Corresponding authors: Toufique Ahmed Soomro ([email protected]) and Ming Yin ([email protected])
The work of M. Yin was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China (NSF) China under Grant 61876042, and in part by
the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province under Grant 2017A010101024.
ABSTRACT In this paper, we have developed a new method of accurate detection of retinal blood vessels
based on a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model. This method plays an important role in the
observation of many eye diseases. Retinal Images have many issues that make the process of vessels
segmentation very hard. We treat each issue of the retina image with the greatest observation to obtain a
well-segmented image. The first step is to apply a pre-processing method based on fuzzy logic and image
processing tactics. In a second step, in order to generate the segmented images, we propose a strided encoder-
decoder CNN model. This network is trained and optimized using the Dice Loss function that supports the
class imbalance problem that is in the database. The proposed model has a U-Net shape, but it is deeper and
the pooling layers are replaced with strided convolutional layers in the encoder. This modification allows for
a more precise segmentation of vessels and accelerates the training process. The last step is post-processing
for removing the noisy pixels as well as the shadow of the optic disc. The performance of the proposed
method was evaluated on DRIVE and STARE databases. The proposed method gives a sensitivity of 0.802
and 0.801 respectively on DRIVE and STARE, with an accuracy of 0.959 and 0.961 respectively. We focused
on sensitivity and accuracy measurements that represent the accuracy of the model, especially tiny vessels.
According to the results, the model outperforms many other proposed methods, especially in the above-
mentioned measures.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 7, 2019 158183
T. A. Soomro et al.: Impact of Image Enhancement Technique on CNN Model for Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation
logic-based image enhancement technique with a deep learn- feature vector. Staal et al. [9] developed the supervised seg-
ing model for obtaining quality vessel images. First, we apply mentation method using the edge extraction method. Prim-
the pre-processing method based on Fuzzy logic and image itives in the form of line elements were generated from
processing tactics. In a second step, in order to generate the the ridge and feature vectors were used for each pixel
segmented images, we propose a fully strided-CNN model for the classification process as vessels and background
to segment the retinal vessels from the preprocessed images. using the selection sequential entities ahead and k-NN.
This network is trained using the Dice Loss function that Soares et al. [10] created feature vectors composed of pixel
supports the class imbalance problem that is in the database. intensities with scaled responses from the two-dimensional
The proposed model has a U-Net shape, but it is deeper and Gabor wavelet transform on each pixel. The resulting feature
we replace the pooling layers in the encoder part with strided vector was classified into vessel and non-vessel pixels using
convolutional layers. This modification allows more precise a Bayesian classifier and Gaussian mixtures. Fraz et al. [11]
segmentation of vessels and speeds up the training process. have developed the supervised segmentation method based
The generated output image has the same resolution as the on the ensemble classifier using bootstrapped decision trees
input image. It’s an image-to-image problem solved by the for the extraction of retinal blood vessels. Lupascu et al. [12]
proposed CNN model. By using the Dice Loss function for presented a supervised method of extraction of retinal vessels
training, CNN will not get stuck in the local minima because using an Ada-Boost classifier. Ricci and Perfetti [13] have
of the class imbalance problem. It will balance the foreground implemented two different methods of automated vessels seg-
pixels (vessels pixels) and the background pixels. The last mentation, based on the detection of vessels line operators by
step is the post-processing to remove the noisy pixels as the classification of the support vector machine. Cemal [14]
well as the shadow of the optic disc. The contributions are has developed a hybrid method of extracting retinal blood
summarized as follows: vessels by combining Circular and Naive Bayes. The circular
1) A pre-processing step is proposed to eliminate the illu- method is used to sample pixels along with the magnification
mination in the retinal images and improve the contrast of the circles centred on the current pixels. Then, after the
variation. classifier Naive Bayes, the pixel is classified as ship or non-
2) The CNN model has a U-Net form, but it is a deeper ship.
encoder-decoder model and the pooling layers of the The unsupervised segmentation is an arduous task to
encoder part are replaced by strided convolutional achieve accurate segmentation of retinal blood vessels due
layers. to the pixel-based classification of vessels and non-vessels.
3) To solve the class imbalance problem found in the Many unsupervised methods previously proposed are quick
training database, we use the dice loss function to train in the computation process, but they are not capable of cor-
the CNN and optimize the weights to overcome this rectly detecting vessels and non-vessels due to retinal net-
problem. work limitation of unconnected vessels of the fundus image.
Following, the related work is discussed in Section II. The As a result, these methods make it possible to obtain less
pre-processing step and the proposed CNN model along with sensitivity and precision. Chaudhuri et al. [3] developed the
the loss function are explained in Section III. The implemen- unsupervised vessel extraction method on the basis of the
tation details, the databases and the evaluation parameters matched filter using the approximate intensity of the grey-
are described in Section IV. The quantitative and qualitative scale profiles of the cross-section of the retinal vessels along
results are discussed in Section V. Section VI presents the with the curve form of Gauss. But the detection sensitiv-
conclusion and future work. ity of vessels is very low. Hoover et al. [4] developed the
retinal blood vessel extraction method using a thresholding
II. RELATE WORKS technique combining local vessel characteristics and region-
There are many segmentation techniques published in the based features on matched filter response (MFR) image.
literature. They can be divided into supervised and unsuper- Martinez-Perez et al. [15] applied a space-scale analysis
vised methods. with the growing region for the segmentation of retinal ves-
Supervised techniques require initial information about sels. The novelty of this method is to detect large vessels,
segmented retinal blood vessels. The performance of the but otherwise, this method does not detect tiny vessels.
supervised methods is much better than unsupervised meth- Zana and Klein [16] have developed the mathematical mor-
ods. However, getting the required information such as expert phological method for the retinal blood vessel segmentation;
training sampling datasets for a supervised segmentation pro- they have achieved a very good result, but the structure of
cess can sometimes be difficult. The main disadvantage of the vascular network is not always connected. Jiang and
the supervised method during vessels segmentation is the Mojon [17] used an adaptive local thresholding model using
classification of vessels and the background pixels considered a multi-threshold approach verification based on segment
tedious. Niemeijer et al. [8] have developed the supervised blood vessels in the retina. The technique envisioned in [17]
classification of pixels for retinal segmentation. Each pixel was confronted with the limits of some unconnected vas-
of a green channel of the retinal images was used to generate cular structures and the inability to detect the thinnest ves-
the feature vector, and a k-NN classifier is used to drive the sels. Vlachos and Dermatas [18] implemented their method
by combining a multi-scale line tracking procedure and successful methods of deep learning in object classification
a morphological post-treatment for the segmentation of reti- task, researchers began to exploit the learning capabilities of
nal vessels. But this technique also did not detect small CNN’s features to solve the problem of segmentation. They
vessels. The method developed by Wang et al. [19] combined are also trying to adjust the object classification networks and
the multi-wavelet and multi-scale hierarchical decomposi- apply them to the problem of segmentation. A Fully Convo-
tion for the segmentation of retinal vessels. The method has lutional Network (FCN) [25] has been proposed to solve the
reached the highest precision, and its calculation is expensive. problem of segmentation. This is a fully convolutional model
Mendonca and Campilho [20] implemented the process by without the need to use the fully connected layers used in
combining differential filters for centre line extraction with the classification tasks. The strength of this architecture lies
operators for the detection of the retinal vessel network. in the fact that it has a variable input image resolution and
The good performance is achieved, but the calculation is a remodeling of the final output to generate the segmented
expensive. Xiao et al. [21] produced a spatially constrained image. The idea of the encoder-decoder model has been
Bayesian technique with the level defined for the segmenta- introduced in the U-net [26] for the segmentation of medical
tion of retinal vessels. images. This architecture extracts the characteristics of the
Tolias and Panas [22] used a fuzzy C-means algorithm encoder part and then reconstructs the segmented image in
to detect blood vessels in the retinal segment from images the decoder part. Skip connections were used to transfer some
of angiograms images, but the technique did not segment extracted details from the encoder to the decoder. As a sum-
the thinner vessels because of their low contrast against the mary, CNN models show impressive performance in solving
background. Kande et al. [23] combined the paired filter and a the segmentation task and there is still room for improvement
space-weighted fuzzy c-means for vessel extraction of retinal to generate more accurate segmentation results.
fundus images. But tiny vessels cannot be extracted by the
low contrast of the vessels. Yang et al. [24] proposed a hybrid III. THE PROPOSED METHOD
method combining Fuzzy C-Mean and morphological opera- A. PROBLEM STATEMENT
tions. But the algorithm has been tested by visual comparison, The computerized segmentation methods of retinal vessels
by visual calculation of the sensitivity level of the detection have received increasing attention in recent years, after the
of small vessels cannot be calculated. In this research paper, introduction of deep learning to solve computer vision and
a new supervised method is implemented, taking into account image processing problems as shown in Figure 1. In the case
the above-mentioned limitation, to detect tiny blood vessels of a retinal image X , the task is to classify each pixel in X
and perform better than the existing supervised methods. as a vessel or a non-vessel pixel. Our approach is, there-
fore, an image-to-image problem which involves inserting the
A. SEGMENTATION USING CNN input image X and generating the segmented vessels image as
Semantic segmentation and labeling have a wide range of an output.
applications such as scene comprehension, autonomous driv-
ing and robotics. Nowadays, pixel-wise segmentation is an B. PRE-PROCESSING
active research problem due to the emergence of some chal- During a pre-processing stage, we propose an image enhance-
lenging datasets. Pixel segmentation is the process of label- ment technique for vessels enhancement. The pre-processing
ing each pixel with the correct class and then fusing pixels steps are illustrated in Figure 2. The purpose of applying the
with similar tags in a region. Different methods have been pre-processing steps on the training data is to suppress the
proposed before the arrival of deep networks. These methods irregular illumination in the images and to improve the low
were mainly based on the extraction of hand-crafted features. and varying contrasts. The first step is to select the well-
The extracted features have been classified using clustering contrasted RGB channel and the second step is to remove
methods or classifiers such as Random Forest. After the the non-uniform illumination with a morphological operation
and eliminate the noise with a fuzzy C-Mean. The last step is format for further processing, as shown in Figure 3. As the
to use CLAHE to get a well-contrasted image. The combina- blood vessels appear with good contrast in the green channel
tion of these sequential steps is known as the proposed image than the red and blue channels. We selected the green channel
enhancement technique. for further processing and training treatment. The selection
of the green channel is verified in several research works
[9], [17], [20] for the segmentation of the retinal blood ves-
The retinal color fundus images process as input images for sels.
our proposed retinal vessel segmentation algorithm. They are
monochrome and the available databases contain such types
of color retinal fundus images and most of these images are
captured using fundus cameras in hospitals. Color retinal
images have three channels, namely: the red, green and blue
channels. Each channel gives some sort of information. The
red channel includes both luminance and contained noise.
The green channel has the least noise and allows a good
observation of vessels compared to red and blue. The blue
channel contained both shade and noise.
The main requirement is to process the images more
efficiently and make the data more relevant to the train-
ing process. The grayscale representation is used to extract
the descriptors instead of operating directly on the color
images. The main reason for using grayscale representation
because of the reduced computational requirements. Indeed,
color information has limited advantages in many image
processing applications, including ship segmentation. Color
images process unnecessary information that can increase
the amount of processing data needed to achieve the desired
performance [27].
After the grayscale representation, our next task is to analyse
the pixels in the background of the retinal image to obtain a
uniform contrast in blood vessels against their background.
The background of the retinal fundus image contains vari-
ations in the intensity level. Because of this variation in
intensities, different contrasts occur in different regions of
the image that make it difficult to observe the vessels and
it becomes more difficult to visualise the tiny vessels. The
background changes must be uniform so that the vessels
can be visualized properly for successful training and seg-
mentation of the retinal blood vessels. For this task, we use
morphological operations, namely top hat transform and bot-
tom hat transform. A top-hat transformation is performed by
subtracting the opening of the original image from the image
itself. The L line structuring element is used for the success
of morphological operations. We used the bottom-hat opera-
tion to standardize the intensity level by reducing the noise,
FIGURE 3. Selection of suitable channel from retinal fundus image. as shown in Figure 4. The main advantages of using top-hat
(a) Color Retinal image, (b) Grey representation of Red channel, (b) Grey and bottom-hat operations are the contrast enhancement of
representation of Green channel, (c) Grey representation of Blue channel.
tiny or low contrast vessels compared to their background.
In order to obtain an appropriate input image for the pro- But there is still noise that makes it difficult to analyse normal
cessing of each color channel, the defined processing method vessels and more difficult to analyse tiny vessels. To solve
is used to convert the color retinal fundus image to greyscale this problem, we use Fuzzy C-mean to suppress background
noise to better observe normal vessels, as well as tiny or low- 2) The centres Ci are calculated by applying the equation 3
contrast vessels. 3) The dissimilarity between the centre and the data point
is calculated by applying the equation 2. It will stop if
C. FUZZY C-MEAN MODEL FOR SEGMENTATION its improvement over the previous iteration is below the
Fuzzy segmentation is implemented to obtain initial retinal 4) An updated membership function U is computed using
blood vessels without noise as well as with well-adjusted the equation 4.
contrast. For this purpose, we used Fuzzy C-means (FCM) Figure 5 shows the output of FCM. It is observed that the
classification method to generate an initial representation of images initially contained uniform contrast with noise as
a retinal vascular network with the maintenance of retinal well, but that the retinal blood vessels are more visible and
vessel retentive homogeneity. FCM allows pixels of several the noise is reduced after updating the members. It should be
classes with a membership function level between 0 and 1. noted that the image is still not ready to be used for training
The cluster centre is calculated in the FCM algorithm by a the CNN and obtain a well-segmented image. To further
dissimilarity function using an iterative approach. By updat- improve the vessels contrast, especially small vessels can be
ing the cluster centres and the membership of each pixel, visualised, CLAHE is used to obtain a satisfactory contrast
FCM then moves the cluster centres to the actual location in image. The output image of CLAHE is shown in Figure 5(c),
a set of pixels. In the case of retinal vessels, the FCM is used and we can observe the low contrast vessels also with.
to identify the actual pixels of the retinal vessels. This pre-
processing helps the CNN model and post-processing steps
to segment the retinal blood vessels properly with uniform
contrast as well as without noise, allowing for accurate seg-
mentation of the retinal blood vessels. The FCM model of the
retinal blood vessel is developed:
Fuzzy partitioning is introduced by considering the mem-
bership function and clusters. The membership matrix is first
arbitrarily initialized. Let U = [uim ] matrix whose elements
are memberships of xt in cluster n, xt = xt 1 , xt 2 , xt 3 .....xt n .
The Fuzzy C partition space for the retinal image X is the set
of matrices U as presented in the equation 1.
uim = 1, 1 ≤ m ≤ c. (1)
The performance index parameter of the membership matrix
U and Cn is taken into account in FCM, as shown in the
equation 2.
X c X
X c
M (U , Cn) = Ji = uim k dim 2 . (2)
i=1 i=1 m=1
U presents the membership matrix and an index of the
membership matrix uim is between 0 and 1. Ci is considered
as cluster center, dim is the Euclidean distance between the FIGURE 5. Output of FCM Model for Segmentation of Retinal Blood
center of ith center (Ci ) and the data point jth . k in [1, ∞] is a Vessels(a) Initially Output of Fuzzy image (b) Final Fuzzy Image Output (c)
CLAHE Output Image (b)Initial Vessels observation especially low contrast
weighting exponent. The main task is to reach the minimum vessels.
dissimilarity function, it can be performed with two condi-
tions [28] as shown below Equations 3 and 4.
j=1 uim xj
Ci = Pn k
(3) To effectively use the preprocessed dataset for retinal vessels
j=1 uim
segmentation, we propose a deep modified U-Net [26] model
uim = . (4) with some additional layers to generate the segmented vessels
Pc dim 2/(m−1) image as shown in Figure 6. The network has two parts; an
k=1 dkm
encoder part and a decoder part. The encoder extracts the
The FCM algorithm is explained in the following steps. features that represent the input image, and the decoder uses
1) The U membership functions contained in the con- these features and reconstructs the output as a segmented ves-
straint, as shown in the equation 1, are randomly sels image. To exploit the extracted features in the encoder for
initialized. better segmented vessels and to extract the tiny vessels, skip
FIGURE 6. The proposed CNN model. Each convolutional block consists of two convolutional layers followed by LReLU. Strided-convs are used to
decrease the resolution of the features in the encoder. Up-convolutional layers are used to increase the resolution of the features in the decoder.
Skip connections and concatenation layers are used in the decoder to concatenate and fuse the features from the encoder and the decoder. This
generates better segmented image with sharper vessels edges.
connections transfer the detailed features from the encoder to but depends also on the loss function that is selected to
the decoder. The encoder part comprises three convolutional train the model and optimize the network parameters. The
blocks; each block has two convolutional layers followed ground-truth of the retinal vessels images suffers from
by LReLU as an activation function. After each conv block, class imbalance. That is, we have two classes to be seg-
a strided convolutional layer [29] is used to decrease the mented; the foreground (vessels) and the background. The
feature resolution and to accelerate the training process. class distribution of the foreground and the background is
The decoder has almost the same architecture as the imbalanced. It is clearly observed that almost 90% of the
encoder, but with task-specific layers. It consists of three ground-truth pixels belong to the background class and 10%
convolutional blocks, and deconvolutional layers are used of the pixels belong to the foreground class (vessels pixels).
before each block to increase the resolution of the features Ignoring the class imbalance problem during training results
and reconstruct the segmented image. For more accurate seg- in sub-optimal performance. To overcome this issue, Dice
mentation and sharper vessels edges, the extracted features in Loss function [30] is selected to train the proposed model.
the encoder are exploited to improve the segmentation output. It is defined as:
Features from the encoder are transferred to the decoder using
2 x∈ pl (x)gl (x)
skip connections and concatenated with the corresponding Ldice = 1 − P 2
P 2
. (5)
x∈ pl (x) + x∈ gl (x)
features from the decoder. They are concatenated and fused
using a convolutional layer of 1 × 1 kernel size. The seg- where pl (x) is the probability of the pixel x to have the label l.
mented image is generated by a soft-max layer, where the gl (x) is the ground-truth label as a vector where it is 1 for the
output image has 2 channels as a probability map of the true class label and 0 for the other classes.
foreground (vessels pixels) and the background.
The proposed model is different from the original U-Net. F. POST-PROCESSING
The output resolution is smaller than the input resolution in The output image of the CNN model contained noisy pix-
the original U-Net but our proposed model preserves the same els, making it difficult to analyse small vessels. We use the
resolution for the output as the input. To downsample the morphological reconstruction operation based on a double
features in the encoder, U-Net uses max-pooling layers which threshold method. The morphological reconstruction opera-
take the maximum value in a window. Max-pooling layers tion generates the final binary image and is based on marker
miss the spatial information of the extracted features which and mask images. We generate the mask and marker images
are important in the segmentation task. We proposed to use from the histogram of the image as shown in Figure 7. The
the strided convolutional layers instead of max-pooling layers mask image (as shown in Figure 8(a)) is obtained by applying
to downsample the features. Strided convolutional layers are the threshold to the median value of the image based on
trainable layers and have the property of preserving the spatial the histogram. While the marker (as shown in Figure 8(b)))
information for the features. This enhances the segmentation is obtained by applying the threshold as a multiple of 0.6
task and helps in detecting the tiny vessels. standard deviation subtracted from the median value of the
image histogram. After making the mask and marker image,
E. LOSS FUNCTION we apply the morphological reconstruction to obtain the
The quality of the segmented retinal vessels using the pro- binary image of the retinal vessels (as shown in Figure 8(c))).
posed CNN not only depends on the architecture choice To obtain an accurate vessels image, we apply image
Four parameters are used to validate the performance of
the proposed method. These parameters are Sensitivity (Se),
FIGURE 10. Final output images of the proposed method. From left to
Specificity (Sp), Accuracy (Ac) and Area Under Curve right: input image, output image, corresponding ground-truth. Top: DRIVE
(AUC). The calculation of these parameters is given below. image, bottom: STARE image.
Sensitivity = . (6)
Specificity = . (7)
TN + FP To check the usefulness of the pre-processing steps on
TP + TN the training process, the proposed model was trained with
Accuracy = . (8)
TP + FP + FN + TN and without pre-processed training images. As reported
Se + Sp in Table 2, the pre-processing steps improve the training
AUC = . (9) process and the performance of the proposed model out-
performs the model trained without the preprocessing steps.
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The pre-processing steps eliminate the uneven illumination,
This section presents the performance of the proposed meth- reduce the noise, and generate pre-processed images with
ods on the databases and the impact of the pre-processing better contrast which helps to produce well-segmented output
and post-processing steps. We also analysed the performance images.
of our proposed method on challenging images of the two Moreover, Table 2 reports the importance of using the post-
databases. We performed a comparative analysis of the per- processing steps. The post-processing steps improve the final
formance of our methods with existing methods. vessels image and the performance of the proposed model
FIGURE 11. Comparison of proposed output images with [33], [34] especially tiny vessels. First column represents original
image and second coloum represent ground truth images, third column shows output image of [33], fourth column shows
output image of [34] and fifth column shows proposed method output image.
gives better-segmented images than without post-processing our method also outperforms other CNN-based methods (as
the CNN output. The post-processing steps remove noisy shown in Table 4) for retinal blood vessels. In addition,
pixels and give better observation of tiny vessels. we performed a comparative analysis of our method, which
focuses on the detection of tiny vessels. The detection of
C. PERFORMANCE ON CHALLENGING IMAGES tiny vessels is analysed on the improvement of the sensitiv-
There are 50% abnormal images containing abnormalities ity. The proposed method, compared to the method recently
in both databases, and the presence of abnormalities makes implemented, concerns the problem of tiny vessels like
it difficult to accurately segment the retinal blood vessels. [33], [34] as shown in Figure 11, from Table 4, and allows
We named these images as challenging images. We calculated us to observe that we have obtained better performances that
the performance of the proposed method on these challenging [33], [34]. This shows that our proposed method has the
images and obtained better performance, as shown in Table 3. ability to detect more tiny vessels. Our method is more robust
The performance obtained on difficult images is proof of the in terms of execution time and few researchers have indicated
ability of our method to accurately detect the retinal blood the execution time shown in Table 4, and our method runs
vessels. in less time to give a segmented image compared to others
reported runtime methods.
TABLE 3. Analysis of performance on challenging images.
FIGURE 12. Analysis of tiny vessels detection image of different methods with our proposed output image. Figure (a) is an
original retinal image, Figure (b) is a manual segmented image. Figure (c) represents output image of Nuygen’s method,
Figure (d) shows output image of Hou’s method. Figure (e) and Figure (f) represents output images of Zhao’s based on different
filtering techniques. Figure (g) shows output image of Yan’s method, and Figure (h) shows output image of proposed method.
compared to the other methods and a comparative sensitivity accurate retinal blood vessels. Our method is more robust in
against Thangaraj et al. [51]. This obtained performance of terms of execution time and few researchers have indicated
the proposed method shows that our method can segment the execution time shown in Table 5, and our method runs
in less time to give a segmented image compared to others Yan et al. [49]. It can clearly be seen that the proposed method
reported runtime methods. gave more tiny vessels than those shown in Figure 12.
There are two limitations observed visually in existing The capacity of the proposed method can be observed by
methods. First, the tiny vessels are missed and, secondly, the segmentation of vessels in their precise formats such as
the sensitivity is reduced due to the lack of detecting tiny veins and arteries. Because the main problems that have not
vessels. These two problems can be solved by the segmen- yet been addressed by many researchers are the segmenta-
tation of tiny vessels, which helps to improve the sensitiv- tion of vessels in the presence of the centre of light reflex
ity. We compared the performance of our proposed method because it becomes difficult to specify the segmentation and
with the methods described for detecting tiny vessels such identify the veins and arteries or identify the proper vessels.
as Nguyen et al. [57], Hou [58], Zhao et al. [65] and In parallel to the performance comparison, we conducted
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[64] Q. Li, B. Feng, L. Xie, P. Liang, H. Zhang, and T. Wang, ‘‘A cross-modality AHMED ALI SHAH received the B.E. degree in
learning approach for vessel segmentation in retinal images,’’ IEEE Trans. electronic engineering from the Mehran Univer-
Med. Imag., vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 109–118, Jan. 2016. sity of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro,
[65] Y. Zhao, L. Rada, K. Chen, S. P. Harding, and Y. Zheng, ‘‘Automated vessel in 2010. He has around eight years of diverse
segmentation using infinite perimeter active contour model with hybrid experience in academia, industry, and research. He
region information with application to retinal images,’’ IEEE Trans. Med. is currently an Assistant Professor with Sukkur
Imag., vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1797–1807, Sep. 2015. IBA. Over the past few years, he has participated
[66] T. A. Soomro, M. A. U. Khan, J. Gao, T. M. Khan, M. Paul, and N. Mir, in a number of industrial projects and received
‘‘Automatic retinal vessel extraction algorithm,’’ in Proc. Int. Conf. Digit. various technical trainings and certifications. He
Image Comput., Techn. Appl. (DICTA), Nov. 2016, pp. 1–8. has hands-on experience in the soft fabrication of
[67] M. A. U. Khan, T. A. Soomro, T. M. Khan, D. G. Bailey, J. Gao, and N. Mir, photonics-based sensing and imaging nano platforms; specifically, his focus
‘‘Automatic retinal vessel extraction algorithm based on contrast-sensitive
was to improve the limit of detection values (LODs), that in turn enhances
schemes,’’ in Proc. Int. Conf. Image Vis. Comput. New Zealand (IVCNZ),
sensitivity and minimizes safety risks. His areas of interests include surface-
Nov. 2016, pp. 1–5.
enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-based sensing and imaging, anisotropic
[68] J. Zhang, B. Dashtbozorg, E. Bekkers, J. P. W. Pluim, R. Duits, and
electric field responsive nanostructures, and smart sensors. Briefly, to date,
B. M. ter Haar Romeny, ‘‘Robust retinal vessel segmentation via locally
adaptive derivative frames in orientation scores,’’ IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., his research work has been disseminated to international audiences, in the
vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2631–2642, Dec. 2016. form of patents, book chapter, SCI research journal articles, and peer-
[69] J. I. Orlando, E. Prokofyeva, and M. B. Blaschko, ‘‘A discriminatively reviewed international conference proceedings. In 2012, he was awarded
trained fully connected conditional random field model for blood vessel the prestigious Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan fully funded
segmentation in fundus images,’’ IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 64, no. 1, HRDI-UET/USTPs Scheme Scholarship, for M.S. leading to Ph.D. studies
pp. 16–27, Jan. 2017. from Hanyang University’s Education Research Industry Cluster Ansan
[70] L. Ngo and J.-H. Han, ‘‘Multi-level deep neural network for efficient (E.R.I.C.A.) Campus, South Korea.
segmentation of blood vessels in fundus images,’’ Electron. Lett., vol. 53,
no. 16, pp. 1096–1098, 2017.
[71] Y. Guo, U. Budak, A. Şengür, and F. Smarandache, ‘‘A retinal vessel
detection approach based on shearlet transform and indeterminacy filtering
on fundus images,’’ Symmetry, vol. 9, no. 10, p. 235, 2017.
[72] B. Biswal, T. Pooja, and N. B. Subrahmanyam, ‘‘Robust retinal blood
vessel segmentation using line detectors with multiple masks,’’ IET Image
Process., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 389–399, 2018.
[73] T. A. Soomro, T. M. Khan, M. A. U. Khan, J. Gao, M. Paul, and
L. Zheng, ‘‘Impact of ICA-based image enhancement technique on retinal
blood vessels segmentation,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 3524–3538, 2018.
degree from QUEST Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan,
[74] T. A. Soomro, J. Gao, Z. Lihong, A. J. Afifi, S. Soomro, and M. Paul,
‘‘Retinal blood vessels extraction of challenging images,’’ in Data Min- in 2008, the M.E. degree from MUET Jamshoro,
ing (Communications in Computer and Information Science), vol. 996. Sindh, in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in computer
Singapore: Springer, 2019, pp. 347–359. science from Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South
Korea, in 2018. He is currently an Assistant Profes-
sor in computer science with the Quaid-e-Awam
University College of Engineering Science and
TOUFIQUE AHMED SOOMRO received the Technology Larkana, Sindh. His research interests
B.E. degree in electronic engineering from the include motion tracking, object segmentation, and
Mehran University of Engineering and Technol- 3D image recognition.
ogy, Pakistan, in 2008, the M.Sc. degree in elec-
trical and electronic engineering by research from
University Technologi PETRONAS, Malaysia,
in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in AI and image
processing from the School of Computing and
Mathematics, Charles Sturt University, Australia.
He was a Research Assistant with the School of
Business Analytic in Cluster of Big Data Analysis, The University of
Sydney, Australia, for six months. He is currently an Assistant Professor with
the Electronic Engineering Department, QUEST Campus Larkana, Pakistan,
GULSHER ALI BALOCH received the B.E.
and a Visiting Researcher with the Guangdong University of Technology,
degree in telecommunication engineering from
China. His research interests include most aspects of image enhancement
the Mehran University of Engineering and Tech-
methods, segmentation methods, classifications methods, and image analysis
nology, Pakistan, in 2008, the M.E. degree in
for medical images.
communication systems and networks (research)
from the Mehran University of Engineering and
Technology, Pakistan, in 2011, and the Ph.D.
AHMED J. AFIFI was born in 1985. He received degree in image processing from Eastern Mediter-
the bachelor’s and M.Sc. degrees in computer ranean University, North Cyprus, Turkey. He was
engineering from the Islamic University of Gaza, a Research Assistant with the Department of Elec-
in 2008 and 2011, respectively. During his master’s trical and Electronic Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, North
degree, he was interested in digital image process- Cyprus, Turkey, for three years. He has successfully completed a profes-
ing and pattern recognition. He is currently pur- sional certificate program in artificial intelligence and machine learning
suing the Ph.D. degree with the Computer Vision from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA,
and Remote Sensing Research Group, Technische USA. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Electronic Engineering
Universität Berlin. His research interests include Department, Sukkur IBA University, Pakistan. His research interests include
computer vision, deep learning, 3D object recon- most aspects of inverse problems in image processing, image enhancement
struction from a single image, and medical image analysis. methods, segmentation methods, and classifications methods.
LIHONG ZHENG received the Ph.D. degree in with the School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology,
computer science from the University of Technol- Guangzhou, China. He has served as the Invited Reviewer for the IEEE
ogy, Sydney, Australia, in 2008. She is currently a TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE (TPAMI),
Senior Lecturer with the School of Computing and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING (TIP), the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
Mathematics, Charles Sturt University, Australia. ON CYBERNETICS (TCYB), the IEEE CVPR, AAAI, IEEE ACCESS, the IEEE
She is leading the Imaging and Sensing Research TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS (TNNLS), and
Group to conduct high-quality research in machine Neurocomputing. His research interests include computer vision, pattern
learning, image processing, and information and recognition, and machine learning.
communications technology (ICT) area. She has
published more than 80 high-quality journal and
conference papers. She is a member of the Australian Computer Society
(ACS) and Australian Computer Society - Artificial Intelligence Committee.
She has led a team who won the 2nd place of the ‘‘IoT Spartans Challenge,’’
in 2017. In 2019, she received the Academia Award of ‘‘Women in IT’’ by
Cisco. As a Technical Referee, she has been serving many top-ranked IEEE JUNBIN GAO received the B.Sc. degree in
and Elsevier journals and the IEEE flagship conferences, as well as sitting computational mathematics from the Huazhong
on the Organizing Committee of many international IEEE conferences and University of Science and Technology (HUST),
workshops. China, in 1982, and the Ph.D. degree from
the Dalian University of Technology, China,
in 1991. He was a Senior Lecturer, and a Lecturer
(2001–2005) in computer science with the Univer-
MING YIN received the Ph.D. degree in infor- sity of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia.
mation and communication engineering from the From 1982 to 2001, he was an Associate Lecturer,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Lecturer, Associate Professor, and Professor with
(HUST), Wuhan, China, in 2006. He worked as a the Department of Mathematics, HUST. He is currently a Professor of big
Visiting Scholar with the School of Computing and data analytics with the University of Sydney Business School, University of
Mathematics, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Sydney, and was a Professor in computer science with the School of Comput-
Australia, from January 2012 to December 2012. ing and Mathematics, Charles Sturt University, Australia. His main research
From September 2015 to September 2016, he interests include machine learning, data analytics, Bayesian learning and
was a Postdoctoral Researcher with DATA 61, inference, and image analysis.
CSIRO, Australia. He is currently a Professor