Influence of Magnesia On Sintering
Influence of Magnesia On Sintering
Influence of Magnesia On Sintering
(a )
(a )
Influence on reducibility
The in uence of MgO on reducibility characteristics is
shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the reducibility of the
sinter increases with a decrease of sinter MgO. The negative
in uence of MgO addition on the reducibility of iron ore
sinter3 ,7 , 9 ,1 0 ,1 3 is believed to be a result of the decrease in
hematite and calcium ferrite phases and increase in magnetite
phase having lower reducibility. During sintering, MgO
accelerates the thermal decomposition of Fe2 O 3 and favours
the formation of a spinel structured Fe3 O 4 (FeO.Fe2 O 3 )
phase. This is gradually replaced by a spinel type solid
(c ) solution of magnesioferrite, (Fe,Mg)O.Fe2 O 3 , by substituting
FeO and MgO between magnetite grains. The addition of
MgO causes the disappearance of the calcium ferrite and
brings about an increase in the content of MgO bearing
olivine (more forsteritic member of the isomorphous mixture
a cumulative +10 mm; b 5 mm; c mean size forsterite–fayalite) and the appearance of almost irreducible
4 Influence of MgO on given fractions and mean size of pyroxene and ferromonticellite.1 0
product sinter As mentioned above, an increase of MgO/CaO ratio
decreases the amount of ferrite and hematite with a
concomitant increase in the magnetite content. Since the
magnetic susceptibility, or magnetic index, of the sinter
from that expected from theory may be explained by the is proportional to its magnetite content, as the magnetic
result of use of extra coke breeze, which overrides the index increases there is a drop in the reducibility. Hence,
adverse eVect of MgO variation.
with the addition of MgO, the less reducible magnetite in favour of olivine and pyroxene at MgO/CaO å 0·6. At
phase appears in increased amounts at the expense of basicities å 1·3, increased MgO addition favours the formation
highly reducible hematite and ferrite phases. This explains of glass. Most of the CaO taking part in the formation of
the increase in RDI value as well.2 calcium ferrite is released as MgO replaces CaO. The
At a constant coke rate, with an increase of MgO/CaO released CaO takes part in the formation of slag along
ratio, owing to less melt formation, the porosity increases. with the other slag forming constituents.
This should increase the reducibility and the RDI value
sharply.4 This is supported by Moukassi et al.,5 who doped
Influence on porosity
wustite with magnesium and reported an accelerated rate
of reduction. However, plant data (Fig. 6) do not support An increase in MgO content of the sinter increases the
this aspect, perhaps because of diVerences between experi- total porosity, which can be explained by the properties
mental conditions4 , 5 and the present analysis (plant data). and amount of the melt during sintering.1 6 It can be argued
that, with an increase of MgO, the amount of melt formation
decreases and the viscocity of the melt formed increases.
Influence on softening–melting characteristics Under interfacial forces, the lower amount of uid with a
Experiments carried out with pot grate sinter made at higher viscosity will have a limited owability into the spaces
Tata Steel’s R&D laboratory as well as with Tata Steel between particles. Thus, there will be a limited capability
plant sinter have established the in uence of MgO on its to draw the particles together, resulting in minimal shrink-
softening–melting behaviour. It has been reported that, age. It is therefore expected that sinters with high MgO
with an increase of MgO, the softening–melting character- contents will have higher porosity.
istics of sinter improve.6 ,7 ,1 7 ,1 9 Experimentation at BSC
Laboratories, UK, carried out on laboratory sinter made Influence on abrasion resistance
at Tata, established1 9 that by changing the sinter MgO The literature reveals that an increase in MgO content of
from 2·3 to 3·2% the softening start and melting start tem- the sinter decreases the abrasion resistance. This has been
peratures change from 1305 to 1391°C and from 1467 to attributed to the increased viscosity of the melt owing to the
1525°C, respectively. The softening–melting range decreases presence of MgO and the increased amount of magnetite,
from 177 to 166 K, the residuals decrease from 8·8 to 1·7% , both known to contribute to poor abrasion resistance of
and the maximum pressure drop across the softening–melting the sinter.1 1 An increase of the MgO/CaO ratio lowers the
bed decreases from 15·2 to 5·3 kPa. Studies6 ,7 of phases abrasion resistance because of its inverse relationship with
associated with sinter (in relation to CaO–SiO 2 –MgO– porosity.4
Al2 O 3 and CaO–Fe2 O 3 –MgO systems) indicate that, with
an increase of MgO content, the liquidus temperature of
dicalcium silicate increases and the calcium ferrite phase CONCLUSIONS
changes to calcium–magnesioferrite, thus improving the 1. Magnesium minerals are known to be diYcult materials
softening–melting behaviour of the sinter. for assimilation, and MgO acts as a refractory phase during
sintering. It increases the liquidus temperature of the melt,
resulting in higher heat demand and decreased sintering
Influence on mineralogical modifications rate.
The addition of MgO reduces the dispersion of CaO 2. The addition of MgO suppresses the formation of
in sinter. Microprobe analysis con rms that, when MgO calcium ferrite and increases that of dicalcium silicate and
is added to the sinter mix, most of the Mg2 + enters the the vitreous glass matrix, which exhibits a high degree of
magnetite lattice to form magnesiospinels of the type stress. These structures are harmful for sinter strength, and
(Fe,Mg)O.Fe2 O 3 by displacing Fe2 + ions from the magnetite therefore result in a remarkable drop in its tumbler index.
lattice,2 , 3 ,1 5 and a small amount is partitioned to glass and The negative in uence of MgO on strength and granulometry
SFCA.8 Without MgO the magnetite (FeO.Fe2 O 3 ), which can be corrected by extra coke addition.
has a spinel structure, exists in pure form, but is replaced 3. The addition of MgO accelerates the thermal decom-
by a mixed spinel of type (Fe(1 – x ) Mgx )O.Fe2 O 3 (x 1) position of Fe2 O 3 and favours formation of the less reducible
with MgO addition, conforming to the system MgO.Fe2 O 3 . Fe3 O 4 (FeO.Fe2 O 3 ) phase. Also, MgO addition restricts
The ionic radii of Mg2 + and Fe2 + are similar (ionic radius melt formation, leading to increased porosity of the sinter.
of Mg2 + is 0·066 nm and of Fe2 + is 0.074 nm). As soon as Increased porosity provides more surface area exposed to
the sinter bed temperature reaches ~1000°C, by solid state the reducing gases, resulting in higher reducibility and
diVusion, the Mg2 + replaces some of the Fe2 + from the mag- reduction degradation index.
netite lattice, thus forming the mixed spinels or magnesio- 4. The addition of MgO improves the softening–melting
spinels. Like magnetite (Fe3 + (Fe2 + Fe3 + )O 4 ), magnesioferrite characteristics of the sinter. The softening and melting start
(Fe3 + (Mg2 + Fe3 + )O 4 ) has an inverse structure and exhibits temperatures increase, and the softening–melting range, the
magnetic properties,and they are optically indistinguishable residuals, and the pressure drop across the softening and
from each other. Because of the abundance of the iron melting bed decrease owing to the formation of mineralogical
oxides and the similarity of the ionic radii of Fe2 + and constituents having a higher liquidus temperature.
Mg2 + , the diVusion of Mg2 + into the lattice of these oxides,
in particular FeO.Fe2 O 3 and FeO, is much greater than
into the other constituents of the sinter. The MgO addition REFERENCES
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