Company Finance Balance Sheet (Rs in CRS.)

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Company : Crompton Greaves Consumer Electrical Ltd

Industry : Electric Equipment - General - Large

Company >> Finance >> Balance Sheet (Rs in Crs.)
 Year Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Mar 16  Mar 15 
1  Share Capital + 125.4 125.36 125.35 125.35 0.05
2  Reserves Total + 973.08 664.14 392.4 103.37 -1.87
3    Equity Share Warrants 0 0 0 0 0
4    Equity Application Money 0 0 0 0 0
5    Total Shareholders Funds 1,098.48 789.5 517.75 228.72 -1.82
6  Secured Loans + 649.26 648.55 647.84 644.45 0
7  Unsecured Loans + 0 0 0 0 0
8    Total Debt 649.26 648.55 647.84 644.45 0
9  Other Liabilities+ 17.29 17.48 17.55 14.55 0
10    Total Liabilities 1,765.03 1,455.53 1,183.14 887.72 -1.82
12  Gross Block + 899.08 884.93 872.52 981.83 0
13  Less : Accumulated Depreciation + 35.93 23.35 11.01 123.82 0
14    Less:Impairment of Assets 0 0 0 0 0
15  Net Block + 863.15 861.58 861.51 858.01 0
16    Lease Adjustment 0 0 0 0 0
17  Capital Work in Progress+ 0.98 0.61 0.05 0.07 0
18    Producing Properties 0 0 0 0 0
19  Investments + 544.18 367.58 318.87 0 0
20    Current Assets, Loans & Advances
21  Inventories + 352.38 303.24 273.35 209.98 0
22  Sundry Debtors + 565.98 553.64 472.82 416.51 0
23  Cash and Bank+ 142.41 177.38 69.74 90 0.05
24  Loans and Advances + 115.67 85.5 68.69 56.34 0
25    Total Current Assets 1,176.44 1,119.76 884.6 772.83 0.05
26    Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions
27  Current Liabilities + 752.96 861.76 843 737.3 2.86
28  Provisions + 151.81 107.7 87.16 28.03 0
29    Total Current Liabilities 904.77 969.46 930.16 765.33 2.86
30    Net Current Assets 271.67 150.3 -45.56 7.5 -2.81
31  Miscellaneous Expenses not written off + 0 0 0 0 0
32    Deferred Tax Assets 63.76 52.23 33.96 9.14 0.99
33    Deferred Tax Liability 4.11 4.38 4.48 4.82 0
34    Net Deferred Tax 59.65 47.85 29.48 4.32 0.99
35  Other Assets+ 25.4 27.61 18.79 17.82 0
36    Total Assets 1,765.03 1,455.53 1,183.14 887.72 -1.82
37  Contingent Liabilities+ 58.18 60.29 46.94 6.91 0
r Electrical Ltd
ral - Large
Company : Crompton Greaves Consumer Electrical Ltd
Industry : Electric Equipment - General - Large
Company >> Finance >> Balance Sheet (Rs in Crs.)
 Year Mar 19  Mar 18  Absolute Change
   SOURCES OF FUNDS : Change %
1  Share Capital + 125.4 125.36 0.04 0.03%
2  Reserves Total + 973.08 664.14 308.94 46.52%
3    Equity Share Warrants 0 0 0
4    Equity Application Money 0 0 0
5    Total Shareholders Funds 1,098.48 789.5 308.98 39.14%
6  Secured Loans + 649.26 648.55 0.71 0.11%
7  Unsecured Loans + 0 0 0
8    Total Debt 649.26 648.55 0.71 0.11%
9  Other Liabilities+ 17.29 17.48 -0.19 -1.09%
10    Total Liabilities 1,765.03 1,455.53 309.5 21.26%
12  Gross Block + 899.08 884.93 14.15 1.60%
13  Less : Accumulated Depreciation + 35.93 23.35 12.58 53.88%
14    Less:Impairment of Assets 0 0 0
15  Net Block + 863.15 861.58 1.57 0.18%
16    Lease Adjustment 0 0 0
17  Capital Work in Progress+ 0.98 0.61 0.37 60.66%
18    Producing Properties 0 0 0
19  Investments + 544.18 367.58 176.6 48.04%
20    Current Assets, Loans & Advances 0
21  Inventories + 352.38 303.24 49.14 16.20%
22  Sundry Debtors + 565.98 553.64 12.34 2.23%
23  Cash and Bank+ 142.41 177.38 -34.97 -19.71%
24  Loans and Advances + 115.67 85.5 30.17 35.29%
25    Total Current Assets 1,176.44 1,119.76 56.68 5.06%
26    Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions 0
27  Current Liabilities + 752.96 861.76 -108.8 -12.63%
28  Provisions + 151.81 107.7 44.11 40.96%
29    Total Current Liabilities 904.77 969.46 -64.69 -6.67%
30    Net Current Assets 271.67 150.3 121.37 80.75%
31  Miscellaneous Expenses not written off + 0 0 0
32    Deferred Tax Assets 63.76 52.23 11.53 22.08%
33    Deferred Tax Liability 4.11 4.38 -0.27 -6.16%
34    Net Deferred Tax 59.65 47.85 11.8 24.66%
35  Other Assets+ 25.4 27.61 -2.21 -8.00%
36    Total Assets 1,765.03 1,455.53 309.5 21.26%
37  Contingent Liabilities+ 58.18 60.29 -2.11 -3.50%
Company : Crompton Greaves Consumer Electrical Ltd
Industry : Electric Equipment - General - Large
Company >> Finance >> Balance Sheet (Rs in Crs.)
 Year Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Mar 16  CAGR
1  Share Capital + 125.4 125.36 125.35 125.35
2  Reserves Total + 973.08 664.14 392.4 103.37 111%
3    Equity Share Warrants 0 0 0 0
4    Equity Application Money 0 0 0 0
5    Total Shareholders Funds 1,098.48 789.5 517.75 228.72 69%
6  Secured Loans + 649.26 648.55 647.84 644.45 0%
7  Unsecured Loans + 0 0 0 0
8    Total Debt 649.26 648.55 647.84 644.45 0%
9  Other Liabilities+ 17.29 17.48 17.55 14.55
10    Total Liabilities 1,765.03 1,455.53 1,183.14 887.72 26%
12  Gross Block + 899.08 884.93 872.52 981.83 -3%
13  Less : Accumulated Depreciation + 35.93 23.35 11.01 123.82
14    Less:Impairment of Assets 0 0 0 0
15  Net Block + 863.15 861.58 861.51 858.01 0%
16    Lease Adjustment 0 0 0 0
17  Capital Work in Progress+ 0.98 0.61 0.05 0.07
18    Producing Properties 0 0 0 0
19  Investments + 544.18 367.58 318.87 0
20    Current Assets, Loans & Advances
21  Inventories + 352.38 303.24 273.35 209.98 19%
22  Sundry Debtors + 565.98 553.64 472.82 416.51 11%
23  Cash and Bank+ 142.41 177.38 69.74 90 17%
24  Loans and Advances + 115.67 85.5 68.69 56.34 27%
25    Total Current Assets 1,176.44 1,119.76 884.6 772.83 15%
26    Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions
27  Current Liabilities + 752.96 861.76 843 737.3 1%
28  Provisions + 151.81 107.7 87.16 28.03 76%
29    Total Current Liabilities 904.77 969.46 930.16 765.33 6%
30    Net Current Assets 271.67 150.3 -45.56 7.5 231%
31  Miscellaneous Expenses not written off + 0 0 0 0
32    Deferred Tax Assets 63.76 52.23 33.96 9.14 91%
33    Deferred Tax Liability 4.11 4.38 4.48 4.82 -5%
34    Net Deferred Tax 59.65 47.85 29.48 4.32 140%
35  Other Assets+ 25.4 27.61 18.79 17.82 13%
36    Total Assets 1,765.03 1,455.53 1,183.14 887.72 26%
37  Contingent Liabilities+ 58.18 60.29 46.94 6.91
Company : Crompton Greaves Consumer Electrical Ltd
Industry : Electric Equipment - General - Large
Company >> Finance >> Balance Sheet (Rs in Crs.)
 Year Mar 19  Mar 18 
1  Share Capital + 125.4 7.10 125.36 8.61
2  Reserves Total + 973.08 55.13 664.14 45.63
3    Equity Share Warrants 0 0.00 0 0.00
4    Equity Application Money 0 0.00 0 0.00
5    Total Shareholders Funds 1,098.48 62.24 789.5 54.24
6  Secured Loans + 649.26 36.78 648.55 44.56
7  Unsecured Loans + 0 0.00 0 0.00
8    Total Debt 649.26 36.78 648.55 44.56
9  Other Liabilities+ 17.29 0.98 17.48 1.20
10    Total Liabilities 1,765.03 100.00 1,455.53 100
12  Gross Block + 899.08 50.94 884.93 60.80
13  Less : Accumulated Depreciation + 35.93 2.04 23.35 1.60
14    Less:Impairment of Assets 0 0.00 0 0.00
15  Net Block + 863.15 48.90 861.58 59.19
16    Lease Adjustment 0 0.00 0 0.00
17  Capital Work in Progress+ 0.98 0.06 0.61 0.04
18    Producing Properties 0 0.00 0 0.00
19  Investments + 544.18 30.83 367.58 25.25
20    Current Assets, Loans & Advances 0.00 0.00
21  Inventories + 352.38 19.96 303.24 20.83
22  Sundry Debtors + 565.98 32.07 553.64 38.04
23  Cash and Bank+ 142.41 8.07 177.38 12.19
24  Loans and Advances + 115.67 6.55 85.5 5.87
25    Total Current Assets 1,176.44 66.65 1,119.76 76.93
26    Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions 0.00 0.00
27  Current Liabilities + 752.96 42.66 861.76 59.21
28  Provisions + 151.81 8.60 107.7 7.40
29    Total Current Liabilities 904.77 51.26 969.46 66.61
30    Net Current Assets 271.67 15.39 150.3 10.33
31  Miscellaneous Expenses not written off + 0 0.00 0 0.00
32    Deferred Tax Assets 63.76 3.61 52.23 3.59
33    Deferred Tax Liability 4.11 0.23 4.38 0.30
34    Net Deferred Tax 59.65 3.38 47.85 3.29
35  Other Assets+ 25.4 1.44 27.61 1.90
36    Total Assets 1,765.03 100.00 1,455.53 100.00
37  Contingent Liabilities+ 58.18 60.29
Company : Crompton Greaves Consumer Electrical Ltd
Industry : Electric Equipment - General - Large
Company >> Finance >> Balance Sheet (Rs in Crs.)
 Year Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Mar 16 
1  Share Capital + 125.4 125.36 125.35 125.35
2  Reserves Total + 973.08 664.14 392.4 103.37
3    Equity Share Warrants 0 0 0 0
4    Equity Application Money 0 0 0 0
5    Total Shareholders Funds 1,098.48 789.5 517.75 228.72
480.27 345.18 226.37 100
6  Secured Loans + 649.26 648.55 647.84 644.45
7  Unsecured Loans + 0 0 0 0
8    Total Debt 649.26 648.55 647.84 644.45
100.75 100.64 100.53 100
9  Other Liabilities+ 17.29 17.48 17.55 14.55
10    Total Liabilities 1,765.03 1,455.53 1,183.14 887.72
198.83 163.96 133.28 100
12  Gross Block + 899.08 884.93 872.52 981.83
13  Less : Accumulated Depreciation + 35.93 23.35 11.01 123.82
14    Less:Impairment of Assets 0 0 0 0
15  Net Block + 863.15 861.58 861.51 858.01
100.60 100.42 100.41 100
16    Lease Adjustment 0 0 0 0
17  Capital Work in Progress+ 0.98 0.61 0.05 0.07
18    Producing Properties 0 0 0 0
19  Investments + 544.18 367.58 318.87 0
20    Current Assets, Loans & Advances
21  Inventories + 352.38 303.24 273.35 209.98
22  Sundry Debtors + 565.98 553.64 472.82 416.51
23  Cash and Bank+ 142.41 177.38 69.74 90
24  Loans and Advances + 115.67 85.5 68.69 56.34
25    Total Current Assets 1,176.44 1,119.76 884.6 772.83
152.22 144.89 114.46 100
26    Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions
27  Current Liabilities + 752.96 861.76 843 737.3
28  Provisions + 151.81 107.7 87.16 28.03
29    Total Current Liabilities 904.77 969.46 930.16 765.33
30    Net Current Assets 271.67 150.3 -45.56 7.5
3622.27 2004.00 -607.47 100
31  Miscellaneous Expenses not written off + 0 0 0 0
32    Deferred Tax Assets 63.76 52.23 33.96 9.14
33    Deferred Tax Liability 4.11 4.38 4.48 4.82
34    Net Deferred Tax 59.65 47.85 29.48 4.32
35  Other Assets+ 25.4 27.61 18.79 17.82
36    Total Assets 1,765.03 1,455.53 1,183.14 887.72
37  Contingent Liabilities+ 58.18 60.29 46.94 6.91

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