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The document discusses various configuration activities for document management and distribution in SAP such as defining number ranges, document types, storage systems, etc.

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) provide flexibility and extensibility in SAP. They are used to enhance standard SAP functions or create customer-specific enhancements for areas like document management, conversion, indexing, etc.

Some activities involved in creating a BAdI implementation are entering a name, short description, assigning it to a package, editing methods, entering implementation code between method stubs, saving and activating the code.

Copyright(c) 2018 by Nixon Vunganai.

All rights reserved.

Neither this document nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any
means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of Nixon Vunganai. The
information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

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Define Number Ranges for Document Numbers 6
Define Document Types 6
Maintain Screen for Object Link 7
Maintain Key Fields 8
Define Revision Levels 8
Maintain Role 9
Activate Enhanced Document Search 9
Activate Document Browser and ACLs 10
Maintain Global Settings 10
Define Data Carrier 11
Settings for Storage Systems 12
Maintain Storage System 12
Maintain Storage Category 13
Create MIME Types for Full-Text Search 14
Define Number Ranges for Vaults 15
Define Workstation Application 15
Set Up Workstation Application for Thumbnails (Images) 16
Define Category for Mark-up 17
Start Processing for Documents 17
Define Profile 18
Define Laboratories/Design Offices 19
Maintain CAD Systems 19
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) 19
BAdI: Enhancements for List Layout for Linked Documents 19
BAdI: Maintain Settings for DMS Enhancements 21
BAdI: Enhancements for Thumbnails (Images) 22
BAdI: Enhancements for Easy Attachment Upload 23
BAdI: Indexing of Document Originals in Enterprise Search 24
BAdI: Change Document Status (can be used more than once) 26
BAdI: Enhancements for Document Search Results 26
BAdI: Enhancements for Selection Criteria in Document Search 28
Profile Settings for SAP Mobile Documents 29
Business Add-Ins (BADI) 30
BAdI: Enhancements for SAP Mobile Documents 30
General Settings 32
Platform-Independent File Names 32
Maintain File Names and File Paths Across all Clients 32
SAP Business Workflow 33
Activate Event-Type Linkage 33
Allocate Tasks to Persons Responsible 33
Verify Workflow Customizing 34
Make Office Settings for Business Workplace 34
SAP connect 35
Display System Status 35
Define Conversion 35
Manage Spool Administration 36
Number Ranges 37
Maintain Number Range for Distribution Order ID 38
Maintain Number Range for Initial Order ID 38
Maintain Number Range for Distribution Order Package ID 38
Maintain Number Range for Partial Order ID 39
Maintain Number Range for Original Application Files 39
Maintain Number Range for Recipient Lists 40
Context 40
Define Context 40
Describe Context 41
Assign Context to an Event 42
Distribution Type 42
Define Distribution Types 42
Describe Distribution Types 44
Generation of Distribution Order Packages 45
Medium you make settings for the medium here. 46
Define Medium 46
Describe Medium 46
Assign Medium to Distribution Type 47
Copy Type 47
Define Copy Type 47
Describe Copy Type 47
Define Plotter 48
Maintain Converter 49
Define Conversion 50
Maintain Location-Dependent Conversion Data 51
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) 52
BAdI: Internal Converter 52
BAdI: Switch Conversion to Workflow 53
BAdI: Selection of Customer-Specific Slave Workflow 55
Map VEG Instance to Logical Port 56
Maintain Conversion Trigger 56
Map Storage Category to VEG Application Server 57
Define Tag Category 58
Map Tag Name to Tag Category 58
Map BCV Tag to Tag Name 58
Maintain Tag Mapping 58
Maintain Application Usage 59
Define Search Sequence for Viewable File 59
Define Profile for Excluding Viewer Actions 60
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Maintain Filter Profile for Metadata Extraction 60
Activate Service Binding to Access Web Service 60
Business Add-Ins 61
BAdI: Registration Logic for Conversion of Original Appl. Files in 61
BAdI: Batch Job for Starting Conversion of Registered Files 61
BAdI: Determine CAD Config for Creation of Fully Resolved Document Structure 62
BAdI: Enhancement for Conversion of Original Appl. Files in DMS 63
BADI: Get Reusable Materials for Visual Instance Planner 63
BAdI: Get Files for Thumbnail and Viewer Display 64
Maintain Viewer Profile 65
Define Workstation Applications for Dynamic Viewing 65
Business Add-Ins 65
BAdI: Enhancements for Viewer Custom Actions 65
Maintain Basic Settings for Digital Signature 67
Define Authorization Group 68
Define Individual Signature 69
Define Signature Strategy 70
Partner/Condition 70
Change Output 71
Definition 71
Change Condition Table 71
Change Output Type 72
Change Access Sequences 73
Change Output Determination Procedure 74
Maintain Output per Partner Function 75
Data Transfer Workbench: Documents 76
Attachment Service - Storage Repository Activation 76
Attachment Service - Object Type Mapping 77
Business Add-Ins 78
BAdI: Attachment Service - Authorization Check 78
BAdI: Attachment Service - Draft Handling 79
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Document Management
In this document, you define settings for the document management system.

Control Data

In this step, you define the central modification parameters and default values for your document
management system (DMS).

Define Number Ranges for Document Numbers

In this IMG activity, you define the number ranges for document numbers and the type of number
assignment. When you define a document type, you must create at least one number range for assigning
document numbers. You have the following options:

Internal number assignment

Your SAP System assigns a numeric number from the number range defined.
External number assignment
You can define a numeric number from the number range defined.


Define number ranges (intervals)

For external number ranges, set the Indicator: external number assignment.

More hints

If you maintain several number ranges for document management, the number ranges must not overlap.
If you assign an alphanumeric number, the system does not check the number against any number range,
unless you are using a user exit.
You can configure a check route for number assignment programs using user exits.
You can enter a template (prefix) which defines a classifying component of the number. You can
write a check routine (using a user exit) that checks your entry and completes it with a unique internal
External component: 2NG-
Internal component: XXXX (from a number range)
Template: 2NG-XXXX
Do not change the number range status of internal number range intervals?

Define Document Types


In this step, you define the settings for the document type.

To define a document type, perform the following steps:

O Define document types

Define language-dependent document descriptions

Define document statuses - Define
object links to Define descriptions for
object links to Define document status
descriptions of Define transport of
originals for ALE


Online documentation is available directly on the maintenance screen for each work step.

Maintain Screen for Object Link

In the standard SAP System you can link document info records with different SAP objects. You can
maintain the link while either processing the document info record or when maintaining the master record
of the object (such as material, equipment). The maintenance of the object specific key data is done on
object spec ific screens.

These screens exist in the standard SAP System for all objects that support links; this means you only carry
out this taks for verification that it works.

This activity is only necessary when you want to create more object links in your company.

When you want to create more object links in the standard SAP System you must create additional screens
for these objects.
More notes about object links and their screens can be found in Determine object link.

Standard settings

In the standard SAP System some assignments exist that can only be used internally (for example, by the
CAD coupling for Digital Mock-up Viewing of assemblies):

STKO_DOC for the assignment to a BOM header

STPO_DOC for the assignment to a BOM item
Do not change any entries that have not created yourself.


If the screen entry contains errors or you want to add a new entry you can check the existing screen as
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Start a second mode and execute the following steps:
Start the Object Navigator.
Display the objects for development class CV
Expand the function group 130
The structure notes screens lists all screens that can be used for an object link - Find
the screen for the object link (such as 1201 for material link).

Process the activity Maintain screen for object link in the first mode.
Correct the entry or add an entry for the object you want to add to the document link.

Maintain Key Fields

In the standard SAP System, you can link document info records to various other SAP objects. The key
fields for these objects are already defined, so you only need to perform this activity for checking purposes.

This activity is only required if you want to link additional objects to documents in your company.

Choose function Edit-> New entries.

In the Transaction code (TCode) field, enter the business transaction to be carried out during document
Enter the display transaction code for the object master record here (for example, MM03 Display
material master).

In the Field name fields, enter the database key fields defined in the ABAP Dictionary.
In the PID fields, enter the parameter identification for the set/get parameters.

Further hints

If you create new entries for key fields, you need to create a function module
OBJECT_CHECK_<database table>. You can use the function module OBJECT_CHECK_EQUI as
a template.

Do not delete any entries you have not made yourself. The key fields are used by other areas such as:
Digital mock-up viewing
No transaction code is necessary for the objects STKO_DOC and STPO_DOC (link to BOM header
and BOM item).

Define Revision Levels

In this step, you define the revision levels for documents. You also define the sequence in which the
revision levels are to be assigned.

Once a revision level has been assigned, you can no longer delete it.
Each revision level can only exist once within the sequence.


You must process the step "Set up control data" first.

Default Settings

Various revision levels are included in the standard system.


Define the revision levels for documents and the sequence in which these revision levels are to
Be assigned.

Maintain Role

In this work step, you can maintain authorization group for a document type with authorization object as

You have to link authorization group with authorization object 'C_DRAW_BGR'.

To maintain authorization group for a document type, perform the following:

Enter the authorization group

Enter the description
Save your entries

Activate Enhanced Document Search


In this Customizing activity, you activate the extended selection criteria for the document search
(transaction CV04n), which allow you to search based on the attributes of the original application files
assigned to the documents. When you activate the enhanced search function, additional fields and radio
buttons appear on the Document Data tab in transaction CV04n, which you can use to refine your search.
For example, you can search for document info records by the name of the original, for document info
records whose originals have a specific workstation application type, or by originals that have a certain
status (such as checked out).

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To use the enhanced search function, select the checkbox Search by Attributes of Originals.

Activate Document Browser and ACLs


In this activity, you can activate the document browser and ACLs independently of one another.

When you select the indicators, the tab pages Document Browser and Authorizations are available in
document editing.

The document browser contains the folder structure of SAP Easy Document Management, which you can
use to edit documents. For more information about the document browser, see SAP Library under SAP
ERP Central Component -> Cross-Application Components -> Document Management -> Document

You use ACLs to pass on access rights that you created for a particular folder to other folders in the same
structure. For more information about ACLs, see SAP Library under SAP ERP Central Component ->
Cross-Application Components -> SAP Easy Document Management -> Work with SAP Easy Document
Management -> Authorizations in SAP Easy Document Management.

Standard settings

Neither indicator is selected in the standard system.


Select the indicators according to your requirements.

General Data

In this step, you set the general data for your document management system. Some data only has to be
entered for archiving purposes.

Maintain Global Settings

Work Step Not Required

This work step is not required when you want to store original application files using the
Knowledge Provider in a secure area. You determine whether you store original files via the Knowledge
Provider in the definition of the document type (indicator Document storage via Knowledge Provider).

Work Step Required

This work step is required when you want to use Direct Vault Access (DVA) for transferring files from the
vault to the frontend computer. An external program that is part of the standard system transfers the data
directly from the vault to the frontend computer.

If you set that you want to use DVA for transferring original application files in this work step you cannot
store files in vaults that are accessible with an application server.


Maintain the global data for the vault:

Direct Vault Access (DVA)

Set the indicator if you want to store the original data in the vault using Direct Vault Access.

DVA user
Enter the DVA user under whose name the original data is filed in the vault. Finally, enter a password.
With this password, the system automatically logs the DVA user on to the computer in which the
vault is defined.

Further notes

If you use DVA, we recommend you also carry out the following:

Define data carrier

By doing this, you define the data carrier type "Vault".

Define data carrier

By doing this, you define the computer for the vault and the access path to the computer.

Define Data Carrier

Partial Work Step Execution

You must only partially carry out this work step when you want to store the original application files that
are accessed using the Knowledge Provider in a secure are. In this case you must only define the data
carrier that can be used as a server or frontend computer.

Complete Work Step Execution

You must execute this step completely when you store original application files in a secure area
Using DMS and not using the Knowledge Provider

We recommend storage using only the Knowledge Provider. You decide whether original application files
are stored via Knowledge Provider when defining the document type (indicator Storage using Knowledge

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In this step, you define the following settings for data carriers:

Define data carrier type archive

Define archives
Define data carrier type vault
Define vaults
Define data carrier type server, frontend
This activity is done independently of the storage system that is run.

Define servers
Display frontends (entry is created automatically after dialog request)
Define external document management system
Define mount points / logical drives

Settings for Storage Systems

In this section you set the data for:

Storage systems
These are necessary when you want to store original data or additional data with the Knowledge Provider.
You set this in the step Define document type.

Mime types for full text search

Detailed information can be found in the SAP Library under the following path: Basis -> Basis-Services
/ Communication interface (BC-SRV) -> SAP Knowledge Provider (BC-SRV-KPR).

Maintain Storage System

In this work step you define storage systems. (Content Repository)


You use these as storage data for original application files and assigned additional files.

The system uses these storage systems for documents of document types that you want to store in the
Knowledge Provider. You store original application files in the Knowledge Provider by setting the
indicator to Knowledge Provider for document type active in the work step Define document type.


You can define the following storage systems:

SAP Database
HTTP Content Server (for example, fileserver, database, external archive)

Define the storage systems according to the instructions in Maintain Storage System.

Further notes

Detailed information can be found in the SAP Library under the following path: Basis -> Basis Services
/communication interface (BC-SRV) -> SAP Knowledge Provider (BC-SRV-KPR).

Maintain Storage Category

In this work step you set up one or more logical views (storage categories) for a storage system (content


You can store Original application files and assigned Additional files in a more structured way by using
several views.

You can minimize storage work by entering a default storage category in the user specific settings. Set the
indicator Knowledge Provider for document type active in the work step Define document type.


You can define the following categories for the storage system AR1 (archive 1), storage type HTTP content

AR1-1 (general information)

AR1-2 (training documents)
AR1-3 (test instructions)
When you want to store an original application file while processing the document info record you can
choose the storage category.


You have already maintained the storage system (work step Maintain storage system).


You can set up a new storage category for a storage system by choosing Edit -> New entries in change

You must create the storage category for the storage of original application files for the following
Document usage area: DMS (Storage category for document management).

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You can find more detailed information about the definition of storage systems in Maintain storage
systems. For more information on the definition of the storage system see also Maintain storage system.

Further notes

Detailed information can be found in the SAP Library under:

Basis -> Basis Services / communication interface (BC-SRV) -> SAP Knowledge Provider (BC-SRV-

Create MIME Types for Full-Text Search

In this work step you create all MIME types for file types that you want to be read when using the full text
search in Document Management. The full text search searches in the content of original application files
from file formats that you entered in this work step, such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel files.

The Content Server is also used by other applications and adds more data types that can be read. To
optimize the use of the Content Server for full text search with DMS you can restrict the number of file

The full text search using the content of the original application file can be started in the following
processing situations:

Standard SAP System: Function Find document

World Wide Web (WWW) Scenario Document Search @ Web

The full text search only reads original application files that are stored in the Knowledge Provider.

Standard settings

In the standard SAP System the following MIME types are delivered:



Enter the MIME types for the workstation applications whose original application files you want to be able
to be found using a full text search.

Further notes

In order to start the full text search you must make the following settings:
Set up indexing:
Start the transaction monitoring for Knowledge Provider (transaction code SKPR07).
Enter document class DMS_PCD1.
Select Edit -> Administration.
A dialog box appears where the following data is present:
Document area: DMS
Administration table: DMS1DIDSTA
Index possible for class: X -
Set the indicator: Setup indexing

Select the MIME types (in this work step).

Plan the full text search as a cyclical background process.
(Transaction code SM36, ABAP program RSTIRIDX - Report for indexing checked in documents)

Define Number Ranges for Vaults

In this step, you define internal number range 01 for vaults.

When you save the original application file to a vault, the file name will be generated from this number

In the standard SAP System, this setting exists already. Therefore you only have to carry out this step if
the definition of internal number range 01 is not correct.


If internal number range 01 is not maintained correctly, proceed as follows:

In the Number range field, enter the value 01.

Enter the lower and upper limits of the number range interval.
Save your settings.

Define Workstation Application

In this step, you make the following settings for workstation applications:

Define workstation applications

Define workstation applications in network
Define templates for original application files
Set up Microsoft Office Integration
You can set up link-server technology (LINK_SERV) or file-property technology (FILE_INF) as the
technology for data exchange for Office integration. If you set up FILE_INF, the system replaces all
SAPOLE links by file properties in originals that you open in change mode in a document info record.
You set up the technology for data exchange for a workstation application for each document type
and application type (display, change, print, and so on).

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Notes for the Viewer in the Standard SAP System
In this activity, you also make settings for the integrated viewer of the standard SAP system, a product of
Engineering Animation, Inc. (EAI).

You can use this viewer to display original application files for the following uses:

Processing a document info record

Displaying the product structure with the Product Structure Browser
Processing a product structure in the Engineering Workbench
Using the viewer, you can display various 2D and 3D formats, such as List of All TIFF Formats.

Settings for the Viewer

You must set up a viewer call if you want to use the viewer on a front-end computer with a standard
workstation application to view original application files.

See navigation step Define workstation application in network for information on how to do this.
The syntax for the call can be read using F1 help in the field Application (path and program name).

Set Up Workstation Application for Thumbnails (Images)


In this step, you define workstation applications for document types.

You can use these workstation applications in document management to display images that are assigned
to a document info record (DIR) as thumbnails.

The workstation applications are used for display per document type in the sequence defined.

When displaying thumbnails, the system first takes the first Customizing entry. If the document of this
document type has no image of this format, the system checks the next Customizing entry.

If there are no images with the formats defined in Customizing, no thumbnail is displayed.


You have defined document types.

You have defined workstation applications.


To define workstation applications for thumbnails, proceed as follows:

Choose New Entries.
Enter a document type and a workstation application.
If you have defined more than one entry for a document type, you can define the sequence in which the
system checks the entries and uses them to display thumbnails.
Place the cursor on an entry. In the structure, choose Change Sequence.
Use the arrow keys to move your entries to the position you require.
Save your entries.

Define Category for Mark-up


If you use the integrated viewer, you can carry out functions such as redlining.

The notes and comments (mark-ups) that you attach to an original application file are saved in a layer.
Mark-up categories serve as defining criteria for the layer. You can edit a layer precisely if you allocate
the layer to separate categories, such as engineering, and sales and distribution.
Authorization assignment for editing the layer happens using an authorization object in document
management (C_DRAW_MUP - Authorizations for Mark-ups).


You made the necessary settings for the viewer; Implementation Guide (IMG) Document
Management; under Define Workstation Application. Under the general settings


Enter the key for an object, as well as a descriptive short text in the logon language.

Start Processing for Documents

In this activity you can integrate enterprise-specific processes in the scenario Document Search on the

The enterprise-specific processes can be started from the results screen of the document search for one or
more documents. When you have entered several processes and started the function Start Process you
see a dialog box with the process list.


The interface for the function modules that control these enterprise-specific processes is predefined.

CV210_PROC01 (collection CV, function group CV210).

This function module has an interface for the integration of enterprise-specific processes.
DMS_PROC_DOC_DELETE (collection CV, function group CV100)
This function module is an example program. You can set the deletion indicator for selected

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If you integrate a number of enterprise-specific processes in the SAP system, you can adjust the list of
processes to match the current processing tasks for a user. There are two possibilities:

Activity Define Profile

You define a profile, to which you assign the selected processes. This selection applies for all users
who work with this profile in the SAP system.

Business Add-In DOCUMENT_PROC01 (Filter for DMS Processes)

This Business Add-In defines an interface that controls the selection of enterprise-specific processes
in the SAP system.


Select the navigation step Assign Process on the overview screen and then New Entries.
Enter the key for the process as well as a descriptive short text in the logon language.
Select the process type. You thereby define whether a process can be started in the SAP system or in a
Web scenario.
Assign a numerical value for the sequence. If you enter several processes these are sorted according to this
sequence in the process list.
Enter the function module that is to be started from the results list.
Save the assignment and go back to the overview screen.
If you want to enter a short text in another language, perform the navigation step Language-Dependent

Define Profile

In this work step you define profiles that combine default values and settings for processing original
application files.

The background information in a profile is standard information that are often required in similar
constellations for processing original application files.


It is best to assign only one role or a user to a profile.


Carry out the following activities:

Create the name and description of the profile.

Carry out the step Assign role/user to profile.
You can assign a profile to one role as well as one or several users.

Select a profile and carry out the step Create default values.
Enter, for example, the following default values for the application. These are the values you want when
processing an original application file:
Workstation application that you want to automatically start when printing or displaying a document.
The working directory you want to copy the original applications files to. The original application files
Are automatically saved when a specified status is set
Were already stored in a secure area and you want to continue processing.
The storage category for storing the original application file using Knowledge Provider.
. Save the settings.

Define Laboratories/Design Offices

In this step, you can define which laboratories/design offices or which persons/groups of people are
responsible for specific document info records. You can then use the entries you define when maintaining
document info records.


The "laboratories" and "offices" are also used by other areas, such as Materials Management. For this
reason, do not delete any entries you did not make yourself.


Define areas of responsibility according to your requirements.

Maintain CAD Systems

In this step, you define the CAD systems you use. This definition is only used for information purposes.


Enter the CAD systems used in your company.


The settings for the CAD interface are in Customizing under Cross-application components -> CAD

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

BAdI: Enhancements for List Layout for Linked Documents

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This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the PLM Document Management (PLM-DMS) component.

You can use this BADI to enhance the columns and change the layout of the linked documents list.

This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot ES_CV_NEW.

This BAdI definition uses the standard interface IF_DOCUMENT_OBJECT_LINKS_GUI.

The following methods have been defined in the BAdI:

This method can be used to change the Object Links output table data

This method can be used to add buttons to the toolbar of linked document object links.

This method can be used to handle the user command of added buttons in the toolbar via method:

For more information about the BAdI is used, see SAP Note 207722

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single use, or multiple use), see the Enh. Spot
Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

This BAdI is designed for single use.

This BAdI is filter-independent.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.

Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of

Method>. And end method. Statements.

Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.

BAdI: Maintain Settings for DMS Enhancements


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the PLM Document Management (PLMYou can use this
BAdI to enable or disable the DMS enhancements Oder zu deaktivieren.
This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot ES_CV_NEW.

This BAdI definition uses the standard interface IF_EX_DOCUMENT_SWITCH_CHECK.

The following methods have been defined in the BAdI:


This method can be used get all the switches with their statuses.

For more information about using the BAdI, see SAP Note 2226202.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

This BAdI is designed for single use.

The BAdI is not filter-dependent.


After you call the Customizing activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations have already been created for this BAdI, a dialog box is displayed in which the existing
implementations are listed. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the BAdI and choose Create. The system displays
the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short text for the implementation in the Short Text for Implementation field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the BAdI to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.
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Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>. And end
method. Statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen. Note: You can also
create an implementation for a BAdI and not activate it until later. If you want to do this, do not carry
out the following step:
Choose Activate. When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method
you wrote.
For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
Net Weaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Enhancements for Thumbnails (Images)


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to control the attributes of thumbnails in document management.

Standard settings

As standard, this Business Add-In is active. The default code runs automatically.
This Business Add-In can be used multiple times. All active implementations are called and executed.
The Business Add-In is filter dependent.
All results are filled automatically and are sent to the BAdI for changes. If no change is made, the default
data is displayed automatically.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.
Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of
Method>. And end method. Statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.


See also:


Text Displayed with Thumbnail (Overview)

Change URL for Displaying Thumbnail


BAdI: Enhancements for Easy Attachment Upload


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the PLM Document Management (PLM-DMS) component.

You can use this BAdI to enhance the behaviour of easy document upload functionality. This BAdI is
called when you use easy document upload functionality to attach originals to existing ERP objects
supported by Document Management System (DMS).

This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot ES_CV_NEW.

This BAdI definition uses the standard interface IF_EX_EASY_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD.

The following methods have been defined in the BAdI:

Prefills values for various document keys and other mandatory fields.

Controls the fields in the document key input pop-up (enabled, read only, and invisible), controls the
append document behaviour, and modifies the acceptable document types for objects.

Suppresses or adds warning messages and controls the program flow.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enh. Spot
Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

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This BAdI is designed for single use.

The BAdI is not filter-dependent.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.

Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of

Method>. And end method. Statements.

Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.


BAdI: Indexing of Document Originals in Enterprise Search


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the PLM Document Management (PLM-DMS)

You can use this BAdI to filter/restrict the indexing of document originals in TREX. This BAdI is called
when indexing starts for document object (DOCUM_INFO_REC) in enterprise search.

This BAdI definition uses the standard interface IF_EX_DIR_INDX_ORIGINALS.

You can implement the method INDEX_ORIGINALS and set following exporting parameter.

This flag determines whether originals need to be indexed or not. Activate this flag if all originals
need to be indexed, else unset it.
This is a range table and it supplies valid application types. So the indexing of original will be based
on supplied application types.

This is a range table and it supplies valid storage locations. So the indexing of original will be based
on supplied storage locations.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single use, or multiple use), see the Enh. Spot
Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

This BAdI is not active in the standard system.

This BAdI is designed for single use.

This BAdI is filter-independent.

If there is no active implementation in the system then all originals get indexed by default in TREX via
enterprise search indexing mechanism.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.
Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of
Method>. And end method. Statements.

Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.

For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
Net Weaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also

Example BAdI implementation class is CL_EX_IM_ESH_INDEX_ORIGINALS.

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Reference SAP Note: 111926 (To filter indexing of originals based on MIME type)

BAdI: Change Document Status (can be used more than once)


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Document Management (CA-DMS) component.

This BAdI enables you to overwrite the SAP standard system response for manually setting or deleting the
document status. This BAdI can be used several times, for example, to implement additional authorization
checks that check whether a user is authorized to set a new status or delete the current status when the
document status is changed.

If you want to cancel the status change in the Business-Add-In method (BAdI method)
AFTER_CHANGE_STATUS, trigger the exception CANCEL.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple use), see the Enhancement Spot
Element Definitions tab page in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).


For information on how to implement the BAdIs in the enhancement framework, see the SAP Library of
the SAP Net Weaver Platform on the SAP Help portal at Choose a
Release and then Application Help. In the SAP Library, choose SAP Net Weaver library: Function-Based
View --> Application Server -->
Application Server ABAP --> Application Development on AS ABAP --> ABAP Customer Development --
> Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Enhancements for Document Search Results


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Cross Applications-Document Management System (CA-
DMS) component.

You can use this BAdI to enhance the document search results by choosing the button Enhance
List on the screen Document List after Selection (on choosing Execute in transaction

This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot ES_CV_NEW.

This BAdI definition uses the standard interface IF_DOC_SEARCH_RESULT_ENH The

following method is defined in the BAdI:

This method can be used to enhance the ALV field catalog and the corresponding output list table.
This method will be invoked on choosing the button Enhance List on the screen Document List after
Selection (on choosing Execute in transaction CV04n).

This method uses the following parameters:

Importing Parameter:
This parameter contains document entries from the search result of the type

This parameter contains a list of document entries from the search result along with classification

Exporting Parameter:
This parameter returns the list that is enhanced on the IT_OUTTAB table.

Changing Parameter:
This parameter contains a field catalog of type FOUNDDRAW along with classification data. You use
this parameter to return the enhanced list with new columns.

This method should be used only to add new columns to the ALV output list.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

This BAdI is designed for single use.

The BAdI is not filter-dependent.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.

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If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.

Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of

Method>. And end method. Statements.

Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.

BAdI: Enhancements for Selection Criteria in Document Search

This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the PLM Document Management (PLM-DMS) component.

You can use this BAdI to enhance the selection criteria in document search by choosing the button
Additional Selections on the Find Document: Selection Criteria screen (transaction CV04n).

This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot ES_CV_NEW.

This BAdI definition uses the standard interface IF_DOCUMENT_DYNAMIC_SELECT.

The following methods have been defined in the BAdI:

This method can be used to add additional fields for search criteria in the transaction CV04n.
This method is invoked by choosing the button Additional Selections on the Find Document:
Selection Criteria screen.

This method can be used to write queries for the additional search criteria added using the method
If you have added additional fields from the following tables, it is not mandatory to implement the

DRAW (Document Data)

DRAD (Object Links)
DRAT (Short Texts)

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).
This BAdI is designed for single use.

The BAdI is not filter-dependent


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.

Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of

Method>. And end method. Statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.

Integration with SAP Mobile Documents

Profile Settings for SAP Mobile Documents


In this work step, you define profiles in SAP Mobile Documents repository for DMS "CMIS_DMS".
You maintain default settings for document type, folder type, storage category, and settings to display
public folder, private folder, and classification. You also maintain filter settings for document types and
workstation applications.


It is best to assign only one role to a profile.

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Carry out the following activities:

Create the name and description of the profile.

Assign a role to the entered profile.

If you have no roles assigned to you, you can select the option Default for this profile
For it to be assigned by default to you.
It is best to assign only one profile as default

Select a profile and double-click to maintain settings for the profile.

Enter the following default values for the profile:
Document Type
Folder Type
Storage Category

If you want the public folder to be displayed for this profile, select the Show Public Folder checkbox.
If you want the private folder to be displayed for this profile, select the Show Private Folder checkbox.
If you want the classification details to be displayed for this profile, select the Show Classification
Maintain filter settings for document type and workstation application.
Save the settings.

Business Add-Ins (BADI)

BAdI: Enhancements for SAP Mobile Documents


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Cross Application Document Management (CA-DMS)

You can use this BADI to enhance the following features of SAP mobile documents:

Hierarchy structure of SAP mobile documents

Default storage category to create document
Root folders of the hierarchy
Document name
This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot ES_DMS_MDOC This BAdI
definition uses the standard interface IF_EX_DMS_MDOC the following
methods have been defined in the BAdI:
This method is used to customize the hierarchy structure of SAP Mobile documents. By default
the public and private folders of user appears as in document browser transaction.
If the user wants to modify the folder structure depending on his work requirements, this BADI
method can be implemented.

This method uses the following parameters: Importing

This parameter contains SAP mobile documents profile information.
This parameter contains the document info record (DIR) information of the top most folder in the
Changing Parameters:
This parameter returns the original application files for the DIR key.
This parameter returns the hierarchy structure for the DIR key.

This method is used to change the storage category during the creation of a document. The default
storage category is the value maintained in the Customizing Profile Settings for
SAP Mobile Documents under Cross Applications-> Document Management-> Integration with
SAP Mobile Documents

This method uses the following parameters: Importing

This parameter contains SAP mobile documents profile information. Changing
This parameter returns the updated storage category.
This method is used to modify the root folders in mobile document repository.
This method uses the following parameters: Importing
This parameter contains SAP mobile documents profile information. Changing
This parameter returns the document keys for all the root folders.

This method allows you to customize the name of the files that appears on the user interface.
This method uses the following parameters: Importing

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This parameter contains the document info record (DIR) information of folders.
This parameter contains the document info record (DIR) information of files. Changing
This parameter returns the customized name of the file.

Document Distribution

You make required settings for document distribution here.

General Settings

Here you make the settings that are required (from a technical point of view) for document distribution.

Platform-Independent File Names

Maintain File Names and File Paths Across all Clients

Note for document distribution

You require a global directory that is accessible from all platforms (for example, UNIX, Windows NT) for
document distribution. The documents that are to be distributed are stored temporarily in this directory.

You require directory DOCUMENT_DISTRIBUTION for document distribution. All the settings that you
need for this directory are available in the in the standard system.

General notes
This activity (transaction FILE) is for cross-client maintenance of logical filenames and file paths and
includes the following:

Logical file path definition

Assignment of physical paths to logical path
Logical file name definition, cross-client
Definition of variables
Syntax group definition
Assignment of operating system to syntax group
Choose one of these in the navigation area of the screen to see the corresponding view of the values to be
maintained. You can examine existing entries and enter new values. Depending on the data you need to
maintain, you can either work in the overview or you may need to go to the details view by pressing F2 or
the "Details" push button in the application toolbar.


Release 3.0C introduces cross-client logical filename maintenance. In addition to cross-client maintenance
you can still choose to maintain filenames for a specific client. You must maintain a logical filename across
clients before you can maintain it for one client. Then you can maintain it for particular clients as required.

Use program RSFILE01 to transfer filenames from the client-specific maintenance (available before
Release 3.0C) to cross-client maintenance. Client-specific data is not affected.


Verify that existing definitions meet your needs.

Change the definitions (and, if necessary, the structure of your file system).
If necessary, define additional filenames and paths.
SAP Business Workflow

In this work step you make all the settings required to adapt the SAP standard tasks and Workflow
templates for document distribution.


You must check that you have fully completed Basis Customizing for the application component WFM
(Workflow Management).

Activate Event-Type Linkage

You can set up your system so that a standard task or Workflow template can be started as a reaction to
events in Document Management. Specific events can also be defined as triggering events for the standard
task or the Workflow template.

You only need to activate the link between the triggering event and the task if you really want to construct
the link the link between event and standard task or Workflow template as suggested by SAP.


If you perform this work step, you automatically activate all event type links that are available for
Document Management.

Allocate Tasks to Persons Responsible

You must enter your possible persons responsible for each single step task in order to clearly define
responsibilities for processing purposes.

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Choose a standard task for processing.

Allocate the standard task to the persons responsible. This allocation determines the total number of
people that are allowed to process this task.
Enter all the people who could be responsible. For
example, choose the following types:

Organizational unit
Work center
You can make multiple allocations.

Alternatively, you can also classify a standard task as a "general task".

Verify Workflow Customizing

In this work step, you check the settings for Workflow Customizing. These settings affect all application

The work steps are divided into two areas:

Run time system

Development environment
The status tells you whether Customizing for the appropriate area is complete.
You can correct settings that contain errors by calling the work step directly. There is separate help for
each work step (information button).


Correct the settings that contain errors by executing the appropriate work step.

Make Office Settings for Business Workplace

In this work step, you make settings for the SAP office user. For example, in the Send part, you make
settings to determine which communication types are allowed for the distribution.
SAP connect

SAP connect provides a uniform interface for communication between SAP systems and external
communication systems.

This work step includes Customizing and configuration of the SAP connect interface. You can find out
more about special features, concepts and also examples in the SAP Library under BC Basis -> Basis-
Services / Communication interfaces -> Communication interface -> SAP connect).

Display System Status

You receive evaluation statistics for the distributed documents in this work step. The evaluation is for the
current SAP system.

Define Conversion

This work step is required if you want to print original application files (for example, attachments to a SAP
Office mail). The format of the original application files (for example, TIFF) must be converted to a format
that the printer can handle (for example, Postscript).

In this work step you define which function modules you use to convert the format.


Create a function module for the required format conversion. You can use the function modules delivered
with the standard system as templates to copy from.

Standard settings

The following function modules, for example, are delivered for the conversion:

Format Target format Function module


This function module changes the object CONTENT_IN from format ALI (ABAP/4 list output) to
format RAW (ASCII text without formatting information).


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This function module changes object CONTENT_IN form OTF format (SAP script output text format)
to a printer-specific format.


Enter the source and target format for the conversion. Enter the function module that is to perform the

Manage Spool Administration

Number Ranges

You define the number ranges for the objects that are relevant to document distribution here.

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Maintain Number Range for Distribution Order ID

You define the internal number range 01 for the distribution order ID in this work step. When you create
a distribution order, the order numbers are generated from these number ranges.

This setting already exists in the standard system. You therefore only need to perform above if the internal
number range definition 01 is incorrect.


If the internal number range 01 has been incorrectly maintained, proceed as follows:

Enter the value 01 in the Number range number field.

Enter the lower and upper limit for the number range interval.
Save these settings.

Maintain Number Range for Initial Order ID

You define the internal number range 01 for the initial order ID in this work step.
When an initial order is created, the order numbers are generated from this number range.

This setting already exists in the standard system. You therefore only need to execute the above if the
internal number range 01 definition is incorrect.


If the internal number range 01 has not been correctly maintained, proceed as follows:

Enter the value 01 in the Number range number field.

Enter a lower and upper limit for the number range interval.
Save these settings.
Maintain Number Range for Distribution Order Package ID

You define the internal number range 01 for the distribution order package in this work step. When a
distribution order package is created, the order numbers are generated from this number range.

This setting already exists in the standard system. You therefore only need to execute the above if the
internal number range 01 definition is incorrect.

If the internal number range 01 has not been correctly maintained, proceed as follows:

Enter the value 01 in the Number range number field.

Enter a lower and upper limit for the number range interval.
Save these settings.

Maintain Number Range for Partial Order ID

You define the internal number range 01 for the partial (or part) order ID in this work step. When a partial
order is created, the order numbers are generated from this number range.

This setting already exists in the standard system. You therefore only need to execute the above if the
internal number range 01 definition is incorrect.


If the internal number range 01 has not been correctly maintained, proceed as follows:

Enter the value 01 in the Number range number field.

Enter a lower and upper limit for the number range interval.
Save these settings.
Maintain Number Range for Original Application Files

You define the internal number range 01 for the original application files in this work step. When the
original files are transferred to an application server or an external computer, the order numbers are
generated from this number range.

This setting already exists in the standard system. You therefore only need to perform the above if the
internal number range 01 definition is incorrect.


If the internal number range 01 has not been correctly maintained, proceed as follows:

Enter the value 01 in the Number range number field.

Enter an upper and lower limit for the number range interval.
Save these settings.

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Maintain Number Range for Recipient Lists

You define the internal number range 01 for the recipient lists in this work step.
When the recipient lists are created, the numbers are generated from this number range.

This setting already exists in the standard system. You therefore only need to perform the above if the
internal number range 01 definition is incorrect.


If the internal number range 01 has not been correctly maintained, proceed as follows:
Enter the value 01 in the Number range number field.
Enter an upper and lower limit for the number range interval.
Save these settings.


You make settings for the Context here.

Define Context

You define the context for the document distribution in this work step.
For example, you define whether the documents are to be distributed immediately or later by a background


If you want to maintain enterprise specific additional data for the distribution you must make settings in

Create characteristics for the additional data (for example, format).

Create the class (class type 170). Allocate the characteristics for the additional data to the class.

Proceed as follows:

Choose New Entries.

Enter a key for the context.
Create a language dependent description for the context (logon language).
Decide whether the following operations should take place:
Distribution of a confirmation of receipt
Check output
Distribute document immediately
If you want to create enterprise-specific additional data at the start of distribution that are printed on the
cover sheet of the distribution order you must enter the following data: Class type 170 Class that has
the appropriate characteristics

Further notes

Allocate the context to an event (work step: Allocate context to an event.

Describe Context

You describe the context language-dependently in this work step.


You must have defined the context (work step: Define context.

Standard settings

The system copies the contexts that you have defined in the log-on language.


If you want to add descriptions in other languages, proceed as follows:

Choose new entries.

Enter the language key.
Enter the key for the context that you want to describe.
Enter your descriptive text in the chosen language.

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Assign Context to an Event

In this work step, you allocate a context to an event that is defined in SAP Business
Workflow. If the event takes place, the system automatically starts the distribution process using
The context that has been set.

Standard settings

The following events are defined in the <DS: GLOS.Business ObjectRepository>BOR for documents that
are relevant to document distribution:



Execute the following steps:

Choose new entries.

Enter the data for the event:
Object type that describes an object generically in SAP Business Workflow (for example: DRAW
for document info record).
Event for which the distribution should be automatically started
Enter the context for which the distribution should be automatically started.

Distribution Type

You make settings for the Distribution types here.

Define Distribution Types

In this work step, you define the distribution types for which the original application files are copied to a
pre-defined computer. This procedure is relevant to the following distribution types:

HTP Internet
ORI Post (output of originals)
PLO Plot
You can make some company-specific settings to adapt the distribution types from the standard system to
meet your own requirements.
If you want to process the files on an application server (value 2), you must have set up the application
server correctly in Customizing Basis -> System administration -> Platform-independent file names.

Perform the following: Maintain file names and file paths independently of client.
Maintain the logical path name DOCUMENT_DISTRIBUTION for the document distribution.

Standard settings

There are the following distribution types for document distribution in the standard system:

Key Meaning
INT E-mail
LET Post (without output of originals)
PRI Print
RMA SAP office mail (originals as attachment)
RML SAP office mail (BOR objects as attachment)

There are the following forms in the standard system:

Form Usage
DDS_COVER_PAGE Cover sheet 1
DDS_COVER_ORI Cover sheet 2
DDS_RECEIPT Confirmation of receipt


Create distribution types

Enter the following distribution types:

HTP - Internet
ORI - Post (output of originals)
PLO - Plot
You can enter the following data for these three distribution types:

Communication type for central address management:

HTP (Internet): INT (Internet)
ORI (Post as output for originals): LET (Post)
PLO (Plot): PRT (Print using plotter)
Processing original files: Value 3 (Transfer to the appropriate computer)
Enter the DDS computer and the path.
Enter the following SAP script forms:
Form for cover sheet: DDS_COVER_ORI
Form for confirmation of receipt: DDS_RECEIPT
You can adapt all the other data to suit your company's needs.
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Change distribution types
You can adapt the settings for the distribution types (FAX, INT, LET, PRT, RMA, and RML) to suit your
company's needs. You should not change the allocated communication type for CAM, but you can change
all the other data to meet your requirements.

Choose the distribution type that you want to process.

Go to the detail screen.
If required, change the distribution type indicators, or the settings for the distribution point.

Further notes

All the distribution types for document distribution are based on the communication types from central
address management (CAM).

You must make further steps for a distribution type that:

You have created/added.

Execute the following work step: Define USER exit for distribution types.

An original application file should be printed for.

Execute the following work steps: Define conversion.

Describe Distribution Types

You define the distribution type language-dependently in this work step.


You must have already defined the distribution type (work step: Define distribution type.

Standard settings

The system automatically makes the following entries:

Distribution types that are made available in the standard system

Distribution types that you have defined in the logon language

Execute the following steps if you want to add a description in another language:

Choose new entries.

Enter the language key.
Enter the key for the distribution type that you want to describe language-dependently.
Enter the description in your chosen language.
Generation of Distribution Order Packages

In this work step, you define a function module for each distribution type. This function module generates
the distribution order packages.

You are not required to do anything in the standard system. The function modules already exist for all
distribution types that are delivered in the standard system. These function modules are allocated to the
distribution type.


For new distribution types:

You have defined the new, enterprise-specific distribution type. (Step Define distribution type).

You have created the function module for the generation of the distribution order package in the Function

Standard settings

There are the following function modules for the distribution types in the standard system:

Distribution type Function module

COV (Post - print document CVV4_GENERATE_ORI list)



LET (Post without output of originals) CVV4_GENERATE_ORI

ORI (Post - retrieval of originals) CVV4_GENERATE_ORI


RMA (SAP office mail originals CVV4_GENERATE_RMA
as attachment)
BOR objects as attachment)


You are not required to do anything in the standard system.

If you have defined new distribution types, you must enter the function module that the
distribution order packages are created in. In this case, proceed as follows:

Choose new entries.

Enter a key for the distribution type and the function module.

WHATSAPP +255738656506
Medium you make settings for the medium here.

Define Medium

You define the medium that the recipient should receive the document on in this work step.


Choose new entries.

Enter a key for the medium.
Enter a language-dependent description for the medium (logon language).

Further notes

Allocate the medium to a communication type (work step: Allocate medium to a communication type.

Describe Medium

You describe the medium language-dependently in this work step.


You must have already defined the medium (work step: Define medium.

Standard settings

The system copies the media that you have defined in the logon language.


Perform the following if you want to add a description in other languages:

Choose new entries.

Enter the language key.
Enter the key for the medium that you want to describe language- dependently.
Enter the description in your chosen language.
Assign Medium to Distribution Type

You allocate the medium to a distribution type in this work step.


The paper format medium A0 is supported for the distribution type PLO (plotter); the DISC medium for
the distribution type ORI (post with original output).

Choose new entries.

Enter the distribution type.
Enter the medium that the recipient should receive the document on.
Define whether the medium should be used as default medium for the chosen distribution type.

Copy Type

You make the settings for the Copy type here.

Define Copy Type

In this work step, you define the copy types for the documents that the recipients receive.

The copy type is entered in the recipient list and the distribution order for information purposes.


Choose new entries.

Enter a key for the copy type.
Enter a language-dependent description for the copy type (in log-on language).

Describe Copy Type

You describe the copy types language-dependently in this work step.

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You must have defined the copy type (work step: Define copy types.

Standard settings

The system copies the copy types that you have defined in the log-on language.


Proceed as follows if you want to add descriptions in other languages:

Choose New entries.

Enter the language key.
Enter the key of the copy type that you want to describe language- dependently.
Enter the description in your chosen language.

Define Plotter

In this work step, you define the plotter for a chosen communication type.


Choose New entries.

Enter a key for the Communication type.
Enter a plotter.
The possible entries help shows you all the devices that are available in the network.

Conversion of Original Application Files

In order for you to visualize your products within the area of PDM SAP has included a viewer from
Engineering Animation, Inc. (EAI) as part of the standard SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI).
This integrated viewer as well as other visualization programs can only display product information in
particular file formats. For this reason it is necessary to convert the source file into a format that can be
displayed by the viewer.
In the standard SAP System, the conversion of original application files of a document info record is
controlled by a conversion interface. You can also set at which processing status a conversion is to be
automatically carried out. A conversion specification summarizes all information in regards to conversions.

You use the following activities to make settings:

Maintain converter
Define conversion

Maintain Converter

Maintain data for converter

Maintain your general data for the converter in this work step.


Execute the following work steps:

Enter a Conversion Server Name (for example, CONV-01).

Enter the Number for the converter if the same converter program is installed on various computers.
Enter the following destinations:
Converter RFC Destination (optional) this destination is relevant for calling the converter.
RFC Destination for ConvUtil (obligatory)
This destination is relevant for calling the help program sap_conv_util.

RFC Destination for sapftp (optional)

This destination is relevant for calling the program sapftp.

You may set a Status for the Conversion Server.

The system creates an Error Number for Conversion after status check. You do not have to edit the
error number.

Further notes

Before installing the converter with help from the documentation of the supplier, read the notes and
recommendations from SAP. You can find these in the

SAP Library under the path: CA - Cross-Application Components -> Document Management (CA-
DMS) -> Conversion.

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Define Conversion

Determine conversion
In this work step you determine detailed data for conversion:

Converter specification
Parameters for conversion
Converter specification
Create a name for the converter specification.
Enter the WS Application that you used to create the source format, and also that you want to convert to
another format.
Enter the Target format that you want the WS Application to convert to.
Enter the name of the converter.
Enter which document types and document status you want to be converted automatically.
Set one of the following indicators as necassary:
General local files
Local files
Enter the storage category where you want the converted original application files to be checked in.
Select the language you want the converter to display error messages in.
If the files must be checked out before conversion set the path using the indicator to Check out files
according to original path.
Select the directory where you are checking the files out to.
You can also set limits for how long the conversion should take:
Earliest time point for starting the conversion
Delay of start of the batch job in abnormal time
Maximum wait for conversion (in hours)
Maximum wait for conversion (in days)
Time limit for converter in minutes
You can use the following settings control system behaviour after conversion:
Delete input files
Delete output files
Scope of messages
Expiration date of appl. log (in days after created)
Scope of conversion structure
You can enter parameters for the conversion: - Absolute epsilon for comparing distances
Absolute epsilon for comparing angles
Parameters for conversion
Select the conversion specifications as parameters and parameter values that you want to transfer to the

Enter parameters and parameter values based on the converter documentation.

Converter Installation
Before installing the converter based on the documentation of the supplier read the notes and
recommendations from SAP. There are in the SAP Library under the path: CA -
Cross-Application Components -> Document Management (CA-DMS) -> Conversion.

Maintain Location-Dependent Conversion Data

Maintain Location-Dependent Conversion

Original application files are saved in different storage categories. Conversion takes place on different
servers. To avoid system load or to improve performance, determine in this process step which converter
is to be used dependent on the storage category.

If you do not make any entries in this activity, the conversion takes place with a converter selected at


Example 1:

There is exactly one entry: Converter:

Storage Category: GERMANY
Priority: 10
Smallest Number: 100
Largest Number: 120

If no converter is available with a number between 100 and 120, the program waits until the queue time
has expired. After the queue time has been expired, the conversion program is terminated.

Example 2:

In addition to the entry from the first example, the following entry exists:
Converter: EXEL2TIFF
Storage Category: GERMANY
Priority: 0
Smallest Number: 000
Largest Number: 999

If no converter is available with a number between 100 and 120, a converter is chosen at random.

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Carry out the following steps:

Enter the Conversion Server Name.

You determined the conversion program for this converter in activity Maintain Converter.
Enter the storage category in which the original application files are stored.
If you maintain several entries, enter a priority. The conversion program determines the converter
according to the highest priority and Number of the Attached Converter.
Enter the interval in which the converter is to be determined. Enter the
Minimum Number of the Attached Converter for the lower limit.
Maximum Number of the Attached Converter for the upper limit.

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

BAdI: Internal Converter


This Business Add-In (BAdI) enables the use of converters that are implemented in the SAP

Standard settings

As standard, the Business Add-In is active. The default code runs automatically.
The Business Add-In can be used multiple times. All active implementations are called and executed.
The Business Add-In is filter dependent.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.
Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of
Method>. And end method. Statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.


The following implementations show the possible uses:

See also:


Check-In of the Result Originals

Check-Out of the Result Originals
Check RFC Destination
Check Existence of Checked Out Files
Create Directory in (Virtual) File System - Delete Directory in (Virtual) File System
Return Directory Separator for (Virtual) File System
Close Open RFC Connections
Start Conversion


BAdI: Switch Conversion to Workflow


You can call this Business Add-In (BAdI) when converting original application files for document info
records. This activates processing with workflow.

If this BAdI is active with implementation I_CONV_SWITCH_TO_WF, the system uses workflow
processing instead of the job logic for converting original application files.

This means that the job queue is no longer blocked by conversion jobs, and the load on the conversion
servers is optimized.

You can monitor the conversion entries in database table CONV_FILE.

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If you want to implement this BAdI, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

You have defined the Customizing settings for Conversion in Customizing for Document Management
under Conversion of Original Application Files.
You have defined the Customizing settings for Workflow in Customizing for SAP Web Application Server
Customizing under Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow.
The tasks of the three workflows (see SAP Note 687 199) must be classified as general tasks (transaction

Standard settings

As standard, this Business Add-In is not active.

This BAdI can be used multiple times.
The BAdI is not filter dependent.
Standard implementation I_CONV_SWITCH_TO_WF is delivered for the BAdI.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.

Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of

Method>. And end method. Statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.


See also:

Activate Workflow

SAP Note

BAdI: Selection of Customer-Specific Slave Workflow


You can call this Business Add-In (BAdI) when converting original application files for document info
records. This lets you call a customer-specific slave workflow and make customer-specific adjustments
after each conversion.


The BAdI CONV_SWITCH_TO_WF must be active.

You have defined the Customizing settings for Conversion in Customizing for Document Management
under Conversion of Original Application Files.
You have defined the Customizing settings for Workflow in Customizing for SAP Web Application Server
Customizing under Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow.
The tasks of the three workflows (see SAP Note 687 199) must be classified as general tasks (transaction

Standard settings

As standard, this Business Add-In is not active.

This BAdI can be used multiple times.
The BAdI is not filter dependent.
No standard implementations are delivered for the BAdI.


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.

Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of

Method>. And end method. Statements.
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Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.


See also:


Set Slave Workflow

Update or Delete Entry in CONV_FILE



SAP Note

687 199

Visual Enterprise Generator

Map VEG Instance to Logical Port


In this Customizing activity, you map the Visual Enterprise Generator (VEG) instance to the logical port
defined for the web services.

Maintain Conversion Trigger


In this Customizing activity, you maintain the document status at which the conversion or registration is
triggered automatically or manually for a particular document type.


Specify the Document Type for conversion.

Specify the Sequence number that uniquely identifies the Customizing entries when document type and
application type are same.
Specify the Previous Document Status of a document for registering the document for conversion.
Specify the Document Status. This will either trigger conversion or registration for matching document
Select Auto Start if you want the registration of the documents belonging to a particular document type to
be done automatically.
Specify one of the following Conversion Mode to be triggered:
Single File for a part file.
Actual for an assembly conversion.
Latest Released for an assembly conversion. Conversion is triggered for the document structure that
is attached to the input document. All the child documents will be replaced by their latest
released version correspondingly.
Single File Template if you want to tag business data to the converted file. Selecting this option allows
you to convert an rh file into a pdf format that contains the relevant business data.
File with Dependency if you want to convert CAD files having dependent files that are required for
Latest in Structure for an assembly conversion. Conversion is triggered for the document structure
that is attached to the input document. If there is a document that is repeated across several sub-
assemblies in the document structure, then all the instances of such a document will be replaced
by the highest version in document structure of this document.
Latest Version for an assembly conversion. Conversion is triggered for the document structure that is
attached to the input document. All the child documents will be replaced by their latest version
in the system correspondingly.
User Defined for controlling the behaviour of explosion of Bill of Documents by
Implementing BADI CDESK_SRV_DIR_STR of Enhancement Spot PLM_CDESK_SRV.

The Instance you specify determines the SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Generator's server logical port where
conversion occurs. Note that VEG instance should be same as VEG server instance. You can see the
settings in Customizing for Map VEG Instance to Logical Port under Cross-Application Components
-> Document Management -> Visual Enterprise Generator.
Specify the Configuration ID based on the mode of conversion. This determines the format of the output

Map Storage Category to VEG Application Server


In this Customizing activity, you map the storage category to a Visual Enterprise Generator (VEG)
application server.

Based on the storage category of the document, the system picks the VEG application server for
conversion. This enables the load balancing scenario.

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Define Tag Category


In this Customizing activity, you define the tag categories and enter their descriptions. Tag categories allow
you to define a logical grouping of the business data of an object that is relevant to a particular category.
Map Tag Name to Tag Category


In this Customizing activity, you group business data of a business object that belongs to a category. This
enables you to add the relevant business data associated with an object into the RH file.


You have defined tag categories.

Map BCV Tag to Tag Name


In this Customizing activity, you map BCV tag to a tag name.

The mapped BCV tag reads the value of the tag name and enables the system to display the analytical data
of an object in the BCV side panel.

Maintain Tag Mapping


In this Customizing activity, you map the tag data and tag names to a document type and SAP business
object. This mapping enables you to have tagging information for the converted file.


You have made the customizing settings for the following activities under Cross-Application
Components -> Document Management -> Visual Enterprise Generator:
Maintain Tag Category
Map Tag Name to Tag Category

Maintain Application Usage


In this Customizing activity you specify the applications for which the search sequence to view a viewable
file for a document is defined.

Define Search Sequence for Viewable File


In this Customizing activity, you define the search sequence for choosing files from SAP objects to be
displayed as a thumbnail, in the Viewer, and so on. For example, you can view the RH file of a material in
the Viewer.

You can also define the search sequence that must be used for an application.

You can link a file from an SAP object to documents and display them as either thumbnails, or in the


Enter the SAP object that you want to display as thumbnail or in the Viewer in the SAP Objects field.
Choose the viewing application in which the file must be displayed in the Viewing Application field.
Enter the SAP application for which the search sequence is applicable in the Usage field.
Enter the sequence number that the system uses when searching for files in the Sequence field.
Enter the document type of the object that you want to display in the Document Type field.
Enter the application type of the file for displaying the object in the Application field.
Enter the status of the file at which it can be used to display the object in the Status field.

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Define Profile for Excluding Viewer Actions


In this Customizing activity, you can define a profile for excluding context menu actions from the Viewer.
This profile can be linked to an application and to a role.

You can set only one profile as default. If no application or role-specific profile is maintained, the default
profile picks up the actions to be excluded from the Viewer.

Maintain Filter Profile for Metadata Extraction


In this Customizing activity, you maintain tag categories of the original application files that are to be
cached in SAP ERP using the Metadata Extract conversion mode.

Activate Service Binding to Access Web Service


In this Customizing activity, you run the report DMS_SERVICE_SC_DEPLOY. This report activates the
service binding required to access a web service.

You run this report only when you start or change the simple service configurations for the following

DocFileLinkCheckInRequest_In Document Check in request



In SOAMANGER you have created a simple service configuration for the services. Ensure that you have
selected X09 Client Certificate. This is required as the services work only through certificate exchange
between SAP systems and Visual Enterprise Generator.


If the report run is not successful, system displays an error message.

Business Add-Ins

BAdI: Registration Logic for Conversion of Original Appl. Files in



This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the DMS Integration for Viewer/CAD Integration (CA-DMS-
CNV) component. You can use this BAdI to define the logic used to register a document's info record for
file conversion. You call this BAdI in the document management conversion process.

The method REGISTRATION_LOGIC is required to define the logic for registration of document info
Standard settings

As standard, the Business Add-In is active. The default code runs automatically.
The Business Add-In can be used multiple times. All active implementations are called and executed.
The Business Add-In is filter dependent.
For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

BAdI Implementations
DMS_ES_DOC_REG BAdI: Registration Logic for Conversion of Original Appl. Files in DMS

This implementation checks if the document type of document info record is customized for file


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP
Library for SAP Net Weaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Batch Job for Starting Conversion of Registered Files


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Visual Enterprise Generator (CA-EPT-VE-VEG) component.
You can use this BAdI to start the conversion of registered files in batch mode.

The method START_CNV is required to start conversion of registered files available for batch job

Standard settings

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As standard, the Business Add-In is active. The default code runs automatically.
The Business Add-In can be used multiple times. All active implementations are called and executed.
The Business Add-In is filter dependent. The filter type is the application ID.
For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).
BAdI Implementations
DMS_BADI_BATCHJOB Start conversion via batch job

This implementation starts the conversion process in DMS. This BAdI implementation is available only in
< component >.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP
Library for SAP Net Weaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Determine CAD Config for Creation of Fully Resolved Document Structure


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the DMS Integration for Viewer or CAD Integration (CA-DMS-
CNV) component.

You can use this BAdI to obtain CAD Configurations for the input document to create a fully resolved
document structure.

The method GET_CAD_CONFIGURATION is required to get CAD Configurations for the input
document to create a fully resolved document structure.

Standard settings

As standard, the Business Add-In is inactive. The default code runs automatically.
The Business Add-In can be used multiple times. All active implementations are called and executed.
The Business Add-In is not filter dependent.
For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

BAdI Implementations
DMS_CAD_CONFIG_IMPL BAdI: Read CAD Configuration Implementation


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP
Library for SAP Net Weaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
BAdI: Enhancement for Conversion of Original Appl. Files in DMS


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the DMS Integration for Viewer/CAD Integration (CA-DMS-
CNV) component. You can use this BAdI to obtain the information required for proper storage of a
converted file. You call this BAdI in document management during original file conversion.

The method SET_METADATA (Tagging of File during Original File Conversion) is

Required to get the tagging information for the converted file during conversion of original
application files.

The method SET_TARGET_DOC (Setting Target Doc and Storage Location for VEG) is required to
specify the target document that must be used to save the converted file and to specify the storage
location of the converted file in Visual Enterprise Generator.

Standard settings

As standard, the Business Add-In is active. The default code runs automatically.
The Business Add-In can be used multiple times. All active implementations are called and executed.
The Business Add-In is filter dependent.
For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

BAdI Implementations
DMS_ES_DOC_CNV BAdI: Enhancement for Conversion of Original Appl. Files in DMS This
implementation allows you to tag information to the converted file.


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP
Library for SAP Net Weaver under

BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

BADI: Get Reusable Materials for Visual Instance Planner


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used to check the usage of materials by looking for an associated MatBOM
or planning scope or product family.

This is used to indicate to the Visual Instance Planner (VIP) user that this material has a usage in production
or manufacturing or engineering.

The method CHECK_MATERIAL_REUSE defines the logic to determine the usage of materials.
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Standard settings

As standard, the Business Add-In is inactive. The default code runs automatically.
The Business Add-In can be used multiple times. All active implementations are called and executed.
The Business Add-In is not filter dependent.
For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

BAdI Implementations
/PLMI/IM_PPE_VIP_MAT_REUSE PSM Implementation: Visual Instance Planner Material Reuse


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP
Library for SAP Net Weaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Get Files for Thumbnail and Viewer Display


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the DMS Integration for Viewer/CAD Integration
(CA-DMS-CNV) component. You can use this BAdI to obtain the types of files that can be displayed as
thumbnail and viewer. If there is no implementation provided, system takes the first file in the document
as viewable.

Standard settings

As standard, the Business Add-In is active.

The Business Add-In can be used multiple times.
For more information about the standard settings, see the Enhancement Spot Element Definitions tab in
the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18)


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP
Library for SAP Net Weaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
Visual Enterprise Viewer

Maintain Viewer Profile


In this Customizing activity, you can define a profile for adding custom context menu options to the
Viewer. This profile can be linked to an application and to a role.

You can set only one profile as default. If no application or role-specific profile is maintained, the default
profile picks up the actions to be added to the Visual Enterprise Viewer.

You can also navigate from the context menu option to standard transactions defined by the Launchpad

To add context menu option functions to the Viewer, perform the following:

Maintain a Viewer Profile

Select the Viewer Profile entry and navigate to Usage - Enter the Usage and Role details.
Select the Usage entry and navigate to Launchpad Details
Enter the Launchpad Role, Instance, and appropriate Application Alias to be navigated to SAPGUI
transaction or URL.

Define Workstation Applications for Dynamic Viewing


You use this Customizing to define workstation applications for dynamic viewing of a file. Dynamic
viewing offers flexibility that is required for engineering processes. Additional data is collected
dynamically by exploding all assemblies down to the individual parts and fetching the geometry from the
viewable file.

Business Add-Ins

BAdI: Enhancements for Viewer Custom Actions

WHATSAPP +255738656506
This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Cross Applications-Document Management System
(CA-DMS) component. You can use this BAdI to add the custom action IDs to be shown on the
context menu options of Visual Enterprise Viewer. This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot

This BAdI definition uses the standard interface IF_VWR_ES_ACTION

The following methods are defined in the BAdI:
This method is used to set the new custom actions IDs that are to be shown on the context menu
options of Visual Enterprise Viewer.

This method is used to implement the handler for SAP_ACTION event for action Ids added in
SET_ACTION method.


You must make the following Customizing settings:

To define a profile for adding custom context menu options to the Viewer, you must maintain the
Customizing for Maintain Viewer Profile under Cross-Application Components -> Document
Management -> Visual Enterprise Viewer


During processing, different document statuses may be set by one or more people in order to allow the next
processing step. The people responsible must make a digital signature for this.
In this work step you make settings for the digital signature.

After making the settings, assign the digital signature to the document status (Activity: Control data ->
Define document type -> Define document status). Approval process for documents there are the following
approval procedures:

One pair of eyes principle

One authorized person must make a digital signature. After
she/he has signed:

The new status is active

The document can no longer be changed you can only set a pre-defined follow-up status.
More than one pair of eyes principle
Several authorized people must make a digital signature.

After the first person has signed, the system recognises that the authorization process has not yet been
completed. Each authorized person saves the document after he/she has signed.
The document cannot be changed.
The procedure can be terminated by each person who is authorized to make a digital
Signature. In this case, the system resets the status that was set before the approval process
The document is in an intermediate stage during the signature process. You should, therefore, define
an additional document status (for example: Being signed). The Released status, for example, can
then only be set after a digital signature has been made successfully.

If more than one signature is required to set a status, make the following settings for the approval procedure:

Maintain Basic Settings for Digital Signature

You can define the setting a status in a document info record must be approved with a digital signature.

The basis application component Secure Store and Forward (SSF) is used to realize digital signatures
in the SAP System. This section tells you how to make the following settings:

SSF settings for the digital signature

Which settings you make here depends on the signature method you use (see Specify
Signature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature and Define Signature Strategies)

The complete names of the users that are supposed to execute the signatures as well as their personal time
When a signature is executed, the system copies the signatory name together with the local time
according to the signatory's personal time zone to the signed document.

All users can maintain their address data and defaults by choosing System -> User profile -> Own data.
The general user settings along with the SSF settings for the user are part of this data. Therefore if you use
digital signatures, do not assign the authorization to maintain own data to all users.


If you use the user signature as your signature method, you need an external security product that is linked
to your SAP System by way of SSF.
Note that you should not store the users' Personal Security Environment (PSE) in a file system but rather,
for example, on a smart card. The PSE software does not comply with legal requirements for digital

Standard settings

The SSF settings for the system signature are contained in the standard system.

SSF Settings for the User Signature

Go to Customizing for Basis Components, choose System Administration -> Digital Signature and
carry out activity Application-Dependent Parameters for SSF Functions.
Enter the SSF information for the users that are supposed to execute digital signatures. If you want, you
can also make the general user settings now (see below).
Go to user maintenance.
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Enter the user ID of the user whose data you want to maintain and choose Change.
Go to the Address tab page.
Choose other communication and double-click SSF (Secure Store & Forw.).
Enter the user's SSF information.
How the entries must be structured depends on the security product you use.

Choose Continue and save your entries.

SSF Settings for the System Signature
Check and, if required, maintain the standard settings. To do so, go to Customizing for Basis
Components, choose System Administration -> Digital Signature and carry out the following

Application-Dependent Parameters for SSF Functions

SAPSECULIB Maintenance Information

General User Settings

Go to user maintenance.
Enter the user ID of the user whose data you want to maintain and choose Change.
Go to the Address tab page and enter the user's first and last names.
Go to the Defaults tab page and enter the user's personal time zone.
Save your entries.

Define Authorization Group

You define authorization groups for digital signatures in this work step.

You can limit the authorization for document approval by using authorization groups as follows:

Define different authorization groups for users with different tasks.

In the user master record, allocate each user the authorization for authorization group corresponding to
his/her tasks (authorization object C_SIGN_BGR).
Define single signatures that must be entered by users in a specific authorization group and use them in the
signature strategies for the documents.
The authorization groups are not taken into account if the document status can be set after one single
signature has been made, and a signature strategy is not required.


Release of a document must be approved in your company. Make the following settings:

Define the authorization groups FD-1 (release drawings, document type DRW) and FD-2 (release
descriptions, document type WRD.
The engineering/design boss and his replacement receive the appropriate authorization: for group FD-1,
the boss of the department, and his/her replacement receives authorization for group FD-2.

Decide which user groups or which task areas you have to distinguish between in your company.
Define an authorization group for each user group.

Further notes

Authorization groups are valid in all areas where the digital signature is used. Before you change existing
authorization groups or use them for your own purposes, please check that this does not cause any problems
or conflicts of interest with other areas.

Define Individual Signature

In this work step, you define the digital individual signatures that the users in a specific authorization group
must make.

The individual signatures can then be used as partial steps in a signature strategy that is implemented when
you approve a status in the document.
If one individual signature suffices to approve the status for a document, and you do not need a signature
strategy, then you do not need to define any individual signatures.

The release of drawings (documents of document type DRAW) must be approved by the
engineering/design manager in your company; the release of the descriptions (documents of
document type WRD) by the documentation department. You define the following individual

RD with the authorization group Release drawing

RT with the authorization group Release description


Define authorization group


Define the individual signatures that must be entered to approve your documents.

Further notes

Individual signatures are also valid in other areas where the digital signature is used. Before you change
the existing individual signatures or use them for your own purposes, please check that no conflicts arise
with other areas.

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Define Signature Strategy

In this work step, you define the

Signature strategies that group together the individual signatures from different user groups to one
signature process.
If one signature is sufficient to allow a document status to be set, you do not need a signature strategy.


Define single signatures


If you want to create a signature strategy, proceed as follows:

Choose New entries and enter a key and a description for the signature strategy.
Allocate individual signatures
Define signature sequence
Define release statuses

Further notes

Signature strategies are also valid in other areas where a digital signature is used. Before you change
existing signature strategies, or use them for your own purposes, please check that no complications with
other areas arise.


In this step, you define your output system.


In this step, you can create condition records for messages.

Change Output

In this step, you define which values trigger a system output, the recipient, the output type, and the time of


Enter the name of an output (communication to be sent internally to departments or externally to a customer
or vendor, for example).
Enter a document type and status.
The combination of document type and status triggers the sending of the output.
Maintain a partner function (abbreviation for a department) Enter your partner and define the time for the
Enter the output type, such as internal or external mail.

Notes on transport

There is no need to provide a transport connection for this function, because no customizing data is changed
by this function.


In this document, you define the condition records for output.

Change Condition Table

In this step, you define the condition tables for output condition records.

In a condition table, you determine the conditions of fields for which you want to create output condition

The condition table for the document management system is found under key 040. The key is made up of
the fields document type and document status.


Do not change the condition tables in the standard SAP System. If you do want to make changes, create
your own condition tables. To do this, copy an existing condition table that is similar to the one you want
to create, and change it according to your requirements.


Check whether you can use the condition tables that exist in the standard system for output control.
To do this, you can display the existing condition tables. Make the
changes you require.

To create a new condition table, proceed as follows:

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Enter the name of the table you want to create. Please assign only numbers between 01 and 999.
If you are not copying from an existing condition table to create your condition table, enter the table
type (for example, pool table).
Enter a description for the condition table.
From the list of allowed fields, choose the fields you want to include in the condition table.
Generate the new condition table.

Change Output Type

In this step, you define the output conditions for output condition records.

In the SAP System, an output condition can map various types of output, for example, a status change for
document info records (application CV).

To define an output condition, you must enter values in the following fields:

Condition type
Alphanumeric key of up to 4 characters that uniquely identifies an output condition.
(040 - status-dependent output for document management)

Access sequence
Key identifying the access sequence

Text describing the output condition

Detail data (the most important of them are described below):

Output type
One-digit numeric key that determines the type of output processing (for example, printout,
telefax, electronic mail).

One-digit numeric key that identifies the time of output processing (for example, immediate
processing of a document)

Partner function
Output addressee

Condition access
Indicator used to define that the output is to be proposed via condition technique

TNADR access
One-digit numeric key defining the conditions for determining the print parameters


The values you entered for the detail data "output type", "time", and "partner function" are copied
automatically as default values when you create a condition record.


To create a new output condition, copy an existing similar one and change it according to your
When defining your own output conditions, use only keys that begin with the letters Y or Z, because these
number ranges are not used in the standard system version.


Check whether you can use the output conditions contained in the standard SAP System. Make the changes
you require.
Maintain the condition types.

Change Access Sequences

In this step, you define access sequences and output conditions for output condition records.

The access sequence is a search strategy that the SAP System uses to find valid output condition records.

The output condition in the SAP System represents different types of output, such as quotations, order
confirmations and mail messages.

To define an access sequence, make the following entries:

Access sequence
Alphanumeric key with up to 4 characters, used to uniquely identify an access sequence.

Text describing the access sequence.

Module pool
Module pool between N and Z to identify the program for accessing the condition records.

Detail data (Only the most important data is described here. For more information, please refer to the online
Current number
Consecutive number of access within access sequence.

Condition table containing the key fields of the output condition record.

To define an output condition, make the following entries:

Condition type
Alphanumeric key with up to 4 characters, used to uniquely identify an output condition.

Access sequence
Key of access sequence

Text describing the output condition.

Detail data (Only the most important data is described here):

Send medium
One-character numeric key, which determines the type of output processing (for example,
printout, transmission via fax or mail).
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One-character numeric key which determines the point in time when the output is processed
(for example, immediately on saving a document, or with the next selection run)

Partner function
Partner function for defining the recipient of an output in the sales document.

Condition access
Indicator used to determine that the output default for this output is to be determined via the
condition technique.
If you do not set this indicator, this output can be found via the default in the customer master
record. Before you can do this, you must define the settings for output determination from the
customer master record.

Access TNADR (print parameters)

One-character numeric key which defines the conditions determining the print parameters (see
the section stimmt werden (s. Abschnitt "Define print parameters").

Archive mode
This field is used to determine whether a document is printed only, archived only, or both.

Document type
This field identifies the archived outputs and determines whether the document is, for example,
an invoice or a quotation. The archive object type for incoming documents starts with SDI and
the archive object type for outgoing documents starts with SDO.


The values you enter under the detail data for send medium, time and partner function are automatically
copied as defaults when you create a condition record for the output condition.


To create a new access sequence or output condition, copy an existing one which is similar and make the
necessary changes.
If you define your own access sequences or output conditions, start the key with the letter Y or Z. This
range of names is reserved for this purpose in the standard system.


Check the extent to which you can use the access sequences and output conditions in the standard SAP
system, and what changes you need to make.
Define your access sequences as required and activate them for document management.

Change Output Determination Procedure

In this step, you define the output determination procedures for your document management system
(document statuses). In an output determination procedure, you store all allowed output conditions. This
means that the appropriate output can be proposed automatically for a specific document status.

To define output determination procedures, make the following entries:

Alphanumeric key of up to 6 characters, used to uniquely identify an output determination procedure.
Text describing the output determination procedure.


Before you can enter output conditions in your procedure, you have to define the conditions first.


To define a new output determination procedure, copy an existing procedure which is similar and make
the necessary changes.
If you define your own output determination procedures, start the key with the letter Y or Z, as the standard
SAP system does not use names within this range.


Check the extent to which the standard SAP output determination procedures meet your requirements, and
which changes you need to make.
Define output determination procedures for your document management system accordingly.
Assign your output determination procedures to condition types.
You can only assign a specific condition type to each output determination procedure once.

Maintain Output per Partner Function

In this step, you assign the valid outputs to the partner functions in the document management system
(application CV).
For each combination of outputs and partner functions, you must define a type of output processing.

Requirements The
outputs must be defined.

Enter a defined output.

Enter the partner function allowed.
Define the type of output (for example, printout, telefax, e-mail).

Data Transfer

In this step, you follow the steps described below for copying documents from external IT systems.

You run a comparison of fields in the current data processing system against the fields in the SAP System:
Compare fields and field contents
Define which fields can be copied directly
Set up rules on how to fill out the fields in the SAP System that cannot be copied directly
Decide whether you want to copy your external data manually or automatically
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Create a transfer program in your current data processing system to extract the data and generate a
sequential file
To create this program, you can generate transfer structures (source descriptions) in various
programming languages.

Test the transfer file

Run the transfer
Correct or complete the data as required


We advise you to use the batch input method for copying data. Only then does the system make the checks
that ensure that the data has been transferred correctly.

Data Transfer Workbench: Documents

Data Transfer Workbench: Document Info Record

The data transfer workbench is a central transaction for automatically transferring data from another system
into the SAP system. It contains the tools for all data transfers.

You can find information in the following documents:

Complete documentation about the data transfer workbench is in the SAP Library: CA Cross-Application
Components-> CA - Data Transfer Workbench.
There you will find a complete description of how to execute a data transfer.
Object-specific issues for documents can be found under Data transfer objects according to
applications -> CA - Cross-Application Functions.
Information about setting up sequential files is in the documentation on the transfer program (Report

Additional Settings - Simplification

Attachment Service - Storage Repository Activation

Attachment Service - Object Type Mapping


This customizing is relevant only for applications that use the Generic Object Services (GOS) from SAP
GUI and also have a FIORI application to store attachments.


Maintain the values for the following:

SAP Object
Enter the SAP object which is the associated object used by attachment service.

Object Type
Enter the object type for Business Object Repository (BOR) object which uses the GOS.

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Business Add-Ins

BAdI: Attachment Service - Authorization Check


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Cross Applications Document Management (CA-DMS)
component for attachment services.

You use this BAdI to check for additional authorization when using attachment service. This additional
authorization check is done for the Attachment Service User Interface and the API classes delivered for
attachment service.

The implementation of the BADI will check the authorization for the following operations:

Getting the list of attachments associated to a business object

Deletion of an existing attachment from a business object
Creation of new attachments
Retrieving the content of attachment

This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot ES_CV_ODATA_ATTACHMENTS.

The following method has been defined in the BAdI:


This method can be used to check for additional authorization.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single use, or multiple use), see the Enh. Spot
Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of
The Implementing Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your

Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.

To edit a method, double-click its name.
Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of
Method>. And end method. Statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.

BAdI: Attachment Service - Draft Handling


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Cross Applications Document Management (CA-DMS)
component for attachment services.

This BAdI provides flexibility for consuming applications to avoid the attachments in draft state being

The report program DELETE_DRAFT_ATTACHMENTS will be used by Administrator to delete the draft
attachments periodically to optimize the storage space. This report provides an option to the consuming
applications of attachment services to avoid deletion of specific draft attachments via this BAdI.

The parameter CT_ATTACHMENTS of type #changing parameter# contains all the details of the
attachments that are selected for deletion. The BAdI implementation should remove the respective
attachment entry from this internal table to avoid getting deleted. All the entries in this table will be deleted

This BAdI is created under Enhancement Spot ES_CV_ODATA_ATTACHMENTS.

The following method has been defined in the BAdI:


This method can be used to avoid draft attachments being deleted by the report.
Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single use, or multiple use), see the Enh. Spot
Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).


After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the

If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:

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In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.

Enter your implementation code between the methods <Interface Name>~<Name of

Method>. And end method. Statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:

Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.

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