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Memorias de Calculo PDF
(5‐10005 TGBND 6000)
WWTP Bello
5-10005 TGBND 6000
Max. working pressure 50mbar
Version 3 – 30.09.2014
U:\tb\statik\5-10005 Bello Kolumbien TGBND 6000\5-10005 Bello Kolumbien TGBND 6000 Statik Behälter+Scheibe - V3.docx
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Index of contents
1. Specification - Eisenbau Heilbronn – Low pressure gasholder ................................................... 4
2. Civil engineering basics / Technical Building Regulations ........................................................... 8
3. Load assumption & bearing......................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Bearing................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Loads through cohesive arching .......................................................................................... 9
3.3 Wind loads ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Earthquake load ................................................................................................................ 11
4. Used steel grade & allowable tensions ..................................................................................... 13
5. Proof of stability - proof against tilting ..................................................................................... 14
5.1 Gasholder without ballast ................................................................................................. 16
5.2 Proof of stability - loading case 1 – gasholder empty ....................................................... 17
5.3 Proof of stability - loading case 1 – gasholder under working pressure ........................... 17
5.4 Lifting forces ...................................................................................................................... 18
6. Calculation of gasholder ............................................................................................................ 19
6.1 Description loads on gasholder ......................................................................................... 19
6.2 Load Cases ......................................................................................................................... 22
6.3 Mesh Description .............................................................................................................. 23
6.4 Load Case 1 – Death Load ................................................................................................. 24
6.5 Load Case 2 – Death load + Live load ................................................................................ 27
6.6 Load Case 3 – Death load + Live load + seismic lateral load ............................................. 30
6.7 Load Case 4 – Death load + seismic lateral load................................................................ 33
6.8 Load case cohesive arching + wind load on shell surface + wind suction at roof + gas
pressure ........................................................................................................................................ 36
6.9 Load case overpressure ..................................................................................................... 39
7. Gasholder openings ................................................................................................................... 42
7.1 Gasholder openings in gas room ....................................................................................... 42
7.2 Loads of gasholder opening in gas room ........................................................................... 43
7.3 Proof of screws at shell manhole door.............................................................................. 44
7.4 Proof of screws of shell manhole DN 800 ......................................................................... 44
7.5 Stress curve complete system door .................................................................................. 45
7.6 Stress curve door frame .................................................................................................... 46
7.7 Gasholder opening in air room.......................................................................................... 47
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8. Staircase .................................................................................................................................... 48
8.1 Explanation ........................................................................................................................ 48
8.2 Load conditions according to EN ISO 14122-3:2001 ......................................................... 49
8.3 Staircase complete (only bearing surfaces)....................................................................... 49
8.4 Staircase segment at gasholder......................................................................................... 50
8.5 Buckling of platform struts according to Euler .................................................................. 51
9. Ballast disc ................................................................................................................................. 52
9.1 Starting position ................................................................................................................ 52
9.2 Load and bearing ............................................................................................................... 53
9.3 Calculation of disc with 50mbar – stress curve ................................................................. 55
9.4 Calculation of disc with 50mbar – distortion .................................................................... 56
10. Abstract ................................................................................................................................. 57
11. Appendix................................................................................................................................ 58
11.1 Overview drawing 510005/40 ....................................................................................... 58
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Biogas holder is carried out according to DVGW G430 and G431 as low pressure gasholder.
The low pressure gasholder consists of a cylindrical founded shell, with cone-type root and a
movable disc with a roller bearings mounted telescopic guiding system. Inside at half height
of the cylindrical shell a flange fixing for a flexible diaphragm is installed. With this ring the
shell will also be stiffened. The lower part of the gasholder is called gas room and is loaded
with the working pressure of the gasholder. The upper part is pressure less and serves as
protective housing. The diaphragm consists of high quality, density tested, flame retardant
and highly tear-resistant synthetic rubber reinforcement.
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The gasholder’s roof is welded out of 5 mm steel plates and is reinforce with 42 chevrons
with dimensions of 180 x 15 mm.
For the formation of the adjustable gas room a stiffened ballast disc with flange fixing for the
diaphragm is installed. To create the required working pressure on this disc ballast weights
are fitted. The statically dimensioning of the disc takes place separately.
bottom 5mm
shell 6mm
roof 5mm
Stiffening cross section at roof Fl 180 x 15mm (42 pcs.)
Top Ring on roof U220
cross section of diaphragm flange T80 x 9
Safety parts:
hydraulic over pressure protection und escape pipe
(blow of pressure = working pressure + 10mbar)
mechanical overfill protection and escape pipe
vacuum protection
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DVGW G431 Guidelines for the manufacture of low pressure gas containers
3.1 Bearing
The gasholder is erected as on site welded construction and stands on a concrete
foundation. An additional anchoring is not intended.
In the calculation the gasholder will be loaded with a wind load of 0,69kN/m².
The distribution is calculated according to DIN 1993-4-1 with following formular:
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
With a diameter of
25,4m and a shell
height of 14 m the
following distribution is
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Importance Coefficient I
Design Acceleration Spectra
Acceleration [g]
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Time T[s]
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The allowable tensions for the used structural steel St 37-2 in the welded state
concerning the required safety factor is 110N/mm².
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accessories at holder
8.430 kg source: part list
(Telescope guiding etc.)
During proof of stability only the real gas pressure can be considered and not the design
pressure because ballast weights are only brought in for real gas pressure.
The smaller accessories like stairs, hand rails and overpressure- and as well as overfill
protection are not considered in the weight table.
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The Stability moment from the gasholder without ballast is 3 times of the tilting moment.
The sufficient stability is given.
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Stability moment is in every operating state the 4 times of the tilting moment. Thus a
sufficient stability is given.
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Over pressure
10 mbar = 100 kg/m² = 1.000 N/m²
Disc surface
( 7 )
6. Calculation of gasholder
For calculation of gasholder shell the FEM – System ANSYS is used. Due to performance
reasons a model of a 180° segment of the gasholder is calculated and provided with
symmetry constraint at rim.
The weights for telescopic guiding system and guiding system for membrane will be halved
in the following load cases because only one halve of gasholder is calculated. As gas pressure
the maximal possible gas pressure of 65mbars is assumed.
Snow load will applied as vertically down acting pressure of 1,5kN/m² on surface of roof.
Wind load consists of wind pressure on shell surface and wind suction on roof.
Wind pressure on shell will applied in x- direction. The distribution occurs according to
DIN 1993-4-1 with following formula:
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
With a diameter of 25,4m and a shell height of 14 m the following distribution is results.
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Because ANSYS with its actual version is not able to show loads depending on their function
the wind loads are divided and calculated into five sectors of the gasholder. For this purpose
the average cP- data over the five sectors of the gasholder are determined. With a
compression load of 1,0kN/m² multiply with the corresponding cP- data the sectors of the
FE model were loaded.
Roof 150 mm
Stress curve
At transition zone from shell to roof the highest tensions will occur. They are ca. 15N/mm².
The highest loaded areas are the rafters. Here the tensions are ca. 20N/mm². Due to
horizontal wind direction and the up acting suction an asymmetric stress curve is displayed.
The tensions in the remaining gasholder shell are insignificantly low.
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Stress curve
At transition zone from shell to roof the highest tensions will occur. They are ca. 30N/mm².
The highest loaded areas are the rafters. Here the tensions are ca. 20N/mm². Due to
horizontal wind direction and the up acting suction an asymmetric stress curve is displayed.
The tensions in the remaining gasholder shell are insignificantly low.
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6.6 Load Case 3 – Death load + Live load + seismic lateral load
Load conditions
Gasholder shell 120.000 kg Model load with 1,05 x 9,81 m/s² = 10,30 m/s²
Stress curve
At transition zone from shell to roof the highest tensions will occur. They are ca. 30N/mm².
The highest loaded areas are the rafters. Here the tensions are ca. 20N/mm². Due to
horizontal wind direction and the up acting suction an asymmetric stress curve is displayed.
The tensions in the remaining gasholder shell are insignificantly low.
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Stress curve
At transition zone from shell to roof the highest tensions will occur. They are ca. 30N/mm².
The highest loaded areas are the rafters. Here the tensions are ca. 20N/mm². Due to
horizontal wind direction and the up acting suction an asymmetric stress curve is displayed.
The tensions in the remaining gasholder shell are insignificantly low.
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6.8 Load case cohesive arching + wind load on shell surface + wind suction at roof +
gas pressure
Load conditions
Gasholder shell 120.000 kg Model load with 9,81 m/s²
Stress curve
At transition zone from shell to roof the highest tensions will occur. They are ca. 15N/mm².
The highest loaded areas are the rafters. Here the tensions are ca. 20N/mm². Due to
horizontal wind direction and the up acting suction an asymmetric stress curve is displayed.
The tensions in the remaining gasholder shell are insignificantly low.
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The maximum distortion amounts to ca. 2,5mm. Due to horizontal wind direction and the up
acting suction an asymmetric deformation pattern.
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Gasholder shell 120.000 kg Model load with 9,81 m/s²
Stress curve
The tensions inside gasholder amounts to 15N/mm². The highest loaded areas are the roof
edges. Here the tensions are ca. 25N/mm².
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7. Gasholder openings
⁄ ⁄
7 ⁄
( )
⁄ ⁄
7 ⁄
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The shell will be loaded with inner over pressure of 7,5kN/m². The missing door leaf will be
replaced by a drag force on the door frame.
Stress curve
8. Staircase
8.1 Explanation
The gasholder has spiral staircase from the bottom to the roof for revision works with a solid
center width of 1.000 mm. The staircase consists of a platform on level of air room door and
for intermediate landings. All platforms are welded on gasholder with flat bars sections. For
bracing L-sections are welded diagonally between platform and gasholder shell.
The shell has a diameter of 12,7 m and a wall thickness of 5 mm. The shell height up to roof
is 8 m.
The gasholder shell will be calculated as 90° piece and without roof. The stiffening impact of
the roof will be disregarded.
Diagonal sections L 50 x 50 x 5
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intermediate landing
At steel struts of intermediate landing
tensions of skimpily 100N/mm² will
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7 77
√ √ 7
Buckling according to Euler – load case 2 – Buckling pin guided both - sided
Section: L 50x50x5
( ) ( )
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9. Ballast disc
½ gas pressure
as revolving
Dead load drag force of
ballast ballast diaphragm
½ gas pressure
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The highest tensions occur inside disc steel plates. The maxiumum tensions are in array of
ca. 80N/mm².
Thereby the disc is well dimensioned; the occuring tensions are below sustainable tensions.
The load of reinforcement pipe lies in array of 80 - 100 N/mm².
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The gasholder is designed for a maximum working pressure of 50mbars with additional over
pressure of 10mbars.
The decisive load case for construction and design of gasholder is the combination of dead
load and wind load on shell and the earthquake load on gasholder roof.
Additionally steadiness and lifting forces are reviewed. A buckling of gasholder can also be
excluded as well as lifting off by lifting forces of diaphragm in case of over pressure. The
reviewed details of the gasholder openings show increased loads which are in sustainable
The highest loads for ballast disc occur in the moment of lifting off from gasholder bottom. If
gasholder is decommissioned and the disc bears on bottom plating the tensions are much
lower compared to the moment of lifting off.
With its IPE 220 beams and a Ø139 x 4 pipe the ballast disc is solidly designed for a working
pressure of 50 mbars. The occurring maximum tensions of 50N/mm³ are below safety factor
barrier of 110N/mm³ (St 37-2).
The load case occurs short termed in the moment of lifting off of ballast disc. After lifting off
the disc is totally hold by gas pressure. With increased filling level the drag forces of
diaphragm on disc will decrease.
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Michael Ehrenpfordt
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Heilbronn, den 30.09.14
Fax: +49-7131-1589-29
E-Mail: [email protected]