Hungary V Slovakia
Hungary V Slovakia
Hungary V Slovakia
FACTS: Sept 16, 1977 – “1977 Treaty – signed between Hungary and the Czechoslovakia, concerning the construction and operation of the Gabcilcovo-
Nagymaros System of Locks", as “Joint Investment”, Entered into force on 30 June 1978.
The Agreement made some adjustments to the allocation of the works between the parties as laid down by the Treaty.
Hungary experienced intense criticism which the project had generated leading to the suspension of works, and eventually decided to abandon its work.
Czechoslovakia investigated alternative solutions known as "Variant C", entailed a unilateral diversion of the Danube by Czechoslovakia on its territory.
In its final stage, Variant C included the construction at Cunovo of an overflow dam and a levee linking that dam to the south bank of the bypass canal. Provision
was made for ancillary works.
Slovak Government decided "to begin, in September 1991, construction to put the Gabcikovo Project into operation by the provisional solution". Work on Variant
C began in.
Discussions continued between the 2 parties but to no avail.
Hungary transmitted to the Czechoslovak a Note Verbale terminating the 1977 Treaty with effect from 25 May 1992.
Czechoslovakia began work to enable the Danube to be closed and proceeded to the damming of the river; Slovakia became an independent State;
The Special Agreement thereafter concluded between Hungary and Slovakia the Parties agreed to establish and implement a temporary water management
regime for the Danube; and concluded an Agreement, which would come to an end 14 days after the Judgment of the Court. The Court also observes that not
only the 1977 Treaty, but also the "related instruments" are covered in the preamble to the Special Agreement and that the Parties, when concentrating their
reasoning on the 1977 Treaty, appear to have extended their arguments to the "related instruments".
Notification by Hungary of the termination of the 1977 Treaty and related I instruments
ISSUE: "What are the legal effects of the notification, on 19 May 1992, of the termination of the Treaty by the Hungary".
HELD: It did not have the legal effect of terminating the 1977 Treaty and related instruments. Both Hungary and Czechoslovakia failed to comply with their
obligations under the 1977 Treaty, this
reciprocal wrongful conduct did not bring the Treaty to an end nor justify its termination
>Hungary presented five arguments in support of the lawfulness and effectiveness of its notification of termination, which are:
1) existence of a state of necessity; 2) impossibility of performance of the Treaty; 3) occurrence of a fundamental change of circumstances;
4) material breach of the Treaty; and 5) development of new norms of international environmental law.
STATE NECESSITY - If found to exist, it is not a ground for the termination of a treaty. It may only be invoked to exonerate from its responsibility a State which
has failed to implement a treaty.
IMPOSSIBILITY OF PERFORMANCE - It is not necessary to determine whether the term "object" in Article 61 of the Vienna Convention of 1969 on the Law of
Treaties (which speaks of "permanent disappearance or destruction of an object indispensable for the execution of the treaty" as a ground for terminating or
withdrawing from it) can also be understood to embrace a legal regime as in any event, even if that were the case, it would have to conclude that in this instance
that regime had not definitively ceased to exist. The 1977 Treaty and its Articles 15, 19 and 20 - actually made available to the parties the necessary means to
proceed at any time, by negotiation, to the required readjustments between economic imperatives and ecological imperatives.
FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES- The prevalent political conditions were not so closely linked to the object and purpose of the Treaty
constituting as an essential basis of the consent of the parties in changing radically or altering the extent of the obligations still to be performed.
>The same holds good for the economic system in force at the time of the conclusion of the 1977 Treaty. Nor does the Court consider that new
developments in the state of environmental knowledge and of environmental law can be said to have been completely unforeseen.
>The formulation of Articles 15, 19 and 20 is designed to accommodate change. The changed circumstances advanced by Hungary are not of such
a nature, either individually or collectively, that their effect would radically transform the extent of the obligations still to be performed in order to
accomplish the Project.
MATERIAL BREACH OF THE TREATY- Hungary's main argument for invoking a material breach of the Treaty was the construction and putting into operation of
Variant C, noting that Czechoslovakia violated the Treaty only when it diverted the waters of the Danube into the bypass canal in October 1992. In constructing
the works which would lead to the putting into operation of Variant C, Czechoslovakia did not act unlawfully. The notification of termination by Hungary on 19 May
1992 was premature. No breach of the Treaty by Czechoslovakia had yet taken place and consequently Hungary was not entitled to invoke any such breach of
the Treaty as a ground for terminating it when it did.
>Neither of the Parties contended that new peremptory norms of environmental law had emerged since the conclusion of the 1977 Treaty; and the
Court will consequently not be required to examine the scope of Article 64 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (which treats of the
voidance and termination of a treaty because of the emergence of a new peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens)).
> The newly developed norms of environmental law are relevant for the implementation of the Treaty and that the parties could, by agreement,
incorporate them through the application of Articles 15, 19 and 20 of the Treaty.
}These articles do not contain specific obligations of performance but require the parties, in carrying out their obligations to ensure that
the quality of water in the Danube is not impaired and that nature is protected, to take new environmental norms into
consideration when agreeing upon the means to be specified in the Joint Contractual Plan.
}By inserting these evolving provisions in the Treaty, the parties recognized the potential necessity to adapt the Project. Consequently,
the Treaty is not static, and is open to adapt to emerging norms of international law.
}By means of Articles 15 and 19, new environmental norms can be incorporated in the Joint Contractual Plan.
}The awareness of the vulnerability of the environment and the recognition that environmental risks have to be assessed on acontinuous
basis have become much stronger in the years since the Treaty's conclusion.
The Court recognizes that both Parties agree on the need to take environmental concerns seriously and to take the required precautionary
measures, but they fundamentally disagree on the consequences this has for the joint Project. In such a case, third-party involvement may be helpful and
instrumental in finding a solution, provided each of the Parties is flexible in its position.
Dissolution of Czechoslovakia
ISSUE: W/R Slovakia became a party to the 1977 Treaty as successor to Czechoslovakia.
HELD: Slovakia, as successor to Czechoslovakia became a party to the Treaty of 1977.
Article 12 of the 1978 Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties, which reflects the principle that treaties of a territorial character have
been regarded both in traditional doctrine and in modern opinion as unaffected by a succession of States. The Court considers that Article 12 reflects a rule of
customary international law; and notes that neither of the Parties disputed this. It concludes that the content of the 1977 Treaty indicates that it must be regarded
as establishing a territorial regime within the meaning of Article 12 of 1978 Vienna Convention. It created rights and obligations "attaching to" the parts of the
Danube to which it relates; thus, the Treaty itself could not be affected by a succession of States.