Md. Asaduzzaman: Education
Md. Asaduzzaman: Education
Md. Asaduzzaman: Education
Mobile: +8801817181758
Email: [email protected]
House-15, Road-15, DIT, Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Experience in enterprise application development, OSS/BSS solution, Data Warehouse, BI reportining,
RAFM, MFS (Mobile Financial System), VOIP/CRM and VAS applications, ESB and micro service based
Expertise in data migration (ETL) process development using oracle sql loader, procedures, shell script,
design and develop complex mapping of large volume data
Working in cross functional team, communication across the organization, follow software engineering
process, passionate in agile scrum development and DDD, TDD
Programming Language: Java, PHP, C#,.NET, JavaScript, Shell Scripting, Python
Web development: Spring, Hibernate, Apache Camel, Active MQ, Apache Axis, Apache lucene, JNDI,
Swagger, SOAP, REST, WSDL, JSON, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Angular, CSS, Jasper Report, BIRT,
Pentaho, OLAP
Application Server: Apache Tomcat, Jetty, weblogic
Database Software: MSSQL, MySQL, Postgresql, Oracle, MongoDB
Project Building Tools/Version Control: Maven, Gradle, NPM, Ant, Git, SVN
Telco domain: DW/BI, RAFM, OCS charging system, postpaid billing system BSS, Provisioning &
Service Management, Mediation, and CLM, USSD, HLR, SMSC, WAP, CRBT, Interconnect, Roaming
Wipro Limited
Tech Lead (Senior Consultant), AD, From 08 / 2018 to Present
Job responsibility:
Manage and contribute to all aspects of application development including functional and technical
specifications, design, development
Design HLD, LLD, ERD and data migration from various sources like CRM, DMS, Business
Intelligence (BI)
Code review, performance tuning, remove security hole and ensure product quality
Developing and integrating new change request (CR) in existing solution like SRMS, ISIM, Mobile
financial system (MFS), retailer commission etc.
Vantage Lab LLC
Sr. Software Engineer, From 03 / 2015 to 02 / 2018
Job responsibility:
Requirements analysis, provide detail solution with time estimation
Solution design, develop, unit testing, software integration testing and bug fixing
Follow agile scrum, task break down (WBS), code review and performance tuning
Working with nosql data for json based dynamic form generation and reporting
ATI Limited
Senior Software Engineer, From 01 / 2009 to 06 / 2010
Job responsibility:
Lead the development team, work load distribution and solving technical difficulties
Data Migration through ETL process and report generation
Requirement analysis and design software functionalities (HLD, LLD)
Software developing, unit testing, integration testing and bug fixing