AREMA 2008 Paper PDF
AREMA 2008 Paper PDF
AREMA 2008 Paper PDF
Jerry G. Rose, PE
Professor of Civil Engineering
161 OH Raymond Bldg
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0281
859/257-4278, [email protected]
June 1, 2008
The uses of Hot Mix Asphalt as subballast layers within railroad track structures for new
trackbed construction and trackbed maintenance applications have grown steadily in the
United States during the past 25 years. The asphalt layer (termed underlayment) is
used in lieu of an all-granular subballast layer. This paper documents the results of a
asphalt and underlying (roadbed) subgrade. The primary purpose of the testing program
were occurring that could adversely affect long-term performance of the trackbeds. Six
asphalt trackbeds, ranging in age from 12 to 25 years; on heavy traffic revenue lines in
three states were recently core drilled. Test data on the trackbed materials were
compared to data obtained previously. The expected benefits and trackbed life
projections are discussed relative to current basic design and construction practices.
From its beginnings in 1830, the railroads have been a primary mode of freight transport
in this country. Its dominance is becoming significant in recent years as train speeds,
gross ton-miles, and axle loads have increased. The latest Association of American
Railroads statistics (1) indicate that in 2005 an all-time record 1.7 trillion ton-miles of
freight was carried over the nation’s nearly 141,000-mile (227,000 km) railroad network.
The average freight car weight has increased to 129 tons (117 metric tons) with most
new cars having gross weights of 143 tons (130 metric tons). The importance of
carry the increased tonnage is a current reality of the industry. Failure of the track
necessary for efficient and safe train operations. Maintenance costs and track outages
The inability of the track structure to adequately carry the imposed loadings can
be categorized into two primary failure types. The first one is failure of the subgrade
when the pressure transmitted to the subgrade is higher than the inherent hearing
capacity of the particular subgrade. The subgrade soil’s ability to accommodate loading
pressures is a function of its shear strength, cohesion, plasticity, density, and moisture
content. A well-compacted subgrade soil that is confined and maintained reasonably dry
will normally perform adequately for an indefinite period of time. A possible exception is
a highly compressible soil such as peat. Subgrade failures adversely affect track
This is commonly manifested by the subballast, and particularly the ballast, becoming
clogged (fouled) with excessive quantities of fine size material. This lowers the shear
strength of the ballast and bearing capacity of the subballast. Fouling is normally due to
Periodic replacement of the track components (rails, ties, fasteners, and special
trackworks) cannot be avoided (2). It is desirable to increase the service life of the
components. The adequacy of the trackbed structural components supporting the track
can have a significant effect on the life of the track components by reducing impact
the pressure on the top of the subgrade, improving drainage (effectively improving the
utilizing higher quality/load bearing trackbed components. The solution for minimizing
track components so that an optimum track structural support stiffness will be achieved.
determine the applied pressures at different levels in the track support structure and
ballast and subballast over a prepared subgrade, as noted in Figure 1a. During the past
twenty-five years, the use of Hot Mix Asphalt as a subballast layer within the track
structure has steadily increased until it is becoming standard practice in many areas of
the United States. The asphalt-bound impermeable layer, typically 5 to 6 in. (125 to 150
mm) thick, provides a “hardpan” to protect the underlying roadbed and to support the
overlying ballast and track. Various tests and performance evaluations have shown
Figure 1b, incorporates the layer of asphalt in lieu of the granular subballast. Ballast is
used above the asphalt layer in a similar manner as conventional all-granular trackbeds.
The ballast provides a protective cover for the asphalt by blocking the sunlight,
protecting the surface from air and water, and maintaining a relatively constant
temperature and environment. The ballast provides a means to adjust the track
Recent studies involve instrumenting asphalt trackbeds with earth pressure cells
and displacement transducers to measure pressure levels and distributions within the
track structure and rail deflections under moving trains. These tests, conducted in real
time domain train operations with 286,000 lb (130 metric ton) cars, confirm the positive
attributes of the asphalt layer (6, 7). Peak dynamic pressures range from 13 to 17 psi
(90 to 120 kPa) on top of the asphalt layer. These are further reduced to 7 to 8 psi (50
to 55 kPa) under the asphalt layer at the subgrade interface. Dynamic track deflections
average 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) for wood tie track and 0.05 in. (1.3 mm) for concrete tie track.
These are considered optimum for quality trackbeds. Dynamic track modulus values
consistently average 2,900 lb/in/in (20 MPa) for wood tie track and 7,200 lb/in/in (50
MPa) for concrete tie track, also considered optimum stiffness levels.
The asphalt mix is similar to that used for highway applications, but can be slightly
mat of specified thickness and the common term is “underlayment” since the layer is
placed under the ballast and above the subgrade or old roadbed. It basically serves as
applicable for special situations and involves placing the track directly on the asphalt
layer with no ballast between the ties or slab and the asphalt. This technique is primarily
The most common asphalt mix is produced as a hot mix asphalt, thus the
acronym – HMA. Cold mix asphalt mixtures and in-place stabilization of roadbeds with
liquid asphalts have been used sparingly. Normally the asphalt mix is produced in a
local mixing plant, at a temperature around 275°F (135°C), hauled to the site in dump
trucks, spread to the desired thickness, and compacted while being maintained at an
elevated temperature.
The asphalt underlayment system is equally applicable for heavy tonnage freight
lines, high-speed passenger lines, commuter and transit lines, freight and intermodal
yards, ballast loadout facilities, and practically all types of special trackworks including
crossing diamonds, turnouts, tunnel floors, bridge approaches, and highway crossings.
The majority of the asphalt trackbed applications are on existing lines. The applications
number in the thousands and most have been used on in-service lines in conjunction
support and drainage conditions are inferior. Current installation practices, which require
removal of the track, are not applicable for long sections of in-service lines since the
time required to remove and replace the track is not commensurate with typical work
windows. Studies are underway to develop equipment to place asphalt under a raised
the largest projects. At these selected locations, conventional trackbed designs were
performance because of inherent poor qualities of the roadbed support materials and
modified with an additional 0.5% asphalt (binder) cement content. The ideal design air
void content for the compacted asphalt layer is 2 to 3%. Typical asphalt layer width is 12
ft (3.7 m) and thickness ranges from 5 to 6 in. (125 to 150 mm). Ballast thickness above
deformation. A slight crown or side slope is desirable. The need to purposefully improve
placing the asphalt, will depend on an analysis of the conditions at the specific site.
Eight asphalt trackbeds, located in five different states, ranging from 12 to 29 years old
and having various asphalt thicknesses and trackbed support materials, were selected
for materials characterization studies. Pertinent classification and descriptive data for
the projects are presented in Table 1. Samples were obtained during summer 2007.
Previous characterization studies, primarily conducted in 1998 (14, 15), were available
for selected projects and are included herein for comparison purposes.
project. Samples were removed from the field side crib area (Figure 2). The following
• Remove and sample ballast from crib area down to top of asphalt layer
• Obtain 6 in. (150 mm) diameter core sample with core drill
• Protect samples from core drilling water so as to not contaminate the
underlying roadbed
plastic bag
• Auger out roadbed samples, note distance below asphalt, separate if layered
• Repeat drilling sequence, normally three cores were taken at each location
• Fill core holes with cold mix patch and replace ballast
The following geotechnical laboratory tests and evaluations using standard ASTM
The samples were recorded by depth below the asphalt and placed in separate
containers when differences in size, color, texture, or moisture content were observed.
The sealed containers were transported to the geotechnical laboratory at the Kentucky
samples. Data from the 1998 sampling is included for comparison with the recent 2007
data. Subgrade samples were obtained from four projects. The subballast and subgrade
were sampled separately at the Hoover site. This was the only project where granular
subballast was used below the asphalt. The Quinlan site had two distinctly different
subgrades due to differing topography. Thus, six different samples were analyzed for
The initial testing phase involved in-situ moisture content tests, grain-size
analysis, and Atterberg limits tests followed by soil classifications by the Unified
procedure. Based on the classifications, similar materials from a site were combined to
accumulate samples of sufficient size for the subsequent standard Proctor moisture-
density test to determine optimum moisture content for maximum dry density and for the
There was significant interest in determining the existing moisture contents of the
subgrade materials directly under the asphalt layer and subsequently comparing these
with previous measurements with the optimum moisture contents for the respective
materials. Every effort was made to remove core drilling water to protect subgrade
In-situ moisture contents are provided in Table 2 for both the 1998 and 2007
sampling operations. The values varied relative to the type of subgrade soil, but were
very site specific comparable with values obtained during the 1998 sampling. These
data are shown in Figure 3. There was an average net decrease of 0.1% change in
Two of the projects had in-situ moisture tests taken during similar coring
operations on several previous occasions, dating to the early 1980s. This data is
presented in Figure 4. The Oklahoma City trackbed has a highly plastic clay under the
asphalt. The range in moisture values is minimal. The Conway trackbed has the existing
old roadbed under the asphalt that is highly variable mixture of large-size ballast, small-
size ballast, cinder, coal, soil, etc. The significance of the data is that the average
moisture contents of the materials underlying the asphalt have remained essentially
unchanged at each respective site over the years from the time the asphalt was placed.
Previous concerns about pore water pressure, and its effects on lowering subgrade soil
The soil classifications, based on grain size analyses and Atterberg limits tests, are
provided in Table 2. The test projects were selected to include a wide variety of
subgrade materials, ranging from reasonably high plastic clays to more silty/sandy
was noticed at individual sites for the samples taken in 1998 and 2007.
Standard Proctor Moisture-Density
The standard Proctor moisture-density test was conducted to determine the optimum
moisture content for achieving maximum density. The minus 0.50 in. (12.5 mm) size
material was removed. The optimum moisture content data is included in Table 2.
Figure 5 shows the change in optimum moisture contents for the six samples between
1998 and 2007 sampling. The changes were typically less than 1 percent, indicating
similar materials.
the Proctor optimum moisture values. The linearity of the relationship is shown in Figure
7. Note that the R2 value is in excess of 0.9 indicating very good correlation. The in-situ
moisture contents were very close to optimum values. These findings indicate that the
subgrade materials under the asphalt layer can be considered, for design purposes, to
have a prevailing moisture contents very near optimum for maximum compactability and
condition, which for most soils is a weaker condition than when the soil is at optimum
determined from previous Proctor tests to be optimum for maximum density. Specimens
were tested immediately in the unsoaked condition. Companion specimens were
soaked in water for 96 hours prior to testing. Tests were conducted at 0.1 in. (2.5 mm)
The CBR data is presented in Table 2. The values were typical for the types of
materials tested. For example, the highest CBR value was in the 50 range, which was a
select river gravel used as a subballast (locally known as “Tex-Flex” base), for the
Hoover project. A select crushed stone product is considered to have a CBR value of
100. The other subgrade materials have CBR values significantly lower, as expected,
in Figure 8. CBR values were significantly lower for the soaked samples, particularly
those containing clay size material, which had values in the low single digits. Test
results for the 1998 and 2007 sampling were reasonably close considering that
materials sufficient for only one unsoaked and one soaked specimen per site were
available for tests. Likely the 1998 and 2007 test comparisons would have been less
variable had additional tests been conducted to obtain averages based on several
replicable tests.
As noted previously, the in-situ moisture contents for individual samples were
very close to the those determined from the Proctor test to be near optimum. This
relationship is shown graphically in Figure 7. Since the unsoaked CBR values are
derived from tests on samples at optimum moisture contents, and the test results from
moisture contents, it is obvious that the unsoaked CBR bearing capacity values are
appropriate to use for structural design calculations. The soaked (lower) CBR values
applicable to the open all-granular trackbeds, which are prone to variable moisture
contents depending on the amount of rainfall and surface drainage conditions, and
underlying the asphalt layers were at moisture contents near optimum, and based on
long-term monitoring at two sites, maintain optimum moisture conditions for indefinite
The following laboratory tests were conducted on the asphalt mixtures and cores at the
• Resilient Modulus @ 5°C (41°F) and 25°C (77°F) @ 1 loading cycle per
• Dynamic Modulus @ 5°C (41°F) and 25°C (77°F) @ 1 hertz load frequency
contains results for the Mix Extraction Tests and Core Analysis. Table 4 contains test
results on the Recovered Asphalt Binders. The most recent test results are listed in the
far right columns. This represents 2007 data for six of the projects. The significance of
the prior tests is so that the changes in the properties and weathering characteristics of
The extraction test results (Table 3) are indicative of dense-graded base mixes with 1.0
in. (25 mm) maximum size aggregate and about 6 percent passing the No. 200 sieve.
These are basically in conformance with guidelines previously described (5, 15).
Asphalt binder contents vary somewhat, ranging from 4.5 to 7.0 percent. No particular
changes are evident in aggregate gradations or asphalt binder contents over the period
of years.
Tests on the asphalt cores included density and voids analyses and dynamic and
resilient modulus tests. The air voids were typically higher than desirable for five of the
sites ranging from 5 to 9 percent. The air voids were purposefully maintained at 2 to 3
percent range at three of the sites. This range is considered to be optimum to resist
premature oxidation of the binder. Average air voids for each site were less than the 8%
The industry standard dynamic and resilient modulus tests were used to measure
the modulus of elasticity of the asphalt cores. In both tests, repeated loads were applied
to a cylindrical specimen and the displacements were measured. The values, reported
in Table 3, were measured under uniaxial compression loading for the dynamic modulus
and under indirect tensile loading for the resilient modulus. Tests were conducted at two
standard temperatures which represent the nominal lowest, 5°C (41°F) and highest,
Recent tests were limited to resilient modulus since it is now considered as more
characteristic of the asphalt binder in the mix. At lower temperatures, the asphalt
temperatures, the asphalt becomes less stiff. Obviously, for asphalt highway
stiffness differences from winter to summer are significantly greater than those existing
Figure 10 is a plot of Resilient Modulus versus Age of the asphalt mixes. The
circled symbols represent data for cores (obtained from the trackbed in 1998) that cured
the final nine years in the laboratory environment. They are plotted directly above the
railroad cured data for similar ages. Note that the modulus values for the cores cured
the last nine years in the laboratory were higher than the cores in the railroad
The measured modulus values are reasonably consistent for the various sites.
There is no particular trend or changes in modulus as a function of time. The mixes vary
in asphalt contents, densities, aggregate gradations, and binder properties from site-to-
site, which can be expected to produce variations in modulus values. However, these
variations are minimal. The significant factor is that the values are reasonably typical for
new, unweathered mixes not exemplifying fatigue and cracking – thus low values, or
exemplifying hardening/weathering of the binder – thus high values. The values are
basically intermediate in magnitude, even after many years of loading and weathering in
Test results for Penetration, Absolute and Kinematic Viscosities, and Dynamic Shear
Penetration and Absolute Viscosity versus Age of the Asphalt Underlayments are
contained in Figures 11a and 11b. The data points circled at the ends of the trend lines
represent the 2007 values. The preceding data points are nine years prior, or 1998
Penetration values will tend to decrease and viscosity values will tend to increase
with time due to expected oxidizing and hardening of the asphalt binders. There is
indication of this phenomenon when comparing the 1998 and 2007 test values.
However, the Abson method (ASTM D1856) was used for the 1998 and prior asphalt
recoveries; whereas, the Rotary Evaporator method (ASTM D5404) was used for the
2007 recoveries. The Rotovapor method is considered more effective at removing the
solvent. Therefore, the 2007 penetration values would be expected to be lower and the
2007 absolute viscosity values would be expected to be higher than their respective
1998 values. These trends are evident from Figures 12a and 12b respectively.
It is likely that the original asphalt binders were PAC 60-70 penetration or AC-20
viscosity graded. The effects of short-term aging (elevated temperatures) during the
pavement construction process and long-term aging for several years will reduce the
binder penetration to the 25 to 40 range and the absolute viscosity at 60°C (140°F) will
be maintained to less than 15,000 poises (17). These samples meet these criteria,
The Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) procedure for evaluating asphalt binders
was developed in the mid-1990s. Fortunately this test was conducted in 1998 on
samples from 5 of the 6 sites and this data is compared to the 2007 data in Figure 13.
The standard for performance grade asphalt binders, after short- and long-term aging, is
that the DSR at 25°C (77°F) should be less than 5,000 kPa. Note in Figure 13 that all of
the samples are well below 5,000 kPa, another indication that the asphalt binders in the
It is not surprising that the asphalt binder in the trackbed cores are not oxidizing and
hardening to the extent normally observed for asphalt highway pavements. This is
largely due to two factors. The surface of the asphalt is typically submerged 20 in. (500
mm) from the surface (atmosphere) by the ballast/tie cribs and the depth of ballast
below the ties. The lack of sunlight and reduced oxygen largely negates normal
from summer to winter is significantly less in the insulated trackbed environment than
for exposed highway pavements. This information was developed initially during 1982
and 1995 tests in Kentucky from buried thermistors, and reported previously (14) and
reproduced in Table 5. Additional tests during 2000 at the AAR Pueblo test site
The primary purpose of this investigation was to determine, based on test results,
current materials properties of the asphalt and underlying materials in order to assess if
subgrade/roadbed samples from eight asphalt trackbeds. The trackbeds were from 12
to 29 years old when tested and were distributed over five states. The inherent
conditions varied significantly from site-to-site. These included asphalt thickness and
evaluations were available for the projects and the results were included for
under the asphalt layer, is that the in-situ moisture contents are very close to laboratory
determined optimum values for maximum density of the respective materials. The
asphalt layer is not performing as a membrane to collect and trap moisture, thus
weakening support. Actually, since the in-situ moisture contents are at or near optimum
for maximum density, the strengths and load carrying capacities of the underlying
materials are also at or near optimum. Furthermore, average moisture contents remain
essentially unchanged, at or near optimum, for the two projects from which previous
data was available. For design purposes, it is reasonable to base strength or bearing
capacity values at optimum conditions (moisture content and density) for the material
under the asphalt layer. Using strength or bearing capacity values determined for the
soaked condition, common for highway designs, is inappropriate for asphalt trackbed
designs. The unsoaked, optimum moisture content condition is consistent with in-
that the asphalt binders and asphalt mixes do not exhibit any indication of excessive
the overlying ballast which protects the asphalt from excessive temperature extremes
and oxidation and hardening of the asphalt binder. These factors will contribute to a
long fatigue life for the asphalt layer. There is no indication that the asphalt layers are
experiencing any loss of fatigue life based on resilient modulus test on the extracted
stripping/raveling under the suction of high tire pressures on wet pavements, and 4)
railroad trackbeds. For example, the temperatures are not sufficiently high to promote
rutting. Conversely, the temperatures are not sufficiently low to promote low
temperature cracking and decreased fatigue life, nor does the asphalt binder weather or
harden excessively in the insulated trackbed environment which would have further
negative influence on cracking and fatigue life. Obviously the tendency to strip/ravel is
materials are maintained at or near optimum for maximum density and support strength.
In addition, peak dynamic vertical pressures on top of the asphalt layer are
typically less the 20 psi (138 kPa) under 286,000 lb (130 metric ton) locomotives and
heavily loaded cars. (16) This is only two to three times larger than the pressure exerted
pressures exerted by heavily loaded highway tracks, which can be in excess of 100 psi
(690 kPa). These peak dynamic pressures are further reduced to less than 10 psi (69
Based on the findings and analyses of the research reported herein, asphalt
practices also reported herein, should have an extremely long service life as a premium
or cracks of the asphalt after many years of heavy traffic under widely varying
Ancillary benefits of a long-lasting premium subballast support material for
railroad tracks include the following: increased strength, decreased abrasion, and
increased life of the ballast; decreased wear and improved fatigue life of the ties, rail,
track stiffness (modulus) designed for optimum levels; reduced maintenance activities
and associated track closures; and improved adherence to track geometric parameters.
All of these benefits impact favorably on achieving efficient operation of the rail
transportation system.
The research was primarily supported by CSX Transportation and the BNSF Railway
was performed by the National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University.
William (Zack) Dombrow, BNSF Summer Intern from the University of Illinois, assisted
2. Lopresti, J., Davis, D., and Kalay, S. (2002) Strengthening the Track Structure for
Heavy Axle Loads, Railway Track & Structures, September, pp. 21-26.
6. Li, D., Rose, J., and LoPresti, J. (2001) Test of Hot-Mix Asphalt Trackbed over Soft
Subgrade Under Heavy Axle Loads, Technology Digest-01-009, Assoc. of
American Railroads, April, 4 pages.
7. Rose, J., Su, B., and Twehues, F. (2004) Comparisons of Railroad Track and
Substructure Computer Model Predictive Stress Values and In-Situ Stress
Measurements, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Assoc.
2004 Annual Conference Proceedings, Nashville, TN, September, 17 pages.
9. Teixeira, P., Pita, A., Ubalde, L. and Gallego, I. (2005) New Possibilities to Reduce
Track Maintenance Costs on High-Speed Lines by Using a Bituminous Sub-ballast
Layer, Proceedings of Railway Engineering 2005, London, June, 11 pages.
10. Momoya, Y., Horiike, T., and Ando, K. (2002) Development of Solid Bed Track on
Asphalt Pavement, Quarterly Report, Railway Technical Research Institute, Vol.
43, No. 3, September, pp. 113-118,
11. Frailey, F. (2004) BNSF Reborn, TRAINS, Vol. 64, No. 10, October, pp. 34-49.
12. Lustig, D. (2007) Paving a Way for a Railroad Line, TRAINS, Vol. 67, No. 3, March,
pp. 26-27,
13. Rose, J. and Hensley, J. (2000) Design, Construction, and Maintenance Practices
for Asphalt Trackbeds, Proceedings, Transportation Systems 2000 Workshop, San
Antonio, February, pp. 275-281.
14. Rose, J., Brown, E., and Osborne, M. (2000) Asphalt Trackbed Technology
Development; The First 20 Years. Transportation Research Record 1713,
Transportation Research Board, pp. 1-9.
17. American Society for Testing and Materials (2007) Standard Specification for
Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder, ASTM D6373, Book of Standards Volume:
0403, 5 pages.
Table 3. Mix Extraction Tests and Core Analyses from Asphalt Trackbeds
Figure 3. Changes in In-Situ Subgrade Moisture Contents Between 1998 and 2007.
Figure 5. Changes in Optimum Subgrade Moisture Contents Between 1998 and 2007.
Figure 6. Comparison of 1998 and 2007 Measured In-Situ Moisture Contents and
Optimum Moisture Contents for the Roadbed/Subgrade Samples.
Figure 8. Comparison of 1998 and 2007 Unsoaked and Soaked CBR Test Values for
the Roadbed/Subgrade Samples.
Figure 12. Penetration and Absolute Viscosity Values for Railroad and Laboratory
Cured Asphalt Cores.
Figure 13. Dynamic Shear Rheometer Values for 1998 and 2007 Tests.
Table 1. Asphalt Test Trackbeds
Location Conway, KY Deepwater, WV Cynthiana, KY Guthrie, OK Oklahoma City, Quinlan, OK Hoover, TX Raton, NM
High Speed
High Speed High Speed High Speed High Speed High Speed Slow Speed
Type of Mainline Open Slow Speed
Mainline Mainline Bridge Mainline Bridge Mainline Mainline Branch Line
Facility Track/ Road Yard Lead
Open Track Approaches Approaches Open Track Open Track Open Track
Unit Coal Unit Coal Unit Coal Unit Coal Unit Coal Unit Coal
Traffic Type
Intermodal Mixed Intermodal Mixed Intermodal Mixed Intermodal Mixed Mixed Freight Intermodal Mixed Intermodal Mixed Unit Coal
(million gross
freight Freight freight freight (10) freight freight (3)
tons per year)
(40+) (40+) (40+) (40+) (40+) (40+)
Year 1994
≈1900 ≈1900 ≈1900 1989 1980 1995 1969
Roadbed (new double
(original) (original) (original) (new alignment) (new yard) (new double track) (new coal spur)
Constructed track)
Year HMA
1983 1984 1984 1989 1982 1995 1994 1969
(24 years) (23 years) (23 years) (18 years) (25 years) (12 years) (13 years) (38 years)
(Age of HMA)
HMA Section 1000 ft, 8 in. 200 ft, 8 in. 1300 ft, 6 in. 3100 ft, 4 in. 532 ft, 8 in. 7.9 miles, 6 in. 4.4 miles, 4 in. 700 ft, 2 ½ in.
Length and (305 m, 200 mm) (61 m, 200 mm) (396 m, 150 mm) (945 m, 100 mm) (162 m, 200 mm) (12.7 km, 150 mm) (7.1 km, 100 mm) (213 m, 65 mm)
1000 ft, 5 in. 280 ft, 4 in. 700 ft, 5 in.
(305 m, 125 mm) (85m, 100 mm) (213 m, 125 mm)
select subballast
Type of existing select clay soil clay & silt soil
existing mixture existing mixture soil mixture Select subgrade
Roadbed mixture subgrade subgrade subgrades
Table 2. Subgrade/Roadbed Geotechnical Evaluations*
Unified Soil
Grain Size Analysis Atterberg Limits Proctor California Bearing Ratio Values
Test Classification
Project % No. 4 to % Optimum Unsoaked Soaked
Location In-situ No. 200 Passing Group % CBR, % CBR, %
% Moisture % Retained Size No. 200 Symb Group Moisture 2.5 mm (0.1 2.5 mm (0.1
Content No. 4 Sieve Material Sieve LL PL PI ol Name Content in.) in.)
Guthrie, OK
Select 10.8 - 16.0 Silty
1 67 32 Non Plastic SM 11.5 16.0 6.0
Subgrade (13.2)** Sand
Select 10.1 - 13.5 Silty
0 67 33 Non Plastic SM 12.5 12.1 3.9
Subgrade (11.8) Sand
Oklahoma City, OK
Clay 16.7 - 20.4 Lean
1 6 93 38 20 18 CL 17.6 8.5 3.2
Subgrade (18.1) Clay
Clay 15.1 – 22.4 Lean
0 4 96 34 18 17 CL 18.0 8.2 2.8
Subgrade (17.6) Clay
Quinlan, OK
Clay 15.9 – 20.5 Lean
4 11 85 37 19 18 CL 17.0 10.0 3.8
Subgrade (18.0) Clay
Clay 15.4 – 19.8 Lean
0 12 88 30 17 13 CL 17.0 8.8 4.2
Subgrade (17.6) Clay
7.6 - 14.2 GC- clayey
Subgrade 39 36 25 27 18 9 11.4 4.8 2.8
(10.7) GM gravel w/
9.1 – 13.6 Clayey
Subgrade 36 34 30 21 14 7 SC 10.0 8.6 4.7
(11.0) sand
* 1998 data in normal print, 2007 data in bold print
** Test data in parenthesis represents averages
Table 3. Mix Extraction Tests and Core Analyses from Asphalt Trackbeds
Project Location
Conway, KY (1983) Hoover, TX (1994)
(Date Constructed)
Age After 1 Day After 2 Years After 11 Years After 15 Years* After 24 Years** After 4 Years* After 13 Years**
Extraction Results
Maximum Aggregate 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1)
Size, mm (in.)
Percent Passing 4.5 – 11.7 4.8 – 5.0
3.5 – 5.3 4.6 – 5.9 5.8 – 6.9 -- -- --
No. 200 Sieve Avg. 6.3 Avg. 4.9
Asphalt Binder % 5.0 – 5.4 4.4 – 4.7 5.7 – 6.4 6.6 – 6.8
by Weight of 4.8 – 4.9 4.5 – 4.8 5.1 – 5.3 6.8
Avg. 5.3 Avg. 4.6 Avg. 6.2 Avg. 6.7
Total Mix
Core Analysis
Thickness, mm 108 – 213 121 – 216 114 –210 102 – 210 114 – 216 64 – 102 51 - 102 64 – 102
(in.) (4 1/4 – 8 3/8) (4 ¾ - 8 ½) (4 ½ - 8 ¼) (4 – 8 ¼) (4 ½ - 8 ½) (2 ½ - 4) (2 – 4) (2 ½ - 4)
Density, kg/m3 2260 – 2340 2225 – 2340 2305 – 2420 2327 – 2427 2242 – 2391 2171 – 2286 2213 – 2325 2267 – 2286
(lb/ft ) (141 – 146) (139 – 146) (144 – 151) (145 – 151) (140 – 149) (136 – 143) (138 – 145) (141 – 143)
-- -- -- 267 – 508 206 – 508 140 – 232 228 – 384 386 – 465
25ΕC (77ΕF)
Avg. 363 Avg. 387 Avg. 185 Avg. 309 Avg. 423
*1998 data
**2007 data
Table 3 (Cont.). Mix Extraction Tests and Core Analyses from Asphalt Trackbeds
Project Location
Cynthiana, KY (1984) Deepwater, WV (1984) Raton, NM (1969)
(Date Constructed)
Age After 29
After 1 Year After 10 Years After 14 Years* After 23 Years** After 1 Year After 14 Years* After 14 Years
Exposure RR RR RR RR Lab (9 Years) RR RR RR RR
Extraction Results
Maximum Aggregate 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1)
Size, mm (in.)
Percent Passing 5.1 - 9.3 1.5 – 1.9 8.8 – 10.4
6.1- 8.6 8.1 - 8.4 -- -- 1.8 – 2.0 9.3 – 10.1
No. 200 Sieve Avg. 7.0 Avg. 1.7 Avg. 9.5
Asphalt Binder % 4.5 – 5.2 4.9 – 5.3 4.7 – 5.1 6.6 – 7.4
by Weight of 4.7 – 5.0 4.9 – 5.3 5.1 4.0 – 4.4 6.9 – 7.3
Avg. 5.0 Avg. 5.1 Avg. 4.9 Avg. 7.1
Total Mix
Core Analysis
Thickness, mm 102 – 254 127 – 229 127 – 279 102 – 203 127 – 279 102 – 178 76 – 178 67 – 194 127 – 190
(in.) (4 –10) (5 – 9) (5 – 11) (4 – 8) (5 – 11) (4 – 7) (3 – 7) (2 5/8 – 7 5/8) (5 – 7 ½)
Density, kg/m3 2194 – 2339 2179 –2355 2196 – 2375 2217 – 2343 2236 2115 – 2243 2132 – 2317 2180 – 2225 2232 – 2278
(lb/ft3) (137 – 146) (136 – 147) (137 – 148) (138 – 146) (139) (132 – 140) (133 – 145) (136 – 139) (139 – 142)
Extraction Results
Maximum Aggregate 19 (3/4) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1)
Size, mm (in.)
Percent Passing 4.0 – 5.8
7.3 -- -- --
No. 200 Sieve Avg. 4.9
Density, kg/m3 2458 – 2463 2399 – 2423 2292 – 2389 2293 – 2341 2293 – 2341
(lb/ft ) (153 – 154) (150 – 151) (143 – 149) (143 – 146) (143 – 146)
Extraction Results
Maximum Aggregate 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1) 25 (1)
Size, mm (in.)
Percent Passing 5.2 – 6.4
7.0 6.0 – 6.5 -- -- --
No. 200 Sieve Avg. 5.9
Age After 1 Day After 2 Years After 11 Years After 15 Years* After 24 Years** After 4 Years* After 13 Years**
Recovered Asphalt
Penetration, dcm 39 – 44 50 – 54
50 35 41 - 44 25 31 34
25ΕC (77ΕF) Avg. 42 Avg. 52
Viscosity, P 6334 – 9378 3020 – 3358
4400 - 4410 6250 - 14060 9780 - 12034 13214 6022 5107
60ΕC (140ΕF) Avg. 7983 Avg. 3210
Viscosity, cSt 650 – 932 596 – 627
530 - 540 610 - 840 750 - 760 1752 778 722
135ΕC (275ΕF) Avg. 731 Avg. 612
Dynamic Shear
Rheometer, G*/sin 72.6 68.6 66.6
1.00 kPa, ΕC
Dynamic Shear
1819 – 2249
Rheometer, kPa 1213 1080 2084 1790
Avg. 2043
25ºC (77ºF)
*1998 data
**2007 data
Table 4 (Cont.). Tests on Recovered Asphalt from Asphalt Trackbeds
Project Location
(Date Constructed)
Cynthiana, KY (1984) Deepwater, WV (1984) Raton, NM (1969)
After 14 After 29
Age After 1 Year After 10 Years After 23 Years** After 1 Year After 14 Years* After 14 Years
Years* Years*
Lab (9
Penetration, dcm 30 – 51 25 – 35 61 – 77
43 - 51 41 42 21 53 -60 62 - 82
25ΕC (77ΕF) Avg. 40 Avg. 29 Avg. 68
Viscosity, P 8440 – 15405 19201 – 33891 1314 – 1477
6440 - 9177 13880 - 14480 13290 4193 - 5699 1060 - 1610
60ΕC (140ΕF) Avg. 11855 Avg. 25129 Avg. 1361
Viscosity, cSt 760 – 1159 1003 – 1104 290 – 318
631 - 688 886 - 894 763 1347 496 - 543 270 - 310
135ΕC (275ΕF) Avg. 936 Avg. 1050 Avg. 301
Dynamic Shear
Rheometer, G*/sin 77.3 78.3
1.00 kPa, ΕC
Dynamic Shear
Rheometer, Kpa 1188 1111 3706
25ºC (77ºF)
*1998 data
**2007 data
Table 4 (Cont.). Tests on Recovered Asphalt from Asphalt Trackbeds
Project Location
(Date Constructed)
Guthrie, OK (1989) Quinlan, OK (1995)
Penetration, dcm 28 – 34
42 28 22 21
25ΕC (77ΕF) Avg. 31
Viscosity, P 5922 – 6136 7827 – 10751
8276 11745 12949
60ΕC (140ΕF) Avg. 6029 Avg. 8927
Viscosity, cSt 678 – 782 856 – 1085
826 1127 968
135ΕC (275ΕF) Avg. 730 Avg. 941
Dynamic Shear
Rheometer, G*/sin 70.0 75.9 73.5
1.00 kPa, ΕC
Dynamic Shear
1387 – 2378
Rheometer, kPa 2197 3308 3842
Avg. 1883
25ºC (77ºF)
*1998 data
**2007 data
Table 4 (Cont.). Tests on Recovered Asphalt from Asphalt Trackbeds
Project Location
(Date Constructed)
Oklahoma City Yard (1982)
After 2 After 3 After 7 After 16
Age After 25 Years**
Months Years Years Years*
Exposure RR RR RR RR RR Lab (9 Years)
Penetration, dcm 45 – 67
58 57 59 28 24
25ΕC (77ΕF) Avg. 54