Generalized Coordinates
Generalized Coordinates
Generalized Coordinates
1. Generalized coordinates
1.1. Why generalized coordinates? I have not particularily used
the vector symbol over x. It is implicity asssumed to be so and when
I speak of components, then I use it with an index (either a subscript
or supeerscript)
We always try to select coordinates such that they have a visual-
izable geometric significance. They are mostly chosen on the basis
(being independent usually helps us). They are system dependent un-
like the usual coordiantes. Such coordinates are helpful principally
in Lagrangian Dynamics, where the forms of the principal equations
describing the motion of the system are unchanged by a shift to gen-
eralized coordinates from any other coordinate system.
are atleast of rank K). Hence the constraint force can be written as
~ = λ(t)∇f (~x, t)
Hence, we have 4 equations and 4 unknowns as C ~ has reduced to be
dependent on λ which is dependent only on time.
P hysical reason why C ~ should be perpendicular to the surface is that
forces of constriant do no wrok other than keep reduce the availability of
states to the system i.e. keep the particle confined to the surface. (Here,
we do not consider the forces lik friction which are dissipative i.e our
system become non-conservative). Such surfaces are called ”smooth”.
Hence we have,
mẍ = F~ + λ(t)∇f (~x, t)
Now, let’s try to eliminate λ(t) . As λ∇f is perpendicular to the
surrface, so we can eliminate by taking the component tangential to
plane. Let ~τ be an arbitrary vector tangential to the surface at ~x at,
i.e. only restriction on τ.∇f = 0 Hence, we have
(mẍ − F~ ).τ = 0
This implies mẍ − F~ is perpendicular to surface at ~x and at time
t. We can find such τ at each x. As τ is arbitrary vector tangential
to surface, there are two linearly independent vectors at each ~x and
hence two linearly independent vector functions of ~x and t. Hence we
get two equations for the above equation. So now we have 3 equations
and similarily 3 unknowns.
Now, let’s generalize this above procedure for N particles and K con-
straints. (W e do NOT use the summation notation below). Equation
for the ith particle is
mi~x¨i = F~i + Ci ~
~ = P k
We take C j=1 λj ∇i fi where ∇i is the gradient with respect to
~xj and λj and are K in number.
P ∂f
Now, if ∂V
= 0 . As we shall see later, dE dt
= j ∂tj .
Let ~τ be N arbitrary vectors tangential to the surface. and hence wa
have that
τ~i .∇i fj
Compoents of N vectors τi ⇒ 3N − K components are independent.
Then we have
(mi ẍi − F~i .~
τi = 0
The above principle is called that D’Alembert’s Principle. By the
same arguments as with the one particle case, we get that 3N − K
componenets of τ~i lead to 3N − K relations and the K constraint
equations, totally counting to 3N equations and our unknows are the
3N unknown components of xi . Hence,can be solved.
By doing all the above things, our problem has finally reduced to
finding a suitable ~τ such that the ”only” condition on it is satisfied.
In particle system, it is any arbitrary vector tangential to the surface.
Here, in N particles, it is not easy to visualise (we will later come
to know that this is nothing but a vector on the Tangent manifold
T ∗ Q). But, we know tha tthe constraint equations define a 3N − K
dimensional hypersurface in the 3N dimensional E3N . We call this
Configuration Hyperspace or Configuration Manifold.
We know the mathematical condition on ~τ . This defines a vector in
E which is a kind of tangent vector to the configuration manifold.
Hence, it defines a 3-vector tangential to f = 0 in one particle system.
Hence, the total energy of the particle changes only if V or f are explicit
functions of time (i.e if the potential depends on time or the surface is
moving). These are already removed from our cases and analysis.