IAS19 Changes: "New Volatility and Extra Complexity"
IAS19 Changes: "New Volatility and Extra Complexity"
IAS19 Changes: "New Volatility and Extra Complexity"
IAS19 Changes
“new volatility and extra Summary of changes The IAS 19 amendments clarify that any past
The International Accounting Standards Board service cost, or a gain or loss on settlement,
complexity” (“the IASB”) recently issued amendments to should be determined first without considering
Matt Stanbury IAS 19 Employee Benefits, which will affect the the effect of the asset ceiling. This amount is
accounting treatment of certain “Special Events” recognised in profit or loss.
(amendments, settlements and curtailments) in
defined benefit pension plans. The effect of the asset ceiling after the Special
Event should then be determined. Any change in
The amendments relate to the assumptions that effect (excluding amounts included in net
used to quantify the impact of a Special Event interest) is recognised in Other Comprehensive
itself, together with the interaction of the impact Income (“OCI”). This means that entities might
Location PO Box 68, Albert House
of the Special Event with the asset ceiling have to recognise a past service cost, or loss on
South Esplanade, St Peter Port
Guernsey, GY1 3BY
requirements. settlement, which reduces a surplus that was not
Tel +44 (0)1481 728432 previously recognised. This could lead to some
Fax +44 (0)1481 724082 Background unusual situations, such as the position illustrated
Currently under IAS 19, if a Special Event occurs, in the following example.
Web www.bwcigroup.com
entities should not adjust the assumptions used
to calculate the current service cost and net Example
interest during the remainder of the relevant Consider a company with a defined benefit
reporting period, even if an entity remeasures plan, with assets of 100 and a defined benefit
the net defined benefit liability/asset as a result obligation (DBO) of 90. Due to the impact of the
of that Special Event. However the IASB has now asset ceiling the company is not able to recognise
concluded that this approach is inappropriate. the surplus of 10.
Determining current service cost and net interest The company then settles the plan. However, the
At present the current service cost and amount of plan assets it transfers to settle its
net interest are calculated using actuarial DBO is 100.
assumptions determined at the start of the
annual reporting period. However, in future when As a result, the company would need to record
Jargon Buster a Special Event occurs, an entity will need to: a loss of 10 on settlement in the profit or loss
account. The assessment of the asset ceiling
Current service cost is then carried out as a separate step from the
The increase in the present value of the D
etermine the current service cost, for the
remainder of the period after the Special calculation of the settlement loss. The company
defined benefit obligation resulting from reverses the effect of the asset ceiling separately
employee service in the current period Event, using the actuarial assumptions used
to remeasure the net defined benefit liability through the OCI.
Special Event
A plan amendment, curtailment or