a map. Traditionally, orthophotos
were captured with an analogue camera mounted in a fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter.
The photography was then scanned to produce digital images. The process is now
more streamlined as most new imagery is captured directly with digital cameras,
removing the scanning procedure from the production workflow. Orthophotos can
also be generated from terrestrial photography, mobile capture systems and satellite
images in the same way.
What are Orthophotos?
An orthophotograph, as displayed in Figure 1, is a single or series of aerial photographic
images in which displacements caused by scale, terrain or surface relief and camera
orientation have been removed. Orthophotos have the high visual information content
and familiarity of a photograph but contain the geometric qualities of a map and can be
used in a multitude of GIS and mapping applications.
Figure 1: Orthophotos can be presented as hard copy or as digital image data and can have
True colour 25cm
contours, grid information or other map details overlaid. They can be used for
resolution orthophoto
interpretation, measurement, quality assurance or as a data layer within a GIS system.
Orthophotos can be generated from satellite imagery with the newer generation of very
high resolution satellites offering imagery at 30 to 50cm ground sample distance (GSD).
Some aerial survey cameras can also capture imagery with a near infra-red channel
(NIR) such as the Vexcel UltraCamX system which can be used to create colour infra-red
orthophotos, as shown on the next page in Figure 2.
At the large scale production end of the spectrum (for national mapping and major
infrastructure projects) the cameras are very sophisticated sensors with multi-lens
configurations (panchromatic, colour and near infra-red), gyro-stabilisation, multi-axis
motion compensation, accurate Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers
and Inertial Navigational Systems (INS). An example of this type of camera is the Leica
DMCIII 390 megapixel camera – see figure 3. As each image is located and orientated
very precisely orthophoto mosaics can be created with a minimal amount of ground
Medium format, 35mm, compact and mobile phone cameras are all used for the
production of orthophotos from ground based imagery. They can be used, for example,
to represent building elevations or archaeological investigations.
The huge repository of archived film imagery can also be used. To avoid any additional
distortion these images should be scanned by a geometrically and radiometrically
precise photogrammetric scanner.
Data Processing
The digital images are subject to the photogrammetric process using either a
photogrammetric workstation (in commercial mapping organisations) or a high
end personal computer (PC) using the more recent semi-automated multi-image
software suites. The latter tend to be used by smaller survey companies, universities,
environmentalists, architects, archaeologists, etc. Many of these are the end users of the
information and apply further analysis based on their specific expertise.
The scale and tilt variations between images are removed by relating the position and
orientation of the photographs to a set of ground control points. The displacements
within each image are caused by lens distortion and terrain relief and are corrected
by calibrating the camera and producing a detailed surface model respectively. Each
digital image can then be rectified to an orthogonal projection by processing each pixel
The creation of the surface model is a critical part of the process. In an urban
environment the positions of the buildings need to be located precisely and their
apparent lean due to the perspective effect of an image has to be corrected. This
requires a model that not only defines the topographic surface precisely but also has
to include the man-made structures accurately. If the surface model is of an insufficient
density it may have to be supplemented by break-lines that more accurately define
abrupt changes in elevation at the edges of buildings, bridges, overpasses, etc. This
means that every pixel is analysed and adjusted for position according to its height
above a chosen datum. The apparent lean of buildings obscures a part of the ground
and after correction to the vertical there is an empty space. The software is now
sophisticated enough to consult overlapping images and provide the pixel information
The block of corrected images, all at the same scale and orientation, are merged and
blended by analysing colour, contrast and brightness variation to produce a seamless
mosaic covering the area of interest. The mosaic is output at a consistent GSD
throughout, commensurate with the resolution of the original imagery. For example,
the individual images in a block of aerial photography may have a range in GSD of 3
to 5cm due to camera tilt, the height above ground and the terrain relief but the ortho-
rectified mosaic will be delivered at a uniform GSD of, say, 5cm. These functions are
normally performed on a digital photogrammetric workstation but orthophotos are now
frequently produced by the more automated multi-image software on standard PCs and
For large areas the final mosaic is often cut into manageable tiles that may correspond
to the national coordinate system or to an existing vector map layout. Also, for this
reason, the images can be delivered as data pyramids where successively lower
Figure 4:
DTM and orthophoto
resolution images are stored in the image file. This speeds up the display of the
(courtesy Historic England) orthophoto by accessing only the layer appropriate to the scale on the screen.
The resolution (GSD) is purely the size of each pixel in the orthophoto. It would normally
be the same size or slightly larger than the GSD of the original photography. If it is
less then interpolation will be required and the orthophoto will appear blurred when
magnified at 1:1 on screen. It is also important to note that if the size of the smallest
object of interest is, say, 50cm then the GSD should be half this (25cm) or better
as a rule of thumb. This should be communicated to the photogrammetrist via the
specification as it is a significant parameter when designing the project.
The accuracy is a function of the whole photogrammetric process which includes image
alignment (aerial triangulation), the camera calibration, the quality of the ground control
and the quality of the digital terrain model. The accuracy, therefore, may be poorer than
the resolution.
It is important to note that a digital terrain model (DTM) may be very accurate at
each point of, say, a 5m grid but as it will need to interpolate many heights for pixels
at a 25cm spacing errors will appear. A low density DTM will fail to identify sufficient
changes in relief to accurately correct the height displacement caused by those changes
and this may be quite noticeable at seamlines. For this reason denser DTMs are
produced to more closely conform to the GSD. An orthophoto can also be produced
from a triangular meshed surface. This provides a complete interpolation of the ground
with the size of the triangles varying according to the complexity of the surfaces. It can
also be improved with the addition of breaklines to define abrupt changes of slope
or vertical edges. An example of a DTM and its associated orthophoto can be seen in
Figure 4.
• If the imagery was scanned what was the medium used – transparencies or
prints. This has a bearing on the quality of the orthophoto
• The source, quality and density of the DTM used to rectify the imagery
Figure 5:
Orthophoto and
mapping layer
Uses of Orthophotos
Orthophotos can be used in a variety of applications from backdrop layers in GIS
systems to being used to create other products such as mapping derived from
interpretation of the orthophotos. Below is a list of uses for orthophotos:
• Urban planning
• Asset management
• Change detection
• Route planning
• Archaeology
Tender Returns
A company experienced in the production of orthophotography can usually submit
a proposal efficiently and as a client you should insist on the following details to be
included in the quotation, as a minimum:
• Delivery dates for the final data and any interim products
• A provision for a weekly progress report to allow for any changes in the
programme and potential resource re-allocation.
Please contact The Survey Association on +44 1636 642840 or visit the website
www.tsa-uk.org.uk to locate an established survey firm.
Orthophotography is useful both as an end product for further analysis by specialists
and as a base for photogrammetric mapping. It is important to understand how they are
to be used and what accuracies are required for the derived end products. The online
resource, Google Earth shows how the creation and use of digital orthophotos has
developed and become common place in the last decade or so.
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Professional attention from a TSA surveyor will reduce risk, repetition, possibly save
you money and will ensure that your project receives the best possible attention.
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