AI Based Approach To Women Security System

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AI Based Approach To Women Security System

Nitol Datta Pranto

Computer Science and Engineering Department
American International University-Bangladesh
408/1, Kuratoli, Khilkhet, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh


This paper focuses on AI based women security system that is designed to provide
security to women under a threat. This system can respond aptly in critical condition
automatically as well as manually. The proposed system consist of a voice recognition
module,GPS module along with other sensors like heart beat sensor and accelerometer
to correctly monitor the situation of the victim and raspberry pi is used for the
processing of the obtained data and preventive or protection action is taken as per the
severity of the threat. The protection system consist of call for rescue action in which
the GPS located position of the victim is send to the concerned authority the system
also comprises of a shock generation jackets for on time protection.


Artificial intelligence (AI), Women security, Voice recognition system, Raspberry pi

3b+, On time protection.


Women have always been the most vulnerable and often exploited segment of society
so women security has been a great concern over the past few years.The statistics are
also alarming and shocking.With time, society is awaking to its responsibility towards
women. So this field has demanded some technical innovation for developing a
security system. Many security system like mobile apps, shock generating jackets,
GPS and GSM based location monitoring, manually triggered SOS switch where
developed but these systems were not able to find a full security solution and had
many drawbacks.VithU2 app and Fight back app are mobile based application. They
developed this user-friendly app which send message to predefined number with two
click on power button. GPS location will be updated at regular interval of time with
this app. Fight back app give a fake call on her phone also it start to record the video
in background for evidence. Other security system that women can use in threat
condition are Self-defense accessories like Pepper spray, Flash light, Shock effect.
These are available in the market to buy. Advanced Security system which use
wireless switch which may be in wearable form. By taping them alert message will be
forwarded to registered number. It use latest sensors and processors for the detection
of threat.The proposed system is a fully integrated advanced AI based system which
can clearly identify the situation of the victim by using voice recognition,
accelerometer, heart beat sensor data and is processed using raspberry pi
and provides an on time protection system like electric shock and tear gas system for
self-defense as well as call for rescue to the concerned authorities according to the
severity of the threat. This automatic as well as manual system is best suited for every
situation rather than the conventional manually triggered system. This system offers a
great reliability and security and can be further used to provide a safe navigation path
for women to travel when alone and also work as a personal security assistant like
Google assistant in future.


Hardware Required
1. Raspberry Pi 4. GSM Module 7. USB Microphone
2. GPS Module 5. Speaker 8. Accelerometer
3. Pulse sensor 6. Shock generator circuit 9. Tear gas

Software Required
1. Raspbian Stretch 3. LX Terminal 5. Jasper
2. Speech To Text Engine 4. Text To Speech Engine
5.Jasper 6. Python Proposed System

Proposed System

Interfacing of Hardware & Software

Raspbian OS is flashed into a 16 GB memory card using cross platform tool and
booted in raspberry pi. Monitor, Mouse, keyboard, VNC viewer & SSH are used to
communicate with raspberry Pi. LX terminal commands are used for interfacing them.
A USB microphone is connected to one of USB port of pi. GSM module, GPS
module, Accelerometers and pulse rate sensor are connected to raspberry GIOP. They
are interfaced with raspberry pi with python codes. Jasper is an open source python
based platform used to build voice controlled application and lot of other functions
can also be incorporated. There are many Speech to Text Engine and Text to Speech
Engine available which process data online and offline. The results are accurate.
Working of proposed system
 Case 1
There will be a wake word. When the raspberry pi receive the wake word it starts to
analyze the audio input and convert it into text using STT engines. This will be
compared with predefined words, thus level of threat is estimated. Then the pi will
perform necessary action as per the level of threat.
 Case 2
Raspberry pi is connected to a wireless Safety Overflow switch. Output from the SOS
is analyzed Using pi and for single press, double press, and long press of SOS some
task is assigned.
 Case 3
During the late night condition. It continuously analyze the audio input of person
without waiting for the wake word.
 Case 4
Accelerometer and pulse rate sensor monitor the person and send data to raspberry pi.
After processing the obtained data it will be compared with predefined calibrated
value. If pi detect any abnormalities it will start to analyze the audio input without
wake word and will do pre assigned task. Pulse rate will vary from person to person
so it needs to be calibrated for each person. This pulse rate can also be used to
monitor the health of the person.

In on time protection system there will be an Electric shock generation jackets or tear
gas system. According to the severity of threat shock generation jackets is made to
operate wireless by pi which will be communicated by WIFI. An impulse shock will
we used to harm the attacker. This help the victim to get good action time. So that
victim can use pepper spray or tear gas to physically harm the attacker and escape.
Stun gun or shock generation jackets are energy conducting devices used for security
purpose.They apply high voltage, pulsatile electric shock to the person, which acts on
skeletal muscles. As a result, the attacker gets immobilized or become unable to resist.
The usage of stun gun is strictly used by the officials for defending their attacker.
And, it can be incorporatedinto the women protection system for safety purpose. This
system with further software upgrdationcan be used assmart assistant devices such as
Google Assistant, Alexa etc. Which can be further used for wide range of application.
Future Scope

Machine learning can be applied to monitor the sound produced by surrounding and
classify the word,make comparison and thereby identify the level of threat.
It is hard for police or concerned authorities to reach the GPS location within short
span of time, which can be overcome by developing an application like Google map
and willing people or association can register their place. On time GPS location of
victim is passed to nearby registered persons and there by rescue time is improved or
fast rescue action is possible. To encourage the participation rewards can be
provided.The Data base from various user can be collected and level of threat in the
each area can be classified. This data base can be further used to develop an app
which shows the level of threat for each region and also provide safest navigation
route for travelling. The database can be used by Police officials to plan a better
patrolling service. Camera can also be incorporated into the system.

The proposed system will be able to clearly identify the situation of the victim and her
surroundings with the voice recognition system which is trained to her voice and
respond accordingly and will aid her in dangerous situation by calling for help and
providing an on time protection with shock generation jacket. The system also ensures
that it does not effect the privacy of the person.


AI based system can better understand the situation and helps women from dangerous
situation better than any other technology. This system would be able to provide help
and care toward the women and they will safer and allows them to work even at late
nights. This system also helps to plan better security by classifying various threat
regions from the data obtained from database and hopefully reduce the crime against
women to a great extent.


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