Wi-Fi Based Attendance System
Wi-Fi Based Attendance System
Wi-Fi Based Attendance System
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com
Abstract: This project presents a design and framework for taking attendance in an educational institution at the beginning or
the end of every class within the classroom itself, making the troublesome process of compilation of attendance simple and
efficient, so that the lecturers can concentrate on teaching and don't have to invest their time on classroom attendance
collection. In this system, during every class, the respective incharge generates a Wi-Fi hotspot to which a student can connect
their mobile phone with the help of an android application. Here, the teacher will generate a QR code and students are required
to scan the code and enter their details so as to be marked as present during the lecture.
Keywords: QR code, Wi-Fi hotspot, android application.
In recent times, educational institutions are concerned about the irregularity of student attendance. The conventional attendance
system which is taking attendance by calling names is heavily time consuming and inaccurate. This project automates the
conventional attendance system in an efficient manner. In this system, during every class, the respective teacher generates a Wi-Fi
hotspot to which a student must connect their mobile phone with the help of an android application. Here the teacher will generate a
QR code and the students are required to scan the generated code and they need to enter their details to get their attendance marked.
The android application designed will compare the data of the students with its background mobile database and finally the list of
absentees in the class is displayed in the android application. This system, with a few changes can also be used for the maintenance
of employees/workers attendance in an organization.
Smart phones and Wi-Fi being a basic need nowadays, this proposed system works with the help of an application designed for
android smart phones, a local server and Wi-Fi router. The application designed has 3 blocks. First block is for the professor to
generate QR code, second for the students to mark their attendance, and third for both professor and students to view the absentee’s
In the first block, the professor with his/her mobile phone connected the Wi-Fi signal generated a QR code where the generated QR
code is stored in the database. To limit the access of this page to only professors, it is secured with a password which will be given
to the professors so that no student will have access to this page. If the entered password is wrong, it displays an error message and
asks again to enter the password. In the second block, the students with his/her mobile phone connected to the Wi-Fi signal
generated will scan the QR that is displayed on the projector. The scanned QR code is now compared with QR code stored in the
database when generated. If the code matches, a new page is displayed where the student will enter his details like the current class,
year, section, and roll number. After entering all the details and when clicked on submit button, all the entered details will be stored
to the database. Along with these details, the submitted time, date and the phone’s MAC Id will be stored to the database. In the
third block, which is accessible to both professors and students will have a pop up button to select the subject. When the required
subject is selected the absentes data is retrieved from the database by comparing the data submitted by the students with the static
data of the class already stored in the database. A Wi-Fi router is used to provide the Wi-Fi signal for the professor and students to
connect their smart phones in the class room. Wi-Fi router is placed in the class room and the students connected to this router with
their smart phones are only provided the attendance. This router is connected to the local server and this router sends the data to the
database that is submitted by the students. The database server is developed with the help of Xampp server for storing the student
static data, QR generated by the professor, and the data submitted by the student in the class. When submitting data MAC Id of the
students smart phone is stored as unique key so that no student can submit details twice. The data like the student roll number,
section, year, subject, date, time, and MAC Id of the student mobile are stored in the database.
1) Application: Kodular software.
2) Database: Xampp server.
This work is done with the help of Xampp server, Kodular software and Android mobile. It‘s aim is to detect Students within the
classroom and mark their attendance. It displays the students roll numbers who were not present in the classroom i.e. Absentees.
Thus, it automatically mark the attendance of the students within the classroom. It can also be extended for implementation in
Schools, Organization with few modifications etc. In this world of Automation, This automatic attendance management system
plays a major role in various fields.
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