12th CH 3 English Synonyms PDF

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FREE ILM .COM W. OOOO FREEILM.com Chapter: 03 Why boys fail in college Sr. Words Meanings no. 1. | academic educational, scholarly, erudite, college 2. | career vocation, profession, occupation, pursuit 3._| native innate, inborn, intrinsic, inherent, natal 4. | concentrate focus, consider, put one’s mind to 5._| assigned allotted, consigned, allocated, given 6. | nervous apprehensive, agitated, excitable, hysterical 7. | uproot end, terminate, finish, remove 8. | eradicate remove, eliminate, do away with, exterminate, get rid of 9. | cultivate develop, promote, foster, nurture 10. | poise dignity, composure, calmness, grace 11. | smother suffocate, stifle, choke, strangle, suppress 12. | fidget restlessness, nervousness, unease, uneasiness 13. | mistaken wrong, false, misguided, faulty. 14. | distinction excellence, worth, grace, elegance, refinement, honour 15. | mapped out chalked out, planned, scheduled, programmed 16. | intend plan, design, aim, mean, destine 17. | illustrator demonstrator, explicator, one who explains something 18. | argue debate, dispute, reason, discuss 19. | detest hate, loathe, despise, dislike 20. | controversy disagreement, dispute, conflict, dash 21. | distasteful unpleasant, disagreeable, displeasing, unacceptable 22, | float through pass through, go through, lead through 23. | pitiable Pathetic, pitiful, piteous, sad 24. | keenness eagerness, intelligence, talent, genius, sharpness 25. | receptive sharp, quick, responsive, bright, acute 26. | adequate proper, suitable, appropriate, apt, enough 27. | apparent ‘obvious, clever, noticeable, evident 28. | relief ease, comfort, cure, remedy, unveil, divulge 29. | enlightenment ‘awareness, education, information, knowledge, learning 30. | faculty staff, workers, personnel 31. | expense cost, expenditure, payment, charge, spending 32. | assert declare, affirm, emphasize, aver, state, allege 33, | substitute alternate, replacement 34. | vigour vitality, strength, power, energy, force 35. | compel force, necessitate, pressurize, enforce 36. | owe be indebt, be obliged 37. | equipment assistance, help, support, gear, means 38. | nevertheless | however, yet, but, nonetheles FREEILM.COM OO QQQAD FREE ILM.COM FREEILM.coM @ @@QO reeeim.com FREEILM.COM (©). O@OO© FREEILM.COM ‘{seetnnow. leave, throw, drive 40. | transfusion of food transfer blood from one person to another 41. | heartrending pathetic, pitiful, agonizing, tragic, sad 42. | inevitably indispensably, unavoidably, essentially, necessarily 43. | alleviate ease, assuage, lighten, lessen, soften 44. | athletic sports physical games, muscular activities, exercise 45. | critics commentator, reviewer, analyst, judge 46. | bluffer frank, outspoken, blunt, rough, impolite 47. | diagnostic ability ability to diagnose, to find out the real disease 48. | offend displease, annoy, upset, disturb For More: Please visit G ILM p com) Free Ifm .Com FREEILM.cOM © @@QO rereeim.com FREEILM.coM @ @@QO reeeim.com

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