VI Notes'

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Image acquisition
2. Illumination Techniques
If the surface of the target object is shiny, special care needs to be taken when selecting the
type of illumination. A spot illuminator will cover the target in light, but will create numerous
reflections that may adversely affect the resulting image. In the example of a flat shiny
surface shown here, the light will create a localised, intense spot of little use for further
software interpretation.

Reflecting surface – spot illuminator Reflecting surface - diffuse light

The next drawing shows how changing to a larger and more  diffuse light will create a far
better image, as long as the area of interest lies within the diffuse circle of illumination. A
larger light would be required to illuminate the entire surface.

Surface reflectivity - scattering

If the object tends to scatter the light as it does with dull or matt finishes, the light that hits
the surface will be dispersed in all directions leading to a much more evenly distributed
pattern of illumination. The image shows the most basic set-up, where light is scattered
evenly across the entire surface.
Surface geometry - angular
If the surface of the target object is angular, shadows may be produced. To counteract this,
the object will need to be lit from different angles. In cases where only a single feature on
the surface is of interest, it may be necessary to concentrate the light from a particular angle
in order to obtain the best possible results.

Surface geometry - undulating

The most difficult surface to illuminate correctly is one that has an undulating, shiny surface.
Examples of this could be ball bearings, polished components or foil wrappings. These
types of surfaces will produce multiple, direct reflections that would make subsequent image
analysis very difficult and processor intensive. The best technique in this situation is to use
a form of advanced coaxial or dome illumination that floods the entire surface with even,
diffuse light from all angles.
3. Image Segmentation

Segmentation is to subdivide an image into constituent regions or objects. Image

segmentation algorithms are generally based on one of the two basic properties of intensity
value: discontinuity and similarity. In this section, we discuss many different approaches to
detect the boundary choose of threshold, and so on. After an image is segmented into
regions, each region is represented and described in a form suitable for further computer
processing. Basically, there are two ways to represent a region involves two choices. The
external representation is used when the primary focus is on shape characteristics. The
internal representation is used when the primary focus is on regional properties. Of course,
sometimes it may be necessary to use both type.

Edge-Based Segmentation

There are three basic types of gray-level discontinuities in a digital image: points, lines, and
edges. The most common way to look for discontinuities is to run a mask through the image.
And the response of the mask at any point in the image is given by

Point Detection
A point has been detected at the location on which the mask is centered if

-1 -1 -1
-1 8 -1
-1 -1 -1
Fig.2-1 a point detection mask

Line Detection

In the line detection, we use the same way of point to detect different angle of line. Fig.1.2
illustrates the line detection mask at horizontal direction.

-1 -1 -1
2 2 2
-1 -1 -1
Fig.2-2 a mask of horizontal direction

Edge Detection

Although point and line detection certainly are i mportant in any discussion on segmentation,
edge detection is by far the most common approach for detecting meaningful discontinuities
in gray level. About the edge detection, we discuss approaches for implementing first- and
second-order digital derivatives for the detection lf edges in an image.

Fig.2.3 Gray-level profile First derivative Second derivative

The Laplacian

(a) (b)
Fig1.3 (a) 3-D plot (b) 5  5 mask approximation to the shape of (a)

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