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The Corner Bakery ®

Bread & Dessert Maker


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Table of Contents

Welcome to Bread Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Helpful Hints for Cakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

Helpful Hints For Bread And Dough. . . . . . . .4 Cake Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

Bread Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Cheesecake Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Bread Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Helpful Hints for Cheesecakes . . . . . . . . . . .56
Day Old Bread Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Cheesecake Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Fast Bake™ Breads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Pudding, Pie Filling & Fudge
Dough Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Helpful Hints for Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Helpful Hints for Puddings/
Dough Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Pie Fillings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Pudding/Pie Filling Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Butter Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Helpful Hints for Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Helpful Hints for Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Fudge Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Butter Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Recipe Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Desserts Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Helpful Hints for All Desserts . . . . . . . . . . . .43
High Altitude Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Cake Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

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Dear Breadman™ Customer:

Welcome to the Breadman™ family of happy bread bakers! We’re sure you’ll find machine bread making to be a rewarding and tasty experience.
Please be sure to take a few minutes to read the Use and Care Guide carefully and completely. While bread machines take a lot of the work out of
making homemade bread, they do require a bit of effort to achieve the best results. Make sure you are following the directions closely to ensure
success every time and pay particular attention to the section called “Helpful Hints for Bread & Dough.” If you follow the guidance offered in
these pages, you can avoid many of the most common difficulties. To assist you even more, our home economists, with help from their colleagues
at Red Star® Yeast & Products, have spent many hours in our test kitchens developing bread and dough recipes and suggestions for correcting
common problems that may occur from time to time. Please refer to the Checklist near the very back of the Use and Care Guide for this trou-
bleshooting information.
Most people find that once they have become accustomed to the process of machine bread making, they can turn out wonderful loaves in ever-
increasing numbers — and they also find that their friends and family will be happy to take any extras off their hands!
Breadman™ welcomes your comments and discoveries! Please write to us c/o The Test Kitchen, Breadman™ Inc., 1801 North Stadium
Boulevard, Columbia, Missouri 65202.
Thank you for deciding to join the Breadman™ family. We look forward to being a part of your bread making for many years to come. Happy


Marilyn Wise
Manager Consumer Education & Product Testing

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Helpful Hints For Bread And Dough

It is recommended that you read the following Use standard measuring spoons and level with reaches the appropriate consistency. On the
information before you shop for your ingredi- a straight edge of a knife. other hand, if the mixture is too dry to form a
ents. Your machine will bake up to a 2 pound ball or forms more than one ball, add 1 tea-
Measurement Conversion Chart
loaf of fresh bread containing approximately 4 spoon of water and allow it to absorb. Add
cups of flour. All ingredients except liquids 12 tsp = 2 TBL more water if necessary.
must be at room temperature and liquids 3 tsp = 1 TBL Provided you have used all of the ingredients
should be approximately 80°F/27°C (baby bot- 2 TBL = 12 tsp specified in the recipe, measured the ingredients
tle temperature) unless otherwise noted. 2 TBL = 8 cup properly and have a “good” dough ball, you
Always place the ingredients in the bread pan 4 TBL = 4 cup
should achieve a successful loaf of bread. If the
in the order listed in the recipe: liquids, dry 5 TBL + 1 tsp = 3 cup
dough ball is dry, it may cause the bread
ingredients and then yeast. Some ingredient 8 TBL = 2 cup
machine to fall off the counter top. Any damage
amounts are the same for different size loaves, 12 TBL = p cup
to your bread machine as a result of falling from
this is correct. 16 TBL = 1 cup
the counter will not be covered under warranty.
a cup = 4 cup + 2 TBL
Measuring The Correct Way b cup = 2 cup + 2 TBL Yeast: The Number One Ingredient
Be sure to measure accurately for success. Even c cup = p cup + 2 TBL
Red Star Active Dry Yeast was used in the
slight measuring inaccuracies can make a big development of all the bread recipes listed in
difference in your results. Measure each ingredi- Dough Ball: Necessary For A Successful
this cookbook. However, Red Star Quick•Rise™
ent precisely before placing it into the bread pan. Loaf Of Bread
Yeast may also be used. Amounts used do not
When you are measuring liquids, use a clear Liquid amounts called for in a recipe may need need to be varied when substituting one for the
glass or plastic liquid measuring cup. To ensure to be adjusted slightly because different cli- other. When using bread machine yeast, follow
accuracy, set the measuring cup on the counter mates and seasons result in a wide variety of the package instructions.
top and read the measurement at eye level. humidity levels. You may want to check the
A 4-oz package of Red Star Yeast contains
dough ball half way through the first kneading
To measure your flour, spoon it lightly into a approximately 24 level teaspoons of yeast.
cycle. At this point, the ball should be round,
standard dry ingredient measuring cup and level When the yeast is exposed to oxygen, moisture
smooth-textured, soft and slightly tacky to the
it with a straight edge. Also, do not shake the or warmth, the activity of it deteriorates.
cup or tap it on the counter top. Do not scoop Therefore, it is recommended to store yeast in
the flour with the measuring cup as this tends If it does not form a ball and is more like a bat- an airtight container, refrigerating or freezing
to pack more flour than the recipes call for. ter, add 1 tablespoon of flour at a time until it it. Measure out the amount you need and

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allow it to come to room temperature before suring cup and fill it to the 4 cup level with kneaded, gluten becomes elastic and gives the
using it — this takes about 15 minutes. 110°F/27°C - 115°F/46°C water. Stir in 1 tea- bread better structure. In contrast, all-purpose
spoon granulated sugar and 12 teaspoons Red flour, milled from a combination of soft and
If you have any doubt regarding the activity of
Star Active Dry or Quick•Rise™ Yeast. Leave hard wheat, becomes elastic too easily for use
the yeast, you may use one of the following
your stirring spoon in the cup. Set a timer for in a bread machine and quickly loses the abil-
tests to determine its strength. Each test calls
10 minutes. As the yeast absorbs liquid, it will ity to stretch well.
for a different amount of yeast as a base ingre-
dient. This gives you more bread choices once begin to activate and rise to the surface. If at As a result, bread made from all-purpose flour
the test is complete. the end of 10 minutes the yeast has multiplied will be small and dense. Several well-known
to the 2 cup mark, it is very active. The yeast mills now market bread flour. It is labeled
To test for one package (24 teaspoons) of Red mixture may be used in your Breadman™ bread flour on the package and is available at
Star Active Dry or Quick Rise™ Yeast, use a Corner Bakery and Dessert Maker in a recipe grocery stores.
liquid measuring cup and fill it to the 2 cup that calls for 12 teaspoons of yeast. Remember
level with 110°F/27°C - 115°F/46°C water. to adust your recipe for the 4 cup of water and Wheat is the only grain that contains the type
Stir in 1 teaspoon granulated sugar and 1 12 teaspoons of yeast used in the test. The of protein that becomes elastic when kneaded.
package (24 teaspoons) Red Star Active Dry sugar does not need to be adjusted. Other flours, such as rye, barley, oats, soy, rice
or Quick•Rise™ Yeast. Leave your stirring and buckwheat, add flavor and fiber to breads
spoon in the cup. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Flour: Bread Flour Is Essential For but do not add structure to the dough. There-
As the yeast absorbs liquid, it will begin to Bread Recipes fore, wheat flour is essential as a base when
activate and rise to the surface. If at the end of making bread.
All types of flour are affected by many factors,
the 10 minutes the yeast has multiplied to the such as milling grades, moisture content, Vital wheat gluten is produced by processing
1 cup mark, it is very active. length of storage and manufacturing processes. white flour one more step. White flour con-
The yeast mixture may be used in your Adjustments to the recipes may need to be tains both protein and starch, and mills now
Breadman™ Corner Bakery and Dessert Maker made to compensate for climate changes in can remove most of the starch leaving only the
in a recipe that calls for 24 teaspoons of yeast. different regions to ensure an excellent loaf. protein (gluten). When gluten is added to
Remember to adjust your recipe for the 2 cup recipes containing whole grain flours, it
Bread flour is a definite necessity. Milled from
of water and 24 teaspoons of yeast used in the hard winter or spring wheat, it has a higher
test. The sugar does not need to be adjusted. protein content that makes it more durable
To test for 12 teaspoons of Red Star Active than all-purpose flour. The protein, when
Dry or Quick•Rise™ Yeast, use a liquid mea- mixed with liquid, becomes gluten. When

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improves the volume and shape of the loaf sig- Liquids: Activate The Yeast And Bind The Place the eggs (room temperature) in a liquid
nificantly. Many grocery stores stock gluten in Dough measuring cup. Slowly add warm liquid
the flour section. Health food and nutrition (80°F/27°C) to measuring cup until you have
In this cookbook, the term liquid refers to all
centers also carry this item. reached the total amount called for in the
wet ingredients used in the recipe. When yeast
Flour is best kept in an airtight container. If is used in a bread machine, it is very important
you are storing the flour for a long period of that the liquid temperature is 80°F/27°C. Cinnamon and Garlic: Not True Friends Of
time, you may want to keep it in the freezer, as With this temperature, the yeast activates Yeast
the refrigerator tends to dry it out. Whole gradually to accommodate the program of the
In the past, cinnamon and sugar were sprin-
grain wheat flours, which have a higher oil machine. When higher temperatures are used,
kled on dough before it was rolled up jelly-roll
content, will become rancid much more the yeast activates too quickly and the dough
quickly than white flour and should always be becomes too warm.
kept in the freezer. Be sure, however, to allow Adding it to the dough in a bread machine,
Eggs are also considered part of the total liquid
all flours to return to room temperature before however, presents a problem. Cinnamon reacts
amount. Eggs should be at room temperature.
placing in the machine. with bread dough just as a meat tenderizer
When you remove them from the refrigerator,
reacts with meat. It breaks down the structure.
Fat: Dough Enhancer And Conditioner place egg in shell in a bowl of warm water.
Although it smells wonderful as it is baking,
Recipes in this cookbook call for vegetable oil. After warming egg to room temperature, place some of the flavor is dissipated in the baking
You may substitute in equal proportions solid egg in measuring cup and add enough liquid process. Do not add more than what is listed
shortening, real butter or margarine. Divide 80°F/27°C to equal whatever total measure- in the recipe.
them into small pieces before placing in the ment the recipe calls for. For example:
Garlic inhibits yeast activity. Again, do not
bread pan. There is no noticeable difference in
flavor but the crust may be crispier with real
Yield 1 pound add more than the quantity listed in the
egg, room temp. + enough 1 recipe. For more garlic flavor, use a spread for
butter. Margarine tends to make the crust a lit-
water 80°F/27°C to = p cup the bread rather than adding it to the dough.
tle tougher. Light and whipped margarines do
not work well.

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Salt: Regulates Yeast Activity equal proportions. Liquid milk (80°F/27°C) may yeast from activating until the machine starts to
be substituted for water in equal proportions. mix. Also, be sure to reduce the amount of
Salt is necessary to control the activity of The dry milk may then be eliminated altogether. water by 1 teaspoon for a 1 pound loaf, 2 tea-
yeast, disciplining it to work slowly and The loaf will be slightly smaller. spoons for a 12 pound loaf and 1 tablespoon for
steadily. Without salt, yeast acts too rapidly. a 2 pound loaf. Do not use eggs or any perish-
Salt also strengthens the structure of the Sugar: Honey may be substituted for sugar in
able foods with the Delayed Setting.
dough. If too little or no salt is used, the bread equal proportions. Reduce the liquid by the
will rise rapidly and then fall. The texture may same amount. Brown sugar may be substituted Bread Mixes and other Recipe Books
also be course and/or uneven. for white sugar in equal proportions. Yeast needs
Use mixes labeled for up to 2 pound loaves. For
sugar, no artificial sweetener should be used.
Sugar: Food For Yeast best results, use the Basic or Insta Program.
Salt: Salt-free recipes are not successful. Even though there are a wide variety of recipes
Sugar is the favorite food of yeast, but too Dietetically sodium free (less than 5 mg sodium for bread and dough offered here, you may be
much sugar will cause the yeast to overreact. per serving) or low salt (less than 2 the sodium looking for one that is not included in this
The loaf of bread will be small and dense. of table salt) may be used in equal amounts. cookbook. Bread machine helpful hints and
Dried fruits also contribute sugar to the bread The bread will have a coarser texture. recipe books are available at book and retail
dough. For best results, do not add any more stores. They offer a wide variety of recipes.
than is specified in each recipe. In addition, Eggs: Liquid egg substitutes may be used as Refer to Basic Features in the Use and Care
avoid the use of artificial sweeteners because directed on the carton. Two egg whites may be Guide, for the best bread program to use for
the yeast cannot react with them. substituted for one whole egg. Remember, all other recipes. Minor adjustments may be neces-
egg products must be at room temperature. sary for best results.
Fruits and Vegetables High Altitude
It is common to experiment with ingredient
substitution. The following substitutions have When adding fruits or vegetables to recipes, do High elevations may make the dough rise faster.
been found to be acceptable. However, results not exceed the amount listed. These products, First, try the recipe as it is printed. If you find the
may vary significantly. If you would like to try if used in excessive amounts, may inhibit the results are unsuccessful, decrease your yeast 4
other substitutions, there are several helpful rising of the bread. teaspoon at a time. You may also have to increase
hint books available from retail stores to assist Using Delay Timer the water. Start with 2 tablespoons and increase
you. However, results are not guaranteed.
If you are going to use the delay timer, make
Milk: Coffee creamer, non-dairy creamer or dry sure the yeast is added last, on top of the flour
buttermilk may be substituted for dry milk in and away from all liquids. This will keep the

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it if necessary. The addition of gluten will also later time. Form the dough into the desired If Additional Assistance is Needed
help the structure of the bread. The recom- shape and immediately freeze for one hour to
harden. Remove from the freezer and wrap in Remember — Breadman™ has a staff of
mended amount is 1 teaspoon per cup of flour.
plastic wrap. Next, place it in a plastic bag and consumer relations representatives is also
Freezing Baked Breads and Rolls seal. Dough can be kept in the freezer for up to available to help you. You will find them to be
four weeks. Thaw the dough in a plastic bag in a knowledgeable and friendly resource when-
When freezing breads and rolls, allow them to
the refrigerator overnight or for several hours. ever you need them. Please feel free to contact
cool before wrapping in plastic wrap. Place
Unwrap and place on baking container. Cover them by:
them in a plastic bag and seal it. Bread may be
frozen for up to six weeks. When you thaw, and let stand in warm, draft free place until Telephone:
partially open the wrapping to allow the mois- double the original size. Because the dough is (800) 947-3744
ture to escape gradually for best results. not room temperature, you will find it takes
longer than usual to rise. Bake according to Mail:
Freezing Dough recipe instructions. Breadman™ Inc.
At the end of the dough program, you may Consumer Relations
remove the dough and freeze it for baking at a 1801 North Stadium Boulevard
Columbia, Missouri 65202
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. CST
[email protected]
Expert help is also available from Red Star®
Yeast (1-800-445-4746).

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Bread...As Easy As 1-2-3
1. Add ingredients to the bread pan in the order listed. Place the
bread pan in the bread machine.
2. Close the lid. Select the desired setting. Press START.
3. When the program is complete, remove bread bread pan from the
bread machine using oven mitts. Invert and shake to remove the
loaf. Allow loaf to cool, standing upright on a wire rack before

We suggest starting your bread making with the White Bread recipe on
page 10. Follow each step carefully. These steps have been written to
eliminate the most common errors in bread machine baking and may be
helpful for any recipe.

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White Bread 7. Place the pan into the bread machine. Close the lid.
8. Select BASIC PROGRAM, press BAKING to select crust color
Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds desired, and set timer to delay, or press START for immediate
water 80°F/27°C p cup + 1 TBL 12 cups start.
oil 1 TBL 2 TBL 9. At the end of the first knead process, check the dough ball. It
sugar 12 TBL 2 TBL should be slightly tacky to the touch. At this time, push down
salt 1 tsp 2 tsp any dough or flour that may be on the sides of the pan.
dry milk 1 TBL 2 TBL 10. Use oven mitts to carefully remove the bread pan at end of bake
bread flour 24 cups 4 cups process or at any time during the warm process.
active dry yeast 14 tsp 12 tsp
Program CAUTION: The oven cavity, bread pan, kneading blade and bread
will be very hot. Use oven mitts.
Quick•Rise™ yeast 2 tsp 22 tsp
Insta Program 11. Turn bread pan upside down and shake several times to release
the bread. If the bread loaf does not remove from pan easily, allow
Basic Recipe & Method it to set on a heat resistant surface. Do not use metal utensils
inside the bread pan or machine. Remove the kneading blade and
1. Remove the bread pan from the bread maker. Attach the knead- allow loaf to cool standing upright on wire rack approximately 20
ing blade onto the shaft. Make sure all ingredients, except water, minutes before cutting.
are at room temperature. 12. When the bread has completely cooled, approximately 1 hour,
2. Use a liquid measuring cup to measure the water (80°F/27°C) and store in an air tight container.
pour into the bread pan. 13. Unplug bread maker and allow to cool completely before clean-
3. Use a measuring spoon to measure the oil and add to the bread ing. Clean bread pan after each use. Do not immerse the bread
pan. pan in water (See cleaning instructions.) Clean inside of bread
4. Use a measuring spoon to measure the sugar, salt and dry milk; maker after each use.
level off with the straight edge of a knife and add to the bread
pan. (Note: The Basic Recipe & Method for the White Bread recipe are similar
5. Lightly spoon bread flour into a dry measuring cup, level off with for all breads listed in the cookbook.)
the straight edge of a knife and add to the bread pan.
6. Carefully measure yeast with a measuring spoon; level off with the
straight edge of a knife and add to the bread pan. If using delay
timer, make sure yeast is on top of bread flour, away from liquids.

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Cinnamon Raisin Bread Fat Free White Bread

Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C p cup 12 cup + 1 TBL water 80°F/27°C p cup + 1 TBL 12 cups
oil 1 TBL 2 TBL applesauce* 1 TBL 2 TBL
sugar 12 TBL 2 TBL sugar 12 TBL 2 TBL
salt 1 tsp 12 tsp salt 1 tsp 2 tsp
dry milk 1 TBL 2 TBL dry milk 1 TBL 2 TBL
oatmeal, quick or regular 2 cup 1 cup bread flour 24 cups 4 cups
bread flour 2 cups 34 cups active dry yeast 14 tsp 12 tsp
active dry yeast 1p tsp 2 tsp Program
Quick•Rise™ yeast 2 tsp 22 tsp
Add at beep Insta Program
cinnamon p tsp 14 tsp *Any variety
raisins 3 cup l cup (Note: Substituting applesauce for oil in other recipes may not produce good
walnuts 3 cup l cup results.)

Dried Fruit Bread French Bread

Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C p cup 13 cups water 80°F/27°C p cup + 2 TBL 13 cup + 1 TBL
oil 1 TBL 2 TBL oil 2 TBL 2 TBL
salt 1 tsp 12 tsp sugar 1 TBL 1 TBL + 1 tsp
brown sugar 12 TBL 4 cup salt 1 tsp 2 tsp
dry milk 1 TBL 3 TBL bread flour 24 cups 4 cups
bread flour 24 cups 4 cups active dry yeast 14 tsp 12 tsp
active dry yeast 1p tsp 1 TBL Program

Add at beep
dried fruit bits 3 cup 1 cup
nutmeg 1 tsp 12 tsp
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Buttermilk Bread Peanut Butter Honey Bread

Size of Loaf 11/2 pounds 2 pounds Size of Loaf 2 pounds
cultured buttermilk 1 cup 12 cups water 80°F/27°C 13 cups
80°F/27°C peanut butter, any style p cup
oil 3 TBL 4 cup honey 3 cup
honey 3 TBL 4 cup salt 12 tsp
salt 12 tsp 2 tsp dry milk 3 TBL
baking soda 4 tsp 2 tsp bread flour 4 cups
bread flour 34 cups 44 cups active dry yeast 2 3/4 tsp
active dry yeast 12 tsp 1p tsp Program

Pumpernickel Bread Seed Bread

Size of Loaf 2 pounds Size of Loaf 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C 1l cups water 80°F/27°C 1 cup + 2 TBL
oil 2 TBL oil 1 TBL
molasses 4 cup honey 3 TBL
salt 2 tsp salt 1 tsp
dry milk 2 TBL bread flour 3 cups
cocoa powder 4 cup oatmeal, quick 3 cup
instant coffee granules 2 tsp or regular gluten 4 tsp
caraway seeds 2 TBL sunflower seeds 4 cup
rye flour 12 cups sesame seeds 2 TBL
whole wheat flour 2 cup poppy seeds 2 TBL
bread flour 2p cups anise seeds 2 tsp
active dry yeast 24 tsp active dry yeast 24 tsp
Program Program

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Pesto Bread Italian Herb Bread

Size of Loaf 2 pounds Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C 13 cups water 80°F/27°C p cup + 2 TBL 13 cups
prepared pesto 80°F/27°C 3 cup oil 4 tsp 3 TBL
salt 12 tsp sugar 1 TBL 2 TBL
sugar 2 TBL salt 1 tsp 1 tsp
whole wheat flour 14 cups dry milk 1 TBL 2 TBL
bread flour 3 cups bread flour 24 cups 43 cups
active dry yeast 2 tsp dried Italian seasoning 1 tsp 4 tsp
Program active dry yeast 14 tsp 12 tsp
Quick•Rise™ yeast 1 TBL
Insta Program Quick•Rise™ yeast 2 tsp 2p tsp
Insta Program

Dill Bread
Size of Loaf 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C p cup
cottage cheese 1 cup
oil 2 TBL
sugar 3 TBL
salt 12 tsp
dry milk 2 TBL
bread flour 44 cups
dried dill weed 1 TBL
dried minced onion 1 TBL
active dry yeast 12 tsp
Quick•Rise™ yeast 22 tsp
Insta Program

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Hearty Nut Bread Jalapeño Bread

Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C 1 cup 13 cups water 80°F/27°C 2 cup 1 cup + 1 TBL
oil 2 tsp 1 TBL oil 12 TBL 3 TBL
honey 3 TBL 3 cup whole kernel corn, 2 cup 1 cup
salt 1 tsp 2 tsp well drained
dry milk 1 TBL 2 TBL jalapeño peppers, 2 TBL 4 cup
whole wheat flour 1 cup 2 cups sliced - well drained
bread flour 13 cups 24 cups sugar 1 TBL 2 TBL
walnuts 2 cup l cup salt 2 tsp 12 tsp
active dry yeast 1p tsp 22 tsp bread flour 2 cups 4 cups
Program corn meal 3 cup l cup
cilantro, dried 1 tsp 2 TBL
active dry yeast 12 tsp 2 tsp
Quick•Rise™ yeast 2 tsp 1 TBL
Insta Program

Whole Wheat Bread Potato Bread

Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds Size of Loaf 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C p cups + 3 TBL 14 cups + 2 TBL water 80°F/27°C 14 cups
oil 2 TBL 3 TBL oil 3 TBL
salt 12 tsp 24 tsp salt 2 tsp
brown sugar 4 cup 4 cup + 2 TBL sugar 3 TBL
dry milk 2 TBL 3 TBL dry milk 3 TBL
whole wheat flour 2p cups 4 cups instant potato flakes 4 cup
active dry yeast 24 tsp 1 TBL bread flour 4 cups
Program active dry yeast 2 tsp
Quick•Rise™ yeast 1 TBL
Insta Program
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Corn Bread French Variation Bread

Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds
egg, room temp. + enough 1 2 water 80°F/27°C p cup + 2 TBL 12 cups
water 80°F/27°C to = p cup + 1 TBL 12 cups sugar 1 TBL 2 TBL
oil 2 TBL 4 cup salt 1 tsp 2 tsp
sugar 2 TBL 4 cup bread flour 24 cups 43 cups
salt 1 tsp 2 tsp active dry yeast 14 tsp 2 tsp
dry milk 4 cup 2 cup Program
bread flour 2 cups 4 cups
corn meal 4 cup 2 cup
active dry yeast 12 tsp 2 tsp

Double Chocolate Bread Caraway Rye Bread

Size of Loaf 2 pounds Size of Loaf 2 pounds
egg, room temp. + enough 1 water 80°F/27°C 1l cups
water 80ºF/27ºC to = 3/4 cup + 2 TBL oil 2 TBL
sour cream 80ºF/27ºC 2 cup molasses 4 cup
oil 1 TBL salt 2 tsp
salt 12 tsp dry milk 2 TBL
sugar 4 cup rye flour 12 cups
bread flour 4 cups whole wheat flour 2 cup
cocoa powder 3 TBL bread flour 3 cups
active dry yeast 22 tsp caraway seeds 2 TBL
Program active dry yeast 34 tsp
Add at beep
semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 cup

(Note: This is a very moist, dense bread.)

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Honey Oatmeal Bread White Wheat Bread

Size of Loaf 1 pound 1 /2 pounds
Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C 1 cup 12 cups water 80°F/27°C p cup 12 cups
oil 1 TBL 12 TBL oil 1 TBL 2 TBL
honey 4 cup 6 TBL salt 1 tsp 2 tsp
salt 1 tsp 12 tsp brown sugar 2 TBL 3 TBL
oatmeal, quick or regular 2 cup p cup dry milk 1 TBL 3 TBL
bread flour 24 cups 32 cups whole wheat flour 4 cup 2 cups
active dry yeast 1 tsp 12 tsp bread flour 1p cups 2 cups
Program active dry yeast 1 tsp 2 tsp

Sour Cream, Onion & Chives Bread Onion Rye Bread

Size of Loaf 2 pounds Size of Loaf 2 pounds
egg, room temp. + enough 1 water 80°F/27°C 14 cups
water 80°F/27°C to = 1 cup oil 12 TBL
sour cream 80°F/27°C p cup molasses 4 cup
oil 2 TBL salt 12 tsp
salt 24 tsp dry milk 2 TBL
sugar 2 TBL rye flour p cup
bread flour 4 cups whole wheat flour p cup
dehydrated onions 12 TBL bread flour 22 cups
chives, dried 2 TBL dehydrated onions 12 TBL
active dry yeast 24 tsp caraway seeds 4 tsp
Program active dry yeast 22 tsp
Quick•Rise™ yeast 34 tsp
Insta Program

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Tomato Herb Bread

Size of Loaf 2 pounds
water 80°F/27°C p cup + 1 TBL
oil 2 TBL
low sodium vegetable juice 80°F/27°C 2 cup
salt 14 tsp
sugar 2 TBL
dry milk 2 TBL
cilantro leaves, dried 2 tsp
oregano leaves, dried 1 tsp
garlic powder 1 tsp
bread flour 4 cups
sun dried tomatoes, snipped, 2 cup
unsalted and dried, not packed in oil
active dry yeast 2 tsp
Quick•Rise™ yeast 1 TBL
Insta Program

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Sourdough Starter Basic Recipe & Method

active dry yeast 24 tsp In a 4 quart glass container, dissolve yeast in water 110°F/43°C; let
water 110°F/43°C 2 cups stand 5 minutes, add flour and sugar. Stir with plastic or wooden spoon
bread flour 32 cups until blended. Mixture will be thick; remaining lumps will dissolve dur-
sugar 1 TBL ing fermentation process. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let stand
in warm place for 5 days, stirring 3 times a day. The starter will “rise
and fall” during the fermentation period and become thinner as it
Sourdough French Bread stands. A temperature of 80°-85°F/27°-30°C is best for the sour flavor
Size of Loaf 1 pound 2 pounds to develop. An ideal place to store starter is on the counter next to
water 80°F/27°C 2 cup + 1 TBL p cup + 2 TBL your range or refrigerator. When the starter is developed, it is bubbly
starter* p cup 14 cups and may have a yellow liquid layer on top; stir before using. It may be
sugar 2 tsp 4 tsp used for baking or placed in the refrigerator to use later, cover loosely.
salt 12 tsp 22 tsp
To use starter, measure the amount specified in the recipe. When refriger-
bread flour 24 cups 4 cups ated, let container of starter come to room temperature before measuring
active dry yeast 12 tsp 1 TBL – about 4 hours. If baking in the morning, leave the starter out overnight.
Replenish with 1 cup flour, l cup warm water 110°F/43°C and 1 tea-
*Only use starter recipe above. spoon sugar. Stir until blended; some lumps may remain. Cover loosely
and let stand in warm place for 10 to 12 hours or overnight. The starter
will rise and become bubbly. Stir, then place in refrigerator to store.
Stir in 1 teaspoon sugar to keep it active if the starter is not used
every week.

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Day Old Bread Uses

Breaded Pineapple Crunchy Bread Snacks
chunked pineapple 1 (15-oz) can bread, sliced 2 inch thick 8 slices
cornstarch 2 TBL butter, melted 4 cup
sugar 2 cup dry seasoning mix* 4 tsp
butter 4 cup
*Use any one of the following: dried spaghetti sauce seasoning, dry
white bread, 1 inch cubes 2 cups
ranch dressing, Italian herb seasoning, garlic powder or garlic salt.
Amounts may be adjusted to your taste.
Drain pineapple, reserve juice. Add enough water to juice to equal 1 Method
cup. Mix cornstarch and sugar, add juice and margarine and heat until
Melt butter and add seasoning. Place bread on baking sheet and lightly
thick. Pour over pineapple and bread, toss lightly to mix. Bake at
brush with butter mixture. Bake at 350°F/177°C for 10 - 15 minutes or
350°F/177°C for 35 minutes.
until brown. Allow to cool, breaking into bite size pieces.

Bread Pudding
bread, 1 inch cubes 12 cups
vanilla cook & serve pudding & pie filling 1 (3-oz) box
cinnamon 1 tsp
milk, liquid 2 cups

Mix all ingredients in a microwave-safe one quart casserole. Cook
uncovered in microwave on high for 7 minutes or until boiling – stir
occasionally during the last half of cooking. Or, bake in oven at
350°F/177°C for 30 minutes – stir halfway through cooking time. Serve
warm or cold.

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Fast Bake™ Breads White Bread

Size of Loaf 11/2 pound 2 pounds
The Fast Bake™ program, with hotter rise and bake temperatures, is 110°-115°F/43°-46°C 14 cups 12 cups + 3 TBL
convenient for baking a hot, fresh loaf of bread in under an hour. The oil 22 TBL 1/4 cup
longer bread programs, with lower rise and bake temperatures, will bake sugar 2 TBL 3 TBL
a taller, more developed loaf of bread. And remember, you can always salt 12 tsp 2 tsp
use the delay feature for the longer programs. dry milk 12 TBL 2 TBL
bread flour 3 cups 4 cups
As a result of the increased temperatures during the rise and bake
Quick•Rise™ yeast 52 tsp 6p tsp
process, the loaf of bread produced from this program may have a dark,
crisp crust with a split on the top side of the loaf.
We suggest starting your Fast Bake™ bread baking with this White Basic Recipe & Method
Bread Recipe. Follow each step carefully, noticing the water tempera-
tures must be 110°-115°F/43°-46°C and that Quick•Rise™, Rapid 1. Remove the bread pan from the bread maker. Attach the knead-
Rise™, Bread Machine or Instant Active Dry yeast must be used. ing blade onto the shaft. Have all ingredients ready. Make sure all
ingredients, except water, are at room temperature.
2. Use a liquid measuring cup to measure the water 110°-115°F/43°-
46°C and pour into the bread pan.
3. Use a measuring spoon to measure the oil and add to the bread
4. Use a measuring spoon to measure the sugar, salt and dry milk;
level off with the straight edge of a knife and add to the bread
5. Lightly spoon bread flour into a dry measuring cup; level off with
the straight edge of a knife and add to the bread pan.
6. Carefully measure Quick•Rise™ yeast with a measuring spoon;
level off with the straight edge of a knife and add to the bread
7. Place the bread pan into the bread maker. Close the lid.
8. Press the FAST BAKE™ button and press START.
9. At the beep during the kneading process (:53), check the dough
ball. It should be sticky to the touch. At this time, push down any
dough or flour that may be on the sides of the pan.

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10. When the beeper sounds the bread has finished baking.
11. Use oven mitts to carefully remove the bread pan. French Bread
Size of Loaf 2 pounds
CAUTION: The oven cavity, bread pan, kneading blade and bread water 110°-115°F/43° - 46°C 12 cups + 2 TBL
will be very hot. Use oven mitts. oil 3 TBL
sugar 12 TBL
12. Turn bread pan upside down and shake several times to release salt 12 tsp
the bread. Do not use metal utensils inside the bread pan or bread bread flour 43 cups
maker. Remove the kneading blade and allow loaf to cool, stand- Quick•Rise™ yeast 6 tsp
ing upright on wire rack approximately 20 minutes before cutting. Program
13. When the bread has completely cooled, approximately 1 hour,
store in an air tight container.
14. Unplug bread maker and allow to cool completely before clean-
ing. Clean bread pan after each use. Do not immerse the bread
pan in water (See cleaning instructions.) Clean inside of bread
maker after each use. Pepperoni Pizza Bread
(Note: The Basic Recipe & Method for the Fast Bake™ White Bread recipe Size of Loaf 2 pounds
are similar for all Fast Bake™ breads listed in the cookbook.) water 110°-115°F/43°-46°C 12 cups + 2 TBL
oil 3 TBL
pepperoni, thin sliced 1 cup
Parmesan cheese, grated 4 cup
sugar 12 TBL
salt 12 tsp
bread flour 43 cups
dried pizza seasoning 1 TBL
Quick•Rise™ yeast 6 tsp

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Cinnamon Raisin Nut Bread Potato Bread

Size of Loaf 11/2 pounds Size of Loaf 2 pounds
water 110°-115°F/43°- 46°C 14 cups + 1 TBL water 110°-115°F/43°-46°C 14 cups + 3 TBL
oil 7 tsp oil 3 TBL
brown sugar 32 TBL sugar 2 TBL
salt 12 tsp salt 2 tsp
dry milk 12 TBL dry milk 4 cup
bread flour 32 cups white pepper 4 tsp
cinnamon 1 tsp instant potato buds 2 cup
raisins 2 cup green onion tops, chopped 2 TBL
walnuts 2 cup bread flour 4 cups
Quick•Rise™ yeast 6p tsp Quick•Rise™ yeast 6p tsp
Program Program

Honey Granola Bread Italian Bread

Size of Loaf 2 pounds Size of Loaf 2 pounds
water 110°-115°F/43°-46°C 12 cups + 1 TBL water 110°-115°F/43°-46°C 12 cups + 1 TBL
oil 6 TBL oil 2 TBL
honey 22 TBL sugar 4 cup
salt 2 tsp salt 2 tsp
dry milk 3 TBL dry milk 2 TBL
bread flour 44 cups dried Italian seasoning 1 TBL
granola cereal 1 cup bread flour 4 cups
Quick•Rise™ yeast 6p tsp Quick•Rise™ yeast 6p tsp
Program Program

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White Wheat Bread Fat Free Bread

Size of Loaf 2 pounds Size of Loaf 2 pounds
water 110°-115°F/43° - 46°C 12 cups + 3 TBL water 80°F/27°C 12 cups
oil 3 TBL applesauce* 2 TBL
sugar 4 cup sugar 3 TBL
salt 2 tsp salt 2 tsp
dry milk 2 TBL dry milk 2 TBL
bread flour 32 cups bread flour 48 cups
whole wheat flour 2 cups Quick•Rise™ yeast 6p tsp
Quick•Rise™ yeast 6 tsp Program
*Any variety
(Note: Substituting applesauce for oil in other recipes may not produce good

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Dough...As Easy As 1-2-3
1. Add ingredients to the pan in the order listed. Refer to
page 4 for measuring information. Place the bread pan in the
bread machine.
2. Close the lid. Select the DOUGH setting. Press START.
3. Remove the dough from the bread pan when the bread machine
beeps eight times. Follow shaping and baking instructions.

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Helpful Hints for Dough

• If using delayed timer, make sure yeast is on top of flour, away from
Dinner Roll Dough
Yield 12 rolls 18 rolls 24 rolls
• If you allow the dough to remain in the bread machine after the cycle egg, room temp. + 1 1 1
is complete, it may over rise and damage the machine. enough water
Crust Treatments (use only with dough program) 80°F/27°C to = p cup 1 cup + 1 TBL 13 cups
oil 2 TBL 3 TBL 4 cup
Always allow optimum rising of shaped dough. Use a pastry brush to sugar 2 TBL 3 TBL 4 cup
apply glaze. Bake as directed.
salt 2 tsp 1 tsp 12 tsp
Egg Yolk Glaze — For a shiny golden crust, mix 1 slightly beaten egg or bread flour 2 cups 34 cups 4 cups
egg yolk with 1 TBL water or milk. active dry yeast 1 tsp 12 tsp 2 tsp
Egg White Glaze — For a shiny, chewy crust, mix 1 slightly beaten egg
white with 1 TBL water.
Lightly Floured
1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into pieces and shape.
Sprinkle enough flour onto work area so that the dough can be handled
2. Place on a greased baking sheet. Cover and let rise in a warm
without sticking.
place for 30 minutes or until double in size.
Shaping Rolls 3. Bake at 350°F/177°C for 15 - 25 minutes or until done.
Cloverleaf Rolls — Shape into 2-inch balls. Place 3 balls in each muf-
fin tin and let rise until double in size.
Crisscross Rolls — Shape into balls, setting two aside. Combine the
balls and roll into a 8-inch thick square. Cut strips 8-inch wide and 2
inches long. Place one strip across the top of each ball. Repeat this
process placing the second strip in the opposite direction across the top
of each ball.
Traditional Rolls — Shape into balls. For “pull apart” rolls, place
dough balls with sides touching. For “individual” rolls, place dough
balls 2 inches apart.

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Focaccia Bread Dough Method

Yield 1 loaf 1. With oiled hands, evenly press dough into a greased 9-inch x 13-
water 80°F/27°C 1 cup inch pan. Using your fingertips, make indentations in the dough.
olive oil 3 cup 2. Cover, let rise in a warm place for 20 minutes or until double in
sugar 2 tsp size. While the dough is rising, select the topping and prepare.
salt 1 tsp 3. In a skillet, heat oil.
bread flour 3 cups For Garlic-cheese topping — stir in oregano and garlic —
dried Italian seasoning 1 tsp immediately remove from heat.
active dry yeast 12 tsp For Greek topping — Stir in oregano and onions — cook
Program until onions are soft but not brown — approximately 5 minutes.
4. Spoon topping mixture evenly over dough. Sprinkle with
Garlic-cheese topping remaining ingredients.
olive oil 4 cup 5. Bake at 400°F/205°C for 20 minutes or until done.
dried oregano 12 tsp
garlic, finely minced 4 cup
Parmesan cheese, grated 3 cup
salt 4 tsp

Greek-style topping
olive oil 4 cup
dried oregano 12 tsp
onion, thinly sliced 1 cup
feta cheese, crumbled 3 cup
black olives, sliced, drained 4 cup
salt 4 tsp

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Wheat Dinner Roll Dough Buttermilk Roll Dough

Yield 12 rolls 18 rolls Yield 12 rolls 18 rolls
water 80°F/27°C p cup 12 cups cultured buttermilk 1 cup 12 cups
oil 1 TBL 2 TBL 80°F/27°C
brown sugar 2 TBL 4 cup oil 3 TBL 4 cup
salt 2 tsp 1 tsp honey 12 TBL 2 TBL
dry milk 1 TBL 2 TBL salt 1 tsp 12 tsp
bread flour 14 cups 22 cups bread flour p cup 14 cups
whole wheat flour 1 cup 2 cups whole wheat flour 13 cups 2 cups
active dry yeast 12 tsp 2 tsp wheat germ 3 cup 2 cup
Program baking soda 4 tsp 4 tsp
active dry yeast 1p tsp 2 tsp
Method Program

1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into pieces and shape. Brush on rolls
2. Place on greased baking sheet. Cover and let rise in a warm butter, melted 2 TBL 3 TBL
place for 30 minutes or until double in size.
3. Bake at 350°F/177°C for 25-30 minutes or until done.
1. Place on lightly floured surface. Divide into pieces and shape.
2. Place on a greased baking sheet. Cover and let rise in a warm
place for 30 minutes or until double in size. Brush with melted
3. Bake at 350°F/177°C for 15-20 minutes or until done.

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French Bread Dough Variations

Yield 1 loaf French Onion Bread: Add 4 cup dehydrated onion to dough recipe and
water 80°F/27°C 14 cups shape according to method.
sugar 1 TBL French Loaf: Instead of step #1, shape the dough into one large round
salt 1 tsp ball. Continue steps 2 and 3. Bake at 400°F/205°C 20 - 25 minutes or
bread flour 32 cups until done.
active dry yeast 1 TBL
Program (Tip: If desired, brush with glaze and sprinkle loaves, before baking, with
one of the following: sesame seeds, poppy seeds, caraway seeds or cracked
Glaze wheat.)
water 2 TBL French Roll: Instead of step #1, divide into 12 pieces. Pinch together
salt 2 tsp the ends of each roll and taper slightly. Continue steps 2 and 3. Bake
at 400°F/205°C for 15 - 20 minutes or until done.
1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Roll into a large rectangle.
Starting with the longest side, roll up tightly, pressing the seams French Twists (use French Bread Dough recipe)
to seal and tapering each end. Method
2. Place the loaf on a greased baking sheet, cover and let rise
in a warm place 40 minutes or until double in size. 1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into 18 equal pieces.
3. With a knife, cut three diagonal slashes across top of the loaf. Roll into 14 inch long ropes.
Combine the glaze ingredients and brush the loaf generously. 2. Fold each rope in half and twist, starting at fold.
Bake at 400°F/205°C for 20 - 25 minutes or until done. 3. Place on a greased baking sheet and brush with 3 cup of
melted butter. Cover and let rise in a warm place until
double in size.
4. Brush with glaze and bake at 400°F/205°C for 12 - 15 minutes or
until done.

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Cheesy Garlic Roll Dough Pita Pocket Dough

Yield 18 rolls 24 rolls Yield 20 pita pockets
egg, room temp. + enough 1 1 water 80°F/27°C 13 cups
water 80°F/27°C to = 1 cup 13 cups olive oil 8 tsp
oil 2 TBL 3 TBL sugar 4 tsp
sugar 3 cup 2 cup salt 14 tsp
salt 1 tsp 12 tsp bread flour 2 cups
bread flour 32 cups 42 cups whole wheat flour 13 cups
active dry yeast 12 tsp 2 tsp active dry yeast 22 tsp
Program Program

Parmesan cheese, grated 2 cup l cup
garlic, finely minced 12 TBL 2 TBL 1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into 10 pieces. Shape
butter, melted 3 TBL 4 cup each piece into a smooth ball.
2. Place 5 balls on a large baking sheet. Place the remaining five
balls on another baking sheet. Let rise about 20 minutes. With
Method fingertips flatten each ball into a 6 inch circle.
1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into pieces and shape. 3. Bake at 500°F/260°C for 5 minutes or until puffed and tops
2. Combine cheese and garlic. Dip pieces in melted butter and then begin to brown.
in cheese-garlic mixture. Place in greased 9-inch x 13-inch 4. Cut each in half to form 2 pockets.
baking dish. Cover and let rise in a warm place
1 hour or until double in size.
3. Bake at 325°F/163°C for 35-40 minutes or until done.

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Refreshing Roll Dough Challah Braid Dough

Yield 12 rolls 18 rolls Yield regular large
egg, room temp. + enough 1 1 egg, room temp. + enough 1 1
water 80°F/27°C to = 1 cup 12 cups water 80°F/27°C to = p cup 1 cup + 1 TBL
butter 4 cup 3 cup oil 2 TBL 3 TBL
brown sugar 3 cup 2 cup sugar 12 TBL 2 TBL
salt 1 tsp 12 tsp salt 1 tsp 12 tsp
bread flour 32 cups 42 cups bread flour 2 cups 34 cups
active dry yeast 12 tsp` 2 tsp active dry yeast 1 tsp 12 tsp
Program Program

Topping Glaze
butter, melted 2 cup p cup egg yolk, beaten 1 1
orange peel, grated 2 TBL 4 cup water 1 TBL 1 TBL
sugar 2 cup p cup
Method poppy seeds 1 tsp 1 TBL

1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into pieces and shape.

2. Mix together topping ingredients, dip pieces in mixture,
coating well. 1. Place dough on a lightly floured surface. Divide into thirds, mak-
3. Place in greased 9-inch x 13-inch baking dish, cover and let rise ing 3 (10-inch regular, 13-inch large) ropes with tapered ends.
in a warm place 1 hour or until double in size. Pinch ropes together at one end, braid together. Pinch together at
4. Bake at 350°F/177°C for 20-30 minutes or until done. Serve other end and secure braid.
warm. 2. Transfer braided dough to greased baking sheet; cover and
let rise in a warm place 1 hour or until double in size.
3. Combine glaze ingredients and brush onto braid. Sprinkle with
poppy seeds and bake at 375°F/190°C for 25 minutes or until

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Pretzel Dough Pizza Crust Dough

Yield 16 pretzels Yield 1 thick or 2 thin 2 thick or 4 thin
water 80°F/27°C 14 cups water 80°F/27°C p cup 1l cups
egg yolk, room temperature* 1 oil 1 TBL 2 TBL
oil 1 TBL sugar 1 TBL 2 TBL
sugar 2 TBL salt 2 tsp 1 tsp
salt 1 tsp dry milk 1 TBL 2 TBL
white pepper 8 tsp bread flour 24 cups 42 cups
bread flour 32 cups active dry yeast 1 tsp 2 tsp
active dry yeast 1 TBL Program
*Reserve egg white for glaze. Method
Glaze 1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide and press onto a
egg white 1 12-inch pizza pan, raising edges.
water 1 TBL 2. Spread pizza sauce over the dough and sprinkle with toppings.
3. Bake 425°F/218°C for 20 minutes or until crust is golden
Toppings (optional) brown around edges.
kosher salt, sesame seeds

1. On a lightly floured surface cut dough into pieces. Roll each piece
into a 16-inch rope. Cross the ends of the rope to make a loop;
twist the crossed ends once and fold across the loop.
2. Place on a greased baking sheet 12 inches apart. Brush with glaze
and sprinkle with topping (optional). Bake at 375°F/190°C for
15-20 minutes or until done.

Pepperoni Pretzel: Add 1 cup sliced pepperoni and 2 tablespoons
Parmesan cheese to dough ingredients. Follow method for completion.

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Banana Wheat Bagel Dough Bagel Dough

Yield 12 bagels Yield 8 bagels
egg, room temp. + enough 1 water 80°F/27°C 1 cup
water 80°F/27°C to = 1 cup sugar 12 TBL
oil 2 TBL salt 1 tsp
honey 1 TBL bread flour 3 cups
salt 12 tsp active dry yeast 24 tsp
banana, mashed 2 cup Program
whole wheat flour 22 cups
bread flour 1 cup Glaze
active dry yeast 24 tsp egg, beaten 1
Toppings (optional)
Glaze sesame seeds, poppy seeds, cracked wheat dry cereal or dehydrated
egg white, beaten 1 onions
water 1 TBL
Toppings (optional)
poppy seeds, sesame seeds 1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into pieces. Roll each
into a smooth ball, making a hole in the center of each with
thumbs. Gently pull to make a one inch hole.
Method 2. Place on a greased baking sheet. Cover and let rise in a warm
1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into pieces. Roll each place for 1 hour or until double in size.
into a smooth ball, making a hole in the center of each with 3. In a 3-quart saucepan, bring to a boil 2 quarts water and 2 table-
thumbs. Gently pull to make a one inch hole. spoons sugar. Place a few bagels at a time in boiling water.
2. Place on a greased baking sheet. Cover and let rise in a Simmer 3 minutes, turning once. Remove with slotted spoon and
warm place for 1 hour or until double in size. put back on greased baking sheet.
3. In a 3-quart saucepan, bring to a boil 2 quarts water and 2 4. Brush with egg and sprinkle with choice of toppings. Bake at
tablespoons sugar. Place a few bagels at a time in boiling 400°F/204°C for 20-25 minutes or until done; cool on a wire rack.
water. Simmer 3 minutes turning once. Remove with slotted
spoon and put back on greased baking sheet.
4. Brush with egg white and sprinkle with choice of toppings.
Bake at 400°F/204°C for 20-25 minutes or until done; cool
on a wire rack.
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Almond Cherry Coffee Cake Dough Method

Yield 1 coffee cake 1. Place on a lightly floured surface. Roll into a 15-inch x 10-inch rec-
water 80°F/27°C 1 cup tangle. Spread filling over dough within 2-inch of edges. Starting
oil 1 TBL with longest side, roll dough up tightly, pressing edges to seal.
sugar 12 TBL 2. Place roll, seam-side down, on a greased baking sheet and join the
salt p tsp ends to form a ring; pinch to seal. With a knife, make cuts 12
dry milk 1 TBL inches apart from the outside edge to within one inch of the
bread flour 34 cups inside edge. Turn each section on its side so filling shows.
active dry yeast 12 tsp 3. Cover and let rise in a warm place 1 hour or until almost double
Program in size.
4. Uncover and bake at 375°F/190°C for 20-25 minutes or until
5. Combine the first three glaze ingredients, adding only enough
cream cheese, room temperature 8 oz
milk for drizzling consistency. Drizzle over the warm coffee cake.
sugar 2 TBL
Decorate with almonds and cherries. Serve warm.
maraschino cherries, chopped 2 cup
milk, liquid 1 TBL
almond extract 2 tsp

powdered sugar 2 cup
sour cream 1 TBL
milk, liquid 1-2 TBL
almonds, sliced 2 TBL
cherries 2 TBL

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Cinnamon Roll Dough Whole Wheat Pizza Crust Dough

Yield 16 rolls Yield 2 thin crusts
egg, room temp. + enough 1 water 80°F/27°C 1 cup
water 80°F/27°C to = 1 cup oil 2 TBL
oil 3 TBL sugar 1 TBL
sugar 3 cup salt 1 tsp
salt 1 tsp whole wheat flour 1 cup
bread flour 32 cups bread flour 12 cups
active dry yeast 12 tsp active dry yeast 24 tsp
Program Program

Filling Method
butter, softened 3 cup
sugar 4 cup 1. (Sprinkle each pan with 1 tablespoon of cornmeal if desired.)
cinnamon 2 TBL Place dough on a lightly floured surface. Divide in half and press
walnuts, finely chopped 4 cup onto a 12-inch pizza pan, raising edges. Generously prick dough
raisins 4 cup with a fork. For one 12-inch thick crust, do not divide.
2. Bake 400°F/205°C for 10-12 minutes or until edges of crust begin
Glaze to turn a light golden brown. Remove, add toppings and return to
powdered sugar 2 cup oven to bake an additional 15-20 minutes.
milk, liquid 3 TBL
vanilla extract 2 tsp

1. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough into a 12-inch x 6-inch rec-
tangle and spread with butter. Combine remaining filling ingredi-
ents and sprinkle over butter. Roll up tightly, jelly-roll style,
starting with the longest side, and cutting into 1-inch slices.
2. Place in greased baking pan about 2-inch apart and let stand in a
warm place for 1 hour or until double in size.
3. Bake at 350°F/177°C for 25-30 minutes or until done.
4. Mix glaze ingredients until smooth and drizzle over top.
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Sticky Breakfast Bun Dough Pie Crust Dough

Yield 12 buns Yield 2 crusts
egg, room temp. + enough 1 water 80°F/27°C 2 cup
water 80°F/27°C to = 1 cup + 2 TBL shortening 1 cup
oil 4 cup salt 4 tsp
sugar 3 cup all-purpose flour* 24 cups
salt 1 tsp Program
bread flour 32 cups
*For best results, all-purpose flour must be used.
active dry yeast 12 tsp
Filling 1. Start dough program, allow to mix 6 - 10 minutes or until thor-
butter, softened 2 cup oughly blended. Press STOP button to cancel program when dis-
sugar 3 cup play reads :53.
cinnamon 1 TBL 2. Divide in half.
pecans, chopped 2 cup 3. Place half of dough into pie pan.
4. Using fingertips, spread dough evenly onto bottom and sides
Topping of pie dish. Repeat for second crust or roll out on a lightly
butter, melted p cup floured surface to put on top of pie. Prick bottom with fork.
brown sugar p cup 5. Bake at 425°F/218°C for 20 minutes or until done.

1. On a lightly floured surface roll into a 12-inch x 16-inch rectan-
gle and spread with butter. Combine remaining filling ingredients
and sprinkle over dough. Roll up tightly, jelly-roll style, starting
with the longest side, and cut into one inch slices.
2. Combine topping mixture and spread into a 13-inch x 9-inch
baking dish. Place slices on mixture and let rise in a warm place
for 1 hour or until double in size.
3. Bake at 350°F/177°C for 35 minutes or until done. Invert onto a
heat-proof tray.

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Butter...As Easy As 1-2-3
Although the old-fashioned churning method used to require a lot of
time and elbow grease, making butter in your Breadman™ Corner
Bakery Bread & Dessert Maker is now as easy as 1-2-3. Make the butter
first, add the additional ingredients, cover tightly and store in the refrig-
erator. This will allow the additional ingredients to enhance the flavor
of the butter while your bread is baking.
A small amount of butter will be left in the bread pan. If making bread
right away, it is not necessary to wash the interior of the bread pan. The
bread dough will absorb the butter during the knead or bake process. Do
not immerse the pan; refer to cleaning instructions. Hand wash the lid
with mild soap and water and dry thoroughly.

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Helpful Hints for Butter

Basic Recipe & Method Tips Using Buttermilk

1. Make sure your bread machine and pan • Heavy whipping cream or heavy Buttermilk is the liquid left after churning but-
are at room temperature. Attach the cream will produce the most butter. ter. Most of the fat goes into the butter, not
kneading blade onto the shaft of the Light whipping cream and whipping the milk. It may be used in any recipe calling
pan. Pour in 1 cup (236 ml) of cold, cream (30-36% butter fat) will churn for milk such as shakes, soups, sauces, pancakes
heavy whipping cream or heavy cream into a smaller amount of butter and or waffles. Refrigerate until ready to use.
(containing at least 36% butter fat or 5 you may have to repeat part of the
If you want to use this buttermilk to increase
grams of fat per tablespoon). Place lid on butter program. Stop the program
calcium and protein in a bread recipe, it may be
pan. Insert pan into bread machine and when butter chunks are formed. Half
substituted for any or all of the water. The bread
close lid. and half or other lower-fat dairy
will be shorter and more dense. The buttermilk
2. Select butter program, press START. products without the words
should be scalded before using, to improve its
Halfway through the cycle, the mixture “whipping” or “cream” in the name
baking quality. Pour into sauce pan and heat to
may resemble whipped cream and then will not churn into butter.
200°F/94°C, then allow to cool to 80°F/27°C.
begin to separate. The bread machine • The average refrigerated life of salted
will beep when the cycle is complete. or unsalted butter is several weeks; up Today’s buttermilk sold in grocery stores is a cul-
3. Pour off buttermilk and save (see Using to nine months if frozen. tured product rather than a by-product of churn-
Buttermilk). To rinse butter, remove lid • All butter is made from fresh sweet ing cream into butter. Cultured buttermilk is
and add 1 cup cold water, replace lid and cream. The choice of salted or unsalted made from fresh low-fat or skim milk with the
drain water into sink. Repeat. This will butter is a matter of personal preference, addition of nonfat dry milk solids, salts and
rinse off any remaining buttermilk and but many cooks prefer unsalted butter for other ingredients. It also has a special bacterial
assist in hardening the butter. Remove baking. For salted butter, add 4 teaspoon culture added which produces the characteristi-
butter with a rubber spatula. Yields salt to 2 cup butter. cally tart flavor. There is a cultured Buttermilk
approximately 2 cup. Flavor before Bread recipe in the bread recipe section.

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Flavored Butters Feta Cheese Butter

butter 2 cup
To make “flavored butters,” prepare plain butter as directed. Place but- feta cheese, crumbled 12-oz
ter into a deep bowl and beat in ingredients with a electric mixer until Worcestershire sauce 2 tsp
well blended. Serve with fish, meat, poultry, vegetables, bagels, crackers
or bread.
Special thanks to the following organizations for their assistance: Cheesy Olive Butter
butter 2 cup
American Dairy Association®, St. Louis District Dairy Council® and onion, minced 1 tsp
Mid-American Dairymen Incorporated®. Cheddar cheese, shredded 2 cup
stuffed green olives, chopped p cup
Cheese Butters
butter 2 cup Fresh Herb Butters
dried Italian herb seasoning p tsp
Basil Garlic Butter
garlic powder 2 tsp
butter 2 cup
pepper 2 tsp
fresh basil, chopped OR 2 tsp
Cheddar cheese, shredded 1 cup
dried basil 2 tsp
lemon juice p tsp
garlic powder 8 tsp
ground black pepper 8 tsp
salt 4 tsp
Bleu Cheese Butter
butter 2 cup
bleu cheese, crumbled 12-oz
Basil Spinach Butter
Worcestershire sauce 2 tsp
butter 2 cup
fresh basil, finely chopped 2 TBL
fresh spinach, finely chopped 2 TBL
ground black pepper 4 tsp
garlic powder 4 tsp
salt 4 tsp

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Spicy Lemon Chive Butter Lemon Oregano Butter

butter 2 cup butter 2 cup
fresh chives, minced OR 2 TBL lemon juice 4 cup
dried chives 2 TBL fresh oregano, chopped OR 2 TBL
fresh parsley, minced OR 2 TBL dried oregano 1 tsp
dried parsley 12 tsp salt 2 tsp
lemon juice 2 tsp ground black pepper 8 tsp
ground red pepper 8 tsp
salt 4 tsp
Cilantro Butter
butter 2 cup
Rosemary Butter fresh cilantro, chopped 2 TBL
butter 2 cup salt 4 tsp
fresh rosemary, chopped OR 12 TBL
dried rosemary 4 tsp
fresh thyme, chopped OR 12 TBL Lemon Dill Butter
dried thyme 12 tsp butter 2 cup
salt 8 tsp fresh dill, chopped OR 2 TBL
dried dill 2 tsp
lemon juice 1 tsp
Garlic Sage Butter
butter 2 cup
fresh sage, chopped 1 TBL
garlic cloves, minced OR 2 Lg
dried minced garlic 4 tsp
salt 4 tsp

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Breakfast Flavor Butters Cinnamon Butter

butter 2 cup
Orange Marmalade Butter sugar 1 tsp
butter 2 cup cinnamon 4 tsp
orange marmalade 3 TBL

Honey Butter
Maple Butter butter 2 cup
butter 2 cup honey 4 cup
pure maple syrup 4 cup

Strawberry Butter
Praline Butter butter 2 cup
butter 2 cup strawberry jam 3 TBL
pecans, finely chopped 2 TBL
maple extract 8 tsp
brown sugar 2 TBL Apple Butter
vanilla 4 tsp butter 2 cup
cinnamon 4 tsp
honey or molasses 1 tsp
Lemon Walnut Butter nutmeg 4 tsp
butter 2 cup applesauce 2 TBL
lemon juice 1 tsp
lemon peel, grated 2 tsp
walnuts, chopped 2 TBL Apple Spice Butter
sugar 1 tsp butter 2 cup
apple pie spice 4 tsp
powdered sugar 4 tsp

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Full Flavor Butters Red Bell Pepper Butter

butter 2 cup
Garlic Butter
red bell pepper, chopped 1
butter 2 cup
lemon juice 12 TBL
garlic salt 4 tsp
dried tarragon 2 tsp
garlic powder 4 tsp
dried thyme 4 tsp
salt 8 tsp
ground white pepper 8 tsp
Onion Butter
butter 2 cup
onion salt 2 tsp
Lime Butter
onion powder 2 tsp
butter 2 cup
lime juice 2 tsp
lime peel, grated 1 tsp
Jalapeño Butter
butter 2 cup
jalapeño peppers, 2 TBL
Lemon Butter
chopped and drained
butter 2 cup
lemon juice 1 tsp
lemon juice 2 tsp
lemon peel, grated 1 tsp
Beer Butter
butter 2 cup
beer 2 cup
seasoned salt 4 tsp

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Helpful Hints for All Desserts

Be sure to carefully read the Use and Care serrated knife and start on the outer edge, work- In addition, the majority of these recipes con-
Guide, as well as the hints at the beginning of ing your way towards the center. Cheesecakes tain perishable ingredients which could spoil if
each of the different recipe sections. The first need to be chilled before cutting; use a thin, the delay timer is used.
recipe in each section also includes “step by sharp knife, warmed first with hot water. Do not
Loosening Your Cake
step” instructions to get you started. use water to warm the knife when cutting
chocolate — it will discolor the cheesecake. Use oven mitts to remove the pan from the
These recipes have been specifically formu- The puddings will yield eight generous servings, machine, and then use a thin plastic or rubber
lated for your Corner Bakery® Bread & Dessert pie fillings will fill a 8-inch to 9-inch pie dish, spatula to gently loosen the cake from the
Maker. Do not increase or decrease the size of and the candy will fill a 9-inch x 13-inch pan. sides of the pan. Since this is the most likely
the recipe. If you increase the recipe, it may
The toppings for these desserts are not made in time for the dessert to crumble, be careful.
not bake thoroughly or may overflow into the
inner case. If you decrease the size, it may not the Bread & Dessert Maker. They should be pre- Loosening Your Cheesecake
mix and will over cook. Do not be alarmed pared following the instructions with the recipe.
Allow a cheesecake to remain in the Bread &
that the desserts do not fill up the whole pan At 1:48 remaining, the bread machine will Dessert Maker for 1 hour after the program has
like your loaf of bread. The moist, dense cakes beep twice. At this time, to assist the machine finished in order to firm it up. Use oven mitts
will range from 3 inches to 5 inches tall with a in picking up unmixed ingredients adhering to to remove the pan from the machine. Using a
pound cake-like texture. Refer to the Use and the pan, use a plastic or rubber spatula and plastic or rubber spatula, gently loosen the
Care Guide for general measuring instructions. push down along the sides and bottom corners cheesecake from the sides of the pan. Allow to
Make plans several hours ahead to make your of the pan. Be careful to stay around the outer cool in pan on a heat-resistant surface for 1
dessert for your meal — especially if you want edges of the pan because the kneading blade hour. Place the pan with cheesecake in the
cheesecake — so you will have your pan free will continue to turn during this time. refrigerator for 5 hours to allow it to firm up.
for a fresh loaf of bread. After cooking your At 1:20 remaining, the bread machine will Remove from the refrigerator, gently loosen
dessert, allow your machine to cool down 30 beep 4 times. Some recipes have additional the cheesecake from the sides and turn upside
minutes before making bread. ingredients to be added at this time. The spe- down to remove.
Cakes will yield 8 - 10 servings each depending cial instructions to prepare them are listed
how they are cut. They may be cut into pie- below the ingredients, follow them closely for
shaped pieces, cut into thirds sideways and best results.
lengthwise, or cut down the middle and sliced The dessert program cannot be delayed. For a
into 1-inch thick pieces. For regular cakes, use a successful dessert, stirring at 1:48 is essential.

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Dessert Ingredients Cream Cheese: Use regular cream cheese stores. It should be packed down when measur-
because it has a lower water content than low ing. In some cases this has been used instead of
All-Purpose Flour: All-purpose flour is best for
fat or no-fat cream cheese. This, combined eggs because eggs will curdle in a pie filling or
general baking needs. It is a blend of wheat
with a higher fat content, produces a creamier pudding during the cooking process. Egg
which is lower in protein content than bread
texture. Do not substitute Neufchâtel, cottage Replacer is not the same as a liquid egg substi-
flour, and it is perfect for desserts. Bread flour
cheese or ricotta cheese. To soften the cream tute - it does not contain any egg product (yolk
is not recommended because it will result in a
cheese, remove the foil and place on a or white). If you are unable to purchase this
tough cake.
microwave-safe plate. Microwave on high 12 - product locally, you may call Ener-G Foods, Inc.
Butter or Margarine: Real butter has a wonder- 2 minutes, mixing with a fork every 30 seconds at (800) 331-5222 for more information.
fully rich flavor that margarine will never until smooth, add to pan. Do not freeze cream
Leavening Agents: Baking powder and baking
match. Nevertheless, in all of these recipes, cheese - the texture becomes crumbly after
soda are both leavening agents that help batter
margarine can be substituted for butter. Do not thawing, thus resulting in a grainy feel and
rise, resulting in a lighter dessert. Some recipes
use reduced fat or fat-free products. appearance.
call for both.
Chocolate Chips and Almond Bark: Using Eggs: Eggs in the shell may be placed in warm
Liquids: The water, milk or any other liquid
real chocolate chips is recommended because water for 15 minutes to bring to room temper-
called for in these recipes must be at 80°F/27°C,
the taste and texture is less wax-like. Do not ature. Since Large eggs were used when creat-
similar to baby bottle temperature. Use a
substitute one type of chocolate for another in ing all of these recipes, you must do so also to
microwave to warm.
the dessert recipes and do not use reduced fat achieve good results. Do not use the Egg
or no-fat chocolate. Replacer called for in the pie fillings/puddings Nuts: Nuts are interchangeable in all recipes -
in any other dessert recipes. Do not substitute almonds, walnuts or pecans, you decide! You
To melt chocolate chips or flavored almond
eggs for Egg Replacer in the pie fillings or pud- may substitute in equal amounts in any dessert
bark, a microwave works well. Start the
dings because real eggs will curdle in these recipe. Almonds are used frequently in the
process with dry equipment, as water will
recipes. The only pie filling/pudding recipe dessert recipes listed here. Toasting them
cause chocolate to stiffen. To melt in a
that calls for real eggs is the Lemon Pie Filling. brings out the flavor and crunch that people
microwave oven, place in a microwave-safe
Because of the special steps involved in this like and is surprisingly easy to do. Place the
bowl. Using high power, set the microwave for
pie, the eggs do not curdle. Do not use liquid almonds evenly on a cookie sheet or baking
20 seconds at a time, stirring after each 20 sec-
egg substitute such as Egg Beaters® in any pan and bake for 8-10 minutes at 350°F/177°C,
ond interval until melted.
dessert recipe. stirring occasionally. For the microwave, place
In the vanilla fudge recipe, other flavors of the almonds evenly on a glass pie plate and
Egg Replacer: Egg Replacer is a powdered culi-
almond bark such as butterscotch may be cook 5-7 minutes on high, stirring every
nary substitute for eggs found in the health
substituted. minute until crisp. When cooking almonds in
food section of most grocery or health food
the microwave, they will not brown like those

TR888_Cookbook_4-4-03 4/4/03 8:09 PM Page 45

toasted in the oven but will still be crunchy the total flavoring amount in any recipe.
and have a toasted flavor. Alteration of liquids will result in an over-
baked or under-cooked dessert.
Prepackaged Puddings: Some recipes call for
boxed pudding mix. Although there is a speci- Sugar: Use granulated sugar unless otherwise
fied weight amount beside the measurement, directed. When brown sugar is called for, pack
as long as the brand you use is approximately it down when measuring.
the same, it will work.
Whipped Toppings: Recipes listed here always
Real Extracts and Artificial/Imitation use powdered whipped topping mix, which is
Flavorings: Real extracts are made by dissolv- designed to be mixed with liquids. It comes in
ing the essential oils of ingredients, such as different sizes depending on the brand and is
almonds, oranges, lemons and vanilla beans, found in the gelatin section of your favorite
in an alcohol base. Real extract has a stronger, grocery store. The sizes range from 1.3 to 1.75
richer and more desirable taste than ounces; it makes no difference which you
artificial/imitation flavoring. If you are out of a choose. Do not use frozen whipped toppings
real extract and do not want to make a special because they tend to run after thawing and
trip to the store, substitute an artificial/imita- when mixed with other ingredients.
tion flavoring or vanilla in its place in equal
amounts. Do not omit, decrease or increase

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High Altitude Adjustments At 6,000-6,500 feet, the following adjustments are recommended if
these ingredients are in the recipe:
You may have to make adjustments in the scratch cake recipes if you
live above 3,000 feet. Try smaller amounts first, then make any neces- increase water or milk 1 TBL
sary adjustment the next time you bake. Use these guidelines only if decrease baking powder 4 tsp
these ingredients are in the recipe. Cheesecakes, fillings, puddings and decrease sugar 2 TBL
candy need no adjustments at any altitude unless indicated below each baking soda may require a slight reduction
If the recipe calls for a one layer Jiffy® cake mix, follow the high alti-
tude directions listed on the mix.
increase water or milk 1-4 TBL
decrease baking powder 8-4 tsp
decrease sugar 1-3 TBL
baking soda may require a slight reduction

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Cake...As Easy As 1-2-3
1. Add ingredients to the pan in the order listed. Place the pan
in the machine.
2. Close the lid. Select the DESSERT setting. Press START. When
the bread machine beeps, stir and add ingredients according to
recipe directions.
3. When program is complete, immediately remove pan from the
machine using oven mitts. Using a rubber spatula, loosen the cake
from the sides of the pan. Turn pan upside down and shake in an
up-and-down motion to release the cake. Allow to cool on a cool-
ing rack until ready to frost.

These recipes were developed at sea level. If you live at high altitude,
adjustments may be necessary. The finished cake may be slightly shorter
than the average 3 to 5 inches.

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Helpful Hints for Cakes

Cake Mixes Angel Food Cake Variation
A one layer Jiffy cake mix will mix and bake perfectly on the dessert
For a real variety of flavors, add 1 package of your favorite flavor of
cycle. When preparing, use warm water (80°F/27°C) even though the Kool-Aid® (no sugar added). Dissolve Kool-Aid® in water called for in
mix directions call for cold water. Add other ingredients per package the cake mix and add to pan. Then add cake mix. No other recipe
directions. Jiffy® cake mix is called for in some of these recipes. Do not alterations are necessary.
bake half of a regular cake by itself or, substitute half of a regular cake
Storing and Freezing
for a Jiffy® cake mix in these recipes.
Store your cake in an airtight container. Cakes with perishable frostings
Angel Food Cake Mixes
or toppings, such as carrot cake with a cream cheese frosting, should be
If you would like to prepare a boxed, one-step angel food cake mix, stored in the refrigerator. It is best to freeze cakes unfrosted.
pour the water per package directions into the pan and add the entire
Layered Cakes
box of mix. Then follow these simple instructions: Start machine with-
out pan inside. At the stir beep (1:48), without stopping the machine, To make a layered cake, insert toothpicks halfway up each side of the
place the pan securely into the machine. Neither a two-step recipe nor cake to guide for straight cutting. Use a long, sharp knife to slice
a swirl angel food cake will work using this program. When dessert pro- through the layer. This will require more frosting, so you will need to
gram is complete, remove pan and rest it on its side until cake is cooled make 12 times the amount called for in the recipe below each cake.
completely (approximately 2 hours). Spread about 3 of the frosting over the first layer. Place second layer
on top and use the remaining frosting to cover sides and top of cake.

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Carrot Cake 5. Use a dry measuring cup to measure sugar and level off with
the straight edge of a knife. Add to pan.
eggs, room temperature 2 Lg 6. Spoon flour into a dry measuring cup and level off with the
oil 4 cup straight edge of a knife. Add to pan.
carrots, uncooked, grated 1 cup 7. Use a measuring spoon to measure the baking powder and baking
orange extract 1 tsp soda; level off with a straight edge of a knife and add to the pan.
salt 1/8 tsp 8. Place the pan into the machine and close the lid. Select
cinnamon 1 tsp DESSERT. Press START.
sugar p cup 9. When the bread machine beeps twice (1:48), the cake should be
all-purpose flour p cup + 2 TBL stirred. Using a plastic or rubber spatula, scrape down the sides to
baking powder 2 tsp the bottom of the pan. The kneading blade will continue to turn.
baking soda 2 tsp The bread machine will beep again at 1:20. For this recipe no fur-
Program ther steps are necessary.
10. When the bread machine beeps an additional 8 times, the bake
Frosting cycle is complete. The display will read End.
cream cheese, softened 3-oz 11. Use oven mitts to carefully remove the pan and place on a flat
butter, softened 3 TBL heat-resistant surface. Use a thin, rubber or plastic spatula and
orange extract 1 tsp gently loosen the cake from the sides of the pan.
powdered sugar 12 cups 12. Using oven mitts, carefully turn pan upside down and shake in an
pecans, chopped 4 cup up-and-down motion to release the cake. Remove kneading blade
from bottom of cake if necessary.
13. Prepare frosting by blending cream cheese, butter and orange
Basic Recipe & Method extract in a bowl with an electric mixer until creamy. Stir in pow-
dered sugar and pecans until well-blended. Frost cake. Store in
1. Remove the pan from the machine. Attach the kneading blade refrigerator.
onto the shaft. Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature. 14. Unplug unit before cleaning. Clean pan after each use. Do not
Eggs in the shell may be placed in a bowl of warm water for 15 immerse the pan in water (see cleaning instructions). Clean
minutes to bring to room temperature. Add warm eggs to pan. inside of machine after each use with a damp cloth.
2. Use a measuring cup to measure oil. Add to pan.
3. Measure grated (not chopped) carrots with a dry measuring (Note: The Basic Recipe & Method for the Carrot Cake recipe are similar
cup — do not pack. Place in the pan. for all cakes listed in the cookbook.)
4. Use a measuring spoon to measure the orange extract, salt and cinna-
mon; level off with a straight edge of a knife and add to the pan.

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Chocolate Pudding Cake Strawberry Pound Cake

egg, room temp. + enough 1 Lg egg, room temperature 1 Lg
milk 80°F/27°C to = l cup canned strawberry pie filling p cup
butter, melted 1 TBL Jiffy® one layer white cake mix 1
chocolate cook & serve Program
pudding & pie filling mix 4 cup
Jiffy® one layer Devil’s Food cake mix 1 pkg Frosting
Program canned strawberry pie filling 2 TBL
butter, softened 3 TBL
Topping Blend together with electric mixer until creamy.
chocolate cook & serve
pudding & pie filling mix 4 cup powdered sugar 12 cups
milk p cup Stir in and frost cake.
powdered sugar 1 cup
Boil and cook until thick. Frost cake.

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Chocolate Fudge Cake Poppy Seed Pound Cake

eggs, room temperature 2 Lg eggs, room temp + enough 1 Lg egg + 1 Lg yolk
water 80°F/27°C l cup milk 80 °F/27°C to = p cup
oil 3 cup oil 3 cup
vanilla extract 2 tsp butter extract 12 tsp
all-purpose flour 1 cup almond extract 12 tsp
cocoa powder 3 cup orange extract 12 tsp
instant coffee granules 12 TBL all-purpose flour 12 cups
salt 4 tsp salt 2 tsp
sugar 1 cup sugar p cup + 2 TBL
baking powder p tsp poppy seeds 12 TBL
baking soda p tsp baking powder 1 tsp
Program Program
Place warm cake in dish with sides. Immediately prepare glaze.
milk chocolate chips 1 cup Glaze
sour cream 3 cup frozen concentrated 4 cup
Melt together. Cool and spread over cake. Store in refrigerator. orange juice, thawed*
sugar 2 cup
Heat until sugar dissolves.
butter flavoring 12 tsp
almond extract 12 tsp
orange extract 1 tsp
Remove from heat and stir in. Allow to cool 15 minutes. Poke holes in
top of warm cake with a toothpick and pour glaze over top.
*Frozen concentrated lemonade, thawed, may be substituted.

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Pound Cake Hummingbird Cake

egg, room temp. + enough 1 Lg eggs, room temperature 2 Lg
milk 80°F/27°C to = l cup oil 4 cup
butter, melted 1 TBL banana, mashed 4 cup
vanilla extract 1 tsp pineapple, crushed, well drained 2 TBL
vanilla cook & serve 4 cup pineapple extract 2 tsp
pudding & pie filling vanilla extract 1 tsp
Jiffy® one layer yellow cake mix 1 pkg all-purpose flour 14 cups
Program salt 4 tsp
sugar l cup
Frosting cinnamon 1 tsp
vanilla cook & serve 4 cup pecans, chopped 4 cup
pudding & pie filling baking powder p tsp
milk p cup baking soda p tsp
powdered sugar 1 cup Program
Boil and cook until thick.
lemon extract 12 tsp
cream cheese, softened 3-oz
yellow food coloring 2 drops
butter, softened 3 TBL
Stir in and frost cake. vanilla extract 1 tsp
Blend together with electric mixer until creamy.
powdered sugar 12 cups
pecans, chopped 3 cup
Blend in and frost cake. Store in refrigerator.

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Coffee Cake Amaretto Butter Cake

egg, room temp. + enough 1 Lg eggs, room temperature 2 Lg
milk 80°F/27°C to = l cup oil 4 cup
butter, melted 2 TBL water 80°F/27°C 3 cup
maple extract 2 tsp amaretto* 12 TBL
Jiffy® one layer yellow cake mix 1 pkg butter extract 12 tsp
Program almond extract 2 tsp
salt 8 tsp
Crumb Filling all-purpose flour 1 cup
butter, melted 2 TBL sugar p cup
brown sugar 2 TBL almonds, sliced 4 cup
all-purpose flour 3 TBL baking powder p tsp
cinnamon 4 tsp baking soda p tsp
Mix together and, without stopping the machine, sprinkle evenly over Program
batter at ingredient beep (1:20). The machine will start to bake at 1:15.
*Vanilla may be substituted for amaretto.

Glaze cream cheese, room temperature 3 TBL
powdered sugar 3 cup butter, softened 2 TBL
milk 3 TBL almond extract 1 tsp
lemon extract 2 tsp powdered sugar 12 cups
Blend together and drizzle over warm cake. Blend together with electric mixer until creamy.
almonds, sliced 4 cup
Stir in and frost cake. Store in refrigerator.

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Apple Loaf Cake Rum Cake

eggs, room temperature 2 Lg egg, room temp. + enough 1 Lg
oil 4 cup water 80°F/27°C to = l cup
apple, peeled, slice 8 inch l cup butter, melted 1 TBL
vanilla extract 1 tsp rum extract 2 tsp
all-purpose flour 1 cup vanilla cook & serve 4 cup
salt 8 tsp pudding & pie filling
sugar l cup Jiffy® one layer yellow cake mix 1 pkg
cinnamon p tsp Program
walnuts, chopped 3 cup Place warm cake in dish with sides. Immediately prepare glaze.
baking soda p tsp
Caramel Topping butter 3 TBL
butter 4 cup water 3 TBL
brown sugar 4 cup Bring to boil. Remove from heat.
sugar 4 cup rum extract 1 tsp
cornstarch 1 TBL powdered sugar p cup
cream 4 cup Stir in and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Poke holes in top of warm cake
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until thick. Remove from heat. with a toothpick and pour glaze over top.
vanilla extract 1 tsp
Stir in. Allow to cool 15 minutes and serve over cake.

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Cheesecake...As Easy As 1-2-3
1. Add ingredients to pan in the order listed. Place pan in the
2. Close the lid. Select the DESSERT setting. Press START. At the
beeps, stir or add ingredients according to recipe directions.
3. When program is complete, leave pan in machine for one hour to
firm up. Using oven mitts, remove pan from unit and use a rubber
spatula to loosen the cake from the sides of the pan. Allow to cool
in the pan on a heat-resistant surface for an additional 1 hour,
then place pan in refrigerator uncovered for at least 5 hours or
overnight before removing the cheesecake. Use a rubber spatula to
loosen the cake from the sides of the pan. Turn pan upside down
and shake in an up-and-down motion to release the cheesecake.

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Helpful Hints for Cheesecakes Vanilla Cheesecake

eggs, room temperature 2 Lg
Make your cheesecake at least a day ahead of time to allow the flavors vanilla extract 1 TBL
to mingle. And, as in all of these recipes, have all of the ingredients at lemon extract 1 tsp
room temperature before starting. orange extract 1 tsp
cream cheese, softened 3 (8-oz) pkg
Graham cracker crust included with Vanilla Cheesecake may be used sugar p cup
on all flavors. cornstarch 3 TBL
Cheesecake Storage and Freezing Program
As with any dairy product, store cheesecake covered in the refrigerator. Topping
Covering the cheesecake may cause condensation to collect on the top;
vanilla flavored almond bark 4-oz
this may produce discoloration in chocolate cakes. If some moisture
sour cream 3 cup
does collect, simply wipe it off with a paper towel. It may be stored for
up to a week in the refrigerator. If you want to keep it longer, place it in
the freezer. All of these cakes freeze beautifully and can be kept for up Graham Cracker Crust
to 2 months. To freeze a cheesecake, remove it from the pan, freeze it graham cracker crumbs 1 cup
uncovered on a tray for at least 6 hours. Next, wrap it in heavy weight sugar 1 TBL
foil or place it in an airtight plastic bag. Then put it back into the butter, melted 2 TBL
freezer until needed. It is best to freeze the cake without the topping on cream cheese, spreadable 4 cup
it. Thaw the unfrosted cake in the refrigerator overnight or at room
temperature for approximately 3 hours. Cheesecake may also be frozen
by the slice using these same steps. Basic Recipe & Method
1. Remove the pan from the machine. Attach the kneading blade to
the shaft. Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature. Eggs
in the shell may be placed in warm water for 15 minutes to bring
them to room temperature. Add eggs to the pan.
2. Use a measuring spoon to measure the vanilla extract, lemon
extract and orange extract; add to the pan.
3. Remove foil from cream cheese and place on a microwave-safe

TR888_Cookbook_4-4-03 4/4/03 8:09 PM Page 57

plate. Microwave for 12 - 2 minutes on high; mixing with a fork 9. Place pan in the refrigerator for 5 hours or overnight to chill.
every 30 seconds until smooth 80°F/27°C. Place in pan. 10. Use a spatula to gently loosen the cheesecake from the sides of
4. Use a dry measuring cup to measure the sugar; level off with the the pan before removing. Turn pan upside down and shake in an
straight edge of a knife and add to the pan. Measure cornstarch; up-and-down motion to release the cheesecake. Remove knead-
level off with a straight edge of a knife and add to the pan. ing blade from bottom of cheesecake if necessary.
5. Place the pan into the machine and close the lid. Select 11. Prepare topping by melting almond bark and sour cream together.
DESSERT. Press START. Cool slightly and spread over cheesecake. Store cheesecake in
6. When the bread machine beeps 2 times (1:48), the cheesecake refrigerator.
must be stirred. Using a plastic or rubber spatula, scrape down the 12. Unplug unit before cleaning. Clean pan after each use. Do not
sides to the bottom of the pan. The kneading blade will continue immerse the pan in water (see cleaning instructions). Clean
turning during this time. The bread machine will beep 4 times at inside of machine after each use with a damp cloth.
1:20. For this recipe, no further steps are necessary. (Note: The Basic Recipe & Method for the Vanilla Cheesecake recipe are
7. When the bread machine beeps 8 times (End), the cooking cycle similar for all cheesecakes listed in the cookbook.)
is complete. The display will read End. Allow the cheesecake to
remain in the machine for an additional hour. This will help the
cheesecake to firm up.
8. At the end of one hour, use oven mitts to carefully remove the
pan and place on a flat heat-resistant surface. Use a spatula to
gently loosen the cheesecake from the sides of the pan. Allow to
cool in pan at room temperature for one hour.

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Amaretto Orange Cheesecake Banana Split Cheesecake

eggs, room temperature 2 Lg eggs, room temperature 2 Lg
almond extract 22 tsp banana extract 1 TBL
amaretto 1 tsp pineapple extract 2 tsp
cream cheese, softened 3 (8-oz) pkg yellow food coloring 2 drops
sugar p cup cream cheese, softened 3 (8-oz) pkg
orange gelatin(approx. 3-oz) 1 (3-oz) box sugar p cup
cornstarch 3 TBL cornstarch 3 TBL
almonds, sliced 3 cup Program
Topping strawberries, sliced
whipped topping mix 1 envelope pineapple tidbits, drained
milk 80°F/27°C 4 cup bananas, sliced
Blend together with an electric mixer until thick. maraschino cherries
whipped cream
orange marmalade 2 TBL
pecans, chopped
orange extract 1 tsp
chocolate flavor magic shell for drizzling
orange food coloring 2 drops
(found in the ice cream section of your favorite grocery store)
Stir in and spread over cake. Decorate and store in refrigerator.
chocolate flavor Magic Shell® for drizzling
(found in the ice cream section of your favorite grocery store)
Drizzle over cake.
almonds, sliced 4 cup
Decorate with almonds and store in refrigerator.

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Chocolate Cheesecake Marbled Cheesecake

semi-sweet chocolate chips 2/3 cup eggs, room temperature 2 Lg
Melt before adding to pan. vanilla extract 2 tsp
cream cheese, softened 3 (8-oz) pkg
eggs, room temperature 2 Lg sugar p cup
vanilla extract 2 tsp cornstarch 3 TBL
cream cheese, softened 3 (8-oz) pkg Program
sugar p cup + 1 TBL
cornstarch 2 TBL + 1 tsp cocoa Marble
Program semi-sweet chocolate chips 4 cup
Melt chocolate chips. At the ingredient beep (1:20), without stopping the
Topping machine, remove approximately 1/3 cup of batter and stir it into the melted
semi-sweet chocolate chips l cup chocolate. Spoon the chocolate mixture on top of batter in the bread
sour cream 3 cup machine. Cut chocolate through batter with a rubber spatula, thus creat-
Melt together. Cool slightly and spread over cake. Store in refrigerator. ing a marbled appearance. The machine will start to bake at 1:15.
(Note: Substituting milk chocolate chips for semi-sweet chocolate chips in a Topping
cheesecake is not recommended because it will result in a soft cake that is dif- semi-sweet chocolate chips l cup
ficult to remove from the pan. However, milk chocolate chips may be used in sour cream 3 cup
place of the semi-sweet chocolate chips in the topping for a sweeter flavor.) Melt together. Cool slightly and spread over cake. Store in refrigerator.

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Pudding, Pie
Filling & Fudge
As Easy As 1-2-3

1. Add the ingredients to the pan in the order listed. Place the
pan in the machine.
2. Close the lid. Select the DESSERT setting. Press START. At the
beeps, stir and add ingredients according to recipe instructions.
3. When the program is complete, remove pan from the machine
using oven mitts. Carefully pour hot pie filling/pudding into a
heat-resistant bowl and stir in additional ingredients with a wire
whisk. This will help blend all ingredients together and fluff up
the filling. Chill pies in the refrigerator for approximately 3 hours
to set filling. If serving as pudding, you may serve immediately or
allow to chill in the refrigerator to thicken.

Any pie filling may be served as a pudding; but pudding cannot be used
as a pie filling because it will not set up enough.

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Helpful Hints for Puddings/Pie Fillings

Crust Topping
To make a cookie crust, coat an 8-inch to 9-inch pie dish with butter. Serve the pie with a whipped topping if you desire. Any extract can be
Place 20 creme sandwich cookies with fillings intact in a food processor added for extra flavor. Decorate with reserved cookie crumbs. Or, top
with a steel blade, pulsing until the cookie and creme fillings are finely with coconut or marshmallows and place under broiler to brown.
ground together. Melt 3 cup of butter and mix with crumbs. Reserve 2 Basic Recipe & Method
tablespoons of crumbs for topping. Press remaining crumbs evenly onto
bottom and sides of pie dish. If you do not have a food processor, put 1. Remove the pan from the machine. Attach the kneading blade
the cookies in a gallon size freezer zip top bag. Finely crush cookies with onto the shaft. Make sure all ingredients, except liquids, are at
a rolling pin. Start the pie filling in the Bread & Dessert Maker. Then room temperature.
make the cookie crust and place it in the refrigerator to firm up. 2. Use a liquid measuring cup to measure the water
(80°F/27°C) and pour into the pan.
Any of your traditional pie crusts can be used in place of the sandwich 3. Use a measuring spoon to measure the orange extract and
cookie crusts. Or, for the sake of simplicity, use a pre-packaged graham cinnamon; add to the pan.
cracker or chocolate graham cracker crust. When putting the pie in the 4. Use a dry measuring cup to measure the Egg Replacer — pack it in
oven to toast a topping, place on a cookie sheet for stability. You do not the measuring cup and level off with the straight edge of a knife.
need to place store bought crusts in the refrigerator to firm up. You may Use a dry measuring cup to measure the sugar and the dry milk;
use any creme filled, flavored, sandwich cookies like coconut maca- level off with the straight edge of a knife and add to the pan.
roon, chocolate, vanilla, lemon or peanut butter. 5. Add one envelope of dry whipped topping.
Storing 6. Place the pan into the machine and close the lid. Select
All of these pie fillings/puddings must be stored in the refrigerator. 7. When the bread machine beeps 2 times (1:48), the filling should
be stirred.

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8. Use a measuring cup to

measure the bread cubes. When the bread machine beeps 4 times
Bread Pudding
(1:20), open the lid without stopping the machine and gently stir water 80°F/27°C 4 cups
in the cubed bread. orange extract 1 tsp
9. Use a measuring cup to measure raisins. When the bread machine cinnamon 12 tsp
beeps an additional 8 times (End), the cooking cycle is complete. Egg Replacer, packed 3 cup
10. Use oven mitts to carefully remove the pan and pour hot pudding sugar 14 cups
into a heat-resistant bowl. Gently stir in raisins with a wire whisk. dry milk 13 cups
11. Prepare the rum sauce by bringing water, sugar, lemon slice, whipped topping mix 1 envelope
orange slice, cinnamon stick and clove to a boil for 5 minutes. Program
Remove from heat and strain. Stir in rum and vanilla. Serve over
warm bread pudding. Store pudding in refrigerator. bread, cubed 4 cups
12. Unplug unit before cleaning. Clean pan after each use. Do not raisins 2 cup
immerse the pan in water (see cleaning instructions). Clean
inside of machine after each use with a damp cloth. Rum Sauce
water 2 cup
(Note: The Basic Recipe & Method for the Bread Pudding recipe are simi- sugar 2 cup
lar for all Puddings listed in the cookbook.)
lemon, sliced 2 slices
orange, sliced 1 slice
cinnamon stick 1 stick (2 inches)
clove, whole 1
rum 4 cup
vanilla p tsp

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Rice Pudding Lemon Pie Filling

water 2 cups butter, melted 2 cup
instant rice, rinsed p cup yellow food coloring 5 drops
Place rice and water in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for 2 sugar 2 cups
minutes. Remove and allow to stand 2 minutes. Drain and discard water. lemon extract 1 TBL
Place rice in pan. Rinsing the rice will prevent it from being sticky and all-purpose flour 3 TBL
difficult to serve. Program
water 80°F/27°C 4 cups cream, hot 1 cup
vanilla extract 2 tsp Heat cream in microwave approximately 2 minutes until hot; small bub-
honey 1 TBL bles will form around the edges of the container and a thin film on the
Egg Replacer, packed 2 cup top.
dry milk 13 cups
eggs, beaten 3 Lg
whipped topping mix 1 envelope
In a bowl, slowly pour hot cream over the 3 beaten eggs while stirring
cinnamon 1 tsp
constantly with a wire whisk. Pour mixture into pan at stir beep (1:48).
salt 2 tsp
This traditional southern pie will form a natural crust and topping. You
sugar 14 cups
may serve the filling as is, or pour into a prepared pie crust with the nat-
ural crust mixed throughout the pie. A graham cracker crust is tasty with
nuts, chopped 2 cup this filling. Store in refrigerator.
dried fruit 2 cup
Whisk in when the cooking is complete. Store in refrigerator.

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Coconut Pie Filling Chocolate Marshmallow Pie Filling

unflavored gelatin 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1 envelope
water 4 cup water 4 cup
In a microwave-safe bowl, sprinkle gelatin over cold water. Let stand 2 In a microwave-safe bowl, sprinkle gelatin over cold water. Let stand 2
minutes and then microwave on high for 40 seconds. Stir and allow to set minutes and then microwave on high for 40 seconds. Stir and allow to set
2 minutes or until dissolved. Add to pan. 2 minutes or until thoroughly dissolved. Add to pan.
water 80°F/27°C 3 cups milk 80°F/27°C 2 cups
Egg Replacer, packed 4 cup vanilla extract 2 tsp
sugar 1 cup sugar 2 cup
coconut 1 cup miniature marshmallows 12 cups
dry milk 1 cup chocolate cook & serve 1 (3-oz) box
whipped topping mix 1 envelope pudding & pie filling
Program Program
Store in refrigerator. Pour the pie filling out and discard the film from the bottom of the pan.
The convenience of not having to stand over the stove to prepare the fill-
ing is well worth the extra film at the bottom. Store in refrigerator.
High Altitude Instructions
Prepare as directed but increase the Egg Replacer to a total of
6 tablespoons. Banana Pudding
water 80°F/27°C 3 cups
Egg Replacer, packed 4 cup
dry milk 1 cup
banana flavoring 1 TBL
sugar 1 cup
whipped topping mix 1 envelope
banana, cubed 2 med
Whisk in when the cooking is complete. Store in refrigerator.

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Helpful Hints for Fudge

As Easy As 1-2-3 success, make sure all utensils are completely dry — even a drop of water
will cause the chocolate mixture to stiffen and become granular.
1. Add the ingredients to the pan in the order listed. Place the pan
in the machine. Use vanilla-flavored almond bark in the Vanilla Fudge recipe because it
2. Close the lid. Select the DESSERT setting. Press START. When is easy to work with. It melts easier than white chocolate chips. You
the bread machine beeps, stir or add ingredients (according to may substitute butterscotch-flavored almond bark in equal amounts.
recipe directions). As in the cheesecake recipes, be sure to soften the cream cheese. Remove
3. When program is complete, remove pan from machine using foil and place on a microwave safe plate. Microwave on high for 12 to 2
oven mitts. Using a rubber spatula, carefully pour hot fudge into a minutes, mixing with a fork every 30 seconds until smooth; add to pan.
9-inch x 13-inch heat-resistant baking container and allow to set
up at room temperature for approximately 3 hours. For best results, use the suggested pan size for the fudge so it will set up
in a reasonable length of time.
Making fudge in a bread machine is so much easier than the old fash-
Fudge should be stored in an airtight container to prevent it from
ioned way of standing and stirring over the stove. However, anytime you
drying out.
cook with chocolate it can be a little tricky to work with. To help ensure

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Mocha Chocolate Fudge 6. Use a dry measuring cup to measure cocoa powder; level off with
the straight edge of a knife and add to the pan.
powdered sugar 2 lb 7. Place the pan into the machine and close the lid. Select
Put half in pan, placing other half aside. DESSERT. Press START.
8. Allow machine to begin mixing. Carefully add remaining pow-
butter, melted 1 cup
dered sugar one cup at a time, allowing to mix in after each addi-
cream cheese, softened 2 (8-oz) pkg
tion. It may be necessary to use a spatula to scrape down the sides
vanilla extract 2 tsp
to the bottom of the pan. When all of the powdered sugar has
instant coffee granules 1 TBL been added, close the lid and allow to mix.
cocoa powder 2 cup 9. When the bread machine beeps 2 times (1:48), the fudge must be
Program stirred. Using a plastic or rubber spatula, scrape down the sides to
milk chocolate chips 23-oz the bottom of the pan.
nuts, chopped 1 cup 10. Place milk chocolate chips and nuts in a large heat resistant
If you prefer plain chocolate fudge, simply leave out the instant coffee. container.
No other adjustments are necessary. For a unique flavor, try substituting 11. When the bread machine beeps 8 times (End), the cooking cycle
is complete. Using oven mitts, immediately remove the pan from
processed cheese in place of the cream cheese. It makes a wonderful
the machine and carefully pour over chocolate chips and nuts.
The hot candy mixture will melt the chocolate chips when stirred
together. Stir until well blended. If you do not immediately
Basic Recipe & Method remove the pan and blend the two mixtures, the chocolate will
begin to set and it will not be possible to blend them together.
1. Remove the pan from the machine. Attach the kneading blade
12. Pour into a greased 9-inch x 13-inch baking container and allow
onto the shaft. Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature.
to set up at room temperature for approximately 3 hours.
2. Put one half of the powdered sugar into the pan.
13. Unplug unit before cleaning. Clean pan after each use. Do not
3. Melt butter; add to pan.
immerse in water (see cleaning instructions). Clean inside of
4. Remove foil from cream cheese and place on a microwave-safe
machine after each use with a damp cloth.
plate. Microwave for 12-2 minutes on high; mixing with a fork
every 30 seconds until smooth and 80°F/27°C. Place in pan. (Note: The Basic Recipe & Method for the Mocha Chocolate Fudge recipe
5. Use a measuring spoon to measure the vanilla extract and are similar for all fudges listed in the cookbook.)
instant coffee granules; add to the pan.

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Vanilla Fudge
powdered sugar 2 lb
Put half in pan, placing other half aside.
butter, melted 1 cup
cream cheese, softened 2 (8-oz) pkg
vanilla extract 1 TBL
Allow machine to begin mixing. Add one cup of the remaining powdered
sugar at a time, allowing it to mix in after each addition. It may be neces-
sary to use a spatula to scrape down the sides to the bottom of the pan.
When all powdered sugar has been added, close the lid and allow to mix.
vanilla flavored almond bark 24-oz
nuts, chopped 1 cup
During the last 5 minutes of the cooking cycle, break almond bark into
pieces and melt in a large heat resistant container; stir in nuts. When the
bread machine beeps 8 times (End), IMMEDIATELY pour hot mixture
from pan into melted almond bark; blend well. Put into a 9-inch x 13-
inch baking container and allow to set.

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Dear Breadman Friend,

It was an honor working on this project with the Breadman™ staff, and I thank them for giving me this opportunity. I loved creating these recipes for you
to enjoy and to give you the chance to impress your family and friends.
These recipes ensure many compliments and will guarantee you a reputation as a gourmet cook. As you master this essential appliance, it will be like having
an extra pair of hands working in the kitchen for you. You will then have the time to spend on yourself, your family or your friends. The convenience of the
bread maker and the taste of your warm homemade bread is unbeatable. And this same device is capable of freeing-up even more time for you by mixing
and baking your cakes and desserts with little effort from you. That’s right, its easy! Just put all of the ingredients into the pan, no dirty bowls or mixer to
clean up.
Do not be surprised if your spouse, roommate or teenage children want to use your new Bread & Dessert Maker. They may say that they want to master this
new technical wonder. But, most likely, they are (a) hungry or (b) want also to earn a gourmet reputation.
All the dessert recipes that come with the Corner Bakery are individually formulated and have successfully passed the rigorous standards of the Breadman™
Test Kitchen. If you wish to try your own recipes, do so with a pioneering spirit and keen sense of humor! Due to a number of factors — including pan size,
baking temperatures and mixing time — the ingredient measurements for your traditional recipes are almost guaranteed to require adjusting when prepared
in this one-of-a-kind appliance. And, since all recipes vary greatly, there is no hard and fast conversion formula I can suggest...other than encourage you to
enjoy the tremendous variety of recipes inside this cookbook.
Enjoy your new Breadman™ Corner Bakery & Dessert Maker — I wouldn’t go back to my old way of functioning in the kitchen for anything.


Mary Crownover, Author and Recipe Creator

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Further Reading
Mary Crownover is the author of Cheesecake Extraordinaire (available in hardcover or paperback).
To order a hardcover edition, please contact Taylor Publishing Company, 1550 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas 75235. They may be reached by tele-
phone at (800) 275-8188. To order a paperback edition, please contact Contemporary Books, Two Prudential Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60601. They may be
reached by telephone at (312) 540-4500.
Mary is also the author of Filo Fantastic, published by Taylor Publishing Company, 1550 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas 75235.
All of these cookbooks may be purchased at book stores across North America.
Breadman™ welcomes your comments and discoveries! Please write us c/o The Test Kitchen, Breadman™ Inc., 1801 North Stadium Blvd., Columbia, MO

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Index of Recipes

Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Sourdough French Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Cheesecake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Buttermilk Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Sourdough Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Amaretto Orange Cheesecake . . . . . . . . . . .58
Caraway Rye Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Tomato Herb Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Banana Split Cheesecake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Cinnamon Raisin Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 White Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Chocolate Cheesecake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Corn Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 White Wheat Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Marbled Cheesecake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Cranberry Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Whole Wheat Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Vanilla Cheesecake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Dill Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Day Old Bread Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Double Chocolate Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Breakfast Flavor Butters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Bread Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Dried Fruit Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Cheese Butters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Breaded Pineapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Fat Free White Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Fresh Herb Butters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Crunchy Bread Snacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
French Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Full Flavor Butters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
French Variation Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Hearty Nut Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Almond Cherry Coffee Cake Dough . . . . . .33
Honey Oatmeal Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Amaretto Butter Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Bagel Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Italian Herb Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Apple Loaf Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Banana Wheat Bagel Dough . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Jalapeño Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Carrot Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Buttermilk Roll Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Onion Rye Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Chocolate Fudge Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Challah Braid Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Peanut Butter Honey Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Chocolate Pudding Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Cheesy Garlic Roll Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Pesto Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Coffee Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Cinnamon Roll Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Potato Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Hummingbird Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Dinner Roll Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Pumpernickel Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Poppy Seed Pound Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Focaccia Bread Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Seed Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Pound Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 French Bread Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Sour Cream, Onion & Chives Bread . . . . . .16 Rum Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 French Twists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Strawberry Pound Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

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Pie Crust Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Fast Bake™ Breads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Pudding, Pie Filling & Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Pita Pocket Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Cinnamon Raisin Nut Bread . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Banana Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Pizza Crust Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Fat Free Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Bread Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Pretzel Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 French Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Chocolate Marshmallow Pie Filling . . . . . . .64
Refreshing Roll Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Honey Granola Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Coconut Pie Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Sticky Breakfast Bun Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Italian Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Lemon Pie Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Wheat Dinner Roll Dough . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Pepperoni Pizza Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Mocha Chocolate Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Whole Wheat Pizza Crust Dough . . . . . . . . .34 Potato Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Rice Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
White Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Vanilla Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
White Wheat Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

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