Md. Asaduzzaman: Education

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Mobile: +8801817181758
Email: [email protected]
House-15, Road-15, DIT, Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh

 Experience in enterprise application development, OSS/BSS solution, Data Warehouse, BI reportining,
RAFM, MFS (Mobile Financial System), VOIP/CRM and VAS applications, ESB and micro service based
 Expertise in data migration (ETL) process development using oracle sql loader, procedures, shell script,
design and develop complex mapping of large volume data
 Working in cross functional team, communication across the organization, follow software engineering
process, passionate in agile scrum development and DDD, TDD

 Programming Language: Java, PHP, C#,.NET, JavaScript, Shell Scripting, Python
 Web development: Spring, Hibernate, Apache Camel, Active MQ, Apache Axis, Apache lucene, JNDI,
Swagger, SOAP, REST, WSDL, JSON, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Angular, CSS, Jasper Report, BIRT,
Pentaho, OLAP
 Application Server: Apache Tomcat, Jetty, weblogic
 Database Software: MSSQL, MySQL, Postgresql, Oracle, MongoDB
 Project Building Tools/Version Control: Maven, Gradle, NPM, Ant, Git, SVN
 Telco domain: DW/BI, RAFM, OCS charging system, postpaid billing system BSS, Provisioning &
Service Management, Mediation, and CLM, USSD, HLR, SMSC, WAP, CRBT, Interconnect, Roaming


B. Sc. Computer Science and Engineering (4 years, 160 credits)

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Year: 2002 – 2007, CGPA: 3.37 out of 4.0, Grade: B+

Higher Secondary School Certificate (H.S.C)

Notre Dame College, Dhaka
Year: 2000 – 2001, Marks: 77.7%


Wipro Limited
Tech Lead (Senior Consultant), AD, From 08 / 2018 to Present
Job responsibility:
 Manage and contribute to all aspects of application development including functional and technical
specifications, design, development
 Design HLD, LLD, ERD and data migration from various sources like CRM, DMS, Business
Intelligence (BI)
 Code review, performance tuning, remove security hole and ensure product quality
 Developing and integrating new change request (CR) in existing solution like SRMS, ISIM, Mobile
financial system (MFS), retailer commission etc.
Vantage Lab LLC
Sr. Software Engineer, From 03 / 2015 to 02 / 2018
Job responsibility:
 Requirements analysis, provide detail solution with time estimation
 Solution design, develop, unit testing, software integration testing and bug fixing
 Follow agile scrum, task break down (WBS), code review and performance tuning
 Working with nosql data for json based dynamic form generation and reporting

Robi Axiata Limited

Manager, RAFM, From 10 / 2012 to 07 / 2014
Job responsibility:
 Research on latest IT technique for improving accuracy of telecom services
 Develop ETL system integration with BI/DW and mediation system
 Data analysis on RAFM Data Warehouse for finding revenue leakage
 Re-rating all usage (Voice, SMS, Data, VAS) CDRs for revenue reconciliation
 Pre & Post Subscriber Features Reconciliations respect to network node and charging system and

Project: ETL process monitoring and Data Warehouse system

Implment ETL process for data live processing for RAFM and storing data in partition based data
warehouse system
Technology: Spring, Python, JqGrid, Warehouse, Oracle Exadata, Shell Script

Project: Revenue Leakage Analysis Reporting

Integrated system of BSCS, OCS charging CDR and MSC platform CDR to assure revenue leakage
detection and reporting
Technology: C#, .NET, Sql Server, Oracle, MSC, OCS, RBMS, BIRT

Project: VAS, SMS and Data Services Provisioning Reconcile Reporting

Integrated system for reconcile service provision on mediation data
Technology: C#, .NET, MSSQL Server, OLAP and data from OCS, HLR, SMSC nodes

Project: Reconcile CLM campaign

Data collection from BI and CLM system and reconcile the for verifying campaign activation and
Technology: C#, .NET, MSSQL Server, BI, CLM

Specialist, Development, Technology 08 / 2010 - 10 / 2012

Job responsibility:
 Manage project life cycle, vendor, communicate with all stack holder under cross functional teams.
 Software requirements analysis, provide OSS/BSS solution for new business requirement
 Software design, development for in-house solution, provide integration solution and enhancement

Project: Last Recharge Query System

Enable USSD to fascinate last recharge information in real time to subscribers
Technology: Java, Apache Axis2, OCS web service API, USSD, Oracle

Project: SMS to Area Manager

SMS based web application software for reporting Area Manager (AM) for daily, weekly and monthly
Technology: Java, SMPP, Oracle Store procedure, Data Warehouse
Project: Durbin
Web application solution for monitoring and forecast area based revenue forecast
Technology: Java, SMPP, Spring 3, Jquery, Oracle Store procedure, Oracle Exadata

ATI Limited
Senior Software Engineer, From 01 / 2009 to 06 / 2010
Job responsibility:
 Lead the development team, work load distribution and solving technical difficulties
 Data Migration through ETL process and report generation
 Requirement analysis and design software functionalities (HLD, LLD)
 Software developing, unit testing, integration testing and bug fixing

Spectrum Engineering Consortium Ltd.

Programmer, From 08 / 2007 to 09 / 2008
Job responsibility:
 Software requirement analysis, design and development following agile process
 Design the software functionalities Use Case, Activities and Data Flow Diagram
 Software unit testing, integration testing and bug fixing and participate in CMMI process.

Project: Revnx Broad Cast Your Mobile Media

YouTube like video streaming application for providing service and content
Technology: Java, struts 2, spring, JMS, Java Script, and Oracle


Course Institute Duration

Oracle OCP (11g) IBCS Primax Limited, Bangladesh 3 Months
Oracle Performance Tuning, IBCS Primax Limited, Bangladesh 3 Months
Project Management Essential (PME) British Council 7 days
Software architecture and performance Tuning Samsung R&D Institute, Bangladesh 15 days
Micro-services architecture Wipro Limited 15 days

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