It will prompt for database connection. Provide the server name and
2. Creating Database
Click on the Ok button then it will create a database that we can see in
the left window of the below screenshot.
After creating database, now, let's create a table by using the following
C# code. In this source code, we are using created student database
to connect.
In visual studio 2017, we created a .NET console application project
that contains the following C# code.
// Program.cs
1. using System;
2. using System.Data.SqlClient;
3. namespace AdoNetConsoleApplication
4. {
5. class Program
6. {
7. static void Main(string[] args)
8. {
9. new Program().CreateTable();
10. }
11. public void CreateTable()
12. {
13. SqlConnection con = null;
14. try
15. {
16. // Creating Connection
17. con = new SqlConnection("data source=.; database=
student; integrated security=SSPI");
18. // writing sql query
19. SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("create table s
tudent(id int not null,
20. name varchar(100), email varchar(50), join_date dat
e)", con);
21. // Opening Connection
22. con.Open();
23. // Executing the SQL query
24. cm.ExecuteNonQuery();
25. // Displaying a message
26. Console.WriteLine("Table created Successfully");
27. }
28. catch (Exception e)
29. {
30. Console.WriteLine("OOPs, something went wrong."+e
31. }
32. // Closing the connection
33. finally
34. {
35. con.Close();
36. }
37. }
38. }
39. }
// Program.cs
1. using System;
2. using System.Data.SqlClient;
3. namespace AdoNetConsoleApplication
4. {
5. class Program
6. {
7. static void Main(string[] args)
8. {
9. new Program().CreateTable();
10. }
11. public void CreateTable()
12. {
13. SqlConnection con = null;
14. try
15. {
16. // Creating Connection
17. con = new SqlConnection("data source=.; database=
student; integrated security=SSPI");
18. // writing sql query
19. SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("insert into stu
20. (id, name, email, join_date)values('101','Ronald Trum
p','[email protected]','1/12/2017')", con);
21. // Opening Connection
22. con.Open();
23. // Executing the SQL query
24. cm.ExecuteNonQuery();
25. // Displaying a message
26. Console.WriteLine("Record Inserted Successfully");
27. }
28. catch (Exception e)
29. {
30. Console.WriteLine("OOPs, something went wrong."+e
31. }
32. // Closing the connection
33. finally
34. {
35. con.Close();
36. }
37. }
38. }
39. }
2. Retrieve Record
Here, we will retrieve the inserted data. Look at the following C# code.
// Program.cs
1. using System;
2. using System.Data.SqlClient;
3. namespace AdoNetConsoleApplication
4. {
5. class Program
6. {
7. static void Main(string[] args)
8. {
9. new Program().CreateTable();
10. }
11. public void CreateTable()
12. {
13. SqlConnection con = null;
14. try
15. {
16. // Creating Connection
17. con = new SqlConnection("data source=.; database=
student; integrated security=SSPI");
18. // writing sql query
19. SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("Select * from
student", con);
20. // Opening Connection
21. con.Open();
22. // Executing the SQL query
23. SqlDataReader sdr = cm.ExecuteReader();
24. // Iterating Data
25. while (sdr.Read())
26. {
27. Console.WriteLine(sdr["id"] + " " + sdr["name"]+"
"+sdr["email"]); // Displaying Record
28. }
29. }
30. catch (Exception e)
31. {
32. Console.WriteLine("OOPs, something went wrong.\n"
33. }
34. // Closing the connection
35. finally
36. {
37. con.Close();
38. }
39. }
40. }
41. }
2. Deleting Record
// Program.cs
1. using System;
2. using System.Data.SqlClient;
3. namespace AdoNetConsoleApplication
4. {
5. class Program
6. {
7. static void Main(string[] args)
8. {
9. new Program().CreateTable();
10. }
11. public void CreateTable()
12. {
13. SqlConnection con = null;
14. try
15. {
16. // Creating Connection
17. con = new SqlConnection("data source=.; database=stude
nt; integrated security=SSPI");
18. // writing sql query
19. SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("delete from student
where id = '101'", con);
20. // Opening Connection
21. con.Open();
22. // Executing the SQL query
23. cm.ExecuteNonQuery();
24. Console.WriteLine("Record Deleted Successfully");
25. }
26. catch (Exception e)
27. {
28. Console.WriteLine("OOPs, something went wrong.\n"+e);
29. }
30. // Closing the connection
31. finally
32. {
33. con.Close();
34. }
35. }
36. }
37. }