Postman Quick Reference Guide PDF
Postman Quick Reference Guide PDF
Postman Quick Reference Guide PDF
Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
Valentin Despa
1 Cheatsheet 1
1.1 Postman Cheatsheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Dynamic variables 9
2.1 Dynamic variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Online course 33
4.1 Postman online course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Thank you for downloading this cheat sheet. This guide refers to the Postman App, not the Chrome extension.
Please report any problems with it.
Postman Cheat Sheet is based on the official Postman documentation and own experience.
For a detailed documentation on each feature, check out
1.1.1 Variables
All variables can be manually set using the Postman GUI and are scoped.
The code snippets can be used for working with variables in scripts (pre-request, tests).
Learn more about the different variables scopes in this tutorial.
Global variables
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
pm.globals.set('myVariable', MY_VALUE);
Remove one variable
Collection variables
When to use:
• good alternative to global variables or environment variables
• for URLs / authentication credentials if only one environment exists
pm.collectionVariables.set('myVariable', MY_VALUE);
Environment variables
Environment variables are tied to the selected environment. Good alternative to global variables as they have a
narrower scope.
When to use:
• storing environment specific information
• URLs, authentication credentials
• passing data to other requests
pm.environment.set('myVariable', MY_VALUE);
2 Chapter 1. Cheatsheet
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
Remove one variable
Data variables
Exist only during the execution of an iteration (created by the Collection Runner or Newman).
When to use:
• when multiple data-sets are needed
Can only be set from a CSV or a JSON file.
Can only be removed from within the CSV or JSON file.
Local variables
Local variables are only available withing the request that has set them or when using Newman / Collection runner
during the entire exection.
When to use:
• whenever you would like to override all other variable scopes—for whatever reason. Not sure though then
this is needed.
pm.variables.set('myVariable', MY_VALUE);
pm.variables.get('myVariable', MY_VALUE);
Local variables are automatically removed once the tests have been executed.
Dynamic variables
All dynamic variables can be combined with strings, in order to generate dynamic / unique data.
Example JSON body:
If you want to use dynamic variables in scripts, you can use the replaceIn starting with Postman v7.6.0.
For more details please see the section dedicated to Dynamic variables
Open Postman Console and use console.log in your test or pre-request script.
1.1.2 Assertions
Note: You need to add any of the assertions inside a pm.test callback.
Status code;
Response time
4 Chapter 1. Cheatsheet
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Header exists:');
Cookie exists:
pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include('Order placed.');
JSON responses
Parse body (need for all assertions):
XML responses
Convert XML body to JSON:
Skipping tests
You can use pm.test.skip to skip a test. Skipped tests will be displayed in reports.
Simple example
pm.test.skip("Status code is 200", () => {;
Conditional skip
const shouldBeSkipped = true; // some condition
Failing tests
You can fail a test from the scripts without writing an assertion:'This failed because ...');
this is the object containing the script that is running, can access variables and has access to a read-only copy of
the request or response.
Allows to send simple HTTP(S) GET requests from tests and pre-request scripts. Example:
pm.sendRequest('', (error, response) => {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
const options = {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
header: 'X-Foo:foo',
body: {
mode: 'raw',
raw: JSON.stringify(payload)
pm.sendRequest(options, (error, response) => {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
6 Chapter 1. Cheatsheet
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const options = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': '',
'body': {
'mode': 'formdata',
'formdata': [
{'key':'foo', 'value':'bar'},
{'key':'bar', 'value':'foo'}
pm.sendRequest(options, (error, response) => {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
1.1.5 Workflows
Only work with automated collection runs such as with the Collection Runner or Newman. It will NOT have any
effect when using inside the Postman App.
Additionaly it is important to note that this will only affect the next request being executed. Even if you put this
inside the pre-request script, it will NOT skip the current request.
Set which will be the next request to be executed
postman.setNextRequest(“Request name");
Stop executing requests / stop the collection run
8 Chapter 1. Cheatsheet
Dynamic variables
If you want to use dynamic variables in scripts, you can use the replaceIn starting with Postman v7.6.0.
pm.variables.replaceIn('{{$randomFirstName}} {{$randomLastName}}');
The replaceIn method will return a String with the resolved variables.
Before Postman 7.2, only the following dynamic variables were available:
Starting with version 7.2, Postman is using the faker.js library and added more variables. If used multiple times,
they can return different values per request. Note: the autocomplete support in the Request Builder might be
Variable name Description Examples Comment
$randomZipCode ZIP Code 83932, 40260-4447
$randomCity City East Ryanfurt, Jenkinsview
$randomCityPrefix City prefix Port, West, East, Lake, New
$randomCitySuffix City suffix mouth, borough, town, berg
$randomStreetName Street name Mckenna Pines, Schiller Highway, Van-
dervort Pike
$randomStreetAddress Street with number 98165 Tanya Passage, 0695 Monahan
$randomStreetSuffix Street suffix Field, Bridge, Keys, Greens, Route
$randomStreetPrefix Street prefix a, b, c
$randomSecondaryAddress Additional address information Suite 760, Apt. 636, Suite 043
$randomCounty County Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire
$randomCountry Country Belgium, Antarctica (the territory South
of 60 deg S)
$randomCountryCode Country code (2-letter) GY, TK, BG
$randomState Random state Arizona, South Dakota, Delaware
$randomStateAbbr Random state code (2-letter) GA, LA, AZ
$randomLatitude Latitude -79.9881, 87.8072
$randomLongitude Longitude -41.5763, 10.4960
$randomColor Color lime, azure, maroon, gold, violet
$randomDepartment Departments in a store Garden, Clothing, Grocery, Kids
$randomProductName Product name Intelligent Steel Sausages, Awesome
Rubber Cheese
$randomPrice Price 244.00, 301.00
$randomProductAdjective Product adjective Refined, Handcrafted, Handmade, Sleek
$randomProductMaterial Product material Frozen, Cotton, Wooden, Soft
$randomProduct Simple product name Salad, Cheese, Bike, Soap
$randomCompanyName Company name Christiansen LLC, Corwin Inc, Fahey -
$randomCompanySuffix Company suffix LLC, Group, Inc, and Sons
$randomCatchPhrase Catch phrase Centralized upward-trending attitude
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
Table 1 – continued from previous page
Variable name Description Examples Comment
$randomVerb Verb connect, parse, navigate, synthesize
$randomIngverb Verb with -ing bypassing, copying, programming
$randomPhrase Phrase We need to copy the online CSS mi-
$randomImage Image URL
$randomAvatarImage Avatar image URL
$randomImageUrl Image URL
$randomAbstractImage Abstract image
$randomAnimalsImage Image with animals
$randomBusinessImage Business-related image
$randomCatsImage Image with cats
$randomCityImage Image with a city
$randomFoodImage Image with food
$randomNightlifeImage Image with nightlife
$randomFashionImage Image with fashion
$randomPeopleImage Image with people
$randomNatureImage Image with nature
$randomSportsImage Image with sport
$randomTechnicsImage Image with tech
$randomTransportImage Image with transportation
$randomImageDataUri Image as data URI data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,
%3Csvg%20 . . .
$randomEmail Email from popular email providers [email protected],
[email protected]
$randomExampleEmail Example email [email protected],
[email protected]
$randomUserName Username Minerva42, Shania_Nitzsche
$randomProtocol HTTP Protocol http, https
$randomUrl URL,
$randomDomainName Domain name,,
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
$randomDomainSuffix Top Level Domain (TLD) extension com, net, biz, name, org
$randomDomainWord Word that can be used within a domain guadalupe, willa, jose
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
Table 1 – continued from previous page
Variable name Description Examples Comment
$randomPhoneFormats Phone number format ###.###.####, 1-###-###-#### x###,
(###) ###-####
$randomArrayElement Random element from array [a,b, c] a, b, c
$randomObjectElement Random object element car, bar
$randomUUID UUID 1f9a0bc0-582c-466f-ba78-
$randomBoolean Boolean true, false
$randomWord Word or abbreviation transmitting, PCI, West Virginia
$randomWords Words portal bypassing indigo, Cotton transmit-
$randomLocale Locale en
$randomAlphaNumeric Alphanumeric character 4, a, h
$randomFileName Filename soft_smtp.wvx, calculate.grv
$randomCommonFileName Common filename mall.pdf, chair.mp4, facilitator.mp3
$randomMimeType MIME type application/x-font-bdf, applica-
$randomCommonFileType Common filetype image, application, audio
$randomCommonFileExt Common file extension png, mp3, mpeg, gif
$randomFileType File type x-shader, font, audio, message
$randomFileExt File extension xsm, zirz, xar
$randomDirectoryPath Directory path
$randomFilePath File path
$randomSemver Version (using semantic version) 6.3.4, 2.8.0, 1.7.6
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
Seems broken.
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
3.1.1 I have an environment variable as {{url}}. Can I use it inside a script (like
You are inside a script, so you need to use the pm.* API to get to that variable. The syntax {{url}} works only
inside the request builder, not in scripts.
3.1.2 How to use pre-request script to pass dynamic data in the request body?
In the pre-request script you can simply create a JavaScript object, set the desired values and save it as a variable
For example if you want to send a request body that looks like:
"firstName": "First Name",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"email": "[email protected]"
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
In the request body you can simply use {{user}}. This also works just as well for nested objects:
"user": {{user}}
"address": {
"street": "Foo"
"number": "2"
"city": "Bar"
You can modify the request headers from the Pre-request script as follows.
Add header
key: 'X-Foo',
value: 'Postman'
Remove header
Update header
key: "User-Agent",
value: "Not Postman"
(continues on next page)
"Description": "Example_API_Admin-Group_Description"
The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot use these special variables in a pre-request script or test.
Additionally they will be only generated once per request, so using {{$guid}} more than once will generate
the same data in a request.
Option 2 Using existing JavaScript random generators
Below you will find an exemple function that you can use to generate integer number between a specific interval:
Below you will find an exemple function that you can use to generate random strings:
function getRandomString() {
Option 1 You can trigger another request in the collection from the pre-request script using postman.
That can be done with:
The difficulty is returning to the request that initiated the call. Additionally you need to make sure you do not
create endless loops.
Option 2 Another possibility is making an HTTP call from the pre-request script to fetch any data you might need.
Below I am fetching a name from a remote API and setting it as a variable for use in the actual request that will
execute right after the pre-request script completed:
Tip You can generate such requests by using the “Code” generator button right below the Save button, once you
have a request that works. There you can Select NodeJS > Request and the syntax generated is very similar to
what Postman expects.
You can import this example in Postman by using this link:
You can use the following template to send a XML request from a script. Notice that price is a Postman variable
that will be replaced.
const options = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': '',
'header': {
'Content-Type': 'application/xml'
body: pm.variables.replaceIn(xmlBody) // replace any Postman variables
Assuming your response is in JSON format, You can extract data from the response by using
After this you can set the whole response (or just a subset like this):
pm.environment.set('myData', JSON.stringify(jsonData));
You need to use JSON.stringify() before saving objects / arrays to a Postman variable. Otherwise it may not work
(depending on your Postman or Newman version).
In the next request where you want to retrieve the data, just use:
• {myData}} if you are inside the request builder
• var myData = JSON.parse(pm.environment.get('myData'));
Using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse methods is not needed if the values are strings or integers or booleans.
JSON.stringify() converts a value to a JSON string while JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string, creating the
value described by the string.
If you have some information saved on a file locally on your computer, you might want to access this information
with Postman.
Unfortunately this is not really possible. There is a way to read a data file in JSON or CSV format, which allows
you to make some variables dynamic. These variables are called data variables and are mostly used for testing
different iterations on a specific request or collection.
Possible options:
• start a local server to serve that file and to get it in Postman with a GET request.
• use Newman as a custom Node.js script and read the file using the filesystem.
3.2 Assertions
Assertions in Postman are based on the capabilities of the Chai Assertion Library. You can read an extensive
documentation on Chai by visiting
"companyId": 10101,
"regionId": 36554,
"filters": [
"id": 101,
"name": "VENDOR",
"isAllowed": false
(continues on next page)
3.2. Assertions 21
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
Assert that the property isAllowed is true for the COUNTRY filter.
// Get the country filter object by using the index calculated above
var countryFilter = jsonData.filters[countryFilterIndex];
"id": "5a866bd667ff15546b84ab78",
"limits": {
"59974328d59230f9a3f946fe": {
"lists": {
"openPerBoard": {
"count": 13,
"status": "ok", <-- CHECK ME
"disableAt": 950,
"warnAt": 900
"totalPerBoard": {
"count": 20,
"status": "ok", <-- CHECK ME
"disableAt": 950,
"warnAt": 900
You want to check the value of the status in both objects (openPerBoard, totalPerBoard). The problem is that in
order to reach both objects you need first to reach the lists object, which itself is a property of a randomly named
object (59974328d59230f9a3f946fe).
So we could write the whole path limits.59974328d59230f9a3f946fe.lists.openPerBoard.
status but this will probably work only once.
For that reason it is first needed to search inside the limits object for the lists object. In order to make the
code more readable, we will create a function for that:
function findObjectContaininsLists(limits) {
// Iterate over the properties (keys) in the object
for (var key in limits) {
// console.log(key, limits[key]);
// If the property is lists, return the lists object
if (limits[key].hasOwnProperty('lists')) {
// console.log(limits[key].lists);
return limits[key].lists;
The function will iterate over the limits array to see if any object contains a lists object.
Next all we need to do is to call the function and the assertions will be trivial:
Lets presume you have a value from a previous response (or other source) that is saved to a variable.
How do you compare that variable with values from another API response?
In order to access the variable in the script, you need to use a special method, basically the companion of setting
a variable. Curly brackets will not work in this case:
3.2. Assertions 23
Postman Quick Reference Guide Documentation, Release Version 1.6.1 - February 2020
"SiteId": "aaa-ccc-xxx",
"ACL": [
"GroupId": "xxx-xxx-xx-xxx-xx",
"TargetType": "Subscriber"
• jsonData.ACL[0] is the first element of the ACL array
• allows an array of possible valid values
Presumed you want to get the _csrf hidden field value for assertions or later use from the response below:
<label for="username">Username:</label>
<input required type="text" id="username" name="username" />
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input required type="password" id="password" name="password" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Login" />
To parse and retrive the value, we will use the cherrio JavaScript library:
Cheerio is designed for non-browser use and implements a subset of the jQuery functionality. Read more about it
You will get the error ReferenceError: jsonData is not defined while setting the global vari-
The reason is that jsonData is only defined inside the scope of the anonymous function (the part with
function() {...} inside pm.test). Where you are trying to set the global variables is outside the function,
so jsonData is not defined. jsonData can only live within the scope where it was defined.
So you have multiple ways to deal with this:
1. define jsonData outside the function, for example before your pm.test function (preferred)
2. set the environment or global variable inside the anonymous function (I would personally avoid mixing test
/ assertions with setting variables but it would work).
"uid": "12344",
"pid": "8896",
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Doe",
"companyName": "ACME"
You want to assert that a part of the reponse has a specific value. For example you are not interested in the dynamic
value of uid and pid but you want to assert firstName, lastName and companyName.
You can do a partial match of the response by using the to.include expression. Optionally you can check the
existence of the additional properties without checking the value.
3.2. Assertions 25
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This section contains different examples of validating JSON responses using the Ajv schema validator. I do not
recommend using the tv4 (Tiny Validator for JSON Schema v4).
const schema = {
"type": "object",
"code": "FX002"
This is the JSON schema with a property named code of type String:
const schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"code": { "type": "string" }
• Object
• array
"code": "FX002"
This is the JSON schema with a property named “code” of type String that is mandatory:
const schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"code": { "type": "string" }
"required": ["code"]
"code": "2",
"error": {
"message": "Not permitted."
This is the JSON schema with the an nested object named “error” that has a property named “message” that is a
const schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"code": { "type": "string" },
"error": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"message": { type: "string" }
"required": ["message"]
"required": ["code", "error"]
Postman comes with a few built-in libraries. If you prefer to add additioal JavaScript libraries, please take a look
at the Custom libraries section.
Simple library for working with the DOM model. Useful if you are getting back HTML.
responseHTML = cheerio(pm.response.text());
CryptoJS.SHA256("some string").toString()
HMAC-SHA1 encryption
CryptoJS.HmacSHA1("Message", "Key").toString()
AES Encryption
AES Decryption
Notice: in order to load a library and use it in Postman, the JavaScript code needs to be “compiled” and ready for
distribution. Usually the code will be available as a *.min.js file or within the dist or umd folder.
3.5 Workflows
3.5.1 How to extract value of an authentication token from a login response body
and pass in subsequent request as ‘Bearer Token’?
Extract the value of the token from the response in the Tests tab:
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
var token = jsonData.accessToken;
Set the token as a variable (global, environment, etc) so that it can used in later requests:
pm.globals.set('token', token);
To use the token in the next request, in the headers part the following needs to be added (key:value example
3.5. Workflows 29
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Authorization:Bearer {{token}}
3.5.2 How to read links from response and execute a request for each of them?
"links": [
With the following code we will read the response, iterate over the links array and for each link will submit a
request, using pm.sendRequest. For each response we will assert the status code.
links.forEach(function(link) {
pm.test("Status code is 404", function () {
pm.sendRequest(link, function (err, res) {
pm.expect(res)'code', 404);
3.6 Newman
You have a collection and have a requirement to insert a delay of 10 secs after every request.
In order to do that you can use the --delay parameter and specifiy a delay in miliseconds.
If the Newman output in your CI server is not properly displayed, try adding following flags:
--disable-unicode or / and --color off
3.6.3 How to pass machine name and port number dynamically when running
the tests?
Suppose, the URL to the server under the test may be different every time you get a new environment for testing,
which is common with cloud environments. i.e. the part machine_name:port_number may be different.
There can be multiple way to do it, so below is one possible solution:
You can set global variables using newman from the CLI.
3.6. Newman 31
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Online course
This document is part of the online course “Postman: The Complete Guide”.
If you are not already a student of this course you are missing on a lot of training on Postman, including:
• Introduction to Postman
• Creating requests and workflows
• Writing tests
• Continuous Integration / Delivery with Jenkins or other CI/CI tools (Gitlab, TeamCity)
• Practical assignments with personal feedback
• Q&A Forum where you can get answers to your Postman problems
• and much more
If you want to register for this course, make sure you use the link below as it will give you a 75% DISCOUNT
from the regular price: