Chinese Journal of Traumatology: Geley Ete, Gaurav Chaturvedi, Elvino Barreto, Kingsly Paul M

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Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 113e116

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Original Article

Effectiveness of Parkland formula in the estimation of resuscitation fluid volume

in adult thermal burns
Geley Ete, Gaurav Chaturvedi, Elvino Barreto, Kingsly Paul M*
Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Purpose: Acute burn resuscitation in initial 24 h remains a challenge to plastic surgeons. Though various
Received 9 September 2018 formulae for fluid infusion are available but consensus is still lacking, resulting in under resuscitation or
Received in revised form over resuscitation. Parkland formula is widely used but recently its adequacy is questioned in studies.
20 January 2019
This study was conducted to see how closely the actual volume of fluid given in our center matches with
Accepted 25 January 2019
Available online 2 March 2019
that of calculated volume by Parkland formula.
Methods: All patients admitted with more than 20% flame burn injury and within 8 h of incident were
included in this study. Crystalloid solution for infusion was calculated as per Parkland formula; however,
Burn resuscitation
it was titrated according to the urine output. Data on fluid infusion were collected from patient's
Parkland formula inpatient records and analyzed.
Urine output Results: The study included a total of 90 patients, about 86.7% (n ¼ 78) of the patients received fluid less
Physiological curve than the calculated Parkland formula. Rate of fluid administered over 24 h in our study was 3.149 mL/kg/
h. Mean hourly urine output was found to be 0.993 mL/kg/h. The mean difference between fluid
administered and fluid calculated by Parkland formula was 3431.825 mL which was significant
(p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The study showed a significant difference in the fluid infused based on urine output and the
fluid calculated by Parkland formula. This probably is because fluid infused based on end point of
resuscitation was more physiological than fluid calculated based on formulae.
© 2019 Chinese Medical Association. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction burn size can lead to inappropriate fluid volume infusion to the
burn patient.1
Resuscitation of acute major burns is a challenge to the burn Parkland formula has been the most widely used fluid resusci-
care providers especially in the first 24 h from the time of burns. tation formula since it was first proposed by Baxter and Shires in
It is one of the major determinants of survival of burn patients. 1968. It states infusion of Ringer Lactate solution at the rate of
Various resuscitation formulae are available at the behest of the 3.7e4.2 mL per kilogram of body weight per percent burn. Early
burn care provider and many important advances have been aggressive fluid replenishment in burn shock has been the main-
made in the field of burn resuscitation, but none ensures smooth stay of burns resuscitation, but recent studies have mentioned
resuscitation. Problems of under resuscitation or over resuscita- about burn injured patients being over-resuscitated, often with
tion related complications and the controversy in the choice of indistinct endpoint targets.2 More recently, fluid resuscitation in
fluid i.e. crystalloid based resuscitation fluid, or the colloid based excess of the Parkland formula has been observed.3e5
resuscitation fluid makes it difficult to choose the right guide- The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of
lines for the early fluid resuscitation. As fluid volume depends on Parkland formula in the estimation of resuscitation fluid volume in
the burns size and the burns depth, inaccurate assessment of Adult thermal burns and to compare the resuscitation fluid calcu-
lated by Parkland formula and actual resuscitation fluid delivered
to the burn patient based on end target of resuscitation in first 24 h
* Corresponding author.
of acute burn.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Paul M). The Parkland formula is a time tested and valuable method for
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Medical Association. calculating the initial volume of fluid required for resuscitation of a
1008-1275/© 2019 Chinese Medical Association. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
114 G. Ete et al. / Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 113e116

burn victim. The study was not to disrepute the Parkland formula, younger population with majority comprising female population.
but to see how closely the actual infused volume match the esti- These burns in an enclosed space led to many inhalational injuries
mated volume calculated by Parkland formula. (Table 1).
The extent of the burn in the study population ranged from 20%
Methods to 95% TBSA burns with a mean of 55% ± 24%. Most of the burn
involved the trunk and the lower limb. No mortality was reported
The study was conducted in Christian Medical College, Vellore in the first 48 h from the time of burns. No cases of burn shock were
after obtaining ethical committee approval. This was a retrospec- reported. No signs of over resuscitation or under resuscitation were
tive study to assess the fluid resuscitation in first 24 h from the time noticed.
of burns. The data were obtained from the in-patient charts of the The mean duration taken by the patient to reach hospital was
patient in the medical records department of the Christian Medical (5.3 ± 3.1) h and the median was 4.4 h (Table 1). The delay in the
College, Vellore. presentation to hospital was due to the time taken for travel. There
The study population included adults with burns above twenty was big difference in the fluid calculated as per the Parkland for-
percentage of total body surface area (TBSA) admitted in our mula (13030.7 mL) and actual fluid (9598.87 mL) administered to
institute within 8 h from the time of incident during the study the patient (Difference ¼ 3431.825 mL, p < 0.001). The fluid
period, 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2014.6 Our study administered prior to admission was included in the total fluid
included those patients who have referral sheet with recorded calculation.
resuscitation fluid volumes prior to admission. The patients with About 86.7% (n ¼ 78) of the patients received fluid less than the
electrical burns, chemical burns and those admitted after 8 h from calculated Parkland formula.
the time of burns were excluded from the study. Patients with Patients who received fluid lesser than Parkland formula had
concomitant trauma were also excluded from the study. higher burn size and greater percentage of full thickness burns
Patients with history of burn in an enclosed space, facial burns, whereas the percentage of inhalational injury was higher in pa-
singeing of facial hairs, hoarseness of voice, stridor, carbonaceous tients who received fluid above Parkland formula (Table 2).
sputum with breathlessness and presence of airway mucosal The scattered diagram (Fig. 1) shows the rate of fluid infusion
edema with soot in the airway were consider having inhalational among the patients which were clustered in the range of 2e4 mL/
injury.7,8 kg/percentage of burns. Mean rate of fluid administered over 24 h
The burn assessment was done to find the percentage of burns in our study was 3.149 mL/kg/h. There was no evidence of resus-
and the depth of burns. The Wallace rule of nine was applied to citation morbidities in the study. Mean urine output was found to
calculate the percentage of burns in the initial assessment and be 1424.05 mL/day. The mean hourly urine output was found to be
further accuracy in burns size estimation done by Lund and 0.993 mL/kg/h, which was within the normal range of 0.5e1.0 mL/
Browder chart. All burns were secured with a central venous access. kg/h. Hourly urine output above 1.5 mL/kg/h was taken as criteria of
Patients were resuscitated with crystalloid solution (Ringer over-resuscitation.
lactate) in first 24 h and the resuscitation fluid required for the Thirty-six (36/90) patients had inhalational injury. The signifi-
patient was calculated as per Parkland formula e 4 mL/kg of body cant number of inhalational injuries has been due to higher inci-
weight/percentage of TBSA burns. The fluid administered to patient dence of accidents in an enclosed space and self-immolation
prior to admission was included in the calculated volume of fluid. (Table 1). The rate of fluid administered in the burn patients with
However, to avoid fluid overload the initial fluid administered is inhalational injury (3.36 mL/kg/%TBSA) was higher in comparison
only 1/8 of the first 50% of the volume calculated and the urine the average study value of 3.14 mL/kg/%TBSA.
output is measured at the end of 1 h.
The fluid infusion to the patient was adjusted to achieve an Discussion
hourly urine output of 0.5e1.0 mL/kg/h and mean arterial pressure
values greater than 70 mmHg.9e11 A fall in the parameters was The crystalloid based resuscitation fluid is widely used for the
adjusted with bolus dose of crystalloid infusion. An hourly critical acute burns, the commonest is the Parkland formula. Recently the
care flow chart was used to determine the actual crystalloid accuracy of the Parkland formula is being questioned.12,13 Accord-
resuscitation volume received by the patient, the hourly urine ing the study by Luo et al. resuscitation commencing 8 h after injury
output over the first 24 h, the central venous pressure and the mean has been shown to have greater complications and requirement of
arterial blood pressure (MAP) recorded for each hour during fluid increase fluid resuscitation volume.6
resuscitation. The study showed a young group of the population involved in
The data collected from the patient's record included age, sex, major burns with majority of the patient being female. The reasons
etiology of burns, total body surface area burn size, burn depth,
inhalational injury, admission weight, fluid received by the patient Table 1
and any evidence of fluid overload. The data was analyzed using Patient demography (n ¼ 90).
SPSS 16.0 software.
Demographic variables n (%) Mean ± SD

Results Age (year) 29.4 ± 11

Gender incidence
Female 49 (54)
A total of 251 patients were admitted in our burns unit, of which Male 41 (46)
150 patients had sustained thermal burns injury involving more Etiology of burns
than 20% total body surface area (TBSA). Rest of the admitted pa- Kitchen accident 63 (70)
Self-immolation 19 (22)
tients had sustained either electrical burns or chemical burns or
Factory accident 5 (5)
scald burns. Out of the 150 patients with thermal burns, 90 patients Road accident 3 (3)
met the inclusion criteria. Percentage of burns TBSA (%) 55 ± 24
Majority (70%) of the burn injuries were due to accidental fire Full thickness burns (%) 40 ± 22
injuries in kitchen commonly due to burst of kerosene stove which Inhalational burns 36 (40)
Reporting after initial burn (h) 5.3 ± 3
is still widely used in this part of the country. The study showed a
G. Ete et al. / Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 113e116 115

Table 2
Different resuscitation fluid volume and the average percentage of TBSA burns and full thickness burns and inhalational injury in each group.

Fluid administered n (%) Average percentage of TBSA burn (%) Deep burns (average burns in %TBSA) Inhalational injury (%)

>Parkland formula 10 (11.1) 45 32.8 6/10 (60)

<Parkland 78 (86.7) 56.9 42.1 28/78 (35.9)
¼ Parkland 2 (2.2) 45 30 2/2 (100)

TBSA: Total body surface area.

Fluid infusion (mL/kg/%TBSA)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of paƟents

Fig. 1. Fluid infusion (mL) per body weight (kg) per total body surface area (mL/kg/%TBSA). The above scattered plotting shows the distribution of the rate of fluid infused. The
majority are clustered in the range of 2e4 mL/kg/percentage of burns.

for the predominant female population were related to occupation An adequate resuscitation can be judged by the tissue perfusion
they are employed in this part of the country, cooking and house and the end point target like the urine output. Rate of urine output
hold activities. Their susceptibility to fire accident was due to is considered as indirect measure of cardiac output. In our study
traditional dress (saree) they wear and the placement of cooking patient's fluid infusion was titrated with hourly urine output. The
stoves on the floor. In the male population, factory accident has mean urine output over 24 h was (1424 ± 750) mL. The rate of urine
been the major cause. output was (0.99 ± 0.49) mL/kg/h which was in the desired range of
The goal of resuscitation of the burned patient is to provide 0.5e1.0 mL/kg/h. There was no evidence of signs of under -resus-
enough fluid to maintain organ function, whilst avoiding the citation in the patient. The Parkland formula divides the fluid
complications of over-resuscitation. Cartotto et al.12 recently re- resuscitation volume into two parts, half of the volume calculated is
ported that fluid volumes administered during burn resuscitation given in the first 8 h from the time of incident and next half in next
frequently are in excess of what was estimated by the Parkland 16 h. While in the study the fluid was administered as per the
formula. In their study, resuscitation fluid volume exceeded Park- hourly urine output, this helps to assess the patient on hourly basis
land formula in 45% of the patients. In the study by Chung et al.,13 and infuse fluid continuously in physiological manner.
comparison of Parkland formula and modified Brooke formula, The relationship between fluid volume required and time since
patient on Parkland Formula received more volume of fluid as the burn injury is depicted by a smooth curve.14 This physiological
compared to Brooke formula based patient. Luo et al.6 in their study curve (Fig. 2) represents the influence of temporal changes in
of TMMU (Third Military Medical University) protocol reported microvascular permeability and tissue edema as well as fluid needs
average amount of fluid actually infused was 2.33 mL/kg/percent- in the first 24 h of burn injury. The curve contrasts with abrupt
age of TBSA burns in the first 24 h of resuscitation period with changes in fluid infusion rate as prescribed by the Parkland for-
highest being 3.12 mL. In our study we found that the Parkland mula. This avoids bolus of fluid over a period. Subsequently the
formula over estimates the resuscitation fluid volume required for Parkland formula decreases the fluid infusion in next 16 h to half
the patient. Majority (87%) of our patients received fluid in the which is an abrupt change in fluid infusion rate and not depended
range of 3.14 mL/kg/percentage TBSA burns which was less than the on the tissue perfusion. While the fluid infusion based on urine
Parkland formula of 4 mL/kg/percentage of burns. The fluid infusion output follows a physiological curve as hourly urine output is
was titrated based on the hourly urine output. No evidence of fluid monitored to titrate the infusion rate.
overload was reported in the study. No evidence of hypoperfusion In hypovolemic shock there is decrease in capillary pressure due
noted in the study. Only 11% of the patients received fluid more arteriolar vasoconstriction. In burns shock the capillary pressure
than Parkland formula and higher percentage of these patients doubles in first half an hour and then returns to baseline.15 So an
were associated inhalational injury (Table 2). The hourly urine aggressive infusion of crystalloids might extend the period of
output was maintained in the range 0.5e1.0 mL/kg/h. increased capillary pressure, causing continuous fluid extravasation
The significant difference in the resuscitation fluid questions our and prolonged ‘‘feeding’’ of the burn edema.16 During the Parkland
resuscitation protocol- Have we under resuscitated our patients? resuscitation of burns, there is aggressive fluid infusion in the first
116 G. Ete et al. / Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 113e116

The result shows that the resuscitation regimens are guidelines

to estimate the starting fluid volume and fluid resuscitation in
burns patient should be individually assessed and monitored.



Ethical statement

IRB Min No: 9399 [OBSERVE] dated 02.04.2015.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

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