A stack is used to perform recursion. The output of doSomething(2,3) is 4, as it recursively calls the function, each time decrementing b by 1 until b reaches 1, at which point it returns a. If the base condition is not defined in recursion, it will result in a stack overflow. The output of something(4) is 24, as it recursively multiplies number by the return of the recursive call, until number reaches 0 and returns 1.
A stack is used to perform recursion. The output of doSomething(2,3) is 4, as it recursively calls the function, each time decrementing b by 1 until b reaches 1, at which point it returns a. If the base condition is not defined in recursion, it will result in a stack overflow. The output of something(4) is 24, as it recursively multiplies number by the return of the recursive call, until number reaches 0 and returns 1.
A stack is used to perform recursion. The output of doSomething(2,3) is 4, as it recursively calls the function, each time decrementing b by 1 until b reaches 1, at which point it returns a. If the base condition is not defined in recursion, it will result in a stack overflow. The output of something(4) is 24, as it recursively multiplies number by the return of the recursive call, until number reaches 0 and returns 1.
A stack is used to perform recursion. The output of doSomething(2,3) is 4, as it recursively calls the function, each time decrementing b by 1 until b reaches 1, at which point it returns a. If the base condition is not defined in recursion, it will result in a stack overflow. The output of something(4) is 24, as it recursively multiplies number by the return of the recursive call, until number reaches 0 and returns 1.
1) Which Data Structure is used to perform Recursion?
a) Queue b) Stack c) Linked List d) Tree
2) What’s the output of doSomething(2,3) in following code ?
int doSomething(int a, int b) { if (b==1) return a; else return a + doSomething(a,b-1); } a)4 b)2 c)3 d)6
3) What’s happen if base condition is not defined in recursion?
a) Stack underflow b) Stack Overflow c) None of these d) Both a and b 4) What’s the output of something(4) following code? int something(int number) { if(number <= 0) return 1; else return number * something(number-1); } a) 12 b) 24 c) 1 d) 0
5) What will be the output of func(3,8) ?
int func(int a, int b){ if(b==0) return 0; if(b==1) return a; return a + func(a,b-1); } a) 11 b) 24 c) 22 d) 21 6) What will be the output of print(12)? void print(int n) { if (n == 0) return; System.out.println( n%2); print(n/2); } a) 0011 b) 1100 c) 1001 d) 1000
7) What will be the output of sum(8)?
int sum(int n) { if (n==0) return n; else return n + sum(n-1); } a) 40 b) 36 c) 8 d) 15 8) What is the value of fun(4, 3)? int fun(int x, int y) { if (x == 0) return y; return fun(x - 1, x + y); } a) 13 b) 12 c) 9 d) 10
9) What is the output of this program?
class recursion { int func (int n) { int result; result = func (n - 1); return result; } } class Output { public static void main(String args[]) { recursion obj = new recursion() ; System.out.print(obj.func(12)); } } a) 0 b) 1 c) Compilation Error d) Runtime Error