There Would Be A Second Issue!) : Sherpa Tensing Norgay
There Would Be A Second Issue!) : Sherpa Tensing Norgay
There Would Be A Second Issue!) : Sherpa Tensing Norgay
1 The first issue of Playboy came out in 1953. Who was on the cover?
Marilyn Monroe (There was no date on the cover as Hugh Hefner wasn't sure
there would be a second issue!)
2 In 1953 who became the first woman to win the tennis Grand Slam?
a)Maureen Connolly, b)Margaret Court or C)Billie Jean King
3 Ian Fleming's first James Bond novel was published in 1953. What was it? Casino
5 There has not been an official treaty ending the Korean War. True or False
6 Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. True or False
7 The first movie to be made for Cinemascope came out in 1953. What was it?
a) Ben Hur b) The Robe c) The Greatest Story Ever Told
8 Which future Doctor Who became TV's first Robin Hood in 1953? Patrick Troughton
9 With whom did Sir Edmund Hillary reach the summit of Everest in 1953?
Sherpa Tensing Norgay.
10 For which film did Marlon Brando receive his "Best Actor" Oscar in 1953?
"On The Waterfront".
12 What did James D. Watson and Francis Crick announce that they had discovered in
1953. The structure of D.N.A.
13 Which British sci-fi serial broadcast by the BBC in 1953 tells the story of the first
manned flight into outer space and its horrific consequences.
The Quatermass Experiment
14 Fillmed at the Leeds City Varieties music hall, which light entertainment tv show began
its 30-year run on BBC Television in this year. The Good Old Days
16 Which BBC current affairs tv programme was first aired in this year and is still running
today. Panorama
17 Tommy Taylor, 21-year-old centre forward, became Britain's most expensive footballer
in a transfer from Barnsley to Manchester United for what fee. (within £5k)
18 This piece of equipment was introduced in 1953. It would detect whether you were
committing a criminal offence. What is it TV Detector Van
19 The first colour 3-D movie premiers in New York staring Vincent Price. What is its title?
House of Wax
20 On this day in 1934 which notorious bank robbers were ambushed and gunned down
with over 100 round of ammunition by police in Louisiana.
Bonnie & Clyde