Mast Wind Speed Calculation
Mast Wind Speed Calculation
Mast Wind Speed Calculation
Vz Design Wind Velocity in m/s
Vz =Vb*K1*K2*K3 Vb 14
K1 1.0
K2 1.05
K3 1
Vb Basic Wind Speed
Vz (Vz =Vb*K1*K2*K3) 14.7 m/s
W πD x Pz 0.02 kN/m2
P W*H 0.1 kN
Wind load on the Mast
M (W * H2) / 2 0.81 kNm
Selenderness Ratio =
Radius of Gyration - R CM2 K Height of Column
Radius of Gyration 447.76