Atlantis Theories
Atlantis Theories
Atlantis Theories
Among the cryptic stories everyone knows since childhood, the myth of Atlantis is
probably one of the most thrilling and mysterious ones. The idea of a huge continent
lying underwater, once inhabited by a supposedly ingenious civilization is intriguing on
its own, and the numerous hints and clues that Atlantis was a real place make
archaeologists, historians, and adventurers across the globe seek for its remains with
enviable enthusiasm. Still, the myth of Atlantis is controversial and debated, and there
are numerous theories regarding where it was located, which people inhabited it, and
why this civilization disappeared.
During the 20th century, scientists and pseudo-scientists still held interest in this
subject; in particular, a German anthropologist, Leo Frobenius, similarly to Kirchmaier,
stated that Atlantis indeed was located in Africa, but unlike the latter, Frobenius
believed that it existed in Sudan. Several decades later, in 1952, Willy Ley, a rocket
pioneer, and L. Sprague de Camp, a science-fiction author, put Atlantis in Spain (the
town of Cadiz), and by the end of the decade, Dr. Angelos Galanopoulos, a Greek
seismologist, introduced evidence that Atlantis was located on the island of Thera in the
Aegean Sea. Surprisingly, this theory seems to have been closer to the truth than any
other at the time; Thera is a sunken island, and when in the end of 1960s an English
oceanographer, James W. Mavor, researched the area specified by Galanopoulos, he
found evidence proving this theory to be at least partially correct ( As we
can see, however, theories regarding Atlantis are often contradictory; besides, no direct
evidence such as the examples of writing, pottery, arts, armor, and so on have been
Before the 19th century, Atlantis was more of a myth romantic seekers of truth tried to
prove; however, in 1882, Ignatius Donnelly published a book titled “Atlantis, the
Antediluvian World”; in this manuscript, he proved that Atlantis was not a mere legend
crafted by Plato, but could be a historical reality. Donnelly believed there must have
been an incredibly advanced ancient civilization that invented metallurgy, agriculture,
astronomy, and so on, and from which other, less sophisticated (according to Donnelly)
civilizations must have had inherited knowledge and technologies. He also believed that
Atlantis was located right where Plato described: near the Pillars of Hercules by the
Straits of Gibraltar; the Atlantic ocean’s “shifting waters,” as he called it, sank the
continent on which Atlantis was located. Continental plate tectonics shows that
Donnelly’s theory is incorrect, but it happened to be extremely tenacious, so even
nowadays many people believed Atlantis to have existed (if at all) right where Plato said
it did. This theory also inspired other people to start looking for Atlantis, spawning
dozens of newer speculations. One of them belongs to Charles Berlitz, an author who
mostly wrote about various paranormal phenomena. Berlitz claimed that Atlantis sank in
the infamous Bermuda Triangle ( This theory combines extremely well with
the speculations of mystics researching the Triangle; people believe that since Atlantis
must have been a technologically-advanced civilization, then (if it sank in the Bermuda
triangle) it explains why so many ships disappeared in that region: ancient technology
must be influencing navigational systems, sailors’ minds, and more. Obviously, none of
these theories stands up to criticism, but they still remain popular.
Robert Ballard, an explorer who discovered Titanic’s wreckage, says that even though
the story of Atlantis looks logical, there is not enough evidence to state it is true.
Indeed, there were numerous cataclysms occurring throughout humankind’s history,
causing cities and even nations to disappear (remember the eruption of Vesuvius
eradicating the city of Pompeii, for example); 3600 years ago, a powerful volcanic
eruption destroyed the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea, along with the Minoan
civilization inhabiting it. However, even though this is the closest historical parallel to
Atlantis, Ballard says Minoans could not be Atlantis, because the time of Santorini’s
destruction does not match with the one Plato mentioned in his stories about Atlantis
(National Geographic).
So far, it is still not clear whether Atlantis existed or not. Romantics believe it did,
continuing to invent new theories, clinging to a few unreliable theories introduced in
the past; modern science, however—oceanography, in particular—proves them wrong.
The most credible explanation of Atlantis is that it must have been Plato’s metaphor
illustrating his philosophical concepts; advocating a utopian society, Plato described a
prosperous civilization which fell the victim of its own greediness, immorality, and
corruption; in this regard, the legend of Atlantis makes perfect sense.