Gwlilc 2020

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Name: ______

GWL30 Independent Learning Course (ILC)

20 Marks Total/ ______

UNIT Career Trends: You will change careers four to five times in your
adult life. Quite different than past generations who stayed at one job or
career until they retired.

Curriculum Strand: Trends, Projections and

Transferable skills:

Transferrable Skills also known as portable s k i l l s

are qualities that can be transferred from one job to another. You likely already
possess many t r a n s f e r a b l e   s k i l l s employers want, like, organizational
or strong communication skills.
Agrigucltural Age

Industrial Age
Digital Age

TASK: Predict or foreshadow your top three Careers.

Career Career Career




One Two Three

_____ _____ _____
Reflection: Out of your THREE Choices what is the definite career of
the future and explain your reason for this future Career that is now
going to be very relevant in the next 10 Years.

Bonus: What are some Indigenous Self-Care practices that you could
foresee that would be instrumental and critical for future career and job
trends? (5 marks).

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