AL1x2x Acyclic Commands Rev8
AL1x2x Acyclic Commands Rev8
AL1x2x Acyclic Commands Rev8
Command Header Port # – Port Number where the IO-Link device is connected on the AL1x2x module
Port# Index – Parameters changed; Units, Display, Switch Points, etc…
Index & SubIndex SubIndex – Sub menu parameters within the Index parameter
Command Header Port # – Port Number where the IO-Link device is connected on the AL1x2x module
Port# Index – Parameters changed; Units, Display, Switch Points, etc…
Index & SubIndex SubIndex – Sub menu parameters within the Index parameter
Add_On Instructions for sending acyclic commands to any manufacturer’s IO Link Device
1. Open Folder 3 in the AL1x2x PLC Allen Bradley folder to find the Add_On Instructions.
a. Unzip the “AL1x2x AddOn Instruction.<date>.zip”
b. Open the Folder named “3. AddOn Instruction-Acyclic Commands” to find the
4 port and 8 port .L5X Acyclic Add_On files.
Using Add_On Instruction to send Commands
5. Enter a unique name for the Acyclic_nPort_IOL, then right click on the name to
declare the new tag.
Using Add_On Instruction to send Commands
7. In the Add_On Instruction fill in the PLC_Input and PLC_Output parameters with the
Input and Output Data from the Controller Tags of the AL1x2x Ethernet Module.
Using Add_On Instruction to send Commands
8. Download the logic rung to the PLC and put the PLC in Run Mode
Using Add_On Instruction to send Commands
9. Find the IO Device Description PDF for the IO-Link device from the ifm website
a. For ifm devices go to the ifm global website, text search the IO-Link device’s article
number and click the button.
b. Click the article number in the search results to be taken to the datasheet.
Using Add_On Instruction to send Commands
d. Scroll down through the datasheet to find and download the IO Device Description PDF
Using Add_On Instruction to send Commands
10. Find the Index, SubIndex, Command Length and Value range for the
Laser Configuration settings for the O5D100 from the IO Device Description PDF.
11. Input the Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Command, Command Length,
and WR_Data_1 in the Acyclic data Req and Resp Add_On Instruction
Write Command = 2
Read Command = 1
14. Turn the laser on by sending a Laser Configuration request with a Value Range of 1.
Input the Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Command, Command Length, and Wr_Data_x
Write Command = 2
Read Command = 1
17. To verify the Laser Configuration use a Read command. Input the Port Number, Index,
SubIndex, Read Command, and Command Length
Write Command = 2
Read Command = 1
21. Send an invalid command to the O5D100 by requesting a Laser Configuration value of 10.
Input the Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Command, Command Length, and
WR_Data_x in the AL1x2x command mailbox: Request
Write Command = 2
Read Command = 1
The AL1x2x Command Mailbox: Request and Response is pre-mapped by the eds file to the
Configuration Input and Output tags of the AL1x2x Ethernet Module.
Request Response
Using ifm AL1x2x Mailbox to send Commands
1. Find the IO Device Description PDF for the IO-Link device from the ifm website
a. For ifm devices go to the ifm global website, text search the IO-Link device’s article
number and click the button.
b. Click the article number in the search results to go to the datasheet.
Using ifm AL1x2x Mailbox to send Commands
d. Scroll down through the datasheet to find and download the IO Device Description PDF
Using ifm AL1x2x Mailbox to send Commands
2. Find the Index, SubIndex, Command Length and command array values for the
Laser Configuration settings on the O5D100 from the IO Device Description PDF.
3. Input the Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Command, Command Length, and
Command Array values in the AL1x2x command mailbox: Request
Write Command
Request Set True
Value of 0 to be sent
to turn laser off
Using ifm AL1x2x Mailbox to send Commands
5. Open the AL1x2x command mailbox: Response to see the command response.
Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Response, Handshake, Response Length, and
Command Array values. The laser is Off.
Binary code
for byte Length of
O5D Laser Config is
8 bit command = 1 byte
Response Byte
shows no errors
Using ifm AL1x2x Mailbox to send Commands
6. Turn the laser on by sending a Laser Configuration request with a Value Range of 1.
Input the Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Command, Command Length and
Command Array values in the AL1x2x command mailbox: Request
Write Command
Request Set True
Binary code
for byte Length.
O5D Laser Config is
8 bit command = 1 byte
Value of 1 to be sent
to turn laser on
Using ifm AL1x2x Mailbox to send Commands
8. Open the AL1x2x command mailbox: Response to see the command response.
Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Response, Handshake, Response Length, and
Diagnostic Data (Errors) = 0. The laser is on.
Binary code
for byte Length of
O5D Laser Config is
8 bit command = 1 byte
Response Byte
shows no errors
Using ifm AL1x2x Mailbox to send Commands
9. To verify the Laser Configuration use a Read command. Input the Port Number, Index,
SubIndex, Read Command.
Read Command
Request Set True
Using ifm AL1x2x Mailbox to send Commands
11. Open the AL1x2x command mailbox: Response to see the command response.
Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Response, Handshake, Response Length, and
Command Response = 1
Binary code
for byte Length of
O5D Laser Config is
8 bit command = 1 byte
12. Send an invalid command to the O5D100 by requesting a Laser Configuration value of 10.
Input the Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Command, Command Length, and
Command Array values in the AL1x2x command mailbox: Request
Write Command
Request = Set True
Binary code
for byte Length.
O5D Laser Config is
8 bit command = 1 byte
14. Open the AL1x2x command mailbox: Response to see the command response.
Port Number, Index, SubIndex, Write Response, Handshake, Response Length, and
Diagnostic Data (Errors) = 8030 Hex
2 byte Command