Mil HDBK 1025 1 PDF
Mil HDBK 1025 1 PDF
Mil HDBK 1025 1 PDF
30 OCTOBER 1987
This handbook provides basic design guidance for pier and wharf
construction. It has been developed from extensive re-evaluation of
facilities and is intended for use by experienced architects, engineers, and
facility planners. The contents cover piers and wharves, including such
considerations as overall dimensions and clearances, live load requirements,
structural design, fender systems, deck fittings, separators, access
facilities, and associated pier and wharf structures.
Design cannot remain static any more than can the functions it serves or the
technologies it uses. Accordingly, recommendations for improvement are
encouraged and should be furnished to the Commander, Atlantic Division, Code
04A4, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Norfolk, VA 23511-6287;
telephone (804) 444-9970.
Manual Title PA
FACR 0760
1.1 Scope ................................................... 1
1.2 Cancellations ........................................... 1
1.3 Related Criteria ........................................ 1
1.4 General Function ........................................ 2
1.5 Function Classification ................................. 2
1.5.1 Ammunition .............................................. 2
1.5.2 Berthing ................................................ 2
1.5.3 Fitting-Out or Refit .................................... 2
1.5.4 Fueling ................................................. 2
1.5.5 Repair .................................................. 2
1.5.6 Supply .................................................. 2
1.5.7 Degaussing/Deperming .................................... 3
1.6 Flexibility of Berths ................................... 3
1.7 Required Features ....................................... 3
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Page Ship Contact ........................................... 31 Track-Mounted Crane .................................... 31
2.5.4 Construction ........................................... 31 Open ................................................... 31 Solid .................................................. 31
Page Pile-Supported Structures ............................. 59
3.3.7 Ice Forces ............................................ 60 Dynamic Impact ........................................ 60 Static Pressure ....................................... 60 Slow Pressure ......................................... 60 Vertical Movement ..................................... 60
3.3.8 Shrinkage ............................................. 60
3.3.9 Creep ................................................. 62
3.4 Load Combinations ..................................... 62
3.4.1 General ............................................... 62
3.4.2 Load Symbols .......................................... 63
3.4.3 Service Load Design ................................... 63
3.4.4 Load Factor Design .................................... 63
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6.1 Function and Application ............................ 135
6.1.1 Hull Maintenance ................................... 135
6.1.2 Overhangs and Projections .......................... 135
6.1.3 Special Skin Treatments ............................ 135
6.1.4 Submarine Berthing .................................. 135
6.1.5 Multiple Berthing ................................... 135
6.1.6 Fender Protection ................................... 135
6.2 Separator Types .................................... 135
6.2.1 Log Camels ........................................ 135
6.2.2 Timber Camels ...................................... 137
6.2.3 Steel Pontoon Camels ................................ 137
6.2.4 Deep-Draft Camels ................................... 137
6.2.5 Carrier Camels ...................................... 137
6.2.6 Large Fenders ....................................... 137
6.3 Loads ................................................ 137
6.4 Geometry .............................................. 143
6.4.1 Ship's Lines ...................................... 143
6.4.2 Length and Width ................................... 143
6.4.3 Depth .............................................. 143
6.5 Stability .......................................... 143
6.6 Location ............................................ 143
6.7 Miscellaneous Considerations ........................ 143
6.7.1 Protection........................................ 143
6.7.2 Buoyancy Tanks ...................................... 143
6.7.3 Abrasion.......................................... 144
Change 2, 28 February 1992
1.1 Scope. This handbook contains descriptions and design criteria for
pier and wharf construction, including subsidiary, contiguous, and auxiliary
structures. Loading details, regulations, furnishings, appurtenances, and
other information are discussed when applicable.
Subject Source
Subject Source
1.4 General Function. Piers and wharves provide a transfer point for
cargo and/or passengers between water carriers and land transport. Where
service involves the movement of large volumes of both cargo and passengers,
separate facilities should be provided for each. Where one service is
subsidiary to another, consideration should be given to the feasibility of
accommodating both services at one facility.
1.5.1 Ammunition. These are dedicated piers and wharves used for
discharging ammunition for storage and for loading ammunition on outgoing
ships. Explosives and ammunition quantity/distance standards are discussed in
Naval Sea Systems Command NAVSEA OP 5, Volume 1, Ammunition and Explosives
1.5.3 Fitting-Out or Refit. Piers and wharves for fitting-out are very
similar to those used for repair purposes, providing approximately the same
facilities. However, fitting-out piers and wharves will have, in addition to
light and heavy portal cranes, large fixed tower cranes for handling guns,
turrets, engines, and heavy armor.
1.5.4 Fueling. These are dedicated piers and wharves equipped with
facilities for off-loading fuel from ship to storage and for fueling ships
from storage. For additional design criteria, see MIL-HDBK-1025/3, Cargo
Handling Facilities, and Naval Facilities Engineering Command NAVFAC DM-25.02,
Dockside Utilities for Ship Service.
1.5.5 Repair. Repair piers and wharves are constructed and equipped to
permit overhaul of ships and portions of a hull above the waterline. These
structures are generally equipped with portal cranes.
1.5.6 Supply. Supply piers and wharves are used primarily for the
transfer of cargo between ships and shore facilities. Standard gage railroad
tracks may be provided when supplies are expected to be brought in by rail.
2.1.2 Wind and Currents. To the extent practicable, piers and wharves
should be oriented so that a moored ship is headed into the direction of the
prevailing winds and currents. Thus, the forces induced on mooring lines by
these conditions would be kept to a minimum. If such an arrangement is not
feasible, an orientation in which the wind or current holds the ship off the
facility should be considered, although the difficulty in mooring a ship under
such conditions should not be overlooked. In locations where criteria for
both wind or current cannot be met, the berth should be oriented parallel to
the direction of the more severe condition. At locations exposed to waves and
swell, the facility should be located so that a moored ship is headed into the
wave or swell front. If planning criteria dictate that a pier or wharf be
oriented so that a moored ship is positioned broadside to the prevailing
winds, currents, or waves, breast-off buoys should be considered to keep the
ship off the facility and diminish the possibility of damage to the structure
and ship. At oil storage terminals located in areas where meteorological and
hydrological conditions are severe, consideration should be given to the
utilization of a single point mooring which allows a moored tanker to swing
freely when acted upon by winds, waves, and currents from varying directions.
2.1.4 Pier Orientation. A pier is a structure which projects out from the
shore into the water. A pier is oriented either perpendicular to or at an
angle with the shore. It may be used on both sides, although there are
instances where only one side is used because of site conditions or because
there is no need for additional berthing. Piers may he more desirable than
wharves when there is limited space available because both sides of a pier may
be used for berthing and mooring ships. The space between two parallel piers
or a pier and wharf is usually referred to as the slip.
Figure 1
Pier and Wharf Types
Figure 2
Marginal Wharf Types
2.2.1 General. The overall dimensions and clearances required for piers
and wharves are dependent on characteristics of the ships to be berthed and
the support services provided. See Table 1 for characteristics of typical
ship types. For additional information on general criteria, see Naval
Facilities Engineering Command NAVFAC P-80, Facility Planning Criteria for
Navy and Marine Shore Installations. Single Berth. The length of pier or wharf should equal the overall
length of the largest ship to be accommodated, plus an allowance of 50 ft at
each end of the ship. For aircraft carriers, the allowance at each end of the
vessel should be increased to 100 ft . (See Figure 3.) Multiple Berths. The length of a pier or wharf should equal the
total overall length of the largest ships simultaneously accommodated, plus
clear distance allowances of 100 ft between ships and 50 ft beyond outermost
moored ships. (See Figure 3.)
2.2.3 Pier and Wharf Width. Pier width as used herein refers to the net
operating width of the structure, exclusive of fender systems, curbs, and
dedicated utility corridors. (See Figure 4.) This definition also holds for
u-, L-, and T-type wharves. However, with reference to marginal wharves, the
width should be the dimension to a building, roadway, or other identifiable
obstruction. Refer to Table 2 for minimum widths established for each
functional type. They should be reviewed with specific functional
requirements of the individual installation before a final selection is made.
Also, these dimensions should not be less than the widths determined by
geotechnical and structural considerations. Factors to be considered in the
determination of pier and wharf width are as follows:
Table 1
Characteristics of Typical Ship Types
Table 2
Typical Single-Decked Pier and Wharf Widths
Minimum Wharf Apron
Function Pier Width Width Railroad Tracks Rail-Mounted
Classification Ship Type (feet) (feet) (standard gage) Cranes
Berthing Aircraft
Carrier" 100 -- -- --
Berthing Submarines 60 -- -- --
Fueling Auxiliary 50 -- -- --
* Width applies when 60-foot camels are used to breast out carriers.
Figure 3
Length and Width of Slip
Figure 4
Location of Utility Corridor, Crane, and Railroad Tracks
Change 3, 30 June 1994 Mobile Crane Operation. Piers and wharves are subject to frequent
usage by truck-mounted mobile cranes forklifts, and straddle carriers for
servicing the ships. This weight-handling equipment requires maneuvering and
turnaround space on the deck for effective operation. If possible the deck
space should be planned to allow mobile cranes to be backed up perpendicular
to the bullrail. This permits the maximum load/reach combination. Crane Tracks. Rail-mounted cranes are often needed for ship fleet
loadout in outfitting/refit and repair facilities. Width requirements depend
on equipment selected. A rail gage of 40 ft is standard for new cranes,
except at container terminals or where it is necessary to conform to gages of
existing tracks. When cranes are furnished, the distance from the waterside
cranerail to the edge of the pier or wharf should be adequate to provide
clearance for bollards, cleats, capstans, pits housing outlets for ship
services, crane power conductors, and other equipment. Where aircraft
carriers or other ship types with large deck overhangs are anticipated to be
berthed, the cranerail should be located so that all parts of the crane will
clear the deck overhang. For discussion of crane power conductors, see Naval
Facilities Engineering Command NAVFAC DM-38.01, Weight Handling Equipment. Railroad Tracks. For supply and ammunition piers and wharves,
railroad service should be considered. Except where local conditions require
otherwise, standard gage should be used for trackage. For standard gage and
spacing between adjacent tracks, see Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NAVFAC DM-5.06, Civil Engineering - Trackage. Width of piers and wharves
should be adequate to allow passing of trains and forklift trucks (or other
material-handling equipment). Allowances should also be made for stored
cargo and other obstructions. Sheds and Buildings. Pier and wharf deck is usually too expensive
an area for storage sheds, which should therefore be located on land to be
cost-effective. However, small buildings to provide for berthing support and
storage of equipment may sometimes need to be accommodated on deck. Fire Lane. For piers, provide a 15-foot-wide unobstructed fire lane
independent of net operating width requirements. Locate and mark the lane
near the longitudinal pier centerline. For wharves, provide a 15-foot-wide
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Table 3
Estimated Space Requirements for PMA
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Minimum Width of Slip for Active Berthing. Minimum width should be
the greater of the two dimensions shown on Figure 3. Additionally, the width
should not be less than 300 ft. The recommended criteria are applicable only
if ships are turned outside the slip area. Refer to Table 1 for the beam of
typical ship types. At submarine slips, width requirements should be
increased by at least four beam widths to account for camels and separators,
to provide for ships’ vulnerability if their safety is involved, to provide
for special maneuvering requirements of other ships during berthing or
passing, and to provide for special environmental conditions such as currents,
waves, and winds.
The requirements discussed above apply where ships are berthed on both sides
of a slip. Where ships are berthed on only one side of a slip, the width may
be reduced.
See Figure 3. When more than two-abreast berthing is employed, the width of
slip should be increased by one ship beam for each additional ship added in
order to maintain adequate clearances between moored ships during berthing and
unberthing maneuvers. Thus, for three-abreast berthing on both sides of a
slip, the slip width for single-berth piers would be equal to 10 times ship
beam and the slip width for multiple-berth piers would be equal to 11 times
ship beam.
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Minimum Depth of Water. In a sheltered site and where the site
bottom consists of soft material, the water depth in a slip, as measured from
mean low water (MLW) level or mean lower low water (MLLW) level, should be
equal to the maximum navigational draft of the ships to be accommodated plus a
minimum clearance of 4 ft. The maximum navigational draft represents the
distance in ft, with the ship in the full load condition, from the waterline
to the keel, and below the keel to encompass such projections as sonar domes,
extending propellers, vertical submarine control planes, and hydrofoils fitted
to various type ships. For the maximum navigational draft of typical ship
types, refer to Table 1. The minimum depth of water for aircraft carriers
(CV, CVN) and fast combat support ships (AOE) should be 50 ft in order to
reduce the extent of sea suction fouling of condensers. Specified water
depths should be maintained as close to the fender line of the structure as is
practicable considering the accessibility of dredging equipment used during
maintenance dredging operations.
2.2.6 Pier and Wharf Deck Elevation. Deck elevation should be set as high
as possible for surface ship berthing and as low as possible for submarine
berthing, based on the following considerations:
MIL-HDBK-1025/l Utilities. Deck elevations should be set high enough above HHW
levels to allow for adequate gradients in drainage piping and to avoid
flooding of drainage and utility manholes. Utilidors, utility tunnels, and
vaults should be kept above MHW (MHHW) level as much as possible.
2.3 Operations
2.3.1 Railroad and Crane Tracks. The number of railroad and crane tracks
required and type of weight-handling equipment furnished on piers and wharves
are dependent on the type of function, ships to be accommodated, amount of
cargo to be handled, and rate of cargo transfer. Specific service
requirements of the individual installation should be evaluated in conjunction
with the following considerations:
2.3.2 Mobile Cranes. All piers and wharves should anticipate mobile crane
operations on deck, except fueling and degaussing/deperming facilities where a
light-duty mobile crane and/or forklift truck is sufficient. Typically, the
cranes will be used to lift light loads (5 to 10 tons) but at a longer reach.
This requires a high-capacity crane. If the crane operations are not
allowable because of utilidors and trenches with light-duty covers, such areas
should be clearly marked and separated by a raised curb to prevent accidental
usage. Typically, mobile crane operators want to get as close as possible to
the edge of the pier or wharf to reduce the reach. However, the edges of
piers and wharves are also the best places for locating utility trenches and
utilidors. This conflict can be resolved by either designing all utility
covers to the high concentrated load from the mobile crane (which can have a
very high cost penalty) or by allowing crane operations in discrete and
dedicated spaces along the edges, as shown in Figure 5. The conflict can also
be resolved through two-story piers where the utilities are kept in the lower
story, thus freeing up all the upper story for crane operations.
2.3.3 Sheds and Support Buildings. Storage sheds and buildings of any
kind should be kept off piers and wharves unless their location can be
justified by security considerations. When evaluating on-pier versus upland
locations, the cost of the supporting pier deck should be included in the
on-pier option. Transit sheds may be considered on piers and wharves where a
suitable upland area is not available. When used on a pier, the transit shed
should be located along the centerline with clear aprons on both sides 20 ft
or more wide. On wharves, transit sheds and support buildings should be
located on the landside edge with a clear apron toward the waterside. In
general, support buildings on piers and wharves should be kept as small as
feasible and located away from high-activity areas for least interference.
Figure 5
Mobile Crane Operation on Pier Deck
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Utilidors. These are basically protected trenches running along the
waterside edge of a pier or wharf accessed by removable covers from the top,
as illustrated in Figure 6(A). In a pier, the lines can go along one edge all
the way to the end and be “looped” to the other edge back to land. In a
marginal wharf, the lines can be supplied and returned through smaller lateral
“trenches.” Where the number and size of lines are large enough, a utility
tunnel or gallery can be utilized with access from the top or side. Where a
fuel line is provided, it should be kept in a separate trench for containment
of leaks.
Figure 6
Utility Concepts
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2.4.4 Roadway Deck Elevation. The -requirements for pier and wharf deck
elevation are also applicable to the approaches. Where the adjacent land is
higher or lower than pier or wharf, the approach can be sloped up or down to
serve as a transition ramp. For approaches longer than 100 ft, the slope
should be limited to 6 percent.
2.5.1 General. The three major structural types for piers and wharves
are open, solid, and floating. Open-type piers and wharves are
pile-supported platform structures which allow water to flow underneath.
Figure 8(A) illustrates the open type. Solid type uses a retaining structure
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such as anchored sheet pile walls or quaywalls, behind which a fill is placed
to form the working-surface. Solid type will prevent streamflow underneath.
Figure 8(B) illustrates the solid structural type. Floating type is a
pontoon structure that is anchored to the seabed through spud piles or
tension lines and connected to the shore by bridges or ramps. The top of the
pontoon can be utilized as the working deck, as shown in Figure 9(A), or a
separate column-supported working deck can be constructed on top of the
pontoon, as shown in Figure 9(B). Floating structures by definition are not
affected by tidal fluctuations, but they do interrupt the streamflow to some
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Figure 9
Floating Types
2.5.2 Combination of Types. Open and solid type can be combined along the
length or across the width of piers and wharves where feasible and
advantageous, as shown in Figure 10. However, it is not advisable to combine
the floating type with the others. Bulkhead Line. When the facility extends outshore off an estab-
lished bulkhead line, which is the limit beyond which continuous solid-type
construction is not permitted, open-type construction should be used.
Figure 10
Combination Types
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Fill Loss. When precast concrete and steel sheet pile bulkheads are
used in pier and wharf construction, special care should be given to
preventing fill leaching through the interlocks, causing subsidence of
retained fill. A filter blanket or other method that could prevent or control
fill leaching should be installed to reduce subsidence and consequent paving
maintenance. Advance Bases and Remote Areas. For advance bases, where rapidity
of construction is required, open piers and wharves of the template or jack-up
barge type should be considered. Based on past experiences, it is estimated
that a prefabricated template-type structure, 90 ft wide x 600 ft long, could
be erected in about 21 days and a structure of the jack-up type could be
erected in about 3 days. An advantage of the jack-up barge structure is that
it can be moved and reused at other sites. For permanent facilities in remote
areas, the floating type has advantages as the on-site construction is
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Open. For open-type marginal wharves and landside ends of open
piers, the following schemes should be considered for retaining upland fill
Figure 11
Open-Type Marginal Wharf Concepts
Figure 12
Solid-Type Marginal Wharf Concepts
an anchorage system consisting of piles, attached near the top of the sheet
pile bulkhead and extending at a l-on-l slope to embedment in firm material,
is often used. Rock or earth anchors consisting of high-strength steel rods
or steel prestressing cables are sometimes preferred in place of the anchor
batter piles.
Figure 13
Solid Type, Cellular Construction
Figure 14
Solid Type, Caisson and Concrete Block Construction
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Hydraulic Fill The soil drawn up by the suction head of a dredge,
pumped with water through a pipe, and deposited in an area being filled or
reclaimed is referred to as “hydraulic fill.” At port and terminal facilities,
where land is not available onshore and where dredging is required to provide
adequate water depths for vessels at berths and approach channels, hydraulic
fill is commonly used for land reclamation because of its availability and low
cost. Hydraulic fill may be of good quality, consisting of granular
materials, or may consist of plastic organic silt, which is considered poor
When hydraulic fill is used, the stability of the structure retaining the fill
must be investigated, taking into consideration the effects of adjacent
surcharge loadings in addition to the loadings from the fill. The placement
of a select granular fill adjacent to the retaining structure, as shown on
Figures 11 through 14, may be required if the hydraulic fill is of poor
quality. Hydraulic fill is in a loose condition when placed. To avoid fill
settlements due to loadings from other structures, stacked cargoes, and mobile
equipment, stabilization of the fill may be required. In areas of seismic
activity, the liquefaction of hydraulic fills should be investigated.
Stability with regard to both settlements and liquefaction may be enhanced by
methods such as deep densification or by use of sand drains. See Naval
Facilities Engineering Command NAVFAC DM-7.03, Soil Dynamics, Deep
Stabilization, and Special Geotechnical Construction. Material other than
hydraulic fill should be used when the cost of material obtained from onshore
borrow areas is cheaper than the cost of material obtained from offshore
borrow areas or where good quality fill material is required and is not
available offshore. For additional design and construction consideration on
fill construction, refer to NAVFAC DM-7.01, Soil Mechanics.
3.1.1 General. The dead load consists of the weight of the entire
structure, including all the permanent attachments such as mooring hardware,
light poles, utility booms, brows, platforms, vaults, sheds, and service
utility lines. A realistic assessment of all present and future attachments
should be made and included. Design of fixed piers and wharves is usually
controlled by live load and lateral load requirements. Hence, overestimation
of dead loads generally will not adversely affect the cost of the structure.
However, overestimation of dead loads will be unconservative for tension or
uplift controlled design. Also, for floating piers and wharves, over-
estimating of dead loads will lead to significant cost penalties.
3.2.1 Uniform Loading. See Table 4 for recommended uniform loadings for
piers and wharves. Impact is not applied when designing for uniform loads. Portal Cranes. See Figure 16 for wheel loads of portal cranes and
Table 4 for the rated capacities of portal cranes applicable to piers and
Table 4
Vertical Live Loads for Pier and Wharf Decks
Figure 15
Truck Loading
Figure 16
Wheel Loads for Portal Cranes
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Container Cranes. See Figure 17 for wheel loads of container cranes
and refer to Table 4 for the rated capacities of container cranes applicable
to piers and wharves. The data shown were derived from several operating
cranes and can be used only for concept study and preliminary design. Cranes
of varying capacities, configurations, and gages are available. Hence, more
specific information should be obtained from crane manufacturers for final
design. Recent tendency in container crane design has been to increase the
gage and reach while maintaining the lift capacity between 40 and 50 tons.
The increase in gage will lead to higher dead weight of the crane and may
result in higher wheel loads. Wheel Load Uncertainty. Portal and container cranes are usually
procured separately from the construction funds. The expected wheel loads may
not be specified on the crane procurement documents. The actual wheel loads
may therefore be higher than anticipated by the facility designer. The number
and spacing of wheels are critical to the structural capacity of an existing
facility and structural design of a new facility. Having established the
required capacity and configuration of a crane, the designer of a pier or
wharf should consult with the naval agency in charge of crane procurement and
obtain wheel loads for which the supporting structure should be designed. In
the absence of hard information, the loads presented in Figures 16 and 17
should be increased by 10 percent or more for the design of the facility.
3.2.4 Truck Crane Loadings. The deck design for open and floating
structural types of piers and wharves is usually controlled by truck crane
loading. However, the operational constraints imposed by underspecifying
truck crane loadings are severe. Consequently, care should be taken to
specify realistic loading. Wheel Loads. See Figure 18 for wheel loads and Table 5 for
outrigger float loads from 50-, 70-, 90-, 115-, and 140-ton capacity truck
cranes. As a rule of thumb, ground pressures for “on rubber” lifts are about
10 percent higher than tire inflation pressure. Crane manufacturers recommend
that the majority of lifts be made on outriggers. In addition, capacities for
“on rubber” lifts are substantially less than for “on outrigger” lifts.
Hence, loads for “on rubber” lifts are not listed. All piers and wharves and
their approaches should be designed for the wheel loads from the designated
truck crane. Refer to Table 4 for designated truck cranes applicable to each
functional type of pier and wharf.
Figure 17
Wheel Loads for Container Cranes
Figure 18
Wheel Loads for Truck Cranes
Table 5
Outrigger Float Loads for Mobile Cranes
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Outrigger Float Loads. Table 5 lists outrigger float loads for
different capacity cranes. The maximum single float load from a boom over
corner positionand maximum concurrent pair of float loads from a boom over
side and back positions are listed. Typically, the float loads are at the
maximum when lifting the rated load at a short radius (20 to 25 ft) and should
be used for design. However, for existing piers and wharves, the other listed
loads may be used to analyze deck capacity. Forklifts. See Figure 19 for wheel loads from forklifts and refer
to Table 4 for designated forklifts applicable to piers and wharves. Straddle Carriers. See Figure 20 for wheel loads for straddle
carrier and Table 4 for straddle carriers applicable to piers and wharves.
The straddle carrier shown is capable of lifting a loaded 20-ft container or a
loaded 40-ft container. For other types of straddle carriers, refer to MIL-
HDBK-1025/3, Cargo Handling Facilities.
3.2.6 Loading. on Railroad Tracks. For freight car wheel loads, use a live
load of 8,000 lbs/ft of track corresponding to Cooper E-80 designation of the
American Railway Engineering Association (AREA) Manual for Railway
Engineering. In the design of slabs, girders, and pile caps, an impact factor
of 20 percent should be applied. Impact is not applicable for the design of
piles and filled structures, or where loads are distributed through paving and
ballast (1 ft 6 in. or more).
3.2.7 Buoyancy. Typically, piers and wharf decks are not kept low enough
to be subjected to buoyant forces. However, portions of the structure, such
as utilidors and vaults, may be low enough to be subject to buoyancy forces,
which are essentially uplift forces applied at the rate of 64 pounds per
square foot of plan area for every foot of submergence below water level.
Figure 19
Wheel Loads for Forklifts
Figure 20
Wheel Loads for Straddle Carriers
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Concentrated Loads. Wheel loads and outrigger float loads from
designated pneumatic-tired equipment, such as trucks, truck cranes, forklifts,
and straddle carriers, should be applied at any point on a pier or wharf
deck. The equipment may be oriented in any direction and the orientation
causing the maximum forces on the structural members should be considered for
design. Skip Loading. For determining the shear and bending moments in
continuous members, the designated uniform loadings should be applied only on
those spans which produce the maximum effect.
3.3.1 Berthing Load. Ships are usually brought in with the assistance of
two or more tugboats while berthing to a pier or wharf. Wind, current, wave,
and tidal forces acting on the ship at the time of berthing cause the ship to
impact the pier or wharf. To reduce the berthing energy and force transmitted
to the structure, usually a fender system (fender units, fender piles, camels,
and other energy-absorbing mechanisms) is used between the ship and
structure. The magnitude and location of the actual force transmitted to the
structure will depend on the type of structure, type of ship, approach
velocity, approach angle, and fender system employed. In the absence of
reliable scale model test and/or computer simulation programs, the approach
described in Section 5, para. 5.2 of this handbook should be followed for
calculation of berthing loads.
wharves are usually constructed, wave forces are not significant and may be
ignored. The current and wind load components of the moored ship are usually
significant and should be calculated separately. Computer simulation programs
and model tests have been employed in an attempt to develop a rational
approach for the calculation of mooring forces but, in view of the
complexities involved in analyzing all the variables and combinations thereof,
criteria for determination of mooring forces are generally established based
on judgment and experience with similar facilities. Forces due to winds,
currents, and waves acting on moored ships should be estimated in accordance
with the methods discussed in NAVFAC DM-26.06, Mooring Design Physical and
Empirical Data. Alternatively, or when deemed necessary, mooring forces may
be approximated by the methods discussed below. The mooring forces so
determined may be more conservative than those estimated by the methods
discussed in NAVFAC DM-26.06 but, in view of the indeterminate nature of
mooring force analyses and the fact that wind and current pressures are very
sensitive to small variations in velocity (varying as the square of the
velocity), the results obtained are considered to be within the range of
accuracy that can reasonably be expected.
Figure 21
Mooring Arrangements
Figure 22
Ship Motions and Forces Acting on Ship
Figure 23
Distribution of Berthing and Mooring Forces to Structure
g) When ships are berthed on both sides of a pier, the wind load on
the ship in the leeward berth may be approximated to be 50 percent of the wind
load on the windward vessel. Criteria. All piers and wharves located in seismically active areas
should be proportioned to resist earthquake forces in accordance with the
requirements of the AASHTO, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges.
Dynamic analysis of the structure for a locally accepted site-specific
response spectrum may be used as an alternative. For open piers and wharves,
the approach recommended by Tudor/PMB Consulting Engineers in Seismic Design
of Piers (a NAVFAC-sponsored study) may also be used as an alternative. The
AASHTO method considers the interrelationship of factors such as the location
of the site relative to active faults, the effect of the overlying soil on the
earthquake motion, and the dynamic response characteristics of the structure.
When applying the AASHTO method to the design of piers and wharves, the
following should be considered:
a) The weight of the structure should include the total dead load
and a percentage of the design live load. The percentage of live load to be
used should be 10 percent for all the functional types. For supply piers and
wharves, 20 percent or higher should be used. For infrequently used
facilities where there is less likelihood of any live load on the deck, this
percentage of live load to be included may be omitted.
e) The framing factor should be taken as 1.0 for framing using both
plumb and batter piles and 0.8 for framing using only plumb piles.
Zone 0 . . . . . . . . . . No damage
Seismic zones for locations outside of the United States are listed below:
Rota 1
Johnston Island 1
Mariana Islands
Guam 3
Kwajalein 1
Saipan 3
Tinian 1
Marcus Island 1
Okinawa 3
Philippine Islands 3
Samoa Islands 3
Wake Island 0
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Dynamic Case. Seismic forces may cause increased lateral earth
pressures on earth-retaining wharf structures accompanied by lateral movements
of the structure. The degree of ground shaking that retaining structures will
be able to withstand will depend, to a considerable extent, on the margin of
safety provided for static loading conditions. In general, wharf retaining
structures, designed conservatively for static loading conditions, may have a
greater ability to withstand seismic forces than those designed, more
economically, by less conservative procedures. Methods for determining
lateral earth pressures due to seismic forces are discussed in NAVFAC DM-7.02.
from piles (for narrow marginal wharves, the short inboard piles may offer
some restraint, and hence need to be analyzed) and will subject the piles to
bending moments and shear forces. Batter piles should be located so as not to
restrain thermal motion (usually in the middle portion of a long structure). Dynamic Impact. Follow the criteria in the AASHTO standard to the
extent feasible. For lightly loaded structures and for open pile platforms,
these criteria may result in structures of unreasonable proportions. In such
cases, consider reducing the AASHTO criteria in accordance with the Canadian
code. See Charles R. Neill, “Dynamic Ice Forces on Piers and Piles,” Canadian
Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, 1976. The values of effective pressure
are Slow Pressure. Broken ice floes will exert less pressure than a
solid ice sheet. In general, the pressures developed in this mode of action
will be less than those to be experienced under the static pressure mode of
action. Reliable values of pressure are not presently available. Vertical Movement. Assume that the structure will lift or depress a
circular sheet of ice. Calculate the radius of the affected ice sheet on the
basis of the flexural strength of ice as 80 to 200 psi. Check the shear on
the basis of the strength (and adhesion) as 80 to 150 psi. Consider the
formation of bustle (added thickness) of ice around the structure. See
Bernard Michel, Ice Pressure on Engineering Structures, Monogram III-B1B, U.S.
Army Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory.
3.3.8 Shrinkage. Open pier and wharf decks which are usually constructed
from concrete components are subject to forces resulting from shrinkage of
concrete from the curing process. Shrinkage loads are similar to temperature
loads in the sense that both are internal loads. For long continuous open
piers and wharves and their approaches, shrinkage load is significant and
should be considered. However, for pile-supported pier and wharf structures,
the effect is not as critical as it may seem at first because, over the long
time period in which the shrinkage takes place, the soil surrounding the piles
will slowly “give” and relieve the forces on the piles caused by the shrinking
deck. The Prestressed Concrete Institute, PCI Design Handbook is recommended
for design.
3.4.2 Load Symbols. The following load symbols are applicable for
Equation (1) :
D = Dead load
= Live load (uniform)
= Live load (concentrated)
I = Impact load (for Lc only)
B = Buoyancy load
Be = Berthing load
C = Current load
E = Earth pressure load
Eq = Earthquake load
W = Wind load on structure
Ws = Wind load on ship
R = Creep/rib shortening
S = Shrinkage
T = Temperature load
3.4.3 Service Load Design. Timber structures for piers and wharves should
be proportioned using the service load combinations and allowable stresses.
Concrete and steel structures may also be designed using the above approach.
The service load approach should also be used for designing all foundations and
for checking foundation stability.
3.4.4 Load Factor Design. Concrete structures for piers and wharves may be
proportioned using the load factor (ultimate strength) method; however, they
should be checked for serviceability and construction loads.
Table 6
Load Combinations, Load Factors (fX), and Allowable Stresses
* 0.90 for checking members for minimum axial load and maximum moment.
** 0.0, 0.10, or 0.20, depending on the live load assumed to be acting on pier
for earthquake load calculations. See Earthquake Loads, paragraph 3.3.4.
*** 1.3 for maximum outrigger float load from a truck crane.
4.1.1 Open Piers and Wharves. Depending on the materials and concepts
used, the facility can be constructed by any of the following methods: Jack-up Barge. See Figure 25. This type consists of a structural
steel seaworthy barge provided with openings for steel caissons which are
lowered to the harbor bottom when the barge has been floated into final
position. The barge may be completely outfitted during construction with ship
fenders, deck fittings, and utilities including power, lighting,
communications, water supply, sanitary facilities, etc., so that once it is
jacked into position and utility tie-ins are made, it is ready to receive
ships. Circular pneumatic gripping jacks, mounted on the deck above the
caisson openings, permit the barge to be elevated in steps. The barge is
loaded with steel caissons, a crane for pile erection, and other tools and
materials required for the field work, and is towed to the site.
At the site, the barge is moved into approximate position and the caissons are
dropped through the jacks and hull by the crane. The caissons, suspended
above the harbor bottom and supported by engaging the jacks, are seated into
the harbor bottom by dead weight. The barge-like deck is jacked to the
required elevation and locked. Each caisson is then released from its jack
and driven to refusal or required penetration. When all caissons are driven,
the hull of the barge is welded to the caisson, the jacks are removed, and the
caissons are cut off flush with the deck and capped with steel plates. In
some situations, the caissons are filled with sand to avoid buoyancy
problems. Jack-up barge type structures are also constructed using hydraulic
jacks and open-trussed towers instead of pneumatic jacks and circular caissons. Template. See Figure 26. This type involves the fabrication of the
various structural components of the pier, transportation of the pre-
fabricated units to the construction site by barge, and erection of the
prefabricated units to form the completed facility. As noted under jack-up
barge, the template type pier may be outfitted, beforehand, with the
utilities, deck fittings, and services that are needed to produce a fully
working berthing facility.
Figure 25
Open Pier, Jack-up Barge Type
4.1.2 Solid Piers and Wharves. Refer to Section 2, para. 2.5 of this
document, for different methods of solid-type construction.
4.1.3 Floating Piers and Wharves. Refer to Section 2, para. 2.5, for
different methods of floating-type construction.
Preferably, treatment should be made after all holes and cuts are made. When
holes and cuts are made in the field, timber members should be treated with
preservative to prevent borer activity from starting in the holes. This is
difficult to do properly in the tidal zone, and especially so below mean low
water. Design and detailing should be such as to avoid the necessity for
making cuts or holes on piles underwater where treatment is difficult. Where
possible, avoid bracing or connections below mean low water. All connection
hardware should be suitable for the saltwater immersion and exposure. For
above-water construction, waterborne salt treatment is preferable as creosote
treatment stains clothing and smears on equipment. Timber Species. Douglas fir and southern pine are the more popular
species for waterfront construction. Southern pine piles are limited to 65 ft
in length, whereas Douglas fir piles and poles can be used up to l00-ft
lengths. Large beams and timber sizes needed for chocks and walers are
generally available only in Douglas fir and southern pine. Chocks and walers
should be treated with waterborne salts and not oilborne preservatives such as
creosote. The cost and availability of timber piles and other members should
be evaluated for the project site under consideration.
4.2.2 Steel. When protected against corrosion by the use of coal tar
epoxy or other marine coatings and cathodic protection systems, steel
construction may be considered for all types of marine structures. However,
active cathodic systems are difficult to design, construct, and maintain
properly. Passive systems are preferred. Steel is particularly adaptable for
use in template and jack-up barge construction at advance base facilities, as
piles for structures located in deep water where high lateral forces must be
resisted, as fender piles and fender panels, as piles for structures located
in areas of high seismic activity, and where difficult driving is
anticipated. When the utilization of other construction materials is
considered feasible, the use of steel construction may be restricted by cost
and maintenance requirements.
4.2.3 Concrete. For piers and wharves, concrete is generally the best
material for construction. Properly designed and constructed facilities are
highly durable in the marine environment. Concrete is immune to marine borer
and insect attack and is incombustible. Precast concrete piles should
preferably be prestressed to resist the tensile forces frequently encountered
during driving. Corrosion of reinforcement in prestressed concrete piles even
after cracking can be controlled by proper mix design and, in extreme cases,
by epoxy coating the reinforcement. However, sufficient control must be
exercised during driving of concrete piles to reduce cracking to a minimum.
Where difficult driving into very compact sands, gravels, or rock is
anticipated, the tip of the piles may be equipped with a WF-shape or H-pile
“stinger” to achieve needed penetration. Very large hollow cylindrical piles
(48-in. diameter and more) have been successfully employed for waterfront
construction. Concrete is also ideal for deck construction in open-type piers
and wharves and, when properly designed, is more economical for floating
structures. Proprietary stainless steel reinforcement bars, wires, and
strands have been developed for use in concrete construction where nonmagnetic
properties are desired as in degaussing/deperming facilities.
4.3.1 General. Allowable stresses for materials used in pier and wharf
construction conform to NAVFAC DM-2.01, Structural Engineering - General
Requirements. Applicable service classifications are described in NAVFAC
DM-2.01 and are based on the type of loading. For example, elements designed
for moving concentrated loads should be proportioned to criteria for Service
Classification A. Elements designed for uniform loads or static (or fixed)
concentrated loads should be proportioned to criteria for Service
Classification B. Elements subject to both types of loading should be
proportioned for the more critical of the two criteria. Allowable stresses
for fender system design are discussed in Section 5, para.
Figure 27
Concrete Deck Construction
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Mooring Forces, The ship contact length, when separators are not
used, may be taken as 25 percent of ship’s length for cruisers, destroyers,
and frigates, and as 50 percent of ship’s length for auxiliary and amphibious
warfare ships. Mooring forces acting away from piers or wharves are
transmitted to the deck as point loads through deck fittings where mooring
lines are attached. It should be remembered that mooring lines are often
used at an upward angle for surface ships and at a downward angle for
4.4.5 Pile Caps. For construction sequence reasons, in piers and wharves
it is often cost-effective to orient pile caps (and hence pile bents)
transverse to the length of the structure. When this orientation is used,
longitudinal pile caps are not needed unless crane trackage support or
longitudinal seismic resistance is to be provided. For marginal wharves where
lateral loads from mooring and berthing loads are transferred to the land, a
longitudinal orientation of the pile cap may be considered if feasible for
construction. Moments and shears on pile caps from live loads should take
into account the elastic shortening of the piles and the effect of soil
deformation at and near pile tips. For computation of forces from high
concentrated loads, the cap behaves as a beam on elastic foundation, and
distributes the concentrated load to a number of piles adjacent to the load.
Again, while hand calculations are acceptable, a stiffness analysis using
computers is recommended. All Plumb Pile System. The lateral loads are resisted by “frame
action,” whereby the piles and the cap form a moment frame and resist the
lateral load primarily by the flexural stiffness of the piles. However,
lateral deflection will be very high for even small lateral loads. Also,
sidesway is not prevented, which increases the effective length of pile as
column. Further, if piles vary in unsupported height, the shorter piles will
attract most of the lateral load. Since the piles are more efficient for
axial loads and less so for bending moments, this framing usually is
restricted to shallow waters and light lateral loads. All Batter Pile System. This system is a compromise between the two
above, and is cost-effective in some circumstances. With this system, the
batter slope may be near vertical. Natural periods can be as high as several
seconds, making the approach attractive for seismic areas.
Figure 28
Substructure Framing Concepts
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Current and Waves. These loads are applied at and near the water
level and may be significant where large size piles are used in high-current
waters. Sloping Fill Loads. These loads are transmitted along the shaft of
the piles by the lateral movement of the soil surrounding the piles beneath
the structure, such as may occur along a sloping shoreline at marginal
wharves, as shown in Figure 11. The maximum moments in the piles for this
category of loadings are determined by structural analysis and the methods
outlined in NAVFAC DM-7.02, Foundations and Earth Structures, after the
conditions of pile support in the pile cap and the soil have been established
and the effective length of pile has been determined.
occurs, the piles will move excessively, resulting in serious damage to the
piles and the structure. For these conditions, unstable materials should be
removed and replaced. When the piles penetrate a deep soft layer first and
then a stiff layer of soil, the soils displace cyclically back and forth
during an earthquake. During the cyclic ground shaking, the piles will move
with the ground and return essentially to their original position if the soil
does not fail during these cyclic displacements. Accordingly, if piles are to
continue to safely support loads after an earthquake, it will be necessary for
the piles to have the capability to withstand the induced curvature without
failure. Practical design considerations for a semiempirical pile bending
analysis are given in Edward Margason, Pile Bending During Earthquakes.
4.5.3 Pile Materials. Steel and concrete and composites of the two are
the most common and viable pile materials for the substructure construction of
piers and wharves. Wood piles may be used for lightly loaded structures and
for fender systems. Load capacity geotechnical considerations and life-cycle
costs should govern selection of the pile material. When steel piles are
used, a suitable protective system (paints, cathodic protection, concrete or
sand filling of pipe sections) should be specified for durability and reduced
maintenance expenses. Prestressed concrete piles are preferred over
reinforced concrete piles, because of the latter’s susceptibility to cracking
during driving and lack of watertightness.
Piles are subjected to high compressive and tensile stresses during driving
and should be proportioned to resist these in addition to the service loads.
Where prolonged driving in alternately soft and hard layers of soil or driving
through stiff “quaky” clays is anticipated, very high tensile stresses are set
up and will require a higher level of prestress (1000 psi or more) in
prestressed concrete piles. Attention should be given to controlling driving
stresses by specifying frequent cushion replacement, and by requiring use of
hammers capable of adjusting driving energy.
Because the individual cells are self-supporting units, accidental loss of one
cell will not necessarily endanger adjoining cells. Compared to a diaphragm
type cellular structure of equal design, fewer piles per linear foot of
structure are required. The diameter of circular cells is limited by the
maximum allowable stresses in the sheet pile interlocks and, when stresses are
exceeded, cloverleaf cells are used. Marine Borers. Wood piles are the only kind that will be affected
by marine organisms. Preservative treatment used for wood piles and bracing
under water should be selected for the particular organisms present in the
water locally. While marine growth does occur on concrete and steel surfaces
in the tidal zone, they have not proven to be damaging.
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Abrasion. Floating debris and floating ice in open types of piers
and wharves may cause serious abrasion to concrete piles. Timber jackets have
been successfully used to protect the concrete piles, as illustrated in NAVFAC
DM-25.06. General. Modular steel pontoon structures may be used for temporary
facilities to berth ships up to loaded drafts of 30 ft. This structure type
may be provided where it is not considered advisable to construct a fixed
facility and at advanced bases where versatility and ease of deployment are
required. The allowable uniform loading is limited, as is the capacity for
mobile cranes. For additional information, see Naval Facilities Engineering
Command NAVFAC P-401, Pontoon System Manual.
Figure 29
Pontoon Wharf
Figure 30
Container-Sized Modular Pontoons
4.7.1 General. Ships are usually moored to bollards, bitts, and cleats.
Occasionally, ships may be tied to a quick-release hook. The position of a
ship on a berth is usually controlled by utility hookup and brow location
requirements. The crew in charge of tying up the ship will usually tie the
lines to whatever mooring hardware is convenient to give the required
horizontal angle. This often results in lines tied to a lower capacity cleat
while a high-capacity bollard may only be a few feet away. Hence,
consideration should be given to using only one type of high-capacity mooring
hardware throughout the facility. The geometry of the hardware should
preclude mooring lines from slipping off, as the mooring angle is often very
4.7.2 Hardware Types. The following are the most commonly used types of
mooring hardware:
Figure 31
Bollard and Bitt
Figure 32
Cleat and Quick-Release Hook
Figure 33
Chock and Capstan
4.8.2 Design. The primary load for a mooring dolphin comes from the
tension in the mooring line. It is typically constructed as an open pile
supported structure. Where filled (solid) construction is permitted, a single
sheet pile cell may be utilized. When a platform is provided for the dolphin,
it should be large enough to allow a 3-foot-wide walking space all around the
mooring hardware.
4.8.2 Design. The primary load for a mooring dolphin comes from the
tension in the mooring line. It is typically constructed as an open pile
supported structure. Where filled (solid) construction is permitted, a single
sheet pile cell may be utilized. When a platform is provided for the dolphin,
it should be large enough to allow a 3-foot-wide walking space all around the
mooring hardware.
Figure 35
Mooring Dolphins
4.9.2 Drainage. Pier and wharf decks should be sloped in transverse and
longitudinal direction to deck drains or scuppers to provide for drainage of
storm water. Where permitted, the storm water can be drained off to the water
below; however, if fuel, oils, and chemicals are to be handled on the
facility, the storm water should be collected and piped off for treatment. It
is customary to use subsurface drains in ballasted decks to handle any small
amounts of water that may seep through the paving. This water is normally not
4.9.4 Utility Trench. Since the utility services are mostly needed along
the pier or wharf edge, the main utility trenches should be kept close to the
bullrail. The trench may be underhung or kept above, as shown in Figure 38.
The trench covers should be removable and made of concrete, steel, or
composite construction. Although the trench covers need not be watertight, a
good seal should be used at joints to prevent accidental seepage of spilled
liquids. Frequently spaced drains should be placed along the trench to
prevent flooding.
Figure 36
Railroad Track Support
Figure 37
Crane Rail Support
Figure 38
Utility Trench Concept
Figure 39
Transformer Vault
4.9.7 Deck Markings. All berths and utility stations should be marked as
illustrated in Figure 41. In addition, centerlines of all structural bents
and load capacities of all mooring hardware should be painted on the bullrail.
Figure 40
Utility Hoods
Figure 41
Layout of Berth and Station Markings
5.1.1 General. The fender system is the interface between the ship and
the shore facility. During the berthing of a ship, the fender system is meant
to act as a buffer in absorbing or dissipating the impact energy of the ship
without causing permanent damage to the ship or the shore facility. Where
ships are to be berthed against relatively inflexible solid piers and wharves,
protection of the ship is a critical function. When ships are to be berthed
against pile-supported piers, wharves, and dolphins (which are relatively
flexible), protection of the structure is the more serious concern. Once the
ship is successfully berthed and moored to the shore facility, the fender
system continues to provide the interface between ship and shore and transmits
the environmental loads (wind, waves, and current) on the ship to the
structure. For submarine and other low-profile ship berthing, the fender
system also provides a physical barrier to prevent the vessel from going
underneath the pier and causing a major accident.
Figure 42
Energy Model of a Fender System
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Separators. All piers and wharves should be designed for berthing
with camels and other separators. To provide berthing flexibility and to
allow for the requirements of ship maintenance, the entire berth length should
be suitable for the placement of separators. Normal Berthing. The fender system should be able to absorb the
energy from normal berthing operations within the working stress or acceptable
deformation range as defined in this section. Accidental Berthing. Since the fender system is less expensive than
the ship or the berthing structure, some damage to it may be permissible and
acceptable. So, in the event of an accidental situation, it is the fender
system that should be “sacrificed.” Loss of the berth has a much more serious
consequence than loss of part or all of the fender system in terms of the cost
and time required to restore the facility. The cost and time to repair a
damaged ship is of much greater concern than the berth and the fender system.
The accidental condition may be caused by increased approach angle or approach
velocity or a unique situation that cannot be anticipated. In the absence of
any other accident scenario, the berthing energy as calculated in this section
should be increased by at least 50 percent and the fender system should be
capable of providing this “reserve” capacity at or near failure of the system
E = Energy of ship at berthing
5.2.2 Kinetic Method. The kinetic energy method is the recommended method
for piers and wharves of naval facilities. When the displacement tonnage of
the ship is known, the energy equation can be written as
However, there are several factors that modify the actual energy to be
absorbed by the fender system. The expression can be written as
Cb = Berthing coefficient = Ce Cg Cd Cc
Values of Ce typically are between 0.4 and 0.7. The values for Ce may be
computed from Figure 43.
Figure 43
Eccentricity Coefficient, C
The value of Cm for use in design should be a minimum of 1.5 and need not
exceed 2.0.
Figure 44
Berthing Velocity for Small Ships (up Lo 20,000 tons)
Figure 45
Berthing Velocity for Large Ships
5.2.4 Berthing Energy for Submarines. The kinetic method for calculating
berthing energy as explained above is generally applicable for submarines.
However, the formula for computing the effective mass coefficient (Cm) is
not applicable. The cognizant naval agency, such as NAVSEA, should be
contacted for a recommendation for Cm based on the model study for the
specific class of submarine. Because submarines will always be tug-assisted
and berthed against camels, the approach velocity as obtained from Figure 44
for sheltered-to-moderate conditions may be used in the absence of more
specific information. Fender Piles. Although timber and steel piles are the most com-
monly used, prestressed concrete is also being studied as a possible fender
pile material. The fender piles usually are connected to a chock and waler
system at the deck level and supported by rubber fender units to the
bullrail. In the working stress range, there is a linear relationship between
reaction force and deflection. Side-Loaded Rubber Fenders. These are hollow rubber units available
in trapezoidal, circular, square, or D-shapes that, when loaded at their side,
deform by trying to flatten out. See Figure 46(B). The potential energy is
stored by a combination of compression and bending of the rubber elements.
The reaction force is an exponential function of the deflection and the
performance curve is quite similar for all the shapes. Fenders having a
curved rather than flat external surface increase in stiffness more gradually
as the area of contact increases during deformation. All these fenders
experience a sharp and rapid increase in stiffness when the amount of
deflection completely collapses the open bore, regardless of their external
contour. Side-loaded rubber fenders will not absorb large amounts of energy
and are not generally used alone. They are usually provided at the top of
fender piles in discontinuous pieces, as shown in Figure 54.
Figure 46
Side-Loaded and End-Loaded Rubber Fenders
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Rubber Shear Fenders.. The potential energy in these units is stored
as elastic shear deformation of the rubber. Usually, a solid rubber block is
vulcanized between two metal plates and the force is transferred through a
fender frame or panel, as shown in Figure 47. These fenders are highly
sensitive to proper manufacturing and installation as they depend on the bond
between steel plates and the rubber. The force-deflection relationship is
essentially linear.
a) Air Block and Air Cushion. The shells for these are chemically
bonded and mechanically coupled to a rigid mounting plate that can be attached
to a solid face of the berthing structure. See Figures 49(C) and 49(D).
Figure 47
Shear Fender
Figure 48
Buckling Fender with Contact Panel
Figure 49
Pneumatic Fenders
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Fender Piles with Side-Loaded Rubber Units. This is the most
commonly used system in existing Navy piers and wharves. As shown in Figure
51, this system employs a series of closely spaced fender piles (5- to 10-ft
spacing) connected together by chocks and walers. A rubber fender unit is
mounted between the waler and the berthing structure. A series of diagonal
chains from the structure to the waler completes the system. The system has
worked very well in both naval and commercial facilities when used with
tight-fitting joints between chocks, walers, and pile head, and when proper
tension splices that provide compression and tension continuity along the face
of berth are used. Ships may be berthed either directly or through a log
camel. However, when camels are used, the fender piling must be sized to
resist the resulting bending. Although timber piles are more common, steel
piles have also been used. Concrete piles appear to have significant
advantages over steel and timber in this type of application. The concrete
piles may also be designed to allow large deflections and energy absorption
and are being tested by the Navy. See Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
(NCEL) TM 51-85-19, Development of Prestressed Concrete Fender Piles -
Preliminary Tests.
Figure 50
Foam-Filled Fenders
Figure 51
Fender Pile with Side-Loaded Fenders
Figure 53
Concrete Panel Backing for Foam-Filled Fenders
Figure 54
Combination Systems
Figure 55
Monopile Fender System
5.4.1 General The major factors which influence the selection of the
best fender system for a particular situation include the following:
i) Life-Cycle Costs. Capital costs for both the fender system and
the structure, as well as operation, maintenance, and repair costs, must be
5.4.2 Fender System Behavior. The fender systems having the most
promise for new installations can be classified into three groups in terms
of their behavior:
Figure 56
Evaluation of Fender System Types
MIL-HDBK-1025/1 Equal Energy and Reaction. Figure 56(A) illustrates the reaction
deflection characteristics of the three types of fender systems. The area
under each of the reaction/deflection curves represents the energy absorbed by
that type of fender. Each of the curves in the figure represents fender
systems with equal rated reactions and equal energy-absorption capability. It
is evident from the figure that, while the fenders of the various types
illustrated provide equal energy absorption at equal rated reactions, the
energy-absorption capacity is achieved through different deflections, with the
buckling type deflecting the least. Buckling Fenders. Since the buckling type fender systems have the
highest energy-absorption capacity for a given deflection and reaction, they
are in very wide use in commercial piers and wharves. Due to the nature of
With the pneumatic and foam-filled types of fenders, the maximum reactions
will normally occur only a very few times during the life of the facility,
permitting the use of higher stress levels in the supporting structure.
However, they require a rather large, solid face on the supporting structure,
which may increase its costs. The main difference between pneumatic and
foam-filled fenders is that the former will lose its strength completely when
punctured by ship protrusions and that the latter may lose a significant part
of its energy-absorption capacity under repeated heavy loadings. Ship Contact. While the ideal berthing process would attempt to
engage as many fender units as possible, in reality, at the time of impact,
the ship will be at a slight angle to the berth and contact will be made over
a small length. Discrete fender units such as the buckling column type or the
floating type should be designed for one unit providing the full energy with a
minimum of two units installed per berth. For the continuous system using
flexible piles and rubbers, the length of contact will be a function of the
ship’s hull radius at the level where contact is made, the flexibility and
spacing of rubber fender unit units, and the stiffness of the chock and waler
assembly in the horizontal plane. The problem is analogous to a beam on
elastic foundation. In the absence of more rigorous analysis, the following
assumptions for contact length may be made:
Change 2, 28 February 1992
When berthing is made with separators, only one separator should be assumed to
be in contact at the time of impact, with a minimum of two separators
installed per berth. Where the separators are guided by fender piles, all the
piles may be assumed to be effective in sharing the energy. When free
floating separators are used, not all the piles backing the separator will be
effective. Local experience should dictate and a more conservative assumption
should be made. Allowable Hull Pressure. When the ship's energy is resisted through
foam-filled or pneumatic fenders, the resulting force is concentrated in a
small area of the ship's hull. In such cases, the allowable pressure on the
ship's hull becomes a critical design issue. Most fast combatants have a thin
hull plating with a low allowable hull pressure. Table 7 lists typical values
for some ship types. For more specific information on the ships being
berthed, NAVSEASYSCOM should be consulted. The values in Table 7 are based on
yielding of the hull plating and include a 1.5 safety factor. Consequently,
when checking for an accidental condition, the allowable value may be
increased by up to 50 percent.
Change 2, 28 February 1992
Table 7
Maximum Allowable Hull Contact Pressures*
Max. Allowable
Hull Contact
Typical Vessel Type Pressure at
Designation Class Waterline (psi)
Change 2, 28 February 1992 Temperature Effects, Fender piles, backing members, etc., are not
affected by temperature fluctuations and can be expected to perform normally.
However, in colder temperatures, rubber fender units become stiffer and their
performance will be affected significantly. Hence, the energy-absorbing
capability of the rubber unit and the fender system as a whole should be
evaluated based on the lowest operating temperature expected. UHMW rubbing
strips which have a significantly higher rate of expansion than steel or
concrete should also be carefully designed and detailed to operate
5.4.5 Corner Protection. All corners of piers and wharves and entrances
to slips should be provided with fender piles, rubbing strips, and rubber
fenders for accidental contact with ships or routine contact with tugs. See
Figure 57 for typical details.
5.4.6 Support Chains. Chains are commonly used in fender systems when a
tension member is needed. Chains are used in continuous fender systems and
large buckling and cell type units to resist the sudden energy released. For
pneumatic and foam-filled resilient fender units, the chain is used to suspend
the units. Chain smaller than 3/8 inch is not recommended. For better
corrosion resistance, zinc coating is preferred. A common weldless high-test
chain is usually more cost-effective than the stud link variety.
Change 2, 28 February 1992
Figure 57
Corner Protection
6.1 Function and Application. Separators are devices used between the
ship and the structure or between adjacent multiple berthed ships to provide a
“standoff” or separation. A separator used between a ship and a dock is
frequently referred to as a camel. All Navy piers use separators extensively
for the following reasons:
6.1.1 Hull Maintenance. During active berthing, the ship’s crew typically
performs cleaning, painting, light hull repairs, and other routine maintenance
activities on the ship. These activities are best performed when the ship is
kept off the structure at discrete points.
6.1.3 Special Skin Treatments. New classes of ships are being equipped
with special hull treatments that can get damaged through constant rubbing
against the structure. Separators with special rubbing strips can minimize
the contact area and control the damage.
6.1.5 Multiple Berthing. Separators are required between ships that have
to be berthed abreast for ship-to-ship transfer operations or for lack of
berthing space in the naval station.
6.1.6 Fender Protection. When the existing fender system can suffer
damage due to motions of moored ships, a separator can be useful in reducing
the damage as long as it is properly placed and the ship is properly moored.
If not, camels can easily increase the damage to timber fender piles.
6.2 Separator Types. The more commonly used separator types are as
6.2.1 Log Camels. These are large-diameter turned timber logs (24- to
36-inch diameter) 40 to 50 ft long, held in the desired position from the deck
by nylon ropes or chains. They are usually allowed to float with the tide.
The longer length is preferred as they can distribute the load to a greater
number of piles. See Figure 58(A).
Figure 58
Log Camels
Multiple log camels are made from several smaller diameter logs held
together by wire rope at ends and at center. They are not as efficient as the
single log camels. Sometimes a series of used tires may be fitted through the
log to provide some energy absorption, as shown in Figure 58(B). Log camels
do not provide much of a separation. When a wider separation is needed, a
steel or wood pontoon camel may be inserted between the ship and log camel.
6.2.6 Large Fenders. Foam-filled fenders and large cell-type fenders can
serve as separators to provide the standoff for some ship types. Foam-filled
and pneumatic fenders can also be used as a separator between ships in
multiple berthing, as shown in Figure 63.
6.3 Loads. The camel loads are computed from berthing and mooring
analysis of the ship, camel, fender, and structure system resisting the
lateral loads. All the ship’s current and wind loads are transmitted through
the camels to the pier or wharf structure. All horizontal loads may be
assumed to be acting uniformly along the length. Deck elements of large
camels should be designed for 50-psf vertical live load. The camel assembly
for fabricated camels should be checked for lifting stresses.
Figure 59
Timber and Steel Pontoon Camels
Figure 62
Carrier Camel
Figure 63
Foam-Filled Fender as Separator
6.4 Geometry. The shape and size of fabricated camels are governed by
the ship’s geometry at waterline.
6.4.1 Ship’s Lines. For large vessels such as CVs or CVNs, camels may be
designed for berthing a single class of ship. The bearing face between camel
and vessel should be shaped to approximate the lines of the ship at water-
line. Because hull lines vary with conditions of draft and trim, generally
only a rough match is possible. Therefore, the outboard camel bearing face
should be provided with rubber fenders or other means to produce some
flexibility in the bearing face, thus compensating for minor hull line
variations. Where hull line variations are large, adapters or telescoping
devices may be required. Except for straightsided ships, usually a single
line bearing between separators and ships is provided.
6.4.3 Depth. Adequate depth should be provided for submarine camels and
separators to maintain contact with ship and dock in the full tidal range.
ballasted for stability through plugged openings provided for this purpose.
The buoyancy of framing members and the weight of paint, if any, should be
considered in the buoyancy and stability computations.
6.7.3 Abrasion. Camel fenders rubbing against a hull remove its paint.
Exposed surfaces are subject to corrosive action, especially at the
waterline. For these reasons, it is desirable to have camel fenders rub
against hulls above the waterline where the hull can be repainted if necessary.
7.1 General. Several access structures are used in piers and wharves
for moving personnel and cargo, and accommodating selected utility lines.
They have unique design requirements. Some are of standard design and may be
procured as collateral equipment while others are designed and constructed
specifically to go with the facility. The access facilities covered by this
manual are landing float, brow or gangway, brow platform, walkway or catwalk,
ramp, and utility boom.
7.2 Landing Float. When piers and wharves need to be accessed from the
waterside by small craft such as patrol boats (which cannot berth directly), a
landing float and a brow are required.
7.2.3 Live Loads. Stages for landing personnel only are designed for a
uniform live load of 50 lbs/ft2 or a concentrated live load of 500 lbs
placed at any point on the deck surface. The float should not tilt more than
6” from the horizontal when applying the concentrated live load of 500 lbs.
7.2.4 Freeboard. Floating stages for small craft usually ride with the
deck from 15 to 20 in. above the water surface under dead load. Live loads
usually lower the float about 8 to 10 in.
Figure 64
Small Floating Stage
7.2.7 Finish. The deck should be provided with a nonskid surface. Where
wheels or rollers from a brow will be resting on the float, guide channels or
a skid plate should be provided to prevent damage to the float.
7.3 Brow or Gangway. Brows are used for access to landing floats from
the pier or wharf structure. They are more frequently needed to access a
berthed ship from the deck. Brows are primarily used for personnel movement
to or from the ship. NAVFAC standard brow drawings are available from the
engineering field divisions.
7.3.1 Length. Brows should be of sufficient length so that the slope will
not exceed 1.5 horizontal to 1.0 vertical at the worst condition.
7.3.2 Widths. Widths should be 36-in. minimum (clear) passage for one-way
traffic and 48-in. minimum (clear) passage for two-way traffic. A 60-in.
minimum (clear) passage should be provided for two-way traffic when personnel
carry small loads.
7.3.4 Live Load. The brow structure should be designed for a uniform live
load of 75 lbs./ft2 and a concentrated live load of 200 lbs. applied
anywhere. A reduction in the live load to 50 lbs./ft2 may be permissible
where the brow is to be used in conjunction with a landing float. For
calculation of reaction to the landing float, the live load can further be
reduced to 25 lbs./ft2.
Figure 65
Reinforced Plastic Landing Float
7.3.5 Handrails. Handrails designed for 20 lbs. per lineal foot lateral
load should be provided on either side of the brow. The handrail may be
designed to serve as the top chord of a truss when sufficiently braced.
7.3.6 Safety. Safety devices should be provided to keep the brow from
rolling off the platform deck and to prevent movement of the platform while in
use. Safety chains should be clipped into position for personnel safety.
Large tidal variations are a problem because these may cause the brow to roll
off the platform. A similar situation exists when high winds, currents, and
extreme tides pull a ship away from the pier.
7.4 Brow Platforms. These are used when a brow from ship deck to pier
deck is not practical, or presents an obstruction. Examples are portal crane
trackage along repair berths, large tidal variations, and great height from
deck to pier. Aircraft carriers (CVs and CVNs) usually use one brow forward
and two aft. These brows require platforms 20 ft or higher. This platform is
basically a truncated tower, with typical measurements of 12 x 12 ft at the
base, while the top deck is 5 ft wide and 10 ft long. If small stair
platforms are built alternately opposite hand, the requirement for a large
platform can be met by lashing two of the smaller ones together. See Figure
66. Sometimes the ship end of the brow can be connected to a rotatable
platform which is permanently fixed to the ship by means of pins that lock the
brow pivot hooks to the circular rotating portion of the rotatable platform.
See Figure 67. Construction materials and live load requirements are the same
as for brows.
7.5.1 Width. For walkways between shore and a U-shaped wharf, a 4-ft
width is recommended. For infrequently used walkways, the minimum width
should be 3 ft.
Figure 67
Brow Platforms
7.6 Ramps. Transfer bridges or ramps are sometimes required for moving
vehicles or heavy cargo from ships, similar to a roll-on/roll-off (RO/RO)
operation, MSC RO/RO ships do not require any special features on existing
Navy piers. Sideport ramps are stowed and handled by the ship. Sternport
ramps are hinged to the vessel and extend to dockside or floating equipment
(lighters, causeways, stages). These ships also have conventional cargo
gear. The LHA-class of amphibious assault ships, having vertical lift stern
gates, possess RO/RO capability. Installations accommodating vessels of this
type should consider the use of a ramp or transfer bridge, as shown on Figure
68, to minimize the time required for movement of vehicular equipment and for
loading of supplies. Design and construction of ramps should be similar to
highway bridges.
7.8 Fuel Loading Arm. At fueling piers and wharves, loading arms (as
shown in Figure 70) are used at dedicated positions for efficient transfer of
fuel. Design and construction requirements of loading arms are similar to
utility booms.
7.9 Access Ladders. Ladder access from pier or wharf deck to waters
should be provided at a maximum spacing of 400 ft on centers unless a closer
spacing is required by local OSHA requirements. Such ladders should be at
least 1 ft 4 in. wide and should reach the lowest water elevation
anticipated. Safety cages are not required. The ladder should be located on
either side for a pier (50 ft or more wide) and on the water side for a wharf
at places convenient to anyone who might accidentally fall into the water.
Figure 68
Transfer Bridge for LHAs
Figure 69
Utility Boom for Submarines
Figure 70
Fuel Loading Arm
Change 2, 28 February 1992
Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, VA 22161 Attn: Defense Publications; phone: (703) 487-4684;
Fax: (703) 487-4841.
Change 2, 28 February 1992
Dynamic Ice Forces on Piers and Piles, Charles R. Neil, Canadian Journal of
Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, Research Journals, National Research Council of
Canada, Ottawa, ONT K1A, 1976
PCI Design Handbook, Prestressed Concrete Institute, 175 West Jackson Blvd,
Chicago, IL 60604
Change 3, 30 June 1994
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