Pollo Vs Constantino David
Pollo Vs Constantino David
Pollo Vs Constantino David
G.R. NUMBER & DATE: G.R. No. 181881, October 18, 2011
The CSC cited the following US cases: OConnor vs Ortega: government agencies, in their
capacity as employers, rather than law enforcers, could validly conduct search and seizure in
the governmental workplace without meeting the probable cause or warrant requirement for
search and seizure.
United States v. Mark L. Simons: Simons, a CIA employee was was convicted of
downloading materials containing child pornography. The CIA had a computer use policy
which stipulated that computers may only be used for official government business. The
offense was discovered through the regular audit of internet use by the agency, following the
same policy. The warrantless search of Simon’s office was upheld as valid because a
government employer is entitled to conduct a warrantless search pursuant to an investigation
of work-related misconduct provided the search is reasonable in its inception and scope. The
CA denied respondent’s appeal after finding no grave abuse of discretion by the CSC officials.
ISSUE: W/N the search and seizure of the computer files were valid
HELD: YES. The search was valid for having passed the reasonableness standard, as there
was reasonable ground for suspecting that the files stored therein would yield incriminating
evidence relevant to the investigation being conducted by CSC as government employer of
such misconduct subject of the anonymous complaint. Respondent also cannot invoke the
right to privacy and communication under Section 3(1), Article III of the 1987 Constitution as it
was a legitimate intrusion accorded to the authorities.
The reasonableness standard states that both the inception and the scope of the
intrusion must be reasonable:
Determining the reasonableness of any search involves a twofold
inquiry: first, one must consider whether the action was justified at its
inception, x x x ; second, one must determine whether the search as
actually conducted was reasonably related in scope to the
circumstances which justified the interference in the first place, x x x
- The constitutional protection against unreasonable searches by the government does
not disappear merely because the government has the right to make reasonable
intrusions in its capacity as employer, x x x but some government offices may be so
open to fellow employees or the public that no expectation of privacy is reasonable. x
x x Given the great variety of work environments in the public sector, the question of
whether an employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy must be addressed on
a case-by-case basis.