Annabelle Ariki
Annabelle Ariki
Annabelle Ariki
Date: ______________________
Shona Its great you delved into finding out more ideas of how
Do you direct the kids to the Word wall or expect them to teach Writing to Yr 2’s.
to head there on their own? I like how you are sourcing ideas from everywhere.
Do you model all your types of writing first? Writing needs a purpose and I reckon you have made
How long do you spend on a writing topic? Can they this clear.
continue the next day? I think you are inspirational and you are doing a great
Hattie: You did a lot of self learning Hattie - tino pai. It’s nice to
Do you feel more comfortable at knowing what your role know where too from her. You have that all sorted.
is now? I like how you will work together with other people in
your clusters.
I like that list you have of what you can do for
teachers!!!! Yahoo
Sam I loved that you learnt together with the kids. So very
Did you ever have your pyjama bottoms on while you true that now we are back from Lockdown, things have
were Zooming? returned quickly back to normal.
You have great visions for See-Saw in future for
It was great that relationships strengthened over Zoom
Kelly Lots of learning for you Kel baby! You have down lots of
Technology learning.
You have got your head around DMIC maths.
I love how you make the most of your time with your
kids in Lockdown.
DMIC Maths
A maori phrase a day
Susan I love that you had an “AHA” moment where you found
that connections are so important! Hence your oral
presentations were legendary! I believe the important
messages are getting across. We cater for so many
people and you doing just that.
I love your honesty about how you were dealing with
Lockdown. It’s good to hear you are still human! You
put on a great game face though…..must be the lippy!!
The expectation is that everyone completes this- either now, or in the next 24 hours so that everyone gets feedback
about the “aha” moments you have shared.