1.when We Claim That Good Consequences Make An Ac On Right We Are Responding With: A U Litarian Answer
1.when We Claim That Good Consequences Make An Ac On Right We Are Responding With: A U Litarian Answer
1.when We Claim That Good Consequences Make An Ac On Right We Are Responding With: A U Litarian Answer
Chapter 3.
1. When we claim that good consequences make an action right, we are responding with:
A utilitarian answer
2. Carol Gilligan argues that in moral views, men usually emphasize rights and principles, whereas
women emphasize and place more importance on
The relationships among the actor.
3. What is term for the moral doctrine that we should always act to promote the greatest possible
balance of good over bad for everyone affected by our actions?
7. What ethical theory focuses on the ends, or goals, as being more significant than the means?
8. Utilitarian’s and Consequentialists seem to provide a very strong philosophical justification for
the notion that we have obligations to which of the following?
Others in our community
Chapter 4
1. The claim that actions have true moral worth only when they spring from a recognition of duty
and a choice to discharge it belongs to which of the following?
Kant's ethics
2. What was one reason Kant focused more on motives than consequences?
Motives are within our control; not so consequences
8. Kant reasoned that it was moral to follow the rule ‘do not break promises’ because
A rule that authorizes the breaking of promises when it is inconvenient to keep them cannot be
9. What type of ethics addresses the question "who should I be?
Virtue ethics