Examiners' Report Principal Examiner Feedback Summer 2019

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Examiners’ Report

Principal Examiner Feedback

Summer 2019

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

Mathematics A (4MA1)
Paper 2H

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Summer 2019
Publications Code 4MA1_2H_1906_ER
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IGCSE Mathematics 4MA1 2H Principal Examiners Report

Students who were well prepared for this paper were able to make a good attempt at all

Students were less successful in applying the formula for area of a triangle to a problem

On the whole, working was shown and easy to follow through. There were some instances
where students failed to read the question properly. For example, in question 11c some
students did not realise that this is a reverse percentage.

Completing the square, probability, vectors, surds and simultaneous equations (one
quadratic and one linear) seemed to be a weakness for many students. Operations
involving negative numbers were also a weakness.

Overall, problem solving questions and questions assessing mathematical reasoning

were tackled well.

Question 1

Many students answered this question well. The majority of the students showed clear
working However, a common error by some students was to use the lower limits or the
upper limits to work out ∑ 𝑓𝑥 so gained 2 out of the 4 marks available. This method is
incorrect and the students need to understand that they must use the mid points. Other
common errors were to write (students should note that the value of the sum
their freq
of the frequencies was given in the question) or writing . A common error was to
multiply the frequencies by the class width (10).

Question 2

Students need to ensure they use a sufficiently dark pencil for their work to be visible.

A multitude of triangles, circles etc around the line DE were offered by a minority of
students who had no idea how to proceed. Others who produced one pair of intersecting
arcs and then used a protractor to draw the bisector scored one mark A number of
students drew a pair of touching circles centered on D and E. Arcs of the same radius,
from D and E, above and below the line DE, clearly intersecting, were needed to secure
the first mark. Pairs of parallel arcs above DE only and then joined up to extrapolate down
to DE scored one mark. In a minority of cases students produced two arcs at an equal
distance from D and E, intersecting the line DE. The required intersecting arcs were then
constructed from these two points and this was accepted as a valid method. Some
students lost a mark where they had the correct intersecting arcs but failed to draw in
the line.
Question 3

In Q3(a) majority of the students were able to give a satisfactory explanation. However,
some students simply explained what the notation meant rather than answer the
question. All that was required in Q3(a) was a simple response of the type ‘There are no
members are in both A and B’, ‘A and B have no members in common’ etc. Unfortunately,
some candidates tried to give too much information and ended up with an incorrect or
contradictory statement. Some candidates clearly didn’t understand the terminology and
gave statements about the total of the numbers in A and B not equaling the total of the
numbers in the Universal Set, or they made incorrect comments about odd numbers in
one set and even numbers in the other. Some tried to distinguish the two sets by stating
that the elements of A were prime whereas those of B were even but failed to comment
on the value 2. However, the responses were generally well written and showed

In Q3(b) the correct numbers 1 and 9 were given thus gaining the one mark.

In Q3(c) three of the four numbers were seen with an incorrect additional number or as
incomplete answers that were worthy of the award of one mark. Some students simply
wrote 4 or 5 or 6 numbers or omitted this part completely, indicating a lack of familiarity
with set notation. Some attempted the question by drawing an incorrect Venn diagram. If
candidates had used a correct Venn diagram they often gained all the marks.

Question 4

A majority of students gave correct answers. Those who gave the incorrect answer often
used the formula incorrectly by not squaring the radius. A few students used the
diameter instead of the radius in an otherwise correct formula. Some squared π instead
of the radius. Many candidates who gave a correct value such as 3079 went on to write it
as 308 (correct to 3 significant figures).

Question 5

In Q5(a) the majority of students gained some marks by working out the total cost of the
120 books and then working out the cost of the books that cost £5 each. Many students
could work out the total cost of the three different types of books as £732, however, some
students misinterpreted this part. When working out the number of books that cost £7
each, a common error was to find 40% of 60 rather than 40% of 120, and then use this
value to find the number of books costing £8 each. This method gave a common incorrect
answer of 57.5%, and students doing this then lost the final 3 marks. Another common
error was an attempt to work out the percentage profit. Some students worked out 152.5
and then did not subtract from 100 or work out 0.525 and then did not multiply by 100
so losing the final 2 marks. Some students, having calculated the profit correctly, were
unsure which value they had to compare it with, often choosing the incorrect one of 732.
In Q5(b) students answered this question in two different ways – those who used the
correct method of division by 1.2 or those who used the incorrect method of
multiplication by 1.2. Careful reading of the question would help students realise that the
20% is a percentage of the original price and not 20% of the given price. Many students
made the familiar mistake of simply finding 20% and subtracting it, or multiplying by 0.8

Question 6

The majority of students gained all marks in this question but for a few candidates at the
first appearance of a triangle in the exam paper they decided that it must be Pythagoras
Theorem and gained no marks!

Many students produced completely correct solutions to both parts of this question on
proportionality, although others either made no attempt or tried to use Pythagoras'

In Q6(a), scale factors were the most popular approach, usually DF = 4.2 × 2.5 but

DF = 15 × 0.7.
In part (b), scale factors were still widely used but proportionality statements such

as also appeared regularly. Scale factors were sometimes used incorrectly,

multiplying instead of dividing, for example, or used with 19.5 or 4.2 to find BC.

Question 7

This question was answered well. A majority of students did appreciate that they were
being asked to calculate a weighted, or combined, mean for the test marks for the girls.
Many students worked out the total marks for the boys and the total test marks. Some
students did not know what to do from here and thus gained only one mark. A majority
of the students worked out the difference and divided by 17 and gaining full marks.

A common error here was to simply find the arithmetical mean of the given means (25.9).
Another common error was to assume that the overall mean [26.8] was simply the
25  x
average of the boys’ mean (25) and the girls’ mean (x), so that  26.8 , giving x =
28.6. Some students lost the accuracy mark by writing an incorrectly rounded answer
without writing the unrounded answer first. There was evidence of poor arithmetic with
candidates writing 30 – 13 = 7
Question 8

This question was not answered well by the majority of students. Many students cannot
recall that there are 1000metres in 1 kilometre or 3600 seconds in 1 hour. Many students
were put off by x as they are used to seeing a number to convert. A common approach
was to choose a number and then multiply by 1000 this gaining one mark. Students need
to recall how to convert hours to seconds. Several students knew that 1000 and 3600 (or
60 × 60) were to be used, but multiplied instead of dividing and vice-versa. A common
misconception was to work out 1000 × 60 × 60 = 3600000 and state an answer of
3600000x without stopping to think what such an answer implies.

Question 9

Many students answered this question well and showed a clear method. Some students
made simple arithmetical errors, however, and several students did not know whether to
add or subtract the two linear equations. Errors of the form 6y – (‒y) = 5y were sometimes
seen. Students had to start with an algebraic method leading to a correct equation with
one unknown to gain the first method mark. The awarding of the accuracy mark was
dependent on gaining the first method mark. Correct answers by trial and error or using
a calculator were rare but gained no credit.

The elimination method still seems to be the favoured method, but a number of students
who set up their equations as: 3x + 6y = −1.5 and 3x − y = 16 were much more likely to
make an arithmetical error in the subtraction to eliminate x than the students who chose
to add x + 2y = −0.5 and 6x – 2y = 32 to eliminate y. Many students lost marks because of
errors involving negative numbers.

Question 10

Q10(a) was done quite well. Many students were able to use the given gradient and the
intercept on the y-axis to correctly write down the equation of the straight line. A common
and perhaps surprising error was to omit "y" when writing down the equation of the
straight line, eg 5x − 3 or L = 5x − 3.

In Q10(b) there was evidence of x and y being confused in answers to this question.
Similarly, the wrong inequality signs were often seen with = used instead of the correct ≥
and vice versa. In particular, students could not use pairs of inequality signs, so attempts
such as 1 < y > 3 were seen. Incorrect values were occasionally read from the axes with
−2 being used in place of 2 when writing down the inequalities in x being the most
common of this type of error. For those that failed to score at all, the most common
incorrect answer seen was just a list of coordinates with a complete failure to engage with
the concept of boundary lines.
Question 11

This question was intended to test the use of a calculator with standard form, so it is
disappointing to see students laboriously writing out the values in full before going on to
do their calculation.

In Q11(a) a number of students used the values in standard form in the table to work out
the difference leading to a correct answer. Some students converted the standard form
numbers into ordinary numbers before subtracting. This ran the risk of miscounting the
number of zeros. Some students left the final answer as 6750 or 675 000 and this lost the
accuracy mark. A common loss of the final mark was giving the answer as 67 500 and not
in standard form.

In Q11(b) the students had three routes to work out the answer. The first route was to
find (8.3 × 103) × 50 resulting in an answer of 415 000 or 4.15 × 105 to gain the first mark
but students lost the final accuracy mark for not comparing 415 000 with 42 000 or for
not comparing 4.15 × 105 with the value in the table. Similarly, the second route was to
find (4.2 × 104) × 50 resulting in an answer of 840 or 8.4 × 102 to gain the first mark but
students lost the final accuracy mark for not comparing 840 with 42 000 or for not
comparing 8.4 × 102 with the value in the table. The third route was the most common as
4.2 104
the students worked out  5(0.60….) and comparing with 50 and stating ‘No’.
8.3 103

In Q11(c) the majority of candidates scored either full marks or no marks. Many of those
who scored full marks used the product of multipliers 1.15 × 0.92 or an equivalent
expression, while others nominated and used an initial cost of a ticket. Those who used
this approach sometimes lost the final mark by failing to divide the initial cost of the ticket
from the answer. Many students gained one mark for 1.058 or 105.8.

Question 12

There were many successful methods which gained full marks. The majority of these
 16.7 
comprised finding the length of ED   and/or working out the length of CD
 tan 43 
 16.7 
 
 sin 43 
For those who used this approach, some students lost marks by rearranging incorrectly
and expressions such as ED  16.7  tan 43 or CD  16.7  sin 43 was were often the
 16.7 
Some students used a two step method using ED   and then
 tan 43 
 16.7 
CD  16.72  '17.90....'2 or CD   and then ED  '24.48....' 16.7 ran the risk,
2 2

 sin 43 
inherent in all circuitous methods, of loss of accuracy in the answer due to premature
approximation at some stage. Another method consisted of finding the length of ED and
CD using the Sine Rule. There were many variants on these two basic strategies. It was
not unusual to see the Sine Rule used, unnecessarily but usually accurately, in right-
angled triangles. Working was often easy to follow but some attempts provided a
challenge to markers, especially when they covered all the available space. Their task was
made more difficult by the ambiguous labelling of sides. A common error of in finding
the perimeter was to include 16.7 twice in the method which gave an incorrect answer of
118.2 thus losing the final two marks.

Other errors of no worth was to find the area of the triangle CED and the rectangle ABCE
or even the area of the trapezium ABCD.

Question 13

In Q13(a), the cumulative frequency table was completed accurately by the majority with
very few errors seen.

In Q13(b), the plotting of the cumulative frequencies was extremely well done, with the
majority plotting end points accurately and joining with a smooth curve or line segments.
Very few plotted mid points and only a very small number of students drew a 'squashed'
cumulative frequency curve. A very small number drew histograms or bar charts or a line
of best fit.

In Q13(c), most students were able to gain the mark for the median. It is important that
students show clearly the method that they used to find the median.

In Q13(d) fewer students were successful in finding the interquartile range. Some who
drew lines at 20 and 60 and then drew vertical lines from the cumulative frequency
diagram then misread the scale on the horizontal axis. It is important that candidates
show clearly the method that they used to find the inter quartile range. Many candidates
failed to read the scale correctly, writing their values on the horizontal axis would help
with clarity.

Question 14

Most students who showed some understanding of vectors generally by working out the
 5   5 
column vectors   or   but were unable to offer a correct method for finding the
 12   12 
magnitude of AC – possibly due to some unfamiliarity with the word 'magnitude'. It was
 6  1
disappointing to see some students adding the vectors such as      giving a
 9   3 
common incorrect answer of  .
 6 

Question 15

Marks on this question were well spread with less able students struggling to start. A
large number of students were able to square both sides of the equation and remove the
denominator, and expand the left-hand side correctly but were then unable to gather
the x terms correctly on one side of the equation. Some students made simple errors,
such as losing signs or missing out brackets or expanding y2(x + 1) incorrectly to yx + y or
y2x + y. Those who did gather the x terms correctly usually found an acceptable
expression for x with relatively few continuing with incorrect cancellation. Generally,
many students were able to manipulate the denominator and then failed to get the
second method mark because they incorrectly expanded the brackets/executed the

Question 16

Marks on this question were well spread with less able students struggling to start. Many
students did write down a correct expression to multiply both numerator and
denominator by the same correct expression. 2  1 was the expected choice but a
surprising number used  2 1 instead. Although a significant number of candidates
multiplied by 2  1 they then usually obtained 1 (or −1) in the denominator. The more
able students were able to expand the numerator to obtain 4 correct terms. Some
students did not correctly simplify the numerator so lost the final accuracy mark. This
was a challenging question.

A significant number of students used their calculator to reach the answer straight away,
and if they did not show the steps of the working, as requested in the question, they
scored no marks.

Question 17

Students’ ability to deal with proportionality questions has not really improved over the
years. They show little confidence in the setting out of the steps to find the value of the
constant and the presentation of their work is often poor and very confused. For the
values of y and x to each involve a variable was a step too far for many.

In Q17(a) the students who used the correct initial formula y  kx3 generally went on to
score full marks in this part of the question. Some students misread the question as they
20 20h 20
worked out that k  2
or k  3 and then wrote the final answer as y  2 x or
h h h
y x as the question said write down the formula of y in terms of x and h. Some
candidates were confused over whether h was a constant or a variable, so instead of
writing 20h = kh3 they wrote 20x = kx3 and became completely confused.

In Q17(b) students generally answered this part well if they answered Q17(a) well.
Although some students omitted to take the cube root and hence lost a mark.

Question 18

This question produced a wide variety of responses from students of all abilities. Even
the more able candidates sometimes lost some of the available marks. A number of
students were able to identify the key starting point and used the given shape to deduce
that the area could be expressed as x2 + x2 + 4x(12 − 3x). Nearly all who went this far then
manipulated the expression into the required form of 48x − 10x2. Common errors at the
start were to assume that the shape was a cube so that x = 12 – 3x which lost all the marks
in the question. Some assumed that each side had an area of x2 or x(12 – 3x) which just
gained the first mark. A minority of students tried to start by finding the volume of the
cuboid, by multiplying together the three given dimensions; this gained no credit.

Many students did not understand that the question involved differentiation, those who
realised that they had to differentiate usually did it accurately and obtained full marks.
Some students who obtained A = 48x − 10x2 then decided to divide this by 2 and thus
writing A = 24x − 5x2 and then differentiated.

Students who did differentiate correctly tended to equate the derivative to zero and
obtain the correct value of x. Using this correct value of x they then obtained the correct
maximum area of 57.6 Many students assumed the shape was a cube and multiplied
x(12-3x) by 6.

Many students used completing the square successfully on this question, often gaining
full marks.

Question 19

This question produced a wide variety of responses from students of all abilities. This
question was targeting the more able student and many who are used to similar
calculations made a very good attempt with the correct answer being seen a pleasing
number of times. Those who did not start by using the area of a triangle to find AC failed
to make progress. Those who did, could often find the length of AC and then progress to
find the length of AB or BC by using the sine rule. However, some who could use the
formula ab sin C misidentified b with the wrong side. Some students just found the
area of triangle ABC and forgot to add the given area of 250

Some students tried a right-angled triangle method to find sides and angles, although
none were given on the diagram or stated as right angles and this method failed to deliver
any marks. Some students used the idea that opposite angles added up to 180° confusing
themselves with cyclic quadrilaterals.

Question 20

These types of questions come up frequently and students generally know what is
required. The students sitting this paper were no exception, most of them showing clear
algebraic working and gaining a set of correct answers. Those who didn't gain full marks
generally gained 1 mark for showing a correct substitution but were unable to expand
the bracket correctly, or 3 marks for getting to the correct three-part quadratic but being
unable to solve it by either factorisation or use of the formula. Many students made
algebraic errors whilst trying to eliminate one of the variables or in the resulting algebraic
manipulation after a successful elimination of a variable. One of the most common was
to expand ‒3x(9 – x) as ‒27x – 3x2. Another common error was to expand (9 – x)2 as 18 –
18x + x2. A few insightful students rewrote the quadratic equation as (x – y)(x – 2y) = 0 and
then (correctly) stated that x = y or x = 2y from which the solution to the simultaneous
equation easily followed.

Where there are two pairs of solutions students should ensure that they correctly pair
the values of x with the values of y.

Question 21

Students often find 3-D trigonometry and Pythagoras challenging and this question was
no different. It was pleasing to see a number of correct answers, also saw a wide range
of incorrect responses, where, in many cases, the student found the incorrect angle.
Students’ labelling of angles was sometimes confused, with a lack of clarity about which
sides and which angles were being calculated. Students who made an attempt but did
not find the correct angle often gained a method mark for AC or AF found. Several
students started by using Pythagoras to find AC and then used this to find AF even though
they didn’t need to. It was also unfortunate that many got the length correct but then at
the end got the trigonometric ratio the wrong way around e.g. they used tan x = adjacent
÷ opposite.

This question was another case where premature rounding could lose the accuracy mark
e.g. 20 rounded to 4.5 There was evidence of poor algebraic notation where students
wrote 2x2 + 4x2 instead of the correct (2x)2 + (4x)2
Question 22

Some students started to incorrectly cancel out values from the numerator and
denominator without factorising, often gaining a numerical answer. For those that
realised the need to first factorise the numerator and denominator, it was most common
to gain the method mark for the denominator as many correctly factorised the
denominator to (2x + 5)(2x – 5). Many students clearly struggled to factorise 6x3 + 13x2 −
5x. Some students realised that x was a factor of the numerator and then wrote their
6 x 2  13x  5
expression as thus losing the final two marks. Others who kept the x in
 2 x  5 2 x  5
factorised 6x2 +13x ‒ 5 as (3x + 1) (2x ‒5). If a student successfully factorised the numerator
and denominator they generally gained full marks, by then correctly cancelling (2x + 5).
However, some students gained the correct answer and then simplified further
incorrectly so lost the accuracy mark.

Question 23

The instructions contained in this question were to 'Show your working clearly.' Thus, a
correct answer without any correct supporting working scored no marks. Students found
3 t 3 t 3 3 12
it very challenging to set up the equation     or an equivalent
t t 1 t t  1 35
version. Many students missed out one of the two products in the equation. Some of
those students who formed the correct equation were then unable to rearrange this
correctly into a quadratic equation without fractions that could be easily solved. One
error was to multiply through by t(t ‒1) × t(t ‒1) to get an equation which was too difficult
to solve. Others equated the numerators to get 6t ‒ 18 = 12. Many students did not
recognise that algebra had to be used to make progress with this question and thus
gained no marks.

Question 24

Q24(a) was well answered.

Q24(b) was poorly attempted by the students. Only the most able mathematicians were
able to secure a correct answer. The majority of students did not know how to start the
question and thus could not gain any marks. Those who knew how to find the inverse of
a function sometimes found the algebraic techniques required too challenging,
particularly by using the method of completing the square. Some students gave an
x  41
answer of 5  not realising that only the positive answer was required as x ≥ 5.
Unfortunate errors included 2x2 – 20x + 9 = 2(x2 – 10x) + 9 = 2(x – 5)2 – 25 + 9. Some
misinterpreted x > 5 as a cue to solve a quadratic inequality.

Based on their performance in this paper, students should:

• Be able to understand the meaning of magnitude of a vector

• be able to recall and manipulate the formula ab sin C for the area of a triangle

• be able to interpret set notation

• read the question carefully and review their answer to ensure that the question
set is the one that has been answered

• make sure that their working is to a sufficient degree of accuracy that does not
affect the required accuracy of the answer.

• Students must, when asked, show their working or risk gaining no marks for
correct answers
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