Lal Et Al 2014. Chilli Spacing

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International Journal of Farm Sciences 4(3) : 42-48, 2014

Impact of spacing and training on seed yield of capsicum,

Capsicum annuum L under protected conditions

Department of Seed Science and Technology

Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan 173230 HP
Email for correspondence: [email protected]


The study was conducted during Kharif 2012 to find out optimum planting density and training
system for seed production of bell pepper, Capsicum annuum L under protected conditions using
cultivar Solan Bharpur. The treatment combinations comprised of three planting densities (S) viz S1 (45
x 15 cm), S2 (45 x 30 cm) and S3 (45 x 45 cm) and four training levels (T) viz T1 (single shoot), T2 (two
shoots), T3 (three shoots) and T4 (four shoots). The observations were recorded in the field on plant
height (cm), days to ripe fruit harvest, ripe fruit weight (g), number of ripe fruits/plant, ripe fruit yield/
plant (kg), number of seeds/fruit, per cent seed recovery, seed yield/plant (g), seed yield/m2 (g) and seed
yield/ha (kg). Analysis of variance showed that the combination S2T2 (plants spaced at 45 x 30 cm and
trained to two shoots) was found superior over all other treatments in terms of economic characters
such as total fruit yield/plant and seed yield (per plant, per m2 and per hectare).

Keywords: Planting density; training system; bell pepper; seed yield

INTRODUCTION not conducive for seed production of bell

pepper due to various biotic (pests and
The bell pepper, Capsicum diseases), abiotic (rainfall, temperature,
annuum L is an important off-season cash relative humidity and light intensity) and
crop amongst the solanceous vegetables crop factors (flower and fruit drop).
cultivated in Himachal Pradesh, UP, parts
of Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Greenhouse the latest word in
Kashmir, parts of West Bengal, Indian agriculture is one such means where
Maharashtra and Karnataka states of India the plants are grown under controlled or
(Chadha 2005). Bell pepper is a cool season partially controlled environment resulting
tropical crop and lacks adaptability to varied in higher yields than that is possible under
environmental conditions (Yoon et al 1989). open conditions (Navale et al 2003). The
There is great diversity of climate in India growers can cultivate a crop in any
and agro-climatic conditions of the plains are season under protected environment.
Lal et al

Growing plants in polyhouse improves MATERIAL and METHODS

the quality of fruit which ultimately
improves quality of seeds and in The present investigations were
turn helps the farmers to fetch the good carried out in the Department of Seed
price. Science and Technology, Dr YS Parmar
University of Horticulture and Forestry,
In greenhouse cultivation main Nauni, Solan during Kharif 2012 in bell
emphasis is given on appropriate cultural pepper cv Solan Bharpur. The experiment
practices such as plant densities and was laid in randomized block design
training systems in order to enhance the (factorial). The seedlings were
production per unit area by utilizing the transplanted at different spacings (S) viz
available space and utilization of the S1 (45 x 15 cm), S2 (45 x 30 cm) and S3
resources. An appropriate training system (45 x 45 cm) in a plot having size of 2 x
will not only facilitate better management 0.9 m ie 1.8 m2 in naturally ventilated (top
and uniform light to the plants but also and side ventilated) polyhouse and after
permit closer planting, early ripening of establishment of seedlings they were trained
fruits, higher yield of larger sized fruits and to four training levels (T) viz T1 (single
higher yield of good quality seeds. shoot), T2 (two shoots), T3 (three shoots)
Training systems vary with different and T4 (four shoots) replicated four times.
growth habits and plant densities. In India The observations were recorded on five
or other countries the use of agro- randomly selected plants from each
techniques like appropriate planting replication for all characters under study.
density and training of plants has been
carried out for fresh vegetable production The characters studied were:
but the use of these agro-techniques has
not been done yet on large scale for the Growth characters: Plant height was
seed production under the protected recorded from the soil level to the tip of the
conditions. The growth, yield and quality plant at the end of the crop season ie at the
attributes of capsicum are profoundly start of leaf senescence and mean height
influenced by the cultural practices like was expressed in centimeters. Number of
proper plant spacing and training level. days to ripe fruit harvest was counted from
Keeping in view the above facts the the date of transplanting to fully developed
present investigations were planned to red ripe fruits and mean was worked out.
identify the suitable planting density and
training system for bell pepper seed Fruit yield characters: The ripe fruit
production under protected conditions. weight was calculated by weighing ten

Spacing, training impact on capsicum

red ripe fruits of second harvest and Seed yield characters: Total number of
their average was worked in grams. seeds was counted from randomly selected
The number of fruits from each picking ten fruits at second harvest and average
was counted and cumulative total after value was worked out to calculate number
last picking was expressed as number of seeds per fruit in each treatment
of fruits per plant. Weight of ripe fruits combination. One kilogram ripe fruits from
harvested was taken and averaged to each plot were taken and their seeds were
work out the fruit yield per plant in extracted and dried. The seed recovery
kg. percentage was calculated as:

Total seed weight extracted from ripe fruits (g)

Seed recovery (%)= × 100
Total fruit weight (g)

The harvested seeds were dried to in early maturation of fruit as there was less
8 per cent moisture content, weighed and competition for the light and nutrient among
averaged to work out seed yield per plant, the plants. These results are in agreement
seed yield/m2 and seed yield/ha. While with Aminifard et al (2012) who also
calculating the seed yield per hectare twenty reported the maximum plant height at wider
per cent area was considered as plant spacing in capsicum. Aktas et al
depreciation for construction of channels in (2009) also concluded that the single
the polyhouse. branch pruning increased the height of plant.
Kishor (2012) reported minimum number
The statistical analysis was done as of days to ripe fruit harvest at wider
per design of the experiment as suggested spacing. Similarly highest ripe fruit weight
by Gomez and Gomez (1984). (67.18 g) was obtained from S 3 T 1
(Table 1). This could be because at the
RESULTS and DISCUSSION wider spacing and low shoot density the
competition for the nutrient and light among
The interaction effects revealed that the plants and within the plant was low as
S3T1 (45 x 45 cm and single shoot) resulted compared to that of high plant and shoot
in the highest plant height (161.35 cm) and density. Aminifard et al (2012) reported that
minimum days to ripe fruit harvest (94.92) fruit weight decreased with increasing plant
(Table 1). This may be due to enhanced population in capsicum. The contrasting
apical dominance and low competition for results were obtained by Jovicich et al
the nutrients and aerial space within or (1998) who indicated that extra large fruit
between the plants and wider spacing in yield/plant was greatest in four stem plants.
combination with low shoot density resulting S2T4 (45 x 30 cm and four shoots) recorded

Lal et al

Table 1 Effect of planting density and training on growth and fruit yield characters in
seed production of bell pepper cv Solan Bharpur under protected conditions


Growth T1 T2 T3 T4 Mean (S)


Plant height (cm)

S1 147.40 142.48 135.83 128.40 138.53
S2 156.00 144.65 138.03 135.70 143.59
S3 161.35 154.65 144.30 138.28 149.65
Mean (T) 154.92 147.26 139.38 134.13

CD0.05 (T): 2.22, CD0.05 (S): 1.92, CD0.05 (TxS): 3.84

# Days to ripe fruit harvest

S1 104.99 105.58 107.34 109.22 106.78
S2 99.15 100.16 102.37 105.29 101.74
S3 94.92 97.49 100.32 103.59 99.08
Mean (T) 99.69 101.08 103.34 106.03

CD0.05 (T): 1.92, CD0.05 (S): 1.66, CD0.05 (TxS): 3.33

Ripe fruit weight (g)

S1 56.55 53.78 49.21 46.75 51.57
S2 62.30 62.43 57.44 53.44 58.90
S3 67.18 63.05 58.55 55.05 60.96
Mean (T) 62.01 59.75 55.07 51.75

CD0.05 (T): 1.94, CD0.05 (S): 1.68, CD0.05 (TxS): 3.36

# Ripe fruits/plant
S1 8.25 9.50 10.00 10.00 9.44
S2 13.00 15.25 15.25 15.50 14.75
S3 9.50 10.75 13.50 14.25 12.00
Mean (T) 10.25 11.83 12.92 13.25

CD0.05 (T): 0.76, CD0.05 (S): 0.65, CD0.05 (TxS): 1.31

Ripe fruit yield/plant (kg)

S1 0.47 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.48
S2 0.81 0.95 0.88 0.83 0.87
S3 0.64 0.68 0.79 0.82 0.73
Mean (T) 0.64 0.71 0.72 0.70

CD0.05 (T): 0.05, CD0.05 (S): 0.04, CD0.05 (TxS): 0.08

Spacing, training impact on capsicum

Table 2. Effect of planting density and training on seed yield characters in seed
production of bell pepper cv Solan Bharpur under protected conditions
Character Treatment

T1 T2 T3 T4 Mean (S)

Growth character

# Seeds/fruit
S1 167.20 162.10 156.63 152.11 159.51
S2 193.52 189.73 187.18 182.37 188.20
S3 198.14 193.90 190.88 186.64 192.39
Mean (T) 186.29 181.91 178.23 173.71

CD0.05 (T): 1.00, CD0.05 (S): 0.86, CD0.05 (T x S): 1.73

Per cent seed recovery

S1 1.62 (1.62) 1.59 (1.61) 1.65 (1.63) 1.64 (1.62) 1.62 (1.62)
S2 1.91 (1.71) 1.89 (1.70) 1.91 (1.71) 1.89 (1.70) 1.90 (1.70)
S3 1.86 (1.69) 1.94 (1.71) 1.98 (1.73) 1.96 (1.72) 1.93 (1.71)
Mean (T) 1.80 (1.67) 1.81 (1.67) 1.85 (1.69) 1.83 (1.68)

CD0.05 (T): NS, CD0.05 (S): 0.02, CD0.05 (T x S): NS

Fruit yield character

Seed yield/plant (g)

S1 7.55 8.09 8.10 7.62 7.84
S2 15.47 18.00 16.74 15.63 16.46
S3 11.89 13.08 15.59 15.93 14.12
Mean (T) 11.64 13.05 13.48 13.06

CD0.05 (T): 0.79, CD0.05 (S): 0.68, CD0.05 (T x S): 1.36

Seed yield/m2 (g)

S1 100.70 107.80 107.94 101.66 104.53
S2 103.17 119.98 111.62 104.18 109.74
S3 52.83 58.13 69.28 70.78 62.75
Mean (T) 85.57 95.30 96.28 92.20

CD0.05 (T): 5.96, CD0.05 (S): 5.17, CD0.05 (T x S): 10.33

Seed yield/ha (kg)

S1 805.62 862.40 863.51 813.24 836.19
S2 825.35 959.87 892.96 833.39 877.89
S3 422.62 465.04 554.21 566.19 502.01
Mean (T) 684.53 762.44 770.22 737.61

CD0.05 (T): 47.71, CD0.05 (S): 41.32, CD0.05 (T x S): 82.64

Figures in the parentheses represent square root transformation

Lal et al

higher number of fruits per plant (15.50) growth and development of the plant and
(Table 1). This might be due to congenial finally higher seed yield. Patil and Singh
climate coupled with optimum plant (1979) in chilli and Sanchez et al (1993)
spacing and training level. Similar reported that closer spacing resulted in lower
observations were recorded by Cebula et seed yield per plant in bell pepper. Patil and
al (1995) and Dasgan and Abak (2003) Singh (1979), Lal (1992), Singh et al (1989)
in bell pepper. The combination S2T2 (45 and Khurana et al (2002) also reported that
x 30 cm and two shoots) gave the highest wider spacing resulted in lower seed yield
ripe fruit yield per plant (0.95 kg) (Table per m2 and per hectare in chilli. Another
1). Cebula et al (1995) suggested that reason might be the extended cropping
at higher plant density plant efficiency season. In the field bell pepper can be
would be increased by higher LAI and a harvested over a period of 2-3 months but
high net assimilation rate in bell pepper in greenhouse production season can be
resulting in higher biomass and fruit yield. extended for 8 months (Wien 1997).
Jovicich et al (1998) also observed the
similar results when four plants per m2 were From the present study it can be
pruned to four stems in sweet pepper. concluded that the combination S2T2 (plants
spaced at 45 x 30 cm and trained to two
Maximum number of seeds per shoots) was found superior over all other
fruit (198.14) was obtained with the treatments in terms of economic character
combination S3T1 (Table 2). This might be such as total fruit yield/plant and seed yield
due to the reason that wider spaced and (per plant, per m2 and per hectare) which is
single shoot plants bore larger sized fruits an ultimate goal of any experiment. Therefore
while closer spaced and dense shoots per planting density S2 (45 x 30 cm) in
plant resulted in small sized fruits and size combination with training system T2 (two
of fruit is correlated to number of seeds shoots) can be recommended for
(Kinet and Peet 1997). Effect of treatment commercial cultivation after multilocation
combinations on per cent seed recovery testing for getting the higher yield of quality
was found to be non-significant. The seed seeds in bell pepper under protected
yield was significantly affected by the conditions in Himachal Pradesh.
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and two shoots) that gave the highest seed REFERENCES
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Spacing, training impact on capsicum

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Received: 15.4.2014 Accepted: 19.8.2014


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