Blogging in The 21st-Century Classroom: Jasminka Kochoska, Josif Petrovski
Blogging in The 21st-Century Classroom: Jasminka Kochoska, Josif Petrovski
Blogging in The 21st-Century Classroom: Jasminka Kochoska, Josif Petrovski
University “St.Kliment Ohridski“, Faculty of Education-Bitola, “Vasko Karangelevski“ bb, Bitola, 7000, R.Macedonia
Abstract: Every classroom needs a moderated, online space where students can share their ideas with others and receive feedback.
While blogging has “been around” and used in classrooms all over the world for more than ten years now, classroom blogs are still rare
in many schools and communities. Blogging is a fantastic way to strengthen the connections between home, school and the world. Like
other kinds of technology, blogging platforms have continued to evolve and change, but the reasons why students should regularly blog
have remained consistent. Blogging, as assignment can be adapted to every grade and subject area. Encouraging students to blog about
topics from other classes helps them see connections among subjects and realize that writing is a worthwhile skill in any field. Blogs
have the potential to expand student creativity and their writing skills. These are 21st century students and are adapting to a digital
world that they are eager to learn from. Educators are using blogs in many ways including as online portfolios, for student personal
reflective journals, as a record of field notes, as discipline specific spaces for knowledge sharing, as a space for student dialogue and for
class administration. These days there are so many social networks, but there's something about having a space, potentially free from
the distractions of a billion adverts and countless competing status updates.
An educational blog is publication mechanism, like a journal A blog is a frequently updated website consisting of dated
or bulletin which is created for educational purposes. Mainly entries called posts (including text, images, media objects,
it is made to archive and support student and teacher and data) arranged in reverse chronological order so the
learning by facilitating reflection, questioning by self and most recent entry appears first. Each post can have three
others, collaboration and by providing contexts for engaging basic attributes: title, link, and description. Educational blog
in higher-order thinking. Educational blogs can be used to can be used as virtual environments where all students can
Every classroom needs a moderated, online space where These days there are so many social networks, but there's
students can share their ideas with others and receive something about having a space, potentially free from the
feedback. While blogging has “been around” and used in distractions of a billion adverts and countless competing
classrooms all over the world for more than ten years now, status updates. And the best thing is, there are a load of free
classroom blogs are still rare in many schools and blogs out there to get started. Considering that blog is a great
communities. Like other kinds of technology, blogging way to express the thoughts, there is an opportunity to create
platforms have continued to evolve and change, but the a web presence to provide content to Internet users.
reasons why students should regularly blog have remained
consistent. [2] There are many blog- publishing services, but the most
popular are these: Contentful, Jekyll, WordPress, Tumblr,
Blogs can serve at least four basic functions. Blogger, Medium, Svbtle, LiveJournal, Weebly,,
Classroom Management- Educational blogs can serve, Ghost etc. [3]
as a portal to foster a community of learners. As they are
easy to create and update efficiently, they can be used to 4. Benefits of using blogging as a learning tool
inform students of class requirements, post handouts,
notices, and homework assignments, or act as a question Blogs have the potential to expand student creativity and
and answer board. their writing skills. These are 21st century students and are
Collaboration- Blogs provide a space where teachers adapting to a digital world that they are eager to learn from.
and students can work to further develop writing or other Educators are using blogs in many ways including as online
skills with the advantage of an instant audience. Teachers portfolios, for student personal reflective journals, as a
can offer instructional tips, while students can practice record of field notes, as discipline specific spaces for
and benefit from peer review. They also make online knowledge sharing, as a space for student dialogue and for
mentoring possible. Students can also participate in class administration. To keep up with cutting edge research
as it happens. [1] Fortunately for teachers, blogs are
Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20164147 DOI: 10.21275/ART20164147 862
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
surprisingly easy to use. They require minimum technical teachers on the use of educational blogs and benefits of
knowledge and are quickly and easily created and student blogging, among other things, gave the following
maintained. Students will be able to pick up how to use answers:
blogging platforms with minimal technical assistance and Students expect more of themselves, and the teacher
teachers will enjoy the ease in the initial setup. Students and expects more of them too. They no longer create just for
teachers will find them convenient and accessible via any the teacher, but they create for the world.
computer or mobile device. [12] Students are more reflective about their own learning
because of their blogs. They are able to look at their
There are numerous educational benefits of blogs. Blogs are: learning, think about the process, and then write about
Highly motivating to students, especially for those who the experience. Additionally, the students love feedback
might not become participants in classrooms. that goes beyond our classroom walls.
Excellent opportunities for students to read and write. Blogging opened up the possibilities of audience in new
Effective forums for collaboration and discussion. ways. So, when they are considering writing or
Powerful tools to enable scaffolding learning or publishing for an audience other than the teacher, that
mentoring to occur. really impacts how they view what they doing and the
intrinsic motivation they have.
Blogging allows students to express their opinion, to Students love seeing their work on the Internet and adore
articulate their views and build a readership, which can be a getting comments from people. It motivates them to write
very motivating experience for them. Sharing ideas on the as it gives them an audience that is real. They find it hard
internet can also put them in touch with like-minded to be motivated when they know the writing is just going
individuals and with those who may challenge their ideas, in their books and will only be read by themselves, the
which means that they may be required to defend their teacher and their parents. The blog opens up a whole new
opinions. world of people who can offer encouragement and
It‟s great experience which demonstrates enthusiasm for the The blogging experience has forced the students to do
subject and a willingness to share ideas with others, as well more reflection on their learning and has allowed them to
as developing enthusiasm for communicating ideas in a way showcase products they have produced with online tools.
that will prove useful beyond the classroom. It also teaches Blogging provides an authentic educational experience,
students about the importance of „responsible journalism‟ where what they write is not only seen and commented
such as backing up ideas with concrete evidence, citing on by their teacher, but by their peers and the “public”.
research and so on. For most students, it‟s a bit of extra motivation knowing
their peers will see their work.
Blogging about a subject is more engaging than simply There is an authentic audience- a global audience- one
reading a textbook. If students are to write about a subject on that is willing to connect, share, challenge, discuss and
a public platform like a blog, they need to be completely communicate with us. This audience can provide further
familiar with the subject and comfortable expressing an information, opinions, suggest resources, seek answers to
opinion about it. This encourages a deeper understanding questions etc. which pushes the blogging further.
and greater engagement with the subject. Unlike when they Blogging develops a learning network. [13]
write an essay that only the teacher will read, blogging gives
their work an indefinite life beyond the classroom and Educational blogs provides a wide range of learning abilities
invites others to engage with it. [5] and introduces a range of media that give added impact.
Students use technology constantly outside school, so
Blogs are of high benefit to the education system. Blogs: blogging is a great opportunity for using technology for
Are personalized and customized online spaces and a learning within and beyond the classroom. Technology
source of pride. allows learning to become accessible from any region and
Enable a full range of media to be used catering for the networking is enabled on a global scale. The collective
diversity of student learning styles. ideas, resources, established or innovative units of
Are a necessary 21st century digital skill and teaches teaching/learning, experiences from a combined “global
many digital literacy skills brain“will push the learning and teaching to more powerful
Can be used to learn in a practical manner the following: levels.
cyber safety, netiquette and digital citizenship
Provide an online space for further interaction, References
conversations, connection and communication with
others from across the globe. [1] Adele Aubrey, M. J. (2009, December 09). Aligning
Become a digital portfolio with all their associated collaborative learning theory with technology.
benefits. Retrieved November 15, 2016, from University of
extends learning to anywhere and anytime 24/7, Manchester/The Centre for Excellence in Enquiry-
supporting a flipped classroom approach Based Learning (CEEBL):
Facilitates a network that is global [9]
As an example of the benefits of using blogs we can refer to [2] Fryer, W. (2015, August 05). Classroom Blogging
the following research. A study conducted in 2012, surveyed Options. Retrieved January 03, 2017, from Speed of