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Linköping Studies in Science and Technology

Dissertations No. 1805

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

An object-oriented approach from <element> to

Ingo Staack

Division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems

Department of Management and Engineering
Linköping University, SE–581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Linköping 2016
The cover shows <aircraft id="35"> at <Malmen rwy="19"> and an
illustration of the on-board power systems network

c Ingo Staack, 2016

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

An object-oriented approach from <element> to <aircraft>

ISBN 978-91-7685-636-9
ISSN 0345-7524

Distributed by:
Division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems
Department of Management and Engineering
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Printed in Sweden by LiU-Tryck, Linköping 2016.

To my parents

Es gibt nichts Gutes,

außer man tut es

Erich Kästner 1899-1974


Aircraft Conceptual Design (ACD) is facing new challenges on the way

to enhanced fidelity level required in, nowadays complex, system design.
The challenge during this early design phase is the use of higher-fidelity
methods typically applied in later development stages. Integration of
models and simulations to enhance analysis capability while maintaining
a streamlined, transparent, and low cost (low effort regarding task time
and workforce) work process is therefore required.
In this thesis, the use of object-oriented KBE methods to enable an
early integration of simulation models, based on incomplete data, is pre-
sented. Before this, careful investigations of modelling and simulation
approaches of multi-domain systems are carried out, and their use in the
ACD phase is examined regarding the efficiency between effort and result
accuracy. A central, parametric information model approach to make
this possible is presented. By the means of the extended use of XML,
XSD and XSLT, domain-specific architectural models can be translated
from this dataset, supporting a direct CAD domain integration and au-
tomated model creation.
Modelling systems as graph networks is a simple approach for unified
modelling in the conceptual design stage. Based on this theory, the
similarity of different modelling approaches like Dependency Structure
Matrix (DSM), MDDSM, or Channel-Agency Networks is shown. Using
object-oriented programming, all these and more aspects such as e.g.
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) can be handled globally as one graph set.
Based on the outcomes of the theoretical part, the development of
a conceptual aircraft design framework is described. Backed by a cen-
tral XML-based namespace, this framework integrates a complete CAD
environment to ensure an appropriate environment for the geometric do-
main modelling. In addition, the use of KBE for automated simulation

model integration is exemplified by a hydraulic aircraft flight control
system (FCS) simulation model. In conclusion, an example of multi-
aspect modelling using object-oriented handling of a graph network is
shown. For future scenarios, unified modelling and semantic approaches
are mentioned.


Med nya, mer komplexa och mer integrerade flygplansgrundsystem

står konceptutvärderingsfasen (ACD) inför nya utmaningar. Multi-
disciplinärt, anpassningsförmåga, konstruktionsautomation, förbättrad
analysnoggrannhet och modellbaserad integrerad utveckling (MBSE) är
några nyckelord.
I denna avhandling diskuterats användning av objektorienterade
Knowledge Based Engineering- (KBE) metoder i konceptutvärder-
ingsfasen som möjliggör en tidig integration av simuleringsmodeller
baserade på ofullständiga designuppgifter. Denna integration av mod-
eller och simulering ska leda till en ökad analyskapacitet och samtidigt
bibehålla en strömlinjeformad, transparent och snabbt arbetsprocess.
I avhandlingens teoretiska del behandlas universella modelleringsme-
toder (som DSM och Channel-Agency Nätverk) och simuleringsstrate-
gier. Dessutom analyseras och beskrivs en omsorgsfullt parametris-
erad informationsmodell samt integrationsstrategier för analysmetoder
av olika domäner och noggrannhet.
Baserat på den teoretiska delen beskrivs utveckling av ett ramverk för
konceptuell flygplandesign. Uppbyggd runt en systematisk parametris-
erade, centralt XML-baserad informationsmodell integrerar detta
ramverk ett fullständigt 3D CAD verktyg för att säkerställa en lämplig
miljö för den geometriska modelleringen. Dessutom visas en användnin-
gen av KBE-metoder för integration av en hel flygplansimuleringsmodell
inklusive dess hydrauliska styrsystem. För framtida möjligheter nam-
nges unifierade modelleringsstrategier och semantiska metoder.


Mit steigenden Anforderungen durch immer mehr optimierte, leistungs-

fähigere, zuverlässigere und langlebigere technische Produkte nimmt
die Modellierung und Simulation einen immer größeren Stellenwert
ein. Um das Zusammenspiel von Systemen bereits im Flugzeugvoren-
twurf analysieren zu können, bedarf es einer geschickten Systemmodel-
lierung und geeigneter Arbeitsprozesse, die die Erstellung von Simula-
tionsmodellen auf Basis unvollständiger Daten- und Informationslage
ermöglichen. Vor Allem, um das volle Optimierungspotential mod-
erner, integrierter elektrischer Systemarchitekturen ausschöpfen zu kön-
nen, ist eine Einbeziehung dieser in das Gesamtkonzept innerhalb des
Flugzeugvorentwurfs notwendig.
In dieser Arbeit wird ein wissensbasierter Arbeitsprozess (englisch:
Knowledge-Based Engineering) für den Flugzeugvorentwurf präsentiert,
welcher die Zusammenführung unterschiedlicher Informationen – wie
z.B. Domänen- und Produktspezifischer Daten ermöglicht. Dies soll die
Einbeziehung der Bordsystemarchitekturen dienen, um die gestiegenen
Genauigkeitsanforderungen im Flugzeugvorentwurf bewältigen zu kön-
nen. Dem vorausgehend werden verschiedene Modellierungsgrundsätze
erörtert und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeit im Hinblick auf die mögliche
Implementierung und Anwenderfreundlichkeit im Flugzeugvorentwurf
Ausgehend von den theoretischen Überlegungen wird die Entwicklung
eines XML-basierten Flugzeugvorentwurfsprogramms beschrieben, das
die vollständige Integration eines kommerziellen CAD-Werkzeuges er-
möglicht. Des Weiteren werden die Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, welche sich
durch den Einsatz eines universalen Modells im XML-Format ergeben.
Durch Interpretation der Produktdaten in Form eines Graphennetzw-
erks werden verschiedene Modellierungs- und Analysemöglichkeiten wie

Beispielsweise DSM und C-A Net Modell erörtert und die Integration
von Teilaspekten wie der Systemzuverlässigkeit aufgezeigt.
Ziel ist ein universeller Modellierungsansatz, der eine plausible,
verständliche und anwenderfreundliche Integration der verschiede-
nen Teilaspekte des Flugzeugvorentwurfs ermöglicht sowie die Ein-
bindung domäne-spezifischer Programme (wie z.B. CAD) mit Hilfe
einer parametrischen, auf XML basierenden Datenbank erlaubt.


The work presented in this dissertation has been carried out as a Ph.D.
study at the Division of Fluid- and Mechatronic Systems (Flumes) at
Linköping University together with Saab Aeronautics as industrial part-

The research was mainly funded by the Swedish Governmental Agency,

VINNOVA’s National Aviation Engineering Research Programms
NFFP5 2010-1251 “Konceptmetodik”, NFFP6 2014-0927 “CADLAB”
and Clean Sky SFWA, the Swedish Aeronautical Development and
Demonstration Programm.

There are several people I would like to thank for their support and
advice during all these years.
First I want to thank my supervisor Prof. Petter Krus for his guidance
and support. Thank you, Petter, for the fruitful working environment
and the freedom you gave me which made this research so interesting
and challenging. Thank you for your patience and trust in my work!
Secondly, thanks to all my colleges at LiU for all the unforgettable
geek-coffee brake discussions. Thanks also to all Flumes flight group
members Raghu Munjuruly, Tomas Melin and David Lundström for all
the interesting meetings, debates, and collaborations!

I also want to thank the people at Saab who were involved in this
research; Mats Bergman and Pål Sarwe for their patience in guiding me
through my first research project and the members of the Conceptual
Aircraft Design Department, namely Kristian Amadori, Patrick Berry,
Peter Furenbäck and Christopher Jouannet for their close collaboration.
It was a pleasure to work together with all of you!

Warm thanks also to the whole open-minded CEAS Technical Com-
mittee Aircraft Design (TCAD) society, especially Prof. D. Scholz and
the guys from DLR, namely Björn Nagel and Daniel Böhnke; it was
a pleasure to meet you all over the world for a beer or two and talk
Hamburger-Bavarian language: Moin moin und Grüß Gott!

Thanks also to my brother for all the sports adventures and chal-
lenges; we finally survived;-)

My greatest gratitude, finally goes go to my parents, who supported and

encouraged me in any matter, sports career, hobbies, and education.
Thank you so much for your endless love and for believing in me!

Linköping, October 2016,

Ingo Staack


6DOF Six Degrees of Freedom

ACD Aircraft Conceptual Design

AOG Aircraft on Ground
ASCD Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design
ATA 100 Air Transport Association Specification 100

BLT Block Lower Triangular

BPR Bypass Ratio

C-A net Channel-Agency Net

CAD Computer Aided Design
CAE Computer Aided Engineering
CPACS Common Parametric Aircraft Configuration

DAL Design Assurance Level

DMM Domain Mapping Matrix
DOC Direct Operating Costs
DOM Document Object Model
DSE Degree of Subsystem Electrification
DSM Dependency Structure Matrix

ECS Environmental Control System

EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference
EPDS Electric Power Distribution System
ETOPS Extended Operation

FCS Flight Control System
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMI Functional Mockup Interface
FTA Fault Tree Analysis

GA Generic Algorithm
GeXF Graph Exchange XML Format
GUI Graphical User Interface

HTML HyperText Markup Language

IC Integrated Circuit
IDE Integrated Development Environment

KB Knowledge Base
KBC Knowledge Base Component
KBE Knowledge-Based Engineering
KBS Knowledge Base System

MBCA Model-Based Component Acquisition

MBSE Model-Based Systems Engineering
MCE Motor Control(ler) Electronics
MDDSM Multi-Domain Dependency Structure Matrix
MDM Multiple Domain Matrix
MDO Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation
MEA More Electric Aircraft
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure

OML Outer Mold Line

OOP Object-Oriented Programming
OWL Ontology Web Language

PCS Power Consumption System

PDS Power Distribution System
PFCS Primary Flight Control System
PGS Power Generation System

R&D Research and Development

RDF Resource Description Framework

SE Systems Engineering
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
SHC Spare Holding Costs
SoS Systems of Systems
SVD Singular Value Decomposition
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics

TCM Technology Capability Matrix

TLM Transition Line Model
TMS Thermal Management System
TRL Technology Readiness Level

UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

VLM Vortex Lattice Method

XHTML XML conformal HTML

XML Extensible Markup Language
XSD Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema
XSLT Extensible Stylesheet Language Transforma-

Tools, Software, and
Programming Languages

Amesim Multi-domain Systems Simulation Software

ASTRID Aircraft On-Board Systems Sizing and Trade-
Off Analysis in Initial Design Tool (Matlab,
Politecnico di Torino)
BeX Aircraft Conceptual Design Sizing Tool
CADLab Conceptual Aircraft Design Laboratory (tool
3D CAD Environment, Dassault Systems
Doxygen Documentation Tool (C++)
Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (Java)
Excel Electronic Spreadsheet Program
FreeMind Mind-mapping Software (Java, open-source,
based on XML)
Gephi Graph/Network Visualisation and Analysis
Platform (Java, open source)
Hopsan Simulation Environment for Fluid and
Mechatronic Systems (C++)
Matrix Laboratory (Mathworks)
Modelica Multi-Domain Modelling Language (open
openCASCADE 3D Modelling Kernel (C++, open-source)
openVSP Vehicle Sketch Pad (C++, NASA, open-source)
oXygen XML/XSLT Editor, Debugger and Profiler

Python Dynamic Object-Oriented Programming Lan-
guage (open source)
RAPID Robust Aircraft Parametric Interactive De-
sign (based on CATIA R
Simulink Graphical Programming Environment (inte-
grate with Matlab R
SUMO Open Source Surface Modeller
SysML Systems Modelling Language
Tango Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design Tool
(Matlab R
Tornado Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) Tool
(Matlab R
, open source)
UML Unified Modelling Language
VAMPzero Aircraft Conceptual Sizing Tool (Java, open
source, DLR)
VB Visual Basic: Event-Driven Programming
Language (Microsoft R
VBA Visual Basic Application (in Microsoft


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Dissertation Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Detailed Outline Description . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Thesis Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Delimitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Research Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.1 Research Environment and Related Projects . . . . 7
1.3.2 Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.3 Research Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4.1 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Design Influence on Aircraft Performance 13

2.1 Aircraft Performance and Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.1 Historic Trends and Future Estimates of Aircraft
Fuel Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.2 Fuel Economics – Aircraft Design and Operations 15
2.2 Performance Contribution of On-Board Systems . . . . . 16
2.2.1 Power Off-Takes Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.2 Growth Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3 The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process 21

3.1 Process Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2 Information Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.1 Parametric Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.2 Namespace Hierarchy and Data Structure . . . . . 24
3.3 Domain-Specific Tool Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.3.1 Geometry Domain Integration . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3.2 Causal versus Acausal Implementation . . . . . . . 28

4 Cascaded Systems Design 31

4.1 System Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.1.1 Inter-System Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.1.2 System Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2 System Design Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.2.1 System Performance and Efficiency . . . . . . . . . 34
4.2.2 System Faults, Safety and Reliability . . . . . . . . 36
4.3 Technology Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.3.1 Natural Order of System Technologies . . . . . . . 38
4.3.2 Technology Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 The Power and Signal Component Concept . . . . . . . . 41
4.4.1 Power Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4.1.a Energy Transformations . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4.1.b Power Control/Energy Adaption . . . . . 43
4.4.1.c Exergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4.2 Signal Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5 Cyber-physical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5 Model-Based System Design 49

5.1 The Use of Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.1.1 Model Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.1.2 Early Adopters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.2 Model Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.2.1 Physical Models and Simulation . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.2.2 Computational Simulation Models . . . . . . . . . 55
5.2.2.a Model Fidelity and Computational Efforts 56
5.2.2.b ACD Tool Fidelity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.2.2.c Uncertainty Handling . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.3 Engineering System Design: Process Integration . . . . . 60
5.3.1 Model Semantics and Ontology . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.3.1.a The Semantic Web Approach . . . . . . . 62
5.3.1.b XML as a Universal Exchange Format . . 62
5.3.2 System Knowledge in Knowledge-Based Engineering 64
5.3.3 Visual Model Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.3.3.a Human Cognitive Aesthetic . . . . . . . . 66
5.3.3.b Graphic Tool Implementation . . . . . . . 67

6 System Modelling 69
6.1 KBE Model Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.2 Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.2.1 Nomenclature and Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2.2 Sorting and Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.2.2.a Sequencing/Partitioning . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2.2.b Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2.2.c Algorithm Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.3 Multi-Domain Dependency Structure Matrices (MDDSM) 82
6.4 Graph Theory and Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.5 Channel Agency Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.5.1 Modelling with C-A Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.5.1.a C-A Net Channel Definition . . . . . . . 87
6.5.1.b C-A Net Agency Definition . . . . . . . . 88
6.5.2 Extending the C-A Net model . . . . . . . . . . . 89

7 Example Model Implementations 91

7.1 Usecase1: Conceptual Aircraft Design Framework . . . . . 93
7.1.1 CADlab Framework Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
7.1.1.a Framework Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.1.1.b Communication and Database . . . . . . 94
7.1.2 Tool Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.1.2.a Tango Implementation . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.1.2.b RAPID Implementation . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.1.3 The CADLab Database Namespace . . . . . . . . . 98
7.1.4 Usecase Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7.2 Usecase2: KBE-Based Simulation Model Integration . . . 100
7.2.1 Aircraft Hydraulic System Topology . . . . . . . . 100
7.2.2 Statistical Analysis of Hydraulic FCSs . . . . . . . 101
7.2.3 KBE Hydraulic System Implementation . . . . . . 103
7.2.4 Cascaded Systems Simulation Metamodel
Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.2.5 Implementation of the Hopsan Metamodel . . . . . 107
7.2.6 KBE Process on the Metamodel . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.2.6.a Hydraulic Actuator Model Definition . . 109
7.2.6.b Simulation Model Instantiation . . . . . . 110
7.2.7 Usecase Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.3 Usecase3: Graph-Based Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.3.1 DSM Modelling Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

7.3.1.a Implicit and Explicit Model Formulation 117
7.3.1.b Model Representations . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.3.2 System Partitioning and Component Placement . . 119
7.3.2.a GUI-Based Graph Sorting and Clustering 120
7.3.3 FTA Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.3.4 Graphical C-A Net Modelling Approach . . . . . . 122
7.3.4.a GUI-Based C-A Net Implementation . . . 123
7.3.4.b XML-Based C-A Net Implementation . . 123
7.3.5 Usecase Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

8 Discussion and Conclusion 125

8.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
8.2 Detailed Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
8.3 Answers to the Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
8.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
8.5 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Bibliography 137

Index 153

Despite great achievements in research on product development, man-
agement, and systems engineering, and the vast increase in computa-
tional power, the overwhelming increase in complexity of both civil
and military aircraft design undermines the design process, resulting
in longer development times and higher development costs.
In the standardized product development process, following the
product-V development cycle [EIA632, 2003], a common design process
dilemma is the limited knowledge in early development process stages,
where important (design) decisions have to be made that influence
product and development costs as well as the product’s performance
and properties [Ullman, 2002], [Weilkiens et al., 2015]. To address this
problem, mainly three counteracting processes can be chosen: (a) de-
lay (important) design decisions until more knowledge is available, (b)
increase the available product related information in the early design
stages, or (c) to enable for efficient or automatic execution with different
input setups.
In Aircraft Conceptual Design (ACD), the main issue is the lack of
detailed product/aircraft properties which are required as inputs for the
analytic tools. On the way to new More Electric Aircraft (MEA) archi-
tectures, with greater influence on the power generation and potentially
fusion of the propulsion and power generation system in future hybrid
electric designs, these systems cannot be neglected in the ACD phase.
Traditional semi-empirical on-board system designs do not comply
with the higher analysis fidelity demand and do not fit to the higher-
fidelity physics-based analysis methods. Furthermore, new technologies
and never before seen system architectures cannot be satisfactorily ad-

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

dressed by semi-empirical formulas based on traditional system layouts.

Paving the way to include on-board system design within ACD – here-
inafter called Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design (ASCD) – requires
good ways of modelling to achieve a smooth and efficient model integra-
tion with a minimum of effort. For this purpose, Model-Based Systems
Engineering (MBSE) and Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) meth-
ods have been applied to the ACD phase as described in this thesis.

1.1 Dissertation Outline

Figure 1.1 The three main thesis domains

The thesis consists of three main parts:

I The aircraft conceptual design phase analysis part, focusing
on the specific characteristics and challenges of this design phase
(Chapter 3). To justify the conceptual design phase analysis, a
short analysis of aircraft performance is given in the preceding
Chapter 2.

II A theory part, dealing with system design and system

modelling in Chapter 4–6. This section serves as the foundation
of model implementation and advanced tool framework design.

III Application part: Three example applications are described in

Chapter 7, performed on the basis of the theoretical parts.
A detailed conclusion (Section 8.2 on page 126) including extensive
use of cross-references to the related chapters may give a short path to
identify relevant parts of this work for the reader.


1.1.1 Detailed Outline Description

The ACD analysis of the ACD is based on the aircraft performance mea-
sures and technology trends shown in Design Influence on Aircraft
Performance, Chapter2. In addition to the usual performance measures
such as (fuel consumption) efficiency, particular focus is given to the per-
formance influence of the on-board power systems (see Section 2.2), in-
cluding the energy supply concepts (power off-takes) of jet-engine driven
Chapter 3 The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process explores the
demands of the ACD phase concerning tool framework integration, im-
plementation strategies and the work process analysis. After the theo-
retical part, this topic will be picked up again in the Usecase1 example
in Section 7.1, showing the implementation of an ACD framework, based
on the findings in this and the following chapters.
After the ACD analysis, the necessary background to solve the identi-
fied tasks within ACD is discussed in Chapter 4–6. The theoretical part
is divided into three main topics: system design and technology (Chap-
ter 4), model-based system design (Chapter 5), and modelling strategies
in Chapter 6. The knowledge, theories and processes discussed in these
three theoretical chapters constitute – together with the ACD analysis
from Chapter 3 – the foundation of the following application examples
in Chapter 7.
Chapter 4 Cascaded Systems Design deals primarily with the analy-
sis of different system design drivers. It presents how a systematic com-
ponent analysis can be used to analyse, describe, enhance, and create
systems. From the perspective of aircraft on-board power systems, the
concept of power and signal components is presented (see Section 4.4).
This concept allows for a systematic system build-up concerning both
system architecture and component selection. Furthermore, it backs the
modelling strategies presented in the following chapters well.
Chapter 5 Model-Based System Design focuses on the analytical
models within any MBSE approach. Different model categories are pre-
sented (Section 5.2) and strategies for model management and process
integration are detailed (in Section 5.3). Particular emphasis is given
to addressing tool fidelity (which were earlier in Chapter 3 identified as
an important topic in ACD), which hampers the desired step-less mod-
elling and analysis fidelity increase with the development progress (see
Figure 5.8). Highlighting future prospects, a semantic-based approach
is shown (Section 5.3.1.a), and Extensible Markup Language (XML) is

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

identified as a useful implementation strategy on the road towards fu-

ture unified modelling approaches (see Section 5.3.1.b). The chapter
concludes by highlighting the importance of a graphical model and mod-
elling representation (Section 5.3.3).
Placed between the theoretical and application parts, Chapter 6
System Modelling deals mainly with structural system modelling.
Starting with the classic Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) approach
(Section 6.2), the similarity of different system modelling approaches is
highlighted, resulting in a unified approach that describes a system as a
graph set. One of the main topics of this chapter is the the sorting and
clustering of system components by their (multi-domain) relationships
(Section 6.2.2).
The Example Model Implementations, Chapter 7, shows the appli-
cation of the topics discussed in the thesis. The following application
use cases are presented in Sections 7.1–7.3:

Usecase1: Conceptual Aircraft Design Framework Development

Usecase2: Knowledge-Based Simulation Model Integration within

Conceptual Aircraft Design

Usecase3: Graph-Based System Driven Design Modelling

After the use cases examples, a short conclusion is given in Chapter 8,

followed by detailed conclusions in Section 8.2, including extensive use
of cross-references. A schematic overview of the thesis domains can be
found in Figure 1.2.


Figure 1.2 Schematic overview of the ASCD process presented in this

thesis. The thesis topics are shown highlighted in colour.

1.2 Thesis Domain

The scope of the thesis includes three main parts, conceptual aircraft
design, modelling & simulation and systems engineering (design) (see
Figure 1.1). The main focus on the former two, with the necessity
to incorporate systems engineering (design) for both the modelling &
simulation approach as well as the system architecture design.
The overall design process is aligned with the system engineering en-
gine approach developed by [NASA, 2007], vaguely adopting the (prod-
uct) development-V scheme [EIA632, 2003], starting with stakeholder
and requirement identification, system decomposition and system inte-
gration with validation and verification.
Categorising the thesis domains from the application domain indepen-
dent system engineering point of view of the International Council on
Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the thesis addresses the following areas
(see Figure 1.3):

• systems architecture and modelling & simulation,

on the foundation of

• knowledge representation and ontology.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 1.3 Thesis domains (marked with double edges) within the
systems engineering view of the INCOSE society (adapted from [INCOSE,

1.2.1 Delimitations
ACD is an extreme representation of a Multidisciplinary Design Optimi-
sation (MDO) problem. For the sake of simplicity, the topics manufac-
turing, cost and maintenance are excluded from the thesis; the reasons
for these decisions can be found in Table 1.1.


Topic Motivation
• fidelity level in ACD too low: no/weak coupling
between design and production
manufacturing • large scale effects
• company-dependent infrastructure and exper-
costs include many “soft factors”; highly depend-
ent on the topic manufacturing (see above).
The maintenance strategy (e.g. preventive, predic-
tive, run-to-failure or reliability centred mainte-
nance) has indubitably an influence on system de-
sign. Maintenance has been excluded from the
scope of this thesis in order to (a) simplify the
design process (excluding this domain) and (b)
maintenance the lack of maintenance-related design information
such as:
• cost: replacement/refurbish, etc. costs
• mode of operation (preventive, corrective or
reliability-centred maintenance)
These topics are also related to the cost topic, ex-
cluded for the above-mentioned reasons.
Control and behavioural modelling has been lim-
ited in this work to the minimum needed to model
no advanced
cyber-physical systems which inevitably include
control theo-
both structural and behavioural models. The rea-
son is the different approach in behavioural mod-
elling, which is outside the scope of this work.

Table 1.1 Excluded (design) topics and the reasons for their exclusion

1.3 Research Method

1.3.1 Research Environment and Related Projects

The work evolved over the years from a Model-Based Development

(MBD) approach for an aircraft conceptual design framework towards
a Systems Engineering (SE) inspired Model-Based Systems Engineer-
ing (MBSE) approach to achieve the needs and challenges required for
multidisciplinary ACD assessment. It is based on four research projects

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

with different topics ranging from physical prototype investigation and

simulation-based system architecture development to conceptual aircraft
design and systems engineering design. All the projects were within the
National Aviation Engineering Research Programs (NFFP) funded by
VINNOVA, the Swedish R&D government agency, working under the
Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation [VINNOVA, 2016].

Program Project Name Year Topic

GFF GFF Demonstra- 2009 subscale physical prototypes
NFFP4 FLUD / EDOC 2010- physical system simulation;
Clean Sky 2013 thermal management system;
SFWA electric ECS architecture;
FMI/FMU co-simulation;
simulation automation
NFFP5 Konceptmetodik 2011- conceptual aircraft design;
2010-1251 2014 parametric data structure
NFFP6 CADLAB 2015- CAD integrated ACD; para-
2014-0927 2016 metric design; (aircraft) sys-
tem design

Table 1.2 Research project overview

1.3.2 Research Questions

The research is based on the following research questions that were ad-
dressed within the above-listed research projects. The answers to the
research questions can be found in Section 8.3 on page 132.

RQI Which tool-principles and type of information model suit the

(multi-domain and multi-aspect) conceptual aircraft design

RQII Can Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) be applied in system

architecture design to enhance and back the MBSE approach
within conceptual design?

RQIII How can the different aspects of system design be supported by

appropriate modelling?


1.3.3 Research Approach

The research questions originate from industrial needs that triggered the
research projects listed above. Some of these questions arose during the
study of the initial research questions. These follow-up questions are
of two categories:They were either needed directly to answer the initial
problem statement or they represent interesting aspects or alternative
solutions that were found during the investigations. The latter were ex-
tremely fruitful to avoid any kind of inbreeding in the research within
the conceptual aircraft design community only and enlarged the fields
of study (to be in contact with) to additional branches such as fluid
power, mechatronic systems and system engineering. Additionally, col-
laborations with researchers from outside Europe – namely Brazil – con-
tributed to a wider problem decomposition due to their different social
background and perception. These cooperations triggered an enlarge-
ment of the possible solution design space (involving theories, methods,
processes and tools). One example is the Channel-Agency Net (C-A net)
modelling approach (see Section 6.5.1).
Validation of the research (outcomes) was done in trial by implemen-
tations, a pragmatic but reasonable way.
Verification of the research outcomes – if applicable – was (partly)
conducted by the industry partner in the research projects listed earlier
in Table 1.2.

1.4 Contribution
The most significant contribution – from the author’s point of view –
is the abstract analysis of the (conventional, state-of-the-art ()) multi-
aspect conceptual aircraft design process with respect to software and
systems engineering. The traditional mechanical engineering approach –
mainly focusing on aerodynamics, structure and propulsion – is extended
with system engineering perspectives to address the design challenges
of future, highly-integrated, more electrical on-board power system de-
signs. Using object-oriented techniques and multi-aspect modelling, a
holistic design approach seems to be realisable. Other contributions of
this work include:

• The transition from conventional ACD towards a multi-domain

ASCD approach encompassing Systems Engineering (SE) and
Software Engineering (global, whole thesis)

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

• The similarity findings between Multi-Domain Dependency Struc-

ture Matrix (MDDSM) and C-A net modelling (Sections 6.5–6.5.2)

• The definition of an XML-based information model with a careful

universal aircraft geometry parametrisation (Section 3.2, Usecase1
in Section 7.1 and [VII])

• The KBE-based approach for system configurations (Chapter6 and

Usecase2 in Section 7.2)

• The automated integration of simulation models using KBE

methodology into the design process (Section 6.1, Usecase2 in
Section 7.2 and [IV])

• The extended use of XML, XSD, and XSLT for model support, en-
abling CAD and system integration using XML-based parametric

• The similarity detection by MDDSM and C-A net. This model

analogy enables the unified handling of these modelling concepts
as one graph model in combination with the OOP implementation
principles (Usecase3 in Section 7.3)

• The unified graph-based modelling approach (Usecase3 in Sec-

tion 7.3)

1.4.1 Publications
This monograph is based on – but not limited to – the following publi-
cations by the author:

I Staack, I., D. Lundström, and P. Krus (2010). “Subscale Flight

Testing at Linköping University”. In: 27th International Congress
of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS, Nice, France.

II Staack, I., H. Ellström, M. Bergman, P. Sarwe, and P. Krus (2012).

“More Electrical Environmental Control System Simulation”. In:
Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of the Aeronautical
Sciences, ICAS, Brisbane, Australia.

III Staack, I., R. C. Munjuruly, P. Berry, T. Melin, K. Amadori, C.

Jouannet, D. Lundström, and P. Krus (2012). “Parametric Air-
craft Conceptual Design Space”. In: Proceedings of the 28th Inter-


national Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences. ICAS, Brisbane,


IV Staack, I. and P. Krus (2013). “Integration of On-Board Power

Systems Simulation in Conceptual Aircraft Design”. In: Proceed-
ings of the 4th CEAS European Air & Space Conference. Council
of the European Aerospace Societies (CEAS). Linköping Univer-
sity Electronic Press, 2013, p. 709.

V Staack, I., R. C. Munjulury, T. Melin, P. Krus, and A. Abdalla

(2014).“Conceptual aircraft design model management demon-
strated on a 4th generation fighter”. In: 29th Congress of the
International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences. ICAS, St.
Petersburg, Russia.

VI Staack, I., P. Krus (2017)."Integration of Aircraft On-Board

Systems Simulation in Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design”.
In:CEAS Aeronautical Journal. Submitted

Additional publications with contribution by the author:

VII Munjuruly, R. C., I. Staack, P. Krus, and P. Berry (2016). “A

knowledge-based integrated aircraft conceptual design framework”.
In: CEAS Aeronautical Journal 7.1, pp. 95–105. issn: 18695590.

VIII Scholz, D., R. Seresinhe, I. Staack, and C. Lawson (2013). “Fuel

Consumption Due to Shaft Power Off-takes from the Engine”. In:
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on aircraft System
Technologies (AST). Hamburg, Germany, pp. 169–179.

IX Jouannet, C., P. Berry, T. Melin, K. Amadori, D. Lundström,

and I. Staack (2012). “Subscale Flight Testing used in Conceptual
Design”. In: Aircraft Engineering and Space Technology 84.3, pp.

1.5 Remarks
The thesis applies the standard nomenclature that is currently used
within the European aviation community. To make the formulations
more precise, some deviations from the standard terms are made. The
following listing explains these alterations, which help to render the weak

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

semantic of written language into a more precisely defined use of that

terms within this thesis:

• The symbol & is used for set expressions like modelling and
simulation (written: modelling & simulation) for easier read-

• Instead of differentiation between aircraft and aeroplane, the

term aircraft is used throughout the thesis. This is done to high-
light that the system & modelling theory and processes (Sections
6.5–6.5.2) are not limited to aeroplanes only. However, Chap-
ter 2, Chapter 3, and all implementation work have been applied
on fixed-wing aeroplanes only.

• The theoretical chapters, Chapter 4 - Chapter 6 are mainly appli-

cation domain independent (but in this work related to aircraft
design). Consequently, the word aircraft may be substituted by
the word product in these chapters.

• Instead of the term systems of systems (SoS) for a composition

of (sub-)systems within a project, product or network, the term
cascaded systems is used. SoS is used in the sense according to
the definition by [L. Hu et al., 2015] or [Maier, 1998] (for further
explanation see Section 4.1.1).

• In Section 4.4.1 “Power Components” and following chapters, the

term energy transformation is used for a transformation from one
energy domain (e.g. electric) into another domain (e.g. hydraulic).
A transformation thus involves two energy domains. In contrast,
the term adaption is used for a single domain energy alteration
such as adjustment of pressure or flow level.

• In imitation of the use case diagram in UML, the term use case
is used in this work to denote the application examples Usecase1
to Usecase3 in Chapter 7.

Design Influence on
Aircraft Performance
This Chapter identifies the influence of design (parameter) on aircraft
performance, focusing on total fuel consumption. The performance and
efficiency of (civil) aircraft are investigated with particular emphasis on
the influence on performance of the on-board power system’s design.
The importance and contribution to performance of the on-board systems
is highlighted and the relationship between (system) weight, drag, and
energy efficiency is analysed. It serves as an introduction to conceptual
design process analysis in Chapter 3.

2.1 Civil Aircraft Performance and Efficiency

To focus on the right topics within any product development, one has
to have a clear picture of the design influences, thus the sensibilities
between the design parameters (and eventually the uncertainty param-
eters) and the design benchmark. To analyse trends and the impact
of new technologies (like experience gained, changed social and environ-
mental conditions and politics), design history trend analyses are useful.

2.1.1 Historic Trends and Future Estimates of Aircraft Fuel

In recent decades, energy consumption reduction has mainly been based
on engine efficiency, aerodynamic improvements and more efficient air-
craft usage [Lee et al., 2001], see Figure 2.1.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 2.1 Advancements split-up of US commercial fleet improve-

ments between 1969 and 1995 (data from [Lee et al., 2001])

Whereas the improvement trend is clearly visible in the Specific

Fuel Consumption (SFC) enhancement, other operational characteris-
tics seem to stagnate. Examples include the structural weight fraction
(OEW/MTOW) – counteracted by increasing mission distances – or the
M*(L/D) measure (shown in Figure 2.2), counteracting the aerodynamic
enhancements from a slight increase in the design Mach number. How-

Figure 2.2 Long-haul airliner drag evolution between 1960 and 1990
(adapted from [La Rocca, 2011])

ever, the stagnation of certain parameters does not necessarily mean

that no (technology) advancement occurred but may be penalised by
the mode of operation or cross-coupling effects of other design changes.
Examples of the latter type include:
• structure penalty: additional weight due to the negative influence
of higher aspect ratio wings, lower chord thickness and more aero-

Design Influence on Aircraft Performance

dynamic shaping

• weight penalty: due to additional on-board power systems such as

gust alleviation and load distribution system1 , enhanced comfort
(cabin pressure, noise shielding), heavier high Bypass Ratio (BPR)
engine installation, possibly additional weight due to larger landing
gear (ground clearance)

• drag penalty: higher drag due to the larger (high BPR) engine
and nacelle size.

Only the propulsion SFC value is an independent system characteristic2 ,

almost independent of the other design parameters but with a huge
impact on the weight and aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft.

2.1.2 Fuel Economics – Aircraft Design, Operation

and Equipment
A fleet fuel efficiency analysis of the top largest airlines operating
transatlantic passenger flights (between Europe and North America)
shows a tremendous difference in fuel efficiency of up to 51% excess fuel
per passenger kilometre between the best (Norwegian, mostly Boeing
787) and the worst (British Airways, mostly Boeing 747-400) competi-
tor [Kwan et al., 2015].

= −24.745 − 33.737 ∗ (RL margin)
+21.691 ∗ (seat density) + 33.897 ∗ (pax loadf actor) (2.1)
+37.730 ∗ (f reight share)

• L the fuel burn in litres.
• RL the aircraft-specific fuel burn, compared with the
industrial reference line.
One of the key factors enabling high aspect ratio wings as present on A350, B-787
and B-777X aircraft.
Actually, the pure engine SFC is a component characteristic (of the engine) and
not a system characteristic (of the aircraft). Taking into consideration the installation
losses (inlet/outlet and interference), the SFC can be seen as an aircraft system

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 2.3 Fuel consumption key drivers, based on transatlantic fleet

analysis (adapted from [Kwan et al., 2015])

This fuel consumption analysis is based on scheduled flight data which

were fed into a (0-dim, refer to Section 5.2.2.a, page 56) simulation tool.
The findings of this study show that the major contribution to fuel
efficiency is related to cabin efficiency (aka seat density) and only 35%
is affected by the aircraft technology used. Outliers are Air Berlin,
operating relatively old Airbus A330-200 aircraft but with a dense seat
configuration, and Norwegian, with both a high-density cabin layout
and the youngest fleet of Boeing 787-800. Icelandair is rated precisely
on the industrial average, operating single-aisle Boeing 757 aircraft with
an average fleet age of 18 years but counterbalancing this penalty with
the highest seat density of all competitors and a good load factor.

2.2 Performance Contribution of On-Board

On-board power systems are necessary for performance, safety, control-
lability, and comfort in any type of aircraft [Chakraborty and Mavris,
2016]. Focusing on the energetic system properties, the on-board sys-
tems can be categorised as

• Power Generation Systems (PGS)

• Power Distribution Systems (PDS), and

• Power Consumption Systems (PCS)

Design Influence on Aircraft Performance

Usual types of secondary on-board power are electric, hydraulic, and

pneumatic power. The primary source of energy is almost any time
jet-fuel is converted into thrust or power through a thermodynamic pro-
cess. A high-level analysis by [Liscouët - Hanke, 2008] comes to the
conclusion that roughly 30% of the aircraft weight, the development
costs, the Direct Operating Costs (DOC), and the direct maintenance
costs are contributed by the (on-board) secondary power systems (see
Figure 2.4). System design optimisation methods and tools should be
capable of taking into consideration these multi-domain aspects such as
engineering process effort, physical system properties, fuel consumption
and operator costs.

Figure 2.4 On-board systems significance on aircraft weight and over-

all costs (adapted from [Liscouët - Hanke, 2008])

Ignoring the cost side and focusing on energy consumption only, the
right pay-off between (component/system) efficiency and weight – and
possibly the impact on drag – has to be found. [Scholz, 1998] shows a
system analysis process taking into consideration the (additional) fuel
consumption due to:

• fixed mass variation

• variable mass variation (mainly fuel)

• engine power off-takes

– bleed air off-takes

– mechanical (shaft) power off-takes

• ram air off-takes

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

• additional drag

A weight breakdown of a Boeing 737-800 confirms the 30% rule stated

by Liscouët - Hanke (see Figure 2.5). The figure also shows that ap-
proximately 50% of the systems & equipment weight is related to the
on-board (power) systems, whereas the other 50% is attributed to cabin
furnishing & equipment. These values are for civil transport aircraft,
with even higher values of the on-board systems contribution on mili-
tary aircraft (trainer, fighter, airlift, and tanker).

Figure 2.5 Weight break-down of a Boeing 737-800 (data based on a

weight estimation from [Bruner et al., 2010])

2.2.1 Secondary Power Off-Takes Efficiency

Figure 2.6 illustrates the scaling relationships of shaft power off-takes
and (secondary) electric power consumption. Changes in the mechani-
cal power off-takes directly impact on the fuel consumption but also have
effects on the fuel to mechanical power efficiency. Indirectly it can also
influence engine weight due to engine redesign (e.g. in engine core and
accessory gearbox design). Different sources indicate an almost linear
relationship between SFC and secondary power off-takes [Slingerland et
al., 2007] [Dollmayer, 2007] [VIII]. However, a slightly exponential rela-
tionship is expected from the effects of the (optimal) operating point of
the compressor and turbine through the power off-takes3 . [Slingerland
et al., 2007] show that concerning extracted exergy, bleed air off-takes
For a more detailed power off-take investigation and explanation of the rescaling
of the engine, see [Dollmayer, 2007].

Design Influence on Aircraft Performance

have a less detrimental effect on SFC than shaft power off-takes have.
For engine bleed air off-takes, an upper limit clearly exists with a de-

Figure 2.6 Impact of electric power off-takes by power consumption

systems/components on the vehicle growth factor: weight and efficiency
scaling effects4 .

clining limit for high BPR engines due to the low remaining core air
mass flow [VIII]. The Degree of Subsystem Electrification (DSE) (see
Section 4.3 on page 37) or, in other words, the kind of power extraction,
may also influence the way of operating, as shown by [Seresinhe et al.,

2.2.2 Growth Factor

Similar to the (component) efficiency scaling of a subsystem, the same

principle is present on aircraft level, as shown in Figure 2.6. Additional
subsystem weight(s) imposes a weight overhead from increased vehicle
size, reinforced structure and additional fuel (weight), compensating for
the extra fuel burn. The latter aspect is largely based on the mission
profile and operation mode. For long-distance missions, fuel efficiency
versus system weight becomes more important than for short-haul mis-
sions, which becomes visible in the design (e.g. braced-wing design for
a short-haul aircraft, sacrificing the aerodynamic finesse in favour of
structural weight. This effect has been already known since the advent
of aviation, formulated by Luis C. Breguet in his famous range equation:

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

V elocity L Wf uel
RAN GE = ∗ ∗ ln 1 + (2.2)
T SF C D Wpayload + WOEW
For a certain aircraft configuration and mission profile, a growth factor
due to weight or (propulsion or secondary energy) efficiency variation
can be calculated [Ballhaus, 1955]. This (payload) growth factor rep-
resents the sensitivity of the overall design to a change in the payload
requirement (with all the residual requirements fixed). Besides pay-
load alterations growth factors for changes in range, installed thrust, or
power are also common [Rugg, 1970]. These growth factors give useful
feedback on the (cost) impact of the basic vehicle characteristics. Usual
(payload weight) growth factors are around three for current airliners,
with outliers for extreme aircraft designs such as long-endurance solar
powered aircraft with a growth factor value of up to 4.5 [Ross, 2016].
A problem with growth factors – and in general with globally applied
sensitivity analysis – is the irrecognisable shadowing of the relationships
between the design, the mode of operation, and the requirements.

Compare this figure with Figure 4.9 on page 45.

The Conceptual
Aircraft Design Process

This Chapter investigates the requirements, processes and tool capabil-

ities needed for the conceptual aircraft design phase in detail. Based
on the findings in this chapter, an example implementation of an ACD
framework called CADLab is performed, see the Usecase1 example in
Section 7.1.

Initial sizing in the conceptual design stage is an iterative process, estab-

lishing a rough geometry based on significant requirements. The sizing
process usually incorporates aerodynamics, weight & balance (struc-
ture), and propulsion system. In the classic approach, this constraint
diagram – also denoted as the sizing diagram – is used to represent
requirement fulfilment. With the help of this diagram the qualitative
fulfilment/failure of the basic requirements can be displayed.

3.1 Process Characteristics

The following topics characterize the ACD phase:
• efficient: short-term, low-efforts, "one man show"
• flexible: just-in-time adjustments for the project-/campaign-
specific topics
• transparent: support the user in understanding the design fea-
tures, design conflicts, and the limiting require-

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design


• multi-modal: enable automatic and manual mode for use within

optimizations or manual design

Of all the topics mentioned above, ACD is mainly characterised by

the efficiency of the process to find and estimate the performance of
an aircraft configuration, based on fundamental requirements. These
demands distinguish the ACD clearly from the subsequent preliminary
design and detailed design phases. The main focus during ACD is usu-
ally on aerodynamics and structure to find the most suitable configu-
ration (concept) for the given requirements. Besides the typical topics
of structure, aerodynamic, and stability & control, many other subjects
may also be of interest. Figure 3.1 gives a comprehensive overview of
the different topics that may be addressed during initial design.
The principal characteristics of the conceptual design phase mentioned
earlier – low-effort and short-term task, vague and incomplete require-
ment formulation, new emerging technologies and large uncertainties –
distinguish it clearly from the preliminary or detailed design phases. As
the effort should be low, it cannot be carried out by experts on each
topic but may be addressed by one person or a small team. From this
it follows that specific expert systems (such as e.g. DOORS [IBM, 2016]
for requirement handling) may not be appropriate and are consequently
not regularly applied.

The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process

Figure 3.1 Selection of topics related to Aircraft Systems Conceptual

Design (ASCD)

3.2 Information Model

A central database approach in an open (non-proprietary) format is

favourable to make all the (project-) related data accessible for every
application within a framework (see Figure 3.2). By this, only one data
translation process per tool towards the database is needed. The draw-
back of this approach is that any tool-to–tool communication occurs via
the database, incorporating four translations in a single tool-to-tool com-
munication process. This requires a stable, “well-defined” translation
process to avoid value runaways during iteration (e.g. within an optimi-
sation process) by calculation (e.g. due to truncation) or translation in-
accuracies. The latter may occur due to database incompatibilities with
the tool format (leading to truncation errors due to different parameters
in the tool and the database) or due to fidelity level mismatches. A
common database – also referred to as a common namespace [Böhnke,
2015] – has to fulfil the needs and domain-specific aspects of the inte-
grated tools. The development of such a common namespace and the
related design and analysis routines (including automation) account for
the main topics (in MDO) research [La Rocca and van Tooren, 2007].

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

(a) Central database tool commu- (b) Direct tool-to-tool com-

nication munication

Figure 3.2 Inter-tool communication strategies

3.2.1 Parametric Design

Figure 3.3 Characteristics of a good parametric design (according to

[Sóbester et al., 2015])

The foundation of a robust and interpretable database is the under-

lying parametrisation scheme. According to [Sóbester et al., 2015], a
parametric design should focus on conciseness, robustness, and flexibil-
ity. Unfortunately, these are three contradictory targets, for which a
good compromise has to be found (see Figure 3.3).

3.2.2 Namespace Hierarchy and Data Structure

Conceptual aircraft data usually do not include behavioural data, but
some data formats include (static) functional or behavioural informa-
tion within the data setup. One example is the pitch control path in

The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process

the Common Parametric Aircraft Configuration Schema (CPACS) data

format [CPACS v.2.3, 2016], where the signal path from the pilot’s stick
deflection to the control surface deflection is implicitly included in the
data setup (see Figure 3.4). This implicit relational information has
somehow to be machine-interpretably documented, for both the user
and the analysis tools (for more details see Section 5.3.1).

Figure 3.4 Example of an implicit functional relation within a CPACS

data format

An additional problem to be addressed is the hierarchy concept of

the entire applications. A flat tool hierarchy, with each tool acting
as a master, and no database update control, can result in the above-
mentioned unintended value runaways as well as data inconsistency.
Within conceptual aircraft design, the major work tasks focus on sizing
and placement of airframe entities and components, each representing a
geometric task resulting in a definition of the Outer Mold Line (OML)
shape and weight distribution. From this geometric model, basic (first
order) analyses are conducted such as areas and wetted area calcula-
tion, (cross-section) area distribution and so forth. Deeper (2nd order)
analysis such as drag estimation, structure analysis or more detailed on-
board system analysis (e.g. fuel system) thus require a functional and
behavioural approach (see also Section 5.2 "Model Types" on page 50).

Trim Drag Example: To address the trim drag, the functional infor-
mation concerning how to maintain longitudinal trim has to be included
in the model using a functional model. On a standard drake configu-
ration, this might be performed by generating an up-/down-force on a

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

(more or less) horizontal lifting surface in the back of the aircraft that
perhaps is user-denoted/tagged as a horizontal tail. In the case of an
all-moving elevator, this can be achieved by changing the incidence angle
of the elevator or by a deflection of the trailing edge control surface(s)
on this lifting surface. Additionally, especially under prolonged cruise
flight regimes, trim might even be arranged by active load shifting, usu-
ally implemented by intertank transfer to a rear located trim tank. In
addition to the behavioural information, this also requires additionally a
structural model (components) of the fuel system to enable the transfer
of a certain amount of fuel to the trim tank, involving valves, piping, and
pumps. In a functional view, the initially geometry-based product tree
is therefore tweaked towards a more system-related product-oriented de-
composition, as shown in Figure 3.5. A typical aircraft system hierarchy
break-up, close to the Air Transport Association Specification 100 (ATA
100) chapter structure, can be found in [Jackson, 1997].

Figure 3.5 Product trees of different target domains: geometric vs.

system/functional decomposition (adapted from [Baslev, 2010])

3.3 Domain-Specific Tool Implementation

Just as important as the data structure is the internal build-up of the
entire application(s), addressing topics such as clarity, maintainability,

The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process

adaptability and extensibility (cf. the ACD characteristics listing at the

beginning of Section 3.1). Common implementation concepts are:

• function-based

• object-oriented, and

• graph-based

One main topic of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is the asso-

ciation of object related data and routines to an object entity, usually
denoted as a class. Concepts of OOP are encapsulation, inheritance,
and polymorphism [Cellier, 1996] – similar to the inseparable relation-
ships of real physical objects in an aircraft. These concepts distinguish
the OOP from the (purely) function-based approach with the drawback
of greater complexity. Graph-based approaches are not yet state-of-the-
art for ACD but are already used for product/system design, often as
a holistic approach including requirement handling and manufacturing
[Rudolph, 2014].

3.3.1 Geometry/CAD Domain Handling and Integration

It is natural that a Computer Aided Design (CAD) (related) model is set
up according to a geometry-based hierarchy in contrast to a functional
model, such as the schematic (or system simulation) of the fuel system.
The CAD domain usually servers the following three main purposes:

• geometry modelling

• analysis capability, direct or via special export formats (e.g. weight

distribution, volume measurements, Computational Fluid Dynam-
ics (CFD)/Finite Element Method (FEM) meshes)

• visualization

Even on very simple 3D geometries quiet complex mathematical algo-

rithms and calculation procedures have to be performed. Due to a vast
parameter overdetermination of the basic geometry elements of an air-
craft such as fuselage or lifting surface (e.g. wings) bodies, an acausal
implementation is to be preferred. An example of such an implemen-
tation is the VAMPzero by the DLR (see the more detailed explanation

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

in [La Rocca, Jansen, et al., 2013]) for initial aircraft sizing. The ba-
sic geometric kernels of “easy” CAD modeller such as SUMO or openVSP
[openVSP, 2016] are already quite huge and complex to develop.
Since “CAD work is to 99% about interacting with the system GUI”
[La Rocca, 2011], the use of a matur, established CAD1 environment
should be preferred. However, the direct application-unspecific appli-
cation domain “complete” CAD tools such as CATIA R
or proEngineer
create several problems when applied to the ACD process. First of all,
the user is overwhelmed by the various functionalities to build up a ge-
ometry. Also, starting from a blank sheet every time is a cumbersome
approach, but most importantly, the interpretation (by other tools) of
the individually modelled CAD geometry lacks functional as well as be-
havioural information.
The approach selected in CADLab is to apply an overlay in a complete
CAD environment (here CATIA R
V5) and by doing so limit the type of
geometric instances. A detailed description of the CADLab framework and
the included CAD implementation can be found in the Usecase1 example
in Section7.1 respectively Section7.1.2.b on page 96. An already existing
ASCD tool is ASTRID [Chiesa, Di Meo, et al., 2012] which is based on
OOP principles but do not incorporate the CAD domain during the
design process [Chiesa, Fioriti, et al., 2012].

3.3.2 Causal versus Acausal Implementation

It is also favourable to go for an acausal implementation in the other
domains, similar to the CAD/geometry definition task. This implemen-
tation method supports the ability to conduct work steps in an arbitrary
order, allow for a vast selection of overdetermined parameters, and en-
able a flexible usage of the embedded equations2 .
BeX, a stand-alone conceptual aircraft design sizing tool implemented
in Excel/VBA macros [Berry, 2015] enables an acausal use of a causal
implementation using local optimisations, either through the default
Excel (optimisation) function Solver or the Goal seek function for
CAD program knowledge collected during education and work experience is often
related to one of the established commercial CAD/CAM tools.
In common programming techniques, mathematical equation formulations are
strict causal and represent causal, one-directional assignments only. Certain pro-
gramming/simulation languages, however, have the possibility to enable a mix of
both, causal assignments and acausal equations like for example in the Modelica
language [Fritzson, 2004].

The Conceptual Aircraft Design Process

single variable problems. Certain parameter values (cells) are divided

into a calculated output and an estimated input part to avoid numerical
loops. The user may possibly manually update the input value with the
output value. Update control is thus up to the user with the problem of
keeping the data consistent in favour of flexible use. Due to the nature
of Excel, data, data representation, figures, and the GUI are in one and
the same window, limiting clarity but providing access to any properties
for the experienced user.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Cascaded Systems

This chapter deals with the analysis of system and subsystem relation-
ships, system requirements and the main system architecture design
drivers. The concept of energy conversion for physical power systems is
also presented.

4.1 System Nomenclature

“A system is a combination of interacting elements organised to achieve
one or more stated purposes” [INCOSE, 2015].

One application related approach to describing a system is the PICARD

system theory by [Martin, 2012], decomposing a system as a holistic
image of six attributes, see Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 The PICARD theory of systems by [Martin, 2012]

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

This system definition more precisely stated and extended with the
relationships by [Dickerson et al., 2010] results in the diagram shown in
Figure 4.2. Other system definitions, such as [ISO 15288, 2008], have

Figure 4.2 Extended diagram representation of the system definition

(adapted from [Dickerson et al., 2010])

the fact that a system fulfils one or several purposes is in common.

This function fulfilment thus defines the minimum possible division of a
system into subsystems.

4.1.1 Inter-System Relationships

A system might be divided into subsystems according to the above-
mentioned system definition in such a way that every subsystem again
represents a system with a distinct purpose. The term subsystem high-
lights that a certain system is placed within the context of another
system, usually denoted as the parent system. System denomination
usually depends on the system of interest that the user has in mind.
The system (of interest) operation may require some kind of interac-
tion with enabling systems (see [ISO 15288, 2008]). If these different
systems are composed together, enabling new functionality or higher
performance (of already system-inherent functions), the term Systems
of Systems (SoS) is used [L. Hu et al., 2015]. Typical SoS applications
favour of the fusion of information from different domains; examples
include defence systems (mainly information fusion), multi-vehicle mis-
sions scenarios [Roberts et al., 2016] or smart electric power networks
(information and energy fusion) [Mavris and Griendling, 2016].

Cascaded Systems Design

System (instances) operate in an environment, and the systems pur-

pose typically requires some means of resource exchange or communi-
cation. For these reasons, systems usually provide system boundaries
for information, matter or energy exchange. According to [DoD, 2010],
system boundaries to(wards) other (compatible) systems are called sys-
tem interfaces1 which represent a refinement of a system boundary. A
comprehensive overview of system nomenclature and definitions within
the engineering system design context can be found in [Dickerson et al.,
To unify the terminology within this thesis and to shift the focus from
the SE-tailored definition towards a system modelling and simulation
dominated context (which can be seen as a subsystem within systems
engineering), a few nomenclature adjustments are introduced: System
boundaries (including system interfaces) are denoted as ports with re-
sources shared across these virtual or real element ports. These resources
can be of any type of information, matter, or energy. With these changes,
the nomenclature becomes congruent with the Channel-Agency net def-
inition presented later in Section 6.5.

4.1.2 System Properties

The easiest possible abstraction of a system is the black-box representa-
tion, nowadays often replaced by a SysML/UML state diagram, reducing
a system into its primary interfaces, functions, and properties. In the
context of aerial vehicle design, significant system features may be:

• system weight

• system power demand (and thus efficiency)

• system volume and possibly limitations in component shape, split-

up, and placement

Usual semi-empirical methods take into consideration the two first

points, whereas the third is seldom addressed but is especially important
for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and military aircraft because of the
limited space available.

A system interfaces might be of any complexity level like a physical pipe for matter
exchange, a high-level signal interface (like RS-232 or CAN) or any combination of
matter, energy, and information exchange.

System(atic) Black Box
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

(SOTA, next generation)
functional domain
input states
system black box

support domain support domain
(e.g. matter, (useful) (e.g. spill material,
energy) application related unusable energy)

Figure 4.3 A universal (sub-)system black box model representation

4.2 System Design Drivers

A particular system design is the result of all influence factors from all
system stakeholders during its whole life-cycle. Figure 4.4 illustrates the
extremely wide spread of influencing factors that have to be taken into
account (and thus modelled) during the design process. Some of these
factors may be active only during one phase of the products life-cycle,
whereas others may be related to several or all phases. Obviously, during
a particular project, the primary focus may only be on a few categories,
e.g. reliability in the case of a Primary Flight Control System (PFCS)
(see also limitations of this thesis in Section 1.2.1). Certain topics may
be excluded, others extremely simplified.
From an MDO point of view, only a limited number of requirements
may be valid and influence the design (in architectural and quantity
measure) at a certain life cycle phase or in a certain operation mode. A
large number of requirements might be inactive during certain life-cycle
stages or particular operation states, or may not apply to the chosen
system architecture at all.

4.2.1 System Performance and Efficiency

Systems are compositions of components with specific relationships to
fulfil the dedicated purpose(es), also denoted as functions. A system
performance or efficiency benchmark has to consider the system function
fulfilment among the (performance-related) properties of the system of
interest. A system benchmark may thus differ between the different
stakeholders’ points of view. The most common holistic approach is the

Cascaded Systems Design

Figure 4.4 Common system design influencing factors (adapted from

[Herzog, 2004]; primary source: [Martin, 1996])

Figure 4.5 The three important elements of the new design process
paradigm (adapted from [Kirby, 2001]) to the left and the economic tech-
nology assessment properties to the right

complete life-cycle assessment (e.g. based on [ISO 14040, 2006] regarding

the environmental impact of the product). With regards to aircraft
systems more specifically, a lumped systematic cost approach like the
DOCsys method by Scholz is favourable [Scholz, 1998]. It represents
a DOC-based estimation method similar to the one recommended by
[ATA, 1967]. Scholz describes the system DOC as:

DOCSY S = DepreciationSY S + F uelSY S + DM CSY S (4.1)


Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

• DM C are the (system caused) Direct Maintenance Costs.

Aircraft operators may extend this approach by adding delay and can-
cellation costs as well as capital costs due to Spare Holding Costs (SHC).
The fuel cost due to the system can be split up according to the scheme
shown in Figure 4.6. Important to note is that system costs depend on

Figure 4.6 Mission-specific fuel cost contribution factors of an on-

board (power consuming) system

both the operator-specific (utilisation and maintenance strategy) and

a mission-specific fuel contribution itemised in Figure 4.6. Further on-
board system properties of interest (with the aircraft as the system of
interest) besides weight, drag contribution, and secondary power off-
takes include:

• volume and component placement limitations (especially on super-

sonic vehicles)

• system component (and installation) contribution to the centre of

gravity location and shift (in the case of variable component mass).

4.2.2 System Faults, Safety and Reliability

In addition to the performance or cost benchmarks, system reliability is
another important system design driver, both for safety reasons and the
DOC influence due to delays, cancellations/Aircraft on Ground (AOG)
events and SHC effects.
The systems reliability can be calculated using a Fault Tree Analysis
(FTA), taking into consideration the individual components Mean Time

Cascaded Systems Design

Between Failure (MTBF) and the arrangement/relationships of the com-

ponents [Vesely et al., 2002]. Using an FTA, both fault frequency and
the fault set (combinations of failures) are addressed, but it comprises no
failure effect assessment. For this purpose, a Failure Mode and Effects
Analysis (FMEA) may be performed, targeting the consequences and
workaround strategies of particular system faults combinations. The
hazard level of the FMEA cases for JAR/FAR-25 defines five Design
Assurance Level (DAL) categories – each addressed with a certain ac-
ceptable minimum reliability value – ranging from catastrophic (1e-9 /h)
(A) to no effect (E) [DO-254, 2000].
Addressing system reliability in an automated design process is, in
addition to an FTA with constant component probability values, a chal-
lenging task. Deriving a fault tree structure from any graph/network
structure requires a process to break up loops in the network to maintain
a strict tree structure. The automatic integration of an FMEA seems
very challenging due to the (often manually conducted) assessment of
the fault consequences including the consideration of lowered require-
ments and the relocation of system functions to other, fault-unaffected,
components. This type of load balancing in a derated system mode has
to be defined in the behavioural part of the system model. An overview
of system safety and reliability methods in early design phases can be
found in [C. Johansson, 2013] and an example of the FTA modelling and
integration is given in Usecase3 in Section 7.3.3.
One hurdle to integrated the certification requirements dressing the
system’s reliability is the general characteristic of requirements. Re-
quirement formulation should be in a manner stating what a system
should comply with and not how it should be achieved [Herzog, 2004],
[Robertson et al., 2013]. This implementation-independent formulation
makes it hard to link the requirements towards the implemented system
automatically because it requires a high-level interpretation of the re-
quirements. Quality measures for requirements can be found in [Pohl
et al., 2011] and [IEEE Std. 830, 1998].

4.3 System and Component Technology

For the system design drivers’ analysis, system decomposition and clas-
sification are applied. The Decomposition to split the system of interest

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

into smaller units, decomposition can be performed on different criteria

such as functionality, technology domain or supplier. A common split up
of aircraft systems is addressed in the superseded ATA 100 numbering
system [ATA 100, 1999] or its successors S1000D (military)/ATA i2000
Spec (civil) [A4A, 2016]. A common coarse-level categorization of the
on-board power systems – with the focus on the energy expenditure – is
the division into power generation, power distribution, and power con-
sumption system (see Section 2.2). Focusing on the overall function (of
each system), [Pahl et al., 2007] group the functions into:

• conversion of energy

• conversion of material

• conversion of signals

The included components may be rated according to their primary pur-

pose as:

• power/energy/matter

– producer (generator)
– consumer
– converter

• signal

– regulator (controller, e.g. PID)

– calculator (logic, e.g. sensor fusion)

Other classifications may be related to the system power domain, e.g.

the DSE [Chakraborty, 2015], which describes the extent of installed
electric secondary power in comparison with the alternative (pneumatic
and hydraulic) installed power capacities.

4.3.1 Natural Order of System Technologies

In a classic product development approach, different (technology) alter-
natives of a product are presented in a morphological matrix, from a
functional point of view also known as the function-mean matrix [Pahl
et al., 2007]. The vast number of combinations in the morphological ma-
trix may require a reduction to adequate combinations only; Focusing

Cascaded Systems Design

on (new) technologies, a Technology Capability Matrix (TCM) [Kirby,

2001] may be used as a filter on the morphological matrix in order to
reduce the combinations of useful technology implementations. Basic
TCM addressed incompatibilities originate from:

• competing for the same purpose

• combinational (extreme) degradation effects2

• introducing (too high) certification difficulties

At a more detailed level, focusing on the system-subsystem cascading,

further technology (domain) limitations may be identified. These are:

• energy transformation incompatibilities

• impractical combinations; these may be be determined by:

– detailed investigation of the energy transformation

– impractical component size (scale)
– complexity: Unnecessarily high complexity of implementa-
– experts judgement

• Technology Readiness Level (TRL)3 : high level of perceived tech-

nology risk versus system reliability importance [Chakraborty,

• control: Stability issues (e.g. time domain, feedback loop delay,

real time system)

Since the energy transformation matrix (see [Culp, 1991]) is relatively

dense, no or only a few completely incompatible system-subsystem con-
figurations may exist. To significantly reduce the number of combi-
nations, more detailed transformation analysis, focusing on the practi-
calness and feasibility of the solutions may be evaluated utilising the
component/power scale, the TRL, or other appropriate measures.
E.g. composite wing in combination with hybrid laminar flow technology as
shown by [Kirby, 2001]
Alternatively to the most common TRL index, other, for implementation more
precise, measures as the the System Readiness Level (SRL), the Integration Readiness
Level (IRL), or the Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) may be used [GAO, 2016].

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Based on a risk reduction by the TRL and the system/technology ap-

plication experience from already realised systems, [Chakraborty, 2015]
derives following TCM rules for a More Electric Aircraft (MEA) ar-
chitecture of cascaded systems from the expert judgement mentioned
1. “Successive actuation packages feature progressively more elec-
trification: An actuation function once electrified is never de-
electrified in a higher package”
2. “No package features a combination where a more critical ac-
tuation function has been electrified while a less critical function
remains conventional (hydraulic)”
3. “When competing actuation technologies differ in the perceived
level of technological risk, the technology perceived to be riskier is
introduced to less critical actuation functions first”
[Dunker et al., 2015] shows a Flight Control System (FCS) optimisa-
tion based on a hybrid electro-hydraulic system setup considering the
above-mentioned system implementation rules to ensure the systems’

4.3.2 Technology Scalability

Another important component and system design factor is the scale:
most (energy conversion/adaption) technologies are limited to a certain
application range, both, through
• infeasible regions (due to technology-inherent design space limita-
tions, e.g. by physical effects)
• impractical regions (due to improper, inefficient or unusual design)
Problematic for (KBE-based) automated design is the necessity for de-
sign space limitations of the component sizing rules, which – besides
the naturally addressed primary properties like efficiency – are often re-
lated to secondary effects such as heat load or cavitation. In addition to
operational aspects, impractical component and technology scales are
off-design point states or operations in regions where certain technol-
ogy dependent disadvantages outmatch the technology-dependent ad-
vantages. This means that the system-disadvantageous effects have to
be addressed and modelled in the surrogate (component) model.

Cascaded Systems Design

Aerospace Example: Propulsion System The aircraft’s propulsion

system is a typical system where the system design is largely influ-
enced by the scale of application and the operation design point. While
electric-propeller solutions dominate for small UAVs, a transition to-
wards (two-stroke and four-stroke) engine driven propeller systems,
turbo-prop configurations and finally kerosene-jet driven propulsion sys-
tems predominate for medium-size and large aircraft.

4.4 The Power and Signal Component Concept

Based on the energetic classification as mentioned in the listing in Sec-
tion 4.3, the system components can be split into power (handling) and
signal (handling) components. Besides modelling and simulation as-
pects (see e.g. the Hopsan Transition Line Model (TLM) method in
Section 7.2.5), this categorisation also allows for a systematic design
process, enabling an analysis or technology, component, and system se-
lection based on the findings presented in the following sections.

4.4.1 Power Components

Usual energy forms within power components may be of a mechanical,
electrical, (nuclear,) electromagnetic (light), chemical or thermal nature
[Allen, 2014]. Primary energy sources are often based on chemical energy
("fuel") due to their relatively high energy density. An alternative energy
classification is a categorisation into potential and kinetic types of en-
ergy. A grading of these powers and energy domains may be performed
with respect to the target system’s scope; addressed properties are en-
ergy/power transformation, transfer efficiency, inherent risks (heat, fire,
toxicology), or power/energy densities of the matter or the power com-
ponent itself. Depending on the energy domain, energy conversions may
be irreversible and come along with energy losses. Based on the trans-
formation ability, energy sources can be ranked, with electric energy as
the most valuable one at the top.

4.4.1.a Energy Transformations

As defined above in Section 4.3, resources such as matter, energy and
information may be exchanged between any systems. Physical power
systems’ performance is inevitably associated with the conversion or

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

adaption4 of power and energy, and possibly – if existent – the conversion

of matter. These processes are limited by physical laws as well as by
the implemented technology (level). In contrast, information exchange
can be simplified as a lossless process. This simplification is adequate
Power/Energy Transformations
for power systems but may not apply to stand-alone processing units,
cyber systems (e.g. software) and information systems.

head for domains

with low conduction

Direct incompatible try to achieve


Adaption control necessary?

control alternative existing?
(single domain)
control necessary?
Energy/Power incompatible & alternative domain (of parent
Transfer control or child) existing such that
transformation may be

incompatible consider domain shift

to enable compatibility

Transformation control necessary?

control alternative existing?
(two domains)
control necessary?
incompatible & alternative domain (of parent
control or child) existing such that
transformation may be

Figure 4.7 Energy transfers and the usual motivations of energy adap-
tions and transformations (of power-consuming systems)

Important to note is the frequent absence of direct energy level con-

versions within one domain. This conversion incapability can be solved
by transferring the energy into another domain and then back into the
original domain. Examples include heat pumps, DC-DC converters and
automatic transmissions.

Technology Selection for Energy Transformation: An extreme ex-

ample of how technology selection can influence the system (or energy
transformation) efficiency is the electrically driven photon emitter, usu-
ally denoted as a bulb. In the classic (a better term might be “histor-
Observe the use of the terms transformation and adaption defined in Section 1.5
“Remarks” on page 11.

Cascaded Systems Design

ical”) implementation as an incandescent filament bulb, electric energy

transforms via a metallic (usually tungsten, earlier carbon) resistor into
heat. This heat makes the filament incandescent and it then, accord-
ing to the Kirchhoff’s law, emits a temperature-dependent spectrum of
photons. The total efficiency is limited to the temperature-dependent
spectrum shape and the filament temperature, which is restricted by the
material and expected lifetime. Small improvements had been made by
adding a halogen gas to reduce the filament degradation and allow for
higher temperatures. LED-based bulbs, however, use another physical
effect to transfer electric energy into photons of a particular wavelength:
electroluminescence. In this case, the technical efficiency is not limited
and can theoretically reach 100%. Nonetheless, after various technology
changes the electrical interface remained unchanged; it is still the Edi-
son Screw E27 (DIN 40400), invented by Thomas A. Edison, inspired
at that time by the screwed connectors of the gas-driven bulbs at those
days (system compatibility, see Figure 4.8) [Utterback, 1996].

Figure 4.8 Light bulbs of different technologies with the deliberate

similarity of the (newest) filament LED bulb (right) and the classic filament
bulb (left). The system interface is still based on the historical Edison
"E27" socket.

4.4.1.b Power Control/Energy Adaption

Energy loss due to the control of matter and power is another typi-
cal kind of energy losses within (power) systems or power components.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Usual analogue control elements are based on throttling (e.g. resistors,

nozzles, orifice and proportional valves), which are necessary lossy pro-
cesses. Consequently, to avoid losses through energy conversion and
control, the following recommendations can be given:

• prefer a high level of energy

• avoid energy conversions where possible 5

• perform energy conversion only from “higher energy levels” to

“lower energy levels” with appropriate physical effects

• try to adjust the energy/matter properties to needs (thus avoiding

unnecessary “equal” power or matter translations)

• avoid control by throttling

A schema for energy transformation and conversion related analysis

of power components is given in Figure 4.7. With the help of this exam-
ination, unnecessary or inadequate energy/power paths in the system
design can be discovered and mitigated.

Control Losses on Different ECS Architectures: Applied on aircraft

subsystems, the conventional Environmental Control System (ECS) in-
cludes multiple thermal energy conversions with the above-mentioned
negative system performance impacts. On a conventional ECS (see Fig-
ure 4.9), bleed air is tapped from the engine core and conditioned in
a complicated process involving heat exchanger, bootstrap unit, water
separator and ozone converter to the required temperature and pressure
level for flight deck and cabin air conditioning. The system is self-
powered by the high pressure potential of the bleed air and follows
the above-formulated system rules well by holding the energy flow in
one domain (pressurised air only). More detailed information regarding
conventional ECS can be found in [Hunt et al., 1995] and [Moir et al.,
In a new MEA architecture – with the Boeing 787 as the first of its
kind – an electrically driven system with a scoop inlet for ambient air in-
take replaces the bleed air driven ECS. As shown in Figure 4.9 (middle),
the conventional ECS layout involves several inter-disciplinary energy
This rule is similar to the well-known rule to strive for short and direct load-paths
within structural design.

Cascaded Systems Design

Figure 4.9 Different ECS schematics: Conventional bleed air system

at the top, new MEA system design (middle) and the unique system design
of the Douglas DC-8 with a pneumatic-pneumatic energy level converter
(turbine-radial compressor) unit.

transformations, namely from thermodynamic (within the engine) via

mechanical energy into electrical energy and then almost the whole way
back from electrical energy to mechanical energy and finally into ther-
modynamic energy6 . The important system design drivers (besides the
bleed air versus shaft-power engine off-take efficiency topic, addressed
in Section 2.2.1) are the control losses of the conventional design over
the extremely wide operating range. Instead of throttling and final tem-
perature fine-control with the help of hot trim air, the system control
in the MEA architecture is relocated from the thermodynamic domain
into the electrical domain with its superior control efficiency mechanism.
An interesting approach to overcome the control problem – and at the
same time abandon the engine bleed air from the fresh air system(!) –
has been made by the Douglas company with an ECS system includ-
ing a bleed air-driven turbine compressor unit to condition ambient air
from a scoop inlet. In this way, the turbine-compressor unit acts as a
level transducer and can be efficiently controlled by geometry changes
in the compressor or turbine (e.g. via controllable guide blades or the
rotational speed).

Also interesting to note is the substitution of an axial compressor (in the con-
ventional ECS) with a radial compressor (in case of the MEA ECS architecture).
Compared with e.g. the development of jet engines, the common technology trend
had been from radial to axial compressors due to the higher maximum efficiency.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

4.4.1.c Exergy versus Energy Efficiency

Energy conversions are usually described with respect to their absolute
efficiency. For thermodynamic transformation based power systems, it
is useful to have an alternative or additional measure based on the sys-
tem/component exergy [Grönstedt et al., 2014].
While the former represents an absolute boundary for the reachable
limit, the latter shows the difference between the theoretical optimum
with the current technology state and the achieved efficiency. Exergy-
loss focused analysis thereby enlightens the real potential of the entire
components. Depending on the analysis objective, overall system de-
sign or component design, energy efficiency or exergy may be used for

4.4.2 Signal Components (and Power Electronics)

A signal component is either an electric signal processing unit (e.g. a
printed board without any processing units on it) or the combination of
software and and the software executing hardware (the processing units).
A signal component of the latter type cannot be described and handled
by an architectural or structural model only but requires a behavioural
model also (see also Section 5.2).
The signal components’ computational performance has made tremen-
dous advances over the last 50 years, following Moore’s Law, stated in
1965 [Waldrop, 2016] (see also Figure 5.9). Alongside transistors’ minia-
turisation and count rise, energy efficiency – ranked as Floating Point
Operations Per Second (FLOPS) per watt – has evolved considerably.
Nowadays, one-chip microcontrollers have the calculation performance
of older personal computer without the need for active cooling anymore.
Unlike the above-discussed power components, signal components
have to be handled in a different way because the signal component’s
purpose within a system is not sufficiently defined by the element’s func-
tion itself. A processing unit, for example, may be used as a controller
for any system control purpose or to fulfil any other data processing
purpose. In contrast to signal components, power components have a
tighter coupling between the element function and the system function,
as demonstrated in the following example: An electric motor represents
an electrical to rotational mechanical power transformer on its element
level, which is consistent with the item’s function from the system point
of view (to perform a particular function, e.g. generate torque on a

Cascaded Systems Design

wheel/shaft). This fact makes a (universal) bottom-up approach of sig-

nal components very hard, because of (the structural model unit) may
fulfil several functional purposes.
Another problem is the signal component relationship on secondary ef-
fects. From an aircraft system performance perspective, size and energy
consumption are the dominating design properties. However, weight,
volume, and size properties of signal components are mainly based on
secondary aspects such as power supply, cooling, (sealed) housings7 , con-
nectors, (line) installation and other requirements like Electro-Magnetic
Compatibility (EMC), vibration, and separation. Hence, these sec-
ondary effects have to be considered. Because of these secondary effects
there is a weight and energy saving potential related to the component
miniaturisation and power reduction8 .
Reducing the heat load and lowering the cooling demand will be one
part of future signal component improvements. New Integrated Circuit
(IC) technologies with higher upper temperature limits (as e.g. Gallium-
Nitride) have the capability to trigger huge weight savings by lowering
the cooling load of the Thermal Management System (TMS) [Ganev et
al., 2013].
Not categorised as signal components but also associated with the
aspects explained above (like housing, isolation, and cooling) are the
power electric components such as converters or inverters; Current re-
search states a power density of 1...2[kg/kW]9 for (line replaceable) Mo-
tor Control(ler) Electronics (MCE) units for JAR/FAR-25 aircraft in
a power range of 5. . . 30[kW] [Todeschi et al., 2016]. The same source
also identified Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI)/EMC as a potential
show-stopper. Directly related to the magnetic field density and for this
reason the volumetric power density of the component, this fact may
hamper further development of components with higher power density.

Housing weight due to gas-tight housing requirement to prevent condensation
events due to pressure variation over each flight cycle. This type of housings are
required for unpressurised and humid locations (ECS, galley, and battery compart-
See also the growth factor in Section 2.2.2.
A very low value compared to the density pressure of electric motors or other
electric components in non-aerospace applications.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

4.5 Cyber-physical Systems

Besides the physical function instantiation process, the split-up between
software and hardware10 in cyber-physical system implementations also
have to be solved. The emergence of more and more software-based solu-
tions can be explained by the topics discussed in Section 4.4.2. Because
of the different nature of software and hardware (power) components,
the applied processes and tools should be capable of handling these sub-
Due to the higher increment of calculation power (see Figure 5.9)
compared with the increase in system (power) capability measures (e.g.
thrust-to-weight ratio), the software part becomes increasingly impor-
tant, shifting the domain boundary from the physical to the imaginary
parts of the system. This trend has already gone so far that as an initial
guess, the cost of a fighter aircraft may not be stated/calculated based
on the total system weight, but by the millions of lines of code (MLoC)
that are incorporated in the product [Hammarström, 2016].

Software Remark 1 Even though software developed may be hardware-

independent, it requires hardware to be executed on; these components
(e.g. a microcontroller) may be stand-alone (categorised as signal com-
ponents) or part of a power (electric) component (e.g. an MCE). In fact,
almost any power electronic components contain some (calculation) sig-
nal elements. These items may be insignificant for the weight, power
and size estimation, but important from component focused functional
or behavioural view.

Software Remark 2 If software is part of the system of interest, both,

the software itself and the software hardware components have to be
addressed within the reliability analyses (see Section 4.2.2). Recom-
mendations for considering software are given in [DO-178C, 2011], for
electronic hardware in [RTCA, 2000].

In order to differentiate between software and “non-software” (thus often power
components) related hardware, the former is denominated as “software hardware”.

Model-Based System

In “Cascaded Systems Design” (Chapter 4), models have already been

applied to describe the principles of system design. In this chapter, a
detailed analysis of models and modelling techniques for physical system
design including physical system simulation models is given. Addition-
ally, the knowledge of systems is specified leading towards a systematic
nomenclature enabling (semi-)automated system engineering processes
such as Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) for system architecture
The purpose of this chapter is to analyse and classify the different model
types and their integration. These investigations provide the necessary
background to form a sound information model and types of analysis
selection of an ASCD framework.

5.1 The Use of Models

“A model is a relational structure for which the interpretation of a
(logical) sentence in the predicate calculus becomes valid” [Dickerson
et al., 2010]

5.1.1 Model Abstraction

A model is the fundamental way of human thinking, providing a com-
plexity reduction and a syntax highlighting on the context in focus.
Models can be of any type: drawings, language specifications, physical

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

models, (UML) diagrams, code snippets, huge software programs or sim-

ply human imagination. In the context of systems engineering, modelling
is the abstraction activity of a system (see also Figure 5.3). Modelling
languages (e.g. UML) are denoted as technologies that bring precision into
the abstraction [Dickerson et al., 2010].

5.1.2 Early Adopters

Models have been known to exist since long time, the famous drawings
of technical inventions by Leonard da Vinci in the 15th century being
one example (see Figure 5.1). Particularly interesting in the system
modelling context is the digesting duck by René Descartes (Figure 5.1), a
drawing (model) of the model of “an animal body as a complex machine
with the bones, muscles and organs replaced with cogs, pistons and
cams” [Wikipedia, 2016] from 1662. As a model of a model, it represents
a metamodel of digestion.

(a) A helicopter study by Leonardo (b) Digesting Duck model by

Da Vinci, 1493 René Descartes, 1662

Figure 5.1 Examples of early model adopters

5.2 Model Types

A model is a relational structure and a collection of mathematical rela-
tionships on this set [Dickerson et al., 2010]. (System) of models may be
of a physical type but are more often of a theoretical nature. (Applied)
models are usually not all-embracing but tailored to a certain purpose.
The developing action of an analytical model, tailored to a specific pur-

Model-Based System Design

pose by limiting it to one domain, requires an architectural model of the

matter/system of interest. This all-encompassing architectural model is
usually not explicitly formulated and in one location but exists individ-
ually in the imagination (aka understanding) of every person involved in
the development process of the system. The derivation process from the

Figure 5.2 The architectural versus analytical (domain-dependent)

model relationship

architectural model into an analytical model represents a model transfor-

mation, whereas the architectural model is an abstraction of the target
(see Figure 5.3).

Figure 5.3 Schematic of architectural model abstraction from the tar-

get (system) and the transformation of different analytical models from
the architectural (reference) model

The crux of the matter is the general absence of an all-embracing archi-

tectural model, which (as mentioned above) may be spread information
at different locations as well as the own imagination and interpretation
of every stakeholder1 . Because analytical models represent only a single
or limited domain view, transformed from the architectural model which
in turn is the abstraction of the target, the interpretation of every one
Although not explicitly addressed in this thesis, a holistic sustainable product
development approach addresses all possible stakeholders of a system may differ dra-
matically in their expertise background, target/goals and motivation.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

of these models is dependent on the human individual. Model knowl-

edge is only partly included in the (analytical) models directly. Another
part of model knowledge is defined by the notation/specification of the
model, including the underlying theory. Figure 5.4 shows the tree an-
alytical models of a hydraulic power pack unit on a high abstraction
level: structural, functional and behavioural (see also Table 5.1) [Por-
ciúncula et al., 2016]. Whereas all of these analytical models consist
of a graphical notation (hydraulic system symbols according to [Stan-
dard, 2007-03-15]), C-A net [Reisig, 1992], Grafcet [IEC 60848, 1999]),
models without a suitable graphical or imaginable2 representation may
also exist.

(a) Hydr. power (b) Hydr. (c) C-A (d) Grafcet

pack (Courtesy circuit net

Figure 5.4 Different (analytical) models of a hydraulic power supply

pack. From left to right: product photo, structural hydraulic circuit draw-
ing (ISO 1219), functional C-A net and behavioural Grafcet representation
(b-d from [Porciúncula et al., 2016]).

5.2.1 Physical Models and Simulation

Besides theoretical models in physical product/system development, two
kinds of models are regularly used:

• simulation models, and

• physical models
Imaginable model: related to our macro/micro physic world view or related to
the size of the system of interest. An example of a missing graphical/imaginable
(depending on the state of education) is the wave-particle dualism model for electrons.

Model-Based System Design

functional structural behavioural

model(ling) model(ling) model(ling)
what the system does describes where the how and when func-
or should do (why) functions are imple- tions are executed
the system’s ability set of system ele- relationship of in-
to fulfil a certain pur- ments and their rela- puts, internal states
pose tionships and outputs
functional structure function-mean tree or continuous discrete
channel-agency net table state state
(C-A net) production model model
flow schema
UML engineering circuit diagrams/draw- transfer Petri net
ings (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) function; (event-
state driven);
space de- mark flow
scription graph; au-

Table 5.1 Modelling concepts for system representations (adapted from

[Porciúncula et al., 2016])

In a product development context, both kinds are denoted as proto-

types [Ulrich et al., 2012]. Figure 5.5 shows two physical – and due
to the use of Lego bricks also parametric – car prototypes of different
model purpose. Contrary to accepted opinion, interpreting prototypes
as tangible artefacts, prototypes may consist of analytical (thus non-
physical) models only. [Ulrich et al., 2012] categorises prototypes by
means of their physical/analytical degree and comprehensiveness (see
Figure 5.6). [Hallberg, 2012] adapts this classification for the use of
low-cost demonstrators, mainly applied in the early design phases (con-
ceptual design). One example of such a low-cost demonstrator used for
subscale flight-testing is shown in Figure 5.7 (see [I]).
Worth noting is the absence of analytical, comprehensive models and
the almost complete y-axis range through combinations of physical and
analytical models like e.g. hardware in the loop or power in the loop
models in Figure 5.6. These facts depict the relation mentioned above
that an analytical model (or prototype) is a transformation from the

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

(a) A look-like car model (b) A feel-like car model (source:

(source: [Booker, 2006]) [Sammartino, 2013])

Figure 5.5 Physical LEGO models of a car: A geometric design model

(a) and a functional model (b). Nomenclature in the sub-figures according
to [Ulrich et al., 2012].

Figure 5.6 Types of prototypes (figure from [Ulrich et al., 2012], ex-
tended by [Hallberg, 2012] and adapted by the author)

architectural model and only represents a limited degree of the target

domains of the final product (see Figures 5.2 and 5.3).
Besides all above mentioned topics, models – especially physical, non-
functional models as shown in Figure 5.5a – provide a foundation for
communication, imagination and supports imagination and supports the
mental model abstraction process. Also in this area, a transition from

Model-Based System Design

Figure 5.7 Example of a functional subscale flight testing model within

the aircraft conceptual design process ([I] and [IX])

physical (and also non-physical) prototypes towards augmented reality

implementation can be observed.

5.2.2 Computational Simulation Models

As shown in Figure 5.6, simulation models may be used for focused, ana-
lytical design exploration. For physical systems, many aspect-dependent
tools exist, ranging from discrete event simulations, system simulation
(e.g. Simulink, Amesim, Modelica and Hopsan), up to high-fidelity CAD
and FEM tools (see Figure 5.8b). These tools are nowadays the founda-
tion for product developing, enabling new, model-based product devel-
opment processes such as Model-Based Component Acquisition (MBCA)
or MBSE.
With advanced model integration concepts (e.g. Functional Mockup
Interface (FMI), standards [Modelica Association, 2016]), and the use
of all-embracing CAD tools, which are more and more turning into
multi-domain Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tool suites (like the
V6 environment [Dassault Systèmes, 2016]), simulation models
are moving towards more comprehensive, more integrated models than
ever seen before. This fact makes it necessary to deal with system and
model(ling) complexity issues, as examined in the following chapters.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

5.2.2.a Model Fidelity and Computational Efforts

To avoid unnecessary overhead, the degree of model abstraction and
transformations should align to the required analysis level. Based on the
information and independence axioms3 of [Suh, 1990], a simpler model is
superior to a more complex one if it fulfils the same purpose (with equal
accuracy). Historically, the transition of the Geocentric model to the
Heliocentric model followed the second axiom of Suh. The Geocentric
model was not a wrong model, only more complex in calculation than
the replacement model; from a historical perspective it was the right
model – it matched the Christian philosophy.
Additionally, modelling effort is nonlinearly associated with model ac-
curacy with (possibly) a transition zone between low-fidelity and high-
fidelity models in which modelling effort increases but model improve-
ment stagnates (see Figure 5.8) [Krus, 2003].

(a) Model effectiveness as a function (b) Fidelity levels of different

of model completeness (adapted from simulation model types
[Krus, 2003])

Figure 5.8 Model complexity and modelling techniques’ fidelity

Similar to the model usefulness versus mode completeness graph

shown in Figure 5.8a, [NASA, 2007] sketches a common trend of cost ver-
sus effectiveness of development processes. Interpreting costs as model
complexity (mainly the effort to build and tune the model), it does not
identify a saddle point as [Krus, 2015] does, but states that the amount
of efforts spent is limited at the very beginning in conjunction with a
pleasing steep increase in effectiveness.
The independence axiom is not explained in this work. However, its principles
of splitting up functions within a system (e.g. by functional decomposition) are the
basis of the following system description and design automation.

Model-Based System Design

Semi-empirical models – typical representatives of 0-dim methods – are

very efficient but due to their nature a robust, conservative estimate as
long as extrapolation is avoided. The main drawbacks of these methods
are related to the available data that they are based on: Limited data,
design space constraints and technologies restrictions (limited to older
up to state-of-the-art implementations) are some of these. In addition,
the unknown precision of the data in terms of performance and design
maturity, e.g. by design influence by unknown requirements such as fleet
design, production and enterprise experience, can result in misleading,
conservative state-of-the-art estimations [Böhnke, 2015].
Simulation model fidelity can be described as the number of dimen-
sions (time and space) ranging from 0-dim up to 4-dim models. Currently,
2-dim and 3-dim models often focus on Research and Development (R&D)
application on component level [RTO/NATO, 2007], while conventional
cyber-physical system simulations are usually based on 0-dim models (see
Figure 5.9).

Figure 5.9 Comparison between different simulation fidelity levels and

their performance requirements (adapted from [Visser, 2015])

5.2.2.b ACD Tool Fidelity

In the context of ACD, simulation models of different comprehensiveness
are used: from complex multi-domain SoS simulations (e.g. air combat
simulations), simple single-flight mission simulations (addressing e.g. fuel
consumption) down to single-domain system simulations like propulsion
or on-board power systems simulations. Because model fidelity level is

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

related to model purpose, a tool–fidelity classification can only repre-

sent a qualitative indication: for system design such as for the hydraulic
PFCS layout, a 0-dim or 1-dim simulation tool already represents high
fidelity (on its abstraction level). However, the same simulation tool
might only serve for low or medium fidelity for single component devel-
opment (e.g. hydraulic pump design), and one might head for 3-dim or
4-dim tools to study secondary effects of interest (e.g. flow simulation for
pressure spikes, pulsation, flow separation or cavitation). Alternatively
to the fidelity classification by the tool dimensionality, in aircraft design
a four-stage index (ranging from Level-0 to Level-3) is frequently used,
describing tool fidelity by analysis type [Moerland et al., 2015]. ACD
usually applies to level-0 and level-1 methods, and preliminarily level-2
and detailed design level-3 methods [Nickol, 2004].

Figure 5.10 Model fidelity within the CADLab environment [Munjulury,


[Munjulury, 2014] states the tool fidelity classification of the CADLab

framework (refer to Usecase1 on page 93) for application within the
conceptual aircraft design context, as shown in Figure 5.10, adapted
from a tool-independent grading by [Nickol, 2004] (see Figure 5.11).
The noticeable difference is that the fidelity gap within the geometry
domain for medium-level tools has been filled by the CAD environment
integrated into the CADLab framework. Here, RAPID serves as a layer over
the CAD environment and allows for an efficient geometry representation
on a lower level than a standard CAD environment only (see the more
detailed description in the Uscease1 example in Section 7.1.2.b on page

Model-Based System Design

96). [Zhang, 2015] states that tool frameworks in “wing design practice
evolution” – including virtual aircraft, aerodynamic, and structure – are
heading towards almost reaching fidelity levels that have hitherto been
restricted to physical (prototype) flight testing only. These frameworks,
however, make extensive usage of 3-dim or 4-dim tools and are thereby
restricted to the preliminary or detailed design phase.

Figure 5.11 Tool fidelity level of different aerospace disciplines within

a variable fidelity framework (by courtesy of [Nickol, 2004])

5.2.2.c Uncertainty Handling

Tightly coupled with the fidelity level is the uncertainty level of the
results. Especially when dealing with – and merging – the results of
analysis methods of different fidelity, some measure addressing the un-
certainty is needed. In the classic approach, without such measures, un-
certainty management is solely based on the experience and knowledge
of the user4 . As illustrated in Figure 5.8a, an increase in model fidelity
may come at the cost of deteriorated model accuracy in certain cases,
typically on low fidelity levels in the transition from semi-empirical to
low-level analytical methods. Addressing uncertainty is a difficult task
for several reasons:

(a) Quantitative uncertainty handling within the model (as shown by

[Eek, 2016]) needs significant modelling overhead that might coun-
Respectively the model provider.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

terbalance the efficiency target between spent effort and resulting


(b) Different kinds of uncertainties – aleatoric and epistemic – that

have to be addressed [Chakraborty and Mavris, 2016]. During
ACD, especially the former predominate in particular (due to lack
of knowledge of the product) and cannot be modelled.

(c) A global tool-based fidelity classification (as presented in Fig-

ure 5.10 and Figure 5.11) might be misleading because of the result
accuracy variations of one tool applied to different topics (such as
lift versus drag in the aerodynamics domain). Furthermore, it
leads to losing sight of the distinct project features that may re-
quire higher or lower fidelity in a certain task than on average.
This requires a project- and topic-specific scale of what should be
assessed as low-, medium- or high-fidelity.

5.3 Engineering System Design:

Process Integration
Product development SE concepts are normally based on modelling and
simulation (MBSE). An overview of frameworks that enable the commu-
nication/process between the design task (induced by the stakeholders),
modelling and simulation can be found in [Haveman et al., 2015]. Fur-
ther SE references are [INCOSE, 2015], [NASA, 2007], [DoD, 2008] or
[Martin, 1996]. Four main SE approaches are identified by [Herzog,

I. top-down analysis approach

II. life cycle orientation

III. requirement analysis and understanding

IV. emphasis on the interdisciplinary approach

All have in common (during the conceptual SE stage) the fact that
information gap problem between the low formality, multidisciplinary,
sparse data on the one hand and the need for a strict semantic and
complete knowledge of system architecture and implementation on the

Model-Based System Design

• unification of model and other parallel R&D activities

• integration into system design process

• cyber-physical models

Figure 5.12 The simulation model implementation problem: system

architecture (macroscopic) versus dependent microscopic component sizing

Whatever approach is used during the design process is used, the top-
down/bottom-up relationship problem is inevitable and has to be solved
(see Figure 5.12).
During method and process development, it is important to match the
surrounding and prerequisites, not only regarding technical issues but
also social aspects and organisation culture. [Martin, 1994] developed
the PMTE paradigm pyramid, which sets processes at the top of the
methods, tools, and environment, but highlights the fact that all four
parts relate to each other with bidirectional influences. Figure 5.13
shows an adapted PMTE pyramid that emphasises the importance of
the environment and tools on the methods, at the same time as the
process should effectuate the method.

5.3.1 Model Semantics and Ontology for System Engineering

The system knowledge (as analysed in Section 5.3.2 on page 64) has to
be structured and saved in a concise, unambiguous manner to make it
available for automated processes. The implicit knowledge in particular
has to be provided by defining the context of the knowledge and the

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 5.13 The adapted PMTE Paradigm Pyramid with the pro-
cess (definition) at the top and tools and environment(s) at the bottom
(adapted from [Martin, 1994])

5.3.1.a The Semantic Web Approach

One approach for adding semantics to any (sort of) data (e.g. a model)
and thereby making it machine-processable is the Semantic Web ap-
proach, invented by [Berners-Lee, 2000]. As shown in Figure 5.14, it is
based on the XML language. The descriptive base is the Resource De-
scription Framework (RDF) describing the resources by Subject-Object-
Literal triples [Daconta et al., 2003]. These triples can be represented as
a directed graph (see also Usecase3 on page 115) or interpreted as a nor-
mal subject-predicate-object sentence in the English language. Resource
Description Frameworks (RDF) can be grouped as containers or as reifi-
cation, which is one of the differences between an RDF (a graph) and
an XML (a tree) model [Berners-Lee, 1998]. On top of the RDF/RDF
schema, the ontology of the (RDF) vocabulary is defined (e.g. by Ontol-
ogy Web Language (OWL)).

5.3.1.b XML as a Universal Exchange Format: On the Way Towards

a Universal Model?
Already in 2003 B. Johansson et al. showed the use of web service stan-
dards. Based on an XML-based data repository, that allows for inte-
gration of distributed models for system simulation and optimization
via standardised interfaces through a sequencer [B. Johansson et al.,
2003]. Later, [Larsson, 2006] presented a strategy to derive application-

Model-Based System Design

Figure 5.14 The Semantic Web layers, based on XML (adapted from
[Berners-Lee, 2000])

dependent equation-based models (in any language) from that on an

XML basis, Hopsan as well as Modelica. Other approaches, like [Braun,
2015], make use of simulation language inherent pros and cons and unify
the interface between the languages by means of standardised interface
definition that includes executable simulation files, called FMI [Modelica
Association, 2016]5 . Both cases rely on XML as the semantic foundation
for knowledge/data exchange. [Pop et al., 2003] show a ModelicaXML
notation, based on the ideas and concept of the semantic web, introduced
in Section 5.3.1.a on the facing page that would allow for an application-
independent export of the model and offer additional debugging possibil-
ities through (OWL) validation processes. Various standardised XML-
based nomenclatures make use of the fixed semantic of tags in the XML
format and the sound integration of validation schemas. Extending the
view to other areas, these are for example eCl@ss (for product classifica-
tion), ISO/IEC 81346 standard series (Building construction, Reference
Designation System [Baslev, 2015]), and TEI (Text Encoding Initiative;
for literature research). Other well-established XML formats include
XML conformal HTML (XHTML) for web pages and Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) for two-dimensional vector graphics. The widely used
FreeMind program is also based on a graph-like XML data structure
(see Usecase1 on page 93).

The container/setup information of an FMI is also in XML format.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

5.3.2 System Knowledge in Knowledge-Based Engineering

According to [Van der Laan, 2008], KBE knowledge can be split into
two parts: factual and heuristic. The first is common sense knowledge,
publicly available and state-of-the-art; the latter is specific knowledge
(of persons, societies or companies) and usually based on experience.
Another approach is to split knowledge into product and process knowl-
edge [Van der Laan, 2008]; both are needed in a KBE process. In a
classic approach, according to [Stein, 1995], knowledge-based systems
may be build up by the following domains:
knowledge-based system = domain-independent inference engine
+ domain-specific knowledge base
+ problem-specific database
KBE is not limited to classical implementations; it might be coupled
with databases (e.g. MySQL) or realised by graph-based design languages
as shown by [Groß et al., 2012]. There, the types of design rules are
categorised in the following manner:
• axiomatic rules without input/preconditions
• insertion rules with some existing instances
• architectural rules establishing links and relationships between
existing instances
• modification rules that may add but also modify existent in-
• non-visual rules coded rules, lacking a graphical representa-
KBE is particular advantageous within aerospace industry/application
for the following reasons:
• strict and comprehensive rules of certification
• extremely long product life cycle time: problem of saving expert
knowledge and maintaining training status
• huge enterprises, lot of
– heuristic knowledge (not taught at school)
– statistic/feedback from the predecessor product and tight/long-
term customer relationships

Model-Based System Design

The strict certification rules (for civil transportation aircraft under

the terms of JAR/FAR-25) seem to make KBE especially beneficial
because these regulations impose a lot of the design rules (or limi-
tations). Furthermore, they are quite static and project-independent
such that the work can be reused. In contrast, certification rules are
usually vague, technology-independently formulated such that a direct
(technology/instance-specific) rule derivation may not be possible.
Certification rules are often related to reliability issues. Whereas sys-
tem reliability assessments (e.g. realised by an FTA) may be directly
included and automated, the more sophisticated, “indirect” reliability
assessment of derated or alternative system modes is harder or impossi-
ble to integrate. In a conventional design process, system failure modes
and their consequences are investigated by a systematic analysis such
as FMEA. Even though this is a systematic approach, it is often con-
ducted manually, e.g. using a spreadsheet. Problematic for automation
are the intuitive “what if” case processes during the investigation as well
as the creativity needed to come up with clever (function) relocation and
load balancing of the flawed system function(s). In modern, tightly in-
tegrated systems (such as the more or all-electric aircraft), it is both a
blessing and a curse action due to

• the sheer infinite modes of failures6

• the sheer infinitely enlarged control and alternative paths in the

system design

One benefit of integrated system design is the ability to effectuate sys-

tem reliability through a global approach. Taking into account several
systems – both on the system level of interest as well as upwards/down-
wards in the system hierarchy – enables the use of alternative compo-
nents or systems for a certain (failed) function. Instead of the concept of
(two parallel) redundant systems each capable of taking over the whole
load of the failed system (possibly on a derated level)7 , this approach
As an example of number of (unimaginable) failure combinations on a modern
aircraft design see A-380 Quantas flight 32 [ATSB, 2013] where a single failure (un-
contained engine failure) resulted in 53 primary error messages that took approx. 50
minutes for an experienced crew to work through.
However, mainly due to enhanced component reliability, the number of redundant
systems seems to shrink in modern design, as seen from the number of engines on
civil aircraft (down to two even for Extended Operation (ETOPS)) or the number of
ECS packs (with only the Boeing B-747 and Douglas DC-10 with three packs).

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

avoids over-dimensioning of a system due to reliability requirements.

The main problem with the derated, relocated, or load balanced sys-
tem performance investigation is its behavioural dependency, which is
not described by the functional and structural models (in the KBE ap-
proach). Thus software and control regimes/logic have to be part of the
KBE approach if reliability and system safety issues should be included.
Systems with a high saving potential are the Electric Power Distribution
System (EPDS) and the ECS/heat management system; both are char-
acterised by a high DAL category, large power spikes in the operation
cycle and a high degree of system integration (tight integration with
many couplings and inter-system dependencies)

5.3.3 Visual Model Representations

As shown earlier in Section 5.2, models may lack a correct and compre-
hensive graphical representation. Not until a graphical representation
is present does a model become power and useful; tools (and frame-
works) get intelligible, and thereby understandable to the user, enabling
an efficient way of cognitive (system) understanding (transfer of knowl-
edge) and situation awareness (overview) [Jändel et al., 2016]. This
overview can in return lead to new inputs or adjustments to the under-
lying (meta)model by the user. Closing the loop between computational
data processing and human decision-taking, graphical representations
are an important factor within modelling and simulation (as illustrated
in Figure 5.15), or, as stated by [Mavris, Pinon, et al., 2010], model
visualisation8 “. . . reduces the user’s cognitive burden by combining and
leveraging both human and electronic data processing strengths and ca-
pabilities”. One example of a close human-machine domain link is the
use of Digital Mock-Ups (DMU) in an integrated product development
(IDP) process [Holmberg, 2000].

5.3.3.a Human Cognitive Aesthetic

One strength of human cognitive capability is the decision-making with
incomplete data; however, cognitive capabilities are more limited than
normally anticipated (known as Miller’s law) [Miller, 1956]. Based on
[Mavris, Pinon, et al., 2010] use the more general word information (visualisation)
instead of the here more precisely used term model. However, with the scope of
representing architectural (meta)models, the word information may be replaced with

Model-Based System Design

Figure 5.15 Human and electronic data processing comparison with

information modelling as a link in-between (adapted from [Mavris, Pinon,
et al., 2010])

short term decision making, Miller showed that humans tend to lose
their decision accuracy when the problem (number of solutions) becomes
bigger than 2-3 bytes (seven solutions on average). If applicable, the
hierarchical model structure (flat vs. deep) should therefore be adapted
to serve both human cognitive and aesthetical needs. The latter is tool
dependent and depends on the graphic rendering.

5.3.3.b Graphic Tool Implementation

Graphical system (simulation) representation problems cannot be re-

duced to the model hierarchy only but also relate to human cognitive
capability and drawing aesthetics. While there are no strict criteria for
aesthetics, certain rules should be followed to attain a well-arranged rep-
resentation; avoid edge-crossing, use symmetries, highlight parallelism,
orient edges on vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines and arrange them
evenly in space are some of these [Y. Hu, 2006]. User interaction from
data may be done through data visualisation, data analysis (hypothesis
generation) or the data analysis visualisation (see Figure 5.16) [Mavris,
Pinon, et al., 2010]. For an (ACD) framework, this means that both
model (data) visualisation for model editing as well as result visualisa-
tion (through data analysis of the results from different sources) should
be integrated. In the case of a Hopsan simulation model, the graphi-
cal limitation is primary due to the number of connections (thus edges
in the graph notation) and secondary due to the number of compo-
nents. For good readability, crossing and stacked connections should
be avoided. Clustering connections into buses should be considered to
enhance graphical representation of complex systems to prevent con-
fusing overloaded layouts. It might also be helpful to add user-defined

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 5.16 The visual analytic and enabled reasoning process

(adapted from [Mavris, Pinon, et al., 2010])

directional indications to highlight the causal relationship.

System Modelling

In this chapter, approaches for modelling the (system) models are pre-
sented, based on the system and model theories presented in Chapter 4
“Cascaded Systems Design” and Chapter 5 “Model-Based System De-
sign”. Alongside the model theories, processes, and notations, imple-
mentation examples -– where necessary and applicable – are given.

6.1 KBE Model Translation Methodology

Based on the theory presented in Section 5.3.2, the implementation of
the KBE process is the computer application that makes use of the
stored knowledge for solving problems in a specific domain ([La Rocca,
2011] [Edward et al., 1993]). The main topics of KBE are the knowledge
base and the reasoning engine [Edward et al., 1993], see Figure 6.1. The

Figure 6.1 KBE/expert system tools and the interaction of the in-
volved active stakeholders (adapted from [Edward et al., 1993])

reasoning engine, also called a design compiler (see Figure 6.2), can

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

be of forward/backward chaining interference techniques (IF − T HEN

rules) up to case/frame-based reasoning implementation [Edward et al.,
1993]. The latter builds on the idea of storing relevant knowledge of
an object in a single data structure denoted as a frame. Synonymous
in programming is the OOP approach, where objects are addressed by
classes that contain both data (properties) and routines (functions) for
data calculation, handling and editing. A frame-based system can thus
be seen as the application of OOP paradigms in the field of expert
systems [La Rocca, 2011].
Within the transition (instantiation) step from pure project data to a
simulation model, the combination of two processes is essential:

• transforming the project data by means of an interpreter into the

simulation system with its components and parameters

• adding the additional information of the (pre-known) Knowledge

Base (KB) such as the general architecture of a subsystem and the
required components (instances)

Figure 6.2 Schematic of the KBE-based translation process, including

a component (KBC) and one or several system (KBS) related knowledge

Figure 6.2 shows a comprehensive overview of a system and system

component-based KBE approach, adapted for the conceptual aircraft
design phase process. Project domain related data (shown in green)

System Modelling

extends the specific project-related data (shown in red); the domain-

related data might, for example, be a KBE library for JAR/FAR-25
aircraft system knowledge (see Usecase2 on page 100).

6.2 Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM): Meta-

data Modelling
The Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM), also called design structure
matrices (DSM)1 is a widely used matrix to describe, visualise and edit
relationships between and within organisations, processes, and product
modelling. It is based on a square matrix and may be applied to any
abstraction level, leading to four main categories of DSMs ([Eppinger
et al., 2012]):
• component-based
• people/team/organisation-based
• activity-based, and
• parameter-based.
DSM was first mentioned by D. Steward in 1981 with a focus on process
management [Steward, 1981]. Characteristic of a DSM are the identical
elements and element sorting line-wise and column-wise. This distin-
guishes a pure DSM from the related Domain Mapping Matrix (DMM)
(different column- and line-wise elements) and the Multiple Domain Ma-
trix (MDM), a combination of DMM and DSMs [DSMWEB, 2015]. An
overview of the growing number of DSM-related publications can be
found in [Browning, 2016]; tools and basic concepts are explained in
[DSMWEB, 2015]. Alternative names for DSM are interaction matrix,
N-squared or N2 (N2 ) matrix/diagram [NASA, 2007].
In the following, the focus is on static component-based DSMs only
with the purpose of system architecture modelling. Physical system
DSMs thus represent component-based DSMs and are mainly used for
structural design and pattern recognition. A product development ap-
proach utilising all four DSM domains listed above for system decom-
position and integration can be found in [Browning, 2001].
Although Design Structure Matrix (DSM) is the most commonly used DSM de-
nomination, the more specific and non-ambiguous denomination Dependency Struc-
ture Matrix (DSM) is – if appropriate – to be preferred and is used in this work.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

DSM Data Represen- Analysis

Domain Application
Types tation Method
Team-based Multi-team static Organisational Clustering
interface design, interface
characteristics management, team
Component- Multi- static System architecture: Clustering
based component engineering and de-
relationships sign
Activity- Activity in- time- Project scheduling Sequencing,
based put/output based Partitioning
Parameter- Input/output time- Low level activity Sequencing,
based relations of based sequencing. Design Partitioning
computa- of computational
tional tasks process

Table 6.1 The four different DSM data types, their application and
the usually applied analysis methods (figure adapted from [Yassine, 2004])

6.2.1 DSM Nomenclature and Notation

Two different DSM notations exist: The IR/FAD convention with the
forward DSM component relations in the lower triangle and the feed-
backs on the upper triangle and the IC/FBD convention which is the
other way around. This thesis uses the IR/FAD notation (see Fig-
ure 6.3). Mathematically, the representations can easily be exchanged
for a linear algebraic transpose of the matrix. A (non-symmetric) DSM

Figure 6.3 Reading pattern of the IR/FAD input in rows DSM nota-
tion used in this work

is a matrix representation of a (directed) graph [Yu, Goldberg, et al.,

2009], representing the causal dependencies between components. This
fact enables the application of graph theory to the design problem. De-
pending on the analysis topic, DSM or graph representation may be
preferable. Unlike the graph model, the DSM matrix is the graphical
representation of itself in a compact, flexible, scalable and concise for-
mat [Eppinger et al., 2012]. Usual DSM operations are (according to

System Modelling

[Yassine, 2004]):
• partitioning: The process of reordering (manipulation of DSM
rows and columns)
Target: DSM transformation into a lower triangular form2
• clustering: The definition of DSM element subsets that are mu-
tually exclusive or minimally interacting
Target: Minimisation of inter-cluster connections
• tearing: Selection of feedback marks to be removed to enable a
lower triangular matrix
Target: Elimination of feedback elements
• banding: Alternating colour marking bands to show independent
(parallel or concurrent) elements. Feedback marks are usually not
considered in this action.
Target: Visual highlighting of parallel/concurrent elements (no
change in DSM shape)
While the latter is a graphical modification only and tearing is usu-
ally not appropriate for a (physical system) element-based DSM, only
partitioning and clustering are topics discussed in this work.

Figure 6.4 Example DSM matrix representation (left) and different

graph representations of a Hello World physical component DSM (see
Figure 6.11 on page 85). DSM notation is IR/FAD.

6.2.2 Sorting and Hierarchical Clustering of DSM

Although DSM clustering and sequencing (partitioning) pursue differ-
ent objectives, they are associated in that clustering usually involves
In a physical system DSM, it is unlikely that a pure lower triangle exist.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 6.5 DSM attributes required for a distinct DSM setup (authors
own notation)

sequencing of the DSM. In (physical system) DSM, clustering enables

a smart way of partitioning system components into different system
groups (aka clusters) depending on their relationships and properties.
A benchmark to the DSM cluster solution may be based on the cluster
properties, e.g.:

• cluster size(s)

• cluster modularity

• cluster density

• (element) multiplex (only in non-exclusive DSM/clusters)

and/or the remaining structure of the DSM such as:

• number of relationships (in the case of non-boolean DSM; this rep-

resents an abstract relationship density value and not the absolute
number of connections between the elements)

System Modelling

Figure 6.6 DSM cluster attributes required for a distinct cluster setup
(author’s own notation)

• weighted number of connections, taking into consideration the

length of a relation (the distance between the two linked elements)

Common problem within MDO is the precise objective function formula-

tion with a proper weighting of the underlying single objectives. Applied
on a 2-dim matrix with its quadratic growth of the element relationships
with the matrix size, the weighting factor problem has to be taken into
account when using the for example cluster density as a design criterion.
With the easiest setup, represented by a Boolean DSM with exclusive
clusters of unlimited size (thus the 1...n numbers of clusters), the num-
ber of possible combinations is defined by the Stirling number of the 2nd
1 X k−j k
Sn,k = (−1) jn (6.1)
k! i=1 j

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

• k is the number of clusters.

• j is the number of elements of the DSM.

The number of combinations literally explodes with DSM size and a

small matrix with 15 elements results already in a design space of
1.383e+09 combinations. Even worse is the case for non-exclusive (thus
overlapping) clusters, where the number of combinations becomes sheer
However, for the presented use for simulation system sorting, only ex-
clusive, cluster fragmentation-free and possibly global sorting is applied
to address the/all components to different subsystems with a minimum
number of inter-system connections. This method might not be appro-
priate if certain systems have a strong relationship with subsystems, as
is typical for PDSs. [Helmer et al., 2010] address this problem in their
research and call these systems bus systems. These bus systems can be
solved by the application of an overlapping (thus non-exclusive) cluster
setup or duplication of the bus components within the matrix.

6.2.2.a Sequencing/Partitioning
Several approaches for lower-triangle sorting of 2-dim matrices are known,
with Tarjan‘s graph algorithm one of the absolute favourites. This al-
gorithm is for example also used in Modelica for sorting the model
equation system into a Block Lower Triangular (BLT) [Fritzson, 2004].
However, with the unlikelihood of a clear BLT solution for physical sys-
tem (element) DSMs3 , the partitioning has to be a trade-off between the
feedback relation lengths and the number of feedback loops. This weight-
ing action is problem-specific and requires proper algorithm-tuning to
the analysis objectives.

6.2.2.b Clustering
The setup of a clustering algorithm very much depends on the appli-
cation topic. In general, the quality of cluster setup may rely on the
following classic, always existing properties:
• number of clusters
• cluster size(s)
Due to the bidirectional nature of any physical connection, a BLT solution for a
physical system/component DSM is very unlikely.

System Modelling

Figure 6.7 Visualisation of the feedback loop lengths (cells marked in

red) and the desired relocation direction within the sequencing procedure.
The right matrix shows one sorting solution with the inevitable feedback
loop between elements number 1 and 3.

• cluster density

• inter-cluster relationships
A basic measure can be:
Obj = α Ci2 + βI0 (6.2)

• C is the cluster size.
• Io is the number of outer cluster relationships.
• α, β are the cluster size and relation tuning parameters.

Furthermore, other problem-dependent cluster benchmark properties

may be taken into account. Element/cluster importance measures like
lead time of a process (time domain) or any other quantifier such as size
property (e.g. team or code size), domain, multi-domain, price or effort
may be used.
The usual approach for cluster optimisation is to use Generic Algo-
rithms (GA) ([Yu, Goldberg, et al., 2009], [Jung et al., 2013]). By ap-
plying this method, the combined problem of clustering and positioning
can be addressed individually by the dividing of the chromosome into
two parts: a cluster setup part and a positioning part. Now standard
GA transformation mechanisms (such as crossover and mutation) can

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

be applied individually to both sections of the chromosome. [Jung et

al., 2013] show the application of such an algorithm to an asymmetric,
numeric and global cluster configuration. During clustering, different
problems such as path dependency and dimension topology issues have
to be addressed [Jung et al., 2013]. These problems are related to the
dimensional arrangement of the components and the clusters within the
2-dim matrix compared with the N-dim target system, resulting in un-
resolvable inter-cluster relationships, a negative metric of the cluster
quality assessment.

Desirable Cluster Properties Of great importance is a clear formula-

tion of the intended cluster setup. A proposal for cluster configuration
attributes is given in Figure 6.6. A clear formulation is essential because
of the cluster algorithm notation being heavily dependent on this setup.
The (low-level) implementation of the cluster sorting algorithm notation
also relies on the cluster setup (see Table 6.2) and Figure 6.6).

Cluster Setup Notations As indicated in Table 6.2, some notations

are not indistinct or even incompatible with certain cluster setup prop-
erties. It has to be pointed out that exclusive (cluster elements) and
(cluster) fragmentation are two distinctly coupled attributes in the sense
that fragmentation is never a desired feature, caused by an odd com-
bination of positioned DSM and cluster setup. Fragmentation may be
solvable (read: cleared) by DSM sorting only. In cases where fragmen-
tation cannot be resolved by repartitioning of the DSM, the concept of
DSM element duplication may be used, denoted by the DSM attribute
multipleelementoccurence; an additional element instance may re-
solve the fragmentation, but comes at the cost of a larger, varying DSM
size and challenging DSM interpretation. The DSM dimension becomes
dynamic with changes in size for different cluster setups. An algorithm
using this dynamic DSM size concept can be found in [Thebeau, 2001].
Cluster exclusivity of the DSM elements, meaning the non-overlapping
of the entire clusters is the default feature of common clustering algo-
rithms. However, when modelling system architectures, the identifica-
tion and highlighting of linkage components that are part of two or more
The clusterMatrix representation is ambiguous if the number of clusters be-
comes larger than the number of DSM elements. The main advantage of the
clusterMatrix notation is only present if a constant matrix size of N xN elements is
used in a way that direct matrix operations can be performed on the DSM.

System Modelling

(a) Original (b) Clustered (c) Fragmented cluster

and sorted DSM with in the non-exclusive
DSM exclusive clus- cluster (orange coloured
ter (top) and fragmentation element
non-exclusive B in cluster 2)
cluster (bot-

Figure 6.8 Different DSM cluster setup examples

clusters might be of interest, especially in adaption of the so-called bus

components (see [Yu, Yassine, et al., 2007] or [Helmer et al., 2010]).
Another common clustering attribute is the number of clusters that can
either be used as input for constant cluster number algorithms or as a
result output, obtaining the best match for a given design problem.

6.2.2.c Algorithm Limitations

Due to the multi-objective penalty function for the sorting and clus-
tering optimisation, the weighting factors of the single objectives have
to be adjusted for every new problem, depending on the DSM proper-
ties (structure and size), the DSM and cluster attribute setup and the
purpose of the clustering/sorting. Furthermore, multi-level clustering
suffers from the same problems as any multi-stage processes in general
(such as system or product development). Treating it in a similar way
to the traditional V-model process by a decomposition (here: the clus-
tering of the subsequent product/cluster layers) with a final benchmark
being available only after the composition of the whole (cluster)system,
makes it a global iterative process affecting the design process. On larger

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

(a) Different DSM cluster setups. (b) Example of a fragmented

Colour legend, see in (b) (right) cluster setup

Figure 6.9 DSM cluster setups. Fragmented clusters cannot be dis-

played in the DSM matrix with the used cluster markings with coloured
squares (see left side)

matrices, this results in huge time penalties due to the vast number of
possible combinations.

System Modelling

Name Example Advantages Disadvantages

clusterMatrix clusterMat=
• Most flexible • Manual editing and
(default [1,0,1,0,1,0;
(empty or multiple readability
nomencla- 0,1,0,1,0,1;
elements) • (memory) Size
ture) 0,0,0,0,0,0;
0,0,0,0,0,0; • (usually) Constant • Remark: Necessary
0,0,0,0,0,0] size (NxN, even if to state whether
less than N clusters) linked with the
• Enables direct ma- original or a reposi-
trix operations with tioned DSM
the DSM

clusterCell clusterCell=
• User friendly setup • Computational
• Component sorting speed
and cluster sorting
already included
• Good for indexing
(e.g. in combination
with labels)

clusterVector clusterVector= Often used/needed

• Limited to exclusive
[1,2,1,2,1,2] within GA clustering
clusterSetup only
• Erroneous if non-
global clusterSetup
(global = false)

clusterDi- N/A Often used within

• Coupled with DSM
viding-points ClusterDiv= GA-based clustering
• Limited to exclusive
clusterSetup only
• ClusterSetup frag-
mented not possible
• Order of clusters
coupled with DSM

Table 6.2 Different DSM cluster setup notations used within algorithm
implementation. All setups apart the clusterCell are related to a certain
sorted DSM.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

6.3 Multi-Domain Dependency Structure Matrices

Modelling a physical (component-based) system limits the inter-element
relationships to one kind of relationship only which is a drastic sim-
plification and fails to include a great deal of system information such

• technology and relationship domains

• energy and material flow

• physical component placement

• the importance of the individual elements regarding product per-


• component properties (such as mass and volume)

• resource consumption (energy, material, cost, and time)

• heat radiation and other emissions

This single-domain DSM drawback can be mitigated by adding more

domains to the DSM, extending the usual square 2-dim (N xN ) matrix
into a composite 3-dim (N xN xD) matrix with D different domain re-
lationships matrices. Another issue is the lack of a natural diagram-
matic (2-dim ) representation of a multi-domain 3-dim structure so that
a graphical solution of the Multi-Domain Dependency Structure Matrix
(MDDSM) has to be found. A possible decomposition of a 3-dim space
into a 2-dim space can be achieved by cascading the data and presenting
the third dimension within the others so that the D dimensions are rep-
resented within the N xN cells of the first and second dimension. For
product architecture (composite DSM) modelling [Eppinger et al., 2012]
and [Helmer et al., 2010] propose a setup of the 2-dim MDDSM repre-
sentation where the energy, structure, signal, and material relationships
modelled. This results in a four-domain MDDSM (N xN x4). A qual-
itative relationship assessment may be performed by either an integer
[Eppinger et al., 2012] or a floating point rating in the range [−2, +2]
[Helmer et al., 2010]. The spatial value calculation in the Helmer et
al. notation (see Figure 6.10, right) is a reduction of the four-domain
values down to the most significant value only. Manual adjustments are

System Modelling

required if none of these values is significant or in situations where the

user prefers a solution which deviates from the merging algorithm4 . A
detailed explanation of the rating scheme can be found in [Helmer et al.,
2010]. With the help of this scheme, the MDDSM is reduced to a normal
DSM and the standard analysis methods (explained in Section 6.2.2) can
therefore be applied.

Figure 6.10 The composite DSM/MDDSM notation with energy, spa-

tial, signal and material relationships in the four cell sectors (left) [Ep-
pinger et al., 2012] and the enhanced concept with the spatial value deriva-
tion of the four properties used for perspective reduction.

6.4 Graph Theory and Representation

The element/cluster relationship perspective reduction by Helmer et al.
(as explained above) is obviously a process where information is lost.
This domain reduction down to a single, abstract domain is especially
adverse for human system analysis, interpretation and graphical repre-
sentation. For these purposes, it is preferable to change to graph repre-
sentation which is – as already stated at the beginning of Section 6.2.1 –
just another interpretation of the matrix data, substituting5 the

• elements (or merged clusters) into vertices (V), and

• relationships into edges (E).

The DSM size N is equal to the number of vertices n, denoted as the

order of the graph, and the number of edges m defines the size of the
Due to more profound information/knowledge and individual expertise rather
than the explicit MDDSM data available.
Actually, the substitution in this case is done merely for notation convention

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

graph. Furthermore, the density of a graph G can also be explained by:

δ (G) = ! (6.3)

• m is the number of edges.
• n is the number of vertices.

DSM Graph Graph: Number of

elements vertices/nodes V order of the graph
relations (inner/outer if edges E size of the graph
clusters defined)

Table 6.3 DSM vs. graph notation

In cluster theory, a common problem is the analysis of huge (commu-

nication) data with the targets like

• clustering graphs (into communities) or the splitting-up of net-

works: identifying the cut positions (weakest relation, network

• seeking the shortest distance between vertices (component rela-


• analysing graph/cluster statistics (degree, modularity, density and


A comprehensive overview of graph clustering theory and application

can be found in [Schaeffer, 2007], and an application example is given in
Usecase3, Section 7.3.2. In common network analysis tools, additional
attributes may be defined besides the pure vertex-edge definitions.
Related to MDDSM in Section 6.3, physical system properties may
be determined as edge attributes (e.g. material, energy, structural and
signal) or as vertice attributes (such as the propulsive energy domain
for power elements, the component domain, the functional information
and so forth). In the graphical representation, these characteristics may
be depicted by

• size, shape, colour, and labels of the vertices

System Modelling

• colour, width, line style, and labels of the edges

in a user-selectable fashion. An example of such a graph representation
is given in Figure 6.12, based on the Hello World system pictured in
Figure 6.11 as an example of of a physical multi-domain system consist-
ing of four blocks.

Figure 6.11 Physical circuit diagram interpretation of the system

“Hello World” example, based on ISO 1219 with the four A-D blocks indi-
cated. Solid connection lines represent hydraulic pipes while dashed lines
are used for electric connections.6

Figure 6.12 Graph representation of the system Hello World example

with colour notation of the vertices by the drive (power input) domain and
edge colour notation by the type of connection.

Through the application of network analysis tools, advanced sorting

algorithms (e.g. [Y. Hu, 2006] or [Fruchterman et al., 1991]) can be used
directly and adapted to the requirements of the design task. These
tools may also include a graph_ical(!) user interface for direct user
interaction (e.g. interaction of component placement during sorting), as
well as extended statistical graph and cluster analysis capabilities.

6.5 Channel Agency Networks for System

Channel-Agency Net (C-A net) was invented in the 90s and for the first
time introduced by [Reisig, 1992]. It is a modelling technique loosely
Although this is the physical representation of a Hopsan simulation model, it is
not an executable simulation due to the inclusion of some modelling errors but merely
used for visualisation purposes.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

based on the Petri net concept. Unlike Petri nets, it does not represent
transition actions but works in the manner of (functional) components.
Like Petri nets, a C-A net uses two distinct graphical elements, namely
agencies and channels with edges in-between. Channel to channel and
agency to agency connections are prohibited7 . The agencies may model
any functional activity which in the case of physical system modelling
equals the elements or components of the system. The channels depict
abstract resources of any kind. The causal edges between the chan-
nel/agency components indicate the technical8 direction of the resource
interaction defined within the related channel. The C-A net edges may
indicate the matter category by means of a graphical notation of an
arrowhead shape, induced as a more intuitive tool in graphical represen-
tation (see Figure 6.13).

Figure 6.13 C-A net element representation (by courtesy of [Porciún-

cula et al., 2016])

6.5.1 Modelling with C-A Nets

Both, [Belan et al., 2010] and earlier [De Negri, 1996] point out that
a C-A net approach was mainly invented for the conceptual (product
development) phase, starting out with a coarse and abstract definition.
The(ir) long-term vision, however, was for this method to have the flex-
ibility to gradually be refined alongside the development progress. For
this reason, a distinct but interchangeable nomenclature is a necessity
to back up this modelling approach. Possible model refinements include:

• substitution of the channel (C) respectively the agency (A) com-

ponents with C − A − C or A − C − A subsystems
Observe the similarity to the Hopsan TLM setup!
The physical nomenclature of electric current flow direction, technical and phys-
ical, is used in the edge notation of channel resources.

System Modelling

• refinement of the channel

• refinement of the agency

Up to now, no distinct C-A net and tool exist. De Negri makes use of
standard drawing tools to create C-A net representations which are then
transformed manually into a matrix representation. A representation of
this agency-matrix sorted matrix is given in Figure 6.14. The conver-

Figure 6.14 The C-A net input (right) and output(left) matrix rela-
tionships in the pre/post notation by [Porciúncula et al., 2016] and the
complete DSM, sorted by agencies and channels.

sion of the (agency-channel sorted) C-A net DSM to the Pre and Post
matrices can be done by:
postM = sortedDSM (NA+1:end , 1 :NA)
preM = sortedDSM ( 1 :NA, NA+1:end ) ’

where, NA (or NA) is the number of agencies

6.5.1.a C-A Net Channel Definition

According to [De Negri, 1998], three channel resource types may be

(a) information

(b) energy

(c) matter

(d) matter & energy combined.

Energy is used as an abstract instance with the meaning of its useful

form for the system application ("useful energy") and not energy in a

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

physical sense. It is left open for discussion whether (d) represents a

category of its own or is a combination of (a) and (b).
Applied on an example of a hydro-electric power plant (given by [De
Negri and Belan, 2013]), the drive medium of the turbine represents the
useful input energy for the system scope. The input resource "pressurised
water", consisting of a matter flow (a) and useful energy (b) can thus
be modelled by the matter & energy category (d) (see Figure 6.15).
The output of the turbine is the depressurised water, so only matter
(c) without useful energy even though the water still contains potential,
kinetic, and thermal energy. From the water turbines’ point of view,
however, the term "useful energy" is only applicable to the pressurised
input water while the outlet water no longer has any energetic value for
the system it has passed. A refined power plant model with a focus on
the water inlet and outlet design will however identify and require useful
energy (in the form of kinetic or potential energy) for discharging the
water. This creates a conflict between the channel elements connecting
the turbine outlet (agency) and the discharge channel (agency). The
turbine agency therefore has to be updated in the refined model as well.
Care has to be taken regarding:

• the combination of matter and useful energy, and

• the definition of matter-less useful energy. In the currently used

notation, these are electric energy9 , mechanical (shaft) energy, and
radiation heat energy.

6.5.1.b C-A Net Agency Definition

The agencies serve a functional purpose. An agency definition may in-
clude type checks and functional relationship information of the input
and output channels. In physical power systems most components serve
power conversions or adaptions (see Section4.3). These relationships are
described by the (logic) transition of the input to the output resources
(see Figure 6.14). Consequently, the model architecture can be analysed
regarding consistency with the help of the relationships. The incoming
and outgoing channels resources on the system level can also be identi-
fied; these resources are the systems’ interactions with the environment
(see Figure 6.16).
With a causal, user-defined functional flow direction, even in case of an alternating
current system.

System Modelling

Figure 6.15 Graphical visualisation of the channel properties in a

hydro-electric power plant model with the transitions in the agencies de-
scribed by behavioural descriptions (adapted from [De Negri and Belan,

6.5.2 Extending the C-A Net model

[Porciúncula et al., 2016] combines the structural C-A net model analy-
sis with a behavioural Grafcet description of the model, resulting in
reduced C-A net models for every operating mode of the system. By
applying FTAs on these reduced C-A net models, the reliability of the
overall system can be assessed [Porciúncula, 2009]. With this approach,
the structural (and partially the functional) system information is used
together with the behavioural information to conduct a reliability analy-
sis. The observant reader may already have noticed the analogousness of
the C-A net, MDDSM, and the graph model; indeed, the main difference
is the absence of explicit channel components in the MDDSM and the
lack of spatial information in the C-A net definition. The former is a
trivial problem. Any channel – apart from the input/output resources –
can therefore be modelled as a single or multiple relation between two
agencies. For input/output resource representation, the author suggests
rendering the system boundaries in the appropriate agency line to the
left (inputs) or right (outputs) of the C-A net MDDSM (see Figure 6.16).

The bipartite properties of both the C-A net and the Hopsan model
offer an ideal symbiosis. With only minor adjustments, C-A net can be
modelled with the help of Hopsan. The needed modifications are:

• two components, one for channel and one for agency definition with
a large number of possible string input parameters, are defined

• the type of resources have to be defined by global string parameters

with identical name and value content (e.g. “e_usefullEnergy”)

The Hopsan C-A net net model can now easily be translated from the

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 6.16 An extended MDDSM to represent a C-A net. Instead of

the spatial value in the cell’s centre, the channel’s name is displayed. Note
that all “location” elements (2nd cell sectors) are empty due to the lack of
geometric structure information in a conventional C-A net.

C-A net notation into an MDDSM or a graph set with the help of an
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) (see Usecase2
on page 115).

Extended C-A net description Based on the C-A net criteria and criti-
cism mentioned earlier, an Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema
Definition (XSD) definition has been initiated that fulfils all the needs
and allows for a multi-disciplinary tool implementation (and thus au-
tomation). Ensuring compatibility with the MDDSM, locational infor-
mation has been added to the C-A net. This information was lacking in
the C-A net notation before but is valuable for the geometrical compo-
nent arrangement calculation10 .

Component Placement: Any distance between two related components will nega-
tively affect the system’s performance (regarding weight, volume, efficiency, and com-
plexity). The penalties diverge vastly and range from low impacts for signal lines over
medium impacts for energy conducting lines, with or without material flow, towards
the highest impacts in the form of mechanical force and energy links like linkages,
pushrods or rotating axles. Additionally, effects such as resonance frequency, stiff-
ness, and allowance for clearance may furthermore limit the placement of components
containing mechanical force or energy links.

Example Model

Based on the theoretical parts presented in Chapters 4–6, application

examples are given below.

The presented theoretical parts had been applied to different test cases.
In order to verify the theoretic approach presented in the Chapters 2–6
its practical value was tested by facing it with a variants of possible
scenarios. Important test requirements were the following:

1. Validation: to check whether the proposed theories and processes

can be adapted and implemented

2. Verification: to ensure that the proposed theory/process fulfils

the desired objective and also improve the current state-of-the-art

3. Deficiency Detection: to highlight and eliminate new prob-

lems that arise due to the application and implementation or the
suggested theory/process

The accompanying (use cases) implementation work was a key ele-

ment in pointing out any theory shortcomings as well as impracticable
concepts and implementations such as unnecessary complexity and lack
of transparency for the user. Furthermore, new ideas arose and it helped
to identify additional problems in areas which had not been sufficiently
observed before, for example the importance and complexity of DSM
sorting and clustering. The use case implementation work can therefore

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

be seen as an application born out of necessity for the optimal/ideal

process development and turned out to be a very important part of the
chosen research approach (see Section 1.3.3).

Application Overview The following application use cases are pre-


Usecase1: Conceptual Aircraft Design Framework Development

Usecase2: Knowledge Based Simulation Model Integration within Con-

ceptual Aircraft Design

Usecase3: Graph-Based System Driven Design Modelling

Example Model Implementations

7.1 Usecase1: Conceptual Aircraft Design

Based on the ideas presented in Chapter 2 “Design Influence on Air-
craft Performance”, a conceptual aircraft design tool framework called
CADLab [III] around a central XML database were developed around a
XML database.

7.1.1 CADlab Framework Overview

Based on the theory investigations in Chapter2, the framework was built
up around a parametric database as illustrated in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1 Overview of the CADLab framework consisting of three main

parts: CAD module, estimation, analysis and assessment module, and a
simulation & system architecture module

All the modules communicate and interact with the central XML
database. One of the goals of developing this framework was to enable

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

parallel functionality that allows the user to select the most suitable tool
for any topic (a tool-dominated working process, see the PMTE pyra-
mid, Figure 5.13). The CATIA R
V5 CAD environment is integrated into
the framework using a geometry-oriented design overlay named RAPID
(see [VII], [III]).
This KBE-based CAD tool includes an aircraft sizing module that
serves as a fast configurator for the initial layout, usually based on a
conceptual sizing. In later stages of design, more detailed tasks like
structure, cockpit design and system placement can be performed within
the same model. An application example of the presented framework can
be found in [V].

7.1.1.a Framework Design

A thorough environment and tool analysis in order to define suitable

work processes and methods for the framework implementation has
been performed with respect to the PMTE pyramid paradigm (see Sec-
tion 5.3). Table 7.1 shows the basic outcomes of this initial framework
Based on the analysis shown in Section 3.1 “Process Characteristics”,
the framework should support two core principles: flexibility – allowance
for usage based on the "right tool for right action" principle – and support
an understandable and transparent implementation.

7.1.1.b Tool Communication and Database Update

Communication between the CATIA R

environment and the central
database is established by VBA scripts, transferring the CAD model
data into a geometry-based XML product tree. XSLT definitions are
used to translate the data between the applications, see Figure 7.2.
Referring to Figure 3.5 on page 26, the RAPID XML schema represents
the geometry-based view whereas the Tango data format accounts for
a mix of both, a geometric- and system-based object decomposition.
Both style sheet definitions (denoted by "Matlab” and “CATIA” in
Figure 7.2) present the fundamental design approach differences in the
CAD and the technical computing/programming language domains.

Example Model Implementations

Prerequisite Motivation
• following a (preliminary) design process highly
related on CAD
integration of
• creation of a useful tool for geometry domain
a full CAD en-
("the right tool for the right action")
• utilising the geometric modelling experience
with CATIA R
/CAD environments
• expertise, practice and education of the staff
• flexibility of an interpreter language (debug-
Matlab R
ging capability); enables fast code adaption to
project-individual needs ("efficiency")
• integration of an existing Matlab R
in-house tool
• existence of licenses
• suitable SE standard (see research/theory parts
of this thesis)
• trend and results from other research institutes:
especially the XML-based CPACS definition by
the DLR (see [Nagel et al., 2012])
• Matlab R
support for Java Document Object
Models (DOMs)
• data exchange capability to 3rd party analysis

Table 7.1 Framework requisites (on the general framework outline)

7.1.2 Tool Implementation

Due to the domain dependency on the product decomposition and the
different implementation approaches between a conventional program-
ming language and CAD (graphical environment editor) based imple-
mentation, the implementation approach between Tango and RAPID dif-
fers substantially from each other.

7.1.2.a Tango Implementation

Tango is implemented using Matlab R
OOP principles, mimicking the
class concept known from C++/Java but with significant differences
compared to these languages1 [The Mathworks, Inc., 2015b]. The XML-
OOP was introduced in Matlab R
Version 2008a based on a new object-oriented
framework, though only in a rudimentary fashion. Since the object-oriented capabil-

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 7.2 The data translation (parsing) action within CADLab be-
tween the two main applications Tango and RAPID

based import/export routines make use of the underlying Java DOM

application classes in Matlab R
. The data is handled object-orientedly
within geometrical or functional classes in such a way that every class
includes its class-related XML parsing functionality. This method allows
for greater flexibility and quick replacement or appending of new classes.
As a consequence, the “Matlab” schema (in Figure 7.2) represents a
one-to-one copy of the class arrangements within Tango. Since Tango
is class-based implemented according to the OOP principles presented
in Section 3.3 and data arrangement is in a user-friendly setup, close to
the central CADLab database layout. Every object class contains its own
data parser. Besides the geometry and system modelling capability,
design analysis is a topic that can be performed in Tango. Analysis
capability is divided into two main levels. The low-level analysis (refer
to Figure 5.10) is mainly based on textbook formulas like [Raymer, 2006],
[Roskam, 1985], [Torenbeek et al., 2009] and [Gudmundsson, 2014]. For
a higher fidelity level, more advanced, physics-based analytical models
like Tornado or system simulations are incorporated. The latter are
described explicitly in the following Usecase2 example on page 100.

7.1.2.b RAPID Implementation

The RAPID tool is a CAD overlay for the CATIA R
V5 software (see the
explanation of this concept in Section 3.3.1 on page 27). The implemen-
tation is based on Power Copy (PC) (comparable with a 1:1 copy of a
geometric instance) and User Defined Feature (UDF). Both are meth-
ods for geometry-related KBE [Munjulury, 2014]. In RAPID, PCs and

ities are being continuously improved and extended with newer version releases.

Example Model Implementations

UDFs are used to define geometric instances which match the CADLab
database description.
A VBA script acts as a RAPID internal interpretor for a geometry XML
dataset derived from the central XML dataset (see Figure 7.2). The
templates are saved either as PCs or UDFs; PC uses VB script and
UDF uses Engineering Knowledge Language (EKL) to instantiate. A
VB script, controlling the PCs, acts as a RAPID-internal interpreter of
the geometry-adjusted XML dataset and is derived from the central
XML dataset (see Figure 7.2). The UDFs are expressed by scripts in
Engineering Knowledge Language (EKL). Unlike PCs, the UDFs allow
for a parameter update even after instantiation, whereas the setup of a
PC is unmodifiably defined during the instantiation (the reproduction
process from a design template).
The VBA script serves as both data interface and top-level KBE au-
tomation routine within RAPID. The intermediate step of adding a
"CATIA"-like XML dataset between the CADLab information model and
the RAPID VBA interface is done to maintain a reasonable complexity
of both, the XSLT file and the VB script. This split-up allows for the
language-dependent advantages and disadvantages of XSLT and VB.

Figure 7.3 Example of different geometrical illustrations of the same

dataset in Tango (top) and RAPID (bottom)

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

7.1.3 The CADLab Database Namespace

The developed CADLab data structure focuses on the good parametric
design principles, these are, according to [Sóbester et al., 2015]: concise-
ness, robustness, and flexibility. Referring to the design decomposition
principles mentioned above, the basic dataset setup is a geometric-based
decomposition close to the one found in the CPACS standard [CPACS
v.2.3, 2016].
The trade-off of the CADLab parametrisation sacrifices flexibility in
favour of robustness – to allow for optimization and iterative tool
changes – and conciseness – to maintain transparency and causal param-
eter behaviour (see Figure 3.3 on page 24). The result is a compromise,
optimized for the use of standard fuselage-wing aircraft configuration.
Lifting surface shapes are rather strictly defined, based on the airfoil
notation by Melin ([Melin et al., 2011], [Melin, 2013]). To enable mod-
elling of other configurations than conventional fuselage-wing designs,
the rigour has been lowered by a more flexible but less concise definition
of the fuselage. This object is primarily intended to model the fuselage,
but can also be used for any non-lifting device modelling.

7.1.4 Usecase Review and Conclusions

Implementation work on the framework revealed the problems and chal-
lenges examined in Chapter 2. The way of conducting the ACD work
is highly influenced by the decision to rely on acausal programming.
One challenge of CAD implementation is the absence of a universal
physical model that includes the proprietary CATIA R
environment; an
open-source CAD such as openCASCADE may be preferable for future
development. Interrelated with the acausal implementation topic (ad-
dressed in Section 3.3.1, on page 27) are the geometry handling and GUI
representation (the latter has been addressed in Section 5.3.3) capabili-
ties: even the most basic geometric bodies require a great deal of effort
and should be avoided. For future framework development, the use of
so-called "poor man" CAD environments should be considered.
Another tool-inherent limitation are the GUI incapabilities of
Matlab R
. A more complex and modular environment would be
favourable. Especially promising and worth looking into seems to be the
Python language; while retaining the advantages of an interpreter lan-
guage, it additionally offers a wide range of open-source GUIs to choose
from. The OOP implementation enables flexible object adjustments.

Example Model Implementations

However, compared with conventional (function-based) programming,

the price that has to be paid in terms of complexity overhead. If not
familiar with this concept, it requires special education and training the
engineers involved.
Huge effort have been invested in the parametrisation of the geometry
domain. The use of spline curves provides great flexibility to ensure
design freedom (size of the design space) of complex shapes such as
those needed for fuselage shape adjustments for wave drag reductions.
However, distinct parameter influence may be sacrificed. As a compro-
mise for the fuselage, nacelle and other non-lifting surface component
models, cubic Beziér curves have been used for the cross-sectional shape
definition while the longitudinal shape is based on spline curves [Munju-
lury, 2014]. Another approach to reduce the number of parameters and
enhancing the distinct model behaviour is to use the Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD) method [Krus, 2016]. This bottom-up modelling
approach identifies useful artificial influence parameters by means of
statistical data or physical simulation model results. It may replace or
extend a sensitivity analysis, supporting the designer to generate sound
surrogate models with a design parameter reduction.
The requirement handling and the addressing of (qualitative) reliabil-
ity measures remains an open topic. Here, more future work is necessary,
first of all to include fidelity-based processes in the data exchange and
subsequently present the fidelity measure in an appropriate manner

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

7.2 Usecase2: KBE-Based Simulation Model

Integration within Conceptual Aircraft Design
This application example is based on but not limited to [IV].

A total aircraft system simulation with the primary flight control (hy-
draulic power) system-based on conceptual aircraft data has been chosen
to demonstrate the implementation (process) of the KBE methodology
shown in Section 6.1. A flexible aircraft system top-level architecture
can be defined as illustrated in Figure 7.15. This architecture is a logical
composition of the physical instances needed to describe a whole aircraft
in a flat hierarchy. The behavioural modules namely the attitude control
autopilot, have been taken directly from [Krus, 2009]. The PFCS has
been chosen since it represents the “perfect” on-board power system for
design automation in many ways. The outstanding characteristics are:
• clear and project-independent (static) functionality of the roll,
pitch and yaw control
• high reliability-focused designs: a (total) system loss/failure will
result in a catastrophic event, thus leading to a highly redundant
system build-up (see DAL category in Section 4.2.2)
• clearly defined system interfaces: On the output side, the actuator
linkage to the control surfaces can be seen as the system inter-
face between the (P)FCS actuation system interacting with the
structural/geometrical/aerodynamic model of the aircraft
• huge design space: Many different configurations can be found on
historical and current aircraft
• part of the aircraft control system and for this reason
– present in any modern aircraft
– required for closed-loop aircraft control (simulation, calcula-
tion, concept)

7.2.1 Aircraft Hydraulic System Topology

Aircraft hydraulic systems differ from stationary or (non-aviation) mo-
bile applications. A comprehensive technical overview of commercial
airliners’ hydraulic systems can be found in [AIR5005A, 2010].

Example Model Implementations

The usual PFCS hydraulic actuator power system topologies can be

categorized into three different system layouts (see Figure 7.4):

• centralised system

• distributed system

• hybrid system

Figure 7.4 Hydraulic system top level architecture layout concepts

The naming refers to the supply power generation concept. In civil air-
craft applications, the centralised layout is usually realized with a trend
towards hybrid systems in the latest aircraft generations (Airbus A380,
Boeing 787) whereas in military applications both centralised and dis-
tributed systems can be found. In the following civil aircraft application
example, only the centralised approach is considered.

7.2.2 Statistical Analysis of Hydraulic Flight Control Systems

Statistical PFCS analysis of current FAR/JAR-25 aircraft (e.g. based
on [AIR5005A, 2010]) reveals design parameter relationships that can
be used for the formulation of the KBE rules; primarily for component
sizing and secondarily for system architecture setup. Even on a basic
level, the system strategies differ considerably among the enterprises (see
Figure 7.5).
A typical system architecture of a JAR/FAR-25 certified aircraft is
shown in Figure 7.7 using the Airbus A320 family as an example. These

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Airbus A380-800

10 3

Airbus A330-300 Airbus A340-500

Airbus A310-200
installed pump flow [l/min]

Boeing 747-400

Airbus A318 Boeing 767-400ER

Boeing 777-300
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 737-800

Bombardier Q400
Fokker 100
Boeing 737-300
Bombardier CRJ900

10 2
Embraer 190

SAAB 2000
10 2 10 3
MTOW [t]

(a) main pump flow capacity

Boeing 747-400
Boeing 777-300
installed res./backup pump flow [l/min]

Boeing 767-400ER
Airbus A340-500

Airbus A330-300
Airbus A310-200
Airbus A380-800
Boeing 757-200
10 2
Airbus A318

Boeing 737-300 Boeing 737-800

Embraer 190

Bombardier CRJ900

SAAB 2000
Bombardier Q400

Fokker 100
10 2 10 3
MTOW [t]

(b) installed back-up flow capacity

Figure 7.5 Civil aircraft hydraulic system statistics: Installed pump

capacity in relation to aircraft weight. Observe the different values and
trends between Airbus and Boeing aircraft. Data on the Airbus is A-380
excluded in the trendline in (b) due to system layout difference (electro-
hydraulic standby system) (data based on [AIR5005A, 2010]).

types of systems usually consist of three independent hydraulic systems,

here called yellow, green and blue. As a result of the analysed system
designs (data from [AIR5005A, 2010]), only the Fokker 100 and the Boe-
ing 747 deviate significantly from the "three hydraulic subsystems" solu-
tion with a two-subsystem design in the Fokker and a four(!)-hydraulic
subsystem design in the Boeing 7472 . This analysis shows that there

The Boeing B-747 hydraulic design reliability analysis becomes especially inter-
esting in light of the accident investigations of the last 45 years of operation: At least

Example Model Implementations

Figure 7.6 Unconventional example of the hydraulic actuation system

on the aileron of an F-104 Starfighter with ten(!) actuators for one control
surface (5 each for system A and B). The actuator casing in this example is
also part of the (ultra-thin) wing structure. (photo of the German 22+58
F-104 G by courtesy of Robert Dietz,

are certain common architectural design strategies in the build-up of

a PFCS system of JAR/FAR-25 aircraft. These features make KBE
rule-based design practical and trustworthy.

7.2.3 KBE Hydraulic System Implementation

Each hydraulic system can be characterised as a closed loop containing
the functional parts in form of supply system, accumulator, actuators
and power transfer system (see Figure 7.8). To enable a KBE imple-
mentation according to the process explained in Section 6.1 (especially
in Figure 6.2 on page 70) four categories of the Knowledge Base System
(KBS) blocks have been defined:

I Fixed ports, static system

This represents a static system layout with fixed defined system
ports. This type can be handled as a (complex) single compo-
nent (Knowledge Base Component (KBC)). These system types
require only parameter adaption during instantiation, e.g. a sim-
ple propulsion system model where only the engine deck data is

II Fixed ports, repetitive system

A fixed system component composition with an adaptable number
of occurrences. An example is the mission system defined by a

one accident (AWA flight 845, [Roskam, 2007], [NTSB, 1972]) can be found, where
three out of its four hydraulic systems became inoperable and the fourth system
enabled a safe landing, saving the live of 199 passengers.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 7.7 Airbus A-320 Hydraulic system layout (adapted from

[AIR5005A, 2010])

state machine (with static number and functionality of input/out-

put ports) which works with a flexible number of repetitive ele-
ments of the same shape but with individual parameter settings.

III Fixed port, flexible system

System with flexible internal component composition but with
a fixed defined number (and functionality) of the input/output
ports. An example is the PFCS controller with its roll, pitch and
yaw commands (fixed ports!) but with significant changes in the
controller layout between different projects (e.g. stable versus un-
stable configuration).

Example Model Implementations

Figure 7.8 System architecture description of one centralised hydraulic

system branch (based on XSD)

IV Flexible ports, flexible system

A system with flexible system component composition as well as a
varying number and functionality of the input/output ports. An
example is the hydraulic actuator system.

These Knowledge Base System (KBS) category definitions limit the

possible actions within the system-building process and thereby enable
an easier implementation of the design compiler.
Although automated simulation model generation is the primary ob-
jective, it may not be applicable for every complex system (especially
KBS category III or IV). In this case, the KBS translation may require
user interaction, integrating the engineer (with specific expertise) into
the system architecture generating process [Haskins et al., 2007]. This
interaction can be defined as a configurator process; within the config-
urator, different design rules may be implemented to support the user
during the designing process to prevent impossible combinations [An-
dersson, 2012].

7.2.4 Cascaded Systems Simulation Metamodel

Usual 0-dim or 1-dim physics simulation tools (such as Modelica, Amesim,
Hopsan; see Section 5.2.2.a) depend on two data sources:

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

• project-related sources in the form of

– system architecture/relationships
– component parameter value setup (often referred to as tuning
or sizing parameter)

• domain-related (tool-dependent) component libraries.

Advanced users may also develop their own library components and
subsystems which in turn can also be seen and handled as components.
The easiest OOP definition of a cascaded system which may contain
unlimited numbers of its class may look like the following XSD example:
<? xml version ="1.0" encoding =" UTF-8 " ? >
< xs:schema xmlns:xs = " http: // www . w3 . org /2001/ XMLSchema " >
< xs:element name = " system " >
< xs:complexType >
< xs:all >
< xs:element ref = " system " maxOccurs = " unbounded " / >
< xs:element name = " component " maxOccurs = " unbounded " / >
< xs:element name = " relation " maxOccurs = " unbounded " / >
</ xs:all >
< xs:attribute name = " name " type = " xs:NCName " / >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
</ xs:schema >

Figure 7.9 on the current page shows the graphical representation of this
XML schema (XSD).

Figure 7.9 The cascaded system model: graphical representation of

the easiest possible system schema definition

Example Model Implementations

7.2.5 Implementation of the Hopsan Metamodel

In a Hopsan simulation model, project information is distributed to the
following files:

• The Hopsan model file (ending .hmf): The project-related archi-

tecture, component tuning and graphical representation

• The library files, including the component files for every compo-

– Component header file (.hpp)

– Component code file (.cpp)
– Component port setup and graphical properties file (.xml)
– Component graphic (usually a .svg vector graphic file3 )

Depending on the solver strategy, the components may additionally con-

tain parts of the solver routine. Unlike a central solver approach (like
e.g. in Modelica), where no (direct) solver part is located in the compo-
nent code, this is the case in some distributed solvers like Hopsan with
its TLM concept. Here, the TLM solver has to be built-n in every C
or Q component but not in signal (S)components (for details see [Axin
et al., 2010]).
The simulation metamodel includes all the information in the simula-
tion model file but lacks the behavioural information about the compo-
nents. In short, it is a reduction of the dynamic simulation model into
a static black-box model. In theory, the behavioural component data
may also be included in the metamodel but the complexity of this task
does not allow it to be part of the thesis4 . Because of the usual simula-
tion tool-dependent component modelling, this work has to be done for
every simulation tool/language. Depending on whether the traceability
between the metamodel and the model source data is ensured (and im-
plemented!), referring to Section 5.2, the simulation metamodel serves

• as an architectural model for the different analysis models

A scalable vector graphic (SVG) is also based on XML.
This concept would lead to a universal meta-simulation notation. Related work
for model translations, e.g. between Modelica and Hopsan, can be found in [Braun,
2015] or [Sjölund, 2015].

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

• as an analytical model from which different (domain) representa-

tions can be derived (see Figure 7.10)

Figure 7.10 Overview of the class arrangement of the Hopsan meta-

model in Matlab R
, called xxhopsansystem. The figure is taken from the
automatic code documentation by Doxygen

The simulation metamodel has been implemented in Matlab R

on the principles of OOP. A setup of the different classes can be found
in Figure 7.10. This package can be seen as an assembly of parts of the
Hopsan core, the GUI and the component libraries. Unlike in Hopsan, no
interactive modelling GUI is included. Instead, high-level commands are
available that enable a command line like build-up, modification, and
analysis of a Hopsan-like network of components. The same commands
are used by the design compiler in an automated design process.
Even though a parser for the logical operations within every (library)
component is available, the Hopsan core solver functionality does not5 –
represent a real metamodel of the simulation model.

7.2.6 KBE Process on the Metamodel

The KBE process is implemented on top of the Hopsan metamodel ex-
plained above. In this implementation example, the design rules are
A rudimentary parser of the C++ to Matlab R
code has been developed but never
used for calculation. The Hopsan core could be implemented to solve the equations
but the author did not consider this to be reasonable. Performance would have been
much worse due to the huge execution speed differences between C++ and a Matlab R

OOP implementation. A call of the Hopsan core via the Hopsan client interface (CLI)
is the faster and straightforward option.

Example Model Implementations

spread over the design compiler, the KBSs, and the KBEs. XSD files
partly model the architecture of the KBSs. This offers the potential to
use the file during the whole process: for the system architecture (rules)
development, the documentation and the instruction source for the de-
sign compiler. All other information, the component sizing inside the
KBC/KBS, and the design compiler, are implemented in Matlab R
. A
problem with the design compiler and KBS implementation is the han-
dling of the III and IV order category (for a definition see Section 7.2.3
on page 103). Another issue is the interdependency or gap – depend-
ing on viewpoint – between the top-down (here: KBS definitions) and
the bottom-up (KBEs including parameter tuning) relationship (see Fig-
ure 5.12 on page 61).

7.2.6.a Hydraulic Actuator Model Definition

The definition (of the PFCS-related parts) of one of the centralised hy-
draulic systems (illustrated for the Airbus A-320 family in Section 7.2)
can be described by a tree architecture as shown in Figure 7.8. Each ele-
ment beginning with the prefix KBS refers to a system layout defined by
the designer. The KBC prefix denotes elements that are directly linked
to simulation components and thus represent the smallest possible unit
that cannot contain any subsequent KBS/KBC definitions.
Defining the global system layout as centralised only allows the
actuator to be of the hydraulic input type. Thereafter, the actuator
type selection can be refined by the kind of application. A table of
typical actuator type applications within the FCS is presented in [Wang
et al., 2015]. Figure 7.11 shows a hydraulic actuator configuration tree
which can be simplified for the present PFCS case to:

• linear type only

• civil application: usually single or double type; military applica-

tion: usually tandem type

This system can be instantiated by the compiler process. In the de-

scribed centralised, civil PFCS case, the actuator selection comes down
hydraulicActuator ( type = " linear " , housing = " single " ,
subtype = " unbalanced " );

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 7.11 Hydraulic Actuator design tree. Double and triple linear
actuators can be seen as combinations of single actuators; rotary type
branch not shown.

Figure 7.12 Example of the KBS instantiation of a linear single actu-

ator (KBS Type I) in Hopsan

This declaration is translated into the (Hopsan) actuator subsystem

illustrated in Figure 7.12. For the overlying KBS, this object appears as
a black box with only the system input/output ports visible, as shown
in Figure 7.13. The configured actuator encapsulates no further KBS
definitions (KBCs only). The created simulation object code consists
only of library components with their parameters, the connections and
the system ports (see Figure 7.14).

7.2.6.b Simulation Model Integration and Instantiation

Based on the work performed by [Krus, 2009], a (Hopsan) simulation
conformal topology for an aircraft has been defined and visualised in Fig-
ure 7.15. With the help of the aircraft geometry and aerodynamics data

Example Model Implementations

Figure 7.13 Top level view of the linear actuator system (without de-
fined system symbol) with the highlighted system ports hydraulic (green),
mechanical (blue) and control signal input (red)

Figure 7.14 The created Hopsan (sub)system definition of the linear

actuator in an XML editor view (insignificant details such as GUI infor-
mation are hidden)

(see Usecase1 on page 93) provided by the CADLab framework, a whole

aircraft simulation system is built up with a Six Degrees of Freedom
(6DOF) aircraft model as the central part. Executing the Matlab R
sign compiler script initiates the KBS-defined system with the top layer
architecture according to Figure 7.15. During the compilation process
the user is incorporated in the configuration of the hydraulic system
layout using configurator GUIs.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 7.15 Top level aircraft system description

Figure 7.16 The generated Hopsan simulation model (top level view;
the components are manually rearranged for distinct appearance)

7.2.7 Usecase Review and Conclusions

The statistical analysis of PFCS shows clear structural trends and siz-
ing information for the hydraulic system that can be used to build up
a knowledge base for such systems. In this example, the creation of
executable simulation models from such a knowledge-based description
has been shown. The application example implementation was per-
formed with a rather crude ad hoc implementation of the KBE compiler
in Matlab R
with the focus on methodology testing and development of
the KBS/KBE nomenclature. The following shortcomings were detected
during this work:

(a) need for a graphical representation of the generated system model:

This topic requires complex component placing algorithms (refer

Example Model Implementations

Figure 7.17 The generated centralised hydraulic system simulation

model with the three hydraulic subsystems; comparable with Figure 7.7
(components manually rearranged)

to Usecase3 on page 115).

(b) insufficient KBE definition assistance for the developer: Other pro-
gram languages and development environments should be tested
for the KBS/KBE definition.

(c) aircraft system layout is mainly driven by reliability requirements.

This makes it necessary to involve FTA and FMEA during the
KBS definition process (see Usecase3).

(d) time-consuming KBS definition: Only justifiable if the KBS defi-

nitions are reusable in other/future projects or are integrated into
an iterative (e.g. optimization) process.

The first two topics (a) and (b) deal with common modelling prob-
lems such as the importance of a graphical model visualisation (see Sec-
tion5.3.3 on page 66) and the tool utility (which is addressed in Usecase1
and Chapter3). The first is an implementation issue only while the latter
is an unsolved topic that requires further investigation.
The third topic (c) is an application-specific problem, in particular in
the case of the PFCS, where the reliability requirements are the driving
design rules and consequently have to be either directly included into

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

the KBE process, or, if neglected, need to be addressed outside the

KBE process in a similar way to an optimization problem. In a real
generic system composition, it cannot be neglected as in this limited
implementation example. Ideas and first steps of implementing FTA
into the design process are presented in Usecase3. Topic (d) is a general
KBE-specific theme, requiring time-consuming expert inputs for both
the creation and maintenance of the KBE. This is an inevitable subject in
the absence of automatic machine learning or other intelligent processes
that automatically add and administer the information in the knowledge
One benefit of integrating a whole vehicle into the simulation model
is the ability to perform a simulation-based component sizing on behalf
of the simulation results [Jouannet and Krus, 2006]. By making use
of this method the (cumbersome) initial component sizing approach (as
seen in [Ingram et al., 2015] or [Scholz, 1996] for FCS actuator sizing)
can either be skipped or conducted with reduced accuracy as it will be
refined afterwards based on the simulation (results) itself. To consider
all dimensioning load cases (which represent the extreme points in the
design space) several mission simulations may be needed. Theoretically,
it should be possible to set up self-learning algorithms based on the out-
come of the simulation model. The other benefit is that – unlike con-
ventional actuator size estimation approaches – the energy consumption
can be addressed taking the stability and control effects of the aircraft
into account6 .

Configuration and stability have a substantial impact on how and with which
load the control surfaces are used during flight. In general, unstable configurations
require quasi-continuous position updates at rather low force loads.

Example Model Implementations

7.3 Usecase3: Graph-Based Driven System

Based on the modelling theory in Chapter 5 “Model-Based System De-
sign” and Chapter 6 “System Modelling”, these application example
snippets highlight the idea and possibilities of (XML-based) well-defined
data formats.

With the availability of a metamodel (or in general, any structural

model; see Section 5.2.1), the simulation model might be analysed prior
to the execution. Potential motivations may be performance issues
(simulation time and effort) or the analysis of simulations that cannot
be executed due to any modelling error. It might well also serve as a
simulation model debugger if the simulation itself fails, e.g. due to value
drift (to zero, infinity, or N aN ) or stability issues (value oscillations) as
a result of a too stiff or unstable model.
Figure 7.18 shows a conglomeration of (mainly) architectural models
which all represent some kind of node/lattice – edge structure. Most
of these concepts are based on XML DOMs with almost identical in-
formation content, making a seamless transition between these analyses
possible (e.g. by XSLT). A common feature of system architecture analy-
sis is a DSM analysis of a system in order to perform the following tasks:

• analysis and investigation of the model structure

• the sorting, relocating and split up of the project applying various

rules such as:

– different component domains

– graph/network analysis

Different analysis aspects of the system meta model discussed above are
described in the following sections. Table 7.2 on the next page high-
lights the differences between the modelling methods and tools where
the FTA tree notably shows a variation with its strict tree structure.
This particular nature implies one of the challenges of deriving an FTA
model from an architectural (e.g. simulation) model: the detection and
breakup strategy of loop structures, or, in other words, the conversion
of a network into a (strict) tree structure.

Method/ Tool Node Edge Syntax Edge Type Type Format/ Remark/ Visualiza-
Purpose Vertex Standard tion
C-A Net: 2 types directional user-defined (li- Net no, own visualization in Hop-
Meta- brary; project (XML) san (special libr.) or
model spec.) XML editor (schema-
modelling based)
Physic Hopsan library directional library (fixed) Net yes, .hmf own GUI (based on
modelling (power comp.) and 1type (sig- (XML) QT libr.)
& simula- bidirectional nal)
tion (signal comp.)
FTA xxFTA 2(3) directional 1type Tree yes,
types XTOM
DSM <string> directional 1type, strength Net yes/no
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

property (if not

(S)MDM 4/5 directional 1type, strength Net no
<string> property (if not
Gephi 1 type directional or 1type, strength Net yes visualization; use of
bidirectional property (if not advanced (interactive)
boolean) sorting algorithms
CATIA Tree yes (pro-

Table 7.2 Comparison of the methodologies and implementations used
Example Model Implementations

Figure 7.18 Overview of the developed model analysis and processing

suitable for the model-based system development approach

7.3.1 The DSM Modelling Process

7.3.1.a Problem of Implicit and Explicit Information Formulation

Beside the topics how to achieve consistency of the functional, structural

and behavioural models (see section5.2.1) and the sorting and separation
problem, a third issue is the presence of implicit expressed properties
for certain domains. Depending on the model type, certain domain
features may be expressed explicit while others remain implicit. In ACD
this problem is especially present in CAD domain. On the example of
a hydraulic vale, [Sethson, 1999] shows a methodology of identifying
functional matter flow7 paths by the evaluation of CAD data. This
process enables the creation of a (simulation) model based on the CAD
data without the use of meta-information in the CAD domain, e.g. in
the form of tags on the respective surfaces.
A comparable difficulty arises when attempting to coordinate a phys-
ical multi-domain simulation in form of a Hopsan model with a C-A net
model. While the causality of the input/output relationship may be
In the case of a hydraulic valve the possible paths of the hydraulic fluid through
the valve which changes for different valve positions.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

explicitly modelled in a C-A net, this does not apply to Hopsan models.
In the Hopsan model, these causalities may be obtained by investigat-
ing the mathematical operations within the components. Alternatively
– as a straightforward simulation-based method which takes advantage
of the operability of the simulation model – these relationships can be
obtained by means of a sensitivity analysis (on the component level).
Further problems with multi-domain models are modelling shortcom-
ings of non-matter-based effects such as heat conduction and radiation.
This are common issues in component-based physical system models
where the environment and spatial position usually are not modelled8 .
Fields of importance for those kinds of applications are in general com-
ponents of high power density, systems with temperature sensitive ma-
terials (such as kerosene fuel, semiconductor material, aluminium) and
temperature-dependent material properties (such as hydraulic liquids).
Aviation-related examples are the fuel system [Gavel, 2007], the hy-
draulic actuation system [Behr et al., 2013], the ECS [II] or the Thermal
Management System (TMS) [Seki et al., 2015] of an aircraft.

7.3.1.b Model Representations

In addition to the usual simulation result analysis can the simulation

model itself being investigated prior model execution. This enables addi-
tional analysis capabilities within the KBE-based simulation model inte-
gration process like that presented in the Usecase2 example on page 100.
Figure 7.19 shows different model analysis and access methods that
are available to the developer during the simulation model generation
process (thus prior model execution). These are (from left to right)
the metamodel itself (instances of the classes), a component connec-
tion analysis (connection matrix) and a tree view of the subsystems
and component hierarchy. To fit industrial documentation standards it
is possible to export any analysis data in the most common formats,
e.g. Excel or HyperText Markup Language (HTML). Figure2 Since the
simulation metamodel represents a graph of different kinds of vertices
(thus subsystems or simulation library components) and edges (single-
or bi-directional connections), exporting to any graph notation may be
In particular heat dissipation effects by radiation and convection into the ambient
air can only be rudimentary dealt with in a 0-dim or 1-dim component-based simulation
environment. For detailed analysis of these effects, 3-dim or 4-dim modelling methods,
e.g. CFD may have to be considered.

Example Model Implementations

Figure 7.19 Overview of different simulation representation and analy-

sis in Matlab
, Excel or XML-based mind maps (aircraft model from
Figure 7.16)

served. Data transfer to both GraphML [GraphML, 2015] and Graph Ex-
change XML Format (GeXF) [GEXF, 2015] notations have been applied
to this use case to show this capability.

7.3.2 Interactive System Partitioning and Component Place-

ment by the Application of Network Analysis Sorting
The result of an automatic system/simulation model generating and in-
stantiation process can be used directly for evaluation either of the model
itself or by simulation execution. Manual interaction, however requires
a comprehensive, well-arranged model representation like that shown in
Figure 7.16. To obtain such a user-convenient graphical representation
(see also Section5.3.3) the automatically generated graphical component
selection and its arrangement process can be based on domain, aspect
or application-specific clustering (see Section 6.2).
A sensible inter-system break up should not be defined in advance
but should arise as a consequence of the created topology by the KBE
process. To perform this task, the DSM techniques presented in Sec-
tion 6.2.2 and Section 6.4 can be applied. These techniques form a pro-
cess to convert a simulation model data into a component-based DSM
(see Table 6.1 on page 72) and support the subsequent analysis by either:

(a) DSM sorting and cluster optimizations, or the application of

(b) Graph-based sorting and cluster routines with a GUI

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

Figure 7.20 The DSM-based model topology analysis process

The former is an approach that requires the definition of one’s own

sorting criteria based on DSM properties like cluster density, inner/outer
connectivity and possibly the presence of bus properties. The latter
includes both available complex network sorting algorithm (like e.g. [Y.
Hu, 2006]) and the use of interactive GUI (WYSIWYG). This allows for
the application of existing tools and the direct interaction of the user
during the algorithm tuning. This user participation is also required
in in the former case to adapt the optimization setup to the problem.
Figure 7.20 shows an example of such a DSM-based simulation model
analysis process.

7.3.2.a Graph-Based Sorting & Clustering Routines Including a GUI

In the graphical graph-based approach, the open source graph visual-
ization platform Gephi has been used. Following the procedure shown
in Figure 7.21, a clean-up of the simulation file9 is performed and the
simulation project tree is flattened into a single basic layer. Depending
on the task, certain (component or edge) domains might be eliminated
or merged (see e.g. Section 6.3 that addresses the domain reduction).
The resulting network can then be presented as one or several DSMs or
– as a graph setup – be further analysed and processed by the network
visualization tool.
Within the network analysis tool (here: Gephi), the user can interact
and control the split-up level and thus the granularity of the system
until a satisfactory solution is found. The original simulation model
data is then updated with the respective subsystem split-up and the
A simulation tool dependent process that for example removes user interface

Example Model Implementations

(a) unsorted input data (b) sorted network

Figure 7.21 The graphical clustering approach based on a network.

The node colours in (a) represent the Hopsan simulation component type
(of the aircraft model shown in Figure 7.16), whereas the node colours in
(b) identify the system relationship (sorting algorithm: Yifan-Hu, network
split-up by modularity property).

node positioning by means of the network properties (in this case the
graphical node information and the node positions). The clustering
process can be recursively applied on the created subsystems until a
sufficient data structure is achieved.

7.3.3 Fault Tree Analysis Modelling

As already motivated in Section 4.2.2 and Section 7.2, investigations of
system reliability must not be neglected in safety-critical systems.
Taking advantage of the alternating component type similarities be-
tween FTA and Hopsan, FTA tree modelling is naturally supported by
the Hopsan GUI. With the help of a small external library consisting
of eight components, FTA modelling can be performed stand-alone or
mixed up within any Hopsan simulation model.
The actual FTA calculations can either be executed directly in Hopsan
or performed in a dedicated FTA environment, e.g. the xxFTA.m class in
Matlab R
, see Figure 7.18). The advantage of the latter method is the
extended FTA analysis capabilities such as the cut set order represen-
tation. Furthermore, depending on the size of the FTA problem, the
component probability value spread and the amount of available ran-

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

dom access memory (RAM) size, direct Monte Carlo FTA simulations
can be applied, utilising the key feature of Matlab
– matrix and vector
The FTA tree can be presented in a well-conditioned manner by using
the Matlab R
Biograph module, which is part of the Bioinformatics
toolbox: Graphical results of FTA using the hierarchial layout op-
tion10 are satisfactory (see Figure 7.22). Unfortunately, no further infor-
mation on the layout algorithm within this function has been published

Figure 7.22 FTA tree representation in Matlab

with the help of the
Biograph toolbox

7.3.4 Graphical C-A Net Modelling Approach

Based on the experience gained from applying Hopsan as the GUI for
FTA modelling (on the preceding page), an ad hoc trial to adapt the
Hopsan GUI for C-A net modelling was performed.
Hierarchial layout: Primary sorting by the topological order of the graph and
secondary on the nodes from top to bottom, while minimizing crossing edges, see
[The Mathworks, Inc., 2015a].

Example Model Implementations

7.3.4.a GUI/Component-Based C-A Net Implementation

A similar approach to that in xxFTA (in Section 7.3.3 on page 121) was
used. The OOP structure made it possible to adapt the xxFTA class
to serve C-A net modelling instead of FTA modelling with only minor
Similar to FTA modelling, the model is based on a specific C-A net
component library containing two component types only – channels and
agencies. After several trials a convenient solution of the model and
channel definition was found: each channel property (signal, matter,
energy; for definitions see Section 6.5.1.a) has to be defined by the user
as a system parameter of string type with the same name and value.
During the build-up of the C-A net topology these system properties
are easily accessible through a pop-up window in the Hopsan GUI for
every channel component. A good C-A net modelling strategy with this
implementation approach is primarily to define all channel properties
and subsequently perform the modelling of the system relationships.

7.3.4.b XML Editor-Based C-A Net Implementation

As an alternative to the presented GUI/component-based C-A net

model, a script-based input approach within a XML editor environ-
ment can be performed. With the presence of an XML Schema (XSD),
modern XML editors support the user with active tool-tips and sug-
gestions as well as just-in-time validation with error highlighting and
optional correction advices11 . The main task of C-A net modelling is to
provide a smooth transition of the model fidelity, starting from a coarse
model (e.g. electric signal specified as one universal signal channel only)
towards the final detailed level model (e.g. electric signal protocol spec-
ified). The challenge of the schema definition is to allow for a certain
flexibility but ensure robustness and an efficient modelling approach
without too much overhead at low fidelity levels12 .

In this project, the XML editor oXygen was used; other XML editors may offer
similar functionality.
A very similar task/design compromise to the geometry parametrisation pre-
sented in Section 3.2.1.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

7.3.5 Usecase Review and Conclusions

Handling product properties and dependencies can be tackled in various
ways. In most cases, the data can be described as a graph-set. Using
XML-based datasets and class-based OOP, a fast implementation of the
different modelling approaches can be maintained. To obviate the GUI
programming effort, existing tools providing a GUI can easily be inte-
grated using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT).
Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Definition (XSD) enable
dataset validation checks or may be applied for modelling support, as
shown by the editor-based C-A net modelling approach (Section 7.3.4.a
on the preceding page). XSD is an appropriate format for dataset val-
idation. However, shortcomings in terms of capability (e.g. the lack of
formal mathematical expressions) and high implementation effort for
complex content checks were revealed in the Usecase1 example. Various
criticism on the XSD standard (e.g. in [Møller et al., 2006]) confirm these
shortcomings. In particular the limitation in content-related element
declarations based on attribute or element, as well as the inappropriate
way of redefining elements limits its usefulness for complex and flexible
product tree validation.
Based on the findings in the System Modelling sections (Section 6.2,
Section 6.3 and Section 6.5), the modelling approach may be unified
and DSM matrix-based sorting/clustering routines may be used at any
time. As a low-effort alternative, the export to network analysis tools for
clustering was examined and was rated positively. Finally, the parallel
implementation of FTA was demonstrated. The topic of reducing the
network’s structure of the product properties and dependencies into a
strict tree dependency (see Table 7.2), however, remains unresolved.
This topic could be resolved by modelling the system as a C-A net. The
additional causal dependency information in this type of model allows
for a logical analysis of the loop structures within the model-network to
detect their parallel or sequential kind, resulting in AN D respectively
OR couplings in the FTA tree. The extension of this C-A net-based
approach with a KBC for the C-A net/Hopsan component relationships
information (see Figure 6.2) enables direct simulation model generation
(see Figure 7.18). Alternatively to this KB-based approach, the C-A net
components could be built up based on the simulation tools’ components,
containing only the additional causal port relationships information.

Discussion and

8.1 Discussion
Handling all the aspects and domains within Aircraft Conceptual Design
(ACD) while maintaining the specific characteristics of this design phase
is a difficult task. The current trend towards highly integrated, multi-
domain frameworks aiming for higher fidelity jeopardizes the provision
of a concise, flexible work process.
Furthermore, with shrinking design enhancement margins due to the
levels technology has reached today and enhanced performance require-
ments in ACD, hitherto disregarded topics the (on-board power) sub-
system design become an inevitable part of the conceptual design. The
current MEA trend with more tighter integrated systems will continue,
probably resulting in even more complex architectures, incorporating
hybrid propulsion technologies. These trends clearly mark a breakpoint
at which the behavioural model has to become part of the concept study.
To deal with subsystem architecture in ASCD, efficient (modelling)
processes to design and evaluate cyber-physical systems have to be
found. These methods need to be streamlined to try to avoid unnec-
essary workload and expert knowledge to fit into the ACD context. One
possibility shown in this thesis is the use of KBE methods within an
object-oriented framework. Notwithstanding that KBE originates from
the CAD domains, integrating high-level 3D geometries into a multi-
dimensional framework is still a challenging task.
Enabling automated reuse of knowledge by means of KBE seems prof-

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

itable for repetitive, project-independent work topics like the certifi-

cation requirements. In the presented Usecase2, the application of a
simulation model is made possible by using KBE, eliminating the manual
work of composing and tuning the simulation model. Chapter 6 proved
that several modelling approaches designated for early product develop-
ment stages are consistent and allow for a unified model based on graph
theory. Interpreting a system as a graph network enables other analysis
topics to be integrated for example a reliability analysis. To enable an ef-
ficient, tight model integration process and easy model transformations,
the use of XML is a promising, low-hanging fruit. Unlike more complex,
semantic-based scenarios like the Semantic Web approach, the appli-
cation of XML can be easily accomplished. Especially in combination
with the associated schema (XSD) and translation (XSLT) processes
it provides a sound foundation for shared database operations.Most of
the standard programming languages1 or tools provide Document Ob-
ject Model (DOM) for efficient XML handling, XSD validation processes
and XSLT-based transformations. As has been shown in the use case ex-
amples, the combination of OOP, XML, KBE, and CAD enables an easy,
streamlined and flexible model-based ASCD framework implementation
without the need for substantial software development efforts.

8.2 Detailed Discussion

Alternative usage The main task of ACD is not to come up with a
final design but rather to find the best configuration for the given –
possibly vague and incomplete – requirements with the right degree of
credibility to convince management and stakeholders [McMasters et al.,
2004]. Nowadays, only very few of the evaluated concepts are taken
further to the preliminary design phase (and far fewer reach the detail
design stage and are realised). ACD should therefore be seen more as
a recursive process that enables the designer to investigate and analyse
the certain topic of a given problem. The system understanding and
insight gained can be used for requirement analysis, enabling a result-
based negotiation of the customer’s needs by relating the product costs
or the design impact to the requirements. Another topic is the analysis
See also the Tools, Software, and Programming Languages acronyms list on
Page xiii,which also states the programming language used for the tools. Almost
all programming languages in this listing support XML DOM capability or provide
special packages or libraries for this purpose.

Discussion and Conclusion

of the impact of new technologies on product performance as well as on

the product design itself. Furthermore, universities and academia make
frequent use of ACD for student education and training.

Resource limitations Multi-domain resource limitations in social and

technical aspects are the specific characteristics of the ACD process with
both negative and positive consequences. The assessment of the included
work topics, processes, methods and tools used (see Figure 5.13) has
to be performed mainly on an efficiency measure to accommodate the
trade-off between effort and result (enhancement). This fact – shown
in Section 5.2.2.b – limits the use of simulation tools to mainly 0-dim or
1-dim models.

Clear and visible Process Associated with the uncertainty topic is

the need for understandable, transparent and plausible routines with an
appropriate GUI to avoid any discrepancy between the user’s expecta-
tions of the tool’s capabilities and the results. Applying detailed CAD
geometry on low-fidelity aerodynamic analysis tools (such as Vortex Lat-
tice Method (VLM)) might be misleading if the user is not adequately
informed through for example a graphic which illustrates the simpli-
fied geometry used by the calculation routine. Alternatively, the result
accuracy should be stated for the user.

Database A key requisite to derive an analytical model from an archi-

tectural model is the accessibility of the data as well as the existence
of a comprehensive transformation process (see Figure 5.3). The cen-
tral XML-based database approach supports either demand, enabling a
distinct transformation process between the models based on the para-
metric design information.

Parametric design Parametric design has to provide a concise, robust

and flexible design description (see chap:conAD:ParametricDesign). Un-
fortunately, these three features constitute a design conflict that requires
careful balancing supported by a sound parametrisation of the data with
respect to the modelling and analysis needs. In the CADLab framework
(see Section 7.1), the flexibility of the parametric design has largely been
sacrificed for a slim, robust and concise geometry description. Basically
oriented on a product tree of a standard aircraft configuration, it consists
of a central body (the fuselage) and several attached lifting surfaces (like

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

wings, empennage surfaces, and canards). It has been shown that deal-
ing with the various product domains like outer shape geometry (OML)
or the architecture and functionality of on-board systems requires adapt-
ing data to these domains. These data rearrangements might require a
global change of the model/product (tree) structure during the trans-
formation process (see Section 3.2 Information Model and Figure 3.5).

Simulation tools Many analysis methods are based on simulations (see

Section5.2.2 and Figure 5.10 and Figure 5.11). This means that many of
the transformation processes from the architectural model to the analyt-
ical models (see Figure 5.3) are comparable with the manual modelling
process in the various tools, including all the tool-dependent rules and
characteristics (see Figure 5.8b on page 56). Usecase3 on page 115 is one
example which shows that such modelling characteristics can be used to
advantage, as in the Hopsan case the C − Q component sequencing. The
modelling technique expressed by the dimensionality also sets the accu-
racy and the modelling effort which has to match both the available data
and the required analysis uncertainty (see above). It has been shown
(in Section 5.2.2.a/Figure 5.8a) that the modelling outcome as a matter
of expedience relates in a nonlinear relationship to the model’s com-
pleteness. This leads to the conclusion that a complexity jump (in the
meaning of modelling technique and level of detail) has to be made at
a certain point to overcome an inopportune modelling region where the
model’s usefulness stagnates or even deteriorates. Not only in ACD but
with complex product development in general the focus lies on product
enhancement2 . A complexity jump like the one mentioned above ex-
ists in-between semi-empirical, low-fidelity approaches and higher level,
product property-based methods. Special methods and processes for
modelling may be applied to overcome this area of inappropriate model
The physical simulations additionally require (at least parts of the) be-
havioural model in addition to the functional system information. This
part is often processed within the functional model without the explicit
information of whether it depends on the functional model itself or the
behavioural (control) part of the system. The simulation result thereby
depends on all three factors the control system, the physical system ar-
Product enhancement seen as a technology evolution and not a product revolu-
tion. Advantageous during product development in the first case is the availability of
expertise and statistical data.

Discussion and Conclusion

chitecture and and the component characteristics. Given that fact, it

is hard to attribute the system’s shortcomings to the control/software
part, the physical system part or an inadequate interaction of both parts.

Knowledge-based engineering One approach to solve the complexity

jump issue discussed above is the use of KBE methodology, aimed at
the automatic reuse and reprocessing of domain- and problem- specific
knowledge of an enterprise for a specific project (see Section 5.3.2).
During conceptual design with its incomplete dataset of the yet un-
known product properties, parts of the model have to be established.
Based on various sources of knowledge, KBE can help to find appropri-
ate product/model properties like (sub-)system architectures as shown
in the Usecase2 example on page 100.
The drawbacks of any KBE approach are the added complexity, im-
plementation overhead, and additional maintenance effort which may
only be applicable if it is regularly used. ACD – with the investigation
of multiple solutions based on the initial vague requirements (thus leav-
ing a huge design space to explore) – is such a case where KBE can be
beneficially applied. The Usecase2 example shows the advantages of a
KBE approach which incorporates the link towards a system modelling
(0-dim ) tool from a KBE implementation based on the process shown
in Section 6.1, Figure 6.2. In fact, the coupling information relates to
both the modelling principles – in the Hopsan case the methodology of
power (C and Q components) and signal (S) components – and the spe-
cific library information (see Section 7.2.5). The last enables the linkage
between functional instances during the compiler process and the com-
ponent libraries.

Unified modelling From the point of view of a unified modelling ap-

proach (discussed in Chapter 5), the downside of a KBE setup like the
one presented is that the tool- or model-theory specific rules and depen-
dencies on component libraries are incorporated by the KBE process.
In the Usecase2 example shown on page 100, the functional part of the
components has not been included in the KBE solver but was described
by meta-information of the components.
One example would be an electric hydraulic pump (e.g. in the Use-
case2 example) which is treated in the KBE process as a black box with
one electric and two hydraulic interfaces that are capable of enhancing
the pressure difference on the hydraulic ports. However, the equations

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

and relation between electric power consumption, pressure rise and fluid
mass flow are not part of the solver, if not explicitly specified by the
user. Such detailed rules are for example needed for the component pa-
rameter sizing, addressing the problem of top-down versus bottom-up
approaches as shown in Figure 5.12 on page 61.
For a unified modelling approach, however, the model equations should
be part of that very same model and then be derived towards the char-
acteristic of the respective simulation tools as for example shown by
[Larsson, 2006]. The solver theory in the different modelling approaches
may therefore differ dramatically (refer to the differences between the
centralised Modelica approach and the distributed TLM approach used
in Hopsan; see Section 5.3.1.b on page 62), which may make translations
very complicated or even impossible.

Semantic approaches Based on the universal model idea discussed

above, several approaches have been applied to enable an efficient way of
describing a model. UML is one of these tools mainly used within software
development with the concretisation into SysML as a tool for product
development modelling. Both are XML-based, as is the semantic web
approach (see Section 5.3.1.a) on the lowest level. This approach is far
more abstract and with the different layer also much more complex,
but may present a future path towards a unified, all-embracing data
description. Whatever implementation language is chosen for modelling,
its usefulness depends on both the expedience of the language itself
and its graphical representation models. In case of a high (huge or
inadequate) abstraction level between the modelling language and the
modelling topic, a graphical illustration may be adequate to support the
domain-specific modelling needs (see Figure 5.3.3). One example of an
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) enabling a graphical model
environment is the Eclipse platform which is individually adjustable
for different programming languages.

XML The first step towards unified modelling may be the use of Exten-
sible Markup Language (XML) for data exchange and translation (inter-
pretation). Various advantages (as shown in Section 7.3, Section 7.1.1.b)
come along with the strict validation, the ASCII text-based format and
the availability of style definitions (XSD format) for format validation
and translation schemes (based on the XSLT format). Unfortunately,
the formats’ inherent drawback is the limited and extremely inappro-

Discussion and Conclusion

priate inclusion of numeric data – a shortcoming that applies for any

non-binary data format. A way to deal with this drawback is to ex-
clude large numeric datasets into binary files with only the link and
explanation left in the XML document.

Graph-based model implementation Besides the extended use of

XML, the Usecase3 example shows the use and nature of graph-based
models for the conceptual product development stage. Unlike the tra-
ditional strict data tree product structure (like the XML format or as
often applied in single-domain models such as CAD geometries; see Fig-
ure 3.5), single-domain and especially multi-domain models are more of
a network or graph-like structure, as has been shown in Sections 6.2–6.5.
Consequently, the use of graph notation and graph-based implementa-
tions may be beneficial to describe model properties. One way to address
graph-like data in a two-dimensional and efficient computational matter
is to use matrix notations3 .

DSM and C-A Net modelling and analysis DSM, as the representative
of a matrix notation for different tasks within product development, is
the classic example commonly used to visualise graph-like dependencies
(see Section 6.2). Addressing multi-domain problems, the DSM may be
extended in the third dimension by several single-domain DSMs, with
the absence of a comprehensive two-dimensional visual representation.
One solution to this problem can be found with the help of the Multi-
Domain Dependency Structure Matrix (MDDSM) notation, presented in
Section 6.3. This notation complies precisely with the channel definition
of the C-A net terminology provided in Section 6.5. The only difference
is the absence of the spatial arrangement information in the C-A net
notation. Given that, DSM, MDDSM and C-A net models can be treated
as one single model, enabling powerful graph mathematics to be used
(see Section 6.4 and Section 7.3.2). It has been shown (in Section 6.2.2)
that sorting algorithms rely heavily on the DSM properties, shape, and
the cluster configuration (see Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.6). Given the large
number of possible setup combinations (see Equation 6.1 on page 75)
and the sorting tasks of different intentions, the tuning of the applied
Event though the use of matrices for product properties and relationship mod-
elling might be seen as an inefficient matter due to the generally sparse matrices, in
the case of using Matlab R
, mathematical operations speed up enormously through
the use of matrix operations.

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

sorting algorithms (usually based on generic algorithms) is a non-trivial

issue with great influence on the result. Alternatively, interactive GUI-
based network analysis tools may be preferred instead of a cumbersome
optimization algorithm setup tuning (see Section 7.3.2.a).

Graph-based or acausal implementation Tackling the problem of ad-

dressing the – physical system inherent – bidirectional dependencies can
be achieved in various ways: by the split-up into directional relationships
as for example performed in DSM matrices, in the form of real acausal
relationships as supported in certain simulation tools like Modelica or
by special implementations like the TLM concept used in Hopsan. Each
solution has its task-dependent characteristic advantages and disadvan-
tages, which makes a global tool/mthodology ranking impossible. De-
spite the fact that a complete CAD environment has been included in
the ACD framework, unforeseen efforts had to be made to implement a
rudimentary geometry kernel in the Matlab R
environment. This task
is an ideal candidate for acausal programming due to the vast over-
definition of the aircraft geometry through different parameters that
the user is interested in for various reasons. For future development,
this part should – if geometry handling outside the complete CAD en-
vironment is needed – be based on available geometry kernels (such as
openCASCADE) or complete geometry modelling tools like openVSP.

8.3 Answers to the Research Questions

This Chapter serves a a response to the Research Questions stated in
Section 1.3.2 on page 8. To avoid repetitions, the questions will only be
answered in short form, with references to the corresponding chapters
in this work.

RQ1 An enabler for an efficient multi-domain and multi-aspect ACD is

the ability to change instantly between different applications and to keep
the user informed and updated through an understandable and transpar-
ent process. As shown in theory (Section 3.2) and praxis (Section 7.1),
the foundation to enable this task is a sound model parametrisation
(see Section 3.3.1) that makes the model accessible and interpretable for
the respective parsers between the holistic model information and the
entire single-domain applications (see also Figures 5.2 and 5.3). For effi-
cient geometry domain representation, acausal programming should be

Discussion and Conclusion

considered (Section 3.3.2). To head towards a flexible and robust imple-

mentation, OOP techniques are appropriate due to their data content,
functionality and rule applications being within one entity possibly along
with graphical representation and user interface functions. Such an im-
plementation allows for domain-specific product (tree) setups as shown
in Figure 3.4. An implementation of such a framework is presented in
the Usecase1 example on page 93.

RQ2 The answer is yes, KBE can support the use of simulation models
during the ACD. As theoretically motivated in Chapter5 the models used
within MBSE can be of a very diverse nature, addressing different de-
grees of completeness (Figure 5.6), implementation methods (physical or
analytical), modelling techniques (theory and implementation language)
and model fidelity (see Section 5.2.2.a) depending on the scope of the
model. KBE is one possibility to integrate the collective information
(see Section 5.3.2 on page 64) and make automated use of it during the
design process (see Section 6.1). The implementation of such a process
which integrates an automatically generated system simulation model is
shown in the Usecase2 example on page 69ff.

RQ3 Managing the various aspects of system design requires differ-

ent, domain-dependent modelling and analysis methods (see therefore
also RQ1 above). The appropriate modelling choice may be (further)
bisected into the modelling task on one hand and the analysis task (in
case of a simulation model the model execution) on the other hand.
Convenient modelling is usually performed by means of aspect-specific
programming languages and notations (see Figure 5.4, Table 5.1 and
Section 5.2.1). Merging the different domains – structural, functional,
and behavioural – is both blessing and curse for a designer trying to
achieve a balance between integrity, consistency, and ambiguity on one
side and complexity and modelling appropriateness on the other. The
complexity of a multi-aspect model turns into a hurdle already at a rela-
tively low fidelity level, as illustrated by the problem of MDDSM sorting
(in Section6.3). However, Usecase3 shows the benefits of a central model
– in this case a graph model – that enables automated transformation
towards aspect-specific analytical models (see Figure 7.18 on page 117).
In the future, more enhanced and holistic approaches may arise; possible
trends are semantic approaches like the semantic web (see Figure 5.14
on page 63).

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

8.4 Conclusion

By careful analysis of the work tasks and the special needs of the con-
ceptual aircraft design phase, KBE-based design approach has been pre-
sented that includes CAD and on-board power systems. On-board power
systems have been added to the ACD (becoming ASCD) phase to en-
hance the result accuracy and take into account into the overall system
design, comprising propulsion, power generation and power consump-
tion systems. However, adding subsystem design requires more attention
than extending the ACD process by system simulation models only. For
this reason, a thorough analysis of modelling & simulation techniques
has been performed with respect to their capabilities to back a smooth
model-based design approach. Based on the theoretical findings, a con-
ceptual design framework based on a central XML-based dataspace has
been developed incorporating a complete 3D CAD environment. By ex-
tensive use of KBE methods, automated generation of simulation models
becomes possible. Based on the incomplete data, these processes incor-
porate additional data from the knowledge base. KBE seems to fit
well in the application of ACD because of the high influence of safety
and redundancy-focused certification requirements concerning the de-
sign. All the aircraft’s (sub-)system designs are tailored to the redun-
dancy requirements. For this reason, it is necessary to include relia-
bility measures within the design process. Including simulation models
in the (ACD) design process requires an interpretable, preferably pa-
rameterised information model and appropriate modelling approaches.
Both topics have been shown in this thesis. By means of methodical
modelling approaches, system designs of (cyber-physical) power systems
can be systematically derived from rules that for example address the
technology level, power transformation & conversions, and scale.

The use of OOP principles and XML-based data with the exten-
sive use of XSD and XSLT enables a relatively simple approach to
maintain multi-domain models compared to other, more complex ap-
proaches, focussing on unified modelling. This method enables a type of
pseudo-unified modelling approach that enables the integration of dif-
ferent models backed by the flexibility of a graph network.

Discussion and Conclusion

8.5 Future Work

Due to the large scope of MBSE in general and specifically in ACD,
not all topics of these engineering tasks could be addressed and solved
within this thesis. It has been shown that for a full KBE integration, all
available domains as well as project-specific information has to be used.
Especially difficult hereby is the integration of requirement engineering
in order to make tracking of the design decisions and the design impact
possible. Related to this topic, additional work towards the inclusion
of reliability assessments (e.g. by means of FTA and FMEA) has to be
done. As shown in the Usecase3 example on page 115, the inclusion of
an FTA is an easy task if the fault tree structure is known. However,
deriving a strict FTA tree structure from a multi-domain, non-strict
system architecture is still an existing problem that needs to be solved.
Backing the KBE approach by enabling the interpretation of the ex-
isting information is another unresolved topic for future research. With
today’s knowledge it is not foreseeable which approach will offer the
best alternative. In this thesis, the unified model approach and the se-
mantic web approach have been discussed; time will tell whether the
semantic/ontology approaches turn out to be beneficial in long-term.
For product development, commercial products that offer a multi-
domain and simulation tool integrated environments are already avail-
able, for example the CATIA R
V6 work suite [Dassault Systèmes, 2016].
However, based on a proprietary data format the integration process
seems not to be transparent and a flexible adaption to other tools might
be hampered.
Last but not least, the engineering process depends on the education,
skills and social aspects of the people involved, most of them with a uni-
versity education in engineering. As a side effect of the introduction of
more complex processes, it is undoubted that the education of technical
engineers has to be adapted to future needs [McMasters et al., 2004].
With today’s cyber-physical systems, the clear boundaries between me-
chanical and software engineering are washed away whereas they still
exist even in modern educational curricula [Hayhurst et al., 2012]. The
understanding of this topic as a combined problem among all these dis-
ciplines will help to enhance the acceptance and enable the use of such
processes by forming a solid foundation of the environment in which the
processes and methods have to be applied (see Figure 5.13, the PMTE

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A centralised layout, hydraulic . . 101,

109, 113
acausal . . . . . . . see implementation certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
aesthetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 channel-agency net 52, 85, 90, 117
aircraft agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Airbus A320 . . . . . 16, 101, 104 channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Airbus A380 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 extended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Boeing 747 . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 102 matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Boeing 757 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 useful energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Boeing 787 . . . . . . . . 15, 44, 101 class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Douglas DC-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 cluster
F-104 Starfighter . . . . . . . . . 103 clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 76
Fokker 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 81
analytical model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 properties . . . . . . . . . . 74, 76, 78
architectural model . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
ATA 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 communication, tool to tool 23, 94
constrain/sizing diagram . . . . . . . 21
B cyber-physical systems . . . . . . . . . 48

banding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 D
black box model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
bleed air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 45 data format, CPACS . . . . . . . . . . . 25
block lower triangular . . . . . . . . . . 76 database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 f, 93
bus component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 degree of sys. electrification 19, 38
dependency structure matrix . . see
C-A net . . . see channel-agency net assurance level . . . . . . . . . 37, 66
CAD, implementation . . . . . . . . . . 96 compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
CADLab framework . . . . 28, 58, 93 influence factors . . . . . . . 14, 34 f
car model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 process paradigm . . . . . . . . . . 35
Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

dimensions, tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

direct operting costs . . . . . . . . . . . 35 graphical setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
domain, CAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 graphical user interface . . . . . . . . 85
DSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 120, 131 growth factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 f
attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 H
cluster attributes . . . . . . . . . . 75 hierachy, tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
partitioning . . . . . . . 73, 76, 119 hydraulic
E actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 f
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 f
edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 system architecture . . . . . . 104 f
efficiency hydro-electric power plant. . . . .88 f
exergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 implementation
fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 36 acausal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 98
power off-takes. . . . . . . . . . . . .18 causal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 independence axiom. . . . . . . . . . . .56
energy integrated circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
environmental control system . . 44 K
exergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
expert system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 knowledge base system . . 105, 110,
F knowledge-based engineering . . 64,
69, 103
failure modes and effects analysis implementation . . . . . . . . . . . 103
37 rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 44, 64
fault tree analysis . . . 36, 113, 115,
121 f M
flight control system . . . . . 100, 114
MDDSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82, 89 f
fragmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
metamodel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
fuel consumption, specific . . . . . . 14
Miller’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
functional mockup interface . . . . 55
G abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
generic algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Grafcet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 fidelity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 f
graph. . . . . . . . . . . .83, 115, 118, 120 geocentric/heliocentric . . . . . 56


hierachy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 power electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 power off-takesee secondary power
refinement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 product tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 116
six degree of freedom . . . . . 111 prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 f
transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 R
ModelicaXML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Moore’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 range equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
more electric aircraft architecture reliability, system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
40, 44 requirements. . . . . . . . . . . .21, 34, 37
multi-domain modelling . . . . . . . . 82
scaleability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
namespace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 98 secondary effects . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 58
network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 85, 119 f secondary power
consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
O off-takes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 f, 36
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
object oriented programming . . 27, semantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61, 130
95, 106, 108
semantic web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
on-board systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
sensitivity analysis . . . . . . . . . 20, 99
ontology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
signal component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
otimization, local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
outer mold line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 110
P tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105, 128
singular value decomposition . . . 99
paradigm pyramid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
parametric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98, 127 software
parametric design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CATIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 94 f
parametric model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Hopsan . . . . . . . 67, 89, 107, 110
partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . see DSM Matlab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
payload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Modelica. . 55, 63, 76, 105, 107
performance RAPID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
computational. . . . . . . . . .46, 57 Tango . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 f
index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 17 solver, central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
perti net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 solver, distributed. . . . . . . . . . . . .107
PICARD theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 spare holding costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
PMTE Pyramide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 stakeholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 51
power component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Sterling number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Aircraft Systems Conceptual Design

subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
decomposition . . . . . . 26, 38, 71
knowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . .61, 64
systems of systems . . . . . . . . . 32

tearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
technology readiness level . . . . . . 40
tool fidelity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57, 59
tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see software

UML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
unified modelling . . . . . . . . . . 62, 117

validation . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 63, 91, 123

verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 91
vertex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
visualisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 118 f

weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14, 18
weight breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 115, 130

database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
schema (XSD) 74 f, 90, 96, 106
style sheet (XSLT) 94, 96, 130

Aeronautics was neither an industry

nor a science - It was a miracle

Igor Sikorsky, 1889-1972

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