Civil Structures Bridges Two Types:: Materials
Civil Structures Bridges Two Types:: Materials
Civil Structures Bridges Two Types:: Materials
Two types:
Simply supported beam Cantilevered beam
From 10,000BC, primitive beam and suspension bridges to cross rivers and ravines
Greeks perfected beam bridges
Roman engineers design arch bridges; more stable and secure, arch did not impede water
Fall of Roman Empire in 5th century; medieval arch bridges not as efficient
16th century – truss girder bridge; longer spans with safety
19th century – modern suspension bridge
Bowstring girder embraced by railway engineers
20th century – first box girder used for freeways
Cantilevered bridges, limited impediment to water traffic
Brooklyn Bridge – first suspension bridge to use steel cables
Concrete used as a building material for arch bridges
Sydney Harbour Bridge completed in 1932. Cuts travel time to North Sydney
Tacoma Narrows Bridge failure – leads to safer suspension bridges
Sections designed to deal with wind.
Material Advantages Disadvantages
1. Timber Readily available Rots
2. Rope Easy to use; distributes load; cheap Rots/breaking
3. Stone Doesn’t rot; strong in compression; Heavy; time-consuming; expensive to
availability manufacture
4. Bricks Doesn’t rot; strong in compression; Not strong in tension
easily shaped
5. Cast iron Strong in compression; melt into Rusts; have to paint; weak in tension
various shapes; hollowable; and shear
considerable weight reduction
6. Wrought iron Used for cabling Unreliable material due to fibrous
7. Steel Strong in tension and compression Rusts; quite heavy
equally; cheap
8. Concrete Strong in compression – reinforcing Can crack; heavy
with steel gives strength in tension;
easy to transport/shape
Elastic limit – the stress up to which the object will return to its original form
Yield stress – the stress where there is a marked increase in strain without a corresponding
increase in stress
Proof stress – the amount of stress necessary to bring about a certain amount of permanent
strain in a material
Toughness – the ability of a material to absorb energy
Hooke’s Law – “Stress is proportional to strain up to the elastic limit” (Young’s Modulus)
Young’s Modulus:
E= ƒ = F/A = Fl
e x/l Ax
Factor of Safety:
For ductile materials, For brittle materials,
FofS = Yield stress FofS = UTS
Maximum allowable stress Maximum allowable stress
Stress/Strain diagrams:
N e c k in g
U n if o r m e x t e n s i o n dow n
yield h a r d e n in g
W ork
Ultimate tensile
Elastic limit strength
S tre ss (ƒ )
Breaking point
E la s t ic P l a s t ic d e f o r m a t io n
S t r a in ( e )
Truss Analysis:
Support Image FBD Attributes Reasons for use
Fixed Can support vertical and To firmly anchor a
horizontal loads and moments structure
Method of Joints:
Using three forces:
Draw a force triangle, and then use trigonometry to solve for the needed forces.
Using four forces:
Break all angled members up into their horizontal and vertical components, and then use ΣF v and
ΣFh to find the required forces.
Method of Sections:
Cut the truss through more than two members, that cuts through the required force. Take a
moment around a point that eliminates some of the unknown forces.
The neutral axis and outer fibre stresses: the upper surfaces undergo compression, while the lower
surfaces undergo tension.
Neutral axis
of the beam
Bending stress:
M = E = ƒb M = bending moment at section (Nm)
I r y I = second moment of area (m4)
E = Young’s Modulus for the material (Pa)
ƒb = My R = radius of curvature (m)
I ƒb = bending stress at section (Pa)
y = section’s distance from the neutral axis (m)
Uniformly Distributed Loads (UDL): a load that is uniformly spread across a beam.
1 0 0 0 k g u n if o r m b e a m
9 .8 k N /m
Crack Theory: The way cracks form is closely linked with the applied stress, the Young’s Modulus of the
material and the strain energy present.
Strain Energy:
SE = ½ ƒe SE = strain energy / unit volume (J/m3)
ƒ = stress (Pa)
e = strain
To prevent cracks in a metallic material, we weld the material together. In polymeric materials, it may be
possible to use adhesives, or replace the item altogether. In ceramic materials, replacement is often the
only option.
We can eliminate cracks from forming by creating an object with no corners, or placing interfaces within
an object. These are areas within a material, weaker than the surrounding area, that run perpendicularly
to the expected growth of cracks. When the crack reaches this interface, it is blocked from passing it.
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Engineering materials:
Testing of materials:
Non-destructive tests include:
o X-ray testing – used to determine if small cavities are present
o Dye penetrant – used to find small cracks in the surface by placing a dye on the
surface and examining the surface under UV light
o Ultrasonic – ultrasonic pulses are used to determine if cavities are present
Destructive tests include:
o Tensile – used to determine the tensile strength of materials. Test piece is
stretched and load and extension are recorded
o Compressive – used to determine the compressive strength of materials. Test piece
is compressed and load and deformation are recorded
o Transverse – used to determine a materials performance when undergoing bending
and shear
o Torsion – done to see how a material will cope with twisting forces (couples)
o Stone – weak in tension, strong in compression, low in toughness (brittle)
o Glass – made from silica, soda, and lime. It is a very viscous liquid. Toughened glass
is heated, then the outer surfaces are cooled quickly to place them in compression
– this makes the glass a lot stronger
o Cement – a ceramic material formed by complex reactions when alumina, soda and
lime are reacted. Cement is a ceramic material while concrete is a composite that
partly consists of cement. When cement is mixed with water, it produces a silicate
gel, which creates heat, so needs to be hosed down. Cement and concrete also do
not reach full strength for many years.
o Timber – consists of pored (hardwood) and non-pored (softwood). Pored timbers
come from flowering plants (angiosperms) and non-pored timbers come from the
pines and conifers (gymnosperms). Has an excellent strength to weight ratio, and
reasonable performance in bending, and a relatively high Young’s Modulus. It is
susceptible to attacks by weather and pests.
o Mortar – used between bricks in buildings. Contains Portland cement, sand and lime
in the ratio 3:2:1.
o Concrete – consists of cement, sand and aggregate (usually gravel). Cost is reduced
by the aggregate, because less cement is required. Offers far greater strength
than cement and is cheaper. Consists of 4 parts aggregate to 2 parts sand to 1 part
cement. Reinforced concrete can be made in one of two ways:
Pre-stressed concrete is created when stressed cables are placed through
the wet concrete – when it dries, these are released, placing the concrete
in compression and increasing its strength.
Corrosion: the chemical deterioration of a material. Metallic corrosion involves the breakdown of
metals or metallic alloys, and is basically the reverse of the refining process.
o Oxidisation occurs when a metal loses electrons, and it occurs at the anode.
Reduction is when a metal gains electrons, and it occurs at the cathode. An easy
way to remember this: OILRIG (Oxidisation is loss, reduction is gain).
o Dry corrosion occurs through chemical reactions of metals or alloys with gases in
furnaces at high temperatures. Wet corrosion occurs when a metal is placed into a
fluid, usually an electrolyte.
Uniform attack – if a metal is placed in a liquid, some parts will become
anodic while others will become cathodic. The locations of the anode and
cathode will continually change, resulting in uniform corrosion.
Galvanic attack:
Galvanic corrosion occurs when dissimilar metals are placed
together in the presence of a corroding environment
Concentration cells occur where there is a difference in
concentration of the electrolyte, for example where the liquid has
been settled for a period of time
Stress cells are the result of high residual stress in parts of a
metal object – these areas become anodic while the lower stress
areas become cathodic.
o Some protective methods are used to stop corrosion, including painting, and
galvanizing, or dipping the steel pieces in molten zinc which creates a protective
Orthogonal Drawing:
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A development is when a shape is laid out flat with any fold lines shown. They can be
simple, such as a cube, or can be more difficult – for these we use development by triangulation.