Phagocytosis in A Chemr23-And Chemerin Peptides Promote: Data Supplementary
Phagocytosis in A Chemr23-And Chemerin Peptides Promote: Data Supplementary
Phagocytosis in A Chemr23-And Chemerin Peptides Promote: Data Supplementary
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acrophages (MFs) are innate immune cells that can because necrotic cell ingestion elicits MF activation, and necrotic
recognize, phagocytose, and kill microbial pathogens; cell lysis releases cytotoxic, proinflammatory, and immunogenic
as such, they represent an important component of the material (11–17). Thus, failure to efficiently clear apoptotic cells
body’s defense against infection (1–3). Efficient clearance of favors inflammatory and autoimmune reactions rather than in-
pathogenic material by MFs is important in limiting the magni- flammatory resolution, and it promotes a persistent state of in-
tude and duration of the ensuing inflammatory response, although flammation seen in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), as well as
recognition and engulfment of microbial particles by MFs typi- in atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus (18–22). Studies in exper-
cally results in their activation and the secretion of inflammatory imental animal models combined with clinical evidence from
cytokines (4, 5). In contrast, MF ingestion of apoptotic cells is human inflammatory diseases, including SLE, highlight the im-
nonphlogistic (noninflammatory) because it does not provoke in- portance of efficient phagocytosis of apoptotic material during in-
flammatory mediator expression and is associated with active flammation and also suggest its potential as a therapeutic target for
suppression of proinflammatory mediator release and upregulation the treatment of certain inflammatory diseases (12, 19, 20, 22–24).
of anti-inflammatory mediator expression, including TGF-b (6–9). We previously reported that picogram quantities of C-terminal
Thus, apoptotic cell phagocytosis (efferocytosis) plays an impor- peptides derived from the chemoattractant chemerin, in particular
tant role in the resolution of inflammation and the maintenance of chemerin15 (C15; AGEDPHGYFLPGQFA), inhibit MF activation
peripheral immune tolerance (1, 2, 7, 9, 10). Inefficient clearance and suppress peritonitis induced by the yeast cell wall component
of apoptotic cells, resulting in the accumulation of secondary zymosan (25). We hypothesized that chemerin peptides may
necrotic cells, can result in the exacerbation of inflammation, achieve this effect, in part, by enhancing MF phagocytosis of the
inciting stimulus, zymosan, and/or modulating the nonphlogistic
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United King- ingestion of apoptotic cells at the site of inflammation.
dom In this study, we show for the first time that chemerin peptides
Received for publication October 14, 2009. Accepted for publication March 3, 2010. potently and profoundly enhance MF clearance of microbial
This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation Grants RG/05/011 (to particles and apoptotic cells in a nonphlogistic and ChemR23-
D.R.G.) and FS/05/121 (to J.L.C.). dependent manner, a process that requires Syk-dependent changes
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. David R. Greaves, Sir William in F-actin polymerization and phagosome formation.
Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RE,
United Kingdom. E-mail address: [email protected]
The online version of this paper contains supplemental material. Materials and Methods
Abbreviations used in this paper: ChAb, neutralizing anti-chemerin Ab; C15, chem- Animals
erin15; C15-S, scrambled C-15 peptide; GeoMFI, geometric mean fluorescence in-
tensity; MF, macrophage; OpZ, serum-opsonized zymosan; PEC, peritoneal exudate All animal studies were conducted with ethical approval from the Dunn
cell; PI, propidium iodide; PIC, piceatannol; RRI, relative recognition index; SLE, School of Pathology Local Ethical Review Committee and in accordance
systemic lupus erythematosus. with the U.K. Home Office regulations (Guidance on the Operation of
Animals, Scientific Procedures Act, 1986). ChemR232/2 mice on an
Copyright Ó 2010 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. 0022-1767/10/$16.00 Sv129Ev background were a kind gift of Takeda (Cambridge, U.K.).
nM C15 (AGEDPHGYFLPGQFA), C15-S (GLFHDQAGPPA- MF activation and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines
GYEF; scrambled C15 peptide), or chemerin for 45 min and (5, 26, 27). Given the prophagocytic effect of C15 on zymosan
challenged with zymosan-FITC over a 5–60-min time course. C15 clearance, we determined whether C15 induces corresponding
elicited a dose-dependent increase in zymosan phagocytosis that increases in inflammatory cytokine release in association with its
was optimal at a dose of 10 pM (360% increase) at the 15-min effects on zymosan phagocytosis. In contrast, we found that
time point (Fig. 1A, 1C, Supplemental Fig. 1A). Zymosan particles C15-treated MFs, which have phagocytosed up to 360% more
were readily phagocytosed by MFs without opsonization; how- zymosan, released reduced levels of proinflammatory cytokines
ever, particles are unlikely to exist for extended periods in vivo and chemokines, including TNFa (53% decrease), IL-6 (48%
without becoming opsonized. Therefore, we tested the effect of decrease), IL-12 p40 (47% decrease), and JE (64% decrease), 15 h
C15 on phagocytosis of OpZ. C15 induced a dose- and time- postphagocytosis (Fig. 1E). These data demonstrate that low pi-
dependent increase in OpZ phagocytosis that was optimal with comolar doses of C15 peptide enhance zymosan phagocytosis in
10 pM C15 at the 15-min time point (230% increase; Fig. 1B, 1D). a nonphlogistic manner. To our knowledge, C15 peptide is the first
Maximal phagocytosis occurred in vehicle-treated MFs at mediator shown to induce phagocytosis of an inflammatory
45-min postzymosan or OpZ challenge, whereas C15 (10 pM)- stimulus in a nonphlogistic manner. This may halt inflammation
pretreated MFs reached the saturation point at 15 min (Fig. 1C, by removing the inciting stimulus and preventing the release of
1D). At the 45- and 60-min time points, when vehicle- and C15- further proinflammatory mediators by MFs.
treated MF phagocytosis had reached a plateau, a 45% and 34%
C15 promotes nonphlogistic MF ingestion of apoptotic cells
increase in zymosan and OpZ phagocytosis with C15 was noted
in vitro
(Fig. 1C, 1D). Thus, picomolar concentrations of C15 peptide
enhanced the rate of MF zymosan uptake and increased overall MF phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is the classic example of
MF phagocytic capacity for zymosan. The parent molecule, phagocytic clearance without the provocation of an inflammatory
chemerin, and the control peptide, C15-S, had no effect on zy- response and is an important determinant of the resolution of in-
FIGURE 1. C15 promotes nonphlogistic phagocytosis of zymosan and OpZ in vitro. MFs were pretreated with C15, C15-S, chemerin (0.1 pM–1 nM), or
vehicle for 45 min, followed by a 15-min challenge with zymosan-FITC (A) or OpZ-FITC (B). MFs were pretreated with C15 (10 pM) or vehicle for 45 min,
followed by challenge with zymosan-FITC (C) or OpZ-FITC (D) for 5, 15, 30, 45, or 60 min. Noningested phagocytic targets were removed by thorough
washing, and quantification of phagocytosed zymosan was carried out by FACS analysis. RRI = percentage of zymosan-FITC+ MFs 3 GeoMFI normalized to
vehicle-treated samples; see Materials and Methods for a detailed description of the RRI. E, Effect of C15 on inflammatory cytokine production. MF su-
pernatants were collected 15 h after ingestion of zymosan-FITC. TNF-a, JE, and IL-6 and -12 p40 levels were determined in cell supernatants using multiplex
bead assays. Graphs show mean values 6 SEM from four to eight independent experiments. pp , 0.05; ppp , 0.01; pppp , 0.001, relative to vehicle-treated
samples. A and B, One-way ANOVA with the Dunnett post hoc test. C and D, Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. E, Student t test.
a 247% increase in phagocytosis was observed (Fig. 2A, Supple- were completely abolished in ChemR232/2 MFs, indicating that
mental Fig. 1B). However, similar prophagocytic effects were still C15-enhanced clearance of zymosan requires the involvement of
seen with 0.1 pM C15: doses that are 103 and 1003 lower than ChemR23 (Fig. 3A). In contrast, ChemR232/2 MFs displayed
that required for optimal enhancement of zymosan and OpZ a 71% reduction in C15 enhancement of OpZ phagocytosis at the
phagocytosis (Fig. 1A, 1B). We postulate that reduced C15 con- optimal 10-pM dose (Fig. 3B). These data suggest the existence of
centrations are required for optimal enhancement of apoptotic cell an additional C15R that may be required for optimal enhancement
phagocytosis because C15 may act in concert with prophagocytic of OpZ clearance in vitro (Fig. 3B). Furthermore, the level of zy-
mediators that are known to be released by apoptotic cells, in- mosan (+/+, 22 RRI; 2/2, 20 RRI; Fig. 3A) and OpZ (+/+, 49 RRI; 2/2,
cluding nucleotides and Annexin A1 (29–31). Intriguingly, the 51 RRI; Fig. 3B) phagocytosis in untreated wild-type and
parent protein chemerin, which failed to enhance zymosan in- ChemR232/2 MFs was of equivalent magnitude.
gestion (Fig. 1A), promoted phagocytosis of apoptotic cells with an We next assessed the involvement of ChemR23 in mediating C15
optimal dose of 0.1 pM (Fig. 2B). These prophagocytic effects were enhancement of apoptotic cell clearance, finding that the pro-
abolished when chemerin was administered in the presence of the phagocytic effects of C15 on apoptotic cell phagocytosis were
serine and cysteine protease inhibitor (leupeptin), demonstrating completely abolished in ChemR232/2 MFs, indicating that C15-
that chemerin promotes phagocytosis in a proteolysis-dependent enhanced clearance of this phagocytic target also requires the
manner (Fig. 2B). These data mirror our previous observations that involvement of ChemR23 (Fig. 3C). In addition, the basal level of
chemerin suppresses MF activation in a proteolysis-dependent apoptotic cell ingestion in ChemR232/2 MFs (14.5 RRI) was
manner (25), suggesting that classically activated MFs and apo- significantly lower than that of wild-type MFs (22.7 RRI), pro-
ptotic cells are capable of releasing proteases that cleave chemerin viding the first indication of a phenotype for ChemR232/2 MFs
to generate anti-inflammatory and prophagocytic peptides. We in the absence of an inflammatory stimulus (25).
postulate that chemerin is cleaved during this assay by apoptotic
C15 enhances MF zymosan phagocytosis during peritonitis
cell-derived proteases, because chemerin did not exert any pro-
FIGURE 2. C15 and chemerin promote nonphlogistic phagocytosis of apoptotic cells in vitro. MFs were pretreated with vehicle, C15, or C15-S (0.01–10
pM) (A) or chemerin (0.01–10 pM) 6 leupeptin (10 mM) (B) for 45 min and then exposed to CFSE-labeled apoptotic Jurkat cells for 1 h. C–E, Effect of C15
on MF cytokine production following ingestion of apoptotic cells. TNF-a (C), JE (D), TGF-b (E), IL-6, and IL-12 p40 levels were determined in cell
supernatants 15 or 24 h (TGF-b) following phagocytosis of apoptotic cells using multiplex bead assays and ELISA. IL-6 and -12 p40 levels were below the
limit of detection for this assay (5 pg/ml). Noningested CFSE-labeled apoptotic cells and cell debris were removed by thorough washing, and quantification of
ingested CFSE-labeled apoptotic cells was carried out by FACS analysis. Bar graphs show mean values 6 SEM from four independent experiments. pp ,
0.05; ppp , 0.01; pppp , 0.001; relative to vehicle-treated (A, C–E) or leupeptin-treated (B) samples. A, One-way ANOVA with the Dunnett post hoc test. B,
Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. C–E, Student t test.
The Journal of Immunology 5319
point by 88% (Fig. 4C, Supplemental Fig. 1D). C15 also increased
apoptotic neutrophil clearance at 2, 4, and 16 h (Fig. 4C, 4D),
whereas the control peptide C15-S was unable to promote Ly6G+
cell phagocytosis (Supplemental Fig. 2B).
C15 enhances MF phagocytosis during peritonitis through
We used ChemR232/2 mice to determine the ChemR23 de-
pendency of C15’s in vivo prophagocytic effects. C15 was unable
to enhance MF phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils or zymosan
in the absence of ChemR23, indicating that C15-enhanced clear-
ance of apoptotic neutrophils and zymosan requires the in-
volvement of ChemR23 (Fig. 4E, 4F). The basal level of MF
zymosan engulfment in ChemR232/2 mice (4.8% cells zymosan+
F4/80+) was indistinguishable from that of wild-type animals
(4.9% zymosan+F4/80+; Fig. 4E). In contrast, ChemR232/2 mice
exhibited a 27% deficit in apoptotic cell clearance compared with
their wild-type counterparts when measured as the percentage of
total cells. However, this effect is not seen when data are repre-
sented as the percentage of F4/80+ cells, indicating that the ob-
served effect could be an artifact caused by differences in the
numbers of F4/80+ cells in the peritoneal cavities of wild-type and
anti-inflammatory chemerin-derived peptides in vivo that are in- engulfment (37), it is likely that C15 enhances a common pathway
volved in modulating leukocyte recruitment during peritoneal of phagocytosis rather than having an effect on specific phagocytic
inflammation. In light of the potent prophagocytic effects of the receptor expression. This is particularly likely because FACS
chemerin peptide C15 on zymosan and apoptotic cell phagocy- analysis showed no significant C15-elicited changes in dectin-1
tosis, we postulated that endogenous chemerin peptides may expression during the course of the zymosan phagocytosis assay
modulate the inflammatory response by promoting clearance of (data not shown), and C15 exerted no effect on MF binding of
these phagocytic targets, in addition to suppressing leukocyte re- zymosan, as gauged by phagocytosis assays performed at 4˚C
cruitment. Neutralization of endogenous chemerin species re- (Supplemental Fig. 3).
sulted in a reduction of up to 46% in zymosan phagocytosis Remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is a prerequisite for
(Fig. 6C, 6D) and Ly6G+ cell (neutrophil) phagocytosis (Fig. 6E, phagocytosis, enabling the formation of phagocytic cups and,
6F). These data provide evidence that endogenous chemerin subsequently, the phagosome to internalize the phagocytic target
species are an important component of the endogenous resolution (38–41). Therefore, we evaluated the effect of C15 on phagocytic
system, involved in mediating the clearance of microbial particles cup formation and F-actin polymerization and localization. In
and apoptotic cells in vivo. addition, we further probed the mechanism by which C15 pro-
motes phagocytosis using the Syk inhibitor PIC. Syk is a tyrosine
C15 enhances phagocytosis and phagocytic cup formation kinase required for lysosome–phagosome fusion in unopsonized
through Syk-dependent changes in F-actin polymerization yeast phagocytosis (42), but it is not required for yeast or apo-
Because C15 enhances the phagocytosis of multiple phagocytic ptotic cell internalization (43–45). In agreement with these ob-
targets, which are cargo for a variety of MF receptors, including servations, Syk inhibition had no effect on basal MF zymosan or
dectin-1 for zymosan ingestion (36) and CD36 for apoptotic cell apoptotic cell phagocytosis (Fig. 7A, 7B). However, pretreatment
The Journal of Immunology 5321
Furthermore, this study indicates that manipulation of the chemerin Interestingly, the dose required for optimal enhancement of
peptide/ChemR23 axis may be an attractive avenue for therapeutic apoptotic cell phagocytosis in vitro by C15 was 10-fold lower than
intervention in inflammation. that required for other phagocytic targets. This observation may
Perhaps the most striking characteristic of C15 is the dose at reflect differences in the nature of these assays; phagocytosis of
which it exerts its effects. C15 suppresses leukocyte recruitment zymosan can be viewed as a proinflammatory event because MF
by up to 65% (25) and enhances phagocytosis in vivo by up to activation and the release of proinflammatory mediators ensues,
100% when administered in low picogram quantities. The lipid- whereas apoptotic cell engulfment is a nonphlogistic process.
resolution mediators resolvin E1, protectin D1, and lipoxin A4 Alternatively, apoptotic cells were shown to release prophagocytic
exert less dramatic effects at much higher doses (27). Although signals, including Annexin A1 and Annexin-derived peptides
these mediators enhance zymosan phagocytosis (27), it is un- (30), which could act in concert with the C15 peptide administered
known whether this occurs in a nonphlogistic manner, whereas the in this assay to promote MF clearance of apoptotic cells.
prototypical anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone inhibits MF We have described for the first time a mechanism through which
zymosan phagocytosis (46). To our knowledge, C15 peptide is the C15 enhances MF phagocytosis, which involves Syk-dependent
first mediator shown to induce MF phagocytosis of an in- changes in phagocytic cup formation and F-actin localization.
flammatory stimulus in a nonphlogistic manner. This may halt Syk2/2 MFs, along with DAP122/2 MFs, have been shown to
inflammation by removing the inciting stimulus and preventing display a phenotype characterized by elevated proinflammatory
the release of further proinflammatory mediators by MFs. cytokine production in comparison with their wild-type counterparts
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