06 - Liner Cementing

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Section 6

Liner Cementing

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................6-3
Topic Areas.............................................................................................................................................6-3
Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................6-3
Unit A: Types of Liners .............................................................................................................................6-3
Drilling Liners ........................................................................................................................................6-3
Production Liners ...................................................................................................................................6-4
Stub Liners..............................................................................................................................................6-4
Scab Liners .............................................................................................................................................6-4
Quiz A: Types of Liners .........................................................................................................................6-5
Unit B: Setting Liners ................................................................................................................................6-6
Preparing Liners .....................................................................................................................................6-6
Making Up Liners...................................................................................................................................6-6
Running Liners .......................................................................................................................................6-7
Quiz B: Setting Liners ............................................................................................................................6-7
Unit C: Cementing Liners ..........................................................................................................................6-8
Single Stage Method...............................................................................................................................6-8
Delayed-Set Method ...............................................................................................................................6-9
Quiz C: Cementing Liners ......................................................................................................................6-9
Unit D: Liner Calculations .......................................................................................................................6-10
The Required Calculated Results..........................................................................................................6-10
Well Parameters....................................................................................................................................6-10
Liner Cementing Job One.....................................................................................................................6-12
1 Cement Volume................................................................................................................................6-13
2 Sacks of Cement...............................................................................................................................6-15
3 Mixing Water Required....................................................................................................................6-15
4 Displacement Fluids Required .........................................................................................................6-15
5 Top of Cement with Drillpipe In and Drillpipe Out.........................................................................6-16
6 Pressure to Land the Plug.................................................................................................................6-17
Quiz D: Liner Calculations...................................................................................................................6-17
Answers to Unit Quizzes..........................................................................................................................6-18

6•1 Cementing 1
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Liner Cementing

Use for Section notes…

6•2 Cementing 1
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Liner Cementing

In the past, it was common to have several C. Cementing Liners
strings of casing in a deep well. All these strings
D. Liner Calculations
extended from the wellhead to different depths.
However, another method is now used for
varying well conditions. This time, and money, Learning Objectives
saving method involves the hanging of a casing
string from the bottom of a cemented casing
string. These hanging casing strings are called Upon completion of this section, you should be
liners and they are used in almost every deep familiar with
well completion. • The different types of liners
• How liners are set
Topic Areas • The different techniques of cementing liners

The section units are • How to perform liner cementing calculations

A. Types of Liners
B. Setting Liners

Unit A: Types of Liners

Four types of liners will be described briefly to • isolates high-pressure zones
begin this section:
• Drilling (or intermediate) liners
• Production liners
• Stub liners
• Scab liners

Drilling Liners
A drilling liner (sometimes called an
intermediate liner) is a string of casing that is
hung from another casing of a larger diameter,
which has already been cemented downhole
(Fig. 6.1). It is used above a producing zone to
case off open holes so that deeper drilling may
be performed. A drilling liner Figure 6.1 – Drilling and Production Liners.
• helps control water or gas production
• isolates lost-circulation zones
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Production Liners ends and is used under the same conditions as a

stub liner.
A production liner is a string of casing that is Both stub and scab liners can be set with part of
hung from a drilling liner or casing in the their weight on the liner below or they may be
producing formation (Fig. 6.1). This type of hung uphole on existing casing (Fig. 6.2).
liner is then cemented and perforated like any
other completion string. It provides isolation and
support when casing has been set above the
production zone.

Stub Liners
A stub liner (or tie back liner) is usually a short
string of casing which provides an upward
extension for a drilling liner. It is run when:
• casing above the drilling liner has been
damaged in some way (by corrosion, etc.)
• a liner is leaking Figure 6.2 – A. Scab Liner and B. Stub
• greater resistance is needed for other reasons
(abnormal pressure, etc.).

Scab Liners
A scab liner is unusual in that it is often not
cemented once it has been run downhole and is
therefore retrievable. It has a packoff on both

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Liner Cementing

Quiz A: Types of Liners

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in this section.
1. A drilling liner is used above a __________________________________________ zone to case off
open holes so that _________________________________ may be performed.

2. A drilling liner helps to control __________________ production and to isolate

___________________ and ______________________ zones.

3. A production liner is hung in the producing formation. It is cemented and ___________________ like
any completion string.

4. The main difference between stub and scab liners is that a scab liner is ________________________.

5. Stub and scab liners are short liners that are used when casing above a drilling liner has been
________________. They can also be used when a liner is _______________________ or when
greater ________________________ is needed because of high pressure or other reasons.

6. Stub and scab liners can be hung uphole on existing casing or they can be set with part of their weight
on the __________________________.

Now, look up the suggested answers in the Answer Key at the back of the section.

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Unit B: Setting Liners

When setting liners, it is important to be familiar relatively small. If the liner is not centralized,
with these three areas: the result may be bridging or channeling. A
uniform cement sheath has not been formed
• Preparing liners around the liner, therefore no zonal isolation.
• Making up liners Slim-hole centralizers are usually used when
running liners because of the small annular
• Running liners space. Downhole equipment considerations are
the same as if the joints would be run to the
Preparing Liners
Drill pipe and a setting tool are used to run a
liner (Fig. 6.3). The setting tool connects the
Before setting a liner, the entire length of hole to
drill pipe to the liner, forms a pressure-tight seal
be lined must be drilled. It is very important to
with the liner, and holds the liner-wiper plug.
prepare the liner before lowering it into the
wellbore; the mill finish must be removed so
that cement can form a better bond with the
liner. This usually is done by sandblasting or
weathering the liner.
The hole must be well-conditioned to set a liner
because of the small annular space. To condition
the mud system, circulate at least enough
drilling fluid to displace the annular volume
Decisions must be made about how much
overlap there should be between the casing and
the liner. The amount of overlap varies between
50 and 500 feet. For example, if higher pressure
zones are penetrated, there should be more
overlap than in lower pressure zones.

Making Up Liners
The liner is made up like any casing string.
While suspended in the rotary table, it is made
up joint by joint. A float shoe is made up on the
first joint and a float collar is attached on the
second or third joint to provide a seat for the
liner-wiper plug. Sometimes a landing collar is
also made up one joint above the float collar
(Fig. 6.3). In this case, the landing collar
provides a seat for the plug.
Figure 6.3 – Typical deep well liner
Centralizers are important in liner jobs because assembly.
the clearance between the liner and casing is

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Running Liners • Hydraulic- hydraulic pressure applied to the

setting string activates the slips.
Running speeds should be slow to reduce the Hydraulic equipment is used less often.
ram effect. The liner can cause added pressure However, it is less likely to set accidentally and
on the formation, resulting in breakdown or lost is preferred in crooked holes.
circulation. Speeds of 2 to 3 minutes per stand
Once the liner is set, the drill pipe should be
(90 ft drill pipe) are usually allowed for cased
temporarily raised a few feet. The weight
indicator should be checked to be sure that the
After a liner has been lowered into the well, the liner has actually been released.
slips are activated so that the liner hangers are
Spacer fluid is then pumped down-hole so that a
wedged against the casing. Liner hangers are set
good cement bond can be obtained. The seal
in one of two ways:
formed by a good cement job is especially
• Mechanical- slips are activated by rotating important at the shoe and at the top of the liner.
and reciprocating the drill pipe

Quiz B: Setting Liners

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in this section.
1. One step in the preparation of a liner is to ______________ the mill finish. This is usually
accomplished by ____________________________________________.

2. The amount of overlap between the casing and the liner is usually between _________ and
_________ feet.

3. Because of the small clearance between a casing and a liner, it is very important to make sure the
liner is __________________________.

4. The ________________ collar provides a seat for the liner-wiper plug.

5. The setting tool connects the ___________________ to the liner and forms a
____________________________________________ with the liner.

6. After the liner has been set, _________________________________ is pumped down hole.

Now, look up the suggested answers in the Answer Key at the back of the section.

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Unit C: Cementing Liners

Two techniques for cementing liners will be
discussed next:
• Single stage method
• Delayed-set method
Regardless of the method chosen, batch mixing
is generally preferred because of the
complexities in obtaining the best slurry
composition for a particular job.
In designing the composition of cement slurry,
the following factors must be considered:
• Temperature of the well
• Pressure caused by small annular clearance
(possibility of lost circulation)
• Formation fluids
• Pump or thickening time
• Strength or stability of the cement

Figure 6.4 – Single Stage Method.

Single Stage Method
10 to 30% more than the caliper-calculated Bottom plugs are generally not run in liner
volume of cement is pumped when using the cementing; therefore, as the two plugs descend,
single stage method of cementing liners. This they wipe mud off the liner. This mud, trapped
amount of cement is circulated down the drill between the shoe and the collar, should not go
pipe (behind the spacer fluid). It travels out the into the annulus to contaminate the cement.
shoe and up the outside of the liner (Fig. 6.4).
The pump-down plug is released and pumped The drill pipe and setting tool are then pulled out
down with displacement fluid. It mates with the of the hole. It is risky to reverse out excess
liner-wiper plug and its pins are sheared off. cement at this point because this process would
Both continue downward until they seat and seal exert extra pressure on the annulus. The extra
on the float or landing collar. pressure could break down the formation and
cause lost circulation. This would leave the
overlap area unprotected. Instead, the cement is
drilled out after it has set, which should result in
a good bond in the liner-casing overlap.

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Delayed-Set Method
The delayed-set method is used in certain
geographical locations when a relatively short
liner is called for in wells with low fluid levels.
It is carried out by pumping delayed-set cement
down the drill pipe. The drill pipe is then pulled
out and the liner and attachments are lowered
into the hole (Fig. 6.5). The closed float collar
valve in the liner forces the cement up the
annulus. This increases the chances for obtaining
a more uniform cement sheath around the liner.
However, since delayed-set cement is used,
WOC time is greater-sometimes two days or
After any of these procedures have been
completed, the liner’s seal is tested. The casing is
then cleaned and, if necessary, the cement is Figure 6.5 – Delayed-set Method of
drilled out so that the remainder of necessary cementing liner.
completion operations can take place.

Quiz C: Cementing Liners

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in this section.
1. ________________ % more cement than the caliper calculated volume is used with the single-stage
method of cementing liners.

2. The path that the cement takes is down the ________________ and then up the ______________ in
the single-stage method.

3. It is risky to reverse out cement when the workstring is pulled in the single-stage method because this
would ______________________________________.

4. The delayed-set method differs from the single-stage method because the liner is lowered into the
hole ____________ the cement is pumped down.

5. When delayed-set cement is used, the WOC may be increased by ___________________________.

Now, look up the suggested answers in the Answer Key at the back of the section.

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Unit D: Liner Calculations

Before a liner job is started, calculations must be 6. Required pressure to land the plug, being the
performed. These calculations are based on differential pressure required to pump the
known information and on figures obtained from plug to the top of the shoe track.
your Halliburton Cementing Tables (the Red
Well Parameters
In this unit, you will go through the calculations
necessary for a liner cementing job. You will
learn how to calculate answers to the following Following are the well parameters that you must
questions: have to perform the above calculations:

• Where is the top of the cement when the A. Liner Size

drill pipe is out? B. Liner Top
• What pressure is needed to land the plug? C. Well Fluid
• How much displacement fluid is needed to D. Hole Size
land the plug? E. Liner Total Depth
• What is the force on the plug when it has a F. Shoe Track Length
given psi above the pressure to land the plug
on it? G. Required Cement (on top of liner)
• What is the hydrostatic pressure at a given H. Excess Volume Required (percent)
depth after the plug lands? I. Size of Previous Casing
J. Depth of Previous Casing
The Required Calculated K. Drill pipe size, weight, thread
The following must be calculated for liner
1. Volume of cement required to fill the
required footage of the shoe rack, annulus,
lap, and cap.
2. Amount of cement, converting the required
volume of cement into sacks.
3. Amount of mixing water for the slurry.
4. Amount of displacement fluid for (a) drill
pipe volume to top of liner and (b) liner
casing volume to top of shoe track.
5. Top of cement, both with drill pipe in and
top of cement with drill pipe out.

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Liner Cementing

Liner Cementing Calculations

K 6 critical calculations that need to be made with
every liner casing job
4A Cement Volume—The volume of cement required
to fill the required footage of the shoe rack,
I annulus, lap and cap.
1A Shoe Track Volume
C 1B Open Hole Volume
1C Liner Lap Volume
1D Liner Cap Volume
G 5
Sacks of Cement—Converting the required volume
2 of cement into sacks.
B 3 Mixing water for required slurries.
Displacement fluid required:
H 1C
4 4A Drill pipe volume to top of liner.
4B Liner casing volume to top of shoe track.
Top of Cement with drill pipe in and top of cement
J 5 with drill pipe out.
Pressure to Land the Plug—Differential pressure
D 6 required to pump the plug to the top of the shoe

4B Well Parameters
A A Liner Size
B Liner Top
C Well Fluid
D Hole Size
E Liner Total Depth
F Shoe Track Length
1B G Required Cement (on top of liner)
H Excess Volume Required (percent)
I Size of Previous Casing
J Depth of Previous Casing
K Drill pipe size, weight, thread

The next part of this section presents an example

liner job and shows the calculations.
F 1A

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Liner Cementing Job One

In previous exercises, we calculated volumes of 4 1/2 in., 16.6 lb/ft
cement based on perfect hole volumes and
excess volume factors typical for each job. Iin
the following liner job, we will be supplied a
specific spacer and slurry volume, just as you
would with a call-sheet before mobilizing for a
job. From the known volume of cement and
spacer we will then perform the six major liner 11,600 ft
For this example, the liner job consists of a 9 5/8 in, 47 lb/ft
weighted spacer and slurry with known volumes
of each. 11,930 ft

Well Parameters
Item Description Data
A Liner Size 7 in, 29 lb/ft,
B Liner Top 11, 600 ft
C Well Fluid 12.4 lb/gal
D Hole Size 8 ½ in.
E Liner Total Depth 12,925 ft 8 1/2 in. hole
F Shoe Track Length 81 ft
G Required Cement (on top of 300 ft cap
H Excess Volume Required 10%
I Size of Previous Casing 9 5/8 in, 47 lb/ft,
J Depth of Previous Casing 11,930 ft
K Drill pipe size, weight, thread 4.5 in, 16.6 lb/ft 81 ft

Given (from Call-Sheet) 12,925 ft Total Depth

Figure 6.6 – Schematic of example well for
Pump 40 bbl of 13.5 lb/gal Dual Spacer, exercise.
followed by 225 sacks of Premium Class G
Cement containing 35% SSA-1, 0.5% CFR-3, +
0.1% HR-5. Displace with 12.4 lb/gal WB On the following page is the worksheet used for
drilling mud. determining slurry volumes.

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start from the shoe track and work your way up

Worksheet for Slurry Volumes the annulus to solve for height of cement with
the drill pipe at the liner hanger.
Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume Calculations
Liner Job One Volume of Cement Delivered
API Cement Weight = 94 lb/sack
225 sk × 1.57 ft3/sk = 353.25 ft3
1 sack = 1 cubic foot
Material Material Factor Absolute Mixing 1A Shoe Track Volume
Name (lb) (gal/lb) Volume Water 81 ft × 0.2085 ft3/ft = 16.89 ft3
(gal) Required 1B Open Hole Annular Volume
Class G 94 × 0.0382 = 3.59080 5.00 Note: This volume was based on perfect hole + 10% excess
Cement (additional volume). We will calculate perfect hole, knowing
that this will increase the top of cement and give us worst
35% SSA-1 32.9 × 0.0453 = 1.49037 1.61 case for pressure to land the plug.
(silica flour)
0.5% CFR-3 0.47 × 0.0938 = 0.04409 TD Liner: 12,925 ft
(dispersant) Depth Previous Casing: - 11,930 ft
995 ft of open hole
0.1% HR-5 0.094 × 0.075 = 0.00705
995 ft × 0.1268 ft3/ft = 126.17 ft3

Water 55.0613 × 8.33 = 6.61000

Totals 182.525 11.74231 6.61
Total mixing water must be entered under absolute gallons
before totaling.
Find the weight of the mixed cement by using this formula:
Total Pounds ÷ Total Absolute gallons = lb/gal
1D 1D
Find the cement yield in cubic feet per sack by using this
Total Absolute gal ÷ 7.4805 gal/ft3 (constant) = ft3/sk 1C 1C
The mixing water per sack is the sum of the gallons in the far
right column

Cement Density 182.525 ÷ 11.7423 = 15.5 lb/gal

Cement Yield 11.7423 ÷ 7.4805 = 1.57 ft3/sk
Mixing Water 6.61 gal/sk

From the well parameters and the data from this

worksheet, we can now calculate the six
1B 1B
1 Cement Volume
Cement Volume is an extremely critical
calculation in a liner situation (as with all jobs).
In particular with liners, if you underestimate
cement volume, you could leave the previous
casing shoe unprotected. Therefore, it is your
responsibility to know the volume of cement
delivered and to ensure that the volume of
cement is sufficient to execute the job.
Working from the known volume of cement,
225 sk, you must solve for the height of cement Figure 6.7 – Schematic for cement volume.
above the liner. To accomplish this you must

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1C - Liner Lap Volume (Annular Looking in Section 221, Table 221-D, we find
Volume between Casings) that the volume factor is not printed for 9 5/8 in.
This is the volume between the existing 9 5/8 in. There is an easy way to calculate this factor. All
intermediate casing and the 7 in. liner, you need to know is
commonly referred to as the “Liner Lap.” This
volume is calculated as “Perfect Hole” with no 1. Drillpipe O.D. Ð 4.5 in
washout or excess (because we are working with 2. Casing I.D. Ð we look up the I.D. in section
pipe inside pipe). 210, Table 214, page 23 and find the I.D. for
Lap Footage (Section 221, Page 113): 9 5/8 in., 47 lb/ft, casing is 8.681 in.

9 5/8 in. pipe depth: 11,930 ft The formula for calculating the volume factor is
7 in. top of liner: -11,600 ft found in section 240, page 10.
330 ft of Lap Linear feet per Cubic Feet = 183.35
330 ft × 0.1438 ft3/ft = 47.45 ft3 D2 - nd2
1D - Liner Cap Volume (Annular D = Diameter of hole, inches (or I.D. casing)
Volume Between Drill Pipe and
Casing) d = Outside Diameter of tubing, inches
n = number of tubing strings
This is the volume above the liner hanger inside (in our case, we are calculating the annulus
the intermediate casing commonly referred to as between 9 5/8 in. casing and 4.5 in. drill pipe)
Liner Cap Cement. This volume will reach its
maximum height when the plug lands. This will Applying the Formula:
give you the maximum differential pressure 183.35 183.35 183.55
(pressure to land plug). As you pull drill pipe, = =
the height will decrease until the drill pipe is 8.681 − 4.5 75.36 − 20.25 55.11
2 2

pulled above the slurry. =3.33 ft/ft3

Therefore, we will make two calculations: Therefore, for every cubic foot of slurry in the
(a) Height of Cement with drillpipe in Liner annulus, we fill up 3.33 feet of annular length.
Hanger And
(b) Height of Cement with drillpipe pulled 162.74 ft3 of slurry × 3.33 ft/ft3
above the Cement Column. = 541.92 ft annular fill (drillpipe in)
Total Cement Volume: 353.25 ft3 Likewise, this is a good time to calculate the
Shoe Track Volume: - 16.89 ft 3 height of spacer. We are pumping 40 bbl of
spacer. We calculated the annular volume factor
Annular Hole Volume: in ft/ft3. Therefore, all we need to do is convert
(perfect hole): - 126.17 ft3 bbl to cubic feet and multiply by the annular fill
Liner Lap Volume: - 47.45 ft3 factor. (Section 240, Page 85)
Resulting Cap Volume: 162.74 ft3 40 bbl × 5.6146 ft3/bbl = 224.58 ft3 spacer
224.58 ft3 × 3.33 ft/ft3 = 747.85 ft spacer (DP in)
Height of Cement (with drillpipe in)
Now, knowing the top of the liner is at 11,600 ft,
We have calculated that 162.74 ft3 of cement the length of the cement on top of the liner is
will remain above the Liner Top. We should be 541.92 ft (DP in); the length of spacer on top of
able to multiply by the ft/ft3 volume factor of the the cement is 747.85 ft (DP in), therefore it is
4.5 in drill pipe × 9 5/8 in. intermediate casing. easy to calculate the top of each fluid.

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Height of Cement (with drillpipe out)

This calculation is a lot simpler in that we are
only concerned with the 9 5/8 in, 47 lb/ft
capacity. Looking up the capacity value we 4A
calculate the following…
162.74 ft3 × 2.433 ft/ft3 = 395.95 ft
This means that after pulling drill pipe above the
cement on top of the liner, the height of the
cement column will be 395.95 ft above the liner
top so yes, we have enough cement to complete
this job.

2 Sacks of Cement
In this job, we were given 225 sacks of cement.
But, it is fairly easy to see that in future job 4B
calculations (to predict how much cement to
order) you must calculate 4 different volumes of
cement in a liner job (Figure 6.7),
1A - Shoe Track Volume
1B - Open Hole Annular Volume
(Plus Excess Cement)
1C - Liner Lap Volume
1D - Liner Cap Volume

3 Mixing Water Required

We know the number of sacks of cement is 225.
We also know the water requirement (from call- Figure 6.8 – Schematic of data needed for
sheet or calculations) is 6.61 gal/sk. determining amount of displacement fluid
225 sk × 6.61 gal/sk = 1487.25 gal ÷ 42 gal/bbl
= 35.41 bbl
Calculating the amount of displacement fluid is
(Have 50 bbl of clean, fresh water on hand)
critical for a number of reasons. Naturally, we
want to land the plug on the top of the shoe
4 Displacement Fluids track. But other considerations also need to be
1. We need to know any diameter changes in
either string and their lengths.
For this calculation, we need to recognize we are
dealing with at least two different pipe 2. We need to pay close attention to the
diameters, which are explained further below. transition point between drill pipe and liner
casing. Many times a 2-stage plug is run
which wipes the drill pipe of cement and
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then latches into a larger plug in the liner

hanger. If we slow our pump rate down and
watch closely for a pressure increase, we
will then have an accurate volume up to that TOC 10,310.23 ft
point in the job. Then we can focus on
displacing the liner casing capacity to the
TOC 11,058.08 ft
top of the shoe track.

4A - Drillpipe Volume

4 ½ in. 16.6 lb/ft

Top of Liner at 11,600 ft (Section 210, Table
212B, Page 9):
11,600 ft × 0.01422 bbl/ft = 164.95 bbl

4B - Liner Casing Volume

Total Depth 12,925 ft

Shoe Length 81 ft
12,844 ft Top of Shoe
12,844 ft - 11,600 ft (top of liner) =
1244 ft of 7 in., 29 lb/ft liner
(Section 210, Table 214, Page 21)
1244 ft × 0.0371 bbl/ft = 46.15 bbl
Therefore, we will pump:
164.95 bbl Drillpipe Capacity
+ 46.15 bbl Liner Capacity
= 211.1 bbl total displacement
12,925 ft

Figure 6.9 – Schematic showing top of

5 Top of Cement with Drillpipe cement (drillpipe in).
In and Drillpipe Out
From 1D we found the length of cement above
the liner hanger was 541.92 ft (drillpipe in). Liner Displacement Fluids Note
11,600 Top of Liner
-541.92 ft Length of Cement above liner Liners are usually displaced with drilling mud
= 11,058.08 top of cement with drillpipe in (instead of water). This is done to prevent a
large pressure differential at the liner hanger tool
Also from 1D: and at surface.
We found that the length of cement above the Operationally speaking, we need to pay close
liner hanger was 363.1 ft. (drillpipe out). attention to mud delivery rate, mud volume on
11,600 ft Liner Top location as well as air entrainment (which can
–395.95 ft Length of cement above liner cause error in displacement volumes). This will
= 11,204.05 ft T.O.C. drillpipe out be discussed at length in Cementing II.

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6 Pressure to Land the Plug Hydrostatic Pressure (Inside)

Refer to Section 240, Page 18 to arrive at psi/ft 15.5 lb/gal 81 ft x
= 65 psi
for lb/gal figures. Cement

Hydraulic Pressure (Outside) 12.4 lb/gal 12,844 ft x

= 8274 psi
12,925 ft – Total 12,925 ft 8339 psi
15.5 lb/gal 11,058.08 0.8052
x = 1503 psi
Cement ft = psi/ft 8669 psi – 8339 psi = 330 psi to land the plug
1866.92 ft
13.5 lb/gal 0.7013
747.85 ft x = 524 psi
Spacer psi/ft

12.4 lb/gal 10,310.23 0.6442

x = 6642 psi
Mud ft psi/ft
Total 12,925 ft 8669 psi

Quiz D: Liner Calculations

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in this section.
1. What are the six critical calculation required for each liner cementing job?

• __________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________

2. With liners, if you underestimate _______________________, you could leave the previous casing
shoe unprotected.

3. Liners are usually displaced with _______________________________ to prevent a large pressure

differential at the liner hanger tool and at the surface.

Now, look up the suggested answers in the Answer Key at the back of the section.

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Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to Items from Unit C Quiz Refer to
Page Page
1. producing, deeper drilling 6-3 1. 10 to 30 6-9
2. water or gas, lost-circulation, 6-3 2. drill pipe, outside of the liner 6-9
3. exert extra pressure on the 6-9
3. perforated 6-4 annulus
4. retrievable 6-4 4. after 6-10
5. damaged, leaking, resistance 6-4 5. two days or more 6-10
6. liner below 6-4
Items from Unit D Quiz Refer to
Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to
Page 1. Volume of cement 6-10
Amount of cement in sacks
1. remove, sandblasting or 6-6
Amount of mixing water
Amount of displacement fluid
2. 50, 500 6-6 Top of cement
Required pressure to land plug
3. centralized 6-6
2. cement volume 6-13
4. float 6-6
3. drilling mud 6-16
5. drill pipe, pressure-tight seal 6-6
6. spacer fluid 6-7

6 • 18 Cementing 1
© 2001, Halliburton

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