SLR Sample 9

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Systematic Literature Review: Ingenious Software Project

Management while narrowing the impact aspect

Mudassar Adeel Ahmed Imran Ahsan Muhammad Abbas
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering
College of EME College of EME College of EME
National University of Sciences & National University of Sciences & National University of Sciences &
Technology (NUST) Technology (NUST) Technology (NUST)
Islamabad Islamabad Islamabad
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
ABSTRACT uncertainty level may vary in reference to many other factors..
An enormous number of approaches regarding the project Additionally, the factor of complexity of the out of the box
management do not reflect that impact aspect when projects got innovative process is very difficult to measure and establish the
more and more innovation. The organization’s key to success is approach to management of uncertain and complex threats [1]. In
more and more innovation. Although the hazards associated with [2], author argued that projects and innovations main objective is
innovations are increasing day by day in the projects while at innovation development, an out of the box new product, along
expectations by the customer are usually high regarding the with the main environment understanding related to business and
projects. Ingenious software projects have a high degree of specific actions demand to respond and to impact or control these
uncertainty in terms of threats in the projects as when more new such changes.
things are to be experimented to the projects the level of In [3], author showed the significance of technology in the
uncertainty become high. So, we need a particular technique for organization as well as he discussed the role of innovation in the
the management of these uncertain and complex threats. organizations and describes a close connection among the
Managing that innovation in software projects will be a deciding innovative project development. In [4], author argued that huge
aspect in the overall outcome of the project. This research study and most innovative projects have an enormous uncertainty level
discuss about the main impact aspect regarding the ingenious as well as complexity, and also it requires a non-linear and an
software project management keeping in view the overall finding unbounded risk management. In correspondence with the author
of systematic literature review (SLR) about the ingenious software in [5], there is one big critical issue is deficient or insufficient
project management. The aim of this research study is the basic innovation. While doing with the best practices of better
understanding of the factors that infect the ingenious software innovation management there is a possibility to overcome the
project management and also the understanding of the issues however there is a difficulty in achieving successful
contribution to the success of the software projects. implementation.
CCS Concepts In [6], author presented the argument that an enormous
• Social and professional topics Ȣ Project management number of point of views which came from the past literature to
describe why different organizations got difficulty while resolving
techniques; the different uncertainty source associated with transforming the
innovations into the innovative organizations.
Systematic literature review; Software project management; Keeping in mind with the argument of author in [3], author in
ingenious software project management [7] showed that there is a big uncertainty level in the innovative
projects and high levels of risks are involved in the innovative
1. INTRODUCTION projects as compared with the conventional projects. This research
The definition of innovation is intended to do something out study seeks with a good intention to explore the ingenious
of the box to improve the product processes and the services. That software project management in order to enhance the performance
out of the box innovation may be a new innovative organizational of organizations. There are different ways provided by systematic
method or may be a marketing idea in the business practices [1]. literature review to implement the literature review which is not
Innovative projects have a lot of complexity and may cause biased. And also their findings have a scientific value as argued
threats as they are highly unpredictable and uncertain while this by [8]. A fair assessment is provided by systematic literature
review of a research study by using a reliable and accurate
methodology [9]. First we have an aim to understand and
investigate a topic, a systematic literature review is held to
identify the factors which have an effect on ingenious software
© 2016 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM acknowledges that
this contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee, project management. Past research discusses the following critical
contractor or affiliate of a national government. As such, the factors that have an effect on project management. Which as
Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or discussed earlier by the names of processes, techniques, practices
reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government and tools. Basically systematic literature review has three
purposes only. important steps: Planning the review, conducting the review &
RACS ’16, October 11–14, 2016, Odense, Denmark Review reporting
© 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4455-5/16/10…$15.00

The SLR is developed with the related researches from the year 2.1 . Data Search (S1 & S2):
(1995-2015) and addresses three RESEARCH QUESTIONS, so In the first step of search, we found result of total 5282
that we can understand as well as identify the critical factors papers. Among them 2455 papers are rejected on the basis of topic
which affect ingenious software project management as shown in relevance. So remaining 2827 papers are narrow down to the next
the table.1. Based on this systematic literature review, this phase of selection. Number of research papers per phase is shown
research study helps a lot in understanding the critical factors that in figure.2. In selection no.1, the result was 87 papers. In next
enhance the innovation standards and decrease the effects of phase, just 20 papers were selected. During the phase of
uncertainty in the innovative projects and how different stake assessment of quality a total of assessed papers were 20 and
holders of the organizations e.g. managers and other team among them we selected just 17 papers after critical assessment.
members prepare for the future critical problems and challenges in On these 17 papers we performed data exploration which results
their projects. The paper is distributed in the following sections: in 144 evidences and 103 quotes. In last phase of synthesis we
Methodology is described in section.2, our key findings are analyze each quotes and keeping these quotes in mind we give
described in the section.3 and Section.4 contains the conclusion. answers of each research question. Search results can be viewed
Table 1. Research questions on this link:
No’s Research Questions 2.2 Data exploration and assessment of
RQ.1 Ingenious software project management quality:
support which tool and technique? a) Criteria of paper selection: Paper inclusion is determined by the
RQ.2 Which practices and processes are involved relevance, addressing the research questions and decided by
in Ingenious software project management? analyzing the title, abstract, introduction and conclusion of the
research studies. Selection criteria include the following:
RQ.3 What is the connection among the i. Include only those research studies which present primarily or
organizational IT assets and capabilities with secondarily tools and techniques to support the ISPM.
Ingenious software project management?
ii. Include only those research studies which presents primarily or
secondarily practices and processes, which are in ISPM.
2. Methodology iii. Include only those research studies which presents primarily or
In research paper [10], Evidence based software engineering secondarily the link among the organizational capabilities with the
provides the standards by which the best of evidences are ISPM.
addressed in regards with this research study with human values b) Criteria of paper rejection: Paper exclusion is decided by
and practical experiences in the process of decision making by analysis of papers. Rejection criteria include the following:
just considering the software maintenance and development. For
this purpose systematic literature review is our methodology. SLR i. Reject the research study which is clearly irrelevant, according
process: Systematic literature review examines the evidence in to the research questions;
transparent and systematic way. The process starts with protocol
definition and there are five stages: Data Search, Selection no.1 ii. Reject the research study which does not answer any of the
research questions;
(S1), Selection no.2 (S2), Data exploration and assessment of
quality (DE & AOQ), Figure.1 shows the data synthesis (DS). iii. Reject the research study which is repeated, if it exists in
various search sources, the first ever search will be considered.
iv. Reject the research study which is duplicate, if similar studies
are presented in two papers, only the latest research study will be
v. Exclude all research works which are published earlier than
vi. All researches must be in English.

Figure 1. Systematic Review process (SRP)

On the Digital libraries, we search the above papers. Data source
for the above primary studies were: Springer, Elsevier Science
Direct, IEEEXplore Digital Library, Scopus, Wiley online library
and ACM Digital Library

Figure 2. Papers selected per phase

2.3 Data synthesis: In the category of model and approaches, author in [16]
The assessment of quality is considered to be an important showed a helical model whose focus is on innovative solution and
criterion to analyze the research studies. Selected research studies creativity. It also proposed some experimentations and continuous
were assessed to determine the evidence strength and for feedback. The helical model gives a better development
analyzing the generated results ad recommendations. There is no methodology for the production of innovative software projects in
such single definition for quality, however, many checklists the suitable environment.
includes the questions to obtain the extent to which the influence In [17], author identifies and analyze the process models
is decreased and the external and internal validity are increased. regarding soft wares in the context of embedded development.
[9]. Author suggested a matrix that helps the related model for the
We carried out detailed study of 20 research works and project. Author presented three realities which are related to our
eliminate 3 research works. We selected just 17 papers after study: First thing is the underestimation regarding the size of the
critical assessment and after detailed study find our answers of our project as well as its complexity, immature new technology and
research questions which are explained in Research Findings Research oriented development. Amongst them the most suitable
portion. model is spiral model, adaptive s/w development and feature
driven development. Great attention has been achieved when
3. Research Finding research on agile approach towards the project management. As
We were successful in our research findings except one result the author from the paper [19] showed the idea of visual
unfortunate thing i.e. our review didn’t recognize and single out project management methods which are based on the principles of
any previous systematic review about the ingenious software ACM. In last, author from the paper [20] argued and showed
project management. Thus in our opinion, this research study is basically three practices that represents the approach of neo-
considered to be first systematic literature review (SLR) on this realistic to the software project management which is based on the
theme. From this theme we find that 17 studies were held which experiences to manage the software research projects.
are related indirectly or directly to this specific area. In the category of process, different critical factors support
This section discusses many findings about those critical the ingenious software project management was crucially
factors which affect ingenious software project management, also observed. Some are discussed earlier in the literature: Prototyping,
followed by those above stated research questions. As we organic integration and experimentation. Author from the paper
discussed in section.1, there are many ways to manage the [14] investigated the factors that have important impacts on the
innovative projects and there is a need to add more and more innovation projects of any organization. It is our belief that these
creativity with some typical processes. However, conventional proofs and evidences contribute to identify and understand the
project management tools and techniques are not helpful while innovative projects need typical and specialized processes to
managing the projects with more innovation. The complexity enhance the idea generation and creativity.
paradigm keeps innovation because a very strong link is there in
between the disorganization and creativity [21]. 4. Conclusion
The project based approach looks good as it is most relevant
In [7], author presented the use of two very important and approach on the organizational environment. This is the time
critical factors to support the ingenious software project when we realize to release the energy in the projects. While
management. When included the fuzzy numbers in the phase of keeping in mind critical project failure rate, it become significant
planning of projects, it helped project managers a lot. Other aspect for the organizations to pay some more attention to their activities
is the practice of analytical risk breakdown matrix, needs help to regarding the research projects, keeping in mind their potential
resolve the uncertainty level and risks. A lot of creativity is advantages. For the organizational point of view, the key to
applied to various areas e.g. pervasive systems and robotics. In success is just and just innovation. We found that numbers of
this context, author in [11] proved a new successful tool which research papers have been increased on innovation projects from
enables integration as well as communication of the people. So last ten years and there came a factor of awareness too to handle
within the organization there held a knowledge sharing. with the challenges and to manage the projects. Some factors have
been identified that have an impact on management and
In [12], author argued the utilization of social media to
performance regarding the innovative projects during the process
enhance the innovation. Innovation data are modelled using
of review. Our research study also identifies four techniques that
ontologies through the semantically enhanced platform. While
support best monitoring and planning, helps to manage to lesser
semantic methods & techniques are applied, there is a possibility
the uncertainties or encourage the innovation. In our study we
to enhance the open management of innovation. In [13], author
found proofs that the flexible, organic and informal structure of
argued that there is one factor that affects the ingenious software
the companies supports the innovative behavior and idea
project management is Organizational capabilities. While
generation. In terms of processes, we identify that various models
proceeding with this, author in [14] added some words as: Ability
are there for the innovations that are managed appropriately.
of an organization to produce new processes and products.
Finally our research finding contribute to the SPM, while
In [15], author argued that to get a success in new product or providing a better understanding of the uncertainties and the other
service development, a systematic structure is a need by an challenges while dealing with the ingenious software project
organization which allows information sharing and other management.
important communication resources across the functional areas
Limitation of this research study is that we just narrow the
and supporting the resolution of conflicts. Innovative projects
scope of study related to the S/w projects and also the results of
need usage of previous and existing processes so that to meet the
research cannot be generalized but some factors need management
new features of these projects.
to identify impact on the success of other type of projects.
Empirical studies regarding ingenious software project

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