Maratha Mandal Engineering College, Belagavi Assignment-2: Module 3,4

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Maratha Mandal Engineering College, Belagavi

Department of Electronics And Communication Engg.


Subject: Object Oriented Programming using C++ Sem: 5th

Sub. Code: 15EC562 Issue date:

Submission date:


1. Explain the concept of pointer to member & member functions?

2. Define a Constructor with an example & state its characteristics with a program?

3. Explain the concept of Multiple constructor in a class with some examples?

4. Explain the concept of Copy constructor with a program & Dynamic constructor with an example?

5. Define Operator Overloading & explain overloading of unary & binary operators with an examples?

6. How Manipulation of strings is done using operators ,explain with an example?

7. Explain function prototype. With example explain call by value and call by reference.

8. What are inline functions and why they are used? Explain with an example.

9. Explain the concept of function overloading with examples and a program.

10. Write a C++ program to find the area of triangle using a class with the member functions declared
inside the class and outside the class.

OBE Auditor Staff Name: Tushar Bedke

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