IS323 Final Exam 2009 (Sem 1)
IS323 Final Exam 2009 (Sem 1)
IS323 Final Exam 2009 (Sem 1)
Serving the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
2. Users are typically more involved in the project during which two phases?
a. Analysis and design
b. Design and implementation
c. Analysis and implementation
d. Planning and analysis
5. Which of the following describes a technique used to identify the data needs of an
information system?
a. Identifying User Goals
b. Event Decomposition
c. Stakeholder Analysis
d. List-noun technique
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Figure 1 below shows a class diagram. Use this figure to answer questions 7 and 8
Owner Car
1 0...* make
# ofDoors cargoCap
trunkSize seatingCap
Figure 1
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Use Figure 2 below to answer questions 9 to 11
Figure 2
9. Which is following use cases cannot be executed by the HOS (Head of School) in any
a. Submit Decision on Leave
b. Maintain Staff Details
c. View Staff’s Leave History
d. Submit Leave Application
10. What would be your initial estimate for the number of boundary classes?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
11. Which of the following concepts is illustrated between the actors Human Resource
Staff and the HOS.
a. HR Staff aggregates the HOS
b. HOS is composed of the HR Staff
c. HOS inherits the HR Staff
d. HR Staff associates with the HOS
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Use Figure 3 to answer question 12 below.
Figure 3
12. Which of the statements is consistent with the above DFD fragment?
a. A user is trying to change his/her search preferences
b. A new sales is being recorded
c. The assignment marks of the students are being computed
d. List of new books goes to various department heads
13. Which of the following is a workflow diagram that can be used to model the steps of
complex or simple business processes?
a. Use Case Diagram
b. Entity-relationship diagram (ERD)
c. Decision Tables
d. UML Activity Diagrams
14. An input window class is an example of a(n) ____ design class type.
a. control
b. boundary
c. persistent
d. entity
15. Which of the following is part of the three-layer architecture that contains the
programs that implement the business rules of the application?
a. Data layer
b. View layer
c. Business logic layer
d. User layer
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Section B – Short Answer and Case Study Questions
Question 16 (8 marks)
(A) The SDLC refers to the entire process of building, deploying, using, and updating an
information system. List the five major phases of SDLC and state the objective of
each phase. (5 marks)
(B) What characteristics of a project call for a predictive approach to the SDLC? What
characteristics of a project call for an adaptive approach to the SDLC? (3 marks)
(B) Using transform analysis, make a structure chart for the DFD shown in Figure 4.
(7 marks)
Lecturer Choose
Request Assignment
Assign Files
Student 4.3
Assignments Display
Figure 4
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Question 18 (43 marks)
Read this problem statement very carefully and use it to answer parts (A) to (D) of this
Each store has a stock of movies for rent. It is important to keep track of each movie title
to know and to identify its category (classical, drama, comedy, and so on), its rental type
(new release, standard), movie rating, and other general information such as movie
producer, release date, cost, and so forth. In addition to tracking each title, the business
must track each individual copy to note its purchase date, its condition, and its rental
status. User functions must be provided to maintain this inventory information.
Customers, the lifeblood of the business, are also tracked. OnlyOne considers each family
to be a customer, so special mailings and promotions are offered to each household. For
any given customer, several people may be authorized to rent videos. The primary
contact for each customer can also establish rental parameters for other members of the
household. For example, if a parent wants to limit a child’s rental authorization to only
PG and PG-13 movies, the system will track that. The system sends an email to the
customer giving login details to be used to login to the web site following a successful
Each time a movie is rented, the system must keep track of which copies of which movies
are rented; the rental date and time and the return date and time; and the household and
person renting the movie. Each rental is considered to be open until all of the movies
have been returned. Customers pay for rentals when checking out videos at the store.
The system should also allow visitors to the web site to browse for movies. Registered
customers can also reserve movies online. The staff should be notified via the system
about the reservation. For registration, the customer has to contact the staff of OnlyOne.
The customer is not allowed to register online.
(A) Create an event table showing only the following six events of the OnlyOne Video
System. Please read the case study to find out more details about these events. The
event table should contain the following columns: Event, Trigger, Source, Use Case,
Response, and Destination. (12 marks)
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4. Customers returning movies
5. Customers reserving movies
6. Visitors browsing available movies.
(B) Create a class diagram, showing the entity classes for the OnlyOne Video System.
Show the classes, the relationship between the classes, the multiplicity of the
relationships, and the attributes of the classes. Include only those classes that will be
used to implement the six events listed in part (A) of this question. (11 marks)
(C) Create a use case diagram for the OnlyOne Video System capturing the six major
events listed in part (A) of this question. (10 marks)
Given in Figure 5 is the System Sequence Diagram for the “Return Movie” use case.
Study this carefully and use it to answer part (D) below.
(D) Using the System Sequence diagram for the “Return Movie” use case, develop the
complete sequence diagram. Show the boundary, control, entity and data access
classes. (10 marks)
Top Package::Staff
rental details
movie details
Figure 5
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Question 19 (9 marks)
(A) Given below are some examples of risks. Some risks affect the project more, some
affect the product (the Information System) more, and some affect both (project and
product) equally. Please identify whether the following risks will affect the project
more, the product more, or affect both equally.
Examples of Risks
Risk Description
1. Experienced staff will leave the project before it is finished.
2. CASE tools which support the project do not perform as anticipated.
3. There will be a change of organizational management with different
4. Specifications of essential interfaces are not available on schedule.
5. Hardware that is essential for the project will not be delivered on schedule.
6. There will be a larger number of changes to the requirements than
To answer this question use the following table (Figure 6) which is also in the Special
Answer Booklet provided and place a tick in the appropriate column. Special Answer
Booklet is the booklet where you are also going to write the answers to the Multiple
Choice questions. (6 marks)
(B) Explain how the spiral model allows the development team to mitigate risks.
(3 marks)
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Question 20 (6 marks)
Given below are three different project scenarios. Assume the project team has the option
of applying the following fact-finding techniques to each scenario:
1. Look at existing documents
2. Observe Staff
3. Interview Staff
4. Distribute Questionnaires
5. Use JAD Sessions
However, the team has to choose only three of the five most applicable fact-finding
techniques to apply. Given the three scenarios and the various fact-finding techniques,
identify the three most applicable techniques that the team should apply for each
Project Scenarios
Scenario 1
You have been working as an analyst for about 6 years for a small electrical company
with about 20 staff operating out of Suva. Your company wants a new Human Resource
System for its HR Department, and your team has been assigned to design this system.
Scenario 2
You have been employed at a University for 5 years, but recently you joined a bank. The
management has requested your team to design a state-of-art online banking system to be
used by the customers.
Scenario 3
You are working for a company that specializes in selling beds. The company has many
branches over the country. Your team is required to design an information system to
enable all branches to handle sales of beds. It will be impossible to get the managers or
staff of all the branches together to get to know what they want.
To answer this question use the following table (Figure 7) which is also in the special
answer booklet provided and place a tick in the appropriate column.. A tick in a column
would indicate that the team will apply the selected technique for the particular scenario.
Note that the team can only apply three of the five given techniques.
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Figure 7
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Question 21 (3 marks)
The following UML activity diagram (Figure 8) shows the process a student has to follow
in order to get an approval for graduation. Suppose a student named Susan submits her
graduation application, which is not signed by the Unit Head because it has some errors.
Describe the sequence of steps that will take place to approve Susan’s application after
the Unit Head returns the application Susan.
Figure 8
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IS323 – Semester 1 2009
Special Answer Booklet
Name: ______________________________
Scenario 2
Scenario 3