Conceptual Design Element PDF
Conceptual Design Element PDF
Conceptual Design Element PDF
Ingo Staack
Linköping 2016
The cover shows <aircraft id="35"> at <Malmen rwy="19"> and an
illustration of the on-board power systems network
c Ingo Staack, 2016
ISBN 978-91-7685-636-9
ISSN 0345-7524
Distributed by:
Division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems
Department of Management and Engineering
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
außer man tut es
model integration is exemplified by a hydraulic aircraft flight control
system (FCS) simulation model. In conclusion, an example of multi-
aspect modelling using object-oriented handling of a graph network is
shown. For future scenarios, unified modelling and semantic approaches
are mentioned.
Beispielsweise DSM und C-A Net Modell erörtert und die Integration
von Teilaspekten wie der Systemzuverlässigkeit aufgezeigt.
Ziel ist ein universeller Modellierungsansatz, der eine plausible,
verständliche und anwenderfreundliche Integration der verschiede-
nen Teilaspekte des Flugzeugvorentwurfs ermöglicht sowie die Ein-
bindung domäne-spezifischer Programme (wie z.B. CAD) mit Hilfe
einer parametrischen, auf XML basierenden Datenbank erlaubt.
The work presented in this dissertation has been carried out as a Ph.D.
study at the Division of Fluid- and Mechatronic Systems (Flumes) at
Linköping University together with Saab Aeronautics as industrial part-
There are several people I would like to thank for their support and
advice during all these years.
First I want to thank my supervisor Prof. Petter Krus for his guidance
and support. Thank you, Petter, for the fruitful working environment
and the freedom you gave me which made this research so interesting
and challenging. Thank you for your patience and trust in my work!
Secondly, thanks to all my colleges at LiU for all the unforgettable
geek-coffee brake discussions. Thanks also to all Flumes flight group
members Raghu Munjuruly, Tomas Melin and David Lundström for all
the interesting meetings, debates, and collaborations!
I also want to thank the people at Saab who were involved in this
research; Mats Bergman and Pål Sarwe for their patience in guiding me
through my first research project and the members of the Conceptual
Aircraft Design Department, namely Kristian Amadori, Patrick Berry,
Peter Furenbäck and Christopher Jouannet for their close collaboration.
It was a pleasure to work together with all of you!
Warm thanks also to the whole open-minded CEAS Technical Com-
mittee Aircraft Design (TCAD) society, especially Prof. D. Scholz and
the guys from DLR, namely Björn Nagel and Daniel Böhnke; it was
a pleasure to meet you all over the world for a beer or two and talk
Hamburger-Bavarian language: Moin moin und Grüß Gott!
Thanks also to my brother for all the sports adventures and chal-
lenges; we finally survived;-)
Ingo Staack
FCS Flight Control System
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMI Functional Mockup Interface
FTA Fault Tree Analysis
GA Generic Algorithm
GeXF Graph Exchange XML Format
GUI Graphical User Interface
IC Integrated Circuit
IDE Integrated Development Environment
KB Knowledge Base
KBC Knowledge Base Component
KBE Knowledge-Based Engineering
KBS Knowledge Base System
RDF Resource Description Framework
SE Systems Engineering
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
SHC Spare Holding Costs
SoS Systems of Systems
SVD Singular Value Decomposition
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
Tools, Software, and
Programming Languages
Python Dynamic Object-Oriented Programming Lan-
guage (open source)
RAPID Robust Aircraft Parametric Interactive De-
sign (based on CATIA
Simulink Graphical Programming Environment (inte-
grate with Matlab
SUMO Open Source Surface Modeller
SysML Systems Modelling Language
Tango Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design Tool
Tornado Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) Tool
, open source)
UML Unified Modelling Language
VAMPzero Aircraft Conceptual Sizing Tool (Java, open
source, DLR)
VB Visual Basic: Event-Driven Programming
Language (Microsoft
VBA Visual Basic Application (in Microsoft
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Dissertation Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Detailed Outline Description . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Thesis Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Delimitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Research Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.1 Research Environment and Related Projects . . . . 7
1.3.2 Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.3 Research Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4.1 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3.1 Geometry Domain Integration . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3.2 Causal versus Acausal Implementation . . . . . . . 28
6 System Modelling 69
6.1 KBE Model Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.2 Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.2.1 Nomenclature and Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2.2 Sorting and Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.2.2.a Sequencing/Partitioning . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2.2.b Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2.2.c Algorithm Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.3 Multi-Domain Dependency Structure Matrices (MDDSM) 82
6.4 Graph Theory and Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.5 Channel Agency Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.5.1 Modelling with C-A Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.5.1.a C-A Net Channel Definition . . . . . . . 87
6.5.1.b C-A Net Agency Definition . . . . . . . . 88
6.5.2 Extending the C-A Net model . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.3.1.a Implicit and Explicit Model Formulation 117
7.3.1.b Model Representations . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.3.2 System Partitioning and Component Placement . . 119
7.3.2.a GUI-Based Graph Sorting and Clustering 120
7.3.3 FTA Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.3.4 Graphical C-A Net Modelling Approach . . . . . . 122
7.3.4.a GUI-Based C-A Net Implementation . . . 123
7.3.4.b XML-Based C-A Net Implementation . . 123
7.3.5 Usecase Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Bibliography 137
Index 153
Despite great achievements in research on product development, man-
agement, and systems engineering, and the vast increase in computa-
tional power, the overwhelming increase in complexity of both civil
and military aircraft design undermines the design process, resulting
in longer development times and higher development costs.
In the standardized product development process, following the
product-V development cycle [EIA632, 2003], a common design process
dilemma is the limited knowledge in early development process stages,
where important (design) decisions have to be made that influence
product and development costs as well as the product’s performance
and properties [Ullman, 2002], [Weilkiens et al., 2015]. To address this
problem, mainly three counteracting processes can be chosen: (a) de-
lay (important) design decisions until more knowledge is available, (b)
increase the available product related information in the early design
stages, or (c) to enable for efficient or automatic execution with different
input setups.
In Aircraft Conceptual Design (ACD), the main issue is the lack of
detailed product/aircraft properties which are required as inputs for the
analytic tools. On the way to new More Electric Aircraft (MEA) archi-
tectures, with greater influence on the power generation and potentially
fusion of the propulsion and power generation system in future hybrid
electric designs, these systems cannot be neglected in the ACD phase.
Traditional semi-empirical on-board system designs do not comply
with the higher analysis fidelity demand and do not fit to the higher-
fidelity physics-based analysis methods. Furthermore, new technologies
and never before seen system architectures cannot be satisfactorily ad-
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
The scope of the thesis includes three main parts, conceptual aircraft
design, modelling & simulation and systems engineering (design) (see
Figure 1.1). The main focus on the former two, with the necessity
to incorporate systems engineering (design) for both the modelling &
simulation approach as well as the system architecture design.
The overall design process is aligned with the system engineering en-
gine approach developed by [NASA, 2007], vaguely adopting the (prod-
uct) development-V scheme [EIA632, 2003], starting with stakeholder
and requirement identification, system decomposition and system inte-
gration with validation and verification.
Categorising the thesis domains from the application domain indepen-
dent system engineering point of view of the International Council on
Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the thesis addresses the following areas
(see Figure 1.3):
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 1.3 Thesis domains (marked with double edges) within the
systems engineering view of the INCOSE society (adapted from [INCOSE,
1.2.1 Delimitations
ACD is an extreme representation of a Multidisciplinary Design Optimi-
sation (MDO) problem. For the sake of simplicity, the topics manufac-
turing, cost and maintenance are excluded from the thesis; the reasons
for these decisions can be found in Table 1.1.
Topic Motivation
• fidelity level in ACD too low: no/weak coupling
between design and production
manufacturing • large scale effects
• company-dependent infrastructure and exper-
costs include many “soft factors”; highly depend-
ent on the topic manufacturing (see above).
The maintenance strategy (e.g. preventive, predic-
tive, run-to-failure or reliability centred mainte-
nance) has indubitably an influence on system de-
sign. Maintenance has been excluded from the
scope of this thesis in order to (a) simplify the
design process (excluding this domain) and (b)
maintenance the lack of maintenance-related design information
such as:
• cost: replacement/refurbish, etc. costs
• mode of operation (preventive, corrective or
reliability-centred maintenance)
These topics are also related to the cost topic, ex-
cluded for the above-mentioned reasons.
Control and behavioural modelling has been lim-
ited in this work to the minimum needed to model
no advanced
cyber-physical systems which inevitably include
control theo-
both structural and behavioural models. The rea-
son is the different approach in behavioural mod-
elling, which is outside the scope of this work.
Table 1.1 Excluded (design) topics and the reasons for their exclusion
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
1.4 Contribution
The most significant contribution – from the author’s point of view –
is the abstract analysis of the (conventional, state-of-the-art ()) multi-
aspect conceptual aircraft design process with respect to software and
systems engineering. The traditional mechanical engineering approach –
mainly focusing on aerodynamics, structure and propulsion – is extended
with system engineering perspectives to address the design challenges
of future, highly-integrated, more electrical on-board power system de-
signs. Using object-oriented techniques and multi-aspect modelling, a
holistic design approach seems to be realisable. Other contributions of
this work include:
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
• The extended use of XML, XSD, and XSLT for model support, en-
abling CAD and system integration using XML-based parametric
1.4.1 Publications
This monograph is based on – but not limited to – the following publi-
cations by the author:
1.5 Remarks
The thesis applies the standard nomenclature that is currently used
within the European aviation community. To make the formulations
more precise, some deviations from the standard terms are made. The
following listing explains these alterations, which help to render the weak
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
• The symbol & is used for set expressions like modelling and
simulation (written: modelling & simulation) for easier read-
• In imitation of the use case diagram in UML, the term use case
is used in this work to denote the application examples Usecase1
to Usecase3 in Chapter 7.
Design Influence on
Aircraft Performance
This Chapter identifies the influence of design (parameter) on aircraft
performance, focusing on total fuel consumption. The performance and
efficiency of (civil) aircraft are investigated with particular emphasis on
the influence on performance of the on-board power system’s design.
The importance and contribution to performance of the on-board systems
is highlighted and the relationship between (system) weight, drag, and
energy efficiency is analysed. It serves as an introduction to conceptual
design process analysis in Chapter 3.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 2.2 Long-haul airliner drag evolution between 1960 and 1990
(adapted from [La Rocca, 2011])
Design Influence on Aircraft Performance
dynamic shaping
• drag penalty: higher drag due to the larger (high BPR) engine
and nacelle size.
= −24.745 − 33.737 ∗ (RL margin)
+21.691 ∗ (seat density) + 33.897 ∗ (pax loadf actor) (2.1)
+37.730 ∗ (f reight share)
• L the fuel burn in litres.
• RL the aircraft-specific fuel burn, compared with the
industrial reference line.
One of the key factors enabling high aspect ratio wings as present on A350, B-787
and B-777X aircraft.
Actually, the pure engine SFC is a component characteristic (of the engine) and
not a system characteristic (of the aircraft). Taking into consideration the installation
losses (inlet/outlet and interference), the SFC can be seen as an aircraft system
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Design Influence on Aircraft Performance
Ignoring the cost side and focusing on energy consumption only, the
right pay-off between (component/system) efficiency and weight – and
possibly the impact on drag – has to be found. [Scholz, 1998] shows a
system analysis process taking into consideration the (additional) fuel
consumption due to:
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
• additional drag
Design Influence on Aircraft Performance
have a less detrimental effect on SFC than shaft power off-takes have.
For engine bleed air off-takes, an upper limit clearly exists with a de-
clining limit for high BPR engines due to the low remaining core air
mass flow [VIII]. The Degree of Subsystem Electrification (DSE) (see
Section 4.3 on page 37) or, in other words, the kind of power extraction,
may also influence the way of operating, as shown by [Seresinhe et al.,
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
V elocity L Wf uel
RAN GE = ∗ ∗ ln 1 + (2.2)
T SF C D Wpayload + WOEW
For a certain aircraft configuration and mission profile, a growth factor
due to weight or (propulsion or secondary energy) efficiency variation
can be calculated [Ballhaus, 1955]. This (payload) growth factor rep-
resents the sensitivity of the overall design to a change in the payload
requirement (with all the residual requirements fixed). Besides pay-
load alterations growth factors for changes in range, installed thrust, or
power are also common [Rugg, 1970]. These growth factors give useful
feedback on the (cost) impact of the basic vehicle characteristics. Usual
(payload weight) growth factors are around three for current airliners,
with outliers for extreme aircraft designs such as long-endurance solar
powered aircraft with a growth factor value of up to 4.5 [Ross, 2016].
A problem with growth factors – and in general with globally applied
sensitivity analysis – is the irrecognisable shadowing of the relationships
between the design, the mode of operation, and the requirements.
Compare this figure with Figure 4.9 on page 45.
The Conceptual
Aircraft Design Process
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process
Trim Drag Example: To address the trim drag, the functional infor-
mation concerning how to maintain longitudinal trim has to be included
in the model using a functional model. On a standard drake configu-
ration, this might be performed by generating an up-/down-force on a
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
(more or less) horizontal lifting surface in the back of the aircraft that
perhaps is user-denoted/tagged as a horizontal tail. In the case of an
all-moving elevator, this can be achieved by changing the incidence angle
of the elevator or by a deflection of the trailing edge control surface(s)
on this lifting surface. Additionally, especially under prolonged cruise
flight regimes, trim might even be arranged by active load shifting, usu-
ally implemented by intertank transfer to a rear located trim tank. In
addition to the behavioural information, this also requires additionally a
structural model (components) of the fuel system to enable the transfer
of a certain amount of fuel to the trim tank, involving valves, piping, and
pumps. In a functional view, the initially geometry-based product tree
is therefore tweaked towards a more system-related product-oriented de-
composition, as shown in Figure 3.5. A typical aircraft system hierarchy
break-up, close to the Air Transport Association Specification 100 (ATA
100) chapter structure, can be found in [Jackson, 1997].
The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process
• function-based
• object-oriented, and
• graph-based
• geometry modelling
• visualization
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
in [La Rocca, Jansen, et al., 2013]) for initial aircraft sizing. The ba-
sic geometric kernels of “easy” CAD modeller such as SUMO or openVSP
[openVSP, 2016] are already quite huge and complex to develop.
Since “CAD work is to 99% about interacting with the system GUI”
[La Rocca, 2011], the use of a matur, established CAD1 environment
should be preferred. However, the direct application-unspecific appli-
cation domain “complete” CAD tools such as CATIA
or proEngineer
create several problems when applied to the ACD process. First of all,
the user is overwhelmed by the various functionalities to build up a ge-
ometry. Also, starting from a blank sheet every time is a cumbersome
approach, but most importantly, the interpretation (by other tools) of
the individually modelled CAD geometry lacks functional as well as be-
havioural information.
The approach selected in CADLab is to apply an overlay in a complete
CAD environment (here CATIA
V5) and by doing so limit the type of
geometric instances. A detailed description of the CADLab framework and
the included CAD implementation can be found in the Usecase1 example
in Section7.1 respectively Section7.1.2.b on page 96. An already existing
ASCD tool is ASTRID [Chiesa, Di Meo, et al., 2012] which is based on
OOP principles but do not incorporate the CAD domain during the
design process [Chiesa, Fioriti, et al., 2012].
The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Cascaded Systems
This chapter deals with the analysis of system and subsystem relation-
ships, system requirements and the main system architecture design
drivers. The concept of energy conversion for physical power systems is
also presented.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
This system definition more precisely stated and extended with the
relationships by [Dickerson et al., 2010] results in the diagram shown in
Figure 4.2. Other system definitions, such as [ISO 15288, 2008], have
Cascaded Systems Design
• system weight
A system interfaces might be of any complexity level like a physical pipe for matter
exchange, a high-level signal interface (like RS-232 or CAN) or any combination of
matter, energy, and information exchange.
System(atic) Black Box
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
(SOTA, next generation)
functional domain
input states
system black box
support domain support domain
(e.g. matter, (useful) (e.g. spill material,
energy) application related unusable energy)
Cascaded Systems Design
Figure 4.5 The three important elements of the new design process
paradigm (adapted from [Kirby, 2001]) to the left and the economic tech-
nology assessment properties to the right
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft operators may extend this approach by adding delay and can-
cellation costs as well as capital costs due to Spare Holding Costs (SHC).
The fuel cost due to the system can be split up according to the scheme
shown in Figure 4.6. Important to note is that system costs depend on
Cascaded Systems Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
• conversion of energy
• conversion of material
• conversion of signals
• power/energy/matter
– producer (generator)
– consumer
– converter
• signal
Cascaded Systems Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Cascaded Systems Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 4.7 Energy transfers and the usual motivations of energy adap-
tions and transformations (of power-consuming systems)
Cascaded Systems Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Cascaded Systems Design
Also interesting to note is the substitution of an axial compressor (in the con-
ventional ECS) with a radial compressor (in case of the MEA ECS architecture).
Compared with e.g. the development of jet engines, the common technology trend
had been from radial to axial compressors due to the higher maximum efficiency.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Cascaded Systems Design
Housing weight due to gas-tight housing requirement to prevent condensation
events due to pressure variation over each flight cycle. This type of housings are
required for unpressurised and humid locations (ECS, galley, and battery compart-
See also the growth factor in Section 2.2.2.
A very low value compared to the density pressure of electric motors or other
electric components in non-aerospace applications.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
In order to differentiate between software and “non-software” (thus often power
components) related hardware, the former is denominated as “software hardware”.
Model-Based System
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Model-Based System Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
• physical models
Imaginable model: related to our macro/micro physic world view or related to
the size of the system of interest. An example of a missing graphical/imaginable
(depending on the state of education) is the wave-particle dualism model for electrons.
Model-Based System Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 5.6 Types of prototypes (figure from [Ulrich et al., 2012], ex-
tended by [Hallberg, 2012] and adapted by the author)
Model-Based System Design
As shown in Figure 5.6, simulation models may be used for focused, ana-
lytical design exploration. For physical systems, many aspect-dependent
tools exist, ranging from discrete event simulations, system simulation
(e.g. Simulink, Amesim, Modelica and Hopsan), up to high-fidelity CAD
and FEM tools (see Figure 5.8b). These tools are nowadays the founda-
tion for product developing, enabling new, model-based product devel-
opment processes such as Model-Based Component Acquisition (MBCA)
or MBSE.
With advanced model integration concepts (e.g. Functional Mockup
Interface (FMI), standards [Modelica Association, 2016]), and the use
of all-embracing CAD tools, which are more and more turning into
multi-domain Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tool suites (like the
V6 environment [Dassault Systèmes, 2016]), simulation models
are moving towards more comprehensive, more integrated models than
ever seen before. This fact makes it necessary to deal with system and
model(ling) complexity issues, as examined in the following chapters.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Model-Based System Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Model-Based System Design
96). [Zhang, 2015] states that tool frameworks in “wing design practice
evolution” – including virtual aircraft, aerodynamic, and structure – are
heading towards almost reaching fidelity levels that have hitherto been
restricted to physical (prototype) flight testing only. These frameworks,
however, make extensive usage of 3-dim or 4-dim tools and are thereby
restricted to the preliminary or detailed design phase.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
All have in common (during the conceptual SE stage) the fact that
information gap problem between the low formality, multidisciplinary,
sparse data on the one hand and the need for a strict semantic and
complete knowledge of system architecture and implementation on the
Model-Based System Design
• cyber-physical models
Whatever approach is used during the design process is used, the top-
down/bottom-up relationship problem is inevitable and has to be solved
(see Figure 5.12).
During method and process development, it is important to match the
surrounding and prerequisites, not only regarding technical issues but
also social aspects and organisation culture. [Martin, 1994] developed
the PMTE paradigm pyramid, which sets processes at the top of the
methods, tools, and environment, but highlights the fact that all four
parts relate to each other with bidirectional influences. Figure 5.13
shows an adapted PMTE pyramid that emphasises the importance of
the environment and tools on the methods, at the same time as the
process should effectuate the method.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 5.13 The adapted PMTE Paradigm Pyramid with the pro-
cess (definition) at the top and tools and environment(s) at the bottom
(adapted from [Martin, 1994])
Model-Based System Design
Figure 5.14 The Semantic Web layers, based on XML (adapted from
[Berners-Lee, 2000])
The container/setup information of an FMI is also in XML format.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Model-Based System Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Model-Based System Design
short term decision making, Miller showed that humans tend to lose
their decision accuracy when the problem (number of solutions) becomes
bigger than 2-3 bytes (seven solutions on average). If applicable, the
hierarchical model structure (flat vs. deep) should therefore be adapted
to serve both human cognitive and aesthetical needs. The latter is tool
dependent and depends on the graphic rendering.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
System Modelling
In this chapter, approaches for modelling the (system) models are pre-
sented, based on the system and model theories presented in Chapter 4
“Cascaded Systems Design” and Chapter 5 “Model-Based System De-
sign”. Alongside the model theories, processes, and notations, imple-
mentation examples -– where necessary and applicable – are given.
Figure 6.1 KBE/expert system tools and the interaction of the in-
volved active stakeholders (adapted from [Edward et al., 1993])
reasoning engine, also called a design compiler (see Figure 6.2), can
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
System Modelling
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Table 6.1 The four different DSM data types, their application and
the usually applied analysis methods (figure adapted from [Yassine, 2004])
Figure 6.3 Reading pattern of the IR/FAD input in rows DSM nota-
tion used in this work
System Modelling
[Yassine, 2004]):
• partitioning: The process of reordering (manipulation of DSM
rows and columns)
Target: DSM transformation into a lower triangular form2
• clustering: The definition of DSM element subsets that are mu-
tually exclusive or minimally interacting
Target: Minimisation of inter-cluster connections
• tearing: Selection of feedback marks to be removed to enable a
lower triangular matrix
Target: Elimination of feedback elements
• banding: Alternating colour marking bands to show independent
(parallel or concurrent) elements. Feedback marks are usually not
considered in this action.
Target: Visual highlighting of parallel/concurrent elements (no
change in DSM shape)
While the latter is a graphical modification only and tearing is usu-
ally not appropriate for a (physical system) element-based DSM, only
partitioning and clustering are topics discussed in this work.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 6.5 DSM attributes required for a distinct DSM setup (authors
own notation)
• cluster size(s)
• cluster modularity
• cluster density
System Modelling
Figure 6.6 DSM cluster attributes required for a distinct cluster setup
(author’s own notation)
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
6.2.2.a Sequencing/Partitioning
Several approaches for lower-triangle sorting of 2-dim matrices are known,
with Tarjan‘s graph algorithm one of the absolute favourites. This al-
gorithm is for example also used in Modelica for sorting the model
equation system into a Block Lower Triangular (BLT) [Fritzson, 2004].
However, with the unlikelihood of a clear BLT solution for physical sys-
tem (element) DSMs3 , the partitioning has to be a trade-off between the
feedback relation lengths and the number of feedback loops. This weight-
ing action is problem-specific and requires proper algorithm-tuning to
the analysis objectives.
6.2.2.b Clustering
The setup of a clustering algorithm very much depends on the appli-
cation topic. In general, the quality of cluster setup may rely on the
following classic, always existing properties:
• number of clusters
• cluster size(s)
Due to the bidirectional nature of any physical connection, a BLT solution for a
physical system/component DSM is very unlikely.
System Modelling
• cluster density
• inter-cluster relationships
A basic measure can be:
Obj = α Ci2 + βI0 (6.2)
• C is the cluster size.
• Io is the number of outer cluster relationships.
• α, β are the cluster size and relation tuning parameters.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
System Modelling
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
matrices, this results in huge time penalties due to the vast number of
possible combinations.
System Modelling
clusterCell clusterCell=
• User friendly setup • Computational
• Component sorting speed
and cluster sorting
already included
• Good for indexing
(e.g. in combination
with labels)
Table 6.2 Different DSM cluster setup notations used within algorithm
implementation. All setups apart the clusterCell are related to a certain
sorted DSM.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
System Modelling
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
• m is the number of edges.
• n is the number of vertices.
System Modelling
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
based on the Petri net concept. Unlike Petri nets, it does not represent
transition actions but works in the manner of (functional) components.
Like Petri nets, a C-A net uses two distinct graphical elements, namely
agencies and channels with edges in-between. Channel to channel and
agency to agency connections are prohibited7 . The agencies may model
any functional activity which in the case of physical system modelling
equals the elements or components of the system. The channels depict
abstract resources of any kind. The causal edges between the chan-
nel/agency components indicate the technical8 direction of the resource
interaction defined within the related channel. The C-A net edges may
indicate the matter category by means of a graphical notation of an
arrowhead shape, induced as a more intuitive tool in graphical represen-
tation (see Figure 6.13).
System Modelling
Up to now, no distinct C-A net and tool exist. De Negri makes use of
standard drawing tools to create C-A net representations which are then
transformed manually into a matrix representation. A representation of
this agency-matrix sorted matrix is given in Figure 6.14. The conver-
Figure 6.14 The C-A net input (right) and output(left) matrix rela-
tionships in the pre/post notation by [Porciúncula et al., 2016] and the
complete DSM, sorted by agencies and channels.
sion of the (agency-channel sorted) C-A net DSM to the Pre and Post
matrices can be done by:
postM = sortedDSM (NA+1:end , 1 :NA)
preM = sortedDSM ( 1 :NA, NA+1:end ) ’
(a) information
(b) energy
(c) matter
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
System Modelling
The bipartite properties of both the C-A net and the Hopsan model
offer an ideal symbiosis. With only minor adjustments, C-A net can be
modelled with the help of Hopsan. The needed modifications are:
• two components, one for channel and one for agency definition with
a large number of possible string input parameters, are defined
The Hopsan C-A net net model can now easily be translated from the
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
C-A net notation into an MDDSM or a graph set with the help of an
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) (see Usecase2
on page 115).
Extended C-A net description Based on the C-A net criteria and criti-
cism mentioned earlier, an Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema
Definition (XSD) definition has been initiated that fulfils all the needs
and allows for a multi-disciplinary tool implementation (and thus au-
tomation). Ensuring compatibility with the MDDSM, locational infor-
mation has been added to the C-A net. This information was lacking in
the C-A net notation before but is valuable for the geometrical compo-
nent arrangement calculation10 .
Component Placement: Any distance between two related components will nega-
tively affect the system’s performance (regarding weight, volume, efficiency, and com-
plexity). The penalties diverge vastly and range from low impacts for signal lines over
medium impacts for energy conducting lines, with or without material flow, towards
the highest impacts in the form of mechanical force and energy links like linkages,
pushrods or rotating axles. Additionally, effects such as resonance frequency, stiff-
ness, and allowance for clearance may furthermore limit the placement of components
containing mechanical force or energy links.
Example Model
The presented theoretical parts had been applied to different test cases.
In order to verify the theoretic approach presented in the Chapters 2–6
its practical value was tested by facing it with a variants of possible
scenarios. Important test requirements were the following:
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Example Model Implementations
All the modules communicate and interact with the central XML
database. One of the goals of developing this framework was to enable
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
parallel functionality that allows the user to select the most suitable tool
for any topic (a tool-dominated working process, see the PMTE pyra-
mid, Figure 5.13). The CATIA
V5 CAD environment is integrated into
the framework using a geometry-oriented design overlay named RAPID
(see [VII], [III]).
This KBE-based CAD tool includes an aircraft sizing module that
serves as a fast configurator for the initial layout, usually based on a
conceptual sizing. In later stages of design, more detailed tasks like
structure, cockpit design and system placement can be performed within
the same model. An application example of the presented framework can
be found in [V].
Example Model Implementations
Prerequisite Motivation
• following a (preliminary) design process highly
related on CAD
integration of
• creation of a useful tool for geometry domain
a full CAD en-
("the right tool for the right action")
• utilising the geometric modelling experience
with CATIA
/CAD environments
• expertise, practice and education of the staff
• flexibility of an interpreter language (debug-
ging capability); enables fast code adaption to
project-individual needs ("efficiency")
• integration of an existing Matlab
in-house tool
• existence of licenses
• suitable SE standard (see research/theory parts
of this thesis)
• trend and results from other research institutes:
especially the XML-based CPACS definition by
the DLR (see [Nagel et al., 2012])
• Matlab
support for Java Document Object
Models (DOMs)
• data exchange capability to 3rd party analysis
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 7.2 The data translation (parsing) action within CADLab be-
tween the two main applications Tango and RAPID
ities are being continuously improved and extended with newer version releases.
Example Model Implementations
UDFs are used to define geometric instances which match the CADLab
database description.
A VBA script acts as a RAPID internal interpretor for a geometry XML
dataset derived from the central XML dataset (see Figure 7.2). The
templates are saved either as PCs or UDFs; PC uses VB script and
UDF uses Engineering Knowledge Language (EKL) to instantiate. A
VB script, controlling the PCs, acts as a RAPID-internal interpreter of
the geometry-adjusted XML dataset and is derived from the central
XML dataset (see Figure 7.2). The UDFs are expressed by scripts in
Engineering Knowledge Language (EKL). Unlike PCs, the UDFs allow
for a parameter update even after instantiation, whereas the setup of a
PC is unmodifiably defined during the instantiation (the reproduction
process from a design template).
The VBA script serves as both data interface and top-level KBE au-
tomation routine within RAPID. The intermediate step of adding a
"CATIA"-like XML dataset between the CADLab information model and
the RAPID VBA interface is done to maintain a reasonable complexity
of both, the XSLT file and the VB script. This split-up allows for the
language-dependent advantages and disadvantages of XSLT and VB.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Example Model Implementations
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
A total aircraft system simulation with the primary flight control (hy-
draulic power) system-based on conceptual aircraft data has been chosen
to demonstrate the implementation (process) of the KBE methodology
shown in Section 6.1. A flexible aircraft system top-level architecture
can be defined as illustrated in Figure 7.15. This architecture is a logical
composition of the physical instances needed to describe a whole aircraft
in a flat hierarchy. The behavioural modules namely the attitude control
autopilot, have been taken directly from [Krus, 2009]. The PFCS has
been chosen since it represents the “perfect” on-board power system for
design automation in many ways. The outstanding characteristics are:
• clear and project-independent (static) functionality of the roll,
pitch and yaw control
• high reliability-focused designs: a (total) system loss/failure will
result in a catastrophic event, thus leading to a highly redundant
system build-up (see DAL category in Section 4.2.2)
• clearly defined system interfaces: On the output side, the actuator
linkage to the control surfaces can be seen as the system inter-
face between the (P)FCS actuation system interacting with the
structural/geometrical/aerodynamic model of the aircraft
• huge design space: Many different configurations can be found on
historical and current aircraft
• part of the aircraft control system and for this reason
– present in any modern aircraft
– required for closed-loop aircraft control (simulation, calcula-
tion, concept)
Example Model Implementations
• centralised system
• distributed system
• hybrid system
The naming refers to the supply power generation concept. In civil air-
craft applications, the centralised layout is usually realized with a trend
towards hybrid systems in the latest aircraft generations (Airbus A380,
Boeing 787) whereas in military applications both centralised and dis-
tributed systems can be found. In the following civil aircraft application
example, only the centralised approach is considered.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Airbus A380-800
10 3
Boeing 747-400
Bombardier Q400
Fokker 100
Boeing 737-300
Bombardier CRJ900
10 2
Embraer 190
SAAB 2000
10 2 10 3
MTOW [t]
Boeing 747-400
Boeing 777-300
installed res./backup pump flow [l/min]
Boeing 767-400ER
Airbus A340-500
Airbus A330-300
Airbus A310-200
Airbus A380-800
Boeing 757-200
10 2
Airbus A318
Embraer 190
Bombardier CRJ900
SAAB 2000
Bombardier Q400
Fokker 100
10 2 10 3
MTOW [t]
The Boeing B-747 hydraulic design reliability analysis becomes especially inter-
esting in light of the accident investigations of the last 45 years of operation: At least
Example Model Implementations
one accident (AWA flight 845, [Roskam, 2007], [NTSB, 1972]) can be found, where
three out of its four hydraulic systems became inoperable and the fourth system
enabled a safe landing, saving the live of 199 passengers.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Example Model Implementations
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
– system architecture/relationships
– component parameter value setup (often referred to as tuning
or sizing parameter)
Advanced users may also develop their own library components and
subsystems which in turn can also be seen and handled as components.
The easiest OOP definition of a cascaded system which may contain
unlimited numbers of its class may look like the following XSD example:
<? xml version ="1.0" encoding =" UTF-8 " ? >
< xs:schema xmlns:xs = " http: // www . w3 . org /2001/ XMLSchema " >
< xs:element name = " system " >
< xs:complexType >
< xs:all >
< xs:element ref = " system " maxOccurs = " unbounded " / >
< xs:element name = " component " maxOccurs = " unbounded " / >
< xs:element name = " relation " maxOccurs = " unbounded " / >
</ xs:all >
< xs:attribute name = " name " type = " xs:NCName " / >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
</ xs:schema >
Figure 7.9 on the current page shows the graphical representation of this
XML schema (XSD).
Example Model Implementations
• The library files, including the component files for every compo-
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
OOP implementation. A call of the Hopsan core via the Hopsan client interface (CLI)
is the faster and straightforward option.
Example Model Implementations
spread over the design compiler, the KBSs, and the KBEs. XSD files
partly model the architecture of the KBSs. This offers the potential to
use the file during the whole process: for the system architecture (rules)
development, the documentation and the instruction source for the de-
sign compiler. All other information, the component sizing inside the
KBC/KBS, and the design compiler, are implemented in Matlab
. A
problem with the design compiler and KBS implementation is the han-
dling of the III and IV order category (for a definition see Section 7.2.3
on page 103). Another issue is the interdependency or gap – depend-
ing on viewpoint – between the top-down (here: KBS definitions) and
the bottom-up (KBEs including parameter tuning) relationship (see Fig-
ure 5.12 on page 61).
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 7.11 Hydraulic Actuator design tree. Double and triple linear
actuators can be seen as combinations of single actuators; rotary type
branch not shown.
Example Model Implementations
Figure 7.13 Top level view of the linear actuator system (without de-
fined system symbol) with the highlighted system ports hydraulic (green),
mechanical (blue) and control signal input (red)
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Figure 7.16 The generated Hopsan simulation model (top level view;
the components are manually rearranged for distinct appearance)
Example Model Implementations
(b) insufficient KBE definition assistance for the developer: Other pro-
gram languages and development environments should be tested
for the KBS/KBE definition.
The first two topics (a) and (b) deal with common modelling prob-
lems such as the importance of a graphical model visualisation (see Sec-
tion5.3.3 on page 66) and the tool utility (which is addressed in Usecase1
and Chapter3). The first is an implementation issue only while the latter
is an unsolved topic that requires further investigation.
The third topic (c) is an application-specific problem, in particular in
the case of the PFCS, where the reliability requirements are the driving
design rules and consequently have to be either directly included into
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Configuration and stability have a substantial impact on how and with which
load the control surfaces are used during flight. In general, unstable configurations
require quasi-continuous position updates at rather low force loads.
Example Model Implementations
Different analysis aspects of the system meta model discussed above are
described in the following sections. Table 7.2 on the next page high-
lights the differences between the modelling methods and tools where
the FTA tree notably shows a variation with its strict tree structure.
This particular nature implies one of the challenges of deriving an FTA
model from an architectural (e.g. simulation) model: the detection and
breakup strategy of loop structures, or, in other words, the conversion
of a network into a (strict) tree structure.
Method/ Tool Node Edge Syntax Edge Type Type Format/ Remark/ Visualiza-
Purpose Vertex Standard tion
C-A Net: 2 types directional user-defined (li- Net no, own visualization in Hop-
Meta- brary; project (XML) san (special libr.) or
model spec.) XML editor (schema-
modelling based)
Physic Hopsan library directional library (fixed) Net yes, .hmf own GUI (based on
modelling (power comp.) and 1type (sig- (XML) QT libr.)
& simula- bidirectional nal)
tion (signal comp.)
FTA xxFTA 2(3) directional 1type Tree yes,
types XTOM
DSM <string> directional 1type, strength Net yes/no
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Table 7.2 Comparison of the methodologies and implementations used
Example Model Implementations
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
explicitly modelled in a C-A net, this does not apply to Hopsan models.
In the Hopsan model, these causalities may be obtained by investigat-
ing the mathematical operations within the components. Alternatively
– as a straightforward simulation-based method which takes advantage
of the operability of the simulation model – these relationships can be
obtained by means of a sensitivity analysis (on the component level).
Further problems with multi-domain models are modelling shortcom-
ings of non-matter-based effects such as heat conduction and radiation.
This are common issues in component-based physical system models
where the environment and spatial position usually are not modelled8 .
Fields of importance for those kinds of applications are in general com-
ponents of high power density, systems with temperature sensitive ma-
terials (such as kerosene fuel, semiconductor material, aluminium) and
temperature-dependent material properties (such as hydraulic liquids).
Aviation-related examples are the fuel system [Gavel, 2007], the hy-
draulic actuation system [Behr et al., 2013], the ECS [II] or the Thermal
Management System (TMS) [Seki et al., 2015] of an aircraft.
Example Model Implementations
served. Data transfer to both GraphML [GraphML, 2015] and Graph Ex-
change XML Format (GeXF) [GEXF, 2015] notations have been applied
to this use case to show this capability.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Example Model Implementations
node positioning by means of the network properties (in this case the
graphical node information and the node positions). The clustering
process can be recursively applied on the created subsystems until a
sufficient data structure is achieved.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
dom access memory (RAM) size, direct Monte Carlo FTA simulations
can be applied, utilising the key feature of Matlab
– matrix and vector
The FTA tree can be presented in a well-conditioned manner by using
the Matlab
Biograph module, which is part of the Bioinformatics
toolbox: Graphical results of FTA using the hierarchial layout op-
tion10 are satisfactory (see Figure 7.22). Unfortunately, no further infor-
mation on the layout algorithm within this function has been published
Example Model Implementations
A similar approach to that in xxFTA (in Section 7.3.3 on page 121) was
used. The OOP structure made it possible to adapt the xxFTA class
to serve C-A net modelling instead of FTA modelling with only minor
Similar to FTA modelling, the model is based on a specific C-A net
component library containing two component types only – channels and
agencies. After several trials a convenient solution of the model and
channel definition was found: each channel property (signal, matter,
energy; for definitions see Section 6.5.1.a) has to be defined by the user
as a system parameter of string type with the same name and value.
During the build-up of the C-A net topology these system properties
are easily accessible through a pop-up window in the Hopsan GUI for
every channel component. A good C-A net modelling strategy with this
implementation approach is primarily to define all channel properties
and subsequently perform the modelling of the system relationships.
In this project, the XML editor oXygen was used; other XML editors may offer
similar functionality.
A very similar task/design compromise to the geometry parametrisation pre-
sented in Section 3.2.1.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Discussion and
8.1 Discussion
Handling all the aspects and domains within Aircraft Conceptual Design
(ACD) while maintaining the specific characteristics of this design phase
is a difficult task. The current trend towards highly integrated, multi-
domain frameworks aiming for higher fidelity jeopardizes the provision
of a concise, flexible work process.
Furthermore, with shrinking design enhancement margins due to the
levels technology has reached today and enhanced performance require-
ments in ACD, hitherto disregarded topics the (on-board power) sub-
system design become an inevitable part of the conceptual design. The
current MEA trend with more tighter integrated systems will continue,
probably resulting in even more complex architectures, incorporating
hybrid propulsion technologies. These trends clearly mark a breakpoint
at which the behavioural model has to become part of the concept study.
To deal with subsystem architecture in ASCD, efficient (modelling)
processes to design and evaluate cyber-physical systems have to be
found. These methods need to be streamlined to try to avoid unnec-
essary workload and expert knowledge to fit into the ACD context. One
possibility shown in this thesis is the use of KBE methods within an
object-oriented framework. Notwithstanding that KBE originates from
the CAD domains, integrating high-level 3D geometries into a multi-
dimensional framework is still a challenging task.
Enabling automated reuse of knowledge by means of KBE seems prof-
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Discussion and Conclusion
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
wings, empennage surfaces, and canards). It has been shown that deal-
ing with the various product domains like outer shape geometry (OML)
or the architecture and functionality of on-board systems requires adapt-
ing data to these domains. These data rearrangements might require a
global change of the model/product (tree) structure during the trans-
formation process (see Section 3.2 Information Model and Figure 3.5).
Discussion and Conclusion
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
and relation between electric power consumption, pressure rise and fluid
mass flow are not part of the solver, if not explicitly specified by the
user. Such detailed rules are for example needed for the component pa-
rameter sizing, addressing the problem of top-down versus bottom-up
approaches as shown in Figure 5.12 on page 61.
For a unified modelling approach, however, the model equations should
be part of that very same model and then be derived towards the char-
acteristic of the respective simulation tools as for example shown by
[Larsson, 2006]. The solver theory in the different modelling approaches
may therefore differ dramatically (refer to the differences between the
centralised Modelica approach and the distributed TLM approach used
in Hopsan; see Section 5.3.1.b on page 62), which may make translations
very complicated or even impossible.
XML The first step towards unified modelling may be the use of Exten-
sible Markup Language (XML) for data exchange and translation (inter-
pretation). Various advantages (as shown in Section 7.3, Section 7.1.1.b)
come along with the strict validation, the ASCII text-based format and
the availability of style definitions (XSD format) for format validation
and translation schemes (based on the XSLT format). Unfortunately,
the formats’ inherent drawback is the limited and extremely inappro-
Discussion and Conclusion
DSM and C-A Net modelling and analysis DSM, as the representative
of a matrix notation for different tasks within product development, is
the classic example commonly used to visualise graph-like dependencies
(see Section 6.2). Addressing multi-domain problems, the DSM may be
extended in the third dimension by several single-domain DSMs, with
the absence of a comprehensive two-dimensional visual representation.
One solution to this problem can be found with the help of the Multi-
Domain Dependency Structure Matrix (MDDSM) notation, presented in
Section 6.3. This notation complies precisely with the channel definition
of the C-A net terminology provided in Section 6.5. The only difference
is the absence of the spatial arrangement information in the C-A net
notation. Given that, DSM, MDDSM and C-A net models can be treated
as one single model, enabling powerful graph mathematics to be used
(see Section 6.4 and Section 7.3.2). It has been shown (in Section 6.2.2)
that sorting algorithms rely heavily on the DSM properties, shape, and
the cluster configuration (see Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.6). Given the large
number of possible setup combinations (see Equation 6.1 on page 75)
and the sorting tasks of different intentions, the tuning of the applied
Event though the use of matrices for product properties and relationship mod-
elling might be seen as an inefficient matter due to the generally sparse matrices, in
the case of using Matlab
, mathematical operations speed up enormously through
the use of matrix operations.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Discussion and Conclusion
RQ2 The answer is yes, KBE can support the use of simulation models
during the ACD. As theoretically motivated in Chapter5 the models used
within MBSE can be of a very diverse nature, addressing different de-
grees of completeness (Figure 5.6), implementation methods (physical or
analytical), modelling techniques (theory and implementation language)
and model fidelity (see Section 5.2.2.a) depending on the scope of the
model. KBE is one possibility to integrate the collective information
(see Section 5.3.2 on page 64) and make automated use of it during the
design process (see Section 6.1). The implementation of such a process
which integrates an automatically generated system simulation model is
shown in the Usecase2 example on page 69ff.
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
8.4 Conclusion
By careful analysis of the work tasks and the special needs of the con-
ceptual aircraft design phase, KBE-based design approach has been pre-
sented that includes CAD and on-board power systems. On-board power
systems have been added to the ACD (becoming ASCD) phase to en-
hance the result accuracy and take into account into the overall system
design, comprising propulsion, power generation and power consump-
tion systems. However, adding subsystem design requires more attention
than extending the ACD process by system simulation models only. For
this reason, a thorough analysis of modelling & simulation techniques
has been performed with respect to their capabilities to back a smooth
model-based design approach. Based on the theoretical findings, a con-
ceptual design framework based on a central XML-based dataspace has
been developed incorporating a complete 3D CAD environment. By ex-
tensive use of KBE methods, automated generation of simulation models
becomes possible. Based on the incomplete data, these processes incor-
porate additional data from the knowledge base. KBE seems to fit
well in the application of ACD because of the high influence of safety
and redundancy-focused certification requirements concerning the de-
sign. All the aircraft’s (sub-)system designs are tailored to the redun-
dancy requirements. For this reason, it is necessary to include relia-
bility measures within the design process. Including simulation models
in the (ACD) design process requires an interpretable, preferably pa-
rameterised information model and appropriate modelling approaches.
Both topics have been shown in this thesis. By means of methodical
modelling approaches, system designs of (cyber-physical) power systems
can be systematically derived from rules that for example address the
technology level, power transformation & conversions, and scale.
The use of OOP principles and XML-based data with the exten-
sive use of XSD and XSLT enables a relatively simple approach to
maintain multi-domain models compared to other, more complex ap-
proaches, focussing on unified modelling. This method enables a type of
pseudo-unified modelling approach that enables the integration of dif-
ferent models backed by the flexibility of a graph network.
Discussion and Conclusion
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
banding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 D
black box model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
bleed air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 45 data format, CPACS . . . . . . . . . . . 25
block lower triangular . . . . . . . . . . 76 database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 f, 93
bus component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 degree of sys. electrification 19, 38
dependency structure matrix . . see
C-A net . . . see channel-agency net assurance level . . . . . . . . . 37, 66
CAD, implementation . . . . . . . . . . 96 compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
CADLab framework . . . . 28, 58, 93 influence factors . . . . . . . 14, 34 f
car model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 process paradigm . . . . . . . . . . 35
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
decomposition . . . . . . 26, 38, 71
knowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . .61, 64
systems of systems . . . . . . . . . 32
tearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
technology readiness level . . . . . . 40
tool fidelity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57, 59
tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see software
UML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
unified modelling . . . . . . . . . . 62, 117
weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14, 18
weight breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Aeronautics was neither an industry
nor a science - It was a miracle