Field of Specialization - 130 Items
Field of Specialization - 130 Items
Field of Specialization - 130 Items
NTFS partition
c. data partition
Items d. system partition
10. Mike’s turbenized shirt is considered as well
made based on this criterion.
1. To be a good listener ne must ________. a. Executive collar has equal side ends.
a. take note an accompanying nonverbal b. Machine stitches are even.
cues c. Sleeve cap is well-shaped.
b. engage in other activities d. Sleeve placket is well and neatly sewed
c. argue 11. Milkfish fries are caught along southwestern
d. interrupt when necessary shores of many island. Some of the fishes
2. Which of the following is a household chore caught with milkfish are ten pounder and
that has to be done every day? tarpon. The former is long with:
a. Cleaning the ceiling a. Stripes near the tail
b. Dusting the furniture b. Yellowish color
c. Sweeping the floor c. Whitish structure behind the anus
d. Laundering bed sheets d. Short and black head
3. Which of the following refers to the things of 12. Which interview is highly structured?
value and right owned by the business? a. Planned
a. expense b. Stress
b. liability c. Ambush
c. asset d. Patterned
d. profit 13. Accounting refers to the whole process of
4. The practice of adding soda when cooking recording and interpreting results of:
vegetables for the purpose of retaining the a. Stock market
green color and the crispness should be b. Business transaction
avoided primarily because: c. Capital outflow
a. They become less palatable d. Means of production
b. They become hard to digest 14. Which of the following contains minimum
c. Vitamin C is destroyed in the presence acceptable human qualities necessary to
of alkali perform a task?
d. The flavor of vegetables is modified a. Job description
5. Which is to get the information saved before b. Job analysis
and to use it with a program at a later time? c. Job classification
a. File d. Job specification
b. Install 15. Which is/are the purpose/s of performance
c. Shutdown appraisal?
d. Load i. Feedback on quality of performance
6. If pictures needed from an electronic ii. Feedback on the effectiveness of
encyclopedia, what must be done? recruitment & selection process
a. Cite the source for the picture iii. Input on profitability and income of the
b. Use the encyclopedia picture freely company
c. Credit the group members for scanning iv. Data base for H.R decision making.
the picture a. III only
d. List the names of the group members at b. I, II and III
the end of the project c. I, II and IV
7. Which of the following would effective d. I, III and IV
managers most likely NOT use in employing 16. Which one is an internet address?
personnel? a. ADSL
a. Accomplishing forms b. URL
b. Requiring medical examination c. ISDN
c. Interviewing selected applicants d. ISP
d. Setting interview of reference 17. Form of fatigue caused by a emotional
8. A point is the projection of a line if it is problem like boredom, frustration, conflicts
perpendicular to the: and depression called:
a. Plane of proportion a. Physical fatigue
b. Plane of direction b. Psychological fatigue
c. Plane of projection c. Physiological fatigue
d. Plane of intersection d. Pathological fatigue
9. For Crash Dumps to be obtained, a pagefile 18. Which of the following is true about giant
must exist on the ________. gourami?
a. Boot partition
a. It attains maturity in 3-4 years and could c. Money motive
weigh up to three kilograms each d. Desire for competence
b. The female has a prominent hump on 28. There are numerous kinds of saws. The one
the head used by sawing along the grain of wood is
c. It feed mostly on zooplanktons called:
d. It originated from Thailand a. Rip saw
19. Clovelet is to garlic while root stems are to: b. Coping saw
a. Carrots c. Cross cut saw
b. Ginger d. Back saw
c. Cassava 29. Which is the main button the task bar?
d. Bulb Onions
20. Who among the following concerns himself a. Right
with helping workers reach their full b. Right mouse
potential? c. Left
a. Charles Babbage d. Start
b. Frederich Taylor 30. Salt is a necessary ingredient in yeast raised
c. Henry Gantt breads because salt:
d. Robert Owen a. Removes the water in dough
21. It is the care on personal appearance which b. Retains the moisture in dough
includes the condition of the body and how c. Controls the rising of the bread
one looks and smells. d. Makes the bread taste better
a. Good health 31. Which of the following is an example of
b. Grooming money, materials and machine?
c. Personal development a. Capital
d. Proper hygiene b. Input
22. Which emphasizes prevention rather than c. Material
correction of delays? d. Resource
a. Controlling 32. Which allows it use to upload and download
b. Directing files from other computers for the net?
c. Evaluating
d. Planning a. Usenet
23. Mothers tend to work for extra income for b. Search engine
the family while the children secure for c. Telnet
summer jobs. Where do these help? d. File transfer protocol
a. Economic crisis 33. A large family needs a large income. This is
b. Social standing referred to as:
c. Socio-economic status a. Expanding stage
d. Economic upliftment b. Countracting stage
24. If one should see a message with list on it c. Empty nest stage
asking one how to boot the computer, what d. Beginning stage
should one do? 34. Fleas attack chicken. They are dark brown
a. Call for help in color with three pairs of legs and in
b. Turn the computer off flattered conditions. Generally, they are
c. Don’t mind the message, continue located near:
d. Choose number one, Normal Boot. a. Shank and toes
25. When materials are to be laid out, the best b. Vent and thighs
tools to be used are __________. c. Wings and wattles
a. Measuring tools d. Eyes and comb
b. Tooth cutting tools 35. What is the process by which pelts, skin and
c. Lining tools hides are made pliable for use?
d. Boring tools a. Curing
26. What is the scheme of undertaking two b. Tanning
activities at the same time? c. Dressing
a. Dovetailing d. Cleaning
b. Detailing 36. Some loosely knitted garments stretch if
c. Sensitizing hung on hangers. This can be prevented if
d. Simulating the following EXCEPT one:
27. Which of the following according to Robert a. Use padded hanger
W. White is the mainspring of action on b. Hand the knitted while dripping wet
human being? c. Pad wire hanger into foam or old towel
a. Fringe benevfirts d. When the shoulders are placed properly
b. Job status on the pad
37. Blood relation refers to linear family a. Harvest the tops
relationship. This speaks of one of the b. Prune the roots
following: c. Change growing direction
a. Consanguinity d. Produce bigger tubers
b. Affinity 46. When the diameter of cylindrical object is to
c. Camaraderie be measures, the tool to be used is called:
d. Sorority a. Ruler
38. Employees are separated involuntarily due b. Caliper
to _______. c. Push pull rule
a. Low pay d. Meter stick
b. Declining sales 47. The process of breaking down complex food
c. poor working condition substance into unstable form is ______.
d. lure of high paying jobs a. Respiration
39. While scanning is considered the most b. Digestion
advance method of preservation, why does it c. reproduction
employ heat? d. circulation
a. Protect the product from the vegetative 48. Loyalty is measure when people stay
organism together in time of crises. What does it
b. Prevent contamination of the heated strengthen?
food a. Partnership
c. Facilitate penetration of other mixture b. Friendship
d. Preserve moisture contents c. Healthy competition
40. These are earnings of corporations which are d. Cooperation
distributed among the stock holders. 49. A needlework of inter locking loops of
a. Dividend stitches formed through a single thread using
b. Profits hooked needle is:
c. Stocks a. Tatting
d. Wage b. smocking
41. Which question should an entrepreneur c. crocheting
consider as regard location? d. embroidering
a. Is the location economically accessible 50. Which of the filing steps is placing the
to its market? papers in appropriate containers?
b. Does the future look good, or bad for a. Coding
this firm in this market? b. Indexing
c. Are present assets consistent with the c. Cross-referencing
floor plan, available additional space d. Storing
and customer comfort? 51. Which of the following laws protect the
d. Was a proper market survey made for consumers from unscrupulous businessmen?
this purpose? i. Commerce Administrative Order 5-C
42. Which process will help you accomplish the ii. Batas Pambansa Blg. 8
tasks of smoothening pelts, skins and hiding iii. Article 1458 of the Civil Code
as well as making them pliable? iv. R.A 9155
a. Curing a. III and IV
b. Tanning b. I and IV
c. Cleaning c. I, II and III
d. Dressing d. II, III and IV
43. Fertilizers are applied to fish ponds in order 52. To reduce time and energy expenditures,
to: which of the following is the LEAST to be
a. Change the color of water considered?
b. Neutralize acidity a. Equipment and supplies should be
c. Enhance the production of natural foods grouped according to use.
d. Promote fast growth of stocked fish b. All things stored should be placed only
44. Which is the 30-ton room-sized computer in one row.
with over 18,000 vacuum tubes build by c. Frequently used materials should be
John Mauchly and Eckert? placed at the lowest shelves.
a. MITS altair 800 d. Stove, utensils, dines and food supplies
b. Unlvac should be within easy reach.
c. Eniac 53. Which principle of design suggests sequence
d. Colossus movement?
45. Some farmers have this practice of lifting a. Harmony
sweet potato vines which are touching the b. Balance
ground in order to: c. Proportion
d. Rhythm d. Control function
54. Which of the following in some aspects of the 63. Which of the following qualities should
family life affect the father image? entrepreneur processes to achieve
a. In-law relationships objectives?
b. Sexual compatibility a. Patience
c. Duties and responsibilities b. Persistence
d. Patterns of authority c. honesty
55. As onion crop matures, the amount of d. industry
irrigation should be decreased gradually. 64. The key ingredients to Entrepreneurial
Prolonged water supply within 2-3 weeks activity is the result of:
before harvest will produce immature bulbs a. Good luck
with; b. Big Capital
a. Rotting leaves c. Careful planning
b. Thick neck d. Patience
c. More root hairs 65. It refers to the lighter organic material that
d. Thicker bulb rises to the surface of the water.
56. Eggs are important protein foods a. Froth
comparable to meat, fish and poultry. In b. Aerobic
cooking hard boiled egg the water must be: c. Scum
a. Warm d. Anaerobic
b. High temperature 66. To search for relate literature by accessing
c. Rapidly boiling several databases by the use of a telephone
d. Simmering line to connect a computer library with
57. This refers to the monthly income required computers that have database is termed:
to satisfy the nutritional requirement of a a. Computer search
family with six members. b. Manual search
a. Food budget c. online search
b. Food threshold d. compact disc search
c. Food intake 67. Which of the following tools is the first one to
d. Food consumption use in cleaning nails?
58. Chisel is an example of a ___________. a. Buffer
a. Hand tool b. Cuticle nippers’
b. Basic tool c. Cuticle knife
c. Stricking tool d. Cuticle scissor
d. Power tool 68. What series of activities by which discarded
59. If you use light red and dark red, the color are collected, sorted, processed and
harmony is: converted into raw materials are used in the
a. Monochromatic production of new products?
b. Analogous a. Reusing
c. Complementary b. Reducing
d. Split Complementary c. Indigenization
60. Metaldehyde is a highly selective d. Redevelopment
molluscicide which will minimize problem in 69. Which principle of management requires the
bangus ponds: use of one plant to direct operation within
a. Snails the organization?
b. Frogs a. Esprit de corps
c. Snakes b. Unity of direction
d. Catfish c. Authority
61. The quality which enables one to face d. Unity of command
problems calmly and intelligently and makes 70. Which stage is characterized by added
wise decisions is: responsibility of educating and looking after
a. physical interest health needs of children?
b. psychological changes a. Contacting
c. philosophical changes b. Launching
d. intellectual changes c. Expending
d. Beginning
62. Which of the following involves judging the 71. What is meant by P.O?
extent to which employees fulfill their a. Purchase Option
responsibilities? b. Product Order
a. Accountability c. Production Office
b. Regulation d. Purchase Order
c. Responsibility
72. Painting on cloth or other materials with the c. Engineer
use of needle and thread is called: d. Doctor
a. Recycling
b. Stenciling 81. . Which ratio is used to access the
c. Smocking company’s ability to meet short-term
d. Embroidery obligation?
73. What is the best training ground to develop o Profitability
skills in decision-making? o Liquidity
a. Home o Level
b. School o Coverage
c. Church
d. Society 82. This component is internally connected to
74. Which technique is best used when the IF transformer.
measuring shortening? a. Diode
a. Scoop cup in shortening, then level with b. Inductor
spatula c. Transistor
b. Tap cup with spoon, while filling, then d. Capacitor
level with spatula
c. Fill cup loosely with shortening, then 83. Mortise and tenon joints are usually used
level with spatula in making furniture, door window, and
d. Press shortening with cup, then level tools. If mortise means “holes”, tenon
with spatula means
75. What is the name of the bar that displays the a. cut
name of the program and current file in b. notch
Microsoft Word Processor? c. overlap
a. Title bar d. projection
b. Status bar 84. Which one is not good technique in
c. Menu bar performing household tasks?
d. Formatting toolbar a. using trays and baskets in carrying
76. What appears whenever executing a things from one room to another
command which indicates that you must wait b. using white sheets and lines in
until it disappears to continue to the next young children’s bed
action? c. cooking rice while cleaning the
a. Hour glass house
b. Print preview d. cooking one dish meals
c. Magnifying glass 85. Which of the following is NOT an
d. Formal painter important factor in selecting a location
77. Morality applied to business seeks the for a store?
_________. a. Weather situation
a. Entrepreneurial prestige attached to b. Income of the families in the
success community
b. Influence of power in the world market c. Standard of living of families in the
c. Welfare of the people community
d. Leadership position in the business d. Employment conditions that prevails
industry in the community
78. The following are operation applications that 86. These lines are used to indicate the
computer technology brings to Business measurement of objects and are
EXCEPT: presented by fine dark solid lines.
a. Mailing a. Leader lines
b. Accounting b. Center lines
c. record keeping c. Dimension lines
d. decision-making d. Cross lines
79. Which of the following is used to produce 87. What is a plan of spending during a
blind holes? specific period based on an estimate of
a. Drill bit the funds available?
b. Brad awl a. Estimate
c. Auger bit b. Budget
d. Diestock c. Expenditure
80. It refers to as the tile of a person who is d. Income
skilled in the field of sanitation 88. A process which helps restore nutrients
a. Plumbing when food are refined or milled is:
b. Plumber a. Enrichment
b. Enhancing 97. Which program lets TYPE letters and other
c. Filling in documents?
d. Preserving a. WordArt
89. Finishing touches will show the quality of b. Calendar
workmanship. How is the thread at the c. Word Processor
end of the dart made? d. Photoshop
a. Cut short 98. In commercial eel farms, the ponds are
b. Removed made of concrete materials. Eels are
c. Cut long provided with:
d. Knotted a. Water plants
90. Which one insures the most convenient b. Filters
households? c. Mechanical aeration
a. A house with household help d. Holes for hiding
b. A house with architectural design 99. Rhizobia convert nitrogen to nitrates
c. A house equipped with appliances & contributing to soil fertility. It is present
labor saving devices in the roots of:
d. A house near the church, market, a. Vine crops
school and recreation places b. Crucifiers
c. Root vegetables
91. Drills and bits are friendly tools that d. Legumes
facilitate project making. Which of the 100. Which as the raw material to be
following is used for boring holes on processed by the computer?
wood? a. Information
a. Drill bit b. Data
b. Nail set c. Graphics
c. Saw set d. Objects
d. Auger bit 101. In showing the connection of
92. The period of development when an components, which of the following
individual faces several developmental diagrams is the simplest?
tasks is: a. Wiring diagram
a. Puberty b. Block diagram
b. Elderly c. Schematic diagram
c. Adulthood d. Pictorial diagram
d. Adolescence 102. A plan of spending family income
93. The process of bringing a person to an without incurring debt or deficits is
agreed standard of proficiency is: known as:
a. Assigning a. Budget plan
b. Calling b. Family budget
c. Choosing c. Household operation
d. training d. Operational budget
94. A finished opening in garment designed 103. Drafting is considered as the
to give ease in wearing dresses is called universal language of:
a. Dout a. Pottery
b. Pleat b. Artistry
c. Placket c. Industry
d. gusse d. Humanity
95. Household’s pests do not thrive in a clean 104. The following are methods of training
place. Which of the following practices is leather except:
LEAST effective in eradicating a. Fur
household’s pests? b. Chrome
a. Elimination of accumulations of c. Grease
organic refuse. d. Vegetable
b. Daily use of insect repellants. 105. In the patrilineal family, the family
c. Elimination of stagnant water or traces its family from the paternal side.
proper treatment of these. Which type of family traces forms both
d. Adequately designed and supervised the maternal and paternal side?
local sewage disposal plants. a. Bilineal
96. Which of the following shell species can b. Matulineal
be classified as a univalve? c. Equalitarian
a. Oyster d. Neological
b. Capiz
c. Venus comb
d. Clams
106. Water boils 212 degrees. When water 114. Ideals on what is right against what is
is “rolling boil” it means the bubbles are wrong direct one’s thinking and
___________. behavior. These ideals are known as:
a. rolling non-stop a. Values
b. forming rapidly and cannot be b. Goals
stopped when stirred c. Purposes
c. forming slowly and can be stopped d. Attitudes
when stirred 115. Vegetarians are usually deficient in
d. spiling out of container one of the following vitamins:
107. This is a feature wherein a user may a. Cobalamin
be able to send and receive electronic b. Iron
message to and from a “chat room” on c. C
topics they share interest with: d. Centrum
a. Internet Relay Chat (iRC) 116. What is the scheme of product
b. Gopher movement from the producer to the
c. Usenet consumer?
d. Telnet a. Marketing
108. In the arrangement of furniture and b. Selling
fixtures in the house the principle of c. Merchandizing
design must always be taken into d. Retailing
consideration. A principle which is 117. Bothriocephalus gowkongensis is a
created through the prepetition of lines, tapeworms which often attacks:
colors or shapes is: a. Tilapia
a. Balance b. Hito
b. Rhythm c. Bangus
c. Harmony d. Sapsap
d. Emphasis 118. Who introduced the concept of
109. An amount of money set aside for providing ALU in the computer system?
expenditures that would bring additional a. Joseph Marie Jacquard
income or profit for the family is referred b. Charles Babbage
to: c. John Von Newman
a. Savings d. Herman Hollerith
b. Deposit 119. Good public relation presupposes
c. Advancement good internal _________.
d. Investment a. Reaction
110. A busted bulb is most likely result of b. Communication
a/an. c. attitude
a. Short circuit d. response
b. Grounded circuit 120. Which of the following sciences is the
c. Open circuit statistical study of human population and
d. Parallel circuit its distribution?
111. What is meant to put information into a. Ecology
the computer? b. Geography
a. Launch c. Anthropology
b. File d. Demography
c. Install 121. Nutrients perform specific function in
d. Input our body. What nutrient together with
112. The part of a feasibility study which carbohydrates provides the body with
describes the location of the business and heat and energy?
its building specifications? a. Proteins
a. Production b. Fats
b. Introduction c. Vitamins
c. Market feasibility d. Minerals
d. Proponet, management & personnel 122. Expenses that are unexpected are
113. Onions when peeled or cut irritate the _______.
eyes and give biting sensation on the a. Flexible
tongue, this is due to presence of: b. Miscellaneous
a. Sulfoxide c. allowance
b. Mustard oil d. fixed
c. Sulfur compounds 123. It is the care on personal appearance
d. Sodium nitrate which includes the condition of the body
and how one looks and smells.
a. Grooming
b. Proper hygiene
c. Personality development
d. Good health
124. Which of the following makes a
window as small as it can get?
a. Maximize
b. Save
c. Restore
d. Minimize
125. Accessories enhance or add beauty to
give a given space. Listed below are the
decorative objects EXCEPT one.
a. Table lamps
b. Graphic arts
c. wood crafts
d. metal works
126. Success in promoting or advertising a
product depends on what factors?
a. Discount sale
b. Personal selling
c. marketing media
d. Quality of the product
127. The following are factors in deciding
on a suitable plant site for the business.
Which one is questionable?
a. Distance of the sources of raw
materials and markets
b. Organizational structure of the
c. Availability of water disposal
d. Availability of transportation
128. An organizational tool used to
structure the way you save files on your
computer is called:
a. Folder
b. CPU
c. floppy disk
d. gadget
129. An employee exposes the wrong
doings of his employer to outsiders, such
as the media or government regulatory
agencies. What behavior is it?
a. Shame campaign
b. Murmuring
c. Rumor mongering
d. Whistle blowing
130. What kind of surge protector should
one buy?
a. One with lots of plugs on it and a
power button
b. One that a friend recommended
c. One from the hardware store
d. One with at least a U.L rating and
telephone line protection
ANSWERS KEY 68. C Indigenization
1. D Interrupt when necessary 69. B Unity of direction
2. A Cleaning the ceiling 70. A Contacting
3. C asset 71. B Product Order
4. B They become hard to digest 72. D Embroidery
5. D Load 73. B School
6. D List the names of the group members at the end 74. A Scoop cup in shortening, then level with spatula
of the project 75. A Title bar
7. A Accomplishing forms 76. A Hour glass
8. D Plane of intersection 77. A Entrepreneurial prestige attached to success
9. D system partition 78. B Accounting
10. D Sleeve placket is well and neatly sewed. 79. A Drill bit
11. C Whitish structure behind the anus 80. B Plumber
12. A Planned 81. C Level
13. D Means of production 82. D Capacitor
14. D Job specification 83. A cut
15. D I, III and IV 84. C cooking rice while cleaning the house
16. B URL 85. A Weather situation
17. D Pathological fatigue 86. A Leader lines
18. B The female has a prominent hump on the head 87. C Expenditure
19. A Carrots 88. B Enhancing
20. D Robert Owen 89. D Knotted
21. B Grooming 90. A A house with household help
22. B Directing 91. C Saw set
23. C Socio-economic status 92. D Adolescence
24. D Choose number one, Normal Boot. 93. C training
25. D Boring tools 94. B Pleat
26. D Simulating 95. B Daily use of insect repellants
27. D Desire for competence 96. A Oyster
28. A Rip saw 97. C Word Processor
29. D Start 98. A Water plants
30. D Makes the bread taste better 99. A Vine crops
31. D Resource 100.B Data
32. D File transfer protocol 101.B Block diagram
33. A Expanding stage 102.A Budget plan
34. C Wings and wattles 103.C Industry
35. C Dressing 104.A Fur
36. B Hand the knitted while dripping wet 105.D Neological
37. A Consanguinity 106.B forming rapidly and cannot be stopped when
38. B Declining sales stirred
39. B Prevent contamination of the heated food 107.A Internet Relay Chat (iRC)
40. A Dividend 108.A Balance
41. A Is the location economically accessible to its 109.D Investment
market? 110.A Short circuit
42. C Cleaning 111.D Input
43. D Promote fast growth of stocked fish 112.C Market feasibility
44. C Eniac 113.C Sulfur compounds
45. D Produce bigger tubers 114.A Values
46. B Caliper 115.A Cobalamin
47. A Respiration 116.C Merchandizing
48. B Friendship 117.C Bangus
49. A Tatting 118.C John Von Newman
50. D Storing 119.C attitude
51. B I and IV 120.B Geography
52. D Stove, utensils, dines and food supplies should be 121.B Fats
within easy reach. 122.A Flexible
53. D Rhythm 123.B Proper hygiene
54. D Patterns of authority 124.D Minimize
55. C More root hairs 125.C wood crafts
56. D Simmering 126.C marketing media
57. A Food budget 127.A Distance of the sources of raw materials and
58. A Hand tool markets
59. C Complementary 128.A Folder
60. A Snails 129.D Whistle blowing
61. D intellectual changes 130. D One with at least a U.L rating and telephone
62. C Responsibility line protection
63. B Persistence
64. D Patience
65. C Scum
66. C online search
67. A Buffer