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» MANIPAL ACADEMY o/ HIGHER EDUCATION Application for Revaluation s| Dae: [0] 8[ °] al alo] Name ofthe lestitution: | KMc MANIPAL Reg. Nos 160101014 Name: | AAKASH Kk & ‘COURSE r r YEAR / SEMESTER RANCH / SPECIALIZATION tog MIMBS, RDS. H Pharm. ete) MBBS University Examination held in: | MANIPAL IN JANUARY 2020 jestor) Date of announcement of results | 30 - O1- 2020 sussects: | et Subject Name sus | Seblest ‘Subject Name [or COMMUNITY Meorerne | 06 a | OPHTHALMOLOmY. ” 3 ENT 08 on » 0s 0 a engines AE! wi (personal pope sein orrenged oly for those whe hove opted Ye) ‘Note: The marks obtained in the revaluation willbe taken as the final marks secured by the student for result processing irrespective of whether there is an increase or decrease in the marks as a result of revaluation. Students can opt out of the revaluation atthe time of personal paper seeing (no refund for such case). Ifthe candidate is not appearing /absent for personal paper seeing, ravaluation will be carried out kG Signture of the Candidate | Verified and Forwarded Prescribed amount is collected from the candidate. Signature & Stamp of the Head of the Institution

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