2019 Census CAPI User Guide
2019 Census CAPI User Guide
2019 Census CAPI User Guide
June 2019
Table of Contents
Scope .......................................................................................................... 3
Useful hints ............................................................................................... 3
General CAPI screen ................................................................................. 4
Some CSEntry important keys/options ................................................... 4
ICT Supervisor ........................................................................................... 5
Enumerator .............................................................................................. 13
Main Questionnaire ................................................................................ 20
Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)....................................................... 21
Short Questionnaire ................................................................................ 83
Training Practice Scenario 1 .................................................................. 89
Training Practice Scenario 2 .................................................................. 92
Scope • Fully charging your tablet each evening will
This system is designed to guide ICT Supervisor, Content improve battery performance during the workday.
Supervisor and Enumerator users with the system • Make sure that you put your tablet into sleep mode
operations. or turn it off when you are not using the tablet to
save battery power.
The manual covers system Menu, Listing form, Main • You can also reduce the screen brightness to reduce
(includes Conventional ie normal household and battery drain.
Institutional for group quarters ie college dormitories,
military including uniformed staff barracks, group
homes, missions or shelters) and Short Questionnaire You should also minimize the use of the phone, email,
(Hotel/Lodge Residents, Hospital In-Patients, Internet, Bluetooth, GPS services and other applications
that use the data plan as these applications use a lot of
Prison/Police Cells, Schools/Children homes, Travelers battery power.
and Persons On-Transit, Street and Persons/Outdoor
Sleepers), and Re-Interview form.
If battery drain remains a problem, supervisors should
Useful hints request instructions from the relevant coordinator/ ICT
How do I charge the tablet? Supervisor.
To charge the tablet, connect the charger to the tablet
and then plug the charger into an electrical socket or How do I take care of my device?
power bank. If you are using the USB splitter to The following suggestions will help you protect your
charge multiple tablets, plug the USB splitter into the tablet;
electrical socket. If you are using the power bank,
• Keep the device dry. If your device gets wet,
connect the charger to your tablet, remove the socket
part of the charger and connect the USB end of the remove the battery and refrain from turning on
charger cable to the USB splitter. Double check that the the device, wipe it with a dry cloth.
lights on the power bank / USB splitter are on to make • Do not store the device in high or cold
sure that the tablet charges correctly. temperature.
• Do not use or store the device in dusty or dirty
How do I charge the tablet using the power • Do not attempt to open the device other than as
bank? instructed in this guide. Opening may void your
To charge the tablet with the power bank you first device warranty.
have to charge the power bank. To charge the power • Do not drop, knock or shake the device.
bank, plug the charger into an electrical socket. • Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents,
Then connect the charger cable to the power bank. or strong detergents to clean the device. Use a
The lights on the power bank will indicate when it is soft, clean and dry cloth to clean the surface of
being charged and when it is fully charged. When the the device.
power bank has been charged you can use it to charge
your tablet while working in the field. To charge your
tablet using the power bank, connect the charger to the What do I do if the tablet is damaged / broken or
tablet, remove the socket part of the charger and lost?
connect the USB end of the cable to the power bank. If the tablet is lost immediately contact your
The power bank will charge the tablet until the supervisor. Get a police abstract as soon as possible
battery is drained of power or until you unplug the giving details of the lost device.
power bank.
How do I reduce battery drain on the tablet? If the tablet is damaged or broken, you should inform
your supervisor immediately. Common types of damage
If the battery on your tablet is draining very fast there
include cracked screens, batteries that drain very fast
are several things you can do to improve battery
and broken chargers. Please take good care of the
tablets to minimize the risk of damage/loss as tablets
• Make sure that the tablet is fully charged in the are expensive and difficult to replace.
morning when you start work.
General CAPI screen “2019 Census” is the Application name, while “- Rev 8”
is the latest application version. This will change
depending on any update made.
This is the welcome screen. “YOU ARE IN TRAINING
MODE” comes on Content Supervisor and Enumerator
menu when the application is being used during
training. After the training the Content Supervisor and
Enumerator will select a menu option to “Leave training
mode”. When the application leaves training mode, all
the training data will be deleted. Content Supervisor and
Your Android keyboard has these “buttons” (Maybe Enumerator should only leave the mode before starting
some tablets will not have the 3rd button) census enumeration.
Your role
This is the first screen you see on the tablet home screen.
ICT Supervisor Type the name you wish the application to know you by.
Select County to work in The name must be as written on your ID.
After re-login ICT Supervisor menu shows.
The above screen comes if sub-location code is wrong
or list of sub location/EAs is missing from your tablet.
depending on any 2 who are connected. Bluetooth
works for only 2 connections at a time.
The ICT Supervisor will select this option to connect
with Content Supervisor who will also have selected
“Connect with ICT Supervisor (via Bluetooth)” option
Select “WAWERU NGUGI” for instance, the application on their menu.
will ask to select desired option from the displayed
screen. To open Bluetooth, both Tablets will require to turn on
Bluetooth service by asking to be allowed through a
message “2019 KPHC wants to turn on Bluetooth”. The
ICT Supervisor must always tap “Allow”.
Same as Bluetooth synchronization, when the process of application, they will go through the whole process of
sending data starts, Tablets MUST not be disconnected. login,
Always the sending Tablet must have good network
connection and enough data bundles. Selecting “Close system” closes the application but next
time ICT Supervisor taps to starts the application, the
application will open ICT Supervisor menu.
Content Supervisor menu
To login as a Content Supervisor, the 10 digits’ sub-
location code at the back of the tablet must be typed
correctly. If wrongly typed, the Content Supervisor will
Selecting “View reports” be asked to retry or download from ICT Supervisor via
This screen shows an example of tablets that will be
found after Bluetooth search.
When Tablet name is selected, data is synchronized
between the two tablets and the sub-location data is also
downloaded by the Content Supervisor tablet. If this
does not happen, ICT Supervisor MUST download from
the server over Internet and reconnect with Content
Supervisor by following the above process.
If the sub-location is validated by the application, and
there are no names of Content Supervisor, the
application requests the Content Supervisor to connect
with ICT Supervisor via Bluetooth. This is the screen;
It is recommended to “Assign EAs to Enumerators”
immediately Enumerators are created so that when
Content Supervisor and Enumerator shares data, names
and EA assignments are shared same time.
Then list of Enumeration Areas (EAs) is displayed to Same EA cannot be reassigned to the same Enumerator.
select. Selecting “Reset assigned EA”
Reset clears assigned EA from Enumerator. The
application will show all EAs to select from.
Selecting “View sublocation report” gives;
“Re-interview comparisons”
This report is generated after Content Supervisor runs
“Supervisor re-interview” menu option. The application
randomly samples a total of 5 households per EA. After
re-interview, the application will display the following
Selecting “Supervisor re-interview”
The application will sample 5 households per EA which
the Content Supervisor MUST complete. This works only
when Enumerator/s interviewed households and
shared data with Content Supervisor using Bluetooth.
This is the first thing to be done before this option is
The application will display all EAs in the sub-location
to select from. Once an EA is selected, sampled The application asks the number of household members
households showing EA code and name, structure and found by at re-interview then displays the names found
household numbers and household head names will be by Enumerator. Check (taps beside the name) the names
shown like this; that are found (as informed by the household head or
knowledgeable person) when Content Supervisor visits.
All Supervisors must ensure Enumerators are not on
Selecting “Send data to server” training status when census enumeration starts.
Sending data to server require Internet connection. If Selecting “Switch user/sub location”
Content Supervisor cannot get Internet, they are
required to connect with ICT Supervisor to find Internet. This resets Content Supervisor login session.
Data MUST be send to the server in a day as many times Selecting “Close System”
as possible. Content Supervisors MUST pull Enumerator
data regularly. If a Content Supervisor cannot get This quits the application but will continue from the
Internet, they can ask ICT Supervisor to pull their data menu next time they login.
over Bluetooth in order to look for Internet. Partially
done interviews MUST be completed. However, this
This screen shows a user role
should not stop sending data to server or pulling
Enumerator data.
Selecting “View Sublocation map”
This Census application knows the area one is working
from the login details. If Content Supervisor request to
view a map, a sub location map is displayed. Because of
the PDF graphics, the rendering of the map may take a
few seconds to display. Please be patient. When
launched, the following will show;
Next, sub-location code for the area the user will be
If there are no users, this message will show, then menu. If Assigned EAs are more than one (1), the
asked to download users from Content Supervisor like Enumerator will be asked to select the EA to start.
Listing MUST end 1 day and half. If a new
structure/household is encountered, it must be added to
the listing.
To start, tap the green sign.
Tapping “Household”
This screen shows;
If location service in the tablet is not enabled, the
application will prompt you to enable it by tapping
Then you tap the circled or a similar one to enable GPS Then the GPS readings are shown
Selecting prisons/police cells;
Main Questionnaire
This displays all households listed. “Not Started” means
interviews in the household has not been started. If
started and not completed, it shows “Partial” or
“Complete” when interview is completed for the
Main Questionnaire 2. This window allows the Enumerator to ask the
number of people who spent the night of 24th/25th
August, 2019 in that household.
1. The following window alerts the Enumerator
that in Section A, they will collect information regarding
all persons who spent the night of 24th/25th August, This pop-up (?) icon displays some notes
2019 in that household. for the enumerator during enumeration.
Tapping on the icon displays the hidden
The information include; notes. Tap again to hide the notes.
P-00: Names of each person
P-10: Relationship to the head of this household
P-11: Sex
P-12: Age
P-13: Date of birth
P-14: Name of biological mother
P-15: Usual member
P-16: Ethnicity or nationality
P-17: Religion
P-18: Marital status
P-19: Birth Place
P-20: Previous Residence
P-21/P-22: Duration of Residence
P-23: Reason for migration P-24/P-25: Orphanhood
4. The Enumerator is then expected to verify that
the name of head of the household is correct
2. How do I Change Language of interview?
The Enumerator can change the language of 1. Click on Show Case Tree to
Interview at any point of interview display/hide the Items
Click on Change Language to toggle
from English and Kiswahili
Example of a Show Case Tree 5. How do I launch CAPI manual on the tablet?
There are instances when an enumerator may want to display
the CAPI manual on the tablet. In such instances, the
enumerator should click on the Help Icon to launch the CAPI
manual. Once an enumerator is through with the manual,
they should click BACK-KEY once for system to take them
The image shown below displays the CAPI manual as
displayed on the tablet whenever enumerator clicks on
the Help Icon
10. P13 asks also about the month of birth. 13. The Enumerator is then expected to ask the name
of the 2nd member.
If there are discrepancies between the stated age and
the calculated age (2019- year of birth), an alert pops
up and the Enumerator has a chance to rectify either
the stated age (P12) or the Year of Birth (P13). The
following example shows the kind of alert an
Enumerator gets when calculated age does not agree
with stated age.
15. This screenshot shows that the enumerator has
listed 3 persons already.
The 5th Member of the household will be Paul Ogutu,
Son to John Otieno, Male, 8 Months old, Year of
birth 4th January 2019
17. The next screen shows the error message The 6th member of the household will be Rose Akumu,
displayed when Total members stated equals listed Mother to John Otieno, 60 years old, Year of birth
members. 1959 (Day and Month of birth Not Known)
18. P15 asks if the member is a usual member of the
For this training, All the members of this household
are Luo and they practice Catholic religion. Both
John Otieno and Mary Anyango are married
monogamous while Jane Ayugu, James Oyoo and
Paul Ogutu are never married. Rose Akumu is
This training assumes that this interview is being 24. If the Enumerator selects Continent, the system
displays the list of counties within the selected
carried out in your current County (County of continent.
John Otieno was born in County of Enumeration All the listed members (apart from Paul Ogutu)
while Mary Anyango was born in Kisumu county. were living in County of Enumeration in August
Jane Ayugu, James Oyoo, Paul Ogutu and Rose 2018. Mary Anyango moved to the County of
Akumu were born in County of Enumeration. Enumeration in June 2005 when she got married to
John Otieno.
23. In P19, the Enumerator should enquire where a 25. P20 seeks information where a member was
member was born. living in August 2018.
John Otieno’s mother is Rose Akumu, while Mary
Anyango mother is not in the household. Also,
Mary Anyango is the mother to Jane Ayugu, James
Oyoo and Paul Ogutu. All the members are usual
members of the household apart from Rose Akumu
who had come to visit.
28. If county/country of birth is different from
county of residence/Enumeration. The system will ask
P21 When did the member move to the current
29. In P23, the Enumerator should ask the
respondent why the member moved to the current place
of residence.
30. The following window alerts the Enumerator
that in Section B, they will collect information regarding
Females Aged 12 Years and Above?
35. P36. Seeks information on where the birth of the
last child was. This applies to births occurring from,
37. P38 seeks to find out if the last birth was notified
38. In P39, the Enumerator should find out if the last
child is still alive.
42. In P26, if a female (12 years or older) has not
given birth to a boy/girl, the Enumerator should input
zero “0”
Rose Akumu has 2 children born alive, one of them
lives in the household while the other male child
lives elsewhere. Her last child was born in May
1988 in a health facility.
43. The following window alerts the Enumerator not hinder him in engaging in any economic
that in Section C, they will collect information regarding activity.
Persons with Disability?
50. In P43 the Enumerator seeks information on
whether a member has albinism.
51. If the member some difficulty in any of the
mentioned disabilities, the Enumerator must ask the
next question on if the said difficulties prevent him/her
in engaging in any economic activity.
Jane Ayugu, James Oyoo and Paul Ogutu have no
difficulty in seeing, hearing walking, remembering,
with selfcare and communicating. They also don’t
have albinism.
The following window alerts the Enumerator that in
Section D, they will collect information regarding
Education Attainment?
53. P46 seeks information on what the highest Level 55. P47 asks about the highest Level completed by
reached by the member is. the member.
56. This is a filter question for Standard/Form and
54. This is a filter question for Standard/Form and Grade completed.
Grade reached.
58. After an Enumerator selects the main training
that a member acquired and qualified for, the system
opens another window that narrows down to the lower
level of training
Jane Ayugu is at school and she is in class 6 after
having completed class 5 while James Oyoo is at
school and is currently in Pre-Primary 2 (PP2) after
completing Pre-Primary 1 (PP1) last year.
Rose Akumu has never been to school. staff employee. He worked for 48 hours in the last
7 days.
61. In P50, the Enumerator is expected to ask who
the main employer was.
65. P54 seeks information on if a member is
currently working/employed in the field of training in
as indicated in P48?
Both Jane Ayugu and James Oyoo are students.
Rose Akumu retired from her employment some 66. The following window alerts the Enumerator
years back and spends most of the time resting at that in Section F, they will collect information regarding
home. ICT?
68. If the member answers is ‘no’ in P55, then the
system takes them to P56 which seeks to find if the
member has used a Mobile Phone in the last 3 months.
Both Jane Ayugu and James Oyoo don’t own a
mobile phone but have used one in the last 3
months. They have not used internet and a
laptop/tablet in the last 3 months.
Rose Akumu owns a mobile phone but has never
used internet, laptop/tablet and never bought or
ordered goods/services online in the last 3 months.
72. The following window alerts the Enumerator One death occurred in this household between
that in Section G, they will collect information About
Annual Live Births and Deaths in the Household? 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019
H10: Live births that occurred in the household 74. In H11, the Enumerator should seek information
between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 (last 12 if there were any deaths that occurred in the household
months) between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 (last 12
H11 to H18: Deaths that occurred in the household
between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 (last 12
75. The following window alerts the Enumerator
that in Section G, they will collect information About
Deaths in the Household?
82. H17 asks about the sex of the dead member
83. The following window alerts the Enumerator
that in Section H, they will collect information
regarding Livestock and Crop farming?
90. This pop up needs the enumerator to confirm if
the data is correct
92. H23 seeks information on whether the holding
has permanent crops.
96. The following window alerts the Enumerator
that in Section H, they will collect information
regarding Housing Conditions and Amenities?
The information include;
The household owns the main dwelling unit after
purchasing it 10 years ago.
99. H29 seeks information on if the dwelling unit is
owned or rented.
101. If the dwelling unit is rented, the Enumerator 104. H32 seeks information on the dominant
should enquire from whom the household has rented. Construction Material for the floor of Main Dwelling
The household uses a lake as the Main source of
drinking water and their Main Mode of Human
Waste Disposal is septic tank.
Their Main Mode of Solid Waste Disposal is
burning it in the open.
The Main Type of Cooking Fuel used by the
household is firewood while wood is the Main Type
of Lighting Fuel.
105. H33 seeks to find out the main source of
drinking water.
110. Section J: Ownership of Household Assets
The name of member who migrated was Charles
Omondi. He was 22 years at the time of departure.
He had completed a diploma in journalism at the
time of departure. His Country of first Destination
was France and he departed in 2005. The Main
reason for Departure was further studies. He is still
residing in France. Charles remits money to
members of this household and is used for
educating the other household members. The
money is also used in Household consumption as
well as investment.
116. E-06 seeks information on the emigrant’s
Professional training at the time of departure
You can use the search button to look for the name of
118. E-08 gathers information on emigrant’s Year of
121. E-11 seeks information on whether the emigrant
remits money to any member of this household
After reviewing a section, the enumerator is advised to
use “Advance to end” which takes them to the last
variable they had reached during enumeration.
There are instances, though rare, when an enumerator
might erroneously include in Section A, a person who
did not spend the census night in that household. In
such situations, the system allows an enumerator to
delete such a person from the database. This option
should not only be used sparingly but as a last resort. As
an enumerator you should be keen on members who
spent the census night in any household.
Short Questionnaire
Home Country or County. Select Kenya for all born in
Similarly, ethinicity/nationality.
Then prompts
At the cases dashboard, any group quarter
questionnaire not completed is shown with red.
View Reports
This happens when an Enumerator is to be assisted to
do interviews. If the Content Supervisor is convinced
there is need for assistance, the Enumerator to be
assisted taps the menu option and selects “Send EA
listing data” option then the other Enumerator will
select the same menu option then select “Receive EA
listing data” option. The Tablets will create a Bluetooth
connection and data is shared. The receiving
Enumerator must have been assigned this new EA and
received the list from Content Supervisor. Once data
has been shared, the new Enumerator MUST select the
EA by tapping left navigation function while at the
menu. All the EAs assigned will be shown. Even if an
EA is to be done by more than 1 Enumerator, listing
MUST be done by one Enumerator.
A prompt is displayed to warn about deleting.
Training Practice Scenario 1
An enumerator, Mary Atieno, was assigned an EA (in their County of Enumeration) during the main
exercise for the 2019 KPHC and was accompanied by the estate administrator, Mr. Amos Ndubi.
She introduced herself and sought information pertaining to the household from Mr. Peter Kwoba
(born in January 1965) who had come the previous day to be counted together with his family. Mr.
Kwoba stays in Isiolo most of the time where he is an assistant at Prophet Owour’s church (works for
8 hours for 6 days) and had left Isiolo for the EA (in their County of Enumeration) at 2.00 pm where
he has been working for last 10 years. Members of the family that spent the night of 18th/19th in the
household include his wife Margaret Kwoba (born in July 1977); daughter Esther Kwoba (January
1999); son Michael Kwoba (31st December 2001); brother in-law John Kubasu (born in Kisumu
1950) who stays with them and a niece (Keziah Omondi) who was born in August the year of the US
Embassy bomb blast in Nairobi. Keziah was born in Kisumu County and is an orphan. There is also a
gardener (Mr. Job Barasa who stays with his wife (Esther Barasa) and two children Joyce born in
March 15th, 2014 and Gerald (date of birth 6th Feb 2018) in the servants’ quarter which is in the
same compound but they cook separately from the main house.
Mr. Peter Kwoba is a Luhya, born in Bungoma County and married to a Kikuyu, his niece has a Luo
father and a Kamba mother. His gardener is a Turkana from Kapenguria, and he is married to a Taita
from Wundanyi. Mary learns that Barasa’s mother in law arrived two days ago for a doctor’s
appointment at level 4 hospital located (in County of Enumeration). Mr. Peter Kwoba’s mother died
6 months ago and he does not know the whereabouts of his father. The mother of Mrs. Kwoba was
divorced when she was born and was raised by the second woman his father (who is still alive)
married, who died 3 years ago. She is in touch with her mother once in a while. Mrs. Kwoba, his
brother, her children, Kubasu and niece Keziah have never stepped inside a church; however, they
read the bible in the house and do their own prayers. Mrs. Kwoba had an early delivery to daughter
Esther while in England as she had gone to visit her relatives. However, they came back to the country
after 3 weeks. Her son was born in the house where they are currently living. John Kubasu lived in
Perth Australia for more than a decade, where he moved after his contract with a company based in
Canada ended, and had a series of relationships with different women though never settled with any;
he came back in the country a week before the pilot census night. The enumerator learned that John
Kubasu came back home as he had cancer and needed close relatives to take care of him. Esther
Kwoba, while in high school, got pregnant in 2014 but the boyfriend took the child (girl) outside the
89 | P a g e
country. After this, she got pregnant again with a different boyfriend in 2017 but the boy child died
after 5 minutes in an ambulance on the way to hospital in December; they reported this incidence to
the hospital they were heading. Ms. Keziah has never borne a child.
Keziah is a stammers a lot and lives with albinism; Esther Kwoba has a blind eye but wears glasses for
her good eye which bothers her sometimes in carrying out her day to day activities; Kubasu wears a
hearing aid though he still struggles to hear but he carries out his economic activities normally; the
rest of the members are okay. Barasa’s first born was recently diagnosed with speech impairment and
is undergoing therapy for the same.
Mr. Kwoba completed his 4-year under graduate course where he was studying theology while his
wife completed college (diploma 3 years) where she was studying how to treat animals. Kubasu
finished his PhD in mathematics before coming to Kenya and he is not engaged in any economic
activity other than earning interest from his investments back in England; Esther Kwoba is in her 2nd
year in campus learning geography while the brother repeated form 3 after his form 4 results were
disqualified due to exam irregularities. Keziah is pursuing her masters in economics and completed
her first degree in economics. Margaret Kwoba works as a veterinary in a local privately owned vet
clinic and works for 58 hours per week. In the last 5 days before the census night, Keziah worked for
9 hours in a local bar as a bartender to earn herself extra income as she was on holiday. Mr. Barasa
went to college to attain his bachelor’s in interior design but dropped out in second year due to lack
of school fees. Mrs. Barasa has a certificate in secretarial studies and works as a personal assistant to
the Managing Director of Mananasi Group of Companies.
All the adults (apart from Kubasu) owned and used a mobile smart phone in the last three months
although Esther’s phone got spoiled 2 months ago. The family members (apart from Michael)
occasionally use internet from cyber cafes and the enumerator learned that they used it last week.
Esther and Michael each has a laptop which they use for their school work while the rest don’t. In
the last one month, Kubasu only bought a ticket online for Easy Coach bus to travel to Mombasa.
Michael used the Instagram from a Wi-Fi hotspot in a hospital when he had gone to visit his friend 1
month ago.
In this household, Mrs. Kwoba practices crop farming in Kakamega County where she bought a piece
of land; she rears fish fingers somewhere in Sio Port where she has one fish pond. In addition, she
keeps a freshian cow within the compound which supplies the family with milk. Ms. Keziah bought
a small piece of plot where she plants potatoes in Sio Port, on half an acre of plot. In his mother’s
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farm, Mr. Kwoba keeps 20 zebu and 3 freshian cows; he also has 2 acres for pawpaws (in County of
Enumeration) and supplies them to the GK prison (in County of Enumeration).
The family stays in their own bungalow with 6 bedrooms, 1 sitting room/dining room, 1 study room,
3 toilets, 2 kitchens, 1 store and a garage. The building is roofed with asbestos sheets, has precast wall
and polished wooden floor. They buy drinking water from the supermarket because the borehole
water piped into the dwelling is very salty. The gardener’s family draws their drinking water from a
protected spring situated one kilometre from the homestead. The toilets flush to a septic tank within
the compound. The servants’ quarter has two bedrooms, one sitting room and a store that Mrs. Barasa
has converted to a kitchen. The Barasa’s share a VIP latrine with the neighbour’s guard since the
neighbour’s house is still under construction. A private company collects the Kwoba’s solid waste
while the Barasa’s have a rubbish pit close to the fence. Most of the time, Mrs. Kwoba uses charcoal
for cooking and electricity for lighting. Mrs. Barasa uses a stove for cooking and a lantern for lighting.
The Barasa’s do not own mobile phones and radio; neither do they use the internet because their
religion (Kavonokya) does not allow their followers to use such things since they believe these things
are ‘from the devil’. Recently, Mr. Kwoba registered with Zuku for provision of TV programmes and
internet access to the household. The house is equipped with a refrigerator and a radio. They also
own an animal drawn cart in Kakamega County where they farm. Mrs. Kwoba remembers that
Michael’s girlfriend had come visiting and spent the night in the house. She only knows her first
name, Sheila.
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Training Practice Scenario 2
You enter a household on the 3rd day of the census and you meet Mr. Dong Kir who just arrived from
Mombasa that morning. You introduce yourself and he starts small talks with you. You then establish
that the family is a refugee family who have been leaving within your EA (County of Enumeration)
for 3 years. Mr. Kir agrees to be your respondent.
The household members who spent the night of 24th/25th August 2019 in the household were:
1. Diana Muthoni, Spouse to Mr. Kir, Female, 35 years old, Year of birth 10th January 1984
2. Mary Madi, Intersex, 24 years old, Diana’s first born, Year of birth 15th June 1995
3. Makobo Kir, Daughter, Female, 19 years old, Year of birth 5th November 2000
4. Ruweng Kir, Son, Male, 2 years old, Year of birth 20th January 2016 (Year of birth is the correct
one after confirming)
5. Paul Mwangi, Muthoni’s father , Male, comes from Kirinyaga County, was born around the
“Famine of Kimotho”
After asking if there was someone else who spent the night of 24th/25th August 2019 in the
household but NOT listed, then we should increase the members from 5 to 6.
6. Victoria Njeri, Muthoni’s Elder Sister, 40 years old, Year of birth 15th Sept 1979
Dong Kir’s parents all died in South Sudan. Diana Muthoni’s father is Paul Mwangi but her her mom
is not in the household. Diana Muthoni is the biological mother to Mary Madi, Makobo Kir and
Ruweng Kir. Mary Madi’s father is not Dong Kir. All the members are usual members of the
household apart from Dong Kir, Paul Mwangi and Victoria Njeri.
Dong Kir is a South Sudanese and doesn’t go to church though he prays twice a day where he is.
Diana Muthoni, Victoria Njeri and Paul Mwangi are Kikuyus and go to AIC. Mary Madi is Kikuyu
and does not believe in God. Makobo and Ruweng are South Sudanese and go to church with their
Dong Kir has another wife in South Sudan. Paul Mwangi is married with one wife. The rest of the
members have never been married.
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Dong Kir and Makobo Kir were born in Juba South Sudan. Diana, Mary, Victoria and Paul were born
in Kirinyaga County. Ruweng was born in (County of Enumeration).
All the listed members were living in (County of Enumeration) in April 2018 apart from Victoria who
is visiting and has been living in the US for the past 4 years. They moved to (County of Enumeration)
from South Sudan 3 years ago as refugees.
Dong Kir’s parents died some years back. Both parents of Diana and Victoria are alive.
Diana Muthoni has 5 children born alive (3 girls, 2 boys) and 3(1 girl, 1 boy, 1 other) live in the
household and 2 have died. Her last birth was in January 2016 in a health facility where she had 2
boys and 1 girl. The last birth was notified. Ruweng Kir is among the last birth and is the only one
alive. Oliver Kir and Jane Kir died one week and two weeks after birth respectively.
Makobo Kir do not have any child.
Victoria has 2 children born alive. Both girls live in the US. Her last child was born in May 1990.
Diana Muthoni and Makobo Kir both wear spectacles while Mary Madi wears Colored contact lenses
to change the colour of her eyes. Dong Kir has recently started regularly forgetting his M-pesa pin
and planned appointments. He is thus struggling to keep the accounts of his business. Ruweng Kir
was born with a cleft lip. Paul Mwangi suffered a stroke and lost his speech in 2017. Victoria was
recently diagnosed with dyslexia.
In the last 7 days, Dong Kir was working for pay since he works for a Hindi business man as a truck
driver in Mombasa. He worked for 77 hours in the last 7 days.
In the last 7 days, Mary Anyango was working at her husband’s hardware. She worked for 56 hours.
Mary Madi just got an appointment letter and she will be working with a start-up organization from
May 2019. Makobo Kir is a student but sells Mtumba clothes to her classmates.
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Victoria Njeri is on holiday in Kenya and has just been at home. Paul Mwangi closed his kiosk back
in Kirinyaga County.
Makobo, Diana and Dong own and use smart phones while Mary madi has a ‘mulika mwizi’. Dong
regularly places small bets on Sport Pesa using the phones browser. Makobo and Mary are active
Instagram users. Paul Mwangi has never owned a mobile phone though he regularly borrows Diana’s
mobile phone to talk to church members. Victoria owns 3 mobile phones, a laptop and a tablet which
she uses to talk to her daughters. Diana bought a dress last week from Jumia. Makobo and Mary
search for clothes and shoes online then buy in town.
There were two live birth that occurred in the household between 24/08/2019 and 24/08/2018.
One death occurred in this household between 24/08/2019 and 24/08/2018
The name of the deceased was Bridgette Kir and had continuously lived in this household for 7 months
years the death occurred. Her death occurred in the facility and her death notified. She was 22 years
at her death and passed on during delivery.
Dong owns a 30 acre coconut and cashew plantation in (County of Enumeration). The produce is for
sale. He has also kept 5 zebu cows on behalf of his son Ruweng at a neighbors farm close to Diana’s.
Diana grows vegetables in a 50 by 100m space in her compound for use in the household. She grows
cabbage, spinach and some beans. Mary sometimes waters the vegetables using a watering can when
she wants to relieve stress. Victoria has a Miraa farm in Meru that is managed by a relative. Paul has
rented some land next to Diana’s home where he keeps 15 goats and 3 geese. Makobo has a fish pond
within the county where she keeps ornamental fish.
The house they live in has 5 bedrooms, 2 studies, one kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 toilets, one lounge, and
a detached self-contained servants quarter. The family occupies the whole house. The house is under
a mortgage taken by Dong and full payment will be completed in July 2019. The roof is tiles while
the wall is stone and cement. The floor is ceramic tiles. The house is yet to be connected to the county
water supply and so Diana buys water from a bowser weekly. An exhauster visits the household
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regularly. Garbage is burned in a pit within the compound. The household uses LPG to cook and
electricity at night for light.
Diana owns a smart tv, a fridge, an old pickup, and a radio. Dong owns a Toyota premio, a boat, a
tractor and an ox drawn cart in (County of Enumeration).
Victoria Muthoni went to the US in 2015 to look for greener pasture. She was an accountant before
she left but currently works in an elderly home as a caregiver.
In the last 12 months, she has sent money home which was mainly used to build her Kitengela home,
pay medical bills for her father and school fees for her young siblings in Kirinyaga.
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