People v. Olarte (Pamatmat)
People v. Olarte (Pamatmat)
People v. Olarte (Pamatmat)
Mar. 11, 2019 | J. Gesmundo | Chain of custody At all times, the source of amorphous as well as firmly
structured objects being offered as evidence must be tethered to and
supported by a testimony.
Respondents: HEROFIL OLARTE Y NAMUAG In the case at hand, the chain of custody rule does not apply to an
undetonated grenade (an object made unique), for it is not amorphous and
SUMMARY: its form is relatively resistant to change. A witness of the prosecution need
According to the prosecution, there had been a series of robberies in CDO only identify the hand grenade, a structured object, based on personal
featuring a certain “Boy Solo.” While monitoring the area of the crimes, Olarte, knowledge that the same contraband or article is what it purports to be—
who looked like the suspect in previous CCTV footages, was spotted by PO2 Intud that it came from the person of Olarte. Even assuming arguendo that the chain
and PO2 Monilar. Eventually, he was pulling out a firearm as he was about to of custody rule applies to dispel supposed doubts as to the grenade's existence
enter an LBC branch. The police officers chased after him and eventually arrested and source, the integrity and evidentiary value of the explosive had been
him. Among the items seized from him was a fragmentation grenade with a sufficiently established by the prosecution through the testimonies of the officers.
M204A2 assembly. He was separately charged for illegal or unauthorized
possession of a hand grenade and an unlicensed pistol. In the end, the presumption that the prosecution's witnesses have been regularly
performing their official duty was upheld by the Court and it affirmed the lower
In the RTC, the prosecution moved for the amendment of the Information in court’s decision of conviction.
Criminal Case No. 2014-830 (illegal possession of hand grenade) seeking to
change the reflected fuse assembly marking from "M204X2" to "M204A2." This
was granted by the RTC. Olarte was acquitted for the unlicensed pistol but was FACTS:
found guilty of illegal possession of a hand grenade. The CA affirmed the 1. Olarte was separately charged for illegal or unauthorized possession of a
conviction. Now, before the SC, Olarte argues, among other things, that the hand grenade and an unlicensed pistol, later found to be a replica.
corpus delicti is doubtful because when the subject hand grenade was presented 2. According to the Prosecution:
in court, the marking “RJVII2” was not found on it, and the fuse assembly marking a. PO2 Intud and PO2 Monilar were members of Task Force “Boy
stated in the original information did not match the grenade’s serial number. Solo,” a team formed in response to reports that a lone gunman
was believed to be responsible for several robberies in some
In relation to our topic, the issue is W/N the identity and integrity of the corpus streets in CDO.
delicti have been compromised causing Olarte’s guilt to be tainted with b. On July 19, 2014, at around 1:30PM, Intud and Monilar were
reasonable doubt - NO. conducting discreet monitoring operations in the area. They
noticed a man walking towards an LBC branch. The man
As a rule, object evidence now requires authentication or testimonial sponsorship resembled “Boy Solo,” who was caught on CCTV in the past.
before it may be admitted or considered by the court. Historically, the Court has c. As “Boy Solo” was about to enter LBC, he pulled out a firearm.
applied the "chain of custody" rule as a mode of authenticating illegal drug This prompted Intud and Monilar to run towards the suspect, but
substances in order to determine its admissibility. However, such rule has not yet Boy Solo noticed them and ran away. Eventually, Boy Solo/Olarte
been extended to other substances or objects for it is only a variation of the was arrested near Ororama Superstore after a chase by Intud and
principle that real evidence must be authenticated prior to its admission into Monilar.
evidence. d. During the arrest, the officers searched Olarte’s person and
recovered a .25 caliber pistol replica, a fragmentation grenade with
(DOCTRINE) If the proffered evidence is unique, readily identifiable, and an M204A2 fuse assembly, a flathead screwdriver, and a
relatively resistant to change, that foundation need only consist of transparent heat-sealed plastic sachet containing a white
testimony by a witness with knowledge that the evidence is what the crystalline substance believed to be meth.
proponent claims; otherwise, the chain of custody rule has to be resorted to and e. Intud then wrapped the grenade with masking tape and marked it
complied with by the proponent to satisfy the evidentiary requirement of relevancy. with his initials RMI2. Then, the officers brought Olarte to the
police station, where the incident was recorded in the police c. The corpus delicti is doubtful because when the subject hand
blotter. grenade was presented in court, the marking “RJVII2” was not
f. Intud turned over the grenade to the prosecutor but the latter found on it and the fuse assembly marking stated in the original
refused to take custody. He handed it to SPO2 Radaza who, in information did not match the grenade’s serial number.
turn, entrusted it to the PNP Explosive Ordinance Disposal Team d. The RTC should not have allowed the amendment of the original
headed by SPO2 Tingson. information to change the fuse assembly marking from “M204X2”
g. SPO2 Tingson inspected the grenade and identified it as an M61 to “M2O4A2” because it affects the very identity of the grenade,
fragmentation hand grenade. He issued an acknowledgement making it prejudicial to the accused.
receipt and a certification to the same. Finally, the police officers
found out that Olarte had no license or permit to possess the M61 ISSUE/S:
hand grenade as well as the .25 caliber pistol, though a replica. 1. W/N the warrantless arrest is valid and the hand grenade seized is
3. On the other hand, according to Olarte: admissible - YES
a. On July 29, 2014, he boarded a jeepney bound for Tablon, CDO. 2. W/N the original information could be validly amended by the prosecution to
When the jeepney stopped in front of Ororama, two civilian- reflect the proper marking inscribed on the hand grenade’s fuse assembly -
dressed persons suddenly approached. YES
b. They bear-hugged and handcuffed him and told him to go with 3. W/N the identity and integrity of the corpus delicti have been compromised
them. causing Olarte’s guilt to be tainted with reasonable doubt - NO
c. He was startled and he resisted because he didn’t do anything
wrong. RATIO:
d. He was then brought by his captors to police station where his bag 1. On whether or not the warrantless arrest is valid and the hand
was confiscated. Afterwards, another person came to the police grenade seized is admissible - YES
station with a grenade and a pistol replica claiming that these were a. Under the circumstances, PO2 Intud and PO2 Monilar had a
found inside Olarte’s bag. He was then forced by the police officers reasonable suspicion to arrest Olarte who was seen to have drawn
to admit to illegally possessing the grenade and imitation pistol. a gun as he was about to enter LBC. Common sense dictates that
4. Because there was a fire in the Hall of Justice, some lost records had to be police officers need not wait for a serious crime, such as robbery,
reconstituted. The prosecution moved for the amendment of the Information to be consummated before they move in and make the arrest
in Criminal Case No. 2014-830 (illegal possession of hand grenade) because it will definitely endanger the lives and safety of the
seeking to change the reflected fuse assembly marking from "M204X2" to public, as well as their own.
"M204A2." This was granted by the RTC. b. Moreover, even if the firearm drawn turned out to be a replica, the
5. The RTC found the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of illegal police officers were not expected to know on sight whether the
possession of a hand grenade for the following reasons: firearm was genuine or not, considering they had only a split
a. An accused may be arrested and searched without a warrant when second to act on any indication of danger. What was necessary
he/she is attempting to commit an offense; was the presence of reasonably sufficient ground to believe
b. Frame-up, denial, and alibi are weak and self-serving defenses the existence of an act having the characteristics of a
which cannot overcome the affirmative and straightforward crime; and that the same grounds exist to believe that the person
allegations of the prosecution’s witnesses. sought to be detained participated in it. As a result of the validity of
6. The CA affirmed. Now, Olarte elevates the case before the SC, arguing Olarte’s warrantless arrest, the incidental search and seizure of the
that: items in his possession is also valid "to protect the arresting officer
a. His arrest was illegal because the officers merely assumed he was from being harmed by the person arrested and to prevent the latter
“Boy Solo” based on CCTV footages and one cannot arrest from destroying evidence within reach."
someone based on similarities of physical attributes c. It does not matter that Olarte was previously identified only from a
b. Waiver of an illegal warrantless arrest does not carry with it a footage supposedly covering his previous criminal conduct
waiver of the inadmissibility of evidence seized during the illegal because he was seen by PO2 Intud and PO2 Monilar performing
warrantless arrest an overt act of drawing a gun as he was about to enter LBC.
d. Olarte also failed to rebut with affirmative evidence the testimonies the serial number, being immaterial. The allegations in the original
of PO2 Intud and PO2 Monilar that he was caught in the act of and amended informations sufficiently cover the element of the
drawing a gun as he was about to enter LBC. He never contraband's existence as well as accused-appellant's lack of
substantiated his claim, save for his self-serving account, that he license to possess the same.
was arrested without any reason. Trial courts are in the best
position to weigh the evidence presented during trial and to 3. On whether or not the identity and integrity of the corpus delicti have
ascertain the credibility of the police officers who testified. been compromised causing Olarte’s guilt to be tainted with
e. At any rate, the illegal arrest of an accused is not sufficient cause reasonable doubt - NO (MAIN ISSUE)
for setting aside a valid judgment rendered upon a sufficient a. Based on the Federal Rules of Evidence in the US, to satisfy the
complaint after a trial free from error; and will not even negate the requirement of authenticating or identifying an item
validity of the conviction of the accused. The legality of an arrest (authentification of object evidence) of evidence, the proponent
affects only the jurisdiction of the court over the person of the must produce evidence sufficient to support a finding that the item
accused. is what the proponent claims it is.
b. The practice of testimonial sponsorship of object evidence in the
2. On whether or not the original information could be validly amended Federal Rules is not mentioned in our Rules of Evidence. Apart
by the prosecution to reflect the proper marking inscribed on the hand from the requirement of formal offer, however, such practice is part
grenade’s fuse assembly - YES and parcel of having an object evidence admitted, because
a. The amendment of the hand grenade’s model is not a substantial authenticity is an inherent attribute of relevance—a component of
amendment that would be violative of Olarte’s rights as an admissibility. The obvious reason is that an object offered in court
accused. as evidence but without having any part in the fact or event sought
i. The Court clarifies and takes discretionary judicial notice to be proven by the proponent is irrelevant because it has no
of the fact that different models of detonating fuses used "relation to the fact in issue as to induce a belief in its existence or
in hand grenade assembly are available in the market. nonexistence."
The marking denominated as "M204A2" on the fuse c. Relatedly, the Court promulgated the Judicial Affidavit
assembly of the subject grenade does not refer to the Rule which mandates parties to file, not later than five days before
serial number—it pertains to the model number. This was pre-trial or preliminary conference, judicial affidavits executed by
explained by SPO2 Tingson during cross-examination. their witnesses which shall take the place of their direct
ii. The assailed amendment which reflected the correct testimonies.
model of the subject hand grenade merely added i. Here, parties seeking to offer documentary and/or object
precision to the factual allegations already contained evidence are now required to describe, authenticate, and
in the original information. Besides, a change of the make the same evidence form part of the witness' judicial
subject marking from "M204X2" to "M204A2" is an affidavit under the said Rule.
obvious correction of a clerical error—one which is visible ii. Therefore, as a rule, object evidence now requires
to the eye or obvious to the understanding; an error made authentication or testimonial sponsorship before it
by a clerk or a transcriber; or a mistake in copying or may be admitted or considered by the court.
writing. Accordingly, any amendment as to the d. Historically, the Court has applied the "chain of custody" rule
discrepancy in the description of an element alleged in as a mode of authenticating illegal drug substances in order
the information is evidentiary in nature and only amounts to determine its admissibility. However, such rule has not yet
to a mere formal amendment. been extended to other substances or objects for it is only a
b. Even assuming that the model number on the hand grenade is variation of the principle that real evidence must be
among the elements of illegal possession of explosives, it may still authenticated prior to its admission into evidence.
be amended under the circumstances because accused- e. At this point, it becomes necessary to point out that the degree of
appellant was still afforded due process when he was fungibility of amorphous objects without an inherent unique
apprised in the information that he was being indicted for characteristic capable of scientific determination, i.e., DNA
illegally possessing a hand grenade; the model number, even testing, is higher than stably structured objects or those which
retain their form because the likelihood of tracing the former arrest. SPO2 Radaza testified that it is the same grenade turned over [to]
objects' source is more difficult, if not impossible. Narcotic him by PO2 Intud. SPO2 Tiongson testified that it is the same grenade
substances, for example, are relatively easy to source because turned over to him by SPO2 Radaza. Thus, there is no break in the chain
of custody of the grenade confiscated from the accused-appellant.
they are readily available in small quantities thereby allowing the
buyer to obtain them at lower cost or minimal effort. It makes these As to the absence of the marking "RMI2" which was placed by PO2 Intud
substances highly susceptible to being used by corrupt law on the grenade marked as Exhibit "B-l," the same does not affect the
enforcers to plant evidence on the person of a hapless and evidentiary value of said object evidence. Said marking was placed by PO2
innocent victim for the purpose of extortion. Such is the reason Intud on the grenade before it was turned over to the PNP[-] EOD for
why narcotic substances should undergo the tedious process of examination, as shown by the Acknowledgement Receipt dated 23 July
being authenticated in accordance with the chain of custody rule. 2014 prepared by SPO2 Radaza and duly received by SPO2 Tingson.
f. In this regard, the Court emphasizes that if the proffered evidence However, after the examination conducted by the PNP[-]EOD where it was
determined that the grenade had "Safety Pull Ring, Safety Pin, Safety
is unique, readily identifiable, and relatively resistant to change,
Lever intact and containing COMP B (Co[m]position B) as Explosive Filler,"
that foundation need only consist of testimony by a witness with the masking tape containing the marking "RMI2" was apparently removed
knowledge that the evidence is what the proponent claims; and/or "overlapped" with another masking tape. As such, the Certification
otherwise, the chain of custody rule has to be resorted to and dated 28 July 2014 issued by SPO2 Tingson of the EOD Team no longer
complied with by the proponent to satisfy the evidentiary reflected the "RMI2" marking on the grenade. In any event, what is crucial
requirement of relevancy. And at all times, the source of is the testimony of SPO2 Tingson that the grenade marked as Exhibit "B-l"
amorphous as well as firmly structured objects being offered as is the same grenade turned over to him by SPO2 Radaza.
evidence must be tethered to and supported by a testimony.
i. Here, the determination whether a proper foundation has h. The above factual finding clearly shows that the source and
been laid for the introduction of an exhibit into evidence existence of the subject grenade were authenticated by the
refits within the discretion of the trial court; and a higher prosecution's witness to be the very same explosive recovered
court reviews a lower court's authentication ruling in a from Olarte. SPO2 Radaza even testified that he saw PO2 Intud
deferential manner, testing only for mistake of law or a write his initials "RMI2" on the masking tape used to wrap the
clear abuse of discretion. In other words, the credibility grenade and that the same initials were covered by another
of authenticating witnesses is for the trier of fact to masking tape. This makes Olarte’s claim, that the apparent
determine. absence of the masking tape wrapping the hand grenade bearing
ii. In the case at hand, the chain of custody rule does the inscription "RMI2" makes "very doubtful" the corpus delicti, an
not apply to an undetonated grenade (an object made exercise in futility.
unique), for it is not amorphous and its form is
relatively resistant to change. A witness of the i. The Court also deems noteworthy that Olarte never presented
prosecution need only identify the hand grenade, a any evidence which would effectively taint PO2 Intud's or any
structured object, based on personal knowledge that other prosecution witnesses' credibility with reasonable doubt.
the same contraband or article is what it purports to Bare and unsubstantiated allegations of ill motive or
be—that it came from the person of accused- impropriety have no probative value and cannot (and will not) take
appellant. Even assuming arguendo that the chain of the place of evidence. In this instance, the presumption that the
custody rule applies to dispel supposed doubts as to the prosecution's witnesses have been regularly performing their
grenade's existence and source, the integrity and official duty should be upheld absent any clear and convincing
evidentiary value of the explosive had been sufficiently evidence of ill motive.
established by the prosecution.
g. As aptly observed by the CA: DISPOSITION:
As previously stated, PO2 Intud, SPO2 Radaza and SPO2 Tingson
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court DISMISSES the appeal of Herofil
positively testified as to the integrity and evidentiary value of the grenade
presented in court, marked as Exhibit "B-1." PO2 Intud testified that it is the N. Olarte and AFFIRMS the April 6, 2017 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-
same grenade confiscated from the accused-appellant at the time of his G.R. CR-HC No. 01501-MIN.