Information Processing 10

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Information Processing 10- Portfolio Project

Over the course of this semester you will learn new skills in
application software programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel and
Publisher. As you learn a new application you will be required to
create a portfolio highlighting key aspects of each application software you learned.


Congratulations! You have graduated grade 12 and have been accepted to the university or
college of your choice! Planning for post-secondary education can be stressful, but you will
be ready with your portfolio! Each part of this portfolio will highlight the key skills you have
learned in Information Processing and help you prepare for a self-supporting life.


Create a title page for your portfolio. Use attractive fonts and graphics (page boarder, word
art, and images). Include your name and your picture on the title page. Save in your
Portfolio folder under your student drive as “Title Page.” Be creative!


University/college is EXPENSIVE and you must pay for it out of your own pocket. To help
with finances you will find three scholarships that apply to your program of choice.

1) Decided which career field you MIGHT want to peruse

2) Research what post-secondary education is required for that career
3) Find, and print, the COST of a post-secondary program from a university or college
4) Access a commonly used search-engine, and look-up scholarship websites
5) Find, and print, 3 scholarships, which apply to your post-secondary program. ALSO
make sure the scholarships apply to YOU! (Ex: If the scholarship is for students who
have a 90+% average, and you do not. Therefore the scholarship would not apply to
6) Write a letter, full-block style, to me (use the school address) outlining why you
deserve to be granted the scholarships. Highlight any community service, academic
achievements, athletic achievements, or personal skills you have to win you the
7) Save in your Portfolio folder under your student drive as “Application Letter”


Now that you know how much university/college costs you will prepare a budget using
Excel 2007, for your first year away from home.
1) Find an apartment in the city/town your school is located. You can do this by
researching advertisements/classifieds online. OR research the cost of living on
campus in residence. Print the advertisement or webpage showing the cost of living.
2) You will also be working a part-time job to help cover some of the expenses of your
post-secondary education. You will be working no more than 20 hours per week at
minimum wage $8.80.
3) Other budget expenses include: groceries ($50/week *4*8), transportation (bus
pass), personal items, travel (home for the holidays), and entertainment (movies,
dinner out, etc…)
4) Open a new Excel 2007 worksheet and type the following into column A.

Part-time Job
Total Income

Cell Phone
Total Expenses

5) Fill in the appropriate amounts for each label. You will need to estimate some costs
(personal and entertainment) and find some costs online:
a. for travel
b. for cell phone and internet
c. search for the city/town’s public transportation website for transportation
6) Textbooks and supplies normally cost $500 per semester, but the institution website
may have more specific information.
7) Print all costs that are found online as “Evidence”.
8) Find the totals for each category (Income and Expenses) using a function.
9) Calculate the value of each label for 8 months.
10) In cell B20, calculate the difference between Total Income and Total Expense.
11) Write the label “Student Loan” in A20
12) Format the chat so the total labels and amounts have a gray background.
13)Format the chart so the totals are double underlined and a boarder appears around
the table
14)Save in your Portfolio folder under your student drive as “Budget

You have finished your budget chart, but for this portfolio you will also display your data
using two types of graphs: Bar and pie.

1) Select your data for “Income”

2) Create a pie graph showing where your income is coming from.
3) Right click on your graph and click “Select Data”
4) Change your Chart Data range to the diagram below, then hit the OK button

5) Place a title on your Pie graph “Income” and show percentages on graph
6) This is what your graph might look like:
7) Select your “Expense” data.

8) Create a column graph showing the cost for each expense.

9) Place the title “Expenses” at the top of the graph

10)Your graph should look similar to the one below


Now that you have completed your budget and researched scholarships it is time for you to
discover more about your career choice. You will prepare a 12 slide presentation on the
career you wish to pursue.

Your presentation will include:

- Consistent slide theme
- Minimum 6 images
- Slide Transitions
- Slide Animation
- Attractive layout and design
- No more than 4-6 bullet points of information per slide

Answer the following questions in your presentation:

1) What do you want to be when you grow up?
2) What education do you need to get there?
3) How much money will you make in that career?
4) What is the description of your career?
5) What activities will you be performing in your career?

Time to reflect! I’m sure this project has been an eye opener for most of you.
Understanding the true cost of living on your own can be overwhelming. Write a one-page
reflective essay discussing what you think your life will be like for the first year out of
school and how your budget will help you manage your limited money.

Your document should have the following:

 Double spaced, 2.25 margins
 New times Roman, 12 pt font
 Header (name, date, block number)
 Footer (page numbers and title)
 Title, opening paragraph, body, closing paragraph


You are almost finished this course! It has been a long journey and you have learned a lot
about information processing computer applications such as: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and
Publisher. For the final activity of your portfolio you will create a brochure for Information
Processing 10.

Your brochure will include:

 Descriptions of each module you completed
 List of 3 things you learned from each module
 Computer Careers: research two careers which having computer skills would be a
necessity for. Write a brief description of the career.
 Use attractive images and graphics to highlight the concepts.

Part eight- Word Processing

You are on a roll! You have successfully budgeted and planned for your life after high
school! There is one last step to complete your assignment, DECORATE YOUR APARTMENT!
You have worked very hard the summer after high school graduation and saved $2500 to
purchase items for your apartment. There is a list of items of suggested items from “Bed,
Bath and Beyond” attached.

You will:
 Create a table in Word with three columns: Item, Price and Picture.
 Format the table with an attractive border and draw attention to the headings by
bolding and centering the text.
 Sort your items by price, lowest to highest.
 Add a page boarder and word art title.
Your Check List
 Title page
 Printed Reference documents:
o Cost of University/College Education
o 3 scholarships
o Rental information (residence cost)
o Cost of internet and phone
o Cost of transportation
o Cost of travel
 Application Letter
 Budget- 2 copies (one showing formulas)
 Pie Graph and Column Graph
 Presentation Slides (6 slides per page)
 Reflective Essay
 Brochure
 Shopping list
 Skills Check-lists
 Portfolio organized and creatively packaged

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Part 1 Professional layout and Proper layout and Acceptable layout and Limited layout and Layout and
Title Page formatting formatting formatting formatting formatting
Use of WordArt and Proper use of word art Acceptable use of word Limited used of word Art
illustrations and illustrations art and illustrations and illustrations WordArt and
Contains all required Contains relevant title Contains some title Limited title page /5
information page information page information information
Part 2 Contains all required Contains all required parts Contains all the required Required parts of a letter Layout and
Application parts of a letter of the letter parts of the letter are missing formatting
Letter /10
Professional layout and Proper layout and Acceptable layout and Limited or incorrect layout
formatting formatting formatting and formatting Content
Free of spelling, Free of spelling, grammar Contains one or more Documents contain
grammar and or typographical errors spelling, grammar or multiple spelling, grammar
typographical errors typographical errors or typographical errors
Letter is carefully written
Letter is professionally and the message is clear Letter needs minor Letters needs substantial
written and the message editing to mage the editing and it’s message
is clear message clear is unclear
Part 3 Table has all required Table has most of the Table has some of the Table is mission required Table content and
Budget Chart income and expense required income and required income and income and expense formatting
items expense items expense items items /10

Table is formatted Table is formatted Table is mission some Table is not formatted Calculations
correctly correctly formatting requirements correctly /10

Table is calculated with Table is calculated with Table is missing some Formulas were not used
correct formulas correct formulas required formulas to calculate missing
Part 4 Graphs depict required Graphs depict most of Graphs depict some of Graphs do not depict the Graph data
Budget Graphs data. the required data. the required data. required data. /5

Graphs have required Graphs have most of the Graphs have some of Graphs are missing Graph labels
labels required labels the required labels required labels /5
Graphs are formatted Graphs are mostly Graphs are somewhat Graphs are not formatted Graph formatting
correctly. formatted correctly. formatted correctly. correctly. /5

Part 5 Presentation has an Presentation has mostly a Presentation has Presentation has Layout, design and
Career attractive layout and attractive layout and somewhat of an Attractive layout and consistent theme
Presentation design with consistent design with consistent attractive layout and design with consistent /10
theme theme design with consistent theme
theme Animation and
Presentation has Presentation has most of Presentation is missing transitions
animation and the required animation Presentation has some animation and transitions /5
transitions and transitions of the required
animation and Presentation information Information
Presentation information Presentation information transitions does not answers /5
answers required answers most of the required questions
questions required questions Presentation information
answers some of the
required questions
Part 6 Report is formatted Report is formatted mostly Report is formatted Report is not formatted Report formatting
Reflective according to according to requirements somewhat according to according to requirements /10
Report requirements requirements
Student has addressed Student addressed few of Reflective
Student has addressed most of the reflective Student addressed the reflective questions information
reflective questions questions some of the reflective /5
questions Student has not
Student has structured Student has structured structured report properly. Report Structure
report properly. report mostly properly. Student has structured /5
report somewhat
Part 7 The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has The brochure's formatting Formatting,
Information attractive formatting, is attractive formatting, is in adequate formatting, is and organization of Organization and
Processing 10 in point form and has point form and has in point form and is material are confusing to Layout
Brochure very well organized organized information. somewhat organized. the reader. Information is /10
information. not in point form.
The brochure has all of The brochure has half of Required
The brochure has all of the required information. the required information. The brochure has little of information
the required information the required information. /10
and some additional Two graphics are
information. included but do not Less than two graphics Applicable
Two neatly colored always go well with the are used and may or may Graphics/images
More than two neatly graphics are included and text. Graphics may or not go with the text. /5
colored graphics are go well with the text. may not be colored or Graphics may or may not
included and go well neat. be colored or neat.
with the text.
Part 8 Table is attractive with Table mostly attractive Table is somewhat Table is missing one ore Attractive
Shopping List table boarder, page with table boarder, page attractive with table more: table boarder, page appearance
boarder, and word Art boarder, and word Art boarder, page boarder, boarder, and word Art /5
title. title. and word Art title. title.
Table includes all Table includes most of the Table includes some of Table is missing required information
required information and required information and the required information information and images. /10
images. images. and images.
Table is not sorted Sorting
Table is sorted properly. Table is sorted properly. Table is not sorted properly. /5
Final Package All parts of the Most parts of the Some parts of the Parts of the assignment
assignment are printed assignment are printed assignment are printed are not printed and Organization and
and packaged in a duo- and packaged in a duo- and packaged in a duo- packaged in a duo-tang presentation
tang tang tang /10
Duo-tang is not organized
Duo-tang is organized Duo-tang is organized Duo-tang is organized and neat. Timeliness
and neat. and neat. and neat. /10
Assignment was handed
Assignment was handed Assignment was handed Assignment was handed in 5-6 days late
in on time in 1-2 days late in 3-4 days late

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