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Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital Parc Taulí, Consorci Sanitari Parc Taulí, Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain
Acute respiratory Introduction: The monitoring system based on standards of quality allows clinicians to evaluate
distress syndrome; and improve the patient’s care. According to the quality indicators recommended by Sociedad
Nursing record; Española de Medicina Intensiva Crítica y Unidades Coronarias, and due to the importance of
Prone position; prone position (PP) as a treatment in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, it is
Standard of quality fundamental to keep accurate record of serious adverse events occurring during the prone
position procedure and its posterior analysis.
Objectives: To establish fulfilment of the Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva Crítica y
Unidades Coronarias standards of quality according to the register of serious complications.
To identify the incidence of serious complications registered as well as to identify possible
factors related to these complications.
Method: Retrospective, cross-sectional descriptive study, polyvalent ICU (16 beds).
Study population: Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome treated with PP (January
2012---December 2013).
Study variables: PP recording, accidental extubation, removal of catheters, decubitus ulcers
(DU), ETT obstruction, urgency of the procedure, hours in PP, nutritional intake, type of feeding
tube, food regurgitation/retention and use of prokinetics/muscle relaxant.
夽 Please cite this article as: Jové Ponseti E, Villarrasa Millán A, Ortiz Chinchilla D. Análisis de las complicaciones del decúbito prono en el
síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo: estándar de calidad, incidencia y factores relacionados. Enferm Intensiva. 2017;28:125---134.
∗ Corresponding author.
2529-9840/© 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermerı́a Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights
126 E. Jové Ponseti et al.
Results: The study sample comprised 38 cases, with an adequate record of complications in
92.1% of the cases.
DU were the only serious complication recorded, with a 25.7% incidence.
Possible factors related to DU: more hours in PP in patients developing DU (p = 0.067). Less
incidence of DU in well-nourished patients (p = 0.577).
82.9% of patients were not appropriately nourished.
Conclusions: The percentage of records duly completed is very high. The presence of DU (grade
1---2 mostly) is to be noted. There is no statistical significance, although a trend is obsersed,
between DU and hours in PP.
© 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermerı́a Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Published
by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
PALABRAS CLAVE Análisis de las complicaciones del decúbito prono en el síndrome de distrés
Estándar de calidad; respiratorio agudo: estándar de calidad, incidencia y factores relacionados
Síndrome de distrés
respiratorio agudo;
Introducción: El sistema de monitorización mediante indicadores de calidad permite evaluar y
Decúbito prono;
mejorar la calidad asistencial. Atendiendo a los indicadores recomendados por la Sociedad
Registro de
Española de Medicina Intensiva Crítica y Unidades Coronarias y dada la importancia del
tratamiento postural en decúbito prono (DP) de pacientes con síndrome de distrés respira-
torio agudo, resulta crucial el registro de las complicaciones que puedan producirse durante el
procedimiento y su posterior análisis.
Objetivos: Determinar el grado de cumplimiento del estándar de calidad recomendado por
la Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva Crítica y Unidades Coronarias en relación con el
registro de complicaciones graves.
Identificar la incidencia de complicaciones graves registradas y posibles factores relacionados.
Método: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo transversal, UCI polivalente (16 camas).
Población: Pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo tratados con DP (enero 2012-
diciembre 2013).
Variables: Registros DP, extubaciones accidentales, retiradas de catéteres, úlceras por presión
(UPP), obstrucción del tubo endotraqueal, urgencia procedimiento, horas DP, aporte nutri-
cional, tipo de sonda alimentaria, regurgitación, retención alimentaria, uso de procinéticos
y/o relajantes musculares.
Resultados: La muestra del estudio fue de 38 casos habiéndose encontrado un registro adecuado
de las complicaciones en un 92,1% de los casos.
La única complicación grave registrada fueron las UPP con una incidencia del 25,7%.
Posibles factores relacionados con UPP: horas en DP superior en pacientes que desarrol-
laron UPP (p = 0,067); menor incidencia de UPP cuando el aporte nutricional ha sido adecuado
(p = 0,577).
El 82,9% de los pacientes pronados no recibieron aporte nutricional adecuado.
Conclusiones: El porcentaje de registros adecuadamente cumplimentados es muy elevado.
Destaca la aparición de UPP (grado 1-2 mayoritariamente).
No hay significación estadística, aunque sí tendencia, entre UPP y horas DP.
© 2017 Sociedad Española de Enfermerı́a Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (SEEIUC). Publicado
por Elsevier España, S.L.U. Todos los derechos reservados.
Analysis of complications of prone position in ARDS 127
possible causes of severe complications when the PP is used date of the procedure and case number), while the other
and which make it possible to suggest solutions and improve document was used to record all of the study variables asso-
the quality of care. ciated with the corresponding case number, to ensure data
The objectives of this study are: confidentiality.
Inclusion criteria For the univariate analysis of continuous variables the rele-
vant measurements of the central and dispersion tendencies
This study included all of the patients in the adult ICU of were described, as well as the normality tests. Frequency
Sabadell Hospital admitted with a diagnosis of ARDS and analysis was used for the qualitative variables.
treated with the PP. Multivariate analysis with statistical indexes suitable for
the characteristics of the variables was used to compare
Study variables and define the associations between variables. The medians
were compared using the Mann---Whitney U test for indepen-
1. The main variable: registration of the PP. dent samples. The chi-squared test was used to compare
2. Secondary variables: proportions.
• Socio demographic variables: age and sex. A value of p < 0.05 with a confidence interval of 95% was
• Clinical variables: main diagnosis and days in the ICU. considered to indicate statistical significance. The SPSS v.
• Procedural variables: 17 program was used for statistical analysis.
- Variables connected with severe complications of
the procedure (during turning manoeuvres and while Results
remaining in the PP): accidental extubations, the
accidental withdrawal of catheters, tubes and/or During the first study period 32 patients were registered
drainages, the appearance of DU (degree and loca- as diagnosed with ARDS and treated using the PP. A total
tion) and obstruction of the ETT. of 38 cases of the PP were obtained, as 2 patients were
- Other variables connected with the procedure: placed in this position twice and 2 patients were placed
hours in the PP, nutrition provided (considering a in the prone position three times while in the ICU. In the
suitable provision of nutrition to be the adminis- second study period, after reviewing the clinical histories
tration of 100% prescribed enteral nutrition and and determining the degree of compliance with the quality
parenteral nutrition), type of catheter used for standard recommended by the SEMICYUC in connection with
nutrition, regurgitation and/or gastric retention the PP procedure, 3 cases (7.9%) with incomplete records
(>250 ml), the administration of prokinetic drugs were detected. While in one case the procedure had not
and/or muscle relaxants and the appearance of been recorded, in the other two although the procedure and
facial and/or conjuntival oedema. the appearance of DU had been recorded, neither the grade
nor the location of the latter had been documented. Sub-
Data recording sheet sequently the severe complications associated with the PP
procedure were analysed together with the factors possibly
Two documents were designed to record data. One was used associated with them in the remaining 35 cases, as the doc-
to record all of the PP that were implemented during the umentation of the incomplete records was not considered
study period (including clinical history number, box number, to be very reliable.
Analysis of complications of prone position in ARDS 129
Table 2 Severe complications defined in the SEMICYUC quality standard for the PP.
Severe complications linked to the turning process
% No.
Accidental extubation 0 0
Accidental withdrawal of intravascular catheter 0 0
Endotracheal tube obstruction 0 0
detected, at 82% vs 49%. Two options that should be con- The results obtained encourage us to continue perform-
sidered to improve these complications are that smaller ing studies that provide scientific evidence for the factors
volumes be administered and that prokinetic drugs and naso- which may lead to the appearance of DU so that they can
jejunal catheters be used. be prevented, while also considering how important nursing
In connection with the high incidence of DU, the results staff believe their own records to be.
obtained in this study are similar to those obtained by other It was also found to be important to create and imple-
authors. These state that grade 2 and 3 DU appear in 27.58 ment a specific document to record the PP procedure, show-
and 10.34% of cases, respectively,27 while palpebral and/or ing the sociodemographic and clinical data of the patient as
conjuntival oedema occurs in 17.24% of patients in the PP. well as the procedural data (hours in the PP, the appearance
Another aspect that should be taken into account in connec- or absence of severe complications and a description of the
tion with the results obtained for DU would be the time spent same). This document must be included in the procedure
in the PP. Currently there is no recommendation with a sci- protocol to standardise recording and improve the quality of
entific basis for the time that a patient should spend in this care.
position, although one recently published paper states that
there is a tendency to increase the periods of time during
which patients remain in the PP.12 Ethical responsibilities
To conclude, and respecting the severe complications
associated with the turning procedure, no accidents loss Protection of people and animals. The authors declare that
of the ETT, tracheostomy cannula, catheter (nasogastric or no experiments took place in human being or animals for this
bladder), drainage and/or vascular access. This result is sim- research.
ilar to those obtained in other studies, so that the PP may
be said to be a safe procedure, as other publications on this Data confidentiality. The authors declare that no patient
postural treatment conclude.9,29 data appear in this paper.
This study took place in an ICU with broad experience
in the PP procedure. Its main limitations are the size of its Right to privacy and informed consent. The authors
sample and single-hospital nature, as well as the bias intrin- declare that no patient data appear in this paper.
sic to a retrospective analysis that depends on the quality
of the information collected. Conflict of interests
Conclusions The authors have no conflict of interests to declare.
Does this
fulfil ARDS NO
Acute commencement
Bilateral infiltrates
CPP<18mmHg (no
left atrial HT)
PaO2 /FiO2 < 200 YES
Are PP Evaluation of
criteria NO other treatments
fulfilled? (Peep, FiO2, Ox. Nitric)
Burn/open wound in the face/ventral area
#unstable vertebra NO
#unstable pelvis
Tracheostomy Recent abdominal surg.
Pregnancy (2, 3
three-months) TEC-Neurosurgery
HEC Overweight NO
Sternotomy Sobrepeso
Severe haemodynamic instability
Conditions that ↑ abdominal P
In spite of
Preparation of the YES
material and patient is the PP necessary?
Non-adaptation to MV
Signs of severe hypoxia
(PaO2<55mmHg or SpO2<88%
with 100% FiO2 and PEEP≥5)
Severe haemodynamic
instability (beat disturbance
NO and/or <80mmHg systolic AT and/or
heart rate ≤60 beats per minute)
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