Propofol Kelly 1999
Propofol Kelly 1999
Propofol Kelly 1999
Division of Neurosurgery, University of California Medical Center, Los Angeles, California; University
of California–Harbor Medical Center, Torrance, California; Washington Hospital Center, Washington,
DC; Highland Hospital, University of California: Davis–East Bay, Oakland, California; University of
Alabama Hospital, Birmingham, Alabama; New Jersey Medical School and Hospital, Newark, New
Jersey; University Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada; University of Southern California–Los Angeles
County, Los Angeles, California; Medical Center of Delaware, Newark, Delaware; University of
Tennessee Medical Center, Memphis, Tennessee; and Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia,
Object. Sedation regimens for head-injured patients are quite variable. The short-acting sedative–anesthetic agent pro-
pofol is being increasingly used in such patients, yet little is known regarding its safety and efficacy. In this multicenter
double-blind trial, a titratable infusion of 2% propofol accompanied by low-dose morphine for analgesia was compared
with a regimen of morphine sulfate in intubated head-injured patients. In both groups, other standard measures of control-
ling intracranial pressure (ICP) were also used.
Methods. Forty-two patients from 11 centers were evaluated to assess both the safety and efficacy of propofol: 23
patients in the propofol group (mean time of propofol usage 95 87 hours) and 19 patients in the morphine group (mean
time of morphine usage 70 54 hours). There was a higher incidence of poor prognostic indicators in the propofol group
than in the morphine group: patient age older than 55 years (30.4% compared with 10.5%, p 0.05), initial Glasgow Coma
Scale scores of 3 to 5 (39.1% compared with 15.8%, p 0.05), compressed or absent cisterns on initial computerized
tomography scanning (78.3% compared with 57.9%, p 0.05), early hypotension and/or hypoxia (26.1% compared with
10.5%, p = 0.07). During treatment there was a trend toward greater use of vasopressors in the propofol group. However,
the mean daily ICP and cerebral perfusion pressure were generally similar between groups and, on therapy Day 3, ICP was
lower in the propofol group compared with the morphine group (p 0.05). Additionally, there was less use of neuro-
muscular blocking agents, benzodiazepines, pentobarbital, and cerebrospinal fluid drainage in the propofol group (p
0.05). At 6 months postinjury, a favorable outcome (good recovery or moderate disability) was observed in 52.1% of
patients receiving propofol and in 47.4% receiving morphine; the mortality rates were 17.4% and 21.1%, respectively.
Patients who received the highest doses of propofol for the longest duration tended to have the best outcomes. There were
no significant differences between groups in terms of adverse events.
Conclusions. Despite a higher incidence of poor prognostic indicators in the propofol group, ICP therapy was less inten-
sive, ICP was lower on therapy Day 3, and long-term outcome was similar to that of the morphine group. These results
suggest that a propofol-based sedation and an ICP control regimen is a safe, acceptable, and, possibly, desirable alterna-
tive to an opiate-based sedation regimen in intubated head-injured patients.
in the acute phase after moderate or severe be supported by published data on the use of these agents.
head injury often exhibit agitation and fluctuations Only the following “option” was offered: “Sedation and
in ventilatory capacity. A variety of sedatives, nar- neuromuscular blockade can be useful in optimizing
cotics, and neuromuscular blocking agents are used to transport of the head-injured patient. However, both treat-
control ventilation and prevent agitation-related intracra- ments interfere with the neurological examination. In the
nial pressure (ICP) spikes in these patients. Sedative reg- absence of outcome-based studies, the choice of sedative
imens in head-injured patients, however, remain non- is left to the physician. Neuromuscular blockade should
standardized and largely unproven. In a recently published be employed when sedation alone proves inadequate, and
set of guidelines,12 no “standards” or “guidelines” could short-acting agents should be used when possible.”12
D. F. Kelly, et al.
data had been acquired. All patients treated with trial TABLE 3
drugs, regardless of duration, were included in the safety Characteristics of 42 patients with moderate or
analyses. severe head injury*
Because this was a multicenter trial, all statistical analy-
ses and results were based on appropriate pooling of data Propofol Morphine
Characteristic (23 patients) (19 patients)
across centers. Between-group analysis of continuous
variables was assessed using Student’s t-test or analysis of time from injury to protocol entry (hrs) 34 21 38 26
variance (ANOVA) for comparison of more than two time on study medications (hrs) 95 87 70 54
groups. Multiple comparisons were not adjusted for an mean propofol dose (µg/kg/min) 55 42 0
mean morphine dose (mg/hr) 1.3 0.7 10 6.7
inflated alpha. Percentage comparisons were performed age (yrs) 39 18 33 13
using a Bernoulli process (binomial distribution). The no. of patients 55 yrs† 7 (30.4%) 2 (10.5%)
Mann–Whitney U-test was used to assess differences for median postresuscitation GCS score (range) 7 (3–9) 6 (3–10)
nonparametric factors such as median GCS score and postresuscitation GCS score 3–5† 9 (39.1%) 3 (15.8%)
median number of CT diagnoses. All variances were ex- male/female ratio 18:5 17:2
pressed as an SD. All differences for which the probabili- no. of patients w/ abnormal pupils 14 of 22 10 (52.6%)
(1 or both) (63.6%)
ty value was less than 0.05 were considered significant. no. of patients w/ abnormal pupils (both) 10 of 22 10 (52.6%)
no. of patients w/ early hypotension 6 (26.1%) 2 (10.5%)
Results &/or hypoxia‡
median CT diagnoses (range) 3 (0–7) 4 (0–6)
Enrollment and Patient Exclusions absent or compressed cisterns† 18 (78.3%) 11 (57.9%)
diffuse swelling w/ or w/o shift 11 (47.8%) 11 (57.9%)
From September 1, 1995 to August 18, 1996, 70 acute- evacuated hematomas (all) 10 (43.5%) 9 (47.4%)
ly head injured adults from 11 centers were randomized; epidural 4 (17.4%) 3 (15.8%)
however, five were withdrawn before being given trial subdural 6 (26.1%) 4 (21.1%)
drugs. Of the remaining 65 patients, a total of 23 patients intracerebral 3 (13%) 5 (26.3%)
multiple contusions 10 (43.5%) 8 (42.1%)
were not included for evaluation of efficacy of trial drugs gunshot wounds 2 (8.7%) 3 (15.8%)
for the following reasons. In two patients (one from each Injury Severity Scale score 27 9 24 8
treatment group), trial drugs were not administered within
96 hours of injury and, in seven patients, trial drugs were * Values are expressed as the mean SD.
† p 0.05.
not given for at least 12 hours (four in the propofol group ‡ p 0.07.
and three in the morphine group). In seven patients in the
morphine group varying amounts of 1% propofol were
administered before beginning trial medications. Three (39.1% compared with 15.8%, p 0.05). The GCS score
patients from this group were excluded because they re- was 8 or less in 22 patients (95.7%) in the propofol group
ceived relatively large amounts of propofol during a peri- and in 17 (89.5%) in the morphine group. Pupillary abnor-
od of at least 24 hours. The remaining four patients were malities were documented within the 1st day postinjury
included for analysis because they received small sedating with approximately equal frequency. Systemic hypoten-
amounts of 1% propofol for less than 12 hours, all less sion and/or hypoxic insults were documented through the
than 20 g/kg/minute and averaging 12.3 g/kg/minute. 1st day postinjury in six patients (26.1%) receiving pro-
Two patients, both in the propofol group, were excluded pofol and in two patients (10.5%) receiving morphine (p =
because only telephone consent was obtained. Also, one 0.07). The median number of major CT diagnoses was
patient in the propofol group was excluded because police similar in both groups. However, the propofol group had
records and autopsy findings had indicated the patient sus- a higher number of patients with compressed or absent
tained a primary anoxic injury from strangulation with a cisterns on initial CT scans (78.3% compared with 57.9%,
resultant common carotid occlusion and multiple cerebral p 0.05). The frequency of other CT diagnoses was sim-
infarctions within 2 days of injury. Of the remaining ilar between the two groups (Table 3).
50 patients (27 in the propofol regimen and 23 in the
morphine regimen), eight patients (four in each treatment Trial Drug Administration
group) were lost to follow-up review, leaving 23 patients The average times after injury that trial infusions were
in the propofol group and 19 in the morphine group with initiated in the propofol and morphine groups were 34
a 6-month follow up. These 42 patients are the focus of 21 hours and 38 26 hours, respectively. The mean dura-
this paper. tion of therapy was 95 87 hours in the propofol group
and 70 54 hours in the morphine group (p = 0.26). The
Patient Characteristics and Predictors of Outcome by average infusion rates for the propofol group were 55
Patient Group 42 g/kg/minute of propofol and 1.3 0.7 mg/hour of
The patients’ median ages did not differ significantly morphine. For the morphine group, combining the titrat-
but there was a higher proportion of patients older than 55 able and low-dose infusions, the mean morphine infusion
years in the propofol group (30.4%) compared with the rate was 10 6.7 mg/hour.
morphine group (10.5%) (p 0.05). The median postre-
suscitation GCS score was 7 in the propofol group and 6 Intracranial Pressure, CPP, and Therapy Intensity
in the morphine group; however, the propofol group had a The modes of ICP monitoring in the propofol group
higher proportion of patients with a GCS score of 3 to 5 included ventriculostomy in 16 patients and a parenchy-
D. F. Kelly, et al.
Therapy intensity for ICP and CPP control*
Propofol Morphine
Therapy (21 patients) (19 patients) p Value
drug treatment†
mannitol 45.5% 43.6% 0.09
NMB 33.7% 47.4% 0.01
benzodiazepines 3.0% 12.8% 0.001
pentobarbital 1.0% 6.4% 0.01
vasopressors 65.3% 61.5% 0.07
total no. of treatment days 101 78
CSF drainage by therapy day (mean ml SD)
Day 1 48 55 (16) 77 112 (15) 0.38
Day 2 77 74 (15) 191 102 (16) 0.002
Day 3 75 105 (12) 179 127 (13) 0.05
Day 4 86 108 (9) 134 80 (8) 0.31
* Number of patients with CSF drainage is shown in parentheses. Ab-
breviation: NMB = neuromuscular blocking agents.
† The frequency of daily use of a given drug is expressed as a percent-
age of the total number of treatment days for each group.
Outcomes of 42 patients with moderate or severe head injury* Adverse events resulting in withdrawal from study
Propofol Morphine Propofol Morphine
6-Mo Outcome (23 patients) (19 patients) Event (23 patients) (19 patients)
D. F. Kelly, et al.
TABLE 7 tensity for ICP control was less, and there was a trend for
Propofol subgroup analysis* fewer patient withdrawals for intractable intracranial hy-
pertension in the propofol group. Furthermore, 6 months
Propofol Group postinjury neurological outcome was similar in the two
High Low Morphine groups. When the eight patients lost to follow-up review
Patient Characteristics & Outcome Dose Dose Group were included in the acute data analysis, the propofol
group still had a significantly greater incidence of poor
no. of patients 10 13 19
time from injury to protocol entry (hrs) 21 12 43 23 38 26
prognostic indicators and a lower therapy intensity, as
time on study medications (hrs) 128 63 69 97 70 54 measured by use of neuromuscular blocking agents, ben-
average propofol dose (µg/kg/min) 78 44 36 31 0 zodiazepines, pentobarbital, and CSF drainage. However,
average morphine dose (mg/hr) 1.6 1.0 1.1 0.4 10 6.7 mannitol and vasopressor use was more frequent in the
age (mean SD in yrs)† 30 14 46 18 33 13 propofol group.
patients’ age 55 yrs† 10% 46.2% 10.5% The subgroup analysis of propofol patients demonstrat-
median GCS score (range)‡ 4.5 (3–7) 7 (3–9) 6 (3–10)
GCS score 3–5‡ 60% 23.1% 15.8%
ed that the high-dose subgroup and the morphine group
abnormal pupils (1 or both) 66.7% 58.3% 52.6% were well matched in terms of age, incidence of hypoten-
(6 of 9) sion, hypoxia, and abnormal pupils. However, the high-
median CT diagnoses (range) 3.5 (1–7) 3 (0–5) 4 (0–6) dose propofol patients were more severely injured, as
absent or compressed cisterns§ 80% 76.9% 57.9% determined by GCS scores, and tended to have more unfa-
diffuse swelling w/ or w/o shift 60% 38.5% 57.4% vorable CT findings compared with the morphine group.
evacuated hematomas (all) 30% 53.8% 47.4%
epidural 30% 7.7% 15.8%
Despite these poor prognostic factors, the high-dose pro-
subdural§ 10% 38.5% 21.1% pofol subgroup tended to have better ICP and CPP con-
intracerebral 10% 15.4% 26.3% trol and required less CSF drainage and benzodiazepine
multiple contusions§ 70% 23.1% 42.1% and pentobarbital therapy. However, vasopressor use was
favorable outcome greatest in the high-dose subgroup. Finally, the high-dose
GOS score 4 or 5 70% 38.5% 47.4% propofol subgroup had the highest favorable neurological
DRS score 0–6 80% 46.2% 57.9%
outcome rate compared with both the low-dose subgroup
* High-dose propofol criteria: minimum total dose 100 mg/kg, propofol and the morphine group.
infusion started within 48 hours of injury, infusion received for minimum
of 24 hours. The average propofol dose was significantly higher in the
high-dose subgroup when compared with the low-dose subgroup (p Methodological Problems
0.05, Student’s t-test).
† The age effect was significant across groups according to ANOVA The original target number of 100 patients for this trial
(p 0.05). The percentage of patients older than 55 years was greater in was not reached because sufficient drug safety data were
the low-dose subgroup compared with the high-dose subgroup and the obtained with fewer patients than expected. The sample
morphine group (p 0.05). size was further reduced by patient exclusions deemed
‡ The median GCS score was lower in the high-dose subgroup compared
with the low-dose subgroup (p 0.05) and the morphine group (p = 0.07). necessary to maintain study validity. Specifically, a mini-
The percentage of patients with GCS scores 3 to 5 was greater in the high- mum of 12 hours on trial drugs and onset of therapy with-
dose subgroup (p 0.05 compared with the low-dose subgroup; p 0.002 in 96 hours of injury were thought to constitute reason-
compared with the morphine group). able, albeit not ideal, windows for inclusion. It would
§ The appearance of abnormal cisterns on CT scans was more common
in the high-dose subgroup compared with the morphine group (p = 0.1). have been preferable to have a longer minimum time on
Subdural hematomas were more common in the low-dose subgroup com- trial drugs and a narrower time window for trial entry. The
pared with the high-dose subgroup (p 0.05). Multiple contusions were issue of wide variability in total dose and duration of
more common in the high-dose subgroup compared with the low-dose sub- propofol was addressed by the high- and low-dose propo-
group (p 0.01) and the morphine group (p = 0.06).
There was a higher incidence of favorable outcome in the high-dose
fol subgroup analysis. Another confounding problem was
subgroup compared with the low-dose subgroup (p 0.05 for both GOS that seven patients in the morphine group received vary-
and DRS scores) and the morphine group (p = 0.09 for GOS scores and ing amounts of 1% propofol before trial entry. Four of
p = 0.1 for DRS scores). these patients received such small amounts that they were
included for analysis, despite the obvious methodologi-
scores), and compared with 47.4% and 57.9% in the mor- cal problem this creates. Ideally, these four patients also
phine group, respectively (p = 0.09 for GOS and p = 0.1 would have been excluded. The potential bias of exclud-
for DRS). ing the eight patients lost to follow-up review was ad-
dressed by including them in the prognostic-indicator and
ICU data analysis. The variability in treatment regimens
Discussion across centers is also a methodological issue that is seen
frequently in such clinical studies. For example, the fact
Summary of Study Findings
that ventriculostomies were used in only 16 of 23 patients
Despite randomization in this pilot study, the propofol in the propofol group and in 16 of 19 patients in the mor-
and morphine groups were not evenly matched in prog- phine group may have created bias in the analysis of ther-
nostic indicators. Specifically, the propofol group had apy intensity for ICP and CPP control. The differences in
more patients who were older than 55 years of age, had an CSF drainage on therapy Days 2 and 3 remained signifi-
initial GCS score of 3 to 5, had early hypotension and/or cant, however, even with a relatively small number of pa-
hypoxia and compressed or absent basilar cisterns on the tients with ventriculostomies.
initial CT scan. Even with this preponderance of adverse A titratable morphine infusion was used for the “stan-
risk factors, ICP was lower on therapy Day 3, therapy in- dard therapy” group because opiate-based sedative regi-
D. F. Kelly, et al.
were not routinely performed in this trial, it is unknown minute and does not increase by more than 10 g/kg/min-
whether significant metabolic suppression was achieved ute every 5 minutes.56 In the absence of vasopressors, a
in these patients. Additionally, it is unclear if other neuro- propofol bolus followed by an infusion rate of greater than
protective mechanisms, including effects on NMDA re- 50 to 100 g/kg/minute reliably causes a transient reduc-
ceptors, calcium channels, and lipid peroxidation are bio- tion in blood pressure of up to 25% of baseline values,
logically relevant when propofol is administered at these similar to that seen when using high-dose pentobarbital
levels. The favorable trends in ICP control and therapy administration.14,30,45 This rapid dosing method is not rec-
intensity in the propofol group and the high favorable out- ommended for neurosurgical ICU patients, given the like-
come rate in the high-dose propofol subgroup suggest that lihood of hypotension and possible precipitous drops in
moderately high doses, even below those needed to induce cerebral blood flow. Of note, both midazolam and the opi-
EEG burst suppression, may enhance neurological re- ates also decrease blood pressure and CPP when given in
covery. bolus form to severely head injured patients.34,50
Elevated triglyceride levels from the lipid vehicle can
occur with prolonged high-dose propofol infusion and are
Advantages and Disadvantages of Propofol more likely to occur in older patients. This side effect is
In addition to its neuroprotective qualities, there are shortlived once the infusion is stopped or diminished.7,55
several other properties that make propofol an attractive The new 2% formulation should reduce the lipid load by
sedative for head-injured patients. First, its short elimi- 50% compared with an equipotent drug dose with the 1%
nation halflife of less than an hour facilitates rapid ti- formulation. Regarding risk of infection due to the lipid
tration to a desired clinical effect and permits frequent vehicle, the addition of EDTA appears to be safe from an
neurological assessments.2,6,54,55 Second, the wide dose re- infection standpoint. Although there was a trend toward a
sponse allows it to be used as a sedative or as a metabolic higher pneumonia rate in patients in the propofol group,
suppressive and neuroprotective agent. In contrast, the these pneumonias were not attributed to drug administra-
short-acting neuroprotectant, etomidate, is not suited for tion per se. Further studies confirming the safety of this
prolonged use because of renal toxicity related to its pro- formulation from an infection standpoint are nearing com-
pylene glycol vehicle35 and because it suppresses adreno- pletion.
cortical steroid production.19,44 Pentobarbital, the metabol- Finally, regarding the issue of cost, propofol is clearly
ic suppressant that is traditionally used, has a halflife of 15 more expensive than morphine on a per unit basis. How-
to 48 hours and typically requires a minimum of 48 hours ever, as this study confirms, most intubated head-injured
after drug stoppage before patients can be assessed neuro- patients are not adequately sedated with morphine alone.
logically.6,24 Third, propofol reduces ICP as demonstrated In contrast, a propofol-based sedation regimen appears to
in previous reports43,45,53 and as suggested by this study, reduce the need for concomitant narcotics and muscle
although this effect has not been seen consistently.18,58 In relaxants significantly. Given the lipid vehicle used with
contrast, neither midazolam (Versed) nor the opiates mor- propofol, the daily need for lipid nutritional supplements
phine, fentanyl, or sufentanil reliably decrease ICP in is also decreased. Additionally, as other studies have
severely head injured patients.34,50,68 In one report, both shown, patients receiving propofol emerge from sedation
fentanyl and sufentanil increased ICP in severely head more rapidly compared with those receiving benzodiaze-
injured patients.57 Fourth, propofol is a potent anticonvul- pines, which may, in turn, shorten mechanical ventilation
sant medication and is now often used for refractory sta- time and the number of days in the ICU.7,21,54,55 Overall,
tus epilepticus.8,15,70 Reports of propofol-induced seizure- these factors appear to make a propofol sedation regimen
like activity are uncommon and the clinical significance of cost-effective; however, further study of this issue is war-
such proconvulsant properties is controversial.48,60 Fifth, ranted.
transcranial Doppler studies indicate that high-dose pro-
pofol anesthesia does not impair CO2 reactivity or cerebral
pressure autoregulation in noninjured humans.42,59,62 This Conclusions
property is particularly relevant in head-injured patients In this preliminary study, we have demonstrated the
who often have derangements in cerebral vasoreactivi- potential advantages of a propofol-based sedation and
ty.9,36,47 Sixth, in contrast with the benzodiazipines and opi- ICP control regimen in intubated head-injured patients.
ates, long-term propofol use does not result in addiction The similar favorable outcome rate in the two treatment
or withdrawal phenomena.7 Increasing dose requirements, groups and the lower therapy intensity for ICP control,
however, may occur.10,11,20 Whether this problem is related despite a preponderance of poor prognostic factors in the
to tolerance or an increased rate of drug clearance remains propofol group, suggests that a propofol-based regimen
unclear. with low-dose opiate analgesia is a safe and, possibly,
Regarding hemodynamic effects, this study suggests, as desirable alternative to an opiate-based regimen in head-
have previous reports, that propofol infusion is relatively injured patients. Further studies are clearly needed to
well tolerated compared with opiate infusions.18,43,58 In this define the neuroprotective dose range of propofol in both
study, vasopressors were used for CPP maintenance on experimental and human head injury. A randomized phase
65% of the therapy days in the propofol group compared II trial of early high-dose propofol during the period of
with 61% for the morphine group. The tendency toward acute brain swelling in severely head injured patients is
hypotension with propofol can be minimized if patients currently being planned, based on the findings of this
have a normal intravascular volume before initiating pro- study and in light of the favorable results of high-dose bar-
pofol; the infusion begins at a rate of less than 20 g/kg/ biturate studies performed over a decade ago.16,47
D. F. Kelly, et al.
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