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File Handler
Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) is conducted with a view to preparing merit lists
for admission in various professional courses in the State. The decision of the OJEE
Committee as regards to the scope of the syllabus is final.
1. B. Pharm
Kinetic Theory of gases- Pressure of an ideal gas, mean and RMS speed, Kinetic
interpretation of temperature, Degrees of freedom, Law of equipartition of energy. Concept
of mean free path.
Characteristics of Materials: Elastic and Plastic behaviors of solids, Elastic limit, Hooke’s
law. Young’s modulus, Shear and Bulk modulus, Poisson’s ratio.
Liquids : Pressure due to liquid column, Pascal’s law and its applications. Surface Tension
and Surface Energy, Excess pressure across a spherical liquid surface, angle of contact and
expression for capillary rise. Streamlined and turbulent flow, equation of continuity,
Bernoulli’s equation and its application, Viscosity- coefficient of viscosity and its variation
with temperature and pressure., Stokes law and terminal speed
Electricity & Magnetism : Coulombs law and conservation of charge, electric flux, Gauss
law and its applications. Electric field intensity and Potential at a point in an electric field,
Relation between them, electric potential and field due to an electric dipole, torque and
potential energy of a dipole in external electric field. Capacitance- dielectric constant and its
effect on capacitance. Series and parallel grouping of capacitances, Energy stored in a
charged capacitor, dielectrics and electric polarization .Electric current, drift velocity and
mobility of charge carriers. Ohm’s law, Variation of resistance of metallic conductors with
temperature, Kirchhoff’s laws and its application to a balanced Wheatstone bridge .Internal
resistance of a cell , potential difference and emf of a cell. Combination of Cells and
resistors- series and parallel. Heating effect of electric current and Joule’s law, Electric
power and electric energy.
Magnetic Permeability and Susceptibility of materials, Properties of dia, para and ferro
magnetic materials. magnetic elements of Earth. Biot–Savart’s and Amperes law- Magnetic
Field due to a st conductor and circular coil.. Moving coil galvanometer (dead beat only).
Force on a moving charge and current carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field. Force
between two parallel current carrying st conductors .Torque, experienced by a current loop,
moving coil galvanometer and its conversion to ammeter and voltmeter. Faraday’s laws of
electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, emf induced in a rotating coil in a magnetic field. Self
and Mutual induction, Alternating current: Phase relation between Voltage and Current in
pure resistive, pure capacitive, pure inductive and series LCR circuits. Power factors,
wattles current. Principle of transformer, elementary idea on electromagnetic waves.
electromagnetic spectrum, basic idea of displacement current.
Wave motion: Simple harmonic motion, oscillation of a loaded spring , simple pendulum ,
qualitative ideas about free, damped and forced oscillations. wave propagation,
characteristics of wave motion, longitudinal and transverse waves, superposition of waves:-
Stationary waves, Beats. Open and closed organ pipes, velocity of sound in air- effect of
pressure, temperature and humidity on it. Doppler Effect, laws of transverse vibration of
string (Statement only).
Optics: Reflection and refraction at curved surfaces. Spherical mirror and thin lens formula
and refraction through prism. Total internal reflection, Dispersion, Huygens principle
(statement only), Young’s double slit experiment .Interference in light.
Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Bohrs atomic model, expression for radius, velocity , energy
, frequency of an electron in nth orbit .Rydberg constant and Hydrogen spectra .Einstein
photoelectric equation, dual nature of radiation and Debroglie wavelength. mass energy
equivalence relation (Statement only).Atomic nucleus, nuclear forces, nuclear mass, binding
energy, mass defect, artificial radio activity, radio isotopes and their uses. Nuclear fission,
energy released during nuclear fission, chain reaction, controlled chain reaction, nuclear
fusion, energy generation in the Sun, radiation hazards.
Basic Concepts of Chemistry (Atoms and molecules): Symbols, Valency, Atomic mass,
Molecular mass, Avogadro’s law, Mole concept, Equivalent mass of acid base salt Oxidant
and Reductant. Percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula, chemical
reactions and calculations based on stoichiometry.
Organic chemistry:
Introductory: Functional Groups and organic radicals, Nomenclature by IUPAC system
(substitutive method) , Isomerism (Structural and stereoisomenism – optical and
geometrical) EZ & RS nomenclature, Electron mobility – Inductive effect, Resonance,
Electromeric effect and Hyperconjugation; their applications. Types of organic reactions –
addition, substitution, elimination reactions. Idea of electrophiles and nuclephiles; Reaction
intermediates – idea of carbocations, carbanion & free radicals; their stabilities.
Aliphatic compounds: Methods of preparation and properties of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes
(acidity of terminal alkynes), haloalkanes, alcohols, ether, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic
acids, acid derivatives (acid chlorides, esters and amides), nitroalkanes and amines.
Aromatic compounds: Aromaticity (Huckel’s rule), Aromatic hydrocarbon (Preparation and
reactions – Substitution, addition, ozonolysis) Directive influence of functional group.
Phenols (Preparation and reactions) : Aldehydes (Preparations and reactions); Acids
(Preparation and reactions). Amines (Preparation and reactions); Diazonium salts (synthetic
Biochemistry: Biological importance of organic compounds such as carbohydrates, amino
acids, proteins, Vitamins and nucleic acids (only by metabolic process).
Chemistry in the service of mankind: Polymers (nylon, terylene, neoprene, buna-S, PVC,
Teflon &bakelite). Biodegradable Polymer Medicine-analgesic, antipyretic, antibiotic, antacid
and antiseptic (structure and preparation not required).
Environmental chemistry: Source, effect and control measures of air and water pollution.
Sets, Relation and Function : Union, Intersection, Difference, Symmetric difference and
Complement of sets , De Morgan’s laws,Venn diagram, Cartesian product of sets,Power Set,
Relation and function : domain , codomain and range of a relation, types of relations,
Equivalence relation, Representation of three dimensional space by RxRxR, types of
functions and their domain and range such as:
Constant function, identity function, modulus function, logarithm function, exponntial function,
greatest integer function.
surjective, injective and bijective functions, sum , difference and quotient of functions and
their range, Composite function, Inverse of a function.
Number system : Real numbers (algebraic and order properties, rational and irrational
numbers), Absolute value, Triangle inequality, AM ≥ GM, Inequalities(simple cases),
Complex numbers as ordered pairs of reals, representation of a complex number in the form
a +ib and their representation in a plane, Argand diagram, Algebra of complex numbers,
modulus and argument of complex numbers, Conjugate a complex number, Quadratic
equation in real numbers, and their solution, Relation between roots and coefficients, nature
of roots, formation of quadratic equation with roots. Permutations and Combinations,
fundamental principle of counting, permutation as an arrangement and combination as a
selection, meaning of P(n,r) and C(n,r), simple applications, Binomial theorem for positive
integral index, general term and middle term, properties of Binomial coefficient and their
applications, Identities involving binomial co-efficients.
Determinants and matrices : Determinants and matrices up to third order, Minors and
cofactors, Properties of determinants, Matrices upto third order, Types of matrices, algebra
of matrices, properties of determinant, evaluation of determinants, Adjoint and inverse of
matrix, Application of determinants and matrices to the solution of linear equations (in three
The course content is same as the syllabus of part-I and part-II of Diploma in Pharmacy as
per the Education Regulation – 1991 of Pharmacy Council of India.
Probability and Statistics: Measures of central tendency (Mean, Median, Mode), Measures
of dispersion (Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation and Variance), Definition of probability,
equally likely, Mutually exclusive and independent events. Addition theorem of probability.
Frictional force, angle of friction, limiting friction, co-efficient of friction, Laws of Static
Friction. Simple problems on ladder, Body on Inclined planes with applied force parallel to
the plane and horizontal, Screw Jack.
Gear Drive
Various types of gears, Gear terminology, Velocity ratio and expression for the velocity ratio
for simple gears. Types of gear trains (simple and compound gear trains)
Kinematics and kinetics of a particle, Principle of Dynamics:-Newton’s laws of motion,
D’Alembert’s Principle and its application. Motion of particle acted upon by a constant force.
Engineering Application of Work, Power and Energy: Work done, force-displacement
diagram, Work done in stretching a spring, Power, Indicated Power, Brake Power and
efficiency. Kinetic and potential energy & its application,
Force, Momentum and Impulse, Conservation of energy and linear momentum, Collision of
elastic bodies, Co-efficient of restitution (e), Velocity after impact. Impact of body with a fixed
Fundamentals and AC Theory: Concept of Source and Load, Ohm’s Law, Concept of
resistance, Series and Parallel DC circuits, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Faraday’s Laws of
Electromagnetic Induction, Fleming’s Left 7 Hand Rule and Right Hand Rule. Generation of
alternating emf, Difference between DC and AC, Amplitude, Cycle, Time period, Frequency,
Phase, Phase Angle, Phase Difference, Instantaneous value, RMS value, Average value,
Amplitude factor and Form factor, Phasor diagram representation of AC values, AC through
pure resistance, inductance and capacitance, AC through RL, RC and RLC circuits,
Impedance Triangle and Power Triangle.
Power Billing: Calculation of Power used in small electrical appliances and installation,
Calculation of Energy consumption in small electrical installations, Earthing installation,
types (Pipe and Plate earthing) and uses.
Electronic Circuits: Principles of working of different types of Rectifiers with their merits
and demerits, Transistor, Different types of Transistor Configuration and state output and
input current gain relationship in CE, CB and CC configuration (No mathematical derivation),
Need of biasing and explain different types of biasing with circuit diagram (only CE
configuration), Amplifiers (concept), Working principles of single phase CE amplifier.
Communication System: Basic communication system (concept & explanation with help of
Block diagram), Concept of Modulation and Demodulation, Difference between them,
Different types of Modulations (AM, FM and PM) based on signal, carrier and modulated
wave (Only Concept, No Mathematical Derivations).
Transducers And Measuring Instruments: Concept of Transducer and sensor with their
differences, Working principle of photo emissive, photoconductive, photovoltaic transducer
and its application, Multimeter and its applications.
Sets, Relation and Function : Union, Intersection, Difference, Symmetric difference and
Complement of sets , De Morgan’s laws,Venn diagram, Cartesian product of sets, Power
Set, Relation and function : domain , codomain and range of a relation, types of relations,
Equivalence relation, Representation of three dimensional space by RxRxR, types of
functions and their domain and range such as:
Constant function, identity function, modulus function, logarithm function, exponntial function,
greatest integer function.
surjective, injective and bijective functions, sum , difference and quotient of functions and
their range, Composite function, Inverse of a function.
Number system : Real numbers (algebraic and order properties, rational and irrational
numbers), Absolute value, Triangle inequality, AM ≥ GM, Inequalities(simple cases),
Complex numbers as ordered pairs of reals, representation of a complex number in the form
a +ib and their representation in a plane, Argand diagram, Algebra of complex numbers,
modulus and argument of complex numbers, Conjugate a complex number, Quadratic
equation in real numbers, and their solution, Relation between roots and coefficients, nature
of roots, formation of quadratic equation with roots. Permutations and Combinations,
fundamental principle of counting, permutation as an arrangement and combination as a
selection, meaning of P(n,r) and C(n,r), simple applications, Binomial theorem for positive
integral index, general term and middle term, properties of Binomial coefficient and their
applications, Identities involving binomial co-efficients.
Determinants and matrices : Determinants and matrices up to third order, Minors and
cofactors, Properties of determinants, Matrices upto third order, Types of matrices, algebra
of matrices, properties of determinant, evaluation of determinants, Adjoint and inverse of
matrix, Application of determinants and matrices to the solution of linear equations (in three
Mechanics: Vector algebra, gradient, divergence, curl and their significance. Ordinary
differential equation:1st order and 2nd order homogenous differential equation laws of motion,
motion in a uniform field, components of velocity and acceleration in different coordinate
systems. Motion under a central force, Kepler’s law, Gravitational law and field. Potential due
to a spherical body, Gauss and Poisson equations for gravitational self-energy. System of
particles, center of mass, equation of motion, conservation of linear and angular momenta,
conservation of energy, elastic and inelastic collisions. Rigid body motion, rotational motion,
moment of inertia and their products. Special theory of relativity: Postulates of special theory
of relativity, length contraction, time dilation, relativistic addition of velocities.
Oscillations: Harmonic oscillations, kinetic and potential energy, examples of simple
harmonic oscillations, spring and mass system, simple and compound pendulum, torsional
pendulum. Superposition of two simple harmonic motions of the same frequency along the
same line, interference, superposition of two mutually perpendicular simple harmonic
vibrations of the same frequency, Lissajous figures, case of different frequencies. Forced
and damped oscillations.
Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields: E as an accelerating field,
electron gun, case of discharge tube, linear accelerator, E as deflecting field-CRO,
sensitivity. Properties of Matter: Elasticity, small deformations, Hooke’s law, elastic constants
for an isotropic solid, beams supported at both the ends, cantilever, torsion of a cylinder,
bending moments and shearing forces. Bernoulli’s theorem, viscous fluids, streamline and
turbulent flow. Poiseulle’s law. Capillarity, tube of flow, Reynolds’s number, Stokes law.
Surface tension and surface energy, molecular interpretation of surface tension, pressure
across a curved liquid surface, angle of contact and wetting.
Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law (in vacuum) expressed in vector forms, calculation of E for
simple distributions of charge at rest, dipole and quadruple fields Work done on a charge in
an electrostatic field expressed as a line integral, conservative nature of the electrostatic
field. Electric potential , E = -dV/dx, Torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field and its
energy, flux of the electric field, Gauss’ law and its application for finding E for symmetric
charge distributions, Gaussian pillbox, fields at the surface of a conductor. Screening of
electric field by a conductor. Capacitors, electrostatic energy, force per unit area of the
surface of a conductor in an electric field .Capacitance of an isolated spherical conductor,
parallel plate ,spherical and cylindrical condenser. Gauss law in dielectrics.
Electric Currents: Steady current, Current density vector J, non-steady currents and
continuity equation, Kirchhoff’s law and analysis of multi-loop circuits, rise and decay of
current in LR and
CR circuits, decay constants, transients in LCR circuits, AC circuits, Complex numbers and
their applications in solving AC circuit problems, complex impedance and reactance, series
and parallel resonance, Q factor, power consumed by an AC circuit, power factor.
Magneto statics: Force on a moving charge, Lorentz force equation and definition of B,
force on a straight conductor carrying current in a uniform magnetic field, torque on a current
loop, magnetic dipole moment, Biot and Savart’s law, calculation of B in simple geometric
situations, Ampere’s law ∇∇. B=0, ∇ ×B, = µ 0 J , field due to a magnetic dipole.
Time Varying Fields: Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law, electromotive force
e=σ.E.dr, Integral and differential forms of Faraday’s law, mutual and self inductance,
transformers, energy in a static magnetic field, Maxwell’s displacement current, Maxwell’s
equations, electromagnetic field, energy density.
Electromagnetic Waves: The wave equation satisfied by E and B, plane electromagnetic
waves in vacuum, Poynting’s vector.
Kinetic theory of Matter: Real gas: Van der Waals gas, equation of state, nature of Van
der Waals forces, comparison with experimental P-V curves. The critical constants,
distinction between gaseous and vapour state, Joule expansion of ideal gas, and of a
Vander Waals gas, Joule coefficient, estimates of J-T cooling.
Thermodynamics: Blackbody radiation: energy distribution in blackbody spectrum. Planck’s
quantum postulates, Planck’s law. Interpretation of behaviour of specific heats of gases at
low temperature.
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Maxwellian distribution of speeds in an ideal gas: distribution of
speeds and of velocities, distinction between mean, rms and most probable speed values.
Law of equipartition of energy and its applications to specific heat of gases.
Physical Optics: The principle of superposition , Interference of a light, double-slit
interference, coherence requirement for the sources, optical path retardation, lateral shift of
fringes, Localized fringes: thin films, Michelson interferometer, Fresnel diffraction: Fresnel
half-period zones, plates, straight edge, rectilinear propagation. Fraunhofer diffraction :
Diffraction of a single slit, the intensity distribution, diffraction at a circular aperture and a
circular disc.
Diffraction gratings: Diffraction at N parallel slits, intensity distribution, plane diffraction
grating, polarization of transverse waves, plane, circular and elliptically polarized light.
Polarization by reflection and refraction. Double reflection and optical rotation: Refraction, in
uniaxial crystals, its electromagnetic theory. Phase retardation plates, double image prism,
rotation of plane of polarized light, origin of optical rotation in liquids and in crystals.
Quantum Mechanics: Origin of the quantum theory: failure of classical physics to explain
the phenomena such as blackbody spectrum, photoelectric effect, Ritz combination principle
in spectra, stability of an atom, Planck’s radiation law, Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric
effect, Bohr’s quantization of angular momentum and its applications to hydrogen atom,
limitations of Bohr’s theory. Wave particle duality and uncertainty principle: de Broglie’s
hypothesis for matter waves, the concept of wave and group velocities, evidence for
diffraction and interference of particles, experimental demonstration of matter waves.
Consequence of de Broglie’s concepts; quantization in hydrogen atom; quantized energy
levels of a particle in a box, wave packets, Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation for p and x, its
extension to energy and time. Consequence of the uncertainty relation: gamma ray
microscope, diffraction at a slit, particle in a box, position of electron in a Bohr orbit.
Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger’s equation. Postulatory basis of quantum mechanics,
operators, expectation values, transition probabilities, applications to particle in a one
dimensional box, harmonic oscillator, reflection at a step potential, transmission across a
potential barrier.
Week spectra: continuous X-ray spectrum and its dependence on voltage, Characteristics
X-rays. Moseley’s law, Raman effect, Stokes and anti-Stocks lines, fission and fusion
(concepts), energy production in stars by p-p and carbon cycles (concepts). Cyclotron.
Kinetic Theory of Gases : Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases and derivation of the
kinetic gas equation. Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, compressibility factor,
causes of deviation. van der Waals equation of state for real gases. Boyle temperature
(derivation not required). Critical phenomena, critical constants and their calculation from
van der Waals equation. Maxwell Boltzmann distribution laws of molecular velocities and
molecular energies (graphic representation derivation not required) and their importance.
Solids : Symmetry elements, unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types Laws of
Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices. Miller
indices. XRay diffraction by crystals, Braggs law. Defects in crystals.
Solutions : Thermodynamics of ideal solutions: Ideal solutions and Raoults law, deviations
from Raoults law non-ideal solutions. Vapour pressure-composition and temperature
composition curves of ideal and non-ideal solutions. Distillation of solutions. Lever rule.
Chemical equilibrium : Equilibrium constant and free energy. Relationship between Kp, Kc,
Kx. Derivation of law of mass action (Study of homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria).
Le chaterlier’s principle.
Ionic equilibria : Degree of ionization of weak electrolytes, ionic product of water, salt
hydrolysis, solubility product and its applications, Buffer solutions.
Phase equilibrium: Statement and meaning of the terms - phase, component and degree of
freedom, derivation of Gibbs phase rule, Clausius-clapeyron equation, phase equilibrium of
one component system - water and sulphur system. Two component systems including
eutectics, congruent and incongruent melting points, (Pb- Ag system).
Electrochemistry-II: Types of reversible electrodes- gas metal ion, meta-metal ion, metal-
insoluble salt-anion and redox electrodes. Electrode reactions, Nernst equation, derivation of
cell EMF and single electrode potential, standard hydrogen electrodes-reference electrodes,
standard electrode potentials, sign conventions, electrochemical series and its significant,
EMF of a cell and its measurements. Computation of cell EMF, concentration of cell with and
without transport, liquid junction potential, definition of pH. Determination of pH using
hydrogen electrode, quinehydrone electrode, buffers-mechanism of buffer action, Henderson
equation. Hydrolysis of salts (quantitative treatment).
Periodic Properties: Atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy and electron – gain
enthalpy, electronegativity-definition, methods of determination or evaluation, trends in
periodic table and applications in predicting and explaining the chemical behaviour.
Chemical Bonding: Covalent Bond - valence bond theory and its limitations, directional
characteristics of covalent bond, various types of hybridization and shapes of simple
inorganic molecules and ions. Valence shell electron pair repulsion, (VSEPR) theory of NH3 ,
H3O+, SF4, CIF3, ICl2 and H2O. MO theory, homonuclear and heteronuclear (CO and NO)
diatomic molecules.
S & P Block Elements: Allotropy in C, S and P, Inertpiar effect. Diagonal relationship,
anomalous behavior of first member of each group. Hydrides and their classification.
Structure and properties of hydrids of p block elements. Structure of diborane, oxoacids of P
S and Cl, halides and oxohalides: PCl3, PCl5, SOCl2.
Alkyl Halides (Up to 5 Carbons) Types of Nucleophilic Substitution (SN1, SN2 and SNi)
reac- tions. Preparations & Reactions of Alkyl Halides.
Aryl Halides Preparation: from phenol, Sandmeyer & Gattermann reactions. Reactions
(Chlorobenzene): Aromatic nucleophilic substitution (replace- ment by OH group) and effect
of nitro substituent. Benzyne Mechanism: KNH2/NH3 (or NaNH2/NH3).
Reactions: With sodium, HX (Lucas test), esterification, oxidation (with PCC, alk. KMnO4,
acidic dichromate, conc. HNO3). Oppeneauer oxidation Diols: (Upto 6 Carbons) oxidation of
diols. Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement.
Phenols: (Phenol case) Preparation: Cumene hydroperoxide method, from diazonium salts.
Reactions: Electrophilic substitution: Nitration, halogenation and sulphonation.
ReimerTiemann Reaction, Gattermann-Koch Reaction,
Aldehydes and ketones (aliphatic and aromatic): Formaldehye, acetaldehyde, acetone and
benzalde- hyde
Reactions Reaction with HCN, ROH, NaHSO3, NH2 − G derivatives. Iodoform test. Aldol
Con- densation, Cannizzaros reaction, Benzoin condensation. Clemensen reduction and
Wolff Kishner reduction.
Carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Carboxylic acids (aliphatic and aromatic)
Preparation: Acidic and Alkaline hydrolysis of esters. Reactions: Hell Vohlard - Zelinsky
Amines (Aliphatic and Aromatic): (Upto 5 carbons) Preparation: from alkyl halides, Gabriels
Ph- thalimide synthesis, Hofmann bromamide reaction. Reactions: Hofmann vs. Saytzeff
elimination, Carbylamine test, Hinsberg test, with HNO2, Schotten Baumann Reaction.
Electrophilic substi- tution (case aniline): nitration, bromination, sulphonation.
Amino Acids: Preparation of Amino Acids: Strecker synthesis using Gabriels phthalimide
synthesis. Zwitterion, Isoelectric point and Electrophoresis. Reactions of Amino acids: ester
of COOH group, acetylation of NH2 group, complexation with Cu2+ ions, ninhydrin test.
5. MCA
Sets, Relation and Function : Union, Intersection, Difference, Symmetric difference and
Complement of sets , De Morgan’s laws, Venn diagram, Cartesian product of sets, Power
Set, Relation and function : domain , codomain and range of a relation, types of relations,
Equivalence relation, Representation of three dimensional space by RxRxR, types of
functions and their domain and range such as:
Constant function, identity function, modulus function, logarithm function, exponntial function,
greatest integer function.
surjective, injective and bijective functions, sum , difference and quotient of functions and
their range, Composite function, Inverse of a function.
Number system : Real numbers (algebraic and order properties, rational and irrational
numbers), Absolute value, Triangle inequality, AM ≥ GM, Inequalities(simple cases),
Complex numbers as ordered pairs of reals, representation of a complex number in the form
a +ib and their representation in a plane, Argand diagram, Algebra of complex numbers,
modulus and argument of complex numbers, Conjugate a complex number, Quadratic
equation in real numbers, and their solution, Relation between roots and coefficients, nature
of roots, formation of quadratic equation with roots.Permutations and Combinations,
fundamental principle of counting, permutation as an arrangement and combination as a
selection, meaning of P(n,r) and C(n,r), simple applications, Binomial theorem for positive
integral index, general term and middle term, properties of Binomial coefficient and their
applications, Identities involving binomial co-efficients.
Determinants and matrices : Determinants and matrices up to third order, Minors and
cofactors, Properties of determinants, Matrices upto third order, Types of matrices, algebra
of matrices, properties of determinant, evaluation of determinants, Adjoint and inverse of
matrix, Application of determinants and matrices to the solution of linear equations (in three
Computer Arithmetic: Number System with general base, Number base conversion,
Elementary arithmetic operation.
Sets, Relation and Function : Union, Intersection, Difference, Symmetric difference and
Complement of sets , De Morgan’s laws, Venn diagram, Cartesian product of sets, Power
Set, Relation and function : domain , codomain and range of a relation, types of relations,
Equivalence relation, Representation of three dimensional space by RxRxR, types of
functions and their domain and range such as:
Constant function, identity function, modulus function, logarithm function, exponential
function, greatest integer function.
surjective, injective and bijective functions, sum , difference and quotient of functions and
their range, Composite function, Inverse of a function.
Number system : Real numbers (algebraic and order properties, rational and irrational
numbers), Absolute value, Triangle inequality, AM ≥ GM, Inequalities(simple cases),
Complex numbers as ordered pairs of reals, representation of a complex number in the form
a +ib and their representation in a plane, Argand diagram, Algebra of complex numbers,
modulus and argument of complex numbers, Conjugate a complex number, Quadratic
equation in real numbers, and their solution, Relation between roots and coefficients, nature
of roots, formation of quadratic equation with roots. Permutations and Combinations,
fundamental principle of counting, permutation as an arrangement and combination as a
selection, meaning of P(n,r) and C(n,r), simple applications, Binomial theorem for positive
integral index, general term and middle term, properties of Binomial coefficient and their
applications, Identities involving binomial co-efficients.
Determinants and matrices : Determinants and matrices up to third order, Minors and
cofactors, Properties of determinants, Matrices upto third order, Types of matrices, algebra
of matrices, properties of determinant, evaluation of determinants, Adjoint and inverse of
matrix, Application of determinants and matrices to the solution of linear equations (in three
Computer Arithmetic: Number System with general base, Number base conversion,
Elementary arithmetic operation.
C++ and data structure: Object oriented concepts and relationships, control structures, file
concepts, Algorithm Analysis, linked list, stack, queue, binary tree, sorting and searching
Logical reasoning and verbal abilities: Data Interpretations, Series brain teasing problem
Internet and Web Technology: Internet and web, IPv4 vs IPV6, Web client & server, HTML
7. MBA
8. Integrated MBA
10. M. Arch.
City planning: Evolution of cities; principles of city planning; types of cities & new towns;
planning regulations and building bye laws; eco-city, smart city concept; sustainable
Landscape Design: Principles of landscape design and site planning; history of landscape
design, landscape elements and materials; plant characteristics & planting design;
environmental considerations in land scape planning.
History of Architecture: Indian– Indus valley, Vedic, Buddhist, Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and
Building Services: Water supply, sewerage and drainage systems; sanitary fittings and
fixtures; plumbing systems, principles of internal & external drainage systems, principles of
electrification of buildings, intelligent buildings; elevators & escalators, their standard
sanduses; air-conditioning systems; fire fighting systems, building safety, security systems
& building automation.
11. M. Plan.
Planning Legislation: Evolution of Planning Legislation, Indian Constitution, 73rd and 74th
Constitutional Amendment, Town and Country planning Act, Urban Planning and
Development Authorities Act, Municipal Act, Land Acquisition Act, Environmental Act etc.
Environment Planning: Relation between Natural and built environment, Urban ecosystem,
Environmental Risks, Environmental Imapct Assessment, Sustainable planning approaches
like Eco city, Green City etc.
Heritage and Conservation Planning: Scope and basic technique of urban Conservation,
Clearance and Improvement schemes, Planning aspects, Land Management, Economic and
Social aspects of Conservation, Urban Renewal, Conservation and Renewal Policies and
Disaster Management and Planning: Risk sensisitive Land use Planning, Disaster Risk
Assessment and Mitigation, Disaster safe construction Practices, Policies, Building codes
and guidelines, Community based Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Education and
Awareness, Post Disaster Management.
12. M. Tech.
Ordinary Differential Equations – Solution of first order , second order and higher order
differential equations(separable equation, exact differential equation, homogeneous
equation with constant co efficient, Euler Cauchy equations ,solution by undetermined
coefficients and variation of parameters)
Linear Algebra – Matrices ,Vectors, Determinants and linear system of equations ,Eigen
value problems, symmetric, skew symmetric ,orthogonal matrices .Complex matrices
,Hermitian , Skew Hermitian and Unitary matrices, Similarity of matrices.
Fourier series - Fourier series and expansion of functions of any period, odd and even
functions, half range expansion.
Molecular Biology and Genetics: Molecular structure of genes and chromosomes; DNA
replication and control; Transcription and its control; Translational processes, Mendelian
inheritance; Linkage, recombination and chromosome mapping; Chromosomal variation;
Molecular basis of genetic diseases and applications.
Process Biotechnology: Bioprocess technology for the production of cell biomass and
primary/secondary metabolites, such as baker’s yeast, ethanol, citric acid, amino acids,
antibiotics; Chromatographic and membrane based bio separation methods; Immobilization
of enzymes and cells and their application for bioconversion processes. Aerobic and
anaerobic biological processes for stabilization of solid / liquid wastes ;Bioremediation.
Plant and Animal Biotechnology: Special features and organization of plant cells;
Totipotency; Regeneration of plants; Autotrophic and heterotrophic growth; Plant growth
regulators and elicitors; Production of secondary metabolites by plant suspension cultures,
Characteristics of Animal Cells: Metabolism, Animal cell cultures; Kinetics of cell growth
and product formation, Hybridoma technology; Livestock improvement; Cloning in animals;
Genetic engineering in animal cell culture.
Immunology: The origin of immunology; Inherent immunity; Humoral and cell mediated
immunity; Antigen; B and T cells and Macrophages; Major histo compatibility complex
(MHC); Antigen processing and presentation; Molecular basis of antibody diversity;
Polyclonal and monoclonal antibody; Complement; Antigen-antibody reaction; Immune
tolerance; Hyper sensitivity; Autoimmunity.
Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations: Fluid statics, Newtonian and non-
Newtonian fluids, Bernoulli equation, friction factors, energy balance, dimension analysis,
flow through pipeline systems, flow meters, packed and fluidized beds, elementary
boundary layer theory, size reduction and size separation; free and hindered settling;
centrifuge and cyclones; thickening and classification, filtration, mixing and agitation;
conveying of solids.
Heat Transfer: Conduction, convection and radiation, heat transfer coefficients, steady and
unsteady Heat conduction, boiling, condensation and evaporation; types of heat
exchangers and evaporators
Mass Transfer: Fick’s 1st law, molecular diffusion in fluids, mass transfer coefficients, Two
film theory, film theory, penetration and surface renewal theories; momentum, heat and
mass transfer analogies; stage wise and continuous contacting and stage efficiencies; HTU
& NTU concepts design and operation of equipment for distillation, absorption, leaching,
liquid-liquid extraction, drying, humidification, dehumidification and adsorption.
Mechanics: Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams. Simple
stress and strain relationship: Stress and strain in two dimensions, principals tresses,
stress transformation, Mohr’s circle. Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses,
unsymmetrical bending, shear centre. Thin walled pressure vessels, uniform torsion,
bucking of column, combined and direct bending stresses.
Structural Analysis: Analysis of statically determinate trusses, arches, beams, cables and
frames, displacements in statically determinate structures and analysis of statically
indeterminate structures by force/energy methods, analysis by displacement methods
(slope deflection and moment distribution methods), influence lines for determinate and
indeterminate structures. Basic concepts of matrix methods of structural analysis.
Steel Structures: Analysis and design of tension and compression members, beams and
beam-columns, column bases. Connections- simple and eccentric, beam–column
connections, plate girders and trusses. Plastic analysis of beams and frames.
Water requirements: Quality standards, basic unit processes and operations for water
treatment. Drinking water standards, water requirements, basic unit operations and unit
processes for surface water treatment, distribution of water. Sewage and sewerage
treatment, quantity and characteristics of wastewater. Primary, secondary and tertiary
treatment of wastewater, sludge disposal, effluent discharge standards. Domestic waste
water treatment, quantity of characteristics of domestic waste water, primary and
secondary treatment Unit operations and unit processes of domestic waste water, sludge
Air Pollution: Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution meteorology, air
pollution control, air quality standards and limits.
Algorithms: Analysis, Asymptotic notation, Notions of space and time complexity, Worst
and average case analysis; Design: Greedy approach, Dynamic programming, Divide-and-
conquer; Tree and graph traversals, Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest
paths; Hashing, Sorting, Searching. Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average cases) of
time and space, upper and lower bounds, Basic concepts of complexity classes–P, NP,
NP-hard, NP-complete.
Theory of Computation: Regular languages and finite automata, Context free languages
and Push-down automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines,
Internet and Web Technology: Internet and web, IPv4 vs IPV6, Web client & server,
Electric Circuits and Fields: Network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh analysis,
transient response of dc and ac networks; sinusoidal steady-state analysis, resonance,
basic filter concepts; ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and
Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorems, two- port networks, three phase
circuits; Gauss Theorem, electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical
charge distributions; Ampere’s and Biot-Savart’s laws; inductance; dielectrics;
capacitance. Mutual Inductance; Tuned coupled Circuit.
Power Systems: Basic power generation concepts; transmission line models and
performance; Mechanical Design (Tension, sag etc); cable performance, insulation; corona
and radio interference; distribution systems; per-unit quantities; bus impedance and
admittance matrices; load flow; voltage control; power factor correction; economic
operation; symmetrical components; fault analysis; principles of over-current, differential
and distance protection; solid state relays and digital protection; circuit breakers; system
stability concepts, swing curves and equal area criterion; HVDC transmission and FACTS
concepts for power quality, Reactive power compensation, Automatic generation control;
Renewable Energy Power generation (PV/wind).
Network: Mesh and nodal Analysis, Network theorems: superposition, Thevenin and
Norton's maximum power transfer, Wye-Delta transformation. Steady state sinusoidal
analysis using phasors. Linear constant coefficient differential equations; time domain
analysis of simple RLC circuits, Solution of network equations using Laplace transform:
frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits. 2-port network parameters: driving point and
transfer functions. State equations for networks. Series and parallel resonance
Analog Electronics: Energy bands in silicon, intrinsic and extrinsic silicon. Carrier
transport in silicon: diffusion current, drift current, mobility, and resistivity. Generation and
recombination of carriers. p-n junction diode, Zener diode, tunnel diode Characteristics of
diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET. Diode circuits. Transistors at low and high frequencies,
Amplifiers, single and multi-stage. Feedback amplifiers. Operational amplifiers,
characteristics and circuit configurations. Precision rectifier. V-to-I and I-to- V converter.
Opamp based active filters. Oscillators and signal generators.
Control Sysms:
Open loop and closed loop (feedback) systems and stability analysis of these systems.
Signal flow graphs and their use in determining transfer functions of systems; transient
and steady state analysis of LTI control systems and frequency response. Tools and
techniques for LTI control system analysis: root loci, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Bode and
Nyquist plots. Control system compensators: elements of lead and lag compensation,
elements of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control. State variable representation
and solution of state equation of LTI control systems.
Elements of vector calculus: divergence and curl; Gauss' and Stokes' theorems, Maxwell's
equations: differential and integral forms. Wave equation, Poynting vector. Planewaves:
propagation through various media; reflection and refraction; phase and group velocity;
skin depth.
Ecology: Definition, Branches and Scope of ecology. Ecological adaptation & concept of
limiting factor. Different types of ecosystem in India. Structural and functional attributes of an
ecosystem, Biotic and Abiotic components, Food chain, Food web and energy flow.
Ecological succession, Biogeochemical cycles. Concept of population & population
attributes, Concept of carrying capacity and environmental resistance. Development and
evolution of ecosystem.
Environmental chemistry: Atmospheric chemistry: Types of Pollutants, their sources and
impacts, pathways of pollutants. major regions of atmosphere, particles, ions and radicals in
atmosphere, thermochemical and photochemical reaction in atmosphere, smog, NOx, SOX,
hydrocarbons, suspended particulate matter, chemistry of action of pollutants and
effects(acid rain, global warming, green house effect and Ozone layer depletion).
Soil chemistry: Inorganic and organic components of soil, nitrogen pathway in soil,
Fertilizers. Toxic chemicals in the environment: pesticides, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury,
carbon monoxide, PAN, MIC, Radioactive wastes. Microbial metabolism of heavy metals,
pesticides etc.
Water supply system: Population estimation, Design period, Water demands, Raw water
Source selection, collection, transport (Preliminary Hydraulic design of pressure conduits
system), Surface Water Treatment System and Treated water distribution Systems. Water
quality parameters: Drinking water Standards & their significance (BIS 10500), gravimetric,
potentiometric and spectrophotometric methods of determination of water quality
Wastewater collection and Treatment systems: Wastewater quantity and characteristics,
Wastewater collection, transport (Hydraulic design of gravity sewerage system), Primary,
secondary (aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment) and tertiary treatment methods,
effluent disposal standardsl, Sludge treatment and disposal.
Air Noise pollution: Air pollution meteorology, measurement of Air Pollutants and their
standards, Atmospheric dispersion of stack effluents, Air pollution control devices.
Noise pollution: Sources, effects, measurement and control.
Solid waste management: Municipal solid waste: Sources, composition and characteristics
of municipal solid waste, generation, collection rates, transportation, waste handling and
separation, storage and processing at the source, aerobic and anaerobic biological
treatment Engineered systems for solid waste management (reuse/ recycle, energy
recovery, treatment and disposal).
Biomedical waste, E-waste and plastic waste management: Sources, Hazards associated
with bio-medical wastes, Bio safety, Storage of biomedical wastes, disposal and processing.
EIA: Screening and scooping criteria, rapid and comprehensive EIA, environmental health
impact assessment, environmental risk analysis. environmental laws.
Strength of Materials: Stress and strain, stress-strain relationship and elastic constants,
Mohr’s circle for Plane stress and plane strain, thin cylinders; shear force and bending
moment diagrams; bending and shear stresses; deflection of beams; torsion of circular
shafts; Euler’s theory of columns; strain energy methods.
Theory of Machines: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane
mechanisms; dynamic analysis of slider-crank mechanism; gear trains; flywheels.
Vibrations: Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems; effect of
damping; vibration isolation; resonance, critical speeds of shafts.
Design: Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-
N curve; principles of the design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded
joints, shafts, spur gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes and clutches.
Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy; control- volume
analysis of mass, momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of
continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation; viscous flow of incompressible fluids;
boundary layer; elementary turbulent flow; flow through pipes, head losses in pipes, bends
Metal Casting: Design of patterns, moulds and cores; solidification and cooling; riser and
gating design, design considerations.
Forming: Plastic deformation of metals; fundamentals of hot and cold working processes;
forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing and sheet metal forming processes; shearing, deep
drawing, bending, principles of powder metallurgy.
Joining: Physics of welding, brazing and soldering; gas welding and arc welding; design
considerations in welding.
Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining, single and multi-
point cutting tools, tool geometry and materials, tool wear and ; economics of machining;
principles of non-traditional machining processes; principles of work holding, principles of
design of jigs and fixtures
Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements;
comparators; gauge design; measurement of surface roughness;Measurement of
straightness and flatness, tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly.
Mechanical Metallurgy: Elasticity, yield criteria and plasticity; defects in crystals; elements
of dislocation theory –types of dislocations, slip and twinning, source and multiplication of
dislocations, stress fields around dislocations, partial dislocations, dislocation interactions
and reactions; strengthening mechanisms; tensile, fatigue and creep behaviour; super-
plasticity; fracture– Griffith theory, basic concepts of linear elastic and elasto-plastic
fracture mechanics, ductile to brittle transition, fracture toughness; failure analysis;
mechanical testing –tension, compression, torsion, hardness, impact, creep, fatigue,
fracture toughness and formability.
Chemistry: Chemical bonding atomic structure, organic chemistry, name reaction, physical
chemistry Chemical kinetics –Spectroscopy.
Yarn manufacture and yarn structure & properties: principle of yarn formation in ring
spinning, rotor spinning, airjet spinning, wrap spinning, twist less spinning and friction
spinning. Concepts of single and folded yarn twist, Idealized helical yarn structure; yarn
count and twist factors, twist contraction; Limits of twist. Idealized packing; measurement of
packing density and radial packing density of yarn; Packing in actual yarns; Specific volume
of yarns; Equation of yarn diameter. Ideal migration, tracer fiber technique, characterization
of migration behavior, migration in spun yarns, mechanisms of migration, effect of various
parameters on migration behavior. Translation of fiber properties into yarn properties;
Extension of continuous filament yarn for small strains and large strains; Extension and
breakage of spun yarn, Blended yarn structure, Structure and property relationship of ring,
rotor, air-jet, friction spun yarn and their comparison.
Fabric manufacture and Fabric Structure: Principles of cheese and cone winding
processes; random and precision winding; package faults and their remedies; different
sizing systems, sizing of spun and filament yarns, primary and secondary motions of loom,
fabric appearance and weaving performance; dobby and jacquard shedding; mechanics of
weft insertion with shuttle; warp and weft stop motions, warp protection, weft
replenishment; functional principles of weft insertion systems of shuttle- less weaving
machines, principles of multiphase and circular looms. Principles of weft and warp knitting;
basic weft and warp knitted structures. Classification, production and areas of application of
nonwoven fabrics. Basic woven fabric constructions and their derivatives; crepe, cord, terry,
gauze, leno and double cloth structures. Pierce geometrical model, flexible thread model
and rigid thread model, Square fabric, Jammed Structure, square and jammed fabric, Crimp
interchange, Maximum possible cover factor. Yarn cross sections in the fabric, elastical
model of plain woven fabrics; thickness, cover and maximum sett of woven fabrics.
Concepts of fabric handle and its evaluation
Statistical quality control and Textile Testing: Random Variable, Continuous Random
Variable- Normal Distribution, Discrete Random Variable- Binomial Distribution and
poisson’s distribution. Normal approximation to binomial and poisson distribution. Sampling
techniques, sample size and sampling errors. Correlation analysis, significance tests, Quality
control chart, acceptance of sampling, and analysis of variance. Measurement of fibre
length, fineness, crimp, strength and reflectance; measurement of cotton fibre maturity and
trash content;HVI and AFIS for fibre testing. Measurement of yarn count, twist and hairiness;
tensile testing of fibres, yarn and fabrics; evenness testing of yarns; testing equipment for
measurement test methods of fabric properties like thickness, compressibility, air
permeability, drape, crease recovery, tear strength, bursting strength, abrasion resistance,
cover factor etc. FAST and Kawabata instruments and systems for objective fabric
evaluation. Methods for determination of wash, light and rubbing fastness. Evaluation of
fastness properties with the help of grey scale. Sewability testing, Seam strength, Seam
slippage, Seam pucker, Needle Cutting Index
Dyeing: Classification of dyes. Dyeing of cotton, wool, silk, polyester, nylon and acrylic with
appropriate dye classes. Dyeing polyester/cotton and polyester/wool blends. Batch wise and
continuous dyeing machines. Dyeing of cotton knitted fabrics and machines used. Dye fibre
interaction. Introduction to thermodynamics and kinetics of dyeing.